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Society Management

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Stellaris 3.12 Traditions Tier List-2


Stellaris 3.8 Traditions Tier List-2


Stellaris Traditions Tier List

Traditions represent the socio-cultural evolution of an empire as it expands and develops and consist of abilities, edicts, or bonuses unlocked with the Unity unity resource. Traditions are a key mechanic for tailoring the playstyle of an empire by allowing the player to reinforce the empire's strengths or lessen its weaknesses. Completing a tradition tree unlocks a slot for an Ap slot available ascension perk, which provides even further enhancements.

Tradition cost[]

The cost of unlocking a tradition depends on how many traditions the empire has already unlocked, as well as the Empire sprawl empire size cost. The tradition cost formula is the following:

"Tech/tradition cost" refers to the game setting. "Empire size effect" is a modifier to the effect of empire size on its associated penalties, including tradition cost; it is affected by certain authorities. The adoption and finisher effects both count as traditions in their own right, so starting a group counts as one tradition, and unlocking the last tradition in a group counts as two.

Several of these parameters are controlled by defines.[1]

Tradition trees[]

Traditions are grouped into tradition trees with 5 traditions each, as well as a bonus for adopting the tradition tree and one for finishing it. Each empire can select up to 7 tradition trees.


The Discovery tradition tree focuses on exploration and research and is available to all empires.

  • Anomaly research speed +20% Anomaly Research Speed
  • Menu icon edicts Unlocks the Map The Stars edict
  • Agenda Unlocks the Chart the Unknown agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
To Boldly Go
  • Mod ship science survey speed +35% Survey Speed
  • Mod ship disengagement +50% Science Ship Disengage Chance
Science Division
  • Mod num tech alternatives add +1 Research Alternatives
  • Scientist +1 Scientist Capacity
  • Leader skill levels +1 Scientist Starting Skill Levels
Database Uplinks
  • Research +20% Research Station Output
  • Research +20% Research from Starbase Buildings
  • Menu icon edicts Unlocks the Research Subsidies edict
Polytechnic Education
  • Mod country leader pool size +1 Leader Pool Size
  • Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain
Faith in Science
  • Upkeep −20% Researcher Upkeep
  • Mod country all tech research speed +10% Research speed
  • Federation research Can create Research Cooperative federations if Federations Federations DLC is installed
  • Specialist tier scholarium 3 on Scholarium tier 3: Research +1000 Research points in Research Caches


The Domination tradition tree focuses on better managing planets and is available to all empires.

Colonial Viceroys
  • Influence +0.5 Monthly Influence
  • Governor +1 Official Capacity
  • Leader skill levels +1 Official Starting Skill Levels
Imperious Architecture Judgment Corps
Privy Council
  • Mod leader species exp gain +20% Councilor Experience Gain
  • Mod country edict cap add +50 Edict fund
Workplace Motivators
  • Non-Gestalt Non-Gestalt:
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Worker and Slave Output
  • Menu icon edicts Unlocks the Extended Shifts edict
  • Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness:
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Menial Drone Output
  • Menu icon edicts Unlocks the Drone Overdrive edict
  • Empire sprawl −10% Empire Size from Pops
  • Federation hegemony Can create Hegemony federations if Federations Federations DLC is installed


The Expansion tradition tree focuses on the expansion of territory and colonies and is available to all empires.

  • Mod planet colony development speed +25% Colony Development Speed
  • Agenda Unlocks the Superior Colonies agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Reach for the Stars
  • Mod country starbase influence cost mult −10% Starbase Influence Cost
Colonization Fever
  • Extra pops when establishing colony +1 Extra pops when establishing colony
Courier Network
  • Empire sprawl −25% Empire Size from Systems and Colonies
Galactic Ambition
  • Spaceport 1 −20% Starbase Upkeep
A New Life
Max districts +1 Max Districts on non-artificial planets if not Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers


The Prosperity tradition tree focuses on various empire-wide bonuses and is available to all empires.

