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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.
Overlord redirects here. For the game expansion, see Overlord (DLC).
Vassalization request

Vassalization request towards a Machine Intelligence empire

A subject is an empire that has limited autonomy and is subservient to another, usually strong empire, called the overlord. Their fleets tend to follow their overlord's. In the default galaxy map mode, subjects have the same color as their overlord.

An empire can become a subject willingly via diplomacy; the acceptance depends on a number of factors, particularly Relative power icon relative power. Additionally, having an overall superior or overwhelming relative power enables an empire to use the Diplomacy status casus belli holder Subjugation casus belli to forcefully make another empire a subject.

Subjects, except Diplomacy issatrapy Satrapies, receive a −50% penalty to their Diplomatic weight diplomatic weight. In addition, operation difficulty is reduced between subjects and their overlord.


Subjects have a secondary opinion type towards their overlord called Trade cat loyalty Loyalty that ranges from −100 to 100. Subjects with negative loyalty have the Disloyal attitude, which prevents any diplomatic agreements; subjects with positive loyalty have the Loyal attitude, which increases acceptance of diplomatic agreements. Loyalty can also be used as part of trade deals between the overlord and the subject. Sectors released as subjects start with 50 loyalty.

Loyalty is gained or lost monthly based on subject's Diplomacy opinion opinion and terms of agreements; ethics compatibility, relative power, and overlord holdings have a lesser impact as well. A Trade cat action Pledge of Loyalty can also be negotiated via trade, adding Trade cat loyalty +1.5 monthly loyalty for the duration of the trade deal; if the subject's Diplomacy opinion opinion of the overlord is at least 150, the Pledge of Loyalty adds Trade cat loyalty +2.5 monthly loyalty instead.

If an overlord has multiple subjects, each subject gains Trade cat loyalty −1 monthly loyalty for every other subject. This penalty can be delayed by the Civic feudal realm Feudal Society civic, Civic franchising Franchising civic, or the Ap shared destiny Shared Destiny ascension perk.

Trade cat loyalty Loyalty also grants experience to specialized subjects. In addition, the Suzerains and Sovereignty resolutions - Resolution intergalactic directives and Resolution bureaucratic surveillance Bureaucratic Surveillance - increase or reduce Trade cat loyalty monthly loyalty as well.

Terms of agreement[]

All subjects and overlords have an Agreement towards each other, which may include certain obligations for the subject or the overlord. Agreements may only be changed once every 5 years. Reforming the government to add the Civic feudal realm Feudal Society or Civic franchising Franchising civics removes incompatible terms from all agreements. Many agreement terms are restricted by subject type, primarily Diplomacy istributary Tributary, or by the Suzerains and Sovereignty resolutions.

The Influence influence cost to propose a change in the Agreement Terms is 50 + 5 for each point of immediate change in Trade cat loyalty loyalty; the total change in loyalty is summed across all terms, so that positive and negative changes can "cancel out" their costs.

For example, changing Holdings Limit from 0 to 1 (or vice-versa) changes loyalty by −5 and thus costs an additional Influence 25 influence; similarly, changing from Sensors from Independent Sensors to Unified Sensors (or vice-versa) changes loyalty by +5 and so also costs an additional Influence 25 influence; however, changing both Holdings Limit from 0 to 1 and Sensors from Independent Sensors to Unified Sensors "cancels out" the total loyalty change and thus costs no additional influence.

The initial terms of agreement for subjects created by the Diplomacy status casus belli holder Subjugation and Imposed Inclusion casus belli as well as their starting Trade cat loyalty Loyalty are determined by the overlord's Menu icon policies Subjugation War Terms policy.

Terms Effects Trade cat loyalty Immediate Trade cat loyalty Monthly Overlord requirements Subject requirements
Subject Integration
Integration Permitted Overlord can use the Integrate Subject interaction −50 −4
  • NoResolution intergalactic directives Ensured Sovereignty resolution
  • NoResolution intergalactic directives A Voice for All resolution
Integration Prohibited Overlord cannot use the Integrate Subject interaction +5 +0.5
Diplomatic Freedom
Limited Diplomacy
  • Subject cannot engage in diplomacy with other empires
  • Subject cannot vote independently
−15 −1 NoResolution intergalactic directives A Voice for All resolution
Restricted Voting
  • Subject can engage in diplomacy with other empires
  • Subject cannot vote independently
  • Subject joins any Diplomacy federation Federation the overlord joins (if the federation law allows)
  • Subject joins the GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community if the overlord is part of it
−5 0
Independent Diplomacy
  • Subject can engage in diplomacy with other empires
  • Subject can vote independently
+5 +0.5 NoResolution bureaucratic surveillance Personal Oversight resolution
Expansion Prohibited Subject cannot construct outposts −15 −1
Expansion Regulated Subject must pay the overlord an additional 50% of the Influence influence cost when constructing outposts −5 0 NoResolution intergalactic directives A Voice for All resolution
Expansion Permitted Subject can construct outposts +5 +0.5 (unless A Voice for All resolution passed)
Overlord Conflicts
None The subject joins none of the overlord's wars 0 0
Defensive The subject joins only the overlord's defensive wars −1
Offensive The subject joins only the overlord's offensive wars −2 NoDiplomacy istributary Tributary
All The subject joins all of the overlord's wars −3
Subject Conflicts
None The overlord joins none of the subject's wars −10 0 NoCivic feudal realm Feudal Society
Defensive The overlord joins only the subject's defensive wars +5 +0.5
Offensive The overlord joins only the subject's offensive wars +10 +1 NoOrigins imperial fiefdom Imperial Fiefdom overlord
All The overlord joins all of the subject's wars


+1.5 NoOrigins imperial fiefdom Imperial Fiefdom overlord
Holdings Limit
0 The overlord cannot construct any holdings across the subject's worlds 0 0
1 The overlord can construct 1 holding across the subject's worlds −5 −0.4
2 The overlord can construct 2 holdings across the subject's worlds −15 −1 Overlord Overlord DLC Overlord Overlord DLC
3 The overlord can construct 3 holdings across the subject's worlds −30 −2
  • Overlord Overlord DLC
  • NoResolution bureaucratic surveillance Personal Oversight resolution
4 The overlord can construct 4 holdings across the subject's worlds −50 −4
  • Overlord Overlord DLC
  • NoResolution bureaucratic surveillance Personal Oversight resolution
  • NoResolution bureaucratic surveillance Borderless Authority resolution
  • Overlord Overlord DLC
  • NoResolution bureaucratic surveillance Personal Oversight resolution
  • NoResolution bureaucratic surveillance Borderless Authority resolution
  • NoDiplomacy istributary Tributary
Independent Sensors Subject does not receive sensor data from the overlord −5 0 NoResolution bureaucratic surveillance Borderless Authority resolution NoResolution bureaucratic surveillance Borderless Authority resolution
Unified Sensors Subject receives sensor data from the overlord 0 +0.25 (unless Borderless Authority resolution passed):


Contribution terms of agreement dictate whether the subject or the overlord will pay something to the other empire. They are adjustable in 15% increments as a proportion of the subject's income. A negative value means that the overlord pays the subject (a subsidy) and a positive value means that the subject pays the overlord (a tax). Any contribution other than 0% blocks regular diplomatic trading of those resources.

Type Resources Trade cat loyalty Immediate Trade cat loyalty Monthly Minimum and maximum amounts
Diplomacy isvassal Vassal Diplomacy istributary Tributary / Subsidiary Diplomacy issatrapy Satrapy Specialist subject bulwark Bulwark Specialist subject scholarium Scholarium Prospectorium Prospectorium Diplomacy isprotectorate Protectorate
Basic Energy CreditsMineralsFood 0 to −45 +3.7 to −3.7 −45% to +45% +30% to +75% +30% to +75% −75% to −30% −45% to +45% +30% to +75% −75% to +45%
Advanced AlloysConsumer goods 0 to −45 +3.7 to −3.7 −45% to +45% −00% to +75% −00% to +45% −75% to −00% −45% to +45% +15% to +75% −75% to −00%
Research Engineering researchPhysics ResearchSociety research 0 to −90 +3.7 to −3.7 −45% to +45% −00% to +75% −00% to −00% −45% to +45% +30% to +75% −75% to −30% −75% to −00%
Strategic Exotic gasesRare crystalsVolatile motes 0 to −135 +3.7 to −3.7 −45% to +45% −00% to +75% −00% to +30% −45% to +45% −45% to +45% −00% to +75% −75% to −00%

A Specialist subject bulwark Bulwark or Prospectorium Prospectorium's required subsidy (basic and research respectively) increases by 15% for each tier the subject reaches: 45% at tier 2, 60% at tier 3. Additionally, a tier 2 or 3 Prospectorium must pay at least a 30% tax of their strategic resources.

Subject types[]

There are five types of regular subjects, three types of specialized subjects and five types of fallen empire subjects.

Negotiable subjects[]

Type Subject Requirements Special Terms Description
Diplomacy isvassal Vassal A vassal is a subject of another empire, often with little to no self-rule. Having signed a pact with a foreign power, they are often at the whims and mercy of their overlord, forced to bend to whatever rules and regulations their liege wishes. For some weakened empires, this is the final stopgap before they are consolidated properly into the fold, as they are signing away their autonomy bit by bit.
Diplomacy isprotectorate Protectorate
  • Relative power icon More than 50% technological difference
  • Overlord Not converting to specialist subject
  • NoOrigins imperial fiefdom Imperial Fiefdom overlord
A protectorate is a subject that is considerably weaker than their overlord, reduced to the point where their vassalage is considered a boon to them. Protected from the dangers of the greater galaxy, they can stabilize and improve their homeland as their liege looks out for them.
Diplomacy istributary Tributary
  • NoAuth corporate Corporate overlord
  • Relative power icon Within 60% technological difference
A tributary is a fairly autonomous subject, still in charge of their own affairs both internally and politically. They pay a considerable amount of tribute for their overlord's protection, and as long as the money is flowing, they are mostly free to do whatever they want.
Diplomacy istributary Subsidiary
  • Auth corporate Corporate overlord
  • Relative power icon Within 60% technological difference
A subsidiary is a subject with a considerable amount of self-rule, free to attend to their own affairs. They have signed away some of their independence for a deal where both sides are expected to support and aid one another.
Diplomacy issatrapy Satrapy Khan's Throne Khan's Throne relic overlord Subject contributes 30% of their Mod navy size add naval capacity to the overlord A Satrapy is a Subject type continuing the traditions of the Great Khan that is obligated to provide their Overlord with both ships and resources.

Specialized subjects[]

Specialized subjects cannot be integrated and have additional effects. They can gain experience to increase in tier and gain additional effects. To reach tier 2, they need 1200 experience, and to reach tier 3, they need 3600 experience. Experience is gained monthly at a value of a tenth of the subject's Trade cat loyalty loyalty. Empires with the Origins imperial fiefdom Imperial Fiefdom origin will become a specialized subject of their choice shortly after the game starts. Protectorates cannot be made into a specialized subject; any other regular type of subject can be turned into a specialized subject through the agreement screen.

Overlord effects do not stack if there are multiple specialized subjects of the same type. The Relay Network effects require a Hyper Relay connection between the overlord and subject's capital systems and only apply to overlord systems connected to the same Hyper Relay network.

Type Effects for subject Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Specialist subject bulwark Bulwark

Overlord gains:

Defense platform damage Starbase damage +50% +50% +75%
Defense platform hull points Starbase hull points +50% +50% +75%
Defense platform damage Defense Platform damage +50% +75% +100%
Defense platform hull points Defense Platform hull points +50% +75% +100%
Defense platform build cost Defense Platform build cost −25% −50% −75%
Armor Armor hardening +5% +15% +25%
Shield Shield hardening +5% +15% +25%
Defense platform cap Defense Platform cap +2 +5 +8
Mod ship hull regen Hostile daily hull regen starbase aura −0.3%
(−0.5% with Tradition icon unyielding Unyielding completed)
Energy Credits Monthly energy −20% −35% −50%
Minerals Monthly minerals −20% −35% −50%
Food Monthly food −20% −35% −50%
Mod leader species exp gain Commander Starting level +1 +1
Leader skill levels Commander level cap +2 +2
Admiral Commanders gain Bulwark traits Yes Yes
Trade cat transfer leader Commanders can be traded to the Overlord Yes Yes
Technologies Unlocked Tech aura snare FTL Inhibition
Technologies added as research options Tech starbase 5 Citadel
Ship class Can build Battlewright construction ships Yes
Specialist subject prospectorium Prospectorium
Overlord gains:
  • Cost Mining station build cost: −20%
  • Speed Mining station build speed: +20%
  • Mod planet building build speed mult Planetary build speed from Relay Network: +25%
  • Mod planet building cost mult Building cost from Relay Network: −25%
  • Building Can construct Offworld Foundry holdings
Cost Mining station build cost −10% −25% −50%
Energy Credits Monthly energy +10% +20% +30%
Minerals Monthly minerals +10% +20% +30%
Alloys Monthly alloys +10% +20% +30%
Volatile motesExotic gasesRare crystals Monthly strategic resources +10% +20% +30%
Research Monthly research −30% −40% −50%
20% Yearly chance to discover a resource cache Only Energy Credits energy or Minerals minerals Also Alloys alloys or Volatile motesExotic gasesRare crystals strategic resources Also ZroDark MatterLiving Metal rare resources
Mod leader species exp gain Official starting level +1 +1
Leader skill levels Official level cap +2 +2
Governor Officials gain Prospectorium traits Yes Yes
Trade cat transfer leader Officials can be traded to the Overlord Yes Yes
Technologies added as research options
Decision strip mining Enables the Strip Mining decision Yes
Specialist subject scholarium Scholarium
Overlord gains:
  • Research Monthly research: +10%
  • Researcher Researcher output from Relay Network: +10%
  • Building Can construct Ministry of Science holdings
Research Monthly research +20% +30% +40%
Mod num tech alternatives add Research alternatives +1 +1 +1
Mod navy size add Naval capacity −30% −40% −50%
Mod spaceport ship build cost mult Military ship build cost +30% +40% +50%
Mod ship upkeep mult Military ship upkeep +30% +40% +50%
20% Yearly chance to discover a research cache Research +1000 points of single type Research +2000 points of single type
  • 1 in 4 chance: random research option instead of Research
  • With Discovery Discovery completed:
  • Research +3000 points of single type
Mod leader species exp gain Scientist starting level +1 +1
Leader skill levels Scientist level cap +2 +2
Scientist Scientists gain Scholarium traits Yes Yes
Trade cat transfer leader Scientists can be traded to the Overlord Yes Yes
Ship class Can build Arctrellis science ships Yes

Fallen empire subjects[]

Fallen empire subjects have preset terms of agreement. They do not allow subject integration or holdings.

Type Proposing empire Diplomatic Freedom Expansion Overlord Conflicts Subject Conflicts Resource Contribution
Diplomacy hasvassal Dominion Fanatic Spiritualist Doctrinal Enforcers awakened empire Yes Independent Diplomacy Yes Expansion Permitted No None No None Energy CreditsMineralsFood Basic 30%
Diplomacy hasvassal Satellite Fanatic Materialist Watchful Regulators awakened empire Yes Independent Diplomacy Yes Expansion Permitted No None No None Research Research 30%
Diplomacy hasvassal Signatory Fanatic Xenophile Benevolent Interventionists awakened empire No Limited Diplomacy Yes Expansion Permitted No None Yes Defensive None
Diplomacy hasvassal Thrall Fanatic Xenophobe Jingoistic Reclaimers awakened empire Yes Independent Diplomacy No Expansion Prohibited No None No None Energy CreditsMineralsFood Basic 30%
Diplomacy hasvassal Scion Origins scion 1 Scion origin Yes Independent Diplomacy Yes Expansion Permitted Yes All No None None


Luminarium is a subject type only possible for the Formless. The Formless gain +100% Jump Drive Range and −90% Jump Drive Cooldown and the overlord gains −50% Physics Research Physics Research Cost. Aside from Contribution their terms of agreement cannot be changed.


Subjects that have Integration Permitted in the terms of agreement can be integrated into the overlord empire after 10 years via a diplomatic action, transferring ownership of the subject's systems, ships, and relics to the overlord; the subject's leaders, stockpiled resources, and armies are not transferred. Only one subject can be integrated at a time. Integration costs Influence 5 influence per month and has a base cost with the following formula:

If the player empire is integrated, the game is automatically lost.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs