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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Relics are very powerful artifacts and trophies that an empire can collect if they defeat a crisis or own the required DLC. Every Relic has a passive effect as well as a powerful Triumph effect that requires resources. All Relics have a Triumph cooldown during which no other relic can be activated. Most relics have a cooldown of 10 years, but some have a shorter one.

If an empire invades and captures the capital of another empire while using a casus belli other than Claim the Galatron there is a 10% chance to steal one of the owned Relics. The chance is increased to 15% if the empire has the Barbaric Despoilers Barbaric Despoilers civic and 50% when using the Despoliation casus belli.

Relics give large amounts of score, which can tip the balance in games with victory enabled. The Relics Collected score for empires in the victory tab can be used to deduce which empire has relics.

List of relics[]

Archaeological relics[]

The following relics can only be obtained by fully excavating certain archaeological sites.

Relic Passive effect Triumph effect Triumph cost Triumph cooldown Archaeological site Score
R odryskan crystal Crystal of Odryskia Rare crystals +15% Monthly Rare Crystals Energy Credits 60 months worth of Energy Credits
Leader trait maniacal A scientist gains the Hyper Focus trait
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Debris Belt 3000
R ancient sword Blade of the Huntress Mod army morale +25% Army Morale
Diplomatic weight +10% Diplomatic Weight
Mod planet sensor range mult +2 Planet Sensor Range
Mod ship speed mult +25% Sublight Speed for 10 years Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Ancient Relics Fossilized Remains 200
R severed head Head of Zarqlan Diplomacy opinion +150 opinion with Holy Guardians
Planet gaia Allows the colonization of Holy Worlds
Spiritualist +75% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction for 10 years
Menu icon fleet manager 3 Fallen Empire Escorts on first use
Menu icon fleet manager 6 Fallen Empire Escorts on second use
Menu icon fleet manager 9 Fallen Empire Escorts on third use
Menu icon fleet manager 12 Fallen Empire Escorts on fourth use
Menu icon fleet manager 15 Fallen Empire Escorts on fifth+ use
Menu icon fleet manager 1-5 Battlecruisers if the Holy Guardians exist
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Ancient Relics Ancient Tomb 200
R galaxy Miniature Galaxy Mod country all tech research speed +5% Research Speed Mod country all tech research speed +50% Research progress in a random technology Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Ancient Relics Abandoned Ecumenopolis 2000
R mechano calibrator The Defragmentor Energy Credits −10% Building and District Energy Upkeep
Energy Credits −10% Job Energy Upkeep
Mod pop robot upkeep mult −10% Robot Upkeep
Pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage if machine empire
Energy Credits +20% Monthly Energy Credits for 10 years
Research speed (Engineering) +10% Engineering Research Speed for 10 years
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Ancient Relics Planetary Machinery
Develop A Cure For The Ferrophage special project
R omnicodex The Omnicodex Trait Point +1 Gene Modification Points
Diplomacy opinion +25 Opinion with biological empires if machine
Pop 3 Pops from a new random species
Hive-minded They will have the Hive-Minded trait if main species has it
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Ancient Relics Ruined World 500

Crisis relics[]

The following relics are tied to Crises and can be gained by certain actions connected with them.

Relic Passive effect Triumph effect Triumph cost Triumph cooldown Source Score
R unbidden warlock Extradimensional Warlock Mod ship speed mult +30% Sublight Speed
Mod ship weapon range mult +30% Ship Weapons Range
Mod ship speed mult +100% Jump Drive Range for 10 years
Time −50% Jump Drive Cooldown for 10 years
Overlord +75% Quantum Catapult Accuracy for 10 years
Overlord +75% Quantum Catapult Range for 10 years
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Destroying the last Extradimensional Invaders' portal 5000
R contingency core Isolated Contingency Core Mod pop robot build speed mult +100% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
Fleet order button build megastructure Can build 2 of every multi-stage megastructure
Mod megastructure build speed +300% Megastructure Build Speed for 10 years Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Destroying the Contingency's secret lair 5000
R prethoryn queen Prethoryn Brood-Queen Research speed (society) +50% Society Research Speed Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Prethoryn Weapon Attack Speed
Menu icon fleet manager Controllable Prethoryn fleet (36 Warriors and 54 Swarmlings)
Food 10000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Capturing the Prethoryn Queen 5000
R khans throne Khan's Throne Mod country claim influence cost −20% Claim influence cost
Diplomacy issatrapy Grants access to the Satrapy subject type
Mod ship weapon damage +20% Ship weapons damage for 10 years
Militarist +25% Militarist Ethic Attraction for 10 years
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Apocalypse Defeating the Great Khan's fleet a second time 3000

Guardian relics[]

The following relics can only be obtained by defeating a certain guardian.

Relic Passive effect Triumph effect Triumph cost Triumph cooldown Guardian Score
R dragon trophy Ether Drake Trophy Unity +10% Monthly Unity Happiness +10% Happiness for 10 years
Stability +10 Stability for 10 years
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Leviathans Ether Drake 1000
R worm scales Scales of the Worm Research speed (Physics) +10% Physics Research Speed Mod country all tech research speed +20% Research Speed for 10 years
Stability −5 Stability for 10 years
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Ancient Relics The Worm 1000
R rubricator The Rubricator Damage +15% Archaeotech Weapon Damage
Society research +20 Society Research
Minor artifacts 500 Minor Artifacts Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Ancient Relics Shard 1000
R toxic god Maw of the Toxic Entity Damage +15% Strike craft damage
Fleet order button build megastructure Unlocks Demesne Outpost for toxic god origin
Decision consecrate habitat knights Consecrate Habitat decision if toxic god origin
Exotic gases 1000 Exotic Gases if not toxic god origin
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Toxoids Toxic Entity 3000

Precursor relics[]

The following relics can only be obtained by exploring a precursor homeworld.

Relic Passive effect Triumph effect Triumph cost Triumph cooldown Precursor Score
R war forge Cybrex War Forge Army assault m Can recruit Cybrex Warform armies on capital Basic: Alloys +1000 Alloys for cost Minerals −2000 minerals.
Effect and cost increase by +1000 and −2000 respectively after each use, until reach Alloys +20000 Alloys for Minerals −40000 minerals.
Unity 3000
Minerals 2000-20000
Mod relic cooldown 900 days Cybrex 5000
R pox sample Javorian Pox Sample Mod leader age +20 Years Leader Lifespan
Bombardment full Javorian Pox orbital bombardment stance
Biology Double chance to discover Biology techs
Research speed (society) +50% Biology Research Speed for 10 years Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Irassian Concordat 5000
R zro crystal Psionic Archive Mod shroud unavailable −50% Breach into the Shroud Cooldown
Menu icon edicts Enables the Zro Additives edict
Unknown Better Shroud odds
Choose one:
  • Ruler levels up (if possible)
  • Mod ship weapon damage +20% Ship weapons damage for 5 years
  • Stability +5 Planet Stability, Mod country edict cost −10% Edict Upkeep, and Mod pop ethic shift +25% Government Ethic Attraction for 5 years
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Zroni 1000
R baol The Last Baol Mod pop growth req +10% Pop Growth Speed
Society research +10% Society Research if machine empire
Decision resort colony Nu-Baol Life-Seeding decision Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Baol 1000
R orb insight Vultaum Reality Perforator Amenities −10% Pop Amenities Usage Random combat modifier:
  • Mod ship armor mult +40% Armor Hit Points for 2-5 years
  • Mod ship shield hp mult +40% Shield Hit Points for 2-5 years
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +40% Ship Hull Points for 2-5 years
  • Mod ship weapon damage +40% Ship Weapons Damage for 2-5 years
  • Yes All the above for 1 year
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Vultaum Star Assembly 5000
R cryo core Yuht Cryo Core Extra pops when establishing colony +1 Extra pops when establishing colony
Damage +20% Energy Weapon Attack Speed
Mod ship upkeep mult −20% Ship Upkeep for 10 years Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Yuht Empire 5000

Astral relics[]

The following relics can only by obtained by fully exploring certain astral rifts.

Relic Passive effect Triumph effect Triumph cost Triumph cooldown Astral rift Score
R celestial tear Celestial Tear Mod habitability +5% Habitability in orbit of class A, B, F or G stars Astral threads +1250 Astral Threads Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Subnautical 3000
R daedalus seal Daedalus Seal Time +25% Dimensional Locks Duration
Astral threads +1 Astral Threads
Yes Places a lock on every bypass within borders for 5 years Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 1800 days Dimensional Conflict 3000
R ever spinning top Ever Spinning Top Energy Credits +10% Monthly Energy Credits Research speed (Engineering) +33% Propulsion Research Speed Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 1800 days The Vortex 3000
R infinity root Infinity Root Food +10% Monthly Food Scientist Level trait Scientist with the Adaptionist and Eagerness traits Astral threads 100 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days The Garden 3000
R plasmic core Plasmic Core Mod pop growth req +10% Pop Growth Speed if biological
Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain if robot
Trait plasmic All Pops on a world gain the Plasmic trait if biological
Yes A leader gains 3 positive traits if machine
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days The Fluid 3000
R continuum The Continuum Mod pop resource output +5% Monthly Basic Resources
Mod pop resource output +5% Monthly Advanced Resources
Mod country all tech research speed +5% Research Speed
Mod pop resource output 12 months worth of Basic Resources
Mod pop resource output 12 months worth of Advanced Resources
Research 12 months worth of Research
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days The Mechanism 3000
R time crystal Time Crystal Mod leader age +10 Years Leader Lifespan Mod leader species exp gain +800 Experience for each leader Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Desert Ruins 3000

Other relics[]

The following relics don't match any of categories above.

Relic Passive effect Triumph effect Triumph cost Triumph cooldown Source Score
R galatron The Galatron Influence +3 Influence
Mod diplo weight mult +100% Diplomatic weight
Random resources:
  • Energy Credits 8000 Energy
  • Minerals 8000 Minerals
  • Food 8000 Food
  • Alloys 5000 Alloys
  • Consumer goods 5000 Consumer Goods
  • Exotic gases 500 Exotic Gases
  • Rare crystals 500 Rare Crystals
  • Volatile motes 500 Volatile Motes
  • Minor artifacts 30 Minor Artifacts if Ancient Relics Ancient Relics is installed
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days MegaCorp Reliquary reward (0.5% chance)
Can be captured with the Take Galatron Wargoal
R surveyor The Surveyor Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Sensor Range A celestial body within borders gains a random deposit:
  • Energy Credits 5/7/9 Energy
  • Minerals 5/7/9 Minerals
  • Engineering research 5/7/9 Engineering Research
  • Physics Research 5/7/9 Physics Research
  • Society research 5/7/9 Society Research
  • Trade value 5/7/9 Trade Value (Unless Gestalt Consciousness)
  • Alloys 1-3 Alloys
  • Exotic gases 1-3 Exotic Gases
  • Rare crystals 1-3 Rare Crystals
  • Volatile motes 1-3 Volatile Motes

50% chance to repeat this process in 360-1080 days

20% chance to repeat this process again in 1080-1800 days

Energy Credits 500 Mod relic cooldown 1800 days Ancient Relics Defeating the Home Base Ore Grinder 200
R the radiance Vacuum Flower Energy Credits +10% Monthly Energy Resource income for 10 years depending on capital star
  • Food +300 Food if class F
  • Energy Credits +300 Energy if class G
  • Minerals +300 Minerals if class K
  • Consumer goods +150 Consumer Goods if class A
  • Alloys +75 Alloys if class B
  • Rare crystals +30 Rare Crystals if class M
  • Volatile motes +30 Volatile Motes if class T
  • Exotic gases +30 Exotic Gases if Viridescent Lightbringer
  • Dark Matter +15 Dark Matter if Black Hole
  • Living Metal +15 Living Metal if Red Giant
  • Zro +15 Zro if Pulsar
  • Nanites +15 Nanites if Neutron Star

Bonuses stack in binary and trinary systems

Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Nemesis Finishing the The Kaleidoscope situation positively 1000
R eternal throne Eternal Throne Mod leader age Leaders are immortal Astral threads +333% Monthly astral threads for 10 years Astral threads 333 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days Astral Planes Subjugating or defeating the Formless 3000

The Key[]

The Key is an upgradable relic. It can only obtained by the first empire that enters the Dugar unique system and can only be upgraded through the story of the legendary paragon Keides, Scion of Vagros. The relic can optionally be surrendered when entering the final system of the story to avoid a difficult fight.

Relic Passive effect Triumph effect Triumph cost Triumph cooldown Score Description
R wormhole key 1 Relic Fragment (1/4) Research speed (Physics) +5% Physics Research Speed No Cannot be activated No Cannot be activated No Cannot be activated 0 Found inside Exakeides's cryostasis capsule, little is known about this mysterious relic.
R wormhole key 2 Relic Fragment (2/4) Research speed (Physics) +10% Physics Research Speed No Cannot be activated No Cannot be activated No Cannot be activated 0 Not much is known about these relic fragments, neither their composition, nor their purpose.
R wormhole key 3 Relic Fragment (3/4) Research speed (Physics) +15% Physics Research Speed No Cannot be activated No Cannot be activated No Cannot be activated 0 Not much is known about these relic fragments, neither their composition, nor their purpose.
R wormhole key 4 Restored Relic Research speed (Physics) +15% Physics Research Speed No Cannot be activated No Cannot be activated No Cannot be activated 0 The seams of the fragments have disappeared, restoring this Relic to full capacity. Still not much is known about its composition or mechanics.
R wormhole key 5 The Key Research speed (Physics) +25% Physics Research Speed
Time −25% Jump Drive Cooldown
Time −50% Jump Drive Cooldown for 3 months
Mod ship disengagement +75% Combat Disengagement Chance for 3 months
Fleet action button jump Enables Jumps for every ship for 3 months
Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown 3600 days 2500 Proof of Exakeides's Vagrosian legacy, this Relic is capable of folding two points in space, allowing near-instantaneous travel across the expanse.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs