Stellaris Wiki


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This article is for the PC version of Stellaris only.

Once the Mid-Game year has been reached empires with the Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles origin will be given a unique event chain.

The Cost of Freedom

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Evt civil action

We are a people of many worlds, and over time we have learned the value of diversity. However, negotiating the dynamics of several different cultures - not to mention the physical needs of completely distinct species - has not been easy. Our differences run deep, and while we have managed to navigate the shifting political landscape up to now, the divisions inherent in our society have grown impossible to ignore.

Many are now calling for a special committee to be formed to moderate the calls for reform.

Trigger conditions: Is triggered only by:

Reaching the Mid-Game year

Event button on
A useless waste of resources.
Event button on
Form the committee.
  • Issue Special Project: The Cost of Freedom
  • People's Committee modifier added, giving the following effects:

Growing Polarization

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Evt civil action

Popular media is awash with reports about the supposed failure of inter-species integration. Of particular concern is the cost of supporting certain populations on worlds their xenotype never evolved to inhabit. As tensions continue to rise, security forces have reported an alarming increase in inter-species conflict.

Trigger conditions:
  • The Cost of Freedom
  • Freedom's Price modifier
Mean time to happen:

Time 1 year

Event button on
Instruct the media to tone down their rhetoric.
  • Freedom's Price modifier removed
  • State Sanctioned Media modifier added, giving the following effects:
    • Amenities Pop Amenities Usage +10%
    • Unity Unity from Jobs +15%
    • Authoritarian Authoritarian Ethics Attraction +20%
Event button on
We will not place limits on freedom of speech.

Findings of the Special Committee

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Evt civil action

The special committee has published the findings of an exhaustive study of the political divisions within our society. They have identified three main issues driving political polarization within [empire name]:

1. The unequal costs associated with providing a minimum standard of living to diverse xenotypes.

2. The discordant belief systems and behaviors between several distinct culture groups.

3. The nature of our political authority as being in conflict with (or even antithetical to) the values of certain species.

Trigger conditions:
  • The Cost of Freedom
Is triggered only by:

Finishing the The Cost of Freedom special project

Event button on
Prioritize Equality.
  • Energy: Energy Credits −5000
  • The Cost of Equity modifier added, giving the following effects:
    • Authoritarian Authoritarian Ethics Attraction +15%
    • Society research Monthly Society Research −15%
    • Unity Unity from Jobs −10%
Event button on
Promote cultural exchange.
  • Energy: Energy Credits −5000
  • The Cost of Culture modifier added, giving the following effects:
Event button on
Foster political engagement.
  • Energy: Energy Credits −5000
  • The Cost of Politics modifier added, giving the following effects:
    • Authoritarian Authoritarian Ethics Attraction +15%
    • Society research Monthly Society Research −15%
    • Upkeep Pop Upkeep +25%
Event button on
These issues are interconnected.
  • Energy: Energy Credits −5000
  • Unity: Unity −3000
  • Interconnected Costs modifier added, giving the following effects: Unity Monthly Unity −20%
Event button on
It is cheaper to reign in the media.

A Culture of Division

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Evt news room

Governmental oversight may have helped to tone down the political discourse, but it has done little to combat the divisions in society. Community leaders continue to sow discord between various species and culture groups. Based on the kind of material being published on the information net, the problem is certain to get worse before it gets better.

Trigger conditions:
  • Growing Polarization
Mean time to happen:

Time 1.5 years

Event button on
We need to address the root causes of this issue.
  • Energy: Energy Credits −7000
  • Unity: Unity −5000
  • Freedom's Price modifier removed if present
  • State Sanctioned Media modifier removed if present
  • Better Late Than Never modifier added, giving the following effects:
    • Amenities Pop Amenities Usage +10%
    • Society research Monthly Society Research −15%
    • Unity Unity from Jobs +15%
    • Egalitarian Egalitarian Ethics Attraction +20%
Event button on
Restrict access to the information net.
  • Freedom's Price modifier removed if present
  • State Sanctioned Media modifier removed if present
  • Information Net Restricted modifier added, giving the following effects:
    • Amenities Pop Amenities Usage +15%
    • Unity Unity from Jobs +15%
    • Egalitarian Egalitarian Ethics Attraction +25%

The Just Society

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Evt grand speech

As a people, we faced nearly insurmountable odds. A diverse group of former slaves, thrown together in a struggle for freedom, our path has never been easy. But in choosing to concentrate our resources towards the cause of justice, we have succeeded in forging an identity as a nation.

Trigger conditions:
  • Findings of the Special Committee
Mean time to happen:

Time 5 years

Event button on
  • Unity Gained: Unity 250-1000000
  • The Cost of Equity modifier removed if present
  • The Cost of Culture modifier removed if present
  • The Cost of Politics modifier removed if present
  • Interconnected Costs modifier removed if present
  • The Just Society modifier added for 20 years, giving the following effects:
    • Job criminal Crime −30%
    • Pop resource society research mult Society Research from Jobs +15%
    • Unity Monthly Unity +10%

Inter-Species Violence

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Evt night raid

For several months now, we have restricted public access to the information net. While this prevented some of the more outlandish voices in the political spectrum from finding a platform, the root causes of inter-species conflict have gone unchecked. Violence, including the mass destruction of property, is on the rise throughout our systems.

Trigger conditions:
  • A Culture of Division
  • Information Net Restricted modifier
Mean time to happen:

Time 1 year

Event button on
Restore order at all costs.
  • Empire capital gets +25 Devastation Devastation
  • Every colony gets +10 Devastation Devastation
  • Information Net Restricted modifier removed
  • Violent Crackdown modifier added, giving the following effects:

Decadent Slide

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Evt financial instruments

Despite ongoing efforts to promote a healthy political climate, thus far, the general population has shown little engagement. Public opinion polls have consistently demonstrated that significant divisions remain between the various species and cultures that comprise our society.

In an apparent correlation, our economists have noticed a marked increase in consumer spending. While this may be good for business in the short-term, it has also led to a spike in inflation. It may be that our people have simply grown weary of the strife and discord.

Ironically, in tuning out politically, they have been united in a shared desire to consume.

Trigger conditions:
  • A Culture of Division
  • Freedom's Price modifier
Mean time to happen:

Time 5 years

Event button on
  • Decadent Slide modifier added for 3 years, giving the following effects:

New Stellar Order

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Evt announcement

Our security forces have succeeded in restoring order throughout our systems. Political radicals of all stripes have been rounded up and imprisoned, and their leaders now face charges of treason against the state.

As we look back on this regrettable period in our history, one thing is abundantly clear: a society like ours can only be governed by a firm hand. It is high time we provided one.

Trigger conditions:
  • Inter-Species Violence
Mean time to happen:

Time 3 years

Event button on
United, we thrive.
  • Violent Crackdown modifier removed
  • New Stellar Order modifier added for 3 years, giving the following effects:
    • Job criminal Crime −20%
    • Unity Unity from Jobs +10%
    • Amenities Pop Amenities Usage −10%

Mature Society

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Evt voting

United by a desire for freedom, we rose up against our former masters. But society is not made by violence alone. From political division to economic insecurity, we have faced massive challenges, but now, as we begin to see the results of a concerted effort to build consensus, we can rightly take pride in our accomplishments.

We are a nation of many people, and a people of many cultures. Together, there is no challenge we cannot overcome.

Trigger conditions:
  • Decadent Slide
Mean time to happen:

Time 3 years

Event button on
In diversity, our strength.
  • Unity Gained: Unity 350-1000000
  • Empire shifts ethics to Egalitarian Egalitarian if not already
  • Decadent Slide modifier removed
  • The Gains of Freedom modifier added