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This article is for the PC version of Stellaris only.

Technology in Stellaris is divided into 3 research areas with each area corresponding with one of the research resources: Engineering research Engineering, Physics Research Physics and Society research Society. Additionally, each of the ~400 techs belongs to one of 12 subcategories divided between the areas (most appearing pre-dominantly in one area though not exclusively).

The user interaction aspect utilizes a card shuffle approach rather than a traditional tech tree presentation, thereby introducing an element of semi-randomness into the system.

Each technology has a base cost which is modified by Empire sprawl empire size. The research cost is increased by 0.1% for each point of empire size above 100.

Research areas & fields[]

UI tech

Technology interface. Every slot here can have one research project active at a time and every research area has its own slot.

There are three different main research areas in-game, with each area corresponding with one of the research resources. Additionally, each research area has multiple subcategories, for a total of 13 such subcategories, and every tech belongs to one of these subcategories.

The areas and their subcategories are as follows:

Physics Research Physics research

  • Computing Computing: Science Labs, research, science ships, ship computers, point-defense, sensors.
  • Field Manipulation Field Manipulation: Power Plants, shields, some strategic resources.
  • Particles Particles: Ship reactors, energy weapons, FTL, some strategic resources.

Society research Society research

  • Biology Biology: Food production, leader lifespan and policies, species modification, army types, some strategic resources.
  • Military Theory Military Theory: Fleet command limit, naval capacity, army buildings and statistics, claim cost.
  • New Worlds New Worlds: Habitability, tile blocker clearance, terraforming, starbase capacity.
  • Statecraft Statecraft: Unity, edicts, leader pool and recruitment, planetary and empire capitals.
  • Archaeostudies Archaeostudies: Minor artifacts, archaeotechs.
  • Psionics Psionics: Exotic mid- to late- game technologies. Unlocked through the Tech psionic theory Psionic Theory technology.

Engineering research Engineering research

  • Industry Industry: Mineral production and storage, robots, building construction.
  • Materials Materials: Armor, strategic resources.
  • Propulsion Propulsion: Kinetic and explosive weapons, thrusters.
  • Voidcraft Voidcraft: Ship types and hulls, starbases, strike craft.

The card system[]

Card system

The "card" system. Every time a research project is to be initiated, the game will draw a hand of cards like this one from which the player then can pick one technology to research.

Although the underlying technology system is based on the familiar tech tree structure, it does away with its standard interaction/presentation in favor of the card shuffle approach. This injects a semi-random element into research, making it somewhat less predictable as well as less linear.

Whenever the player is prompted to initiate a research project, the game gives them a "hand of cards" consisting of a semi-random selection of technologies available for research, which are picked randomly from a hidden "deck of cards" consisting of all valid research options that can appear.

Technologies are divided into 6 levels (T0 to T5) of advancement. Higher tier technologies require obtaining a certain number of technologies from the preceding tier in the same area of research (set at 6 for all tiers[1]) before they become available as research alternatives.

Every time the player meets the requirements for a given technology to become obtainable, the technology in question is added into the main "card deck" and will then have a chance of appearing in the "card hand" whenever the game draws a new hand for the player to pick from. There is one basic parameter affecting a tech's chances of appearing in a given card hand:

  • Weight – A base value denoting the relative chance (out of all the valid options) of a particular technology to be drawn as an alternative. This may be further modified by an empire's composition (ethics, civics, etc.) and its current state (scientist's traits, past tech, etc.).

To further increase variation, a tech which appeared as an alternative in the previous card hand will have its weight multiplied by 0.5 in the next draw.

As a rule of thumb, the more advanced a technology is, the lower its weight (and the higher its cost). Systematically important techs (e.g. terraforming) have a higher weight (typically between 150% and double normal) to help ensure empires get a chance to research them, whereas rare technologies have significantly lower weight (typically one-eighth normal without the matching expertise). Some factors increase the weight of rare techs:

Research can be automated, in which case the game will pick the cheapest technology to research unless a rare technology is available for research.


Let's assume the game draws a card hand of 3 techs: Armored Torpedoes Armored Torpedoes, Autocannons Autocannons, and Tech exotic gases Exotic Gas Refining. Additionally, the lead engineering scientist has a Propulsion Propulsion field expertise (matching Armored Torpedoes), and the previous card hand had Autocannons Autocannons as an available option.

If these were the only three valid techs and only one tech were to be drawn, then each tech's chances of being drawn would be 26.5%, 13.3%, and 60.2% respectively (rounded to 1 decimal place). Realistically there are usually many more valid picks and so the probability of picking any given tech is significantly lower than the figures given here.

Research alternatives[]

Each card hand drawn will contain 3 research alternatives, which may be further increased by a variety of factors. Additionally, some research cards may be gained as permanent alternatives. They appear below the regular alternatives and are distinguished from them by a golden border surrounding the tech card's bezel. These alternatives are usually acquired (along with some partial progress) through post-battle debris analysis, from special projects, or from event chains. These options will always appear as available options when drawing a new card hand and will remain as such until completed.

If need be, it is possible to change an on-going research project at any point – without losing research progress – and continue researching it at a later time. It is important to note, however, that the saved progress does not scale with changes to technology costs (for better or for worse). This tends to lead to the tech's completion percentage getting lower as the empire increases its Empire sprawl empire size.

Unlike a permanent alternative, there is no guarantee that the technology in question will appear in the next card hand drawn.

The number of research alternatives can be increased by the following:

Source Research alternatives
Civic technocracy Technocracy civic +1
Civic natural neural network Natural Neural Network civic +1
Civic machine predictive analysis Static Research Analysis civic +1
Erudite Erudite ruler trait +1
Menu icon edicts Scientific Revolution edict +1
Science Division Science Division / Mindlink / Research Path Optimization discovery tradition +1
Tech self aware logic Self-Evolving Logic technology +1
Unknown Settled Differences empire modifier +1
Specialist subject scholarium Scholarium +1
Trade cat action Scholarium Hypotheses trade deal (overlord) +1
Trade cat action Scholarium Hypotheses trade deal (subject) −1

Research progress[]

In general, research time can be summarized as the following formula:

Research progress is one of the key elements affecting the time it takes to discover new technologies. It is formulated as follows:

While it is possible for the monthly research progress to remain constant during the course of researching a certain technology, it is more than likely to fluctuate – for better or for worse – due to consequences of various actions (such as exploration, empire development, expansion, etc.). This, in turn, may increase or decrease the total research time of a given tech.


The empire from the previous examples (same setup) has just finished debris analysis granting it +10% research progress in Armored Torpedoes Armored Torpedoes along with Engineering research +1000 engineering research (stored research).

This setup generates the following monthly research progress:

Assuming no further changes impact the above setup, the total research time of the tech would be:

Note: Partial research can refer to debris analysis, previous research, event rewards, etc.


Debris has a chance of spawning when at least a ship from enemy fleet is destroyed. They are capable of providing progress on most of the components, weapons and defences, but not ship upgrades. The following are examples of technologies that cannot be obtained from debris:

  • Standardised Corvette Patterns
  • Improved Corvette Hulls
  • Destroyers
  • Synapse Interceptors
  • Psionics Shield

Each component can only spawn if the components are above the technology level of the attacker. Each component will provide 10% progress on the technology, or 10% progress on the pre-requisites technology if the pre-requisites technology is unresearched.

Unknown Salvager trait and Civic scavengers Scavengers civic[]

The Civic scavengers Scavengers civic Policies Enables the Research & Salvage Debris debris policy.

Both Unknown Salvager trait and Civic scavengers Scavengers civic increase the chance for a salvage to yeld a ship:

Salvage-chance-add is the sum of is additional external bonuses. Base Chance = 10; Salvager bonus = 5; Scavengers Bonus = 5; Salvager Trait Level = 1; 2; 3.

With Salvage-chance-add = 0:

Chance salvage ships from debris % Salvager Trait Level
1 2 3
NoScavengers Bonus 15 40 75
Scavengers Bonus 20 50 90

Research output[]

Each research area employs the use of a different research resource.

Each of these individual resources has a base production of 10 research points a month. Most research output comes from pops working the appropriate Jobs or research stations on space deposits.

Research production can be modified for total empire production, job output, research stations (and starbase buildings), or for Researcher Researcher category jobs. The following modifiers apply to all three areas of research:

Research Empire General Modifiers Empire/Species Job Modifiers Planet Job Modifiers Research Station Modifiers Researcher Researchers Category Job Modifiers
+100% Pm horror trophyPm frame 3 Too Late
+50% Pm horror trophyPm frame 1 Horrific Inverse Mass Stabilized Resolution galactic studies Extradimensional Experimentation
+40% Specialist subject scholarium Scholarium level 3
+30% Specialist subject scholarium Scholarium level 2
  • Valley of Zanaam Valley of Zanaam feature
  • Pm enigmatic cachePm frame 1 Alien Studies (Enigmatic Cache in orbit)
  • Resolution galactic studies Advanced Xenostudies
  • Scholarium Processors level 2 (for overlord)
+25% Precursor Data Cache Pm horror trophyPm frame 2 Destabilized Horrific Inverse Mass
+20% Specialist subject scholarium Scholarium level 1 Pm strong magnetic fieldPm frame 1 Magnetic Miracle
  • Resolution galactic studies Astral Studies Network
  • Databank Uplinks Databank Uplinks (also starbase buildings)
  • Scholarium Processors level 1 (for overlord)
  • Resolution galactic studies Extradimensional Experimentation
  • Pm atmospheric aphrodisiacPm frame 3 Wenkwort Custodian
  • Governor Trait brainslugged Brain Slug Host governor
  • Central Spire Central Spire feature
  • Dense Ruins Dense Ruins feature
  • Pm horror trophyPm frame 1 Horrific Inverse Mass
  • Colony type picker Research Ring World designation
Research Institute Research Institute/Planetary Supercomputer
  • Ruler Trait brainslugged Brain Slug Host ruler
  • Scholarium Advisory (overlord)
  • Pm glitchy matrixPm frame 1 The Evermore
  • Pm glitchy matrixPm frame 1 Ever More Science
  • Former Relic World Former Relic World feature
  • Governor Leader trait intellectual Intellectual/Analytical governor
  • Pm resort planetPm frame 2 Sea of Consciousness
  • Pm irradiatedPm frame 2 Uncertain History
  • Resolution galactic studies Ethical Guideline Refactoring
  • Colony type picker Research Station (habitat) designation
  • Menu icon edicts Research Subsidies edict
  • Scholarium Tutelage overlord relay network
  • Pm natural beautyPm frame 2 Wenkwort Gardens
+5% Governor Erudite Erudite governor
+3% Technological Advancement
+2% Assist Research, per Scientist Scientist level
−5% Exotic Inebriants
  • Ghost Signal (level 1)
  • Hampered Research
Governor Leader trait oracle Oracle governor Scholarium Processors level 1 (for subject) Energy Shortages Minor Deficit
−15% Trait presapient proles Proles Scholarium Processors level 2 (for subject)
−20% Scholarium Processors level 3 (for subject)
  • Energy Shortages Major Deficit
  • Non-Gestalt Consumer Goods Shortages Minor Deficit
  • Auth hive mind Mineral Shortages Minor Deficit
  • Ghost Signal (level 2)
  • Auth machine intelligence Ghost Signal (level 4)
Auth hive mind Mineral Shortages Cut Investments approach
−30% Prospectorium Prospectorium level 1
−33% Energy Shortages Severe Deficit
−40% Prospectorium Prospectorium level 2
  • Ghost Signal (level 3)
  • Auth machine intelligence Ghost Signal (level 5)
  • Non-Gestalt Consumer Goods Shortages Major Deficit
  • Auth hive mind Mineral Shortages Major Deficit
−50% Prospectorium Prospectorium level 3
  • Energy Shortages Catastrophic Deficit
  • Energy Shortages Cut Scientific Investment approach
  • Non-Gestalt Consumer Goods Shortages Cut Investments approach
−55% Ghost Signal (level 4)
−60% Trait uplifted Unlifted
  • Non-Gestalt Consumer Goods Shortages Severe Deficit
  • Auth hive mind Mineral Shortages Severe Deficit
−70% Ghost Signal (level 4)
−75% Trait primitive Docile Livestock
  • Non-Gestalt Consumer Goods Shortages Catastrophic Deficit
  • Auth hive mind Mineral Shortages Catastrophic Deficit

Each research area has specific modifiers as well, with a few modifiers applying to two areas.

Physics Research Empire General Modifiers Empire/Species Job Modifiers Planet Job Modifiers Researcher Researchers Category Job Modifiers
+30% Pm hazardous weatherPm frame 3 Liquid Sands
  • Ancient Bombardment Craters Ancient Bombardment Craters feature
  • Ancient Particle Accelerator Ancient Particle Accelerator feature
  • Living Snow Reserve Living Snow Reserve feature
  • Lotus Corrie Lotus Corrie feature
  • Pm sky dragon trophyPm frame 1 Sky Dragon's Plume
  • Pm wild stormsPm frame 2 Wild Storms
+15% Natural Physicists Natural Physicists Zone A Zone A feature
  • Cloud's Boon
  • Dismembered Cloud
  • Technological Advancement - Physics
Void Loops
  • Pm unknownPm frame 1 A Cloud Ensnared
  • Pm atmospheric hallucinogenPm frame 2 Atmospheric Hallucinogen
  • Pm atmospheric hallucinogenPm frame 1 Filtered Atmospheric Hallucinogen
  • Molten Wastes Molten Wastes blocker
  • Toxic Water Toxic Water blocker
  • Harvesting Negative Mass
  • Interstellar Flow Prediction
Pm strong magnetic fieldPm frame 1 Strong Magnetic Field
  • Bulwark Technology Sharing
  • Prospectorium Technology Sharing
Society research Empire General Modifiers Empire/Species Job Modifiers Planet Job Modifiers Researcher Researchers Category Job Modifiers
+33% Pm unstable tectonicsPm frame 3 Exofungus Infestation
+30% Pm wild stormsPm frame 1 Watery Grave
  • Pm dangerous wildlifePm frame 1 Odd Animal Life
  • Pm titanic lifePm frame 1 Titanic Life
+20% Studying the Decaying Fang
  • Pm planet surfacePm frame 2 Acid Jungles
  • Pm dangerous wildlifePm frame 2 Hostile Fauna
  • Pm unknownPm frame 1 Pharmaceutical Innovation
  • Pm seismological disturbancesPm frame 1 Rifts
  • Pm smugglers in barPm frame 1 Planet Uslurp
  • Pm seismological disturbancesPm frame 1 Seismological Phenomena
  • Flooded Mounds Flooded Mounds feature
  • Irradiated Ruins Irradiated Ruins feature
  • Living Snow Reserve Living Snow Reserve feature
  • Migrating Forest Reserve Migrating Forest Reserve feature
  • Mutant Landfill Mutant Landfill feature
  • Underground Vault Underground Vault feature (no survivors)
+15% Pm museumPm frame 1 Deep Reflections Natural Sociologists Natural Sociologists
  • Pm planet surfacePm frame 1 Enslaved Nemmas
  • Pm planet surfacePm frame 1 Moving Islands
  • Pm planet surfacePm frame 1 On the Backs of Nemma
  • Fungal Study Zone Fungal Study Zone feature
  • Auth machine intelligence The Last Baol The Last Baol
  • Pm museumPm frame 1 Dreams Become Manifesti
  • Technological Advancement - Society
  • Universal Translator
Well Rested Scientists
  • Pm voidspawn trophyPm frame 1 Cleansed Voidspawn's Venom Gland
  • Pm natural beautyPm frame 3 Predatory Plants
  • Pm hollow planetPm frame 2 Subterranean Civilization
  • Abandoned Primitive Homesteads Abandoned Primitive Homesteads feature
  • Barren Lands Barren Lands blocker
  • Nemma Corpses Nemma Corpses feature
  • Metal Boneyards Metal Boneyards feature
  • Organic Landfills Organic Landfills feature
  • Savage Wildlands Savage Wildlands feature
  • Toxic Waste Toxic Waste blocker
  • Toy Factory Complex Toy Factory Complex feature
  • Tree of Life Tree of Life feature
  • Tree of Life Sapling Tree of Life Sapling feature
+6% Genius Caeli: A Time of Knowing
+5% Cloud's Boon Radiotrophic Preserve Radiotrophic Preserve feature
+2.5% Juvenile Nemma Juvenile Nemma feature
  • Genius Caeli: Balanced Prosperity
  • Peeyeps' Legacy
−10% Prospectorium Technology Sharing Loss of Personnel Pm faith in sciencePm frame 3 AI Failure
−20% Pm unknownPm frame 3 Unproductive Without Experiments
−50% Pm unrestPm frame 3 Raging Researchers
−100% The Vengralian Trium: Vengralian Trium Invoice
Engineering research Empire General Modifiers Empire/Species Job Modifiers Planet Job Modifiers Researcher Researchers Category Job Modifiers
+30% Pm nanite worldPm frame 1 Tamed Nanite Swarm
  • Ancient Battlefield Ancient Battlefield feature
  • Toy Factory Complex Toy Factory Complex feature
  • Wetware Computer Wetware Computer feature
  • Pm unstable tectonicsPm frame 3 Unstable Tectonics
+15% Natural Engineers Natural Engineers
  • Bunker Bot
  • Technological Advancement - Engineering
Underground Vault Underground Vault feature (survivors)
+5% Peeyeps' Legacy
+2% Genius Caeli: A Time of Knowing
−5% Helpful Overlord
  • Bulwark Technology Sharing
  • Prospectorium Technology Sharing
−30% Genius Caeli: A Time of Knowing Pop resource engineering research multPm frame 3 Subterranean Tech Provision

Stored research[]

Whenever research output is not actively used, it accumulates as stored research. Stored research also includes research resources gained from other avenues, such as debris analysis, anomalies, events, etc.

This allows for a more "relaxed" approach research by eliminating the possible loss of research points due to forgetting to pick a research project while, at the same time, also simulating accelerated periods of research (as opposed to sudden "jumps") caused by newfound knowledge sources. The current storage levels can be seen by hovering over the appropriate resources.

Stored research effectively doubles research speed, as it is spent at a rate matching current output, as long as there is enough stored research.


An empire produces Engineering research +24 engineering research each month and has just finished a debris analysis granting it Engineering research +1000 engineering research (stored research).

The empire will supplement its Engineering research engineering research by an additional +24 research points for the first 41 months and by another +16 research points in the following month, after which the stored Engineering research engineering research will be completely depleted.

Research speed[]

Research speed represents a given expertise in a particular research area or field leading to shortened research time of related technologies.

Research speed boosts the effective research production in the following manner:

The most immediate sources of research speed modifiers are the scientists in your council. As the applied bonus depends on a scientist's skill level and overall traits, it is recommended to assign newly recruited scientists to command a science ship. Scientists on exploration duty tend to gain experience faster and, if one is in luck, they may also gain a new trait beneficial to research while leveling up.


An empire is a Materialist Materialist and produces Engineering research +24 engineering research a month. It has a lead engineering scientist with a Propulsion Propulsion field expertise while researching Armored Torpedoes Armored Torpedoes.

Note: A research area without a leading scientist receives a −25% penalty to research speed.

Research Speed is affected by the following permanent or renewable modifiers. Other temporary modifiers to research speed may be gained from events or anomalies.

Source Research speed (empire)
Menu icon edicts Scientific Revolution edict +20%
R worm scales Scales of the Worm relic activation +20%
Utopia Science Nexus (Stage III) +15%
Menu icon edicts Nanite Actuators edict +10%
Discovery Discovery tradition tree finish +10%
Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy ascension perk +10%
Minor artifacts Reverse-Engineer Arcane Technology minor artifacts action +10%
Enclaves flag curator Curator enclave research aid deal +10%
Utopia Science Nexus (Stage II) +10%
Unknown The Mirror of Knowledge empire modifier +10%
Unknown Neural Bank empire modifier +10%
Unknown Whisperers in the Void covenant (50 favor) +10%
Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist ethic +10%
Materialist Materialist ethic +5%
Tech administrative ai Administrative AI technology +5%
Tech sentient ai Positronic AI technology +5%
Tech new numbers New Numbers technology +5%
Federation research Research Cooperative federation level 2 +5%
R galaxy Miniature Galaxy relic +5%
Utopia Science Nexus (Stage I) +5%
Unknown Radiation-Hardened Components empire modifier +5%
Unknown The Singularity Processor empire modifier +5%
Unknown Spurred by the Past empire modifier +5%
Unknown Full Circle empire modifier +5%
Unknown Goes Around, Comes Around empire modifier +5%
Unknown Whisperers in the Void covenant +5%
Building Ministry of Science holding +3%
Source Research speed (scientist area)
Leader trait whisperers chosen Chosen of the Whisperers scientist trait +25%
Leader trait psionic chosen one Chosen One scientist trait +20%
Trait psionic species Chosen of the Composer scientist trait +15%
Leader trait instrument chosen Chosen of the Instrument scientist trait +15%
Leader trait curator Curator scientist trait +15%
Leader trait psionic leader Psychic scientist trait +10%
Leader trait psionic leader Shroud-Touched scientist trait +10%
Leader trait scholarium investigator Scholarium Investigator scientist trait +10%
Leader trait spark of genius Spark of Genius scientist trait +10%
Trait brainslugged Brain Slug Host scientist trait +10%
Leader trait sentient AI assistant Sapient AI Assistant scientist trait +10%
Leader trait custom AI assistant Custom AI Assistant scientist trait +5%
Leader trait maniacal Maniacal scientist trait +5%
Leader trait fotd scientist Cunning scientist trait +5%
Leader trait cyborg Cyborg scientist trait +5%
Trait robotic 3 Synthetic scientist trait +5%
Erudite Erudite scientist trait +5%
Leader trait paranoid Paranoid scientist trait −5%
Leader trait traumatized Traumatized scientist trait −10%


  1. See Stellaris/common/technology/tier/00_tier.txt for details.
Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs