Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article. At least some were last verified for
version 3.9.
This article is for the PC version of Stellaris only.
This page lists all major stat modifiers and what increases or decreases a certain stat.
Stat modifiers affecting armies[]
Army damage[]
Army upkeep[]
Stat modifiers affecting edicts[]
Edict cost[]
Edict fund[]
Edict upkeep[]
Source |
Edict upkeep
Fanatic Spiritualist ethic |
Cutthroat Politics civic |
Rules of War resolution 5 |
Herald Knights Knightly Duties policy |
Spiritualist ethic |
Charisma leader trait |
Psionic tradition tree finished |
Psionic Archive relic activation |
Stat modifiers affecting empire[]
Anomaly research speed[]
Available envoys[]
Base intel level[]
Source |
Base intel level
Sentry Array (stage IV) |
Sentry Array (stage III) |
Sentry Array (stage II) |
Sentry Array (stage I) |
Bureau of Espionage edict |
Observation Instinct edict |
Covert Analysis Algorithm edict |
Colonial Bureaucracy technology |
Galactic Bureaucracy technology |
Mind Readers tradition |
Uncover Secrets agenda (launch effect) |
Uncover Secrets agenda (initial effect) |
Blabbermouth trait ( Ambassador veteran class, Level 3) |
Blabbermouth trait ( Ambassador veteran class, Level 2) |
Blabbermouth trait ( Ambassador veteran class, Level 1) |
Watcher of the Imperium council position |
+2.5 per leader skill level
Improved Mycelial Network, from Grafting the Spores special project |
Claim influence cost[]
Claims will become free if claim influence cost is successfully reduced to 0.
Defense platform cap[]
Source |
Defense platform cap (empire)
Strategic Coordination Center (stage III) |
Strategic Coordination Center (stage II) |
Bulwark tier III |
Bulwark tier II |
Eternal Vigilance ascension perk |
Strategic Coordination Center (stage I) |
Vigil Command holding (subject tier III) |
Bulwark tier I |
Vigil Command holding (subject tier II) |
Vigil Command holding (subject tier I) |
Source |
Defense platform cap (starbase)
Citadel base level |
Star Fortress base level |
Defense Grid Supercomputer |
Starhold base level |
Starport base level |
Ancient Rampart |
Reloading Bay |
Gun Battery |
Hangar Bay |
Missile Battery |
Diplomatic weight[]
Source |
Diplomatic weight
The Galatron relic |
Rightful Due empire modifier |
Galactic Sovereign civic |
Corporate Sovereign civic |
Interstellar Assembly (stage IV) |
Custodian |
Interstellar Assembly (stage III) |
Cooperative diplomatic stance |
Galactic Contender Ascension Perk |
Interstellar Assembly (stage II) |
Diplomatic Corps civic |
Empath civic |
Public Relations Specialists civic |
Diplomatic Grants edict |
Xeno Diplomacy technology |
Xeno Relations technology |
Diplomacy tradition tree finish |
Politics tradition tree finish |
Blade of the Huntress relic |
Interstellar Assembly (stage I) |
Courtly Knights Knightly Duties policy |
Build Relations agenda |
Prophesized Greater Destiny empire modifier |
Stuffed Toy empire modifier |
Left the Galactic Community |
Divinity of Life resolution 4 (robot empires) |
isolationist diplomatic stance |
Fleet command limit[]
Governing ethics attraction[]
Mercenary enclave capacity[]
Mining station output[]
Monthly unity[]
Source |
Monthly unity
Free From Strife empire modifier |
Fanatic Spiritualist ethic |
Inward Perfection civic |
Beacon of Liberty civic |
One Mind civic |
Unitary Cohesion civic |
Brand Loyalty civic |
Divine Sovereign civic |
Spiritualist ethic |
Reformer ruler trait |
Evolving Society agenda |
Finding the Voice agenda |
Isolationist diplomatic stance |
Rival |
Holy Covenant federation president |
One Vision ascension perk |
Fear Campaign edict |
Ether Drake Trophy relic |
Artisan enclave patron deal |
Primordial Dragonslayers empire modifier |
Full Circle empire modifier |
Goes Around, Comes Around empire modifier |
Spurred by the Past empire modifier |
Oracle empire modifier |
Transcended Consciousness empire modifier |
Radiation-Hardened Components empire modifier |
Defeated Absurdism empire modifier |
Forced Mindfulness empire modifier |
Glory to the Many empire modifier |
Debug Subroutine empire modifier |
The Gains of Freedom empire modifier |
United In History empire modifier |
Planetary Unification technology |
Whisperers in the Void covenant |
Whisperers in the Void covenant (50 favor) |
Consumer Goods minor deficit |
Consumer Goods major deficit |
Consumer Goods severe deficit |
Consumer Goods catastrophic deficit |
Naval capacity[]
Source |
Flat naval capacity
Galactic Mobilization Custodian Reform resolution |
Aetherophasic Engine stage 1 Additional +50 each stage, total: +250 |
Galactic Force Projection ascension perk |
Per stage of Strategic Coordination Center 3 stages, total: +150 |
Doctrine: Fleet Support tech line 4 technologies, total: +120 |
Fleet Management Procedures tech Max 5 times, total: +100 |
Per Mercenary Liaison Office corporate holding, for Corporate empire |
Per Pirate Free Haven corporate holding, for Corporate empire |
Per Recruitment Office overlord holding, for overlord |
Per Mercenary Garrison starbase building Only with Unchained Knowledge resolution level 3 or above |
- Per
Anchorage starbase or orbital ring module
- Additional +2 with
Naval Logistics Office building on the starbase or orbital ring
- Additional +2 with
Orbital Assembly Complex holding on the planet with orbital ring
Per Soldier/Warrior Drone job Additional +2 with Ground Defense Planning technology |
Per Necromancer job Additional +2 with Ground Defense Planning technology |
Per Duelist job |
Source |
Percentage naval capacity
Civilian difficulty |
Cadet difficulty |
Mutual Defense resolution 5 |
Mutual Defense resolution 4 |
Fanatic Purifiers civic |
Devouring Swarm civic |
Terravore civic |
Determined Exterminator civic |
Mutual Defense resolution 3 |
Supremacist diplomatic stance |
Fleet Logistics Corp tradition |
Mutual Defense resolution 2 |
A Grand Fleet edict |
Citizen Service civic |
Subspace Ephapse civic |
Naval Contractors civic |
Fleet Organizer ruler trait |
Brain Slug Host ruler trait |
Belligerent diplomatic stance |
Mutual Defense resolution 1 |
Master's Teachings: Warring States edict |
Galactic Commerce resolution 2 |
Defense Privatization resolution 1 |
Galactic Commerce resolution 4 |
Rules of War resolution 5 |
Defense Privatization resolution 2 |
We Come in Peace agenda |
Satrapy |
Scholarium tier 1 |
Defense Privatization resolution 3 |
Scholarium tier 2 |
Scholarium tier 3 |
Defense Privatization resolution 4 |
Defense Privatization resolution 5 |
Research alternatives[]
Research speed[]
Source |
Research speed (empire)
Scientific Revolution edict |
Scales of the Worm relic activation |
Science Nexus (Stage III) |
Nanite Actuators edict |
Discovery tradition tree finish |
Technological Ascendancy ascension perk |
Reverse-Engineer Arcane Technology minor artifacts action |
Curator enclave research aid deal |
Science Nexus (Stage II) |
The Mirror of Knowledge empire modifier |
Neural Bank empire modifier |
Whisperers in the Void covenant (50 favor) |
Fanatic Materialist ethic |
Materialist ethic |
Administrative AI technology |
Positronic AI technology |
New Numbers technology |
Research Cooperative federation level 2 |
Miniature Galaxy relic |
Science Nexus (Stage I) |
Radiation-Hardened Components empire modifier |
The Singularity Processor empire modifier |
Spurred by the Past empire modifier |
Full Circle empire modifier |
Goes Around, Comes Around empire modifier |
Whisperers in the Void covenant |
Ministry of Science holding |
Research station output[]
Starbase capacity[]
Source |
Starbase capacity
Strategic Coordination Center (stage III) |
Grasp the Void ascension perk |
Trading Posts civic |
Strategic Coordination Center (stage II) |
Fortify the Border edict |
Unyielding tradition tree |
Fortress Doctrine tradition tree |
Stellar Expansion technology |
Manifest Destiny technology |
Strategic Coordination Center (stage I) |
Interstellar Expansion technology (repeatable 5 times) |
Starbase influence cost[]
War exhaustion gain[]
Stat modifiers affecting leaders[]
Leader experience gain[]
Source |
Leader experience gain (empire)
Transcendent Learning ascension perk |
Chosen of the Composer ruler trait |
Education Campaign edict |
Learning Campaign edict |
Machine Learning Campaign edict |
Synthetic tradition tree |
Specialist Training tradition |
Neural Tissue Engineering technology |
Eye For Talent ruler trait |
Capacity Boosters leader enhancement policy |
Selected Lineages leader enhancement policy |
Pooled Knowledge civic |
Factory Overclocking civic |
Ruthless Competition civic |
Leadership Conditioning agenda |
Polytechnic Education tradition |
Minor Artifacts Peaceful Application |
Leader lifespan[]
Source |
Leader lifespan (empire)
Ethernal Throne relic owner |
Chosen of the Composer ruler trait |
Zro Additives edict |
Healthcare Program tradition |
Cloned Organs tradition |
Javorian Pox Sample relic owner |
Capacity Boosters Leader Enhancement policy |
Composer of Strands covenant (50 favor) |
Pharma State civic |
Mind and Body tradition |
Ageless empire modifier |
Selected Lineages Leader Enhancement policy |
Vitality Boosters technology |
Inoculated Population empire modifier |
Composer of Strands covenant |
Source |
Leader lifespan (species)
Venerable trait |
Necrophage trait |
Lithoid trait |
Exotic Metabolism trait |
Robust trait |
Cybernetic trait |
Irradiated trait |
Perfected Genes trait |
Enduring trait |
Survivor trait |
Limited Regeneration trait |
Not of this World trait |
Augmented Intelligence trait |
Crafted Smiles trait |
Dedicated Miner trait |
Expressed Tradition trait |
Farm Appendages trait |
Gene Mentorship trait |
Juiced Power trait |
Low Maintenance trait |
Spliced Adaptability trait |
Technical Talent trait |
Elevated Synapses trait |
Pre-Planned Growth trait |
Excessive Endurance trait |
Clone Soldier trait |
Leader pool size[]
Leader upkeep[]
Stat modifiers affecting pops[]
Citizen pop happiness[]
As the name implies, citizen pop happiness applies only to pops with Full Citizenship rights.
Source |
Citizen pop happiness
Idealistic Foundation civic |
Inward Perfection civic |
Media Conglomerate civic |
A Higher Purpose agenda |
Aesthetic Approach empire modifier |
Closed Society empire modifier |
Freedom Fighters empire modifier |
Harmonized Society empire modifier |
Open Society empire modifier |
Progress Oriented empire modifier |
Infinite Opportunities agenda |
Total Crackdown agenda |
Unifying Promise agenda |
Mechanical pop assembly speed[]
Source |
Mechanical pop assembly speed
Isolated Contingency Core relic |
Rapid Replicator civic |
Mechanist origin |
Ecumenopolis |
Progressive Growth agenda |
Micro-Replicators technology |
Self-Assembling Components technology |
Hotjoin protocols tradition |
Secrets of the Vultaum empire modifier |
Growth Node (per level) |
Self Maintenance agenda |
Energy minor deficit |
Energy major deficit |
Divinity of Life resolution 3 |
Energy severe deficit |
Energy catastrophic deficit |
Pop consumer goods upkeep[]
Source |
Pop consumer goods upkeep
Environmentalist civic |
Conservationist trait |
Low Maintenance trait |
Merchant of Numa governor trait |
Divinity of Life resolution 5 |
Cheap Thrills empire modifier |
Recycling Campaign edict |
Improved Energy Initiative edict |
Numistic Visualization edict |
Ecological Protection resolution 1 |
Divinity of Life resolution 2 |
Minor Artifacts Peaceful Application |
Galactic Trade Organization resolution |
Wasteful trait |
Pop growth from immigration[]
Pop growth speed[]
Source |
Pop growth speed (empire)
Hive Mind authority |
Fanatic Xenophobe ethic |
Composer of Strands covenant (50 favor) |
Holy Covenant federation level 5 |
Xenophobe ethic |
Inward Perfection civic |
Nutritional Plenitude edict |
Expanded Breeding Program edict |
Genome Mapping technology |
Cloning technology |
The Last Baol relic |
A New Life tradition |
Artisan enclave festival deal |
Composer of Strands covenant |
Closed Society empire modifier |
Inoculated Population empire modifier |
Secrets of the Irassians empire modifier |
Strong of Our Own agenda |
Fertility Preacher ruler trait |
Chosen of the Composer governor trait |
Ecological Protection resolution 5 |
Machine Intelligence authority |
Pop housing usage[]
Resources from jobs[]
Slave pop resource output[]
Source |
Slave pop resource output
Chosen of the Instrument governor trait |
Slaver Guilds civic |
Indentured Assets civic |
Extended Shifts edict |
Iron Fist governor trait |
Workplace Motivators tradition |
Stat modifiers affecting ships[]
Combat disengagement chance[]
Source |
Combat disengagement chance
Hit and Run War Doctrine policy |
Trickster admiral trait |
Erudite admiral trait |
Energy minor deficit |
Communications Jammer starbase building |
Subspace Snare titan aura |
Energy major deficit |
Hell's Heart admiral trait |
Unyielding admiral trait |
Energy severe deficit |
Energy catastrophic deficit |
No Retreat War Doctrine policy |
Damage to endgame crisis factions[]
Sensor range[]
Source |
Sensor range
Chosen of the Whisperers admiral trait |
Scout admiral trait |
Bulwark Watcher admiral trait |
Crystalline Sensors edict |
Extensive Sensor Searches edict |
Sight Beyond Sight edict |
The Surveyor relic |
Rare Crystals minor deficit |
Rare Crystals major deficit |
Rare Crystals severe deficit |
Rare Crystals catastrophic deficit |
Ship build cost[]
Ship build speed[]
Ship fire rate[]
Ship upkeep[]
Source |
Ship upkeep
Crisis level 5 |
Yuht Cryo Core relic activation |
A Grand Fleet edict |
Fleet Logistics Corp tradition |
Sanctum of the Eater building |
Declare Crisis resolution |
Letters of Marque civic |
Refit Standards technology |
Mutual Defense resolution 1 |
Fleet Supremacy edict |
Mutual Defense resolution 2 |
Mutual Defense resolution 3 |
Mutual Defense resolution 4 |
Mutual Defense resolution 5 |
Ship weapons damage[]
Source |
Ship weapons damage (empire)
Crisis level 4 |
Determined Exterminator civic |
Khan's Throne relic activation |
Psionic Archive relic activation |
Freedom Fighters empire modifier |
Forged in Flames empire modifier |
Crusader Spirit civic |
Energy minor deficit |
Energy major deficit |
Energy severe deficit |
Energy catastrophic deficit |
Sublight speed[]
Source |
Sublight speed (empire)
Extradimensional Warlock relic |
Blade of the Huntress relic activation |
Rapid Deployment War Doctrine policy |
Subspace Ephapse civic |
Eager Explorers civic |
Exotic Gases as Fuel edict |
Strategic Coordination Center (stage III) |
Strategic Coordination Center (stage II) |
Strategic Coordination Center (stage I) |
Asteroid Thrusters empire modifier |
Energy minor deficit |
Exotic Gases minor deficit |
Progenitor Hive lost capital |
Energy major deficit |
Exotic Gases major deficit |
Progenitor Hive origin |
Energy severe deficit |
Exotic Gases severe deficit |
Energy catastrophic deficit |
Exotic Gases catastrophic deficit |
Source |
Sublight speed (admiral's fleet)
Chosen of the Instrument admiral trait |
Foredoomed to a Rendezvous admiral trait |
Gale Speed admiral trait |
Aggressive admiral trait |
Scout admiral trait |
Dragonslayer admiral trait |
Hell's Heart admiral trait |
Lethargic admiral trait |
Survey speed[]
Stat modifiers affecting worlds[]
Building and district cost[]
Clear blocker cost[]
Colony development speed[]
Source |
Habitability (empire)
Ecological Protection resolution 5 |
Environmental Diversification tradition |
Ecological Protection resolution 4 |
Ecological Protection resolution 3 |
Ascetic civic |
Atmospheric Filtering technology |
Hostile Environment Adaptation technology |
Foreign Soil Enrichment technology |
Eco-Integration Studies technology |
Integrated Cybernetics technology |
Conquer Nature agenda |
Industrial Development resolution 1 |
Industrial Development resolution 2 |
Industrial Development resolution 3 |
Industrial Development resolution 4 |
Industrial Development resolution 5 |
Source |
Artisan enclave festival deal |
Peace Festivals edict |
Chosen of the Instrument ruler trait |
The Gains of Freedom empire modifier |
Ether Drake Trophy relic activation |
Faction approval 80-10 |
Ecological Protection resolution 5 |
Ecological Protection resolution 4 |
Improved Working Environment edict |
Champion of the People ruler trait |
Sanctum of the Instrument building |
Minor Artifacts Peaceful Application |
Technology of the Divine empire modifier |
A Life Worthwhile empire modifier |
Cheap Thrills empire modifier |
Spurred by the Past empire modifier |
Full Circle empire modifier |
Goes Around, Comes Around empire modifier |
Faction approval 60-79 |
Population United empire modifier |
Stuffed Toy empire modifier |
Consumer Goods minor deficit |
Enhanced Surveillance edict |
Thought Enforcement edict |
Tracking Implants edict |
Residence species rights |
Population Controls Enabled species rights |
Faction approval 20-39 |
Consumer Goods major deficit |
Consumer Goods severe deficit |
Consumer Goods catastrophic deficit |
Galactic Commerce resolution 5 |
Faction approval 0-19 |
Planetary ascension effects[]
Source |
Planetary ascension effects
 Ascensionists civic |
Elevational Contemplations civic |
Elevational Hypotheses civic |
Harmony tradition tree |
Synchronicity tradition tree |
Holy Covenant federation level 3 |
Planetary build speed[]
Source |
Civilian difficulty |
Cadet difficulty |
Chosen One governor trait |
Oracle governor trait |
Ether Drake Trophy relic activation |
Fanatic Pacifist ethic |
Pacifist ethic |
Police State civic |
Shared Burdens civic |
Information Quarantine edict |
Utopian Dream tradition |
Collective Reasoning tradition |
Inner Stability agenda |
The Greater Good resolution 5 |
Psionic Archive relic activation |
Chosen of the Instrument governor trait |
Aesthetic Approach empire modifier |
Closed Society empire modifier |
Freedom Fighters empire modifier |
Harmonized Society empire modifier |
Open Society empire modifier |
Progress Oriented empire modifier |
Deep Space Black Site starbase building (system) |
Bulwark subject (relay network) |
Networked Dominance Relay Network edict (relay network) |
Revolutionary Spirit empire modifier |
Population United empire modifier |
Stuffed Toy empire modifier |
Whisperers in the Void covenant |
Scales of the Worm relic activation |
Whisperers in the Void covenant (50 favor) |
Progenitor Hive lost capital |
Trade value[]
Source |
Trade value
Civilian difficulty |
Cadet difficulty |
Galactic Commerce resolution 5 |
Defense Privatization resolution 5 |
Fanatic Xenophile ethic |
Trade League federation level 5 |
Galactic Commerce resolution 4 |
Defense Privatization resolution 4 |
Chosen of the Instrument ruler trait |
Trade League federation level 4 |
Galactic Commerce resolution 3 |
Defense Privatization resolution 3 |
Predictive trading Algorithms empire modifier |
Fully Streamlined Logistics empire modifier |
Streamlined Logistics empire modifier |
Xenophile ethic |
Free Traders civic |
Investor ruler trait |
Enclave Trader governor trait |
Merchant of Numa governor trait |
Mercantile diplomatic stance |
Marketplace of Better Ideas tradition |
Mercantile tradition tree tradition tree finish |
Sanctum of the Instrument building |
Trade League federation level 3 |
Galactic Commerce resolution 2 |
Defense Privatization resolution 2 |
Galactic Trade Organization resolution |
Open Arms agenda |
Trade League federation level 2 |
Numistic Data Modeling technology |
Flourishing Trade empire modifier |
Galactic Commerce resolution 1 |
Defense Privatization resolution 1 |
Galactic Mobilization resolution |
Strong of Our Own agenda |