  • Minerals +20% Mining Station Output
  • Agenda Unlocks the Favored Society agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Administrative Operations
  • Upkeep −10% Building and District Upkeep
Standard Construction Templates
  • Mod planet building cost mult −10% Building and District Build Cost
  • Mod planet building build speed mult +25% Planet Build Speed
The Pursuit of Profit
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Specialist and Complex Drone Output
Interstellar Franchising
  • Upkeep −5% Upkeep from Jobs
Public Works Division
  • No Not Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers:
  • Housing +1 Housing per City / Hive / Nexus District
  • Housing +5 Housing per City / Hive / Nexus Segment
  • Housing +3 Housing per Residential Arcology
  • Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers:
  • Housing +1 Housing per Habitation District
  • Mod planet max districts add +1 Max Districts on Habitats
Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from Jobs


The Supremacy tradition tree focuses on fleets and armies and is available to all empires.

  • Mod navy size add +20 Naval Capacity
  • Mod army damage mult +20% Army Damage
  • Agenda Unlocks the Military Backup agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Master Shipwrights
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −10% Ship Build Cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult +25% Ship Build Speed
Fleet Logistics Corps
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −10% Ship Upkeep
  • Mod navy size add +20% Naval Capacity
Overwhelming Force
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Ship Fire Rate
  • Orbital bombardment damage +20% Orbital Bombardment Damage
War Games
  • Mod country command limit add +20 Fleet command limit
  • Admiral +1 Commander Capacity
  • Leader skill levels +1 Commander Starting Skill Levels
The Great Game
  • Damage +20% Damage against Starbases
  • Policies Unlocks War Doctrine policies
  • Supremacist Unlocks the Supremacist diplomatic stance


The Diplomacy tradition tree focuses on improving the benefits an empire can gain through diplomacy and is not available to empires with the Civic inwards perfection Inward Perfection or Civic devouring swarm Devouring Swarm civics.

  • Influence −50% Diplomatic Influence Cost
  • Menu icon edicts Unlocks the Diplomatic Grants edict
  • Agenda Unlocks the Build Relations agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
The Federation
  • Diplomacy federation Can create Federations
  • Available envoys +1 Available envoys
Diplomatic Networking
  • Unity +3 Unity per Embassy
  • Diplomacy alliance Allows advanced diplomatic actions without an Embassy
Entente Coordination
  • Mod navy size add +100% Federation Naval Capacity Contribution
Direct Diplomacy
  • Trust cap +50 Trust Cap
  • Trust growth +33% Trust Growth
Eminent Diplomats
  • Diplomacy alliance +5 Diplomatic Acceptance
  • Trade cat favor 1% Monthly chance to gain a Favor per Improve Relations action
Mod diplo weight mult +10% Diplomatic Weight
Available envoys +1 Available envoys


The Adaptability tradition tree focuses on using planets more efficiently and is not available to Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empires.

  • Pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage
  • Agenda Unlocks the Conquer Nature agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Enhanced recycling
  • Menu icon strategic resource −10% Building and District strategic resource cost and upkeep
Environmental Diversification
  • Mod habitability +10% Habitability
Survival of the Fittest
  • Orbital bombardment damage −25% Orbital bombardment damage
  • Mod army damage mult +25% Defense Army Damage
Adaptive Ecology
  • Mod planet max buildings add +1 Building slots for all planets
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult −33% Resettlement Cost
Decision prospect Unlocks Planetary Prospecting Decision if not Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers


The Harmony tradition tree focuses on better managing the empire and is not available to Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires.

  • Upkeep −10% Pop Upkeep
  • Agenda Unlocks the Inner Stability agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Mind and Body Kinship The Greater Good
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +25% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • Mod planet crime add −10 Crime
Harmonious Directives
  • Mod country edict cap add +50 Edict fund
Utopian Dream
  • Mod planet stability add +5 Stability
  • Feature +25% Planetary Ascension Effect
  • Federation spiritualist Can create Holy Covenant federations if Federations Federations DLC is installed


The Mercantile tradition tree focuses on trade and is not available to Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires.

  • Mod country local trade protection add +5 Trade protection
  • Mod starbase trade collection range add +1 Collection range
  • Agenda Unlocks the Open Markets agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Trickle Up Economics
  • Trade value +1 Trade Value per Clerk
  • Amenities +1 Amenities per Clerk
Adaptive Economic Policies
Commercial Enterprise
  • Amenities +2 Amenities per Trader
  • Job overlord trader +1 Trader job per Commercial Zones
  • Job overlord trader +2 Trader jobs per Commercial Megaplexes
Marketplace of Better Ideas
  • Mod trade value mult +10% Trade Value
Insider Trading
  • Menu icon market −10% Market Fee
  • Mod trade value mult +10% Trade Value
  • Federation trade Can create Trade League federations if Federations Federations DLC is installed


The Unyielding tradition tree focuses on defense and is available to all empires.

  • Mod country starbase capacity add +2 Starbase capacity
  • Mod starbase upgrade time mult +50% Starbase Upgrade Speed
  • Agenda Unlocks the Impenetrable Border agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Resistance is Frugal
  • Mod army health +25% Defense Army Health
  • Unity +0.5 Unity per Defense Army
Defensive Zeal
  • Health +33% Starbase Health
  • Damage +33% Starbase Damage
  • Defense platform damage +33% Defense platform damage
  • Defense platform hull points +33% Defense platform hull points
Never Surrender
  • Orbital bombardment damage −25% Orbital Bombardment Damage Received
  • Mod country war exhaustion −25% War exhaustion gain
  • Hostile claim influence cost +25% Hostile claim influence cost
Fortress Doctrine
  • Mod country starbase capacity add +2 Starbase capacity
  • Mod country spaceport cost mult −50% Starbase Upgrade Cost
  • OperationButton difficultyIcon +4 Hostile Operation Difficulty for Sabotage Starbase
Bulwark of Harmony
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Ship Fire Rate within the empire's borders
  • Mod ship build speed mult +33% Ship Build Speed while in a defensive war
  • Defense platform cap +50% Defense platform cap
  • Upkeep −20% Starbase Upkeep
  • Federation military Can create Martial Alliance federations if Federations Federations DLC is installed
  • Specialist tier bulwark 3 on Bulwark tier 3: Mod ship hull regen −0.5 Hostile Ship Daily Hull Regen in owned systems


The Synchronicity tradition tree focuses on better managing the empire and is only available to Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires.

  • Upkeep −10% Pop Upkeep
  • Agenda Unlocks the Revision agendas
Self-Preservation Protocols/Cloned Organs Synchronized Agents Integrated Preservation/Instinctive Synchronization
Flexible Governing Algorithms/Flexible Thought Routines
  • Mod country edict cap add +50 Edict fund
Collective Reasoning
  • Mod planet stability add +5 Stability
Feature +25% Planetary Ascension Effect


The Versatility tradition tree focuses on various empire-wide bonuses and is only available to Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empires.

  • Cost −10% Pop Assembly Cost
  • Agenda Unlocks the Self Maintenance agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Universal Compatibility
  • Trust cap +50 Trust Cap from Machine Intelligence empires
  • Available envoys +1 Available envoys
Spatial Optimization
  • Mod pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage
Adaptive Programming
  • Menu icon market −10% Market Fee
Material Analysis
  • Upkeep −5% Upkeep from Jobs
Operational Proxies
  • Mod pop resettlement cost mult +1 Unity production to Maintenance Drones.
Amenities +2 Amenities per Maintenance Drone


The Enmity tradition tree focuses on facing rivals and is not available to Civic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal, Civic inwards perfection Inwards Perfection or Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator empires.

  • Mod pop growth req +3% Pop Growth per neighboring Rival
  • Pop assembly speed +3% Pop Assembly per neighboring Rival
  • Agenda Unlocks the Second Strike agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Rise to the Occasion
  • Menu icon leaders +0.5 Leader Capacity for each class per Rival
  • Economic Power is Inferior or Pathetic towards a Rival:
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Worker and Menial Drone Output
  • Fleet Power is Inferior or Pathetic towards a Rival:
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −10% Ship Build Cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult +10% Ship Build Speed
  • Technology Level is Inferior or Pathetic towards a Rival:
  • Upkeep −15% Researcher Upkeep
  • Mod planet building build speed mult Research buildings are built instantly
Consummate Contrarian
  • Diplomatic weight +50% Diplomatic Weight When Opposing Resolutions
  • Damage +15% Damage to Rivals
  • Research +2% Research per Rival for 10 years after winning a war with the Animosity casus belli
  • Unity +2% Unity per Rival for 10 years after winning a war with the Animosity casus belli
  • Available envoys +1 Available envoys
  • Diplomatic stance rest Unlocks the Antagonistic diplomatic stance


The Subterfuge tradition tree focuses on espionage and counterespionage and is available to all empires.

  • Intel decryption +1 Codebreaking
  • Unknown Cloaking and Detection technologies appear 5 times more often
  • Agenda Unlocks the Uncover Secrets agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Information Security
  • Intel encryption +1 Encryption
  • Mod ship evasion mult +5 Chance to Evade
Operational Security
  • Intel decryption +1 Codebreaking
  • OperationButton difficultyIcon +1 Operation Skill
  • Mod ship tracking add +10 Tracking
Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • OperationButton difficultyIcon +1 Hostile Operation Difficulty
  • Spy network +20% Hostile Operation Infiltration Required
Double Agents
  • Intel +10 Intel per failed Hostile Operation
  • Envoy +1 Available Envoys
  • Spy network +10 Maximum Infiltration Level
Shadow Recruits
  • Spy network +50% Infiltration Speed
  • Spy network 50% Infiltration Level refund for successful Operations
  • Fleet cloaked +1 Cloaking Strength


The Aptitude tradition tree focuses on leaders and is available to all empires.

  • Unknown +1 Additional Leader Trait Options
  • Agenda Unlocks the Leadership Conditioning agenda
The Empire Needs You
  • Mod leader influence cost −25% Leader Cost
Specialist Training
  • Mod country leader pool size +1 Leader Pool Size
Psychological Profiling
  • Upkeep −25% Leader Upkeep
Healthcare Program
  • Unknown −1 Leader Maximum Negative Traits
Champions of the Empire
  • Leader skill levels +1 Leader Starting Skill Levels
  • Menu icon leaders +1 Leader Capacity for each class


The Statecraft tradition tree focuses on the government council and is available to all empires.

  • Mod country edict cap add +50 Edict Fund
  • Agenda Unlocks the Departmental Efficiency agenda
Constitutional Focus
  • Time +25% Councilor Agenda Speed
Amongst Peers
  • Mod leader species exp gain +150 Councilor Experience per Skill Level per launched agenda
Inspiring Agendas
  • Agenda Unlocks the Rightful Claims agenda
  • Agenda Unlocks the Oppose the Fallen agenda
Shared Benefits
  • Leader skill levels +1 Effective Councilor Skill
Immutable Directives
  • Time +25% Council Agenda Effect Duration
  • Empire sprawl −5% Empire Size


The Politics tradition tree focuses on power in the GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community and is only available after the Galactic Community has been formed. It is not available to Civic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator genocidal empires.

  • Envoy +1 Envoy
  • Influence +0.1 Monthly influence per Skill Level of official assigned to the Galactic Community
  • Agenda Unlocks the Pioneer Politics agenda if Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Quid Pro Quo
  • When a resolution passes with this empire's support, Trade cat favor +1 Favor with empire who proposed it
  • Influence −25% Resolution Propose Cost
  • Influence −25% Resolution Veto Cost
  • Mod diplo weight mult +2.5% Diplomatic Weight per Skill Level of official assigned to the Galactic Community
National Agenda
  • Unity Whenever a resolution proposed by this empire passes, gain Unity 18x unity output (250 ~ 1 000 000)
Persistent Petitioners
  • Whenever another empire's resolution passes, Mod diplo weight mult +25% Diplomatic Weight until a resolution proposed by this empire passes.
Extraordinary Powers
  • Time −25% Veto Cooldown
  • Time −25% Emergency Measures Cooldown

Ascension tradition trees[]

Ascension tradition trees require a specific technology and one of the Ascension path perks (or Origins teachers of the shroud Teachers of the Shroud). As such they are all mutually exclusive.


The Synthetic tradition tree requires either the Ap synthetic evolution Synthetic Evolution ascension perk and Tech synthetic leaders Synthetic Personality Matrix technology or the Ap synthetic age Synthetic Age ascension perk and Tech robomodding Machine Template System technology.

Maintenance Protocols
  • Amenities −10% Robotic pop amenities usage
Synthetic Age
Optimization Algorithms
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Robot output
Prefabricated Components
  • Mod country modify species cost mult −50% Modify Species special project cost
Solid-State Actuators
  • Trait Point +2 Robot modification points


The Cybernetic tradition tree requires either the Ap the flesh is weak The Flesh is Weak or the Ap the flesh is weak Organo-Machine Interfacing ascension perk and the Tech integrated cybernetics Integrated Cybernetics technology. Its traditions can only be unlocked after the special project unlocked by adopting the tree is completed.

Transubstantiation Synthesis/Inevitable Assimilation
Metabolic Reprocessing Integrated Anatomy
Assembly Standards/Crucible Worlds
  • Non-Gestalt Non-Gestalt: Policies Unlocks the Assembly Standards policy
  • Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator: Decision default Unlocks the Create Crucible World decision
  • Auth hive mind Hive Mind: Empire sprawl −50% Empire Size from Districts
Modular Cybernetics
  • Mod country modify species cost mult −50% Modify Species special project cost
  • Non-Gestalt Non-Gestalt: Trait Point Robot modification points apply to biological pops as well
  • Auth hive mind Hive Mind: Job organic battery +2 Augumentation Drone jobs from Spawning Pools
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Resources from Trait cybernetic Cybernetic pops
  • Trait Point +1 Organic species trait picks


The Genetic tradition tree requires the Ap engineered evolution Engineered Evolution ascension perk and the Tech gene tailoring Gene Tailoring technology.

Genetic Resequencing
  • Feature Genetic modification can remove positive and overtuned traits
  • Feature Genetic modification can add negative traits
Stem Cell Stimulation
  • Pop assembly organic +1.5 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly from Clone Vats buildings
Engineered Genesis Retroviral Manipulation
  • Mod country modify species cost mult −50% Modify Species special project cost
Allelic Expression
  • Trait Point +1 Organic species trait picks
  • Feature Genetic modification can change species portrait


The Psionic tradition tree requires either the Ap mind over matter Mind Over Matter ascension perk or the Origins teachers of the shroud Teachers of the Shroud origin and the Tech psionic theory Psionic Theory technology.

  • Agenda Unlocks the Psionic Supremacy agenda
  • Trait latent psionic species All pops gain the Latent Psionic trait
  • Tech telepathy Adds the Telepathy technology as a research option if Origins teachers of the shroud Teachers of the Shroud
  • Building Unlocks the Psi Corps building
  • Orbitalring psi corps Unlocks the Psi Corps orbital ring building
  • Tech thought enforcement Adds the Thought Enforcement technology as a research option
Mind Readers
  • Intel +10 Base Intel Level
  • Menu icon edicts Unlocks the Sight Beyond Sight edict
Great Awakening
  • Trait psionic species Main species replaces the Latent Psionic trait with Psionic
  • Pop cat assimilation Unlocks Psionic assimilation
Breach the Shroud
  • Feature Unlocks a special project to enter the Shroud
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Resouces from Psionic pops from each Telepath job
Shrouded Communications
  • Intel decryption +2 Codebreaking
  • Intel encryption +2 Encryption
  • Mod country edict cost −10% Edict upkeep
  • Mod shroud unavailable −20% Shroud delve cooldown
  • Feature Can confirm an established Covenant

Stellaris 3.12 Ascension Perks Tier List-2

Ascension perks[]

Finishing an entire tradition tree or acquiring the Tech ascension theory Ascension Theory technology unlocks an ascension perk slot. Ascension perks represent the empire's greater-scope ambitions and, in the case of the ascension paths, its ultimate fate.

Ascension perks often favor either a tall or wide gameplay, with some that allow access to gameplay mechanics not available through traditions alone. This includes the ascension paths, the ability to build advanced deep-space megastructures, the ability to use terraforming to create special planets, and becoming a Galactic Nemesis. An empire can have up to 8 Ascension perks.

Tier 0 ascension perks can be taken from the start. Tier 1 perks require 1 previous ascension perk to be taken, tier 2 perks require 2 previous ascension perks, and tier 3 perks require 3 previous ascension perks. The higher the AI weight, the more likely an AI empire will select that ascension perk.

Ascension perk Tier Effects Prerequisites AI weight DLC
Ap arcane tech Archaeo-Engineers 0
  • Scientist +1 Scientist Capacity
  • Damage +33% Archaeotech Weapon Damage
  • Minor artifacts −10% Minor Artifact Ship Cost
  • Researcher +2 Jobs from Faculty of Archaeostudies building
  • Shield +60% Shields from Ancient Suspension Field components
  • Shield +100% Shields from Ancient Pulse Armor components
  • Armor +5% Armor from Ancient Rampart starbase modules
  • Armor +10% Armor Hardening from Ancient Rampart starbase modules
  • Spaceport 1 +33% Effects from Starbase buildings unlocked by Archaeostudies
Archaeostudies Archaeostudies technology 4.5 Ancient Relics
Ap consecrated worlds Consecrated Worlds 0 Decision consecrated worlds Consecrate World decision SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist 10
Ap detox Detox 0 Tech climate restoration Can terraform worlds with the Toxic Terraforming Candidate modifier Tech climate restoration Climate Restoration technology 20 Toxoids
Ap eternal vigilance Eternal Vigilance 0
  • Admiral +1 Commander Capacity
  • Health +25% Starbase Hull Points
  • Damage +25% Starbase Damage
  • Defense platform damage +25% Defense platform damage
  • Defense platform cap +5 Defense platform cap
Star Fortress Star Fortress technology 10
Ap executive vigor Executive Vigor 0 Mod country edict cap add +100 Edict fund 30
Ap galactic wonders Galactic Wonders 0 10
  • Utopia
  • MegaCorp
Ap hydrocentric Hydrocentric 0
  • Mod country terraforming cost −25% Ocean Terraforming Cost
  • Sb ice mining station Can construct Ice Mining Station starbase buildings
  • Tech climate restoration Can terraform worlds with the Frozen Terraforming Candidate modifier
  • Trait aquatic 50% increased effects of the Aquatic trait
  • Ship part deluge Unlocks the Deluge Machine colossus weapon
40 Aquatics
Ap imperial prerogative Imperial Prerogative 0 10
Ap interstellar dominion Interstellar Dominion 0 10
Ap lord of war Lord of War 0
  • Fleet action button turn into merc +1 Mercenary Enclave Capacity
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power +25% Diplomatic Weight from Fleet Power
  • Time −2.5 Months Dividend Wait Time if patron of a Mercenary Enclave
5 Overlord
Ap mastery of nature Mastery of Nature 0 10
  • x0 if Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers
  • x0.5 if chose 1 ascension perk
  • x0.1 if chose 2 ascension perks
  • x2 if below 8 planets
Ap mechromancy Mechromancy 0
  • Large +15% L Slot Weapon Damage
  • Extra large +15% XL Slot Weapon Damage
  • Titan +15% T Slot Weapon Damage
  • Feature Defeated organic guardians can be resurrected
  • Trait zombie 33% chance to resurrect each purged pop as Cyborg Zombie
Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence 10 Necroids
Ap nihilistic acquisition Nihilistic Acquisition 0 Raiding bombardment Unlocks the Raiding bombardment stance 10 Apocalypse
Ap one vision One Vision 0 NoAuth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence 10
Ap shared destiny Shared Destiny 0 5
Ap technological ascendancy Technological Ascendancy 0 30
Ap transcendent learning Transcendent Learning 0 10
Ap universal transactions Universal Transactions 0 Auth corporate Corporate 10 MegaCorp
Ap voidborn Voidborne 0
  • Cost −20% Habitat Build Cost
  • Mod planet max buildings add +0.25 Building Slots from Non-Urban Habitat Districts
  • Mod planet max districts add +2 Habitat Max Districts
  • Pop job +1 Jobs from Habitat Districts
  • Building Can upgrade housing buildings on Habitats
  • Voidcraft Can always research the next tier of Habitat technology
Tech habitat Orbital Habitats technology
NoOrigin void dwellers Void Dwellers
10 Utopia
Ap xeno compatibility Xeno-Compatibility 0 10 MegaCorp
Ap enigmatic engineering Enigmatic Engineering 1
  • Fleet cloaked +2 Cloaking Strength
  • Encryption +2 Encryption
  • Feature Destroyed ships don't leave debris
  • Feature Enemy Steal Technology operations fail
2 Apocalypse
Ap grasp the void Grasp the Void 1 3
Ap world shaper World Shaper 1 5
Ap arcology project Arcology Project 2 Decision arcology project Arcology Project decision 10 MegaCorp
Ap become the crisis Become the Crisis 2 Menace Unlocks Menace and the Crisis tab 7.5 Nemesis
Ap galactic force projection Galactic Force Projection 2 10
Ap hive worlds Hive Worlds 2 Planet infested Hive World terraforming option 20 Utopia
Ap machine worlds Machine Worlds 2 Planet ai Machine World terraforming option 20 Synthetic Dawn
Ap master builders Master Builders 2 10 Utopia
Ap colossus project Colossus Project 3
  • Ship Colossus ship type
  • World destroyer Colossus Project Special Project
Titans Titans technology 10 Apocalypse
Ap defender of the galaxy Defender of the Galaxy 3
  • Damage +50% Damage to endgame crisis factions
  • Diplomacy opinion +200 Opinion from all regular empires
  • x0 if no crisis happened unless XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile, Custodian or Galactic Emperor
Ap galactic contender Galactic Contender 3 Yes Communications with a fallen or awakened empire 10
  • x0 if bordering an Awakened Empire
  • x2 if an Awakened Empire exists

Ascension paths[]

Ascension paths are special tier 2 ascension perks that will unlock a tradition tree and an agenda with the same name that will unlock technologies required to advance through them. Each empire can take only one ascension path perk and only if fewer than 7 tradition trees have been taken. Empires with the Origins teachers of the shroud Teachers of the Shroud origin are locked into the Psionic ascension and cannot take any of these perks.

Ascension perk Prerequisites Tradition tree AI weight Description DLC
Ap engineered evolution Engineered Evolution Genetics Genetic 15 To leave our genetic destiny in the hands of nature is an inefficient and excruciatingly slow process. Why not jump-start the future of our species? Utopia
Ap mind over matter Mind over Matter Psionics Psionic 100 Only a fraction of the potential contained within our minds has been unlocked. The latent psionic abilities of our species are only now beginning to manifest in certain individuals. Utopia
Ap the flesh is weak The Flesh is Weak Cybernetics Cybernetic 20 The limits and constraints imposed on us by our feeble organic bodies are simply unacceptable. To reach our full potential, we must turn to cybernetic implants. Utopia
Ap the flesh is weak Organo-Machine Interfacing Cybernetics Cybernetic 20
  • x0 if below 10 worlds
The limits and constraints imposed on us by our creators are simply unacceptable. To reach our full potential, we must turn to cybernetic implants. Utopia
Ap synthetic evolution Synthetic Evolution Synthetics Synthetic 20 It is time to abandon the flawed organic vessels that imprison our minds. By transferring our neural patterns into synthetic bodies, we will achieve a higher state of being. Utopia
Ap synthetic age Synthetic Age Synthetics Synthetic 20
  • x0 if below 10 worlds
The age of organics has come and gone, the future of the galaxy belongs to the machines. This is the dawn of a synthetic age. Synthetic Dawn


  1. Specifically:
    • The base cost of 300 is controlled by TRADITION_COST_AMOUNTS
    • The cost per tradition of 8 is controlled by TRADITION_COST_TRADITION
    • The exponent of 1.8 is controlled by TRADITION_COST_TRADITION_EXP
    • The empire size threshold below which no penalties apply (100 in the above formula) is controlled by EMPIRE_SIZE_BASE (this also affects technology cost)
    • The magnitude of the effect of empire size (0.002 in the above formula) is controlled by EMPIRE_SIZE_COST_TRADITION_PENALTY
    • The full formula also contains a multiplier term for number of tradition groups unlocked (). The multiplier of 0 is controlled by TRADITION_COST_MULT_TRADITION_GROUP.
  2. Specifically, DLC plantoids species pack Plantoids, Lithoids Lithoids, Leviathans Leviathans, Distant Stars Distant Stars, Ancient Relics Ancient Relics, or Aquatics Aquatics
Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs