Stellaris Wiki
This page is about species traits. For leader traits see leader traits.


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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Stellaris 3.11 Species Traits Tier List-2


Stellaris Traits Tier List - 3.5 & NEW Overtuned


Stellaris Machine Traits Tier List


Stellaris 3.2 Trait Tier List - Biological-2

Traits represents a species' innate functions, abilities, and personality. A species's traits are selected at the start of a new game, but a species or certain pops of a species can adapt new traits through genetic engineering or rare events. Traits affect a wide variety of areas, from Mod pop growth speed population growth rate to Mod pop resource output resource output to Mod leader age leader lifespan or even how pops are viewed by each other. Most traits come in mutually exclusive groups that affect the same aspect of the species, such as Nomadic Nomadic and Sedentary Sedentary, and each species template can only have one such trait from the group at any given time. These groups include traits with opposite effects, as well as stronger variants of a trait. Though traits are initially decided at a species level, individual pops of the same species can end up with different traits with genetic modification, producing new subspecies or variants. This rarely happens without player intervention.

Traits are mostly fixed at the start of the game. Altering traits during the game is generally possible only later in the game through some select events or by using genetic engineering. Certain Biology Biology (for Biological species) and Industry Industry (for Robotic species) technologies and Ascension Perks add additional Trait Point Trait Points that can be used to alter all or some of a species' Pop Pops; modifications can range from altering their planet Mod habitability Habitability to adding an additional positive trait or removing a negative one.

Some traits affect how strongly a pop is Mod pop government ethic attraction attracted to certain factions.

Biological traits[]

Traits are purchased from a points pool, with 2 points being available at the start of the game. Some traits are negative and have a negative cost, refunding points into the pool. Each species is limited to a maximum of 5 traits; traits that cost 0 points do not count against this limit but can only be acquired from certain origins, events, or ascension perks.

Initial traits[]

Initial traits are available when first creating a species. They can all be changed later via genetic modification. Initial traits can be both positive and negative, with the two being mutually exclusive. Traits that affect Happiness Happiness cannot be added to species with the Hive-minded Hive-Minded trait.

The Adaptive Adaptive and Rapid Breeders Rapid Breeders traits are not normally available to species with the Trait lithoid Lithoid trait but can be added with the Tradition genetics genetic resequencing Genetic Resequencing tradition.

Positive traits Negative traits Auth hive mind DLC
Trait Effects Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price Trait Effects Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price
Decadent Decadent
  • Happiness −10% Worker Happiness
  • Happiness −10% Slave Happiness
−1 −200 No
Adaptive Adaptive Mod habitability +10% Habitability 2 +500 Nonadaptive Nonadaptive Mod habitability −10% Habitability −2 −200
Extremely Adaptive Extremely Adaptive Mod habitability +20% Habitability 4 +1000
Agrarian Agrarian Pop resource food mult +15% Food from Jobs 2 +500
Charismatic Charismatic Amenities +20% Amenities from Jobs 2 +500 Repugnant Repugnant Amenities −20% Amenities from Jobs −2 −200
Communal Communal Pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage 1 +500 Solitary Solitary Pop housing usage +10% Pop Housing Usage −1 −200
Conformists Conformists Mod pop government ethic attraction +30% Governing Ethics Attraction 2 +500 Deviants Deviants Mod pop government ethic attraction −15% Governing Ethics Attraction −1 −200 No
Conservationist Conservationist Pop consumer goods upkeep −10% Pop consumer goods upkeep 1 +500 Wasteful Wasteful Pop consumer goods upkeep +10% Pop consumer goods upkeep −1 −200 No
Trait docile Docile Empire sprawl −10% Empire Size from Pops 2 +500 Trait unruly Unruly Empire sprawl +10% Empire Size from Pops −2 −200
Enduring Enduring Mod leader age +20 years Leader Lifespan 1 +500 Fleeting Fleeting
  • Mod leader age −10 years Leader Lifespan if Biological
  • Mod leader age −25 years Leader Lifespan if Lithoid
−1 −200
Venerable Venerable Mod leader age +80 years Leader Lifespan 4 +1000
Industrious Industrious Pop resource minerals mult +15% Minerals from Jobs 2 +500
Ingenious Ingenious Pop resource energy mult +15% Energy Credits from Jobs 2 +500
Intelligent Intelligent Research +10% Research from Jobs 2 +500
Natural Engineers Natural Engineers Pop resource engineering research mult +15% Engineering Research from Jobs 1 +500
Natural Physicists Natural Physicists Pop resource physics research mult +15% Physics Research from Jobs 1 +500
Natural Sociologists Natural Sociologists Pop resource society research mult +15% Society Research from Jobs 1 +500
Nomadic Nomadic
  • Pop growth from immigration +15% Pop growth from immigration
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult −25% Resettlement Cost
1 +500 Sedentary Sedentary
  • Pop growth from immigration −15% Pop growth from immigration
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult +25% Resettlement Cost
−1 −200
Quick Learners Quick Learners Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain 1 +500 Slow Learners Slow Learners Mod leader species exp gain −10% Leader Experience Gain −1 −200
Rapid Breeders Rapid Breeders Mod pop growth req +10% Pop Growth Speed 2 +1000 Slow Breeders Slow Breeders Mod pop growth req −10% Growth Speed −2 −1000
Resilient Resilient
  • Mod army damage mult +50% Defense Army Damage
1 +500
Strong Strong
  • Mod army damage mult +20% Army Damage
  • Mod pop resource output +2.5% Worker and Menial Drone Pop Resource Output
1 +1000 Weak Weak
  • Mod army damage mult −20% Army Damage
  • Mod pop resource output −2.5% Worker and Menial Drone Pop Resource Output
−1 −1000
Very Strong Very Strong
  • Mod army damage mult +40% Army Damage
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Worker and Menial Drone Pop Resource Output
3 +2000
Talented Talented
  • Leader skill levels −10% Leader Upkeep
  • Unknown −1 Leader Maximum Negative Traits
1 +500
Thrifty Thrifty Trade value +25% Trade value from Jobs 2 +500 No
Trait traditional Traditional Unity +10% Unity from Jobs 1 +500 Trait quarrelsome Quarrelsome Unity −10% Unity from Jobs −1 −200
Trait incubator Incubators

Mod pop growth req Pop Growth

2 +2000 Toxoids
Trait noxious Noxious
  • Happiness +0.02 Happiness per non-Noxious Pop
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
  • Mod army damage mult +50% Army Damage
  • Mod pop environment tolerance +30% Species Minimum Habitability
  • Mod pop environment tolerance −30% Species Habitability Cap
  • Pop housing usage +10% Pop Housing Usage
  • Happiness −0.01 Happiness per Noxious Pop
1 −500 Toxoids
Trait inorganic breath Inorganic Breath
  • Exotic gases +0.02 Monthly Exotic Gases per Pop
  • Upkeep +50% Pop Upkeep
3 +1000 Toxoids
Trait existential iteroparity Existential Iteroparity Mod pop growth req +30% Pop Growth during War and Crisis 2 +1000 Trait psychological infertility Psychological Infertility Mod pop growth req −30% Pop Growth during War and Crisis −2 −1000 DLC humanoids species pack
Trait jinxed Jinxed Unknown +1 Leader Maximum Negative Traits −1 −500 DLC humanoids species pack

Botanical traits[]

Botanical traits are only available to species with the Fungoid or Plantoid archetype or empires that researched the Tech plantoid transgenesis Botanical Transgenesis technology. Radiotrophic is also available to species with the Lithoid archetype, or for all empires that completed the Radioactive Flora terraforming event.

Type Effects Excludes Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price Description
Trait plantoid phototrophic Phototrophic Energy Credits Replaces half of the Food upkeep with Energy 1 +1000 This species is sustained by a combination of both food and sunlight.
Trait plantoid radiotrophic Radiotrophic
  • Energy Credits Replaces half of the Food or Minerals upkeep with Energy
  • Energy Credits No Energy upkeep on Tomb Worlds
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Tomb World Pop Growth Speed
  • Mod habitability +10% Tomb World Habitability
2 +1500 This species is sustained by a combination of both food and low-energy radiation, and as such can thrive on the most inhospitable of worlds.
Trait plantoid budding Budding Pop assembly organic +0.02 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly per Pop 2 +2000 This species is capable of reproduction by budding, in addition to the more usual fertilization of seeds or spores.
Trait plantoid invasive species Invasive Species
  • Mod habitability +5% Habitability per negative trait
  • Mod pop growth req +5% Pop Growth Speed per negative trait
Unknown All positive non-botanical traits 2 0 Rapid reproduction. High dispersal ability. Zero useful capabilities.

Silicate traits[]

Silicate traits are only available to species with the Lithoid archetype or empires that researched the Tech lithoid transgenesis Silicate Transgenesis technology. The Lithoid trait is always present on Lithoid species.

Type Effects Excludes Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price Description
Trait lithoid Lithoid
  • Mod pop growth req −25% Pop Growth Speed
  • Pop assembly speed −25% Pop assembly speed
  • Mod habitability +50% Habitability
  • Mod army health +50% Army health
  • Mod leader age +50 years Leader Lifespan
  • Consumes Minerals Minerals instead of Food Food
0 0 This species has a silicon based biology, and consumes minerals rather than food. They are tougher than traditional organics and have slower metabolisms, making them long lived but slow to reproduce.
Trait lithoid gaseous byproducts Gaseous Byproducts Exotic gases +0.01 Monthly Exotic Gases per Pop 2 +1000 The metabolic processes of this species cause regular venting of gases useful to industry.
Trait lithoid scintillating Scintillating Skin Rare crystals +0.01 Monthly Rare Crystals per Pop 2 +1000 The outermost layer of this species is studded with sparkling crystals and gemstones that occasionally flake off.
Trait lithoid volatile excretions Volatile Excretions Volatile motes +0.01 Monthly Volatile Motes per Pop 2 +1000 The highly compressed spoor created by this species is unstable and contains an unbelievable amount of power.
Trait lithoid budding Crystallization Pop assembly organic +0.02 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly per Pop 2 +2000 With crystalline growths, this species is capable of generating self replicating lattices of themselves, in addition to the more usual reproductive methods.

Origin traits[]

Origin traits can only be given by certain empire Origins.

Type Effects Excludes Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price Ap xeno compatibility Inherit chance Origin Removable Description DLC
Trait primitive Serviles
  • Happiness +10% Happiness
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Resources from Jobs
  • Pop cat worker Cannot be employed in Ruler or Specialist Jobs
  • No Generate leaders
1 +500 33% Origins syncretic evolution Syncretic Evolution No This species evolved alongside a second, more advanced species. Never particularly intelligent to begin with, selective breeding for physical prowess and docility has reduced them to servile proles. Utopia
Trait clone soldier Clone Soldier
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +50% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • Mod army damage mult +50% Army Damage
  • Mod leader age −40 years Leader Lifespan
  • Trait clone soldier Commanders gain the Clone Army Commander trait
  • No Cannot be genetically modified
  • Mod pop growth req Cannot reproduce naturally
  • Pop decline speed Decline without sufficient Ancient Clone Vat buildings
No 0 0% Origins clones Clone Army No Engineered for compliance and war: short-lived, unable to reproduce naturally, and very efficient. DLC humanoids species pack
Trait survivor Survivor
  • Mod leader age +10 years Leader Lifespan
  • Mod habitability +70% Tomb World Habitability
0 +500 33% Origins post apocalyptic Post-Apocalyptic Yes This species has survived the horrors of a nuclear apocalypse. Their capacity for thriving in the most inhospitable circumstances should not be underestimated. Apocalypse
Trait void dweller positive Void Dweller
  • Mod pop resource output +15% Pop Output on Habitats
  • Mod pop resource output −15% Pop Output on Planets
  • Happiness −30% Pop Happiness on Planets
0 +500 33% Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers Tradition genetics genetic resequencing This species thrives in orbital habitats, with an instinctive ability to efficiently navigate their maze-like corridors and complicated architecture. However their weakened immune systems do not respond well to a planetary environment. Federations
Trait necrophage Necrophage
  • Mod leader age +80 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Upkeep −50% Pop Upkeep
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from Ruler and Specialist Jobs
  • Mod pop resource output −10% Resources from Worker Jobs
  • Mod pop growth req −75% Pop Growth Speed
  • Pop assembly speed −50% Pop assembly speed
0 0 0% Origins necrophage Necrophage No This species of near-immortals procreates by consuming pops of other species. Necroids
Trait cave dweller Cave Dweller
  • Mod pop environment tolerance +50% Species Minimum Habitability
  • Pop resource minerals mult +15% Minerals from Jobs
  • Mod pop growth req −20% Biological Pop Growth Speed
  • Empire sprawl +10% Empire Size from Pops
0 +500 0% Origins subterranean Subterranean No This species thrives under the surface of any planet they can find, at the cost of population growth. Overlord
Trait perfected genes Perfected Genes
  • Mod leader age +25 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Mod leader species exp gain −20% Leader Experience Gain
0 0 0% Origins under one rule Under One Rule No Millennia of eugenics and wars have led to the creation of an extremely resilient species. Galactic Paragons

Overtuned traits[]

Overtuned traits can only be added or removed by empires with the Origins overtuned Overtuned origin. Empires with the Tradition genetics genetic resequencing Genetic Resequencing tradition can also remove them. Overtuned traits provide bonuses similar to initial traits for less points but also reduce leader lifespan.

Type Bonuses (doubled by Damn the Consequences edict) Mod leader age Leader Lifespan Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price Description
Trait artificial intelligence Augmented Intelligence Research +10% Research from Jobs −10 1 +1000 More brains equals more brain power. Extra thinking organs have been added in strategic areas of the recipient's body to ensure maximum cognitive capacity. Even if they don't always agree.
Trait crafted smiles Crafted Smiles Amenities +15% Amenities from Jobs −10 1 +1000 Slightly shifted facial features, a mix of enhanced and slackened muscular development - and of course outside chemicals - have created the perfect smile. Forever.
Trait crack miner Dedicated Miner Pop resource minerals mult +15% Minerals from Jobs −10 1 +1000 Supreme hand-eye coordination, near endless endurance and self-purifying lungs have created entire crack teams of miners. Sadly they get brittle without sunlight.
Trait expressed tradition Expressed Tradition Unity +10% Unity from Jobs −10 1 +1000 Fanaticism on demand: faith is merely a cocktail of hormones, one we have perfected. Where that faith eventually leads is a matter of subsequent guidance.
Trait farm hands Farm Appendages Pop resource food mult +15% Food from Jobs −10 1 +1000 The more appendages, the higher the farming output. Some appendages can even operate while their host is asleep. Rumors of hosts strangled by their new limbs have been deemed unfounded in our latest investigation.
Trait gene mentorship Gene Mentorship Mod leader species exp gain +25% Leader Experience Gain −10 1 +1000 By combining genetically redesigned 'instinctive knowledge' and outside chemical stimuli, we have succeeded in vastly accelerating our learning capacities. Although it has resulted in some extremely paranoid individuals.
Trait juiced power Juiced Power
  • Mod army damage mult +40% Army Damage
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Worker and Menial Drone Pop Resource Output
−10 1 +1000 Adrenaline released on demand and hyper-potent growth hormones have led to a massive increase in strength. Just ignore the occasional internal tearing.
Trait low maintenance Low Maintenance Pop consumer goods upkeep −10% Pop consumer goods upkeep −10 1 +1000 Reduced consumption, excretion, and rest rates have resulted in twice the beings for half the price. However, demand for protein-rich meals has increased.
Trait spliced adaptability Spliced Adaptability Mod habitability +20% Habitability −10 1 +1000 A few genetic snips and slices here and there and they can survive nearly anywhere. The process comes with an acceptable number of deaths from side effects.
Trait technical skill Technical Talent Pop resource energy mult +15% Energy from Jobs −10 1 +1000 Extra internal organs grant a vastly increased innate sensitivity to electricity and magnetic fields. Reports of recipients hearing screams and voices from the reactors should be ignored.
Trait elevated synapses Elevated Synapses
  • Research +20% Research from Jobs
  • Upkeep −25% Leader Upkeep
  • Unknown −1 Leader Maximum Negative Traits
−30 2 +2000 As a computational device, a brain does not run at 100% capacity. However, we have gone beyond the standard usage. If issues are encountered, try turning it off and on again.
Trait preplanned growth Pre-Planned Growth
  • Mod pop growth req +30% Pop Growth Speed
  • Pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage
−30 2 +2000 Scheduled fertility, scheduled interest, scheduled compatibility. Population growth on demand for a strong and stable population - with a few minor edits here and there. Jealous individuals are to be directed to the nearest Fertility Center for mandatory training.
Trait excessive endurance Excessive Endurance
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from Jobs
  • Mod habitability +30% Habitability
−30 3 +2000 The greatest in adaptability genes have been hyper-expressed in these specimens. Mutation rates around 30% indicate a somewhat stable and successful experiment.

Pre-sapient traits[]

Pre-sapient species have exclusive traits that cannot otherwise be chosen when creating or modifying a species. They retain these traits after being uplifted as a sapient species and do not cost any trait points. The Forcefully Devolved trait can only be added to species that were turned pre-sapient with the Ship part devolution beam Devolving Beam colossus weapon.

Type Effects Description
Trait presapient conservative Conservative
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +25% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • Mod leader species exp gain −33% Leader Experience Gain
Members of this species often prefer old wisdom over new experiences.
Trait presapient earthbound Earthbound
  • Energy Credits +10% Energy from Jobs
  • Mod army damage mult +50% Defense Army Damage
Members of this species are very possessive of the planets they call home.
Trait presapient irradiated Irradiated
  • Mod habitability +100% Tomb World Habitability
  • Mod leader age +30 Years Leader Lifespan
This species has evolved to thrive in environments subject to extremely high levels of background radiation.
Trait presapient natural intellectuals Natural Intellectuals
  • Unity +5% Unity from Jobs
  • Research +10% Research from Jobs
  • Minerals −10% Minerals from Jobs
Members of this species are more philosophically inclined than most.
Trait presapient proles Proles
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Army Damage
  • Minerals +10% Minerals from Jobs
  • Food +10% Food from Jobs
  • Research −15% Research from Jobs
This species has traditionally shunned intellectual pursuits in favor of physical labor.
Trait presapient starborn Starborn
  • Mod pop migration time +25% Pop Growth from Immigration
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult −25% Resettlement Cost
  • Mod habitability +10% Habitability
This species has always, consciously or not, longed to traverse the void between the stars.
Trait primitive Forcefully Devolved
  • Mod army damage mult −10% Army Damage
  • Mod pop resource output −10% Resources from Jobs
  • Mod pop growth req −10% Pop Growth Speed
  • Mod leader species exp gain −25% Leader Experience Gain
The brutal devolution process endured by this species had a strong negative impact upon their abilities.

Special traits[]

These traits are required for special cases of species and cannot be removed from the creation menu.

The Hive Mind Hive-Minded trait can only be added by hive mind empires and can only be removed by empires that are not hive minds. Pops with this trait in an non-Hive Mind empire will slowly die while pops without the Hive-Minded trait in a Hive Mind empire can only be displaced, purged or used as livestock.

Special traits that cost trait points can be removed via the Tradition genetics genetic resequencing Genetic Resequencing tradition. Special traits that do not cost trait points have a fixed chance of being inherited by hybrid species.

Type Effects Excludes Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price Ap xeno compatibility Inherit chance Requirements DLC
Trait cybernetic Self-Modified
  • No Cannot colonize if not primary species
  • No Cannot be resettled
  • No Cannot be removed
0 0 0% A New Species event
Default Nivlac
  • Mod habitability +50% Habitability
  • Mod pop growth req +15% Pop Growth Speed
2 +100 random Impossible Organism event species
Bioadaptability Bioadaptability Mod habitability +5% Habitability 0 +500 33% Orbital Speed Demon event (Green)
Limited Regeneration Limited Regeneration
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Army Damage
  • Mod leader age +10 Years Leader Lifespan
0 +250 33% Orbital Speed Demon event (Blue)
Social Pheromones Social Pheromones
  • Pop housing usage −5% Pop Housing Usage
0 +250 33% Orbital Speed Demon event (Red)
Trait notofthisworld Not of this World
  • Mod leader age −10 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Upkeep +10% Pop Upkeep
0 0 0% Navbar icons situation Plight of the Beta-Universe situation species
Trait cybernetic Cybernetic
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Army Damage
  • Mod habitability +20% Habitability
  • Mod leader age +40 Years Leader Lifespan
0 +1500 0%
Trait psionic species Psionic
  • Research +10% Research from Jobs
  • Unity +10% Unity from Jobs
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
  • Leader trait psionic leader Leaders have the Psychic trait
Trait cybernetic Cybernetic 0 +1500 25%
  • Tradition psionics psionic assimilation Great Awakening tradition
  • Decision psi inoculate pops Psi-Inoculate Pops decision
  • Origins elder race Holy Guardians fallen empire
  • Distant Stars Ketling Star Pack pops
  • MegaCorp Racket Industrial Enterprise pops
  • Astral Planes Extradimensional species
Trait latent psionic species Latent Psionic
  • Research +10% Research from Jobs
  • Unity +5% Unity from Jobs
  • Leader trait psionic leader Leaders have a chance to gain the Psychic trait
Trait cybernetic Cybernetic 0 +1500 25%
  • Utopia
  • Overlord
  • Galactic Paragons
Trait plantoid bloomed Bloomed
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Resources from Jobs on Gaia Worlds
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Pop Growth Speed on Gaia Worlds
  • Amenities −10% Pop Amenities Usage on Gaia Worlds
  • Mod pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage on Gaia Worlds
0 +2000 0% Building Gaia Seeders - Final Phase building DLC plantoids species pack
Hive-minded Hive-Minded
  • No Not affected by Happiness
  • Mod leader age +20 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Mod leader age −10 Years Leader Initial Age
0 No No Auth hive mind Hive Mind Utopia
Trait clone soldier ascendant Clone Soldier Ascendant
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +50% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • Mod habitability +20% Habitability
  • Mod pop resource output +40% Resources from Ruler Jobs
  • Mod pop resource output +25% Resources from Specialist Jobs
  • Mod army damage mult +75% Army Damage
  • Mod army health +25% Army Health
  • Trait clone soldier ascendant Commanders gain the Ascendant Clone Army Commander trait
  • No Cannot be genetically modified
  • Mod pop growth req Cannot reproduce naturally
  • Pop decline speed Decline without sufficient Ancient Clone Vat buildings
No +500 No Clone Army Genetic Crossroads event DLC humanoids species pack
Trait clone soldier descendant Clone Soldier Descendant
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +20% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • Mod army damage mult +20% Army Damage
  • Trait clone soldier descendant Commanders gain the Descendant Clone Army Commander trait
0 +1000 random Clone Army Genetic Crossroads event DLC humanoids species pack
Trait primitive Docile Livestock
  • Mod pop growth req +30% Pop Growth Speed
  • Unity +10% Unity from Jobs
  • Pop resource energy mult −50% Energy from Jobs
  • Research −75% Research from Jobs
  • No Cannot generate Leaders
  • No Cannot be employed in Ruler or Specialist Jobs
  • No Not affected by Happiness
0 0 random Distant Stars Wild Eukaryotes event species Distant Stars
Trait brainslugged Brain Slug Host
  • Research +10% Research from Jobs
  • Unity +10% Unity from Jobs
  • Mod pop growth req −25% Pop Growth Speed
0 0 0% Distant Stars Neural Symbiosis event Distant Stars
Trait uplifted Unlifted
  • Research −60% Research from Jobs
0 −150 0% Distant Stars Enigmatic Cache event Distant Stars
Trait uplifted Somewhat Uplifted
  • Research +10% Research from Jobs
0 +500 0% Distant Stars Enigmatic Cache event Distant Stars
Trait uplifted Uplifted
  • Research +10% Research from Jobs
  • Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain
0 +750 0% Distant Stars Enigmatic Cache event Distant Stars
Trait nuumismatic administration Numistic Administration
  • Trade value +33% Trade Value from Jobs
  • Trade value +33% Trade Value from Living Standards
1 0 0% Flag caravaneer 02 Numistic Order pops MegaCorp
Trait zombie Zombie
  • Upkeep −100% Pop Upkeep
  • Mod pop resource output −25% Resources from Jobs
  • No Not affected by Happiness
  • No Cannot generate Leaders
  • No Cannot be employed in Ruler or Specialist Jobs
  • No Cannot colonize
  • No Cannot reproduce naturally
0 +500 No Necroids
Trait aquatic Aquatic
  • Mod habitability +20% Ocean Habitability
  • Pop housing usage −10% Housing Usage on Ocean Worlds
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Worker Output on Ocean Worlds
  • Mod habitability −20% Dry and Frozen planet Habitability
  • Pop housing usage +30% Housing Usage on Dry and Frozen planets
  • No Cannot change habitability without removing the trait
  • Ap hydrocentric Hydrocentric ascension boosts this trait's effects by 50%
2 0 random Aquatics
Trait stargazer Stargazer
  • Mod habitability +10% Habitability
  • Immigration pull +25% Pop Growth from Immigration
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult −25% Resettlement Cost
0 No No Civic hive stargazers Stargazers civic First Contact
Trait plasmic Plasmic
  • Mod habitability +15% Habitability
  • Mod pop growth req +15% Pop Growth Speed
  • Pop housing usage −15% Pop Housing Usage
0 +2500 random R plasmic core Plasmic Core relic triumph effect Astral Planes
Trait exd Extradimensional
  • Mod habitability +15% Habitability
  • Mod leader age +50% Leader Lifespan
  • Physics Research +0.5 Monthly Physics Research per Pop
  • Mod pop growth req −25% Pop Growth Speed
  • Upkeep +50% Pop Upkeep
0 0 0% Astral Planes Extradimensional species Astral Planes

Cyborg traits[]

Cyborg traits can only be added to species with the Trait cybernetic Cybernetic trait if the empire has the Tradition cybernetics integrated anatomy Integrated Anatomy tradition.

Positive Traits Negative Traits
Trait Effects Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price Trait Effects Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price
Double jointed Double Jointed
  • Pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage
  • Mod pop growth req +15% Pop Growth from Immigration
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult −25% Resettlement Cost
  • Pop resource energy mult +0.3 Energy Upkeep
1 +1500 Bulky Bulky
  • Pop housing usage +10% Pop Housing Usage
  • Mod pop growth req −15% Pop Growth from Immigration
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult +25% Resettlement Cost
–2 –500
Durable Durable
  • Amenities –0.5 Pop Amenities Usage
  • Pop resource energy mult +0.3 Energy Upkeep
1 +750 High maintenance High Maintenance Amenities +0.5 Pop Amenities Usage –2 –150
Efficient processors Efficient Processors
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from Jobs
  • Pop resource energy mult +0.3 Energy Upkeep
2 +500
Enhanced memory Enhanced Memory
  • Upkeep −25% Leader Upkeep
  • Unknown −1 Leader Maximum Negative Traits
  • Pop resource energy mult +0.3 Energy Upkeep
1 +750
Harvesters Harvesters Pop resource food mult +10% Food from Jobs 1 +750
Learning algorithms Learning Algorithms
  • Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain
  • Upkeep −10% Leader Upkeep
  • Unknown −1 Leader Maximum Negative Traits
  • Pop resource energy mult +0.3 Energy Upkeep
1 +1500 Repurposed hardware Neural Limiters
  • Mod leader species exp gain –10% Leader Experience Gain
–2 –250
Logic engines Logic Engines
  • Research +10% Research from Jobs
  • Pop resource energy mult +0.3 Energy Upkeep
1 +750
Loyalty circuits Loyalty Circuits
  • Happiness +10% Happiness
  • Pop resource energy mult +0.3 Energy Upkeep
1 +500
Power drills Power Drills Robot resource output +10% Minerals from Jobs 1 +750
Streamlined protocols Streamlined Protocols
  • Empire sprawl –10% Empire Size from Pops
  • Pop resource energy mult +0.3 Energy Upkeep
1 +750 High bandwidth High Bandwidth Empire sprawl +10% Empire Size from Pops –2 –150
Superconductive Superconductive Pop resource energy mult +10% Energy Credits from Jobs 1 +750
Trading algorithms Trading Algorithms
  • Trade value +25% Trade Value from Jobs
  • Pop resource energy mult +0.3 Energy Upkeep
1 +500
Power intensive Power Intensive Pop resource energy mult +1 Energy Upkeep (Unless Trait voidling Voidling) –1 –250

Biological ascension traits[]

Those advanced traits are made available for genetic modification with the Tradition genetics genetic resequencing Genetic Resequencing tradition. Biological ascension traits are only half as likely as standard traits to be inherited by hybrid species. The Trait exotic metabolism Exotic Metabolism trait also requires the Toxoids Toxoids DLC.

Type Effects Excludes Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price Description
Delicious Delicious
  • Pop resource food mult +2 Food from Livestock
2 +1000 This species has the curious evolutionary adaptation of being highly nutritious when eaten.
Trait felsic Felsic
  • Pop resource minerals mult +2 Minerals from Livestock
2 +1000 This species has been engineered to be especially mineral-rich.
Trait natural machinist Natural Machinist
  • Alloys +10% Alloys from Jobs
  • Consumer goods +10% Consumer Goods from Jobs
2 +2000 This species has been engineered to have an incredible knack at working with machinery.
Nerve Stapled Nerve Stapled
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from Jobs
  • No Cannot be employed in Ruler, Specialist or Complex Drone jobs
  • No Cannot generate Leaders
  • No Not Affected by Happiness
  • No Can't join a faction
3 +1500 Unessential neural pathways relating to self-preservation and free-will are severed, creating a docile and obedient client species.
Trait vat grown Vat-Grown
  • Pop assembly organic +25% Organic Pop Assembly Speed
  • Pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage
  • Mod pop growth req Cannot reproduce naturally
2 +1500 Artificially grown in cloning vats, the natural reproductive abilities of this species have been negatively impacted.
Erudite Erudite
  • Research +20% Resources from researcher category jobs
  • Upkeep −10% Leader Upkeep
  • Unknown −1 Leader Maximum Negative Traits
  • Erudite Erudite Leaders have special traits
4 +2000 Biological engineering has unlocked previously dormant parts of this species' brains, greatly increasing mental acuity.
Fertile Fertile
  • Mod pop growth req +30% Pop Growth Speed
  • Pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage
4 +2000 The natural fecundity of this species has been dramatically enhanced through aggressive physical and behaviorial sculpting.
Robust Robust
  • Mod habitability +30% Habitability
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from Jobs
  • Mod leader age +50 years Leader Lifespan
4 +2000 Bio-Optimized organs with redundant functions have made this species extraordinarily resistant to environmental hazards and disease.
Trait exotic metabolism Exotic Metabolism
  • Mod leader age +50 years Leader Lifespan
  • Exotic gases +0.125% Exotic Gas Upkeep
  • Mod pop growth req +25% Pop Growth Speed
  • Mod habitability +25% Habitability
1 +750 A metabolism based on exotic - and expensive - gases has vastly enhanced this species' abilities.

Leviathan traits[]

Leviathan traits can only be added by empires that researched the Tech leviathan transgenesis Leviathan Transgenesis technology and defeated certain guardians.

Type Effects Excludes Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price Guardians Description
Trait drake scaled Drake-Scaled
  • Mod army health +50% Army health
  • Alloys +0.025 Monthly Alloys per Pop
3 +1000
  • Leviathans Ether Drake
  • Ancient Relics Shard
  • Aquatics Sky Dragon
This species has the genetic material from a stellar dragon spliced into its DNA. As such, they shed scales which can be recycled into useful alloys.
Trait tiyanki Polymelic Pop assembly organic +0.05 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly per Pop 3 +1500 Distant Stars Tiyanki Matriarch This species has added genetic material from the Tiyanki Matriarch into their DNA sequence. This has granted them rapid asexual reproduction, as well as a few unexpected tentacles.
Trait voidling Voidling 3 +1500 Distant Stars Voidspawn This species has the genetic material from the Voidspawn spliced into its DNA. Subsisting off cosmic radiation, they are highly resistant to hostile environments.

Climate preference traits[]

Each organic species has a climate preference trait that determines their base Mod habitability Habitability on the various types of planets, usually that corresponding to the type of their homeworld. Habitability traits can be changed through genetic modification, but a pop can never have more than one Habitability trait. The Habitability of other celestial body types is unaffected by these traits. Habitability cannot be changed if the species has the Trait aquatic Aquatic trait.

Preference Climate Mod habitability 80% Habitability Mod habitability 60% Habitability Mod habitability 20% Habitability
Trait pc arid preference Arid Dry Planet arid Arid
  • Planet desert Desert
  • Planet savannah Savannah
  • Planet alpine Alpine
  • Planet arctic Arctic
  • Planet tundra Tundra
  • Planet continental Continental
  • Planet ocean Ocean
  • Planet tropical Tropical
Trait pc desert preference Desert Dry Planet desert Desert
  • Planet arid Arid
  • Planet savannah Savannah
Trait pc savannah preference Savannah Dry Planet savannah Savannah
  • Planet arid Arid
  • Planet desert Desert
Trait pc alpine preference Alpine Frozen Planet alpine Alpine
  • Planet arctic Arctic
  • Planet tundra Tundra
  • Planet arid Arid
  • Planet desert Desert
  • Planet savannah Savannah
  • Planet continental Continental
  • Planet ocean Ocean
  • Planet tropical Tropical
Trait pc arctic preference Arctic Frozen Planet arctic Arctic
  • Planet alpine Alpine
  • Planet tundra Tundra
Trait pc tundra preference Tundra Frozen Planet tundra Tundra
  • Planet alpine Alpine
  • Planet arctic Arctic
Trait pc continental preference Continental Wet Planet continental Continental
  • Planet ocean Ocean
  • Planet tropical Tropical
  • Planet arid Arid
  • Planet desert Desert
  • Planet savannah Savannah
  • Planet alpine Alpine
  • Planet arctic Arctic
  • Planet tundra Tundra
Trait pc ocean preference Ocean Wet Planet ocean Ocean
  • Planet continental Continental
  • linkTropical Tropical
Trait pc tropical preference Tropical Wet Planet tropical Tropical
  • Planet continental Continental
  • Planet ocean Ocean

Exotic climate preferences[]

Exotic climate preferences can only be obtained through Origins, conquest of a unique species, the A New Species event on a matching celestial body or when the R omnicodex Omnicodex relic creates a species on a matching celestial body.

Preference Mod habitability Habitability
on native climate
Mod habitability Habitability
on regular planets
Sources other than the Omnicodex and A New Species event
Trait pc nuked preference Tomb World Preference 80% Planet nuked Tomb World 60% Pre-FTL or pre-sapient species inhabiting a Tomb World
Horizon Signal event
Trait pc gaia preference Gaia World Preference 100% Planet gaia Gaia World 0% Primitive or pre-sapient species inhabiting a Gaia World
Origins life seeded Life-Seeded Origin
Decision resort colony Baol pops created by the Nu-Baol Life Seeding decision
Unknown The Unexpected Mutations Terraforming event
Trait pc ring preference Ring World Preference 100% Planet ringworld Ring World 0% Origins shattered ring Shattered Ring Origin
Sanctuary pre-FTL civilizations
Trait pc habitat preference Habitat Preference 100% Planet habitat Habitat 0% Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers Origin
Apocalypse Marauder pops
Enclave pops
Trait pc hive preference Hive World Preference 100% Planet infested Hive World 0%
Trait pc machine preference Machine World Preference 100% Planet ai Machine World 0%
Trait pc city preference Ecumenopolis Preference 80% Planet city Ecumenopolis 0%
Trait pc relic preference Relic World Preference 80% Planet nuked Relic World 0%

Robot traits[]

All robot species have either the Mechanical Mechanical or the Machine species Machine trait. Mechanical Mechanical Pops can exist within Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empires via conquest but Machine species Machine Pops cannot exist outside Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empires. All such species can then be given new traits through Robomodding once the Tech robomodding Machine Template System technology is researched, a few of them being restricted to Mechanical Mechanical or Machine species Machine species. Robotic traits can be both positive and negative, which are mutually exclusive with each other, and both of them can be added and removed at will once the technology to enable Robomodding becomes available.

Empires that are not Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence must research higher tiers of robot technologies before they can add some of the more powerful traits to Mechanical Mechanical Pops.

Positive Traits Negative Traits Requirements
Trait Effect Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price Trait Effect Trait Point Mod country slave market cost mult Slave Price
Machine unit Machine
  • No Not affected by Happiness
  • Mod habitability +200% Habitability
  • Mod leader age Immortal Leaders
0 0 Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Trait mechanical Mechanical
  • No Not affected by Happiness unless the Artificial Intelligence policy is not set to Outlawed
  • Mod habitability +200% Habitability
  • Mod leader age Immortal Leaders
  • Tech synthetic leaders Cannot generate Leaders without the Synthetic Personality Matrix technology
0 0 Tech robotic workers Robotic Workers
Domestic protocols Domestic Protocols
  • Job servant Can be employed in Servant jobs if under AI Servitude
  • Amenities +20% Amenities from Jobs
2 +750
Double jointed Double Jointed Pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage 1 +750 Bulky Bulky Pop housing usage +10% Pop Housing Usage –1 –150
Durable Durable Mod pop robot upkeep mult –10% Robot Upkeep 1 +750 High maintenance High Maintenance Mod pop robot upkeep mult +10% Robot Upkeep –1 –150
Efficient processors Efficient Processors Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from Jobs 3 +500
Emotion emulators Emotion Emulators Amenities +20% Amenities from Jobs 1 +750 Uncanny Uncanny Amenities −20% Amenities from Jobs –1 –150 Machine species Machine
Enhanced memory Enhanced Memory
  • Leader skill levels −25% Leader Upkeep
  • Unknown −1 Leader Maximum Negative Traits
2 +750 Tech synthetic leaders Synthetic Personality Matrix
Harvesters Harvesters Pop resource food mult +15% Food from Jobs 2 +750
Learning algorithms Learning Algorithms Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain 1 +750 Repurposed hardware Repurposed Hardware Mod leader species exp gain –10% Leader Experience Gain –1 –150 Tech synthetic leaders Synthetic Personality Matrix
Logic engines Logic Engines Research +10% Research from Jobs 2 +750 Droids Droids
Loyalty circuits Loyalty Circuits Happiness +10% Happiness 2 +500
Mass produced Mass-Produced Pop assembly speed +15% Pop Assembly Speed 1 +1500 Custom made Custom-Made Pop assembly speed –15% Pop Assembly Speed –1 –200
Power drills Power Drills Robot resource output +15% Minerals from Jobs 2 +750
Propaganda machines Propaganda Machines Unity +15% Unity from Jobs 1 +750 Mechanical Mechanical
Recycled Recycled Cost –20% Pop Assembly Cost 2 +1500 Luxurious Luxurious Cost +20% Pop Assembly Cost –2 –200
Streamlined protocols Streamlined Protocols Empire sprawl –10% Empire Size from Pops 2 +750 High bandwidth High Bandwidth Empire sprawl +10% Empire Size from Pops –2 –150
Superconductive Superconductive Pop resource energy mult +15% Energy Credits from Jobs 2 +750
Trading algorithms Trading Algorithms Trade value +25% Trade Value from Jobs 2 +500


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs