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This article is for the PC version of Stellaris only.


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Unique systems

Unique systems can only spawn once per galaxy and are entirely predefined, as opposed to being randomly created. Each unique system has an unique event, anomaly or archaeology site related to it. They will never appear in hyperlane choke points and a few of them require distance from all empires to spawn and they might not appear if the galaxy is started with a max number of fallen empires and AI empires, especially if advanced starts are used.

Guaranteed systems[]

The following systems will always appear in every game:

Tannhauser Gate

The Tannhäuser Gate

This class G system contains an unique object, the Tannhäuser Gate, guarded by 3 Ancient Mining Drones. If the Ancient Relics Ancient Relics DLC is installed then the planet Spjuuht contains the Never Forget archaeological site.
This system contains an alien science ship marked as hostile. One of the planets is a Tundra World that when surveyed will reveal a level III anomaly. Investigating it will issue a special project that takes 360 days to research. Completing the special project a moderate amount of Physics Research Physics research.
This system contains two barren worlds and a moon and is defended by an Ancient Mining Drone. In addition the planet Klendath I will reveal the Crashed Starship archaeological site.
Unlike every other system Orvall not named after the central star. The system has a golden nebula visual effect regardless of whether it is spawned inside one or not and is guarded by a small Tiyanki fleet. If the Ancient Relics Ancient Relics DLC is installed then the broken world Moor-Hsrettu contains the Desiccated archaeological site.
This class G system contains a Tomb World guarded by a missiles-equipped destroyer and two asteroids with a deposit of 5 Minerals Minerals each. Defeating it grants a choice of gaining a small amount of Engineering research Engineering research or renaming the planet Lone Defender and gaining a moderate amount of Unity Unity (large amount if the empire is Civic memorialistMemorialist (Hive)Memorialist (Machine) Memorialist).
This system is guarded by a ship of 2K fleet power and contains a broken world that has 3 notable moons: a size 5-7 Gaia world and two Barren worlds with the Planet from spacePm frame 1 Terraforming Candidate planet modifier. The Gaia world also has a Locust Swarm planet modifier giving it the following effects:
  • Happiness −10% Happiness
  • Immigration pull −25% Immigration Pull
  • Damage −15% Orbital Bombardment Damage
  • Mod army health +15% Defense Army Health
Ancient RelicsShielded Relic
Randomly named system contains a size 26 Shielded World guarded by a fleet of 5k fleet power with ships identical to the ones guarding Zanaam. Surveying either the Shielded World or its moon will reveal the Moon Base archaeological site.
Ancient RelicsOmni
Randomly named system contains a Relic World that when surveyed will reveal the Ruined World archaeological site.


Wenkwort contains a Gaia world called Wenkwort Artem with the unique Pm natural beautyPm frame 2 Wenkwort Gardens planet modifier well as a level IV anomaly. When the anomaly is investigated it grants a very large amount of Society research society research and issues a special project on a Barren world called Rellrait and creates 3 neutral Ancient Mining Drones that patrol the system. The special project adds a deposit of 3 Society research Society Research to Rellrait and gives it the Planet from spacePm frame 1 Terraforming Candidate planet modifier as well as a unique planet modifier granting it +3% Happiness Happiness and −15% Upkeep Upkeep from Jobs.

Wenkwort Artem has a unique planet modifier called Wenkwort Gardens. When the planet is first colonized the player will be contacted by a custodian robot and informed that industrialization of the planet is to be kept at a minimum. If the request is accepted Wenkwort Artem will gain a second planet modifier giving it the following effects:

Refusing will have a fleet of around 7K fleet power arrive in 20 days and give one last chance to accept the modifier before attacking.


Habinte Unified Worlds

Habinte Unified Worlds

Helito is a binary system that contains a unique level VII anomaly on one of its stars. Investigating it will grant a large amount of Physics Research Physics research and the option to reveal a new adjacent system called Dacha.

Dacha contains 6 Gaia worlds and entering it will grant a moderate amount of Physics Research Physics research. Each planet is colonized by a unique Colony type early space age Early Space Age pre-FTL civilization called Habinte Unified Worlds. If an Observation Post is constructed an event will immediately fire giving full awareness and establishing contact with Habinte Unified Worlds. 5 years after establishing first contact they will ask the empire to leave the system. If the offer is accepted the empire capital system will gain a size 25 Gaia world but all Observation Posts in Dacha will be dismantled and new ones cannot be constructed.

