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Any habitable world has the potential of developing different populations of intelligent beings that may, naturally or not, develop technologically. Sometimes, such beings reach a crucial point in their development that allows them access to FTL technology and, as a consequence, the ability to become full-fledged interstellar empires.

A species is distinct from an empire, as a population of any given species can in theory function as fully-fledged citizens of any given empire, however every empire will be assigned a specific founder species (designed through the empire creation screen) that is treated as the default in species rights and other mechanics. At first, every empire will be made up entirely of its original species but may eventually come to include other species through conquest, migration pacts, enlightening pre-FTL cultures, accepting refugees, or some events.

Species identity[]

At galaxy generation, species are divided into species class groups, parent species and sub-species.

Playable portraits are divided into twelve phenotypes representing the basic commonalities of their biology as well as their closest analogues on Earth, including their morphology or physical form and structure, their developmental processes and their biochemical and physiological properties. The thirteenth Machine phenotype is available either through constructing robot pops or by playing a machine species, and includes mechanical representations of each of the twelve biological phenotypes. Some classes allow access to special traits or civics and/or are only available with DLC.

Species within the same class will be less affected by xenophobia and xenophilia, with the effect increasing if they share the same portrait. If two species are created during galaxy generation with the same portrait and name, one will be considered the subspecies of the other.

A parent species is whichever subspecies can be considered the "default" that other subspecies can be derived from. A sub-species consists of a pop modification template created from the parent species or another sub-species, which can then be applied either through a modify species special project, through Assimilation citizenship, or through pop construction. Subspecies are considered to be the same species for the purposes of xenophobia, xenophilia and species rights. All species templates will also remember the parent species' homeworld, with a +30% habitability bonus if not using the Origins lost colony Lost Colony origin.

The portrait of a species can be changed through pop modification if the Tradition genetics genetic resequencing Genetic Resequencing technology is researched, but the nameset or species class cannot be changed. Some species do not allow changing portraits.

Species classes[]

Species are grouped by species classes, determining the core mechanics and features available to their pops.

Species class Trait Phenotype Upkeep resource Multiplication Modification Additional mechanics Available on start
Biological Any Organic phenotype besides Lithoid Food Food Mod pop growth req Growth Tech gene tailoring Genetic Can create hybrid species with all biological groups Yes
Lithoid Trait lithoid Lithoid Lithoid Minerals Minerals Mod pop growth req Growth Tech gene tailoring Genetic
  • Can use some natural resource traits
  • Can use the Origins lithoid Calamitous Birth origin
Machine Machine species Machine or Mechanical Mechanical Machine Energy Credits Energy Mod pop robot build speed mult Assembly Tech robomodding Synthetic Synthetic DawnThe Machine Age
Extradimensional Trait exd Extradimensional Crisis Energy Credits Energy Mod pop growth req Growth No Cannot be modified No
Pre-Sapient Trait primitive Any pre-sapient trait Any Organic No None No Cannot multiply Tech epigenetic triggers Uplifting Pre-Sapient Strata
Does not wear clothes
Can be Trait uplifted Uplifted into a species of Biological or Lithoid class.

List of phenotypes[]

Each species portrait available to start a new empire will belong to one of the following phenotypes: Arthropoid (insect-like), Avian (bird-like), Fungoid (fungus-like), Humanoid (human-like), Mammalian (mammal-like), Molluscoid (invertebrates), Reptilian (reptile-like), Plantoid (part of the Plantoids Species Pack DLC), Lithoid (part of the Lithoids Species Pack DLC), Necroid (part of the Necroids Species Pack DLC), Aquatic (part of the Aquatics Species Pack DLC), Toxoid (part of the Toxoids Species Pack DLC) and Machine (part of the Synthetic Dawn and The Machine Age DLCs).

Each species can have traits and will have climate preference based on its homeworld.

The first ruler of every empire can be customized.


Most humanoid portraits use different models and voices for each gender. Some portraits feature their own diplomacy voices and/or hair customization. (Note: Humanoid shipset and city appearance are accessible only with DLC humanoids species pack Humanoids species pack launched.)

Portrait Female voice sample Male voice sample
Cyber 12 stage 1
Human female body african hazel eyes
Humanoid 02
Humanoid 03
Humanoid 04
Humanoid 05
Humanoid hp 01
Humanoid hp 02
Humanoid hp 06
Humanoid hp 07
Humanoid hp 08
Portrait Female voice sample Male voice sample
Humanoid hp 09
Humanoid hp 10
Humanoid hp 11
Humanoid hp 12
Humanoid hp 13
Humanoid hp 15 purple
Humanoids elf 01 outfit ruler
Cyber 08 stage 1
Synth 04
Synth 07
Humanoid hp 16 f blue


Most mammalian portraits have a unique dialogue when targeted with a diplomacy insult. Some portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

Portrait Voice sample
Cybernetic 01 stage 1
Cybernetic 02 stage 1
Cybernetic 03 stage 01
Cyber 06 stage 1
Cyber 07 stage 1
All else


Some portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

Portrait Voice sample
Reptilian 17
Reptilian 16
Cybernetic 04 stage 1
Cyber 10 stage 1
Cyber 11 stage 1
All else


Some portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

Portrait Voice sample
Avian 18
Cyber 05 stage 1
Synth 01
All else

Note: The Chirpy portrait (Massive #16) is available to those who login to their Paradox account while in-game.[1]


Some portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

Portrait Voice sample
Arthropoid 20
Arthropoid 18
Cyber 09 stage 1
Synth 02
Synth 08
Synth 09
All else

Note: The Arachnoid (#16) portrait is included only in the Nova Edition or the Galaxy Edition of Stellaris.


Some portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

Portrait Voice sample
Molluscoid 17
Molluscoid 18
Synth 03
Synth 05
All else


Some portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

Portrait Voice sample
Fungoid massive 12
Fungoid prettyshroom
Cyber 13 stage 1
All else


The Homo Plantae portrait features hairstyle customization and different models for each gender. (Note: Plantoid shipset and city appearance are accessible only with DLC plantoids species pack Plantoids species pack launched.)

Portrait Voice sample


Most portraits have their own diplomacy voices. The Theian portrait features hairstyle customization and different models for each gender.

Portrait Voice sample
Lithoid human purple
Lithoid 01
Lithoid 02
Lithoid 03
Lithoid 04
Lithoid 05
Lithoid 06
Lithoid 07
Portrait Voice sample
Lithoid 08
Lithoid 09
Lithoid 10
Lithoid 11
Lithoid 12
Lithoid 13
Lithoid 14
Lithoid 15


Each portrait has its own diplomacy voice.

Portrait Voice sample
Necroids 01 portrait purple
Necroids 02 portrait brass
Necroids 03 portrait green
Necroids 04 portrait purple
Necroids 05 portrait green
Necroids 06 portrait blue
Necroids 07 portrait black
Necroids 08 portrait orange
Portrait Voice sample
Necroids 09 portrait teal
Necroids 10 portrait blue
Necroids 11 portrait v3
Necroids 12 portrait green
Necroids 13 portrait blue
Necroids 14 portrait blue
Necroids 15 portrait grey


Some portraits of this phenotype feature different models for each gender. Each portrait has its own diplomacy voice. (Note: Aquatic shipset and city appearance are accessible only with Aquatics Aquatics species pack launched.)

Portrait Voice sample
Portrait Voice sample
Synth 06


Some portraits of this phenotype feature different models for each gender. Each portrait has its own diplomacy voice.

Portrait Voice sample
Portrait Voice sample


Machines are not a naturally evolved species but rather an artificial one that can be constructed with the required technology or if by starting as a machine empire. The initial species template created by the Tech robotic workers Robotic Workers technology or the Origins mechanist Mechanist origin will always match the phenotype of the empire's founder species.

Portrait Voice sample Original species class
Synthetic dawn portrait humanoid Humanoid
Synthetic dawn portrait mammalian Mammalian
Synthetic dawn portrait reptilian Reptilian
Synthetic dawn portrait avian Avian
Synthetic dawn portrait arthopoid Arthropoid
Synthetic dawn portrait molluscoid Molluscoid
Synthetic dawn portrait fungoid Fungoid
Synthetic dawn portrait plantoid Plantoid
Lithoid machine Lithoid
Necroids machine portrait red Necroid
Aquatic-machine Aquatic
Portrait Voice sample Original species class
Rick the cube None
Synth 01 machine Synth 01
Synth 02 machine Synth 02
Synth 03 machine Synth 03
Synth 04 machine Synth 04
Synth 05 machine Synth 05
Synth 06 machine Synth 06
Synth 07 machine Synth 07
Synth 08 machine Synth 08
Synth 09 machine Synth 09
Alien AI Any if no DLC

Note: The Cube portrait is available only with Rick The Cube Species Portrait DLC launched.

Minamar Specialized Industries[]

Minamar Specialized Industries is and advanced AI empire that spawns if any other empire has the Payback or Broken Shakles origin.

Minamar Specialized Industries


Extradimensional species are not selectable at empire creation and only appear as the Extradimensional Invaders crisis. However if the Astral Planes Astral Planes DLC is installed, extradimensional pops can be obtained by conquering the Formless or subjugating them and forming a Diplomacy migration pact Migration Treaty.

Portrait Voice sample


The following species are not playable and will only appear as a crisis or enclave.

Portrait Voice sample
Alien Swarm
Salvager portrait
Synthetic queen Fully voiced dialogue

Cybernetic evolution portraits[]

Cybernetic evolution portraits have 3 possible variants, called evolution stages. Evolution stage 1 is used if the species does not have the Trait cybernetic Cybernetic, Trait limited cybernetic Limited Cybernetic or Trait cyborg ritualistic implants Ritualistic Implants trait. Evolution stage 2 is used if the species has the Trait limited cybernetic Limited Cybernetic or Trait cyborg ritualistic implants Ritualistic Implants trait. Evolution stage 3 is used if the species has the Trait cybernetic Cybernetic trait. Evolution stages can be previewed on the ruler at empire creation but afterwards the ruler will still use the evolution stage matching its traits.

There is a similar mechanism for synthetic evolution portraits, with 2 possible variants: Evolution stage 1 for Organic pops, and stage 2 for corresponding Machine species Machine & Mechanical Mechanical pops.

Moreover, as the evolution stage changes, the portraits' diplomacy voices would change as well.

Portrait variants Voice samples Phenotype
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Cybernetic 01 stage 1 Cybernetic 01 stage 2 Cybernetic 01 stage 3 Mammalian
Cybernetic 02 stage 1 Cybernetic 02 stage 2 Cybernetic 02 stage 3 Mammalian
Cybernetic 03 stage 01 Cybernetic 03 stage 02 Cybernetic 03 stage 03 Mammalian
Cybernetic 04 stage 1 Cybernetic 04 stage 2 Cybernetic 04 stage 3 Reptilian
Cyber 05 stage 1 Cyber 05 stage 2 Cyber 05 stage 3 Avian
Cyber 06 stage 1 Cyber 06 stage 2 Cyber 06 stage 3 Mammalian
Cyber 07 stage 1 Cyber 07 stage 2 Cyber 07 stage 3 Mammalian
Cyber 08 stage 1 Cyber 08 stage 2 Cyber 08 stage 3 Humanoid
Cyber 09 stage 1 Cyber 09 stage 2 Cyber 09 stage 3 Arthropoid
Cyber 10 stage 1 Cyber 10 stage 2 Cyber 10 stage 3 Reptilian
Cyber 11 stage 1 Cyber 11 stage 2 Cyber 11 stage 3 Reptilian
Cyber 12 stage 1 Cyber 12 stage 2 Cyber 12 stage 3 Humanoid
Cyber 13 stage 1 Cyber 13 stage 2 Cyber 13 stage 3 Fungoid

Species-specific text[]

Each species will be assigned a Nameset at generation, which can be chosen from a total of 60 options consisting of four sets for each of the thirteen species phenotypes, in addition to two sets for Hive Minds, two sets for Individualistic Robots, and United Nations of Earth, Commonwealth of Man, Senatus Populusque Romanus, and Cyberpunk sets for Humans. A nameset outlines the different pools of random names used for leaders, ships (disincluding ship prefixes), colonies, and fleets within an empire of that founder species, though leader names will also carry over to full citizenship pops in other empires. Synthetic pops created by organic empires will typically adopt the nameset of the species that created them.

Each phenotype contains a small bank of preset names for the species, homeworld, and home star system in matching sets. Computer-generated empires will always use a matched species-planet-system set in addition to one of the four phenotype namesets. Human empires will instead use either the UNE or CoM namesets at random. The Hive Mind and SPQR sets do not appear except through the custom empire creation options.

Phenotype dialogue[]

When contacted, empires with a high opinion may compliment you while those with a low opinion may insult you. The flavor text depends on the ruler's species. Species that wear and do not wear clothes also have a special diplomatic insult with each other. Species phenotype also determines the name of the pre-FTL world in the starting system of empires with the Origins fear of the dark Fear of the Dark origin.

Phenotype Compliment Insult Origins fear of the dark Fear of the Dark world name
Human angel ape Haven
Humanoid sphinx
  • beast
  • troll
  • orc
  • ugly bag of mostly water
Mammalian sphinx beast Den
Reptilian dragon
  • newt
  • lizard
Avian phoenix
  • bird
  • chicken
  • dodo
  • buzzard
Arthropoid scarab bug Hidden Web
Molluscoid kraken parasite Mantle
Fungoid chanterelle shroom Hyphae
Plantoid rose weed Pyrophyte
Lithoid gem coprolite Geode
Necroid specimen husk Necropolis
  • ichthyes
  • merfolk
  • chum
  • kraken
  • sea beast
  • gooberfish
  • treasure
  • scavenger
  • refuse defiler
  • reeker
  • filth
  • elegant automaton
  • technological marvel
  • tin can
  • toaster

In addition, many messages will use strings specific to species phenotypes to refer to other things (e.g. organs and fossils).

Phenotype Juvenile Sound Organ Mouth Ear Hand Tooth Fossil Remnant
Machine immature processing unit
  • whirring
  • clanging
  • wheezing
  • scraping
  • beeping
  • chattering
chipset energy intake port audio transducer grappling clamp nutrition compactor rusted component circuit board
Human baby
  • growling
  • grunting
  • yapping
  • yowling
  • mewling
stomach mouth ear hand tooth fossil skeleton
Humanoid cub
  • growling
  • grunting
  • yapping
  • yowling
  • mewling
stomach mouth ear hand tooth fossil skeleton
Mammalian cub
  • growling
  • grunting
  • yapping
  • yowling
  • mewling
stomach mouth ear paw tooth fossil skeleton
Reptilian hatchling
  • hissing
  • coughing
  • whizzing
  • whishing
  • wheezing
venom gland mouth tympanum claw tooth fossil skeleton
Avian chick
  • tooting
  • chirping
  • hooting
  • shrieking
  • warbling
gizzard beak ear claw beak mandible fossil skeleton
Arthropoid larva
  • clicking
  • cricking
  • cheeping
  • peeping
  • keening
mesenteron mandible tympanum pincer mandible shell remnant shell
Molluscoid larva
  • squelching
  • sloshing
  • slurping
  • burping
  • burbling
cecum radula aural pad tentacle tooth remnant faint residue
Fungoid spore
  • swooshing
  • squirting
  • swishing
  • dribbling
  • spewing
ascus gill sensory hypha gripper nutrition absorber remnant faint residue
Plantoid seedling
  • whispering
  • cracking
  • swishing
  • dribbling
  • wilting
nucellus calyx sensory stalk tendril root fossil dessicated stump
Lithoid pebble
  • tapping
  • cracking
  • scraping
  • crackling
  • rapping
vug maw vescicle appendage masticatory shard shard lifeless boulder
Necroid yearling
  • creaking
  • murmuring
  • cracking
  • grumbling
  • rasping
brumation sac maw ear claw tooth fossil skeleton
Aquatic fry
  • glugging
  • blubbing
  • splashing
  • grunting
  • clicking
  • thwoping
  • trilling
  • blubbering
swim bladder maw otolith grappling fin tooth fossil skeleton
Toxoid spawn
  • coughing
  • whizzing
  • wheezing
  • grunting
  • hissing
  • yapping
digestive tract maw otolith grappler fang fossil skeleton


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs