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Unique buildings are buildings that can only be built a limited number of times. These limits fall within two main categories:

  • Planet-limited buildings are buildings that only a set number of can be built on a planet. Their planet limit is usually set to 1, meaning only one building of that type can be built per planet.
  • Empire-limited buildings are buildings that only a set number of can be built in the empire. Their empire limit is usually set to 1, meaning only one building of that type can be built in the empire.

Many of these buildings require the capital to have reached a certain level.


Unless stated otherwise, these buildings can only be constructed once per planet.


Monument buildings increase Unity unity output from jobs and produce it themselves based on the number of taken Ap slot available ascension perks. Monuments cannot be built on Slave colonyPm frame 2 Thrall-World Thrall-Worlds. All monuments convert to the appropriate type if the colony is transferred or conquered by another empire. Each monument tier requires a capital building of at least that tier or above.

Tier Individualist Non-Gestalt
Job culture worker Culture Workers
Auth hive mind Hive Mind
Job evaluator Evaluators
Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Job evaluator Evaluators
Civic memorialistMemorialist (Hive)Memorialist (Machine) Memorialist
Job death chronicler Death Chroniclers
Jobs Unity Unity Cost Requirements
I Autochthon Monument
  • Non-Corporate Autochthon Monument
  • Auth corporate Corporate Culture Site
Sensorium Site Sensorium Site Simulation Site Simulation Site Sanctuary of Repose
  • Sanctuary of Repose

  • +1 per perk
  • +5% from jobs
  • Time 360
  • Minerals 400
II Heritage Site
  • Non-Corporate Heritage Site
  • Auth corporate Business Management Nexus
Sensorium Center Sensorium Center Simulation Center Simulation Center Pillar of Quietus
  • Pillar of Quietus

  • +2 per perk
  • +10% from jobs
  • Time 480
  • Minerals 600
III Hypercomms Forum
  • Non-Corporate Hypercomms Forum
  • Auth corporate Synergy Forum
Sensorium Complex Sensorium Complex Simulation Complex Simulation Complex Galactic Memorial
  • Galactic Memorial

  • +3 per perk
  • +15% from jobs
  • Time 600
  • Minerals 800

Memorialist monuments have an additional effect on Planet nuked Tomb and Planet nuked Relic worlds:

Job output buildings[]

Job output buildings increase the output of certain jobs. None of these buildings can be built on Resort planetPm frame 1 Resort World Resort Worlds or Colony type crucible Gestation Worlds. Tiered buildings require that tier of capital or higher.

Basic resource buildings[]

These buildings increase the base output of basic resource jobs. Tier II buildings get additional effects, cost, and upkeep on Ring World Ring Worlds, including Shattered Rings.

Some of these buildings give Machine speciesMechanical machine species more resource districts of their corresponding resource on natural worlds (i.e. not Ring World Ring World, Planet infested Hive World, Planet ai Machine World, Planet city Ecumenopolis, or Planet habitat Habitat).

Tier Upkeep Cost
I Energy Credits −2 Time 360 Minerals 400
II Energy Credits −2Menu icon strategic resource −1 Time 480 Minerals 600 Menu icon strategic resource 50
II on Ring World Energy Credits −5Menu icon strategic resource −3 Time 480 Minerals 900 Menu icon strategic resource 200
Tier Building Jobs Effects Additional effect on Ring World Ring Worlds Strategic resource Requirements
Energy Grid
Energy Grid
A carefully calibrated grid network maximizes the output of power generators.
Job technician +1 Technician
Energy Nexus
Energy Nexus
This colossal facility centralizes all energy grids on the planet, improving their efficiency.
Job technician +2 Technicians Energy Credits +2 Energy from Job technician Technicians (+4 total) Exotic gases Exotic gases Tech power hub 2 Planetary Power Grid
Mineral Purification Plants
Mineral Purification Plants
Minerals that have passed through these purifiers are of the highest quality.
Miner +1 Miner
Mineral Purification Hubs
Mineral Purification Hubs
Massive hubs where minerals are received and then shuttled to arrays of purifiers.
Miner +2 Miners Volatile motes Volatile motes
Food Processing Facilities
Food Processing Facilities
Food that is processed at these facilities has its nutritional value greatly increased.
Farmer +1 Farmer
Individualist Farmer Farmer
Gestalt consciousness Job farmer Agri-Drone
Civic anglersCivic corporate anglers Job angler Angler (if Wet planet Wet world)
Food +1 Food from Farmer Farmers
Food Processing Centers
Food Processing Centers
Streamlined facilities where large amounts of food can be processed.
Farmer +2 Farmers
Individualist Farmer Farmers
Gestalt consciousness Job farmer Agri-Drones
Civic anglersCivic corporate anglers Job angler Anglers (if Wet planet Wet world)
Food +2 Food from Farmer Farmers Food +2 Food from Farmer Farmers (+4 total) Volatile motes Volatile motes
A facility where organic matter is converted into energy at a highly efficient rate.
Farmer +1 Farmer
Individualist Farmer Farmer
Gestalt consciousness Job farmer Agri-Drone
Civic anglersCivic corporate anglers Job angler Angler (if Wet planet Wet world)
Advanced Bio-Reactor
Advanced Bio-Reactor
A facility where organic matter is converted into energy at a highly efficient rate, improvements in waste collection allows harvesting of useful gaseous by-products.
Farmer +2 Farmers
Individualist Farmer Farmers
Gestalt consciousness Job farmer Agri-Drones
Civic anglersCivic corporate anglers Job angler Anglers (if Wet planet Wet world)
No No difference in effect, cost, or upkeep

Industrial buildings[]

These buildings increase the base output and upkeep of industrial jobs. Tier III buildings get additional effects, cost, and upkeep on Ring World Ring Worlds, including Shattered Rings. They cannot be built on Slave colonyPm frame 2 Thrall-World Thrall-Worlds.

Tier Upkeep Cost
I Energy Credits −2 Time 360 Minerals 400
II Energy Credits −5Menu icon strategic resource −2 Time 480 Minerals 600 Menu icon strategic resource 100
III Energy Credits −8Menu icon strategic resource −4 Time 600 Minerals 800 Menu icon strategic resource 200
III on Ring World Energy Credits −15Menu icon strategic resource −8 Time 480 Minerals 1500 Menu icon strategic resource 600
Tier Building Jobs Effects Additional effect on Ring World Ring Worlds Strategic resource Requirements
Alloy Foundries
Alloy Foundries
The Metallurgists working in these foundries produce high-quality alloys.
Metallurgist +2 Metallurgists
Alloy Mega-Forges
Alloy Mega-Forges
These massive forges can assist the end-stage production of alloys in our industries across the planet.
Same as Alloy Foundries Alloy Foundries Volatile motes Volatile motes Tech alloys 1 Holographic Casts
Alloy Nano-Plants
Alloy Nano-Plants
Large industrial fabricators geared towards increasing the production of alloys on the planet.
Same as Alloy Foundries Alloy Foundries
  • Alloys +1[[]] Minerals −2[[]] from Metallurgist Metallurgists (+3 / −6 total)
  • Civic catalytic processingCivic corporate catalytic processingOrganic Reprocessing (Hive)Organic Reprocessing (Machine) If Catalytic, replaced by:
Volatile motes Volatile motes Nano-Separators Nano-Separators
Civilian Industries
Civilian Industries
A wide collection of civilian industries and manufactories where a variety of consumer goods are produced.
Job artisan +2 Artisans YesUses consumer goods Uses consumer goods
Civilian Fabricators
Civilian Fabricators
Large industrial fabricators geared towards increasing the production of consumer goods on the planet.
Same as Civilian Industries Civilian Industries Consumer goods +1[[]] Minerals −1[[]] from Job artisan Artisans Rare crystals Rare crystals Nano-Circuit Assembly Nano-Circuit Assembly
Civilian Repli-Complexes
Civilian Repli-Complexes
Nearly anything can be replicated at the kiosks in these complexes.
Same as Civilian Industries Civilian Industries Consumer goods +2[[]] Minerals −2[[]] from Job artisan Artisans Consumer goods +1[[]] Minerals −1[[]] from Job artisan Artisans (+3 / −3 total) Rare crystals Rare crystals Tech luxuries 2 Replicator Kiosks

Other industrial output buildings[]

These buildings do not increase base output, but apply output modifiers to industrial jobs

Building Jobs Effects Upkeep Cost Requirements
Ministry of Production
  • Ministry of Production
    The Ministry of Production works tirelessly to organize and streamline manufacturing across the entire planet.

  • Gestalt consciousness Resource Processing Center
    A vast facility which centralizes the handling of resources and manufacturing across the entire planet.
Auth hive mind Foundry Drone +2 Foundry Drones
Auth machine intelligence Fabricator +1 Fabricator
  • Energy Credits −5
  • Volatile motes −1
  • Time 480
  • Minerals 600
  • Volatile motes 50
Coordinated Fulfillment Center
Coordinated Fulfillment Center
Although some might deem the practices promoted in this facility to be unsafe or dangerously short-sighted, one cannot argue with the productivity numbers they produce.

This world will be exploited ruthlessly. Eventually, it will be rendered a Tomb World.
  • Metallurgist +20% Metallurgist Output
  • Job artisan +20% Artisan Output
  • Mod pop growth req −20% Pop Growth Reduction
  • Planet nuked In 30 years, planet becomes a Tomb World if terraformable
  • Policies Effects modified by Industrialism policy
Energy Credits −2
  • Time 360
  • Minerals 400
Universal Productivity Alignment Facility
Universal Productivity Alignment Facility
Through tireless number-crunching and ubiquitous performance reviews, industrial productivity can be pushed to hitherto unmatched levels. Even if this leaves little time for distractions such as reproduction and environmental concerns.

This world will be exploited ruthlessly. Eventually, it will be rendered a Tomb World.
  • Metallurgist +40% Metallurgist Output
  • Job artisan +40% Artisan Output
  • Mod pop growth req −40% Pop Growth Reduction
  • Planet nuked In 15 years, planet becomes a Tomb World if terraformable
  • Policies Effects modified by Industrialism policy
  • Energy Credits −5
  • Volatile motes −2
  • Time 480
  • Minerals 800
  • Volatile motes 100

Pop assembly buildings[]

Pop assembly buildings provide assembly points – directly or through jobs – towards either organic or mechanical pop assembly. Only one of the two types of pop assembly can be active at a time; if the planet is currently assembling a mechanic pop, organic pop assembly has no effect.

Additionally, some pop assembly buildings increase the amount of pops with auto-modding traits adjusted each month.

Building Produces Auto-modded pops adjusted monthly Upkeep Cost Requirements
Robot Assembly Plants
Robot Assembly Plants
High-tech factories where skilled Roboticists assemble the latest robot models.
From Synthetization situation choices:0
  • Origins mechanist/Mechanical Pop +2
Energy Credits −5 Time 360
Minerals 600
Robot Assembly Complex
Robot Assembly Complex
An advanced assembly plant where skilled Roboticists assemble the latest robot models.
From Synthetization situation choices:0
  • Origins mechanist/Mechanical Pop +4
Energy Credits −8
Rare crystals −2
Time 600
Minerals 800
Rare crystals 100
  • Policies Robotic Workers policy is not Outlawed
  • Robotic Assembly Systems Robotic Assembly Systems technology
Machine Assembly Plants
Machine Assembly Plants
A production line assembly plant where new units are constructed.
Pop +2 Energy Credits −2 Time 360
Minerals 400
Machine Assembly Complex
Machine Assembly Complex
An advanced assembly plant where new units are constructed.
Pop +4 Energy Credits −8
Rare crystals −2
Time 600
Minerals 800
Rare crystals 100
Mega-Assembly Systems Mega-Assembly Systems technology
Spawning Pools
Spawning Pools
Tended by the scientific and gentle care of specialists, these pools stimulate our spawn into faster growth.
  • Job spawning drone +1 Spawning Drone
  • Job organic battery +2 Augmentation Drones with Synaptic Sub-Processing Synaptic Sub-Processing
  • Tech gene tailoring Pop +2
  • Origins overtuned Pop +2
Energy Credits −2 Time 360
Minerals 400
Auth hive mind Hive Mind
Offspring Nest
Offspring Nest
This fortified nest safely harbors the local Offspring while also accelerating growth for the rest of the nearby hive.
  • Job spawning drone +1 Offspring Drone
  • Job organic battery +2 Augmentation Drones with Synaptic Sub-Processing Synaptic Sub-Processing
Energy Credits −2 Time 360
Minerals 400
Origins progenitor hive Progenitor Hive origin
Posthumous Employment Center
Posthumous Employment Center
At the Posthumous Employment Center, carcasses bereft of consciousness can find new purpose and a new opportunity to pay off their debts.
  • Reassigner +1 Reassigner
  • All assembled pops gain the Trait zombie Zombie trait, even if building is disabled.
Energy Credits −2 Time 360
Minerals 400
Civic permanent employment Permanent Employment
Clone Vats
Clone Vats
Clone Vats break down simple organic materials like food to generate Organic Pop Assembly.
  • Tech gene tailoring Pop +2
  • Origins overtuned Pop +2
Energy Credits −2
Food −30 if NoTrait lithoid
Minerals −30 if Trait lithoid
Time 360
Minerals 500
Food 500 if NoTrait lithoid
Energy Credits 500 if Trait lithoid
  • Genetics Adopted the Genetic tradition tree
  • NoResort planetPm frame 1 Resort World Resort World
Ancient Clone Vat
Ancient Clone Vat
Lost technology left behind by the Creators. Can be taken apart and reassembled, but its inner components and workings are too much advanced to replicate.
  • Pop assembly organic Monthly Organic Pop Assembly:
    • Pop assembly organic +2 if Pops per vat is 19+
    • Pop assembly organic +5 if Pops per vat is 16-18
    • Pop assembly organic +7 if Pops per vat is 12-15
    • Pop assembly organic +10 if Pops per vat is 8-11
    • Pop assembly organic +15 if Pops per vat is 0-7 (after 2210)
Energy Credits −5 Time 90
Minerals 600
  • Origins clones Clone Army origin
  • Empire limit: 5
  • Not limited to 1 per planet

Planetary feature buildings[]

These buildings are limited based on the number of certain planetary features. Except for the Alien Zoo, they cannot be built on Resort Worlds or Gestation Worlds. The Alien Zoo can also be constructed on planets with pre-sapient pops if their Policies policy is set to Protected or on planets with livestock slavery pops.

Building Effects Upkeep Cost Required technology Planetary feature
Betharian Power Plant
Betharian Power Plant
Betharian Power Plants consume Betharian Stone to produce vast amounts of Energy Credits.
Time 360
Minerals 200
Tech mine betharian Betharian Refining D betharian deposit Betharian Fields
Crystal Mines
Crystal Mines
Great care must be taken when excavating these mines to avoid damaging the crystals.
Job crystal miner +1 Crystal Miner Energy Credits −1 Time 360
Minerals 200
Tech mine rare crystals Rare Crystal Mining
  • D crystalline caverns Crystalline Caverns
  • D crystal forest Crystal Forest
  • D crystal reef Crystal Reef
  • D space walk Rare Crystal Deposit
Gas Extraction Wells
Gas Extraction Wells
These hulking wells reach deep into the planet's mantle to access pockets of Exotic Gas.
Job gas extractor +1 Gas Extractor Energy Credits −1 Time 360
Minerals 200
Tech exotic gases Exotic Gas Extraction
  • D bubbling swamp Bubbling Swamp
  • D fuming bog Fuming Bog
  • D space walk Exotic Gas Deposit
Mote Harvesting Traps
Mote Harvesting Traps
These intricate facilities trap Volatile Motes within energy fields, funneling them into special containment zone below ground where they can be stabilized and harvested.
Mote Harvester +1 Mote Harvester Energy Credits −1 Time 360
Minerals 200
Tech volatile motes Mote Stabilization
  • D dust caverns Dust Caverns
  • D dust desert Dust Desert
  • D space walk Volatile Mote Deposit
Alien Zoo
Alien Zoo
A preserve dedicated to the conservation and study of local fauna.

  • Job xeno zoo keeper +1 Zookeeper
  • Job entertainer +1 Entertainer
  • Job xeno zoo animal All pre-sapient pops on the planet gain Conserved Fauna job
  • Job livestock zoo animal +3 Protected Fauna jobs if any pops on planet have livestock slavery

  • Job xeno zoo keeper +1 Zookeeper
  • Job duelist +1 Duelist
  • Job xeno zoo beast All pre-sapient pops on the planet gain Gladiatorial Beast job
  • Job livestock zoo beast +3 Gladiatorial Xeno jobs if no pops on planet have livestock slavery[1]

  • Energy Credits −2 Time 360
    Minerals 200
    Tech alien life studies Xenology D alien pets deposit Isolated Valley

    Gaia Seeders[]

    Gaia Seeders can only be constructed by empires with the Civic idyllic bloomCivic hive idyllic bloom Idyllic Bloom civic. Building and upgrading Gaia Seeders takes Time 480 days for each phase. Phase 1 requires a Planetary Administration Tier II capital or above. Upgrading it to Phase 2 and above requires the following planet classes:

    • With no terraforming technology, the planet class must match that of the primary species' homeworld. Upkeep on such worlds is not increased.
    • With Tech terrestrial sculpting Terrestrial Sculpting technology, the planet needs to match the climate of the primary species' homeworld. Upkeep on such worlds is increased by +25%.
    • With Tech ecological adaptation Ecological Adaptation technology, the planet can be of any class except Planet nuked Tomb World. Upkeep on such worlds is increased by +50%.
    • With Tech climate restoration Climate Restoration technology, the planet can be a Planet nuked Tomb World as well. Upkeep on such worlds is increased by +75%.
    • Gaia Seeders cannot be built on planet classes that cannot be terraformed into a Gaia world (Planet city Ecumenopolis, Planet infested Hive, Planet ai Machine, Planet nuked Relic, and Ring WorldPlanet habitat artificial worlds). If the world is terraformed into such a class, the building is removed. The Final Phase building remains on Gaia worlds, and boost Trait plantoid bloomed Bloomed and Trait plantoid budding Budding traits.
    • On Gaia worlds without a Gaia Seeder building, the Final Phase building can be built without the need to go through earlier phases.
    Phase Effects Upkeep Cost
    Phase 1 Phase 1
    This is the initial growth boost phase.
    Mod pop growth speed +10% Pop Growth Speed Energy Credits −20 Energy Credits 1500
    Phase 2 Phase 2
    This phase shifts towards habitability.
    Energy Credits −20
    Exotic gases −1
    Energy Credits 1500
    Exotic gases 50
    Phase 3 Phase 3
    This phase emphasizes habitability.
    Mod habitability +20% Habitability Energy Credits −20
    Exotic gases −2
    Energy Credits 1500
    Exotic gases 100
    Final Phase Final Phase
    Having completed transformation of this planet into a Gaia World, the Gaia Seeder will now transform our population to better adapt them to this world.
    Energy Credits −10
    Exotic gases −2
    Energy Credits 1500
    Exotic gases 200

    Synaptic Lathe buildings[]

    Unique buildings that can only be built on the Planet synaptic lathe Synaptic Lathe. They have the planet limit of 2, meaning only two buildings of the same type can be built on the Synaptic Lathe. With the max building slots of 6, only six building can be built in total.

    Building Effects Upkeep Cost Requirements
    Expanded Reactor Expanded Reactor
    The more chips plugged into the network, the more energy is required to maintain it. Installing additional reactors will mitigate the complex logistics inherent in powering the Synaptic Lathe.
    • Upkeep −15% Job upkeep
    • Upkeep −15% Building upkeep
    • Energy Credits −15% District energy upkeep
    • Exotic gases −4
    • Time 480
    • Alloys 800
    • Exotic gases 100
    • Advanced logic 600
    Neural Stabilizer Neural Stabilizer
    Stabilization systems filter out the computing noise generated when physical distress overcomes Neural Chips. The reduction in interferences means an increase in global output.
    Mod planet stability add +15 Stability
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Exotic gases −1
    • Time 480
    • Alloys 800
    • Exotic gases 100
    • Advanced logic 600
    Synaptic Cogitator Synaptic Cogitator
    Calculating hyperspatial supply chains is complex. Rerouting some processing power to the task will help even the largest fleet to delve deeper into enemy territory.
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Volatile motes −1
    • Time 480
    • Alloys 800
    • Volatile motes 100
    • Advanced logic 600
    Tech lathe cogitator Synaptic Cogitator technology
    Synaptic Overclocker Synaptic Overclocker
    The Lathe has been designed to preserve its installed Neural Chips, keeping them productive for as long as possible. The overclocker can override these commands, resulting in a higher and faster output, but it comes with an increased failure rate.
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Volatile motes −1
    • Time 480
    • Alloys 800
    • Volatile motes 100
    • Advanced logic 600
    Tech lathe overclocker Synaptic Overclocker technology
    Synaptic Preserver Synaptic Preserver
    The organic components of the network are especially vulnerable to energetic fluctuations, which can cause rapid axonal degeneration. The Preserver strives to reduce these fluctuations to protect the Synaptic Lathe's frailer parts.
    • Pop decline speed −15% Purge speed
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Exotic gases −1
    • Time 480
    • Alloys 800
    • Exotic gases 100
    • Advanced logic 600
    Tech lathe preserver Synaptic Preserver technology
    Synaptic Resonator Synaptic Resonator
    Resonators harness and redirect the cognitive potential of stray thoughts and autonomic systems, leading every single chip to increase the efficiency of its closest processing neighbors.
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Rare crystals −1
    • Time 480
    • Alloys 800
    • Rare crystals 100
    • Advanced logic 600
    Tech lathe resonator Synaptic Resonator technology
    Synaptic Sustainer Synaptic Sustainer
    Dedicated facilities organize the maintenance of the Lathe's critical components, allowing us to support more chips and a healthier network environment.
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Rare crystals −1
    • Time 480
    • Alloys 800
    • Rare crystals 100
    • Advanced logic 600
    Tech lathe life support Synaptic Sustainer technology
    Synaptic Validator Synaptic Validator
    While the primary purpose of the validator's specialized functions is to help formulate infinity theses, it can also be applied to more general aspects of computing.
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Rare crystals −1
    • Time 480
    • Alloys 800
    • Rare crystals 100
    • Advanced logic 600
    Tech lathe validator Synaptic Validator technology

    Cybernetic Creed buildings[]

    The following buildings are available to empires with the Origins cybernetic creed Cybernetic Creed origin. The first level buildings convert to a Building temple Temple on conquest by another empire. They cannot be built on Slave colonyPm frame 2 Thrall-World Thrall-Worlds or Resort planetPm frame 1 Resort World Resort Worlds. The capital starts with one of each of the first tier creed buildings; more creed buildings can be built after embracing a creed or unifying the faith in The Conclave of Fusion situation. These buildings cannot be manually destroyed.

    Building Building Pop job Jobs Effects Upkeep Cost Requirements
    Choir of the Mind
    98px link= Amphitheater of the Mind Energy Credits −5
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Tier II capital
    The Grand Concert Hall of the Mind The Grand Concert Hall of the Mind Energy Credits −5
    • Time 600
    • Minerals 600
    • Tier III capital
    Commune of Toil
    98px link= Sanctuary of Toil Haruspex +1 Haruspex Energy Credits −2
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 400
    • Tier II capital
    98px link= Grand Cathedral of Toil Energy Credits −5
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Tier III capital
    Fellowship of the Hammer
    98px link= Forge of the Fellowship Energy Credits −5
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Tier II capital
    98px link= Grand Forge of the Fellowship Energy Credits −5
    • Time 600
    • Minerals 600
    • Tier III capital
    Templars of Steel
    Battlements of Steel Battlements of Steel Orbital bombardment damage −10% Orbital bombardment damage Energy Credits −2
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 400
    • Tier II capital
    The Grand Battlements of Steel The Grand Battlements of Steel Energy Credits −5
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Tier III capital
    United Creeds
    Sanctum of Augmentation Sanctum of Augmentation Energy Credits −5
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Tier II capital
    United Sanctum of Augmentation United Sanctum of Augmentation Energy Credits −8
    • Time 600
    • Minerals 800
    • Tier III capital

    Other planet-limited buildings[]

    Building Building Pop job Jobs Effects Upkeep Cost Requirements
    Planetary Shield Generator Planetary Shield Generator Orbital bombardment damage −50% Orbital bombardment damage Energy Credits −5
    • Time 600
    • Minerals 600
    Dread Encampment Dread Encampment Job necromancer +2 Necromancer Energy Credits −2
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    Chamber of Elevation Chamber of Elevation
    • Job apprentice +1 Necrophyte
    • Based on expected organic Mod pop growth speed pop growth per year:
      • Job apprentice +1 if Mod pop growth speed 0.2 or more (+2 total)
      • Job apprentice +1 if Mod pop growth speed 0.3 or more (+3 total)
    Energy Credits −2
    • Time 360
    • Minerals 400
    House of Apotheosis House of Apotheosis Energy Credits −5
    Exotic gases −1
    • Time 600
    • Minerals 600
    • Exotic gases 50
    Tech glandular acclimation Glandular Acclimation technology
    Gene Clinic Gene Clinic Medical Worker +2 Medical Worker
    • Tech gene tailoring Pop +1 Automodding
    • Origins overtuned Pop +1 Automodding
    Energy Credits −2
    • Time 360
    • Minerals 400
    Cyto-Revitalization Center Cyto-Revitalization Center Medical Worker +4 Medical Worker
    • Tech gene tailoring Pop +2 Automodding
    • Origins overtuned Pop +2 Automodding
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Exotic gases −1
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Exotic gases 50
    Augmentation Bazaar Augmentation Bazaar
    • Augmentation Overload Pop +2 Automodding
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    98px link= Augmentation Center
    • Augmentation Overload Pop +6 Automodding
    • From Cyberization situation choices:
    Energy Credits −8
    • Time 800
    • Minerals 800
    98px link= Identity Repository Energy Credits −2 per Identity
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 2000
    Abandoned Gene Clinic Abandoned Gene Clinic
    Galactic Stock Exchange Galactic Stock Exchange Merchant +1 Merchant Mod trade value mult +20% Trade value
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Rare crystals −1
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Rare crystals 50
    Noble Estates Noble Estates Job noble +1 Noble Mod planet housing add +1 Housing Energy Credits −2
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 400
    98px link= Ranger Lodge
    • Job ranger +1 Ranger
    • Job ranger +1 Ranger per Natural Blocker
    • With Resolution ecological protection The Paradise Initiative resolution, additional
      • Job ranger +1 Ranger per Natural Blocker
    • Unity +2 Unity per Natural Blocker
    • With Resolution ecological protection Ecological Protection resolutions, additional Unity unity per Natural Blocker
      • Integrated Gardens: +1
      • Environmental Control Board: +2
      • The Paradise Initiative: +3
    • D lush jungle Creates a Nature Preserve blocker
    • No Natural Blockers can no longer be removed, even if Ranger Lodge is disabled.
    Energy Credits −2
    • Time 360
    • Minerals 400
    Slave Processing Facility Slave Processing Facility Energy Credits −2
    • Time 360
    • Minerals 400
    Psi Corps Psi Corps Job telepath +2 Telepath Mod planet stability add +5 Stability Energy Credits −5
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 500
    Mutagenic Spa Mutagenic Spa Job bath attendant +2 Mutagenic Spa Attendant Energy Credits −2
    • Time 360
    • Minerals 400
    Mutagenic Permutation Pool Mutagenic Permutation Pool Job bath attendant hive +2 Permutation Attendant Drone Energy Credits −2
    • Time 360
    • Minerals 400
    Civic hive toxic baths Permutation Pools civic
    Hyper Lubrication Basin Hyper Lubrication Basin Job bath attendant machine +2 Lubrication Terminal Energy Credits −2
    • Time 360
    • Minerals 400
    Civic machine toxic baths Hyper Lubrication Basin civic
    Astral Siphon Astral Siphon Job astral researcher +2 Astral Researcher / Astral Drone / Astral Unit Astral threads +100 Astral threads capacity Energy Credits −2
    • Time 360
    • Minerals 400
    Astral action astral siphon Used the Astral Siphon astral action
    Astral Funnel Astral Funnel Job astral researcher +4 Astral Researcher / Astral Drone / Astral Unit Astral threads +200 Astral threads capacity Energy Credits −8
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 800
    Astral action astral siphon Used the Astral Siphon astral action twice
    Astral Nexus Astral Nexus Job astral researcher +6 Astral Researcher / Astral Drone / Astral Unit Astral threads +300 Astral threads capacity Energy Credits −8
    • Time 600
    • Minerals 800
    Astral action astral siphon Used the Astral Siphon astral action thrice
    Order's Castle Order's Castle
    • Immigration pull +1 Immigration pull
    • Immigration pull +20% Automatic Resettlement Destination Chance
    • District orders demesne Habitat can construct Order's Demesne Districts
    • No Cannot be disabled or demolished
    N/A N/A
    Numistic Shrine Numistic Shrine
    A shrine devoted to the worship of Numa, goddess of fortune.
    Numistic Priest +4 Numistic Priest jobs N/A Time 180
    Minerals 1000
    Waste Reprocessing Center Waste Reprocessing Center
    A planet's one stop center for converting industrial and biowaste into mostly clean, mostly reusable energy and minerals. Designed by the Racket Industrial Enterprise, its construction is somewhat arcane, and largely non-reverse- engineerable.
    Job technician +2 Tech-Drone job
    • Energy Credits +10 Energy
    • Minerals +10 Minerals
    • Amenities +5 Amenities
    N/A Time 480
    Minerals 100

    Archaeo-tech buildings[]

    These buildings are unlocked by researching the relevant Archaeostudies Archaeostudies technology. Some of them require Minor artifacts Secrets of the Precursor artifact action. Their effects are boosted by the Archaeo-Engineers Archaeo-Engineers ascension perk

    Building Jobs Effects Upkeep Cost Requirements
    No Without Archaeo-Engineers Archaeo-Engineers: Yes With Archaeo-Engineers Archaeo-Engineers:
    Faculty of Archaeostudies
    Faculty of Archaeostudies
    A series of laboratories dedicated to the studies of technological applications of minor artifacts retrieved from elder empires.
    Job researcher +3 Archaeo-Engineers Energy Credits −10 Time 480
    Minerals 600
    Minor artifacts 50
    Ancient Refinery
    Ancient Refinery
    This millennia-old processing equipment has an efficiency rate above 100%. Its functioning remains alien, but its production gains are substantial.
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Time 600
    • Minerals 600
    • Minor artifacts 50
    • Planet limit: 1
    • Ancient Refinery Tech Ancient Refinery tech
    • NoSlave colonyPm frame 2 Thrall-World Thrall-World
    First League Filing Offices
    First League Filing Offices
    The sprawling empire of the First League dwarfed our own at its peak, and relied on implacable bureaucracy to keep the wheels of the state in motion. The quantic filing arrays they used afforded them unprecedented efficiency in the sorting and storing of documents.
    Job bureaucrat +2 Administrators
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Rare crystals −1
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Minor artifacts 30
    • Rare crystals 50
    Vultaum Reality Computer
    Vultaum Reality Computer
    The reality computers of the Vultaums were unique processing units, dedicated to analyzing existence itself, not quite through physics, but rather by trying to reverse engineer reality's source code and find the glitch that would finally allow the Vultaums to take down the simulation where they believed they lived.
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Minor artifacts 30
    Baol Organic Plant
    Baol Organic Plant
    The Baol Organism had a unique way of producing tools. Given the species' relative slowness, they would simply grow them out of organic matter in locations that were half orchard, half factory. With the proper genetic adjustments, we could also grow various commodities and tools alongside our regular crops.
    • Energy Credits −2
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Minor artifacts 25


    Unless stated otherwise, these buildings can only be constructed once per empire.

    Building Jobs Effects Upkeep Cost Requirements
    Embassy Complex
    • Embassy Complex
    This building forms the heart of the empire's diplomatic efforts.

    Due to the need to be close to the seat of the government, it can only be built at our capital.
    Politician +1 Politician Available envoys +1 Available envoys Energy Credits −5
    Rare crystals −1
    Time 480
    Minerals 600
    Rare crystals 50
    Grand Embassy Complex Grand Embassy Complex
    The complex is intended to awe the viewer, rendering them compliant in negotiations.

    Due to the need to be close to the seat of the government, it can only be built at our capital.
    Politician +2 Politicians Available envoys +2 Available envoys Energy Credits −8
    Rare crystals −2
    Time 600
    Minerals 800
    Rare crystals 100
    Military Academy Military Academy
    Military Academies improve local recruitment rates and offer a higher standard of training.
    • Energy Credits −2
    • Volatile motes −1
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Volatile motes 50
    Research Institute
    • Research Institute
    The Research Institute is a massive complex, gathering the cutting edges of disparate fields together for unprecedented synergy, improving the research output of the whole planet.
    • Gestalt consciousness Planetary Supercomputer
    A single colossal supercomputer which can carry out incredibly complex calculations, improving the research output of the whole planet.
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Exotic gases −1
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Exotic gases 50
    Auto-Curating Vault
    • Auto-Curating Vault
    • Auth corporate Vault of Acquisitions
    • Auth machine intelligence Alpha Hub
    A highly-specialized computerized network constantly acquires, analyzes, evaluates, and puts on display everyday artifacts it deems to be significant, creating a living museum of the present.
    Energy Credits −5
    Rare crystals −1
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Rare crystals 50
    Energy Credits −8
    Rare crystals −3
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 1200
    • Rare crystals 375
    Citadel of Faith Citadel of Faith
    A massive complex offering refuge and seclusion from the material world, for all comers.
    High Priest +1 High Priest
    • Energy Credits −5
    • Rare crystals −1
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    • Rare crystals 50
    Energy Credits −8
    Rare crystals −3
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 1200
    • Rare crystals 375
    Omega Alignment Omega Alignment
    The surface of this object angles space. The interior is not visible to any sensor or imaging technology available. But we all know that what's in there.
    Physics Research +16 Physics research Energy Credits −8 Time 900
    Minerals 1000
    Order's Keep Order's Keep
    The seat of the Order is the home of its knights. It boasts vast archives of data, and is filled with trophies collected over its long and illustrious history.
    • Job squire +2 Squire job
    • Knight +2 Knight job
    • Knight +1 Knight job per 10 Pops
      • Knight jobs halved if the Toxic God colossus is tamed
    • Changes the jobs of the Habitat Central Control habitat capital
    • Immigration pull +5 Immigration pull
    • Immigration pull +100% Automatic Resettlement Destination Chance
    • District orders demesne Habitat can construct Order's Demesne Districts
    • No Cannot be disabled or demolished
    N/A Time 180
    Minerals 1000
    Ministry of Culture Ministry of Culture
    A fashionable headquarters for the Ministry of Culture, helping to spread knowledge, entertainment and art to the masses.
    Unity +15% Unity from Jobs Energy Credits −2 Time 480
    Vaults of Knowledge Vaults of Knowledge
    Our society has always preserved the stories of heroes and prominent figures from the past. Their knowledge and experiences are digitized and gathered in the Vaults of Knowledge. Destroying this building will eradicate the data stored inside.
    • Unity +5 Unity
    • Mod leader species exp gain +1% Leader experience gain
    • Effect is multiplied by:
    • Multiplier is reset if the building is destroyed
    Energy Credits −5
    • Time 480
    • Minerals 600
    Civic memory vault
    Civic memory vault corporate
    Neural Vaults
    Civic memory vault machine
    Memory Vaults civic
    Contained Ecosphere Contained Ecosphere
    Astrocreator Azaryn's legacy, left to us when she passed. It is but a small section of the Vivarium's internal ecosystem.

    Introduces a high concentration of Ecosphere Pheromones to a planet's atmosphere, applying positive effects to the population.
    Energy Credits −5
    • Instant
    • Minerals 500
    • Alloys 500
    Murmuring Monolith Murmuring Monolith
    The Beholder's conduit into our plane of existence. A ship, feeding upon the planet's energy to amass Zro and sustain its connection to the Shroud.
    • Trait psionic species +10% Psionic pops output
    • Zro +8 Zro, unless Psi-Inoculating
    • Can activate decisions:
      • Deploy Murmuring Monolith
      • Begin Psi-Inoculation
      • Cease Psi-Inoculation
    Energy Credits −25 N/A
    Energy Credits −3 Galactic Paragons Is investigating The Beholder
    98px link= Cyberdome
    Hosts savage cybersports with augmented athletes for the entertainment of the imperial citizens. Enhanced gladiators, athletes and sprinters compete for our favor until damaged or dead.
    • Job duelist +2 Hyper-Gladiator
    • Job organic battery +2 Spectator
    • Menu icon edicts With Neurocasted Spectacles:
      • Job duelist +1 Hyper-Gladiator per 20 pops
      • Job organic battery +1 Spectator per 10 pops
    Energy Credits −3
    • Time 600
    • Minerals 600
    98px link= Identity Complex Energy Credits −8
    • Time 600
    • Minerals 800

    Sanctum buildings[]

    Empires that pursued Psionics Psionic ascension, breached the Shroud, and then formed and confirmed a Covenant with a Shroud entity gain access to empire-unique Sanctum buildings. Each of them grants unique empire wide bonuses.

    All Sanctum buildings require a Planetary Capital Tier III capital, provide Job telepath Telepath jobs, and have the same cost and upkeep.

    Jobs Upkeep Cost Requirements
    Job telepath +3 Telepaths Energy Credits −8
    Exotic gases −2
    Time 600
    Minerals 600
    Exotic gases 75
    Confirmed Covenant with the patron
    Planetary Capital Tier III capital
    Building Shroud patron Empire effects
    Sanctum of the Composer Sanctum of the Composer
    The Sanctum is a place dedicated to communion with the Composer. Here, flesh roams as freely as thought. Who knows what changes the Shroud might impart upon your mortal form?
    Composer of Strands
    Sanctum of the Eater Sanctum of the Eater
    The Sanctum is a place dedicated to communion with the Eater. Here, war is prepared as we plan for the next feast.
    Eater of Worlds
    Sanctum of the Instrument Sanctum of the Instrument
    The Sanctum is a place dedicated to communion with the Instrument. Here, riches are hoarded then traded away in a comsumptive frenzy that brings us no closer to fulfillment.
    Instrument of Desire
    Sanctum of the Whisperers Sanctum of the Whisperers
    The Sanctum is a place dedicated to communion with the Whisperers. Here, secrets are traded in hushed tones, new knowledge is brought to be sealed away, and our murmurs join the chorus.
    Whisperers in the Void

    Broken Shackles buildings[]

    The following buildings can only be found on the homeworlds of empires with the Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles origin, no more can be constructed. If another empire conquers the homeworld they are removed, except for the capital. All buildings have an upkeep of Energy Credits −1 Energy.

    Building Effects Upgrades to Upgrade Requirements Description
    Command Center Command Center
    • Housing +4 Housing
    • Amenities +7 Amenities
    • Mod planet max buildings add +1 Building Slots
    • Warrior +1 Militia
    • Job colonist +2 Colonists
    Planetary Administration Planetary Administration Tech planetary government Planetary Government technology The bridge of our former masters' ship, hastily refashioned into a command center.
    Administrative Hub Administrative Hub
    • Politician +2 Administrators
    • Auth corporate Corporate and NoSpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist:
      • Politician 2 ➡ Politician +2 Supervisors
    • SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist:
      • Politician 2 ➡ Priest +2 Preachers
    • NoSpiritualistFanatic SpiritualistAdministrative Offices Administrative Offices
    • YesSpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Building temple Temple
    Tech planetary government Planetary Government technology The state cabins and living quarters of our former masters, repurposed into offices.
    Laboratory Complex Laboratory Complex Researcher +2 Scientists Research Labs Research Labs Tech basic science lab 1 Scientific Method