If the offer is refused or any Habinte Unified Worlds planet is invaded or targeted with a colossus all invading armies are destroyed, all ships in the system will go MIA and the hyperlane leading to the system will be removed. If the system is entered again via alternative means hyperlane connections will be created with the nearby system and the pre-FTL civilization will immediately become an unique empire with all technologies of the empire that invaded, a fleet that uses 70% Mod navy size add Naval Capacity and a decaying −1000 Diplomacy opinion Opinion towards the empire that invaded.

Alpha Centauri[]

Alpha Centauri always spawn as a neighbor of Sol along Barnard's Star, Procyon and Sirius if Sol is chosen as a starting system. Alpha Centauri III will always match the climate preference of the primary species from Earth if guaranteed habitable worlds were enabled. Proxima Centauri b will be a frozen world with the File:Tidal locked.pngPm frame 3 Tidal Locked planet modifier and a level I anomaly. Investigating the anomaly will grant a small amount of Unity Unity and give Proxima Centauri b the Planet from spacePm frame 1 Terraforming Candidate planet modifier.

Randomly spawned systems[]

The following systems have their spawn chanced determined by the galaxy size. The percentages for each unique system to spawn are the following:

Base game
Galaxy M Star Trappist M Star Odryskia Trinary Star Polaris K Star Parvus Unknown Zanaam G Star Sanctuary Unknown Shallash G Star Sol Neutron Star Larionessi Refuge M Star Zevox Unknown Ancient Manufactory Neutron Star Ultima Vigilis Black Hole Federation's End
Tiny 20% 20% 10% 6% 6% 4% 6% 50% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Small 40% 40% 20% 12% 12% 8% 12%
Medium 60% 60% 30% 18% 18% 12% 18%
Large 80% 80% 40% 24% 24% 16% 24%
Huge 100% 100% 50% 30% 30% 20% 30%
Galaxy Utopia Ruined ringworld Ancient Relics C.A.R.E. Leviathans Leviathans systems Distant Stars Distant Stars systems UtopiaMegaCorpFederationsOverlord Ruined megastructures UtopiaFederations Star Mall Galactic Paragons Scion of Vagos systems
Tiny 6% 16% 16% for each system 16% for each system 8% for each system 6% 25%
Small 12% 32% 32% for each system 32% for each system 16% for each system 12%
Medium 18% 48% 48% for each system 48% for each system 24% for each system 18%
Large 24% 64% 64% for each system 64% for each system 32% for each system 24%
Huge 30% 80% 80% for each system 80% for each system 40% for each system 30%


If none of the starting empires have Sol as their home system there's a 50% chance that it will spawn in the galaxy. Earth can be found in one of four states. Unlike other pre-FTL civilizations humans use regular flags and have additional armies.

Age Human ethics Bonus armies Notes
Flag ornate 11 Late Medieval Age
  • Feudal Levies (primitive army)
  • Feudal Levies (primitive army)
  • Feudal Levies (primitive army)
Flag human 7 Machine Age
  • British Armed Forces (industrial army)
  • German Wehrmacht (industrial army)
  • Imperial Japanese Forces (industrial army)
  • Soviet Red Army (industrial army)
  • US Armed Forces (industrial army)
  • In Ironman mode successfully invading at this time will unlock the Outside Context Outside Context achievement
Flag human 9 Early Space Age
  • Chinese PLA (postatomic army)
  • EU Combined Forces (postatomic army)
  • Russian Armed Forces (postatomic army)
  • US Armed Forces East (postatomic army)
  • US Armed Forces West (postatomic army)
  • ISS II (space station)
  • If they discover FTL they will become the United Nations of Earth
Nuclear Wasteland No Species destroyed None
  • Earth is a tomb world with a unique level I anomaly
  • When investigated the anomaly will reveal a species of pre-sapient cockroaches with the Trait pc nuked preference Tomb World climate preference and the Adaptive Adaptive trait
  • If the Underground Vault event chain starts on Earth the created species will be human
  • If the Ancient Relics Ancient Relics DLC is installed terraforming Earth has a 50% chance to reveal the Weapons Cache archaeological site


Trappist is a real life system that contains 3 habitable planets - one from each climate category - making it well above average, compared to the default game setting for habitable worlds. The features and possible modifiers of all planets are randomized.

Planet Trappist I Trappist II Trappist III Trappist IV Trappist V Trappist VI Trappist VII
Class Planet molten Molten Planet barren Barren Planet toxic Toxic Planet desert Desert Planet continental Continental Planet arctic Arctic

Planet frozen Frozen

Size 16 16 12 14 16 18 12


A randomly named system will contain an asteroid called The Cabin. Surveying it will reveal the Debris Belt archaeological site.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Difficulty 9 8 6 6
Rewards Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts Leader trait maniacal 33% chance the science ship scientist gains the Maniacal trait
Leader trait paranoid 33% chance the science ship scientist gains the Paranoid trait
R odryskan crystal Gain the Crystal of Odryskia relic


Polaris contains a size 23 Ocean World with the unique D station junk Ancient Sunken City planetary feature and the One Last Hope archaeological site. It is defended by a 3k molluscoid fleet named Polarian Automated Fleet. The fleet guarding it consists of 7 cruisers named after ice formations. The fleet is hostile, however it is not set to aggressive stance, simply blocking any approach to the system's star. After they are defeated the system can be claimed as usual. The cruisers use the following loadout:

Weapons Utility Core
  • Guided 3 Missile T3
  • Medium 1 Plasma T2
  • Small 3 Disruptor T3
  • Medium 4 Armor T4
  • Medium 4 Shields T4
  • Ship part hyper drive 2 Hyper Drive III
  • Ship part computer default Advanced Combat Computer (Line)
  • Ship part thruster 3 Plasma Thrusters
  • Ship part sensor 3 Subspace Sensors
  • Ship part reactor 4 Antimatter Reactor


Parvus contains a size 22 Desert World with a level VI anomaly. Investigating it will give the planet a nanite swarm modifier that ensures 0% Mod habitability Habitability and Happiness Happiness if the planet is colonized as well as issue a special project. The special project requires 300 days to be completed and brings 3 options:

  • Studying the swarm grants the Tech administrative ai Administrative AI technology. If already researched it will grant a moderate amount of Physics Research Physics Research instead.
  • Destroying the swarm requires a fleet of 2K fleet power to be brought in orbit of the planet, removes the modifier and gives the planet the D nanite corpses Nanite Swarm Remains planetary feature.
  • Taming the swarm requires the Tech self aware logic Self-Evolving Logic technology and starts another special project that requires 300 days. Finishing it clears all blockers from the planet, terraforms it into one that matches the primary species' climate preference and replaces the modifier with Pm nanite worldPm frame 1 Tamed Nanite Swarm. If you are Void Dwellers it will terraform to a Gaia world.


Zanaam contains Zanaam, a size 25 Gaia World with the unique D alien pets deposit Valley of Zanaam planetary feature and defended by an 19k fleet named Guardians of Zanaam. The fleet guarding it consists of 24 destroyers, named from Alpha to Omega, which look like Ancient Mining Drones but use far more advanced components. Upon entering the system, the player is given a message stating they will be destroyed. The fleet is hostile, however it is not set to aggressive stance, simply blocking any approach to the system's star. After they are defeated the system can be claimed as usual. The destroyers use the following components:

Weapons Utility Core
  • Medium 2 Laser T5
  • Small 2 Plasma T3
  • Medium 2 Armor T5
  • Medium 1 Shields T5
  • Ship part computer default Sapient Combat Computer (Swarm)
  • Ship part thruster 4 Impulse Thrusters
  • Ship part sensor 4 Tachyon Sensors
  • Ship part reactor 5 Zero Point Reactor


Sanctuary system

Sanctuary with all defenses

Sanctuary containts an abandoned ring world of previous Enigmatic Observers. Originally created to act as a nature preserve and house primitive life, the system was abandoned but left guarded by multiple defense platforms of approximately 42k fleet power. Upon discovering the system an empire is contacted by the automated defense facility, which explains the history and purpose of the facility and fires upon any ship that approaches it. However, the Sanctuary system is usually quite large (especially compared to other Ring World systems), and the ranges of the platforms is limited. With a little bit of micro management, ships can easily be navigated through the system without entering combat.

The Sanctuary defenses contain the following stations:

1 Sanctuary Core 4 A-1 Fortresses 11 A-2 Outposts
  • Large 10 Kinetic Artillery
  • Medium 10 Gauss Cannon
  • Point defense 4 Point-Defense T3
  • Large 6 Laser T5
  • Medium 10 Laser T5
  • Large 4 Plasma Cannon T3
  • Point defense 4 Point-Defense T3
  • Large 2 Laser T5
  • Medium 5 Laser T5
  • Point defense 2 Point-Defense T3
  • Large 10 Armor T5
  • Large 10 Shield T5
  • Auxiliary 4 Shield Capacitor
  • Large 10 Armor T5
  • Large 10 Shield T5
  • Auxiliary 4 Shield Capacitor
  • Large 3 Armor T5
  • Large 3 Shield T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitor
  • Ship part reactor 5 Zero Point Reactor
  • Ship part sensor 4 Tachyon Sensors
  • Ship part reactor 5 Zero Point Reactor
  • Ship part sensor 4 Tachyon Sensors
  • Ship part reactor 5 Zero Point Reactor
  • Ship part sensor 4 Tachyon Sensors

Despite having no engine modules, stations are, in fact, mobile, and therefore cannot be engaged with artillery ships from a safe distance, one by one. Defeating them may prove a challenge but destroyed platforms are not rebuilt, allowing the system to slowly be overtaken.

The ring world is almost completely intact and each habitable segment houses a randomized pre-FTL species, none of them advanced beyond the Steam Age. Any empire that manages to defeat the platforms can lay claim to the extremely valuable system and decide the fate of the inhabiting species. It should be noted that since the species have evolved and reached sapience on the ring world they have the Ring World Ring World climate preference which hampers their ability to colonize without compensatory methods.

Larionessi Refuge[]

Larionessi Refuge has deposits that total 5 Physics Research Physics, 11 Minerals Minerals and 4 Alloys Alloys. It also contains a planet that will be a Relic world if Ancient Relics Ancient Relics is installed and a Tropical world if the DLC is not installed. The planet has the The Signal archaeology site.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Difficulty 2 3 4
Rewards Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts Diplomacy isvassal Larionessi Consciousness unique empire as a vassal if not Genocidal
Engineering research 350-100000 Engineering Research if Genocidal
Society research 350-100000 Society Research if Genocidal


Zevos has deposits that total 10 Energy Credits Energy, 3 Minerals Minerals, 4 Alloys Alloys and 2 Rare crystals Rare Crystals. The barren moon called Zero-Two contains the The Crashed Ship archaeology site.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Difficulty 4 3 2 1
Rewards Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts Society research 500-1000000 Society Research if biological empire
Planet gaia The planet becomes a Gaia World if robot empire

Ancient Manufactory[]

A random system in the galaxy will contain an asteroid field where one of the large asteroids is orbited by an Ancient Manufactory identical to the Mining Drone stations. Surveying the asteroid will reveal a level III anomaly. Investigating it will bring the option to either:

  • Leave the manufactory alone. Xenophobe Xenophobe and Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe empires will gain 100 Influence Influence from this option.
  • Start a Special Project to restore the manufactory with a fleet. Not available to Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe empires. Possible outcomes are granting the Tech rare crystals Rare Crystals Manufacturing technology, launching the manufactory into the star and awakening 3 hostile Ancient Mining Drones or Crystalline Entities. If the system has been claimed another possible outcome is turning the manufactory into a mining station and adding a deposit of 10 Minerals Minerals to the star.

Ultima Vigilis[]

Ultima Vigilis is a system with an appearance similar to the Contingency core system. The system does not have any hyperlane connection so it can only be entered via jump drives. It contains one deposit of each advanced resource and a unique AI world, called Observation Terminal, with the Ancient Robot World archaeology site. The system is guarded by 3 Fallen Empire fleets, each made up of 1 titan, 5 battlecruisers and 20 escorts.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Difficulty 1 2 2 5 8
Rewards Minor artifacts small minor artifacts reward (10, 30, or 50) Minor artifacts small minor artifacts reward (10, 30, or 50) Minor artifacts small minor artifacts reward (10, 30, or 50) Minor artifacts small minor artifacts reward (10, 30, or 50) Minor artifacts large minor artifacts reward (100, 200, or 300) and a choice of:

After successfully investigating the archaeology site 5 options are displayed. Unless option 2 is chosen, there is a 50% chance that the Unbidden can spawn prior to the endgame start date; if so, every 5 years there is an 80% chance for the crisis to trigger, with that chance increasing significantly after the endgame start date. As such, it is helpful to delay excavating the archaeology site until such a time that the player can defeat the crisis.



Shallash and the battlecruiser

A system that can only spawn bordering the Xenophobic Isolationists may contain Shallash, a Tomb World orbited by 6 moons equidistantly that contains the Ruined Star System archaeology site that can be excavated. The system also contains multiple Minerals Minerals deposits. It is patrolled by a Xenophobic Isolationists battlecruiser.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Difficulty 1 2 3 4
Rewards Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts Minor artifacts 10-30 Minor Artifacts
Tech terrestrial sculptingTech ecological adaptationTech climate restoration Next level of terraforming technology if the Xenophobic Isolationists were not defeated
Tech robotic workersTech droid workersTech synthetic workersTech synthetic leaders Next level of robotic pops technology if the Xenophobic Isolationists were defeated and the main species is biological
Unity 700-4000 Unity if the Xenophobic Isolationists were defeated and the main species is robotic

Federation's End[]

A black hole system. If Utopia Utopia is installed it contains a habitat complex inhabited by a pre-FTL civilization in the Atomic Age.

Star Mall[]

A random class G system in the galaxy will contain an avian Habitat and multiple asteroids holding billboards. The habitat has the unique D tradestation interior Promenade planetary feature and Pm artist monument erectedPm frame 1 Star Mall modifier. All district slots as well as the Promenade are initially blocked by blockers that require Energy Credits Energy and Minerals Minerals to remove.

Ruined ringworld[]

A random system in the galaxy will contain a ruined ringworld. As with all ruined megastructures the ringworld can be repaired if the empire has the Tech mega engineering Mega-Engineering technology.

If the Distant Stars Distant Stars DLC is also installed the star has a 50% chance to contain a unique level VI anomaly. Investigating it will add a deposit of +3 Physics Research Physics to the star. If the empire is Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers or Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator it will gain 125-250 Influence Influence and 100-500 Unity Unity. Otherwise investigating the anomaly will bring the option to either:

  • Issue a special project to thaw the clones. The project takes 30 days to complete and will create on a random world two Pops of a species Mammalian normal 08 with the Trait presapient proles Proles, Strong Strong, Nerve Stapled Nerve Stapled and Trait pc nuked preference Tomb World climate preference traits. If the empire has the Civic devouring swarm Devouring Swarm civic it will instead gain 350-2000 Food Food and 100-500 Unity Unity.
  • Leave the clones in stasis and a deposit of +4 Society research Society Research to the star. If a ringworld segment is repaired and colonized the empire will get the option to either instantly thaw the clones and create on the colonized segment two Pops of a species Mammalian normal 08 with the Trait presapient proles Proles, Strong Strong, Nerve Stapled Nerve Stapled and Trait pc nuked preference Tomb World climate preference traits or leave the clones in stasis and add the D monument Cryonic Clones Monument planetary feature to the colonized segment.


A random binary system in the galaxy might contain a Relic World. Surveying it will reveal the Planetary Machinery archaeological site that can be excavated.

Finishing the excavation will open a dialogue window with C.A.R.E. Interactive Interface. Agreeing to help it will issue the Develop A Cure For The Ferrophage Special Project. Finishing it takes 10 years and grants the R mechano calibrator Defragmentor Relic while the Relic World gains a permanent +10% Pop resource energy mult Energy from Jobs modifier. Refusing will grant 100 Influence Influence instead.

Distant Stars systems[]

Junk Ratlings[]

Pc junkheap sky

Ratling world

A random pulsar system in the galaxy might contain a Tomb World planet called Ruinous Core orbited by a Tomb World moon called Lost Encampment, as well as various debris throughout the system. A similar nearby system will contain three Tomb Worlds: Silent Colony, Decayed Hub and Crumbling Borough. A second nearby system will contain a Tomb World called Fallen Outpost. Unlike other Distant Stars systems, these systems will give a notification when one is entered for the first time. Surveying Ruinous Core will reveal a level II anomaly. Investigating it will grant a significant amount of Society research Society research.

25 to 35 years after the first system has been entered a species called Ketling will emerge in any of the three systems that haven't been claimed by an empire. A special project will be added to investigate any Tomb World in one of those systems and doing so will grant a large amount of Society research Society research.

Planets with Ketlings cannot be colonized but can be invaded. If invaded they will suffer a Culture Shock identical to invading a pre-FTL civilization.

Another 25 to 35 years after the Ketling have emerged they will become the Ketling Star Pack. All their planets will be filled with buildings and they will get 10 armies and a fleet of 8 cruisers, 8 destroyers and 10 corvettes. If any of their systems have been invaded or claimed with a starbase they will have a temporary −20 Diplomacy opinion Opinion towards the Starbase's owner empire.

The exact delay of both the species emergence and the empire creation are set at the moment the preceding event occurs, so reloading a save prior to their appearance will not change the delay unless the save is far enough back.

Sea of Consciousness[]

Sea of Consciousness

The unique ocean world

A random binary star system might contain a size 24 Ocean World with a unique appearance that does not contain landmasses among other uninhabitable planets. The planet has no blockers and has a D betharian deposit Betharian Fields planetary feature. It also has the unique Pm resort planetPm frame 2 Sea of Consciousness planet modifier, which is removed if the planet is terraformed into anything except a Continental or Gaia World.

Surveying the planet will reveal a level V anomaly. Investigating it will not grant anything to a Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empire but will grant other empires a moderate amount of Society research Society research and issue a special project that requires a starbase if there isn't one already. Within half a year after the special project is completed a scientist leader will request to leave for the planet and bring three options:

  • Allow the scientist leader to leave. One year later the empire will gain a random Psionics Psionics technology. If all technologies are researched it will instead grant a large amount of Physics Research Physics and Society research Society research.
  • Disallow the scientist leader to leave. 3 months later the scientist will die. 10 years later the empire will gain a random Psionics Psionics technology. If all technologies are researched it will instead grant a large amount of Physics Research Physics and Society research Society research.
  • Remove the scientist Leader, ending the event chain.
If the scientist is dead, you will get a random psionic technology in 10 years instead of 6 months.

Twin Tomb World Civilizations[]

This star system contains two Tomb Worlds, both with humanoid Colony type bronze age Bronze Age civilizations with the Origins post apocalyptic Post-Apocalyptic origin. Surveying the second Tomb World will reveal a level III anomaly. Investigating it will grant a moderate amount of Society research Society research. The species are always the following:

Humanoid 02 Czyrni

Humanoid 03 Pyorun

This system will not spawn if primitives have been disabled.


A class B star system that can only appear if the game difficulty is not set to Civilian or the game was started with at least one AI empire contains a Shielded World typically called Gish showing a desert planet underneath, although the name may vary. Surveying will reveal a level IV anomaly. Investigating it will bring the option to either:

  • Repair the shield with a science ship to add a 8 Physics Research Physics and 4 Society research Society deposit to the world for a few decades.
  • Interrupt the time loop with a science ship, gaining a small amount of Physics Research Physics research. There is a 50% chance of the world turning into a tomb world and a 50% chance of creating the Prikkiki-Ti empire.
  • Leave the planet alone and gain 150 of Physics Research Physics and Society research Society research. Around a decade later, if the system is not owned by another empire, the Prikkiki-Ti empire will emerge.


This system can only be found through the Ancient Hulk anomaly by choosing the option to search for the planet will start a special project. Finishing it will create a neighbor system and point to a Barren World inside. Choosing to investigate further when entering the system will start a special project to investigate the planet with a science ship. Finishing the special project takes 60 days and will reveal the planet as a size 25 Gaia World with the Colony type stone age Stone Age Mardak Vol civilization and the unique Pm natural beautyPm frame 1 Paridayda planet modifier.

A few days after the system has been claimed a species called the Vol will arrive with a fleet to purge the Mardak Vol. Accepting will destroy the civilization and add a removable blocker to the planet. Refusing will have the fleet attack the system. If their fleet is not defeated they will bombard the planet with the Armageddon stance. Once all Mardak Vol pops are killed by bombardment all tiles on the planet will get 4 removable blockers.

Accepting is the recommended course of action as not only does it avoid the fight but the Mardak Vol would take a long time to enlighten or remove Stellar Culture Shock and have the Trait pc gaia preference Gaia World climate preference. In addition if the planet is colonized the colonists will gain +10% Happiness Happiness for 10 years.

Other systems[]

Abandoned Observation Post
This class F star system contains an Abandoned Observation Post orbiting a habitable world. Surveying the planet will reveal a level IV anomaly. Investigating it will bring the option to either:
  • Investigate the observation post with a science ship to gain a moderate amount of Society research Society research.
  • Leave the observation post alone for 50 Influence Influence.
Abandoned Star Platform
This system contains an Abandoned Star Platform orbiting a pulsar star. Surveying the star will reveal a level IV anomaly. Investigating it will bring the option to start a 60 days special project to either:
  • Repair the platform with a construction ship to add a 6 Energy Credits Energy deposit to the pulsar.
  • Salvage the platform with a science ship to gain 20% to the next level of Tech lasers 2Tech lasers 3Tech lasers 4Tech lasers 5 lasers technology.
Caretaker Escape Pod
This binary star system has as its last planet a Gas Giant with escape pods in orbit. Surveying the planet will reveal a level III anomaly. Investigating it will bring the option to either ignore the pod for a small amount of Influence Influence or hail it and get the following options:
  • Valid if AI is not outlawed: Accept Caretaker AX7-b, gaining a renowned paragon. If the empire is individualist Caretaker AX7-b will have the Caretaker destiny trait. If the empire is Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness the Growth Node will gain the Caretaker Teachings destiny trait.
  • Valid if AI is not outlawed: Examine Caretaker AX7-b for a moderate amount of Engineering research Engineering research.
  • Valid if AI is outlawed: Destroy the pod for a small amount of Influence Influence.
  • Valid if Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence: Recycle Caretaker AX7-b for a small amount of Minerals Minerals and Engineering research Engineering research.
Gaia Civilization
This class M star system contains a Gaia moon orbited by a derelict station. Surveying the moon will reveal a Colony type stone age Stone Age civilization with the Extremely Adaptive Extremely Adaptive, Slow Breeders Slow Breeders, Sedentary Sedentary and Trait pc gaia preference Gaia World climate preference traits, as well as a level VI anomaly. Investigating it will grant a significant amount of Physics Research Physics and Society research Society research. This system will not spawn if primitives have been disabled.
Rudimentary Robots
This star system contains a single habitable world with the D metal boneyard Metal Boneyards planetary feature among other uninhabitable planets. Surveying the planet will reveal a level I anomaly. Investigating it will add 3 or 4 robot Pops on the planet. After the planet is colonized you will be given the option to either:
  • Dismantle the robot Pops and gain 100 Minerals Minerals.
  • Keep using the robots. 90 days later a special project to investigate the robots with a science ship is given. Finishing the special project takes 30 days and gives a large amount of Society research Society research.
Regardless of the chosen option, around 5 years after the planet has been colonized a number of colonists will gain the Erratic Behavior modifier, giving −25% to Happiness Happiness, Mod pop government ethic attraction Governing Ethics Attraction and Resource Production, and a special project to investigate it will be added, costing 60 Society research Society research. Finishing the research project grants a random Biology Biology technology. If the special project is not completed in 4 months three enraged colonists armies will form and attempt to occupy the planet.
This class G star system contains a number of uninhabitable planets and a gas giant with multiple moons, one of them being a Tomb World with the unique D radioactive wasteland Irradiated Valley planetary feature. Another one of the planets is a frozen world with a level I anomaly. Investigating it will add a 4 Society research Society deposit to the world. The star also has a 3 Physics Research Physics deposit instead of a regular Energy one. A year after the planet is colonized a special project will be added to shield the colony with a science ship. The project takes 30 days to complete and gives the planet a +10% Unity Unity from Jobs modifier. The scientist will also gain the Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait. If the project is not started in 150 days one pop will die and the planet will get −10% Mod habitability Habitability and −15% Pop resource energy mult Energy from Jobs for 20 years.
The Veil
This binary star system contains a planet that will appear either as a Gaia World or a Shrouded World. Surveying it will reveal the Phase-Shifted planet modifier (−50% Mod planet building build speed mult Planet Build Speed) and the only level X anomaly besides certain precursor anomalies in the game. Investigating it will describe how every 3 months the planet shifts between a Gaia World and a Shrouded World and grant a moderate amount of Physics Research Physics. Once the system has been claimed you will be given the option to either:
  • Leave the planet for a moderate amount of Influence Influence.
  • Start a special project to use a science ship to freeze the phase-shift. The project takes 180 days and finishing it permanently sets the planet to a Gaia World. It will also grant a moderate amount of Physics Research Physics research.

Scion of Vagros[]

Scion of Vagros are a group of 5 unique systems. They can be exploited by any empire in any order but only the first empire that enters the Dugar system will gain the full benefits.

The Dugar system when first entered will bring the option to start a special project on the planet Dugar IV. The special project requires 360 days and completing it will start a second special project on the empire capital. The second special project requires 180 days and completing it will grant the R wormhole key 1 Relic Fragment relic and optionally the Keides, Scion of Vagros legendary paragon in 20 years.

The Ivusheh system contains a Desert World with the unique Pm city ruinsPm frame 2 Ship Junkyard modifier and 1 D station junk Fallen Shipyard and 6 D crashed ship Crashed Ships planetary features.

The Taprib system contains a Tropical World with the unique Pm dangerous wildlifePm frame 2 Hostile Planet modifier and 1 D dangerous wildlife blocker Aggressive Wildlife and 3 D lush jungle Aggressive Flora planetary features.

The Vapob system contains an Alpine World with the unique Pm unstable tectonicsPm frame 2 Molten Mineral Rivers modifier and 3 D prosperous mesa Volcanic Activity planetary features.

The final system, Sursect, will only appear after an empire completes the event chain and is mainly accessible through a wormhole. It contains a Relic world with the unique Pm star pulsarPm frame 2 Pulsar Flares modifier, 1 D nanite corpses Scarred Land and 2 D nanite corpses Ancient Facilities planetary features and the Vagrosian Ruins excavation site which can only be excavated by the Keides, Scion of Vagros legendary paragon. The system is protected by a fleet of 72 ships identical to the Guardians of Zanaam. The fleet can be defeated either directly, by completing a special project that requires 6000 Engineering research Engineering Research or by surrendering the R wormhole key 5 The Key relic. The system has the Vagrosian Ruins archaeological site.


This system will not appear if the Apocalypse Apocalypse DLC is enabled, Privateers being replaced by the Marauders.

A random system in the galaxy will be home to the Privateers, a group of 3 pirate fleets which must be defeated:

  • Young Blood contains 12 corvettes and uses tier I components
  • Scarred Veterans contains 4 corvettes, 16 destroyers and 20 cruisers, and uses tier II components
  • Old Guard contains a battleship and uses tier III components

All fleets are balanced but have a slight bias towards armor components, making fleets with a slight bias towards energy weapons the counter. However the system's only resources are two asteroids with slightly higher Minerals Minerals deposits.

Ithome cluster[]

The Ithome cluster has a 25% chance to spawn each game unless the game difficulty is set to Civilian or the game was started without AI empires. It does not have a hyperlane connection to the rest of the galaxy but it is connected to it via a wormhole. The cluster is controlled by a Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers called "The Chosen". The empire that will not discover the Tech wormhole generation 3 Wormhole Stabilization technology before the mid-game year.

The system connecting the Ithome cluster to the rest of the galaxy, called Ithome's Gate, contains a deposit of 2 Dark Matter Dark Matter and 3 habitats. All habitats have size 3, an advanced resource planetary feature and a modifier giving it max Mod habitability Habitability and Mod planet max buildings add Building Slots. The system at the heart of the cluster, called Aspharelle, contains 3 Gaia Worlds. A nearby system called Taremes contains a very large amount of Energy Credits Energy, Minerals Minerals, Rare crystals Rare Crystals and Volatile motes Volatile Motes deposits.

Beyond the cluster there is a disconnected system called Ophala which can only be entered via jump drives. The system contains a size 25 Gaia World with a Colony type stone age Stone Age Charynoi civilization (the same species as the cluster's empire) and the Abandoned Observation Post archaeological site.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs