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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

This page lists traits specific to the Scientist Scientist class and its sub-classes only. For common traits please see leader traits.

Traits represent the background, education or personality of a leader. Most traits can be upgraded. The way in which leaders gain or upgrade traits depends on whether the Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is enabled:

  • If the DLC is enabled:
    • Leaders are able to select a trait to gain or upgrade every time they level up.
    • At level 4, they can choose a Veteran Class and, at level 8, they can choose a Destiny Trait.
    • Veteran traits are in the pool of possible traits, but only for the chosen Veteran Class.
  • If the DLC is not enabled:
    • Leaders gain or upgrade a random trait every 2 levels.
    • Veteran trait pools are turned off, as the leaders do not use Veteran Classes.
    • A number traits are available only if the DLC is not enabled.

Common traits[]

The following traits can be obtained by all scientists.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Scope Councilor trait Opposite Requirements Notes
Leader trait spark of genius Spark of Genius
  • Mod country all tech research speed +3% Research Speed
  • Feature Increased chance for rare research options
  • Mod country all tech research speed +6% Research Speed
  • Feature Increased chance for rare research options
Empire Yes Leader trait paranoid Paranoia
Leader trait archaeologist Archaeologist Anomaly research speed +10% Archaeology Excavation Speed Anomaly research speed +20% Archaeology Excavation Speed Science ship No NoRuler Ruler More common if Subclass scientist scholar large Scholar
Leader trait carefree Intuition Anomaly research speed +10% Anomaly Research Speed Anomaly research speed +25% Anomaly Research Speed Science ship No
  • Leader trait neurotic Neurosis
  • Leader trait meticulous Perfectionist
NoRuler Ruler More common if Subclass explorer large Explorer
Leader trait roamer Roamer Mod ship science survey speed +10% Survey Speed Mod ship science survey speed +20% Survey Speed Science ship No Leader trait neurotic Neurosis NoRuler Ruler More common if Subclass explorer large Explorer
Leader trait meticulous Perfectionist Anomaly discovery chance +10% Anomaly Discovery Chance Anomaly discovery chance +15% Anomaly Discovery Chance Science ship No Leader trait carefree Intuition NoRuler Ruler More common if Subclass explorer large Explorer
Leader trait custom AI assistant Custom AI Assistant
  • Mod ship science survey speed +10% Survey Speed
  • Anomaly research speed +10% Anomaly Research Speed
  • Mod ship science survey speed +15% Survey Speed
  • Anomaly research speed +15% Anomaly Research Speed
Science ship No Tech self aware logic Self-Evolving Logic technology
  • Requires the Tech sentient ai Positronic AI technology for level 2
  • Requires the Citizen Rights or Servitude AI policy for level 2
Leader trait planar theorist Planer Theorist
  • Time +10% Astral Rift Exploration Speed
  • Research speed (Physics) +10% Particles Research Speed
  • Time +20% Astral Rift Exploration Speed
  • Research speed (Physics) +20% Particles Research Speed
Council Yes Tech rift sphere Rift Sphere technology

Negative traits[]

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Scope Councilor trait Opposite Notes Description
Leader trait narrow minded Narrow-Minded Mod country all tech research speed −5% Research Speed
  • Mod country all tech research speed −5% Research Speed
  • Mod num tech alternatives add −1 Research Alternatives
Empire Yes Leader trait inquisitive Inquisitor This leader has a very narrow focus on potential research, disregarding some options as unnecessary.
Leader trait paranoid Paranoia Mod country all tech research speed −5% Research Speed Mod country all tech research speed −10% Research Speed Empire Yes
  • Leader trait maniacal Hyper Focus
  • Leader trait spark of genius Spark of Genius
This leader is unwilling to collaborate with others.
Leader trait opinionated Stubbornness
  • Research −2.5% Research from Jobs (sector)
  • Research −5% Research from Jobs (planet)
  • Research −3.75% Research from Jobs (sector)
  • Research −7.5% Research from Jobs (planet)
Sector/world No Leader trait collaborator Collaborator More common if Trait quarrelsome Quarrelsome This leader keeps strong opinions on certain topics, making collaboration with other researchers difficult.
Leader trait traumatized Traumatized
  • Anomaly research speed −10% Anomaly Research Speed
  • Anomaly research speed −30% Archaeology Excavation Speed
  • Astral Planes −30% Astral Rift Exploration Speed
  • Anomaly research speed −20% Anomaly Research Speed
  • Anomaly research speed −100% Archaeology Excavation Speed
  • Astral Planes −100% Astral Rift Exploration Speed
Science ship No Can be gained from archaeology sites Recently sustained psychological trauma is interfering with this leader's performance.
Leader trait neurotic Neurosis
  • Mod ship science survey speed −5% Survey Speed
  • Anomaly research speed −5% Anomaly Research Speed
  • Mod ship science survey speed −20% Survey Speed
  • Anomaly research speed −20% Anomaly Research Speed
Science ship No
  • Leader trait carefree Intuition
  • Leader trait roamer Roamer
This leader takes too many precautions, with a complete disregard for efficiency.

Expertise traits[]

Each scientist can only have one expertise trait, although additional expertise can be obtained via events. They are only applied if the scientist is part of the Council unless the empire has the Civic technocracy Technocracy civic. Expertise traits can be gained the following way:

  • If the Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed the traits can be selected at level-up by scientists with the Subclass council large Statistician veteran class and a focus trait matching the same area of research. The traits can be upgraded up to level 3.
  • If the Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is not installed the traits can be gained randomly at level-up. The traits can be upgraded up to level 2.
Expertise Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Galactic Paragons Level 3 effects Requirements
Industry Industry
  • Research speed (Engineering) +15% Industry Research Speed
  • Industry +25% Chance for Industry Research Options
  • Research speed (Engineering) +20% Industry Research Speed
  • Industry +35% Chance for Industry Research Options
  • Research speed (Engineering) +35% Industry Research Speed
  • Industry +75% Chance for Industry Research Options
Materials Materials
  • Research speed (Engineering) +15% Materials Research Speed
  • Materials +25% Chance for Material Research Options
  • Research speed (Engineering) +20% Materials Research Speed
  • Materials +35% Chance for Material Research Options
  • Research speed (Engineering) +35% Materials Research Speed
  • Materials +75% Chance for Material Research Options
Propulsion Propulsion
  • Research speed (Engineering) +15% Propulsion Research Speed
  • Propulsion +25% Chance for Propulsion Research Options
  • Research speed (Engineering) +20% Propulsion Research Speed
  • Propulsion +35% Chance for Propulsion Research Options
  • Research speed (Engineering) +35% Propulsion Research Speed
  • Propulsion +75% Chance for Propulsion Research Options
Voidcraft Voidcraft
  • Research speed (Engineering) +15% Voidcraft Research Speed
  • Voidcraft +25% Chance for Voidcraft Research Options
  • Research speed (Engineering) +20% Voidcraft Research Speed
  • Voidcraft +35% Chance for Voidcraft Research Options
  • Research speed (Engineering) +35% Voidcraft Research Speed
  • Voidcraft +75% Chance for Voidcraft Research Options
Computing Computing
  • Research speed (Physics) +15% Computing Research Speed
  • Computing +25% Chance for Computing Research Options
  • Research speed (Physics) +20% Computing Research Speed
  • Computing +35% Chance for Computing Research Options
  • Research speed (Physics) +35% Computing Research Speed
  • Computing +75% Chance for Computing Research Options
Field Manipulation Field Manipulation
  • Research speed (Physics) +15% Field Manipulation Research Speed
  • Field Manipulation +25% Chance for Field Manipulation Research Options
  • Research speed (Physics) +20% Field Manipulation Research Speed
  • Field Manipulation +35% Chance for Field Manipulation Research Options
  • Research speed (Physics) +35% Field Manipulation Research Speed
  • Field Manipulation +75% Chance for Field Manipulation Research Options
Particles Particles
  • Research speed (Physics) +15% Particles Research Speed
  • Particles +25% Chance for Particles Research Options
  • Research speed (Physics) +20% Particles Research Speed
  • Particles +35% Chance for Particles Research Options
  • Research speed (Physics) +35% Particles Research Speed
  • Particles +75% Chance for Particles Research Options
Biology Biology
  • Research speed (society) +15% Biology Research Speed
  • Biology +25% Chance for Biology Research Options
  • Research speed (society) +20% Biology Research Speed
  • Biology +35% Chance for Biology Research Options
  • Research speed (society) +35% Biology Research Speed
  • Biology +75% Chance for Biology Research Options
Military Theory Military Theory
  • Research speed (society) +15% Military Theory Research Speed
  • Military Theory +25% Chance for Military Theory Research Options
  • Research speed (society) +20% Military Theory Research Speed
  • Military Theory +35% Chance for Military Theory Research Options
  • Research speed (society) +35% Military Theory Research Speed
  • Military Theory +75% Chance for Military Theory Research Options
New Worlds New Worlds
  • Research speed (society) +15% New Worlds Research Speed
  • New Worlds +25% Chance for New Worlds Research Options
  • Research speed (society) +20% New Worlds Research Speed
  • New Worlds +35% Chance for New Worlds Research Options
  • Research speed (society) +35% New Worlds Research Speed
  • New Worlds +75% Chance for New Worlds Research Options
Statecraft Statecraft
  • Research speed (society) +15% Statecraft Research Speed
  • Statecraft +25% Chance for Statecraft Research Options
  • Research speed (society) +20% Statecraft Research Speed
  • Statecraft +35% Chance for Statecraft Research Options
  • Research speed (society) +35% Statecraft Research Speed
  • Statecraft +75% Chance for Statecraft Research Options
Archaeostudies Archaeostudies
  • Research speed (society) +15% Archaeostudies Research Speed
  • Archaeostudies +15% Chance for Archaeostudies Research Options
  • Minor artifacts −5% Minor Artifact Ship Cost
  • Research speed (society) +20% Archaeostudies Research Speed
  • Archaeostudies +20% Chance for Archaeostudies Research Options
  • Minor artifacts −7.5% Minor Artifact Ship Cost
  • Research speed (society) +35% Archaeostudies Research Speed
  • Archaeostudies +35% Chance for Archaeostudies Research Options
  • Minor artifacts −10% Minor Artifact Ship Cost
Psionics Psionics
  • Research speed (society) +15% Psionics Research Speed
  • Psionics +50% Chance for Psionics Research Options
  • Research speed (society) +20% Psionics Research Speed
  • Psionics +100% Chance for Psionics Research Options
  • Research speed (society) +35% Psionics Research Speed
  • Psionics +200% Chance for Psionics Research Options
Tech psionic theory Psionic Theory technology

Analyst traits[]

The following traits are only available to the Subclass analyst large Analyst veteran class. As with the veteran class itself, all traits are only applied to the scientist's assigned sector or planet and effects are doubled if assigned to a planet.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Opposite Description
Leader trait experimenter Experimenter Research +0.5 Monthly Research per level Research +1 Monthly Research per level Research +2 Monthly Research per level This leader seeks out the hypothetical, running many theoretical research projects simultaneously.
Leader trait collaborator Collaborator Research +2.5% Research from Jobs Research +3.7% Research from Jobs Research +5% Research from Jobs Leader trait opinionated Stubbornness This leader is happy to collaborate with other scientists and researchers in the pursuit of knowledge.
Leader trait engineering focus Engineering Focus Pop resource engineering research mult +5% Engineering Research from Jobs Pop resource engineering research mult +10% Engineering Research from Jobs Pop resource engineering research mult +15% Engineering Research from Jobs
  • Leader trait physics focus Physics Focus
  • Leader trait society focus Society Focus
This leader is passionate about advancing research in deep space engineering, design, and voidcraft. Their knowledge in these fields is unparalleled.
Leader trait physics focus Physics Focus Pop resource physics research mult +5% Physics Research from Jobs Pop resource physics research mult +10% Physics Research from Jobs Pop resource physics research mult +15% Physics Research from Jobs
  • Leader trait engineering focus Engineering Focus
  • Leader trait society focus Society Focus
This leader's keen mind is focused on advancing the field of physics. Our research related to particles and new computing mechanisms will bloom under their guidance.
Leader trait society focus Society Focus Pop resource society research mult +5% Society Research from Jobs Pop resource society research mult +10% Society Research from Jobs Pop resource society research mult +15% Society Research from Jobs
  • Leader trait engineering focus Engineering Focus
  • Leader trait physics focus Physics Focus
Having a deep knowledge of the intricacies of civilization, this leader will guide us into a new era with their focus on societal matters.

Explorer traits[]

The following traits are only available to the Subclass explorer large Explorer veteran class. As with the veteran class itself, all traits are only applied to the scientist's assigned science ship and focus on exploration. Confidential Research requires cloaking technology.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Description
Leader trait slippery Evasiveness
  • Mod ship disengagement +1 Disengagement Opportunities
  • Mod ship disengagement +25% Combat Disengagement Chance
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +25% Ship Hull Points
  • Mod ship disengagement +1 Disengagement Opportunities
  • Mod ship disengagement +50% Combat Disengagement Chance
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +50% Ship Hull Points
  • Mod ship disengagement +2 Disengagement Opportunities
  • Mod ship disengagement +100% Combat Disengagement Chance
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +100% Ship Hull Points
Exploring the unknown is a dangerous task. This leader upgraded their ship with additional fail-safe systems and automatic FTL-disengagement protocols.
Leader trait prospector Prospector Unknown +5% Basic Resource Discovery Chance on Survey Unknown +10% Basic Resource Discovery Chance on Survey
  • Unknown +10% Basic Resource Discovery Chance on Survey
  • Anomaly research speed +25% Anomaly Research Speed
This leader has a set of self-built, powerful scanners, which can find even the deepest deposits when surveying galactic objects.
Leader trait tuner Tuner Mod ship speed mult +25% Sublight Speed Mod ship speed mult +35% Sublight Speed Mod ship speed mult +50% Sublight Speed By investing in top-of-the-line upgrades for civilian vessel engines, this leader managed to improve their vessel's cruising speed.
Leader trait kidnapper Confidential Research Fleet cloaked +1 Cloaking Strength Fleet cloaked +2 Cloaking Strength
  • Fleet cloaked +2 Cloaking Strength
  • Mod ship shield hp mult −50% Shield Nullification from Cloaking
Some discoveries are best kept hidden.

Scholar traits[]

The following traits are only available to the Subclass scientist scholar large Scholar veteran class.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Additional required DLC
Leader trait geologist Excavator Icon archaeology +1 Archaeology Skill Icon archaeology +2 Archaeology Skill Icon archaeology +3 Archaeology Skill
Leader trait salvager Salvager
  • Mod ship speed mult +5% Sublight Speed
  • Unknown 10% Chance to Salvage Ships when finishing debris
  • Mod ship speed mult +15% Sublight Speed
  • Unknown 20% Chance to Salvage Ships when finishing debris
  • Mod ship speed mult +25% Sublight Speed
  • Unknown 30% Chance to Salvage Ships when finishing debris
Leader trait pilferer Antiquarian Minor artifacts 5% Chance to discover Minor Artifacts from Archaeological Sites Minor artifacts 10% Chance to discover Minor Artifacts from Archaeological Sites Minor artifacts 15% Chance to discover Minor Artifacts from Archaeological Sites Ancient Relics Ancient Relics
Leader trait deep space explorer Riftwalker Astral Planes +1 Astral Rift Skill Astral Planes +2 Astral Rift Skill Astral Planes +3 Astral Rift Skill Astral Planes Astral Planes

Statistician traits[]

The following traits are only available to the Subclass council large Statistician veteran class. As with the veteran class itself, all traits are only applied if the leader is part of the Council.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Opposite Notes
Leader trait science communicator Archivist
  • Mod leader species exp gain +5% Scientist Experience Gain
  • Icon archaeology +1 Archaeology Skill
  • Mod leader species exp gain +15% Scientist Experience Gain
  • Icon archaeology +1 Archaeology Skill
  • Mod leader species exp gain +25% Scientist Experience Gain
  • Icon archaeology +2 Archaeology Skill
Trait ruler expansionist Expansionist Mod country spaceport cost mult −5% Outpost Cost Mod country spaceport cost mult −7.5% Outpost Cost Mod country spaceport cost mult −10% Outpost Cost
Leader trait maniacal Hyper Focus
  • Mod country all tech research speed +6% Research Speed
  • Feature Increased chance for rare research options
  • Mod country all tech research speed +9% Research Speed
  • Feature Increased chance for rare research options
  • Mod country all tech research speed +15% Research Speed
  • Feature Increased chance for rare research options
Leader trait paranoid Paranoia
Leader trait inquisitive Inquisitor
  • Mod country all tech research speed +2% Research Speed
  • Mod num tech alternatives add +1 Research Alternatives
  • Mod country all tech research speed +4% Research Speed
  • Mod num tech alternatives add +1 Research Alternatives
  • Mod country all tech research speed +8% Research Speed
  • Mod num tech alternatives add +1 Research Alternatives
Leader trait narrow minded Narrow-Minded

Destiny traits[]

As with the veteran classes themselves, all traits that require the Subclass council large Statistician veteran class are only applied if the leader is part of the Council and those that require other the veteran classes only apply to the assigned science ship.

Requires the Subclass analyst large Analyst veteran class, applies its effects to the scientist's assigned sector or planet and effects are doubled if assigned to a planet:
Trait Effects Ethic Description
Leader trait truth seeker Truth Seeker
  • Amenities +10% Amenities from Jobs
  • Mod pop resource output +12.5% Resources from Psionic Pops
  • Spiritualist +25% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
Yes Any To pursue the truth is to open one's mind to possibilities beyond the horizon; perhaps beyond the veil of reality itself. This leader has a deep desire to uncover every secret of the universe, no matter the risks.
Leader trait robotist Bot Lord
  • Pop assembly speed +10% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Robot Output
  • Amenities −10% Robotic Pop Amenities Usage
Materialist Materialist This leader is a champion of robot design and manufacturing processes, always pushing the boundaries of what is possible. If there are advancements in robotics at hand, this individual likely had something to do with it.
Requires the Subclass explorer large Explorer veteran class and applies its effects to the scientist's assigned science ship:
Trait Effects Ethic Description
Leader trait xeno cataloger Xeno Cataloger
  • Mod ship speed mult +50% Sublight Speed
  • Mod ship science survey speed +50% Survey Speed
  • Anomaly discovery chance +15% Anomaly Discovery Chance
Yes Any This leader is tasked with discovering, identifying, and cataloging all xeno lifeforms. The data is then assessed to determine any possible threats and future contamination protocols.
Leader trait frontier adventurer Frontier Adventurer
  • Minor artifacts +1 Monthly Minor Artifacts
  • Mod ship speed mult +25% Sublight Speed
  • Mod ship science survey speed +25% Survey Speed
  • Chance to evade +15 Chance to Evade
Yes Any Exploring new systems, finding new worlds, and discovering long-forgotten civilizations are the main concerns of any true adventurer. This leader is the very embodiment of this ideal, always on the lookout for lost knowledge or forgotten ruins.
Requires the Subclass scientist scholar large Scholar veteran class and applies its effects to the scientist's assigned science ship:
Trait Effects Ethic Description
Leader trait observant Detail-Oriented
  • Society research +15 Monthly Society Research while excavating archaeological sites
  • Minor artifacts +5 Monthly Minor Artifacts while excavating archaeological sites
  • Anomaly research speed −15% Archaeology Excavation Speed
Yes Any A meticulous academic who works slowly, but produces incredible amounts of research.
Leader trait mindfulness Vibrant Storyteller
  • Anomaly research speed +25% Anomaly Research Speed
  • Mod leader species exp gain +300 Experience for all Scientists when completing an Anomaly
Yes Any Often away on off-world work, this leader has borne witness to truly amazing, far-flung places. Their exploits inspire the populace, providing valuable insights into rare resources and anomalous occurrences in the galaxy.
Requires the Subclass council large Statistician veteran class and applies its effects if the scientist is part of the empire council:
Trait Effects Ethic Description
Leader trait experimenter Great Researcher Mod country all tech research speed +10% Research Speed Yes Any In rare cases, a single person can outperform an entire team of researchers. When it comes to experimental designs, new solutions, and new technologies, this leader is a true genius.
Leader trait brilliant shipwright Brilliant Shipwright
  • Voidcraft +100% Chance for Voidcraft Research Options
  • Research speed (Engineering) +33% Voidcraft Research Speed
  • Mod ship build speed mult +33% Ship Build Speed
Yes Any With extensive knowledge and an innate understanding of shipbuilding, this leader is responsible not only for new technology but also for overseeing our shipyards.
Leader trait knowledge for the masses Driven Educator Mod leader species exp gain +25% Leader Experience Gain Yes Any Nothing is more important than a proper education. This leader spares no effort to cultivate young minds, aided by a devoted following of graduates.

Special traits[]

The following traits can only be obtained by events or special leaders.

Trait Effects Scope Councilor trait Source Description
Leader trait intemporal Chronofuge Mod leader age Immortal Leader No The Orb anomaly outcome This leader is unaffected by time and will not die from old age.
Leader trait maimed Maimed Mod leader age −40 Years Leader Lifespan Leader No Archaeology site bad outcome This leader has sustained irreversible physical injury that has lowered their life expectancy significantly.
Leader trait scroll Towel-bearer Mod ship science survey speed +42% Survey Speed Science ship No Dunes anomaly outcome A towel has immense psychological value.
Leader trait scholarium explorer Scholarium Explorer Mod ship science survey speed +20% Survey Speed Science ship No Specialist subject scholarium Tier 2 Scholarium The curiosity of Scholarium specialists will drive them to the ends of the universe, and probably beyond.
Leader trait scholarium observer Scholarium Observer
  • Anomaly research speed +25% Anomaly Research Speed
  • Anomaly discovery chance +5% Anomaly Discovery Chance
Science ship No Specialist subject scholarium Tier 2 Scholarium No mystery shall be left unsolved in a Scholarium scholar's wake.
Leader trait scholarium investigator Scholarium Investigator
  • Research +12.5% Research from Jobs (sector)
  • Research +25% Research from Jobs (planet)
Sector/world No Specialist subject scholarium Tier 2 Scholarium Scholarium specialists view the universe as one large puzzle, waiting to be solved.
Leader trait percussive maintenance Percussive Maintainer
  • Research speed (Physics) +20% Computing Research Speed
  • Anomaly research speed +10% Archaeology Excavation Speed
  • Mod leader species exp gain −10% Leader Experience Gain
Empire Yes Ancient Relics Ruined Station archaeological site outcome There is no such thing as a hardware problem that liberal use of the boot will not fix.

Paragon traits[]

The following traits are only present on certain paragons.

Trait Effects Scope Councilor trait Paragon Description
Leader trait curator Curator
  • Mod country all tech research speed +15% Research Speed
  • Mod ship science survey speed +25% Survey Speed
  • Feature Increased chance for rare research options
Empire Yes Distant StarsLeviathans Curator Order scientist This leader hails from the Curator enclave. Their understanding of technology and exploration is unmatched.
Leader trait master salvager Master Salvager
  • Mod ship hull regen +2% Monthly Hull Points Repaired for Friendly Ships in System
  • Unknown 15% Chance to Salvage Ships when finishing debris
Science ship No Overlord Salvagers scientist A veteran of Salvage operations from the Salvagers Enclave, sharing their expertise for a small fee.
Leader trait gorky AI Assistant 'Gorky'
  • Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain
  • Research +5% Research from Jobs (sector)
  • Research +10% Research from Jobs (planet)
Sector/world No Galactic Paragons Zosira K'Tun This little assistant helps out with sorting data and analyzing it. Its AI is a unique mix of research and companion bots.
Leader trait nebulous past Nebulous Past
  • Mod ship speed mult +25% Sublight Speed
  • Anomaly research speed +25% Archaeology Excavation Speed
  • Time −50% Time Spent Missing In Action
Science ship No Galactic Paragons Keides, Scion of Vagros Where does he come from? Who placed him in cryostasis, and why was he released? The unanswered questions of his past fuel this leader's thirst for knowledge.
Leader trait terraformation nuclei Terraformation Nuclei Food +30 Monthly Food Astrocreator Azaryn No Galactic Paragons Astrocreator Azaryn The buds on Astrocreator Azaryn's back. She is secretive about them.
Leader trait terraformation nuclei Terraformation Nucleus
  • Food +30 Monthly Food
  • Using Astrocreator Azaryn's terraforming method again will kill her
Astrocreator Azaryn No Galactic Paragons Astrocreator Azaryn (used her terraforming) The buds on Astrocreator Azaryn's back, and the source of her powers. Azaryn needs them to survive. A single bud remains.

Astral rift traits[]

The following traits can only be obtained from the outcomes of certain astral rifts.

Trait Effects Scope Councilor trait Astral rift Description
Leader trait black light blinded Black Light Blinded
  • Mod ship science survey speed −50% Survey Speed
  • Time −50% Archaeology Excavation Speed
  • Time −50% Astral Rift Exploration Speed
  • Icon archaeology −2 Archaeology Skill
  • Astral Planes −2 Astral Rift Skill
Science ship No Bleached Planet Blinded by a dark sun in the astral planes, this leader has gained an insatiable hunger for knowledge..
Trait leader trait mind wipe Foreign Consciousness
  • Time +25% Astral Rift Exploration Speed
  • Astral Planes +2 Astral Rift Skill
Science ship No Entangled Dark Matter This leader provides a vessel for a psionic, rift-born entity, allowing for greater understanding of the strange physics within the astral planes.
Leader trait obelisk curse Obelisk's Curse
  • Energy Credits +10% Monthly Energy Credits
  • Purge −1 Pop every year
Empire Yes Volcanic Plane A servant of the black obelisk, this leader claims to seek to restore the balance we have disrupted.
Leader trait maimed Partially Digested
  • Research speed (society) +20% Biology Research Speed
  • Mod leader age −20 Years Leader Lifespan
Empire Yes Rockworms This leader has had an unfortunate encounter with a giant worm from another dimension. While no longer whole of body, they have gained some unique insight into molecular Biology.
Leader trait custom AI assistant Sanitary Drone Assistant
  • Research speed (society) +15% Biology Research Speed
  • Time +20% Astral Rift Exploration Speed
  • Anomaly research speed +5% Anomaly Research Speed
  • Astral Planes +1 Astral Rift Skill
Empire Yes Chemical Wasteland This leader learned how to clean well.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs