Stellaris Wiki


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This article is for the PC version of Stellaris only.


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Common resources

A gas giant with four units of research resources and one unit of the very rare Zro resource.

In Stellaris, the economy is based on the production and consumption of resources and services either from a specific planet or throughout the empire. It relies primarily on Pop pops working Pop job jobs to produce most resources, with mining or research stations built over space deposits as a secondary source. Certain buildings and other sources can produce resources as well.

Resources can vary from fairly common Food food crops to very rare substances such as Dark Matter dark matter and also abstract concepts such as Influence influence and Research research.

There are two kinds of resources: Material and Abstract. In addition, certain empire capacities (e.g. Mod navy size add naval capacity) or planetary values (e.g. Amenities amenities) are "produced" in a similar way to resources. If an empire's stored stockpile for a material resource drops to 0 with negative income, a Shortage situation begins.

Resource storage capacity[]

All resources can be stockpiled. All empires have a 15,000 starting storage capacity for each material resource except Energy Credits energy, which has a 50,000 starting storage capacity. An empire can build Resource Silos Resource Silos buildings on colonies and Resource Silo Resource Silo buildings on starbases to expand their storage capacity. In addition, when the Galactic Market is founded, all members of the GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community gain 10,000 storage capacity, and researching Tech mega engineering Mega-Engineering adds 20,000 to an empire's storage capacity. When an empire's storage capacity for a resource is reached, any additional production of that resource is simply lost.

For abstract resources, only Influence influence has a maximum storage capacity: 1,000. Unity Unity and Research research have unlimited storage capacity; stored research is automatically used when researching a technology or special project, for more see stored research.

Material resources[]

Material resources are the primary means of developing an empire's infrastructure. Most construction – whether buildings, districts, ships, or other – requires at least one material resource. Additionally, material resources are used for most Upkeep upkeep, from Pop pops to ships to megastructures and more.

Basic resources[]

Basic resources are directly gathered from space deposits or by Pop job jobs from resource districts.

Resource Main uses Description
Energy Energy credits
  • Mod planet clear blocker cost mult Clear Blockers Cost
  • Mod country terraforming cost Terraforming Cost
  • Menu icon edicts Campaign Edicts Cost
  • Mod planet building cost mult Various Upkeep
  • MechanicalMachine species Robotic Pop Upkeep
  • Menu icon market Market purchases
Energy Credits (Energy) is an energy backed currency accepted by all space-faring races. You can gain more energy by:
  1. Building Generator Districts on the surface of colonized planets.
  2. Using Construction Ships to build Mining Stations around energy rich planets or stars.
  3. Selling resources on the Market.
Minerals Minerals
  • Mod planet building cost mult Buildings and Districts Cost
  • Mod planet building cost mult Stations Cost
  • MetallurgistJob artisan Manufacturing Jobs Upkeep
  • Trait lithoid Lithoid Pop Upkeep
Minerals (Minerals) is a collective term for the basic resources we need to construct ships, stations and planetary buildings. We can gain more by:
  1. Building Mining Districts on the surface of colonized planets.
  2. Using Construction Ships to build Mining Stations around mineral rich planets or asteroids.
  3. Buying more on the Market.
Food Food
  • Food Biological Pop Upkeep
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult Colony Ship Cost for Biological Empires
Food (Food) represents the various nutrients required to sustain and grow Pop Pops. You can gain more by:
  1. Building Agriculture Districts on the surface of colonized planets.
  2. Building Sb hydroponics bay Hydroponics Bays on starbases
  3. Buying more on the Market.

Advanced resources[]

Advanced resources are produced by Pop job jobs which refine them from Minerals minerals.

Resource Main uses Description
Alloys Alloys
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult Starbase and Ship Cost
  • Mod ship upkeep mult Ship Upkeep
  • Mod megastructure build speed Megastructure Cost
Alloys (Alloys) are advanced resources with a military application, which we need to construct Ships and Starbases. We can gain more by:
  1. Building Building Alloy Foundries buildings on the surface of colonized planets.
  2. Building District industrial Industrial Districts on the surface of colonized planets.
  3. Buying more on the Market.
Consumer goods Consumer goods
Consumer Goods (Consumer goods) is an advanced resource that represents the various gadgets, luxuries and goods necessary to give your Pop Pops a good life and to perform intellectual Pop job Jobs such as Researcher Research. You can gain more by:
  1. Building Building Civilian Industries buildings on the surface of colonized planets.
  2. Building District industrial Industrial Districts on the surface of colonized planets.
  3. Buying more on the Market.

Strategic resources[]

Menu icon strategic resource Strategic resources are specialized resources required to both build and maintain advanced buildings and ship components. They are harder to obtain than the common basic and advanced resources and are therefore also much more highly valued. Strategic resources can be obtained by either extracting them from natural space or planetary deposits or manufacturing them synthetically. Natural strategic resource deposits are always visible but requires specific technologies to exploit. Synthetic versions are produced from Minerals minerals, albeit at a steep price. All strategic resources can also be manufactured from Fallen Empires' Dimensional Fabricator buildings.

Resource Main uses Required tech (either) Major source Description
Exotic gases Exotic Gases
  • Damage Advanced plasma weapon components
  • Shield Advanced shield components
  • Menu icon edicts Strategic resource edicts
Building Advanced buildings cost and upkeep0
  • Cyto-Revitalization Center
  • Hall of Judgement
  • Energy Nexus
  • Advanced research buildings
  • Hyper-Entertainment Forums
  • Auth corporate Executive Retreat
  • Civic machine servitor Organic Paradise
Tech exotic gases Exotic Gas Extraction
Tech exotic gases Exotic Gas Refining
  • Building Exotic Gas Refineries
  • Building Gas Extraction Wells
  • Sb nebula refinery Nebula Refinery
  • Planet gas giant Gas giant deposits
  • Planet toxic Toxic world deposits
Rare and exotic gases with a variety of uses, particularly in the operation of advanced energy-based weaponry and force fields. Some of the gases can also be used as starship fuel or even as recreational drugs.
Rare crystals Rare Crystals
  • Damage Advanced laser weapon components
  • Health Advanced hull components
  • Menu icon edicts Strategic resource edicts
Building Advanced buildings cost and upkeep0
  • Advanced consumer goods buildings
  • Commerce Megaplexes
  • Advanced housing buildings
  • Advanced unity buildings
  • Auth corporate Xeno-Outreach Agency
Tech mine rare crystals Rare Crystal Mining
Tech rare crystals Rare Crystal Manufacturing
  • Building Synthetic Crystal Plants
  • Building Crystal Mines
  • Planet asteroid Ice asteroid deposits
  • Planet frozen Frozen world deposits
These crystals have properties that make them extremely effective at focusing laser beams, and they are also a critical component in most advanced electronics. In addition, many cultures treasure them as decorations and adornments.
Volatile motes Volatile Motes
  • Damage Advanced kinetic and missile weapon components
  • Menu icon edicts Strategic resource edicts
Building Advanced buildings cost and upkeep0
  • Food Processing Centers
  • Mineral Purification Hubs
  • Advanced alloys buildings
  • Fortress
Tech volatile motes Mote Stabilization
Tech volatile motes Volatile Material Plants
  • Building Chemical Plants
  • Building Mote Harvesting Traps
  • Planet asteroid Asteroid deposits
  • Planet molten Molten world deposits
These preternatural particles contain a tremendous amount of energy which could be exploited in energy production, as fuel or even as explosives.

Special resources[]

Special Menu icon strategic resource strategic resources which cannot be manufactured by regular empires. Space and planetary deposits of these resources are much less common than even the regular strategic resources. Fallen Empires' Dimensional Fabricator buildings will produce these resources (except Nanites) when held by the fallen empire, but not when held by a regular empire.

Resource Main uses Required tech Major source Description
Zro Zro
  • Ship part psi shield Psionic Shields component
  • Menu icon edicts Sight Beyond Sight edict
  • Menu icon edicts Zro Additives edict
  • Menu icon edicts Zro Catalysis edict
Tech mine zro Zro Distillation
  • Planet toxic Toxic world deposits
  • Planet gas giant Gas giant anomalies
An extremely rare aerosol of exotic particles. It has been deposited on a number of worlds through meteor impacts, but its true origin is a mystery. If ingested by psionically-gifted individuals, zro acts as a very potent (and addictive) drug that enhances PSI abilities.
Dark Matter Dark Matter
  • Ship part dark matter shield Dark Matter Deflectors component
  • Ship part dark matter power core Dark Matter Reactor component
  • Ship part thruster 5 Dark Matter Thrusters component
  • Nemesis Star-Eater construction
  • Nemesis Aetherophasic Engine upgrade
Tech mine dark matter Dark Matter Drawing
  • Black Hole Black hole deposits
  • Observatory Black Hole Observatory
  • Nemesis Star-Eaters
This exotic substance has many properties that seemingly defy several natural laws. Harvestable concentrations can only be found near Black Holes or in certain nebulas.
Living Metal Living Metal
  • Menu icon edicts Living Metal Mega-Construction edict
Living Metal Living Metal
  • Anomaly deposits
  • Destroyed Contingency Sterilization Hubs
  • Ancient Relics Sentinels archaeology site
  • MegaCorp Sold rarely by the caravaneers
This inorganic metal shows characteristics usually seen only in biological life forms. It will always attempt to regenerate back into the shape it was stabilized into.
Nanites Nanites
  • Ship part auto repair Nanite Repair System component
  • Building Nanite Transmuter building upkeep
  • Menu icon edicts Nanite Actuators edict
  • Distant Stars L-Cluster celestial bodies
  • Planet barren Broken world in Scavenger Bot system
Simple but powerful nanoactuators, allowing for complex manipulations and experiments of macroscopic scales.

Abstract resources[]

Abstract resources represent an empire's sociopolitical and technological capabilities.

Resource Main uses Description & notes
Influence Influence
  • Mod country claim influence cost Making claims
  • Mod country starbase influence cost mult Building outposts
  • Decision default Decisions that increase planet size
  • Hyper Relays Megastructures that improve movement
  • Planet habitat Artificial planets
  • Diplomacy alliance Diplomatic pacts upkeep
  • Diplomacy isvassal Modifying subject agreements
  • Diplomacy being integrated Integrating subjects
Influence (Influence) represents political clout and is used for things like making Claims and building Outposts. The gain rate remains fairly constant throughout the game, but can be increased by declaring other empires your Rivals or increasing your Power Projection.

Power Projection grants up to 2 Influence depending on how many ships you have compared to your Empire Size.
Unity Unity
  • Mod leader influence cost Leader recruitment and upkeep
  • Menu icon traditions Unlocking Traditions
  • Menu icon edicts Edicts cost and upkeep
  • Decision default Planetary decisions cost
  • Election vote share Influencing elections
  • Mandate Reforming the government
Unity (Unity) is used to unlock new Traditions, recruit Leaders and enact Edicts. We can increase our output by building an Building Autochton Monument or other buildings that provide jobs which produce Unity.
Research Research Physics / Society / Engineering Research (Physics ResearchSociety researchEngineering research) is used to research new technologies. We can increase out output by:
    • 1. Building Building Research Labs buildings on our colonies.
    • 2. Using Construction Ships to build Research Stations around certain planets or stars.

  • Research speed is based on monthly research production, multiplied by Mod country all tech research speed Research Speed modifiers.
  • Research can be stored by not working on any technology or special project.
  • Stored research doubles the progress speed of technology and special projects until the storage is emptied.
  • The amount of stored research can be checked by hovering over the research output.

Trade value[]

Main article: Trade

Trade value is not strictly a resource; thus it cannot be stockpiled and instead is collected at the capital via trade routes and converted monthly into Energy Credits energy credits, Consumer goods consumer goods and / or Unity unity based on the empire's trade policy. Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires cannot and do not use trade value.

Resource Major source Description
Trade value Trade value
  • Pop Pops (varies based on Living Standards, Civics and/or Traits)
  • Pop job Various jobs
  • Building Galactic Stock Exchange building increases planetary overall trade value
  • Planet asteroid Celestial Body deposits (no stations required)
  • Auth corporate Branch Office buildings
Trade Value represents civilian day-to-day economic activity. Starbases collect Trade Value and convert it into resources such as Energy Credits Energy Credits if connected to your capital planet through a Trade Route. Trade Value that is directly collected by your capital Starbase does not need a trade route to generate resources.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs