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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

As long as there is at least one empire present that is not Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist, war is an almost inevitable aspect in any game and can be anything from a small border skirmish to a massive interstellar war of conquest. Wars are how mid-game and end-game borders are usually drawn.

When an AI empire is about to declare war it will first shift fleets towards the border of the target. Targeted empires that have any military intel on the aggressor will receive a warning, with higher military intel levels providing a more accurate estimate on when war will be declared.

Casus belli and wargoals[]

In order for an empire to start a war, it needs a Diplomacy status casus belli holder Casus Belli – a reason to declare war. Each casus belli grants access to at least one type of wargoal, which represents the purpose of the war. Once a war is declared, the attacked empire has a year to choose its wargoals.

Status quo effects do not include the defender's capital. In case of status quo the defender will retain its capital system regardless of occupation.

Casus belli and wargoals Requirements Surrender acceptance Victory effect Status quo effect
  • Diplomacy war Conquer
Existing claims on the target's systems
  • −10 per system
  • −100 per colonized system
Gain control of all systems with claims from the loser, even if not occupied. All systems occupied by the loser are returned, regardless of claims. Each side keeps all systems they have fully occupied if they have claims on them.
  • Diplomacy war Counterattack
  • Resolution mutual defense Mutual Defense resolution 3
  • NoGalacticCommunity mainButton single Target is not a member of the Galactic Community
  • Diplomacy war Target is at offensive war with a Galactic Community member
0 Gain control of all systems with claims from the loser, even if not occupied. All systems occupied by the loser are returned, regardless of claims. Each side keeps all systems they have fully occupied if they have claims on them.
  • Diplomacy opinion Humiliate
  • Rivalry
−25 Gain 100 Influence Influence. Loser loses all of its Influence Influence, gains Influence −33% monthly influence gain and Happiness −10% happiness for 10 years. If the loser had the Supremacist Supremacist Diplomatic Stance policy, it is changed to Diplomatic stance belligerent Belligerent. Each side keeps all systems they have fully occupied if they have claims on them.
Imperial Rebuke
  • Diplomacy opinion Imperial Rebuke
  • Rivalry and Galactic Emperor
−25 Gain 100 Influence Influence. Loser loses all of its Influence Influence, gains Influence −33% monthly influence gain and Happiness 10% happiness for 10 years. If the loser had the Supremacist Supremacist Diplomatic Stance policy, it is changed to Diplomatic stance belligerent Belligerent. None
  • Diplomacy force ideology Impose Ideology
  • Policies War philosophy policy set to Liberation Wars
  • NoGestalt consciousness Target is not a Gestalt Consciousness
−100 Loser is forced to shift ethics towards those of the victor and will leave a federation if it's part of one. Its ruler is also replaced. Authority is also shifted to that of the winner unless the winner has Auth corporate Corporate authority. If the loser had the Civic psionic sovereign Divine Sovereign civic it loses it. If at least 1 colonized system is fully occupied, then all systems fully occupied by the attacker will be turned into an empire with the attacker's ethics and the Origins separatists Liberated origin.
  • Diplomacy war Plunder
Barbaric Despoilers Barbaric Despoilers civic −25 Take 250 Energy Credits Energy and Minerals Minerals from the loser for every planet they control, even if they didn't have enough. Loser gets −20% Energy Credits Energy and Minerals Minerals for 10 years.

During the war, if the attacking empire invades and captures the capital of the defending empire, there is a 50% chance to steal one of the defenders owned Relics.

Each side keeps all systems they have fully occupied if they have claims on them.
Pirate Raid
  • Diplomacy war Plunder
Civic crusader spirit corporate Letters of Marque civic −25 Take 500 Energy Credits Energy and 50 Minerals Minerals from the loser for every planet they control, even if they didn't have enough. Loser gets −20% Energy Credits Energy and Minerals Minerals for 10 years.

During the war, if the attacking empire invades and captures the capital of the defending empire, there is a 50% chance to steal one of the defenders owned Relics.

Each side keeps all systems they have fully occupied if they have claims on them.
  • Diplomacy commercial pact Expel Corporation
  • NoDiplomacy commercial pact Commercial Pact with the target empire
  • NoDiplomacy federation Members of the same Federation
  • Corporate empire has at least one branch office on an owned planet
−50 Corporate empire closes all branch offices on the attacker's planets. Gain 1000 Energy Credits Energy per branch office. Corporate empire closes all branch offices on the attacker's planets. Corporate empire gains 1000 Energy Credits Energy per branch office.
Hostile Takeover
  • Diplomacy commercial pact Seize Assets
  • Auth corporate Both empires have Corporate authority
  • Target has at least one branch office
  • NoCivic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage civic
−75 All branch offices on planets whose owners have a commercial pact or federation with victor are transferred to the victor. If loser is part of a federation, branch offices on other members' planets are kept. None
Claim the Galatron
  • Diplomacy closed borders Take Galatron
  • R galatron Target empire used the Galatron relic
  • Policies War philosophy policy set to Unrestricted Wars
  • NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
−40 Gain the Galatron relic and 100 Influence influence. Loser loses all of its Influence Influence and gains Influence −33% monthly influence gain and Happiness −10% happiness for 10 years. Attacker gains 1000 Energy Credits energy.
Galatron Access Denied
  • Diplomacy closed borders Seize Galatron
  • R galatron Target empire used the Galatron relic
  • Target empire has closed borders
  • NoCivic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator civic
  • NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
−40 Gain the Galatron relic and 100 Influence influence. Loser loses all of its Influence Influence and gains Influence −33% monthly influence gain and Happiness −10% happiness for 10 years. Attacker gains 1000 Energy Credits energy.
Trial of Advancement
  • Diplomacy seize council seat Council Seat
  • Target is a member of the Imperial Council
  • Resolution create council By Trial of Advancement resolution
−100 Replace the loser in the Imperial Council. None
  • Diplomacy opinion Humiliate
  • Diplomacy opinion Stop Atrocities
  • Diplomacy opinion Outlaw AI
  • Diplomacy opinion Cleanse Holy Worlds
  • Diplomacy opinion Decontaminate Border Territories
  • Origins elder race Only available to fallen empires
  • Either the fallen empire's demand was refused or they were rivaled
0 The refused demands are enforced. If the losing empire is not a Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness, its ruler will also be killed by the winning fallen empire, unless they are the Ancient Caretakers. Loser loses all of its Influence Influence, gains Influence −33% monthly influence gain and Happiness 10% happiness for 10 years. If the loser had the Supremacist Supremacist Diplomatic Stance policy, it is changed to Diplomatic stance belligerent Belligerent. None

Subjugation wargoals[]

Subjugation wargoals seek to end the independence of the targeted empire. If it has any subjects, the effects will apply to them as well. And if the loser is part of a Federation, it will leave it. Subjugation wargoals cannot be used if all systems of the targeted empire are already claimed.

Casus belli and wargoals Requirements Surrender acceptance Victory subjugation Status quo effect
  • Diplomacy isvassal Vassalize
  • Diplomacy istributary Make Tributary
  • Diplomacy istributary Make Subsidiary
Superior relative power to the target empire.
  • NoCivic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator civic
  • NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
−100 Diplomacy isvassal Subject (initial terms of agreement and Trade cat loyalty Loyalty depend on the Menu icon policies Subjugation War Terms policy) If at least 1 colonized system is fully occupied then all systems fully occupied will be turned into a new empire with the Origins separatists Liberated origin and the victory conditions will be imposed upon it.
  • Diplomacy federation Establish Hegemony
Federation hegemony President of a level 3+ Hegemony federation
  • NoDiplomacy federation Target is not in federation
−100 Federation hegemony Hegemony member
  • Diplomacy isvassal Bring Into Fold
Origins scion 1 Scion origin −100 Diplomacy hasvassal Scion of the same overlord
Imposed Inclusion
  • Diplomacy pathofchains Bring Into Fold
−100 Diplomacy isvassal Subject (initial terms of agreement and Trade cat loyalty Loyalty depend on the Subjugation War Terms policy)
Imperial Crusade
  • Diplomacy imperial crusade Force Into Imperium
Resolution galactic market Imperial Crusade resolution −100 GalacticEmpire mainButton Galactic Imperium member

Paired wargoals[]

The following wargoals are paired together. If an empire starts a war with either of the paired wargoals the defender will automatically use the other wargoal and cannot pick another one. In case of the Allegiance War casus belli all empires which swore secret fealty to the attacker will join the attacker's side.

Paired wargoals with −1000 surrender acceptance lead to a Total War. In Total Wars, all occupied systems automatically change ownership. Their new owner will be the participant with the highest claim count on it or the occupier if none of their allies claim the system.

Casus belli and wargoal 1 Casus belli and wargoal 2 Requirements Surrender acceptance Victory effect Status quo effect
  • Diplomacy integrating Independence
  • Diplomacy isvassal Assert Overlordship
  • Diplomacy isvassal Subject and overlord
  • Diplomacy federation Subject not in a federation with overlord
0 If the subject wins, it becomes independent and the former overlord loses all claims on the former subject's systems. The subject becomes independent and the former overlord gains claims on the former subject's systems.
  • Diplomacy integrating Leave Hegemony
  • Diplomacy isvassal Assert Hegemony
Diplomacy federation President refused member to leave federation 0 If the attacker wins, it leaves the federation and the president loses all claims on the former member's systems. If the president wins, both empires gain a temporary Diplomacy opinion −20 opinion towards each other. The attacker leaves the federation and the president gains claims on the former member's systems.
Allegiance War
  • Diplomacy secret fealty Secret Fealty
Allegiance War
  • Diplomacy secret fealty Maintain Servitude
Diplomacy secret fealty Secret Fealty from one of target's subjects 0 If the attackers win all empires that pledged Secret Fealty to the main attacker will become the attacker's subjects and gain +2.5 Monthly Trade cat loyalty Loyalty for 10 years. If the defender wins the attacking subjects will gain +5 Monthly Trade cat loyalty Loyalty for 5 years and cannot pledge Secret Fealty during that time. The subject cannot pledge Secret Fealty for 5 years.
  • GalacticCommunity mainButton single Restore Community
  • Galactic Imperium Crush the Rebellion
  • Nemesis Imperium: Spark Rebellion operation
0 Losers gain −60% Diplomatic weight Diplomatic Weight for 6 years. If the attackers win the Galactic Imperium becomes the Galactic Community again. If the defenders win the Galactic Imperium gains 100 Authority. All attackers leave the Galactic Imperium and form a federation.
  • Diplomacy war End Threat
  • Diplomacy isvassal Domination
Yes Awakened Empire −1000 (Total War) Victory can only be achieved by conquering all colonized systems of the opposition, ending the opposing empire. If a defeated empire had starbases in uncolonized systems that were not conquered, they are removed, making the territory neutral again. Each side keeps all conquered systems.

In case of the Existential Expulsion war goal, uncolonized systems become neutral during the war.

  • Diplomacy war Cleansing
Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers or Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator
  • Diplomacy war Absorption
Civic devouring swarm Devouring Swarm
  • Diplomacy war Assimilation
Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator
Existential Expulsion
  • Diplomacy pathofblood Wipe Them Out
Become the Crisis Become the Crisis ascension perk
  • Diplomatic rival mutual icon Total War
Stop Colossus
  • Diplomatic rival mutual icon Stop Colossus
Apocalypse Either empire has a Colossus
Renegade Containment
  • Diplomatic rival mutual icon Preemptive War
  • Diplomatic rival mutual icon End Threat
  • Resolution mutual defense Mutual Defense resolution 5
  • NoGalacticCommunity mainButton single One empire is not a member of the Galactic Community
  • Diplomacy pathofblood End Threat
  • Diplomacy istributary Impounding Assets
  • Origins payback Payback origin
  • Unknown Unlocked by event chain
Crisis War
  • Diplomacy pathofblood Crisis War
Crisis War
  • Diplomacy pathofblood Crisis War
  • Resolution declare crisis Declare Crisis resolution
  • NoResolution declare crisis Repeal Crisis resolution
  • Leviathans War in Heaven
  • Leviathans War in Heaven
Leviathans Awakened Empire
  • Synthetic Dawn Machine Uprising
  • Synthetic Dawn Machine Uprising
Synthetic Dawn Creator empire and AI rebellion −1000 (Total War) Victor gains 2000-6000 Unity Unity and 200-600 Influence Influence. Victory can only be achieved by conquering all colonized systems of the opposition, ending the opposing empire. If a defeated empire had starbases in uncolonized systems that were not conquered, they are removed, making the territory neutral again. Each side keeps all conquered systems.


While casus belli and wargoals represent the purpose of a war, claims represent territorial ambitions — the systems which will be controlled by the victor. Which systems can be claimed depends on an empire's Policies War Philosophy policy, with the Unrestricted Warfare philosophy allowing for the claiming of any system not owned by a fellow Diplomacy federation Federation member. It is possible to claim the same system multiple times to gain a stronger claim on it, which can outbid the competing claims of allies when going to war together. If multiple empires have the same number of claims on a system the oldest claim is considered the strongest. In general claims are expensive in the early game and become less so later on to allow for more decisive wars to be fought. Claims cannot be rescinded while at war.

Claims have a base cost of 50 Influence influence, modified by the following:

  • +25 per hyperlane distance from owned territory
  • +25 if the system has an upgraded Spaceport 1 Starbase (i.e. not just an Outpost)
  • +25 if the system is colonized
  • All costs are increased by +100% during an offensive war
  • All costs are reduced by −20% if the claimed system belongs to a Rival

If the modifier reaches a total of –100%, claims then cost 0 Influence influence.

Defenders can freely claim systems owned by their attackers in a defensive war regardless of their War Philosophy policy. Any system lost by any side during a conquest war or total war will give the former owner 10 claims on it.

Winning war with any non-conquest wargoals will always enforce all claims made by the victorious empires before any other effects, regardless of whether these systems were occupied. For example, an empire winning a war with the subjugation wargoal will annex all claimed systems from the loser before making a Diplomacy isvassal Vassal of the loser's remaining systems.

Federation warfare[]

The Federation is the more serious counterpart of the Defensive pact and the inviting attackers mechanic. While it does offer a unique amount of defensive cooperation, builds trust and allows military cooperation using the federation fleet, establishing a conquest strategy can be made very difficult because of the need for consent of the members to declare war, and each member's expectation of a fair share of spoils from each war. The empire that wishes to declare war can ask the other federation members for their war goals by using the "Suggest Demands" button. However, AI empires will be very hesitant to declare war on empires that are much stronger than them or have very powerful allies. In that case, the "Suggest Demands" button will not give any results.

One exception to this are wars of liberation or to a lesser extent vassalization: usually AI will agree to a liberation war even if all the war goals are assigned to the player. The resulting splinter empire could then be vassalized and later integrated by the player.

In case a federation member is attacked, all allies automatically join the war as defenders without need for a further declaration of war. In this case, the member being attacked has a free hand in choosing federation war goals, which might be all in its own favor.

Ending wars[]

Wars can end in two ways: With the surrender of either side or with a negotiated Status Quo peace.

Surrender means that the victor's wargoal is enforced; any claims the winning side has on the losing side are automatically ceded regardless of occupation status and the defeated empire is forced to keep borders open towards the attacker for 10 years. All wars except those of independence have a negative surrender acceptance, which are countered by factors such as relative navy strength (up to +50), war exhaustion (up to +100) and occupation percentage (up to +100). If an empire and all of its allies (if any) has lost control of all of its systems and/or planets during the war, then a surrender will occur automatically.

Status Quo means that the war has reached a point where neither side is able to score a decisive victory against the other or all wargoals have been achieved decisively before any major battles took place, and both sides agree to cease hostilities and settle for whatever gains or losses they have acquired/suffered. Under a Status Quo peace, all fully occupied systems claimed by a belligerent empire are ceded to the belligerent with the strongest claim. In the case of a tie, whoever has the oldest claim on the system is considered the stronger claimant. In addition both sides must keep their borders open towards each other for 10 years. Since AI won't surrender to a Total War, they can end only in Status Quo or the destruction of one empire. Status Quo can be enforced by either side as soon as 24 months have passed since the opposing side reached 100% war exhaustion, and if both sides reach 100% war exhaustion, the Status Quo is enforced automatically after 24 months.

War exhaustion[]

War Exhaustion goes from 0% to 100%, and measures the total weariness and attrition suffered by all empires on one side in a war. War exhaustion goes up from suffering losses during space and ground warfare, destruction of planets (either from Colossus weapons or Bombardment armageddon Armageddon Bombardment), and a passive accumulation over time called Attrition. When a side's war exhaustion hits 100% they can be forced into a status quo peace after 24 months. The speed at which war exhaustion accumulates is influenced by factors such as ethics, traditions, technology and the amount of claims being pressed - an empire that is fighting to hold onto a handful of border systems will tire faster in a costly conflict than one whose very independence is being threatened. War exhaustion also means that an empire that is losing a war can still fight to minimize their territorial losses by inflicting high war exhaustion on the enemy.

War exhaustion gain can be lowered by the following factors:

Source War exhaustion gain
Menace Crisis level 2 −75%
Tradition unyielding never surrender Never Surrender tradition −25%
Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness ethic −20%
Civic nationalistic zeal Nationalistic Zeal civic −20%
Supremacist Supremacist diplomatic stance −20%
Resolution rules of war Rules of War resolution 5 −20%
Resolution rules of war Rules of War resolution 4 −15%
Resolution rules of war Rules of War resolution 3 −10%
Diplomatic stance belligerent Belligerent diplomatic stance −10%
Tech interstellar campaigns Interstellar Campaigns technology −10%
Tech galactic campaigns Galactic Campaigns technology −10%
Civic media conglomerate Media Conglomerate civic −5%
Agenda Display of Power agenda −5%
Agenda Impenetrable Border agenda −5%
Agenda Military Backup agenda −5%
Resolution rules of war Rules of War resolution 2 −5%

War names[]

Wars will always be named after the attacker and the defender, followed by one of the following names depending on the wargoal:

Name Wargoal Other requirements
War Any Offensive war against a Fallen Empire
  • Federation War
  • Galactic War
  • Great War
  • War of the Alliances
Any War between two Federations
  • Annexation Attempt
  • Territorial Invasion
  • War of Aggression
  • War of Conquest
  • War of Beliefs
  • War of Ideologies
  • War of Philosophies
Impose Ideology
  • Border War
  • Confrontation
  • War of Humiliation
  • War of Rivalry
Humiliate Regular empire
Punitive Expedition Humiliate Fallen Empire
Anti-AI Police Action Outlaw AI
Buffer Zone Creation Decontaminate Border Territories
Holy Purge Cleanse Holy Worlds
Moral Intervention Stop Atrocities
  • Freedom Struggle
  • Independence War
  • Secessionist War
  • War of Independence
  • War of Liberation
  • Servitude Campaign
  • War of Obedience
  • War of Overlordship
  • War of Subjugation
Tributary War Make Tributary
Enforced Sponsorship Make Subsidiary
The War In Heaven War in Heaven
Holy World War Make Dominion Target destroyed a Holy World
  • Intervention War
  • Preemptive Action
  • Preventative War
  • Self Protection War
End Threat
  • War of Cleansing
  • Xeno Filth Removal
  • Xeno Purification
Cleansing Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers civic
  • Extermination Campaign
  • Organic Disinfection Program
  • Organic Euthanization War
Cleansing Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator civic
  • Absorption War
  • Biomass Accumulation
  • Great Gorging
Machine Uprising Machine Uprising
Subsidiary Acquisition Make Subsidiary
Hostile Takeover Hostile Takeover
  • Embargo War
  • Expulsion War
  • War of Expropriation
Expel Corporation
War for the Galatron Take Galatron
Crisis War Crisis War


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs