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Stellaris 3.9 Defenses Tier List-2

Utility components are devices that can be installed on military ships to enhance their defensive capabilities and thus increase their survivability in combat against enemies.


Small Small, Medium Medium, and Large large utility components increase the durability of a ship by providing extra hit points. These come in three forms: shields, armor, and hull.


Shields form the first layer of hit points of a ship.

Pros Cons
  • Effective against most energy weapons.
  • Inherent regeneration makes them sustainable out-of-the-box for operations away from base.
  • Cheaper Alloys Alloys cost than armor.
  • Vulnerable to kinetic weapons.
  • Penetrated by guided weapons, strike craft, and some exotic energy weapons (Disruptors, Arc Emitters, and Cloud Lightning).
  • Advanced shields require Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource to make.
  • Consumes power.
Component Small Small Medium Medium Large Large Notes
Cost Power Power Shield Shields Shield Regen Cost Power Power Shield Shields Shield Regen Cost Power Power Shield Shields Shield Regen
Ship part shield 1 Deflectors Alloys 5 15 75 0.5 Alloys 10 30 190 1.25 Alloys 20 60 450 3
Ship part shield 2 Improved Deflectors Alloys 7 20 100 0.65 Alloys 13 40 250 1.6 Alloys 26 80 600 4.05
Ship part shield 3 Shields Alloys 9 25 125 0.85 Alloys 17 50 315 2.15 Alloys 34 100 750 5.1
Ship part shield 4 Advanced Shields Alloys 9
Exotic gases 0.25
35 165 1.1 Alloys 17
Exotic gases 0.50
70 415 2.75 Alloys 34
Exotic gases 1.00
140 990 6.6
Ship part shield 5 Hyper Shields Alloys 12
Exotic gases 0.33
45 220 1.45 Alloys 22
Exotic gases 0.66
90 550 3.65 Alloys 44
Exotic gases 1.33
180 1320 8.7
Ship part dark matter shield Dark Matter Deflectors Alloys 16
Dark Matter 0.25
55 280 1.85 Alloys 29
Dark Matter 0.50
110 700 4.65 Alloys 57
Dark Matter 1.00
220 1680 11.1
  • Can only be acquired through reverse-engineering Fallen Empire or Awakened Empire ships or the Dark Matter Breakthrough agenda
Ship part psi shield Psionic Barrier Alloys 7 0 100 1.45 Alloys 13 0 250 3.65 Alloys 26 0 600 8.7
  • Can only be acquired via The Doorway event
  • If the ship has a Ship part cloak psi Psi-Phase Field Generator cloaking does not nullify shields
Ship part psi shield Psionic Shields Alloys 21
Zro 0.11
75 360 2 Alloys 38
Zro 0.22
150 900 5 Alloys 74
Zro 0.33
300 2160 12.5
  • Can only be acquired as a psionically ascended empire through Shroud events
  • If the ship has a Ship part cloak psi Psi-Phase Field Generator cloaking does not nullify shields
Ship part archaeo shield Ancient Suspension Field Alloys 12
Minor artifacts 8
45 125 1.85 Alloys 22
Minor artifacts 10
90 315 4.65 Alloys 44
Minor artifacts 12
180 750 11.1
  • Also provides +15% Shield Hardening
  • The Archaeo-Engineers Archaeo-Engineers ascension perk increases shield hit points by 60%


Armor forms the second layer of hit points of a ship.

Pros Cons
  • Effective against kinetic weapons.
  • Does not consume power.
  • Does not require Menu icon strategic resourceStrategic Resources to build.
  • Since 3.6, Overall, Armor has 33% more hitpoints than Shields when tiers are equal.
  • Vulnerable to energy weapons.
  • Penetrated by some exotic weapons (Disruptors, Arc Emitters, and Cloud Lightning).
  • Lacks inherent regeneration (but can gain it through some exotic sources).
  • Cost more Alloys Alloys than shields.
Component Small Small Medium Medium Large Large Notes
Cost Armor Armor Cost Armor Armor Cost Armor Armor
Ship part armor 1 Nanocomposite Armor Alloys 10 100 Alloys 20 250 Alloys 40 600
Ship part armor 2 Ceramo-Metal Armor Alloys 13 130 Alloys 26 325 Alloys 52 780
Ship part armor 3 Plasteel Armor Alloys 17 170 Alloys 34 425 Alloys 68 1020
Ship part armor 4 Durasteel Armor Alloys 17 220 Alloys 34 550 Alloys 68 1320
Ship part armor 5 Neutronium Armor Alloys 22 290 Alloys 44 725 Alloys 88 1740
Ship part dragon armor Dragonscale Armor Alloys 29 370 Alloys 57 925 Alloys 114 2220
  • Can only be acquired by defeating a space dragon guardian
Ship part archaeo armor Ancient Pulse Armor Alloys 22
Minor artifacts 8
170 Alloys 44
Minor artifacts 10
425 Alloys 88
Minor artifacts 12
  • Also includes the effects of Ship part shield 1 Deflectors
  • The Archaeo-Engineers Archaeo-Engineers ascension perk doubles shield hit points
  • Power Power needed: 25 | 50 | 100


Hull is the last layer of a ship's hit points; the ship is destroyed if the hull points reach 0. All ships have some inherent hull points; this can be increased with these Plating components.

These can be acquired either by completing the Crystalline Entity event chain, by reverse-engineering destroyed Crystalline Entities, or through searching an abandoned ship left by Caravaneers.

Pros Cons
  • Few weapon weaknesses (Energy Torpedoes, Matter Disintegrators, Mining Lasers).
  • Does not consume power.
  • Does not cost Alloys Alloys.
  • The only layer that matters against bypassing weapons.
  • More hull allows for greater chances of emergency jump, thus increasing longterm survivability.
  • Far, far cheaper than any other source of health, point for point.
  • Fewer available percentage bonuses.
  • No repeatables.
  • Hull damage reduces ship performance.
  • Most non standard weapons come with a bonus against hull in addition of the armor or shield bonus.
  • Only Null Void Beam suffer from penalty against hull
  • Lacks inherent regeneration (but can gain it through some exotic sources).
  • Must use Rare crystals Rare Crystals to build.
Component Small Small Medium Medium Large Large Description
Rare crystals Cost Health Hull Rare crystals Cost Health Hull Rare crystals Cost Health Hull
Ship part crystal armor 1 Crystal-Infused Plating 0.25 65 0.50 160 1.00 390 An alloy of elements harvested from the ultra-hard Crystalline Entities lines the inner layers of this plating, improving hull integrity.
Ship part crystal armor 2 Crystal-Forged Plating 0.33 110 0.65 275 1.30 660 Modifications to the process of forging the crystalline alloy further improves its durability.


Auxiliary modules go in Auxiliary Auxiliary slots and have a variety of effects. Regenerative Hull Tissue can be acquired by defeating various spaceborne aliens. Nanite Repair Systems can be acquired after defeating the Scavenger Bot. Orbital Trash Dispersers can be acquired via the Racket Industrial Enterprise. Enigmatic Encoders and Decoders can be acquired by defeating the Enigmatic Fortress. Marks can be obtained by gaining maximum favor with a Shroud patron. Other components are simply obtained by researching the technology with the same name.

Name Cost Power Power usage Effects Description
Ship part reactor booster 1 Reactor Booster Alloys 5 Power +20 Power Generation Additional power generation systems increase the ship's reactor output.
Ship part reactor booster 2 Improved Reactor Booster Alloys 10 Power +50 Power Generation The discovery of fusion power allows for better reactor boosters to be fitted onto our ships.
Ship part reactor booster 3 Advanced Reactor Booster Alloys 15 Power +100 Power Generation The discovery of antimatter power allows for highly advanced reactor boosters that can greatly enhance ship reactors.
Ship part afterburners 1 Afterburners Alloys 4 10 Mod ship speed mult +10% Sublight Speed
Evasion +5% Evasion
Afterburners provide additional combat speed for the ship.
Ship part afterburners 2 Advanced Afterburners Alloys 6 20 Mod ship speed mult +20% Sublight Speed
Evasion +10% Evasion
These improved afterburners provide even more combat speed for the ship.
Ship part armor hardener 1 Reactive Armor Alloys 10
Rare crystals 1
15 Armor +15% Armor Hardening Incorporating a crystal lattice in our ship's defenses provides some resistance to weapons that normally cut through armor.
Ship part armor hardener 2 Living Reactive Armor Alloys 30
Living Metal 1
25 Armor +25% Armor Hardening Threads of living metal react to incoming fire, rearranging itself to better resist penetrating weapons fire.
Ship part auto repair Regenerative Hull Tissue Alloys 20 10 Mod ship hull regen +5% Daily Hull Regen
Mod ship hull regen +10% Daily Armor Regen
These bacteria are imprinted with the ship's structural design and will attempt to restore hull integrity should it be compromised.
Ship part nanite repair system Nanite Repair System Alloys 10
Nanites 1
10 Mod ship hull regen +15% Daily Hull Regen
Mod ship hull regen +20% Daily Armor Regen
A highly effective hull auto-repair system comprised of billions of microscopic nanomachines was found among the smoking remains of the Scavenger, and has been repurposed for our uses. Whether the Scavenger pilfered this system from an ancient derelict, or was originally constructed with it remains unknown.
Ship part shield recharger Shield Capacitor Alloys 10
Exotic gases 1
20 Shield +10% Shield Hit Points These capacitors store surplus energy which can quickly be transferred to reinforce a ship's shields.
Ship part shield hardener 1 Shield Hardener Alloys 10
Exotic gases 1
15 Shield +15% Shield Hardening With these modifications, the fields generated by our shield emitters will partially deflect attacks that would otherwise bypass the shields.
Ship part shield hardener 2 Advanced Shield Hardener Alloys 30
Zro 1
25 Shield +25% Shield Hardening Zro particles raised to a high energy state add fluctuations to our shields that can deflect certain weapons that would otherwise easily penetrate the fields.
Ship part computer default Auxiliary Fire-Control Alloys 10 10 Mod ship tracking add +5 Chance to Hit By installing an auxiliary fire-control system our ships can afford to make more advanced calculations, increasing accuracy.
Ship part enigmatic decoder Enigmatic Decoder Alloys 20 20 Mod ship tracking add +5 Chance to Hit
Tracking +5 Tracking
While producing average results in standard tests, the accuracy of Enigmatic Decoder's prediction algorithms seemingly increases as the target's flight path grows more erratic.
Ship part enigmatic encoder Enigmatic Encoder Alloys 20 20 Mod ship disengagement +1 Disengagement Opportunities The Enigmatic Encoder scrambles flight path data according to some indeterminable design before feeding it back to fleet command.
Ship part orbital trash dispersal Orbital Trash Disperser Alloys 10 10 Damage +25% Orbital Bombardment Damage This component overwhelms planetary defensive grids with trash data by spamming them with millions of minute, high-velocity projectiles. Ships equipped with this component cause more damage during orbital bombardment.
Ship part composer covenant Mark of the Composer Alloys 20
Zro 2
10 Mod ship hull regen +15% Daily Hull Regen
Mod ship hull regen +20% Daily Armor Regen
The mark of our Shroud Patron amplifies our psionic abilities and allows us to influence entire ships.
Ship part eater covenant Mark of the Eater Alloys 20
Zro 2
10 Mod ship tracking add +5 Chance to Hit
Damage +25% Orbital Bombardment Damage
The mark of our Shroud Patron amplifies our psionic abilities and allows us to influence entire ships.
Ship part instrument covenant Mark of the Instrument Alloys 20
Zro 2
10 Mod ship speed mult +25% Sublight Speed
Upkeep −5% Upkeep
The mark of our Shroud Patron amplifies our psionic abilities and allows us to influence entire ships.
Ship part whisperers covenant Mark of the Whisperers Alloys 20
Zro 2
10 Evasion +15% Evasion The mark of our Shroud Patron amplifies our psionic abilities and allows us to influence entire ships.

Cloaking devices[]

Cloaking devices are modules that allow ships to Fleet action button toggle cloak Activate Cloaking. Each ship can only have one cloaking device.

Name Corvette / Frigate / Science Ship Destroyer Cruiser Battleship / Titan Shield Shield nullification
Cost Power Fleet cloaked Cost Power Fleet cloaked Cost Power Fleet cloaked Cost Power Fleet cloaked
Ship part cloak 1 Basic Cloaking Field Generator
  • Alloys 20
  • Exotic gases 5
20 +1 No Cannot be mounted on larger ships 100%
Ship part cloak 2 Advanced Cloaking Field Generator
  • Alloys 25
  • Exotic gases 7
  • Rare crystals 7
25 +2
  • Alloys 25
  • Exotic gases 7
  • Rare crystals 7
25 +1 No Cannot be mounted on larger ships 100%
Ship part cloak 3 Elite Cloaking Field Generator
  • Alloys 35
  • Exotic gases 9
  • Rare crystals 9
35 +3
  • Alloys 35
  • Exotic gases 9
  • Rare crystals 9
35 +2
  • Alloys 70
  • Exotic gases 17
  • Rare crystals 17
70 +1 No Cannot be mounted on larger ships 100%
Ship part cloak dark matter Dark Matter Cloaking Field Generator
  • Alloys 45
  • Exotic gases 11
  • Dark Matter 0.125
45 +4
  • Alloys 45
  • Exotic gases 11
  • Dark Matter 0.125
45 +3
  • Alloys 90
  • Exotic gases 22
  • Dark Matter 0.25
90 +2
  • Alloys 180
  • Exotic gases 44
  • Dark Matter 0.5
180 +1 50%
Ship part cloak psi Psi-Phase Field Generator
  • Alloys 55
  • Rare crystals 14
  • Zro 0.125
45 +5
  • Alloys 55
  • Rare crystals 14
  • Zro 0.125
45 +4
  • Alloys 110
  • Rare crystals 29
  • Zro 0.25
90 +3
  • Alloys 220
  • Rare crystals 57
  • Zro 0.5
180 +2 100% unless using Psionic Shields or Psionic Barriers


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs