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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

All regular and fallen empires have a bilateral Relation with each other empire. The relation level between two empires is based on the sum of their unilateral Diplomacy opinion opinions of each other, and it primarily determines which diplomatic actions are available between two empires without requiring an Envoy Envoy to be sent to Improve or Harm Relations.

The unilateral Diplomacy opinion opinion of an empire also influences whether an AI empire supports or opposes proposed resolutions in the GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community as well as their attitude towards an empire.

Relation levels[]

The relation level between two empires is determined by the sum of the Diplomacy opinion opinions both empires hold towards each other and determines what diplomatic options are available without requiring an Envoy Envoy to improve or harm relations.

Relations Opinion Available diplomacy without Envoys Description
Terrible −3000 to −750 Our empires consider each other enemies. We cannot realistically expect to come to agreement on any issues.
Tense −750 to −300 Message insult Insult Diplomatic efforts are breaking down. We are unlikely to come to an agreement on most issues.
Neutral −300 to +300 Diplomatic embassy Embassy, Diplomacy guarantee Guarantee Independence, Diplomacy non aggression pact Non-Aggression Pact, Diplomatic trade icon Trade Our diplomatic infrastructure is rudimentary. We can only expect agreement on deals that strongly benefit the other side.
Positive +300 to +750 Diplomatic efforts are beginning to pay off. We are beginning to find common ground on many diplomatic issues.
Excellent +750 to +3000 Our envoys have forged strong ties with this empire. Our empires are eager to work together diplomatically.


Each empire has a unilateral Diplomacy opinion opinion towards every other empire, ranging from −1500 to +1500. Opinion is influenced by a variety of factors and has a large effect on an empire's attitude.

Permanent modifiers[]

Permanent Diplomacy opinion opinion modifiers are either permanent or persist until the current diplomatic status changes and are an important factor in deciding how diplomacy proceeds after a first contact.

Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards
Same Authority +10 Auth democratic Democratic authority Auth democratic Democratic authority
+10 Auth oligarchic Oligarchic authority Auth oligarchic Oligarchic authority
+10 Auth dictatorial Dictatorial authority Auth dictatorial Dictatorial authority
+10 Imperial Imperial authority Imperial Imperial authority
Defender of the Galaxy +200 All empires Defender of the Galaxy Defender of the Galaxy ascension perk
First Contact Hostilities −25 Empire that attacked before first contact was finished Empire that attacking before first contact was finished
First Contact War −75 Empire that lost 10 ships or a planet before first contact was finished Empire that destroyed 10 ships or occupied a planet before first contact was finished
Galactic Community Member +50 GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community Member GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community Member
Galactic Imperium Member +50 GalacticEmpire mainButton Galactic Imperium Member GalacticEmpire mainButton Galactic Imperium Member
In Breach of Galactic Law −100 GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community Member Galactic Community#Galactic Law Galactic Community Member in breach of Galactic Law
Left Galactic Community −75 GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community Member Former Galactic Community Member
Xeno Filth −1000 Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers civic All empires with a different main species
Fanatic Purifiers −1000 All empires besides Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers of the same species Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers civic
Fellow Fanatic Purifiers +200 Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers of same species Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers of same species
Common Ground +100 Origins common ground Common Ground origin Federation member Origins common ground Common Ground origin Federation member
Criminal Syndicate −25 Auth democraticAuth oligarchicAuth dictatorialImperial Default authority empires Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage civic
Interstellar Assembly +15 All empires MegaCorp Interstellar Assembly (stage I) owner
+30 All empires MegaCorp Interstellar Assembly (stage II) owner
+75 All empires MegaCorp Interstellar Assembly (stage III) owner
+150 All empires MegaCorp Interstellar Assembly (stage IV) owner
Crisis Empire −60 Intel level mid Medium Government Intel Crisis Lvl2 btn Crisis Level 2 empire
−140 Intel level mid Medium Government Intel Crisis Lvl3 btn Crisis Level 3 empire
−240 Intel level mid Medium Government Intel Crisis Lvl4 btn Crisis Level 4 empire
−400 All empires Crisis Lvl5 btn Crisis Level 5 empire
Destroying Star Systems −100 All empires Crisis Lvl5 btn Empire using Star-Eaters
Trying to Destroy Galaxy −1000 All empires Crisis Lvl5 btn Partial Aetherophasic Engine owner
Nearby Crisis Empire +50 Neighbor of the same Crisis Level 3+ empire Neighbor of the same Crisis Level 3+ empire
Fellow Victims +50 Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles or Origins payback Payback origin Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles or Origins payback Payback origin
Former Masters −1000 Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles or Origins payback Payback origin Origins slavers Minamar Specialized Industries empire
Former Slaves −1000 Origins slavers Minamar Specialized Industries empire Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles or Origins payback Payback origin
Crusader Spirit −25 All empires not SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist or Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Civic crusader spirit Crusader Spirit civic
+20 Civic crusader spirit Crusader Spirit civic Civic crusader spirit Crusader Spirit civic
Helpful Gardeners +50 Owner of a colony with Seed Pods Origins gardeners Fruitful Partnership that seeded the colony
Shared Kin +100 Civic selective kinship Selective Kinship civic Same main species archetype
Horrid Alien −50 Civic selective kinship Selective Kinship civic Different main species archetype
Fractured Ambassadors +20 Not Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Fractured Ambassadors empire modifier
Diplomatic Relationship Modifiers
Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards
Subject +25 Diplomacy isvassal Subject Diplomacy hasvassal Overlord
Same Overlord +50 Diplomacy isvassal Subject of the same Overlord Diplomacy isvassal Subject of the same Overlord
Allied to Rivals −100 Diplomacy rivalry Rivalry with the same third empire Diplomacy defensive pact Defensive pact with the same third empire
Rivals with Allies −100 Diplomacy defensive pact Defensive pact with the same third empire Diplomacy rivalry Rivalry with the same third empire
Ally of Ally +25 Diplomacy defensive pact Defensive pact with the same third empire Diplomacy defensive pact Defensive pact with the same third empire
Mutual Rivals +50 Diplomacy rivalry Rivalry with the same third empire Diplomacy rivalry Rivalry with the same third empire
Closed Borders −20 Target of closed borders Empire closing their borders
Guarantees Independence +10 Diplomacy guarantee Guaranteed empire Guarantor
Federation +50 Diplomacy federation Federation member Diplomacy federation Federation member
Federation Associate +10 Diplomatic embassy Federation associate or member Diplomatic embassy Federation associate or member
Defensive Pact +20 Diplomacy defensive pact Defensive pact Diplomacy defensive pact Defensive pact
At War −50 Diplomacy war Has war against Diplomacy war Has war against
Rivaling us −100 Diplomacy rivalry Rivaled empire Diplomacy rivalry Rivaling empire
Our Rival −100 Diplomacy rivalry Rivaling empire without the Antagonistic diplomatic stance Diplomacy rivalry Rivaled empire
−200 Diplomacy rivalry Rivaling empire with the Antagonistic diplomatic stance Diplomacy rivalry Rivaled empire
Policy Modifiers
Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards
Both Supremacists −200 Supremacist Supremacist Diplomatic Stance Supremacist Supremacist Diplomatic Stance
Bombardment Policy −10 Pacifist Pacifist Policies Indiscriminate or Armageddon Orbital Bombardment
−20 Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist Policies Indiscriminate or Armageddon Orbital Bombardment
Slavery Policy −10 Egalitarian Egalitarian or Xenophile Xenophile Policies Allowed Slavery
−20 Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian or Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile Policies Allowed Slavery
Interference Policy −5 Xenophobe Xenophobe Policies Passive Studies Pre-FTL Interference
−10 Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe Policies Passive Studies Pre-FTL Interference
+10 Policies Passive Studies Pre-FTL Interference Policies Passive Studies Pre-FTL Interference
Xenophages −25 Not AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian or XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe Livestock or Grid Amalgamation slavery or Processing or Chemical Processing purge user
−25 XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile Livestock or Grid Amalgamation slavery or Processing or Chemical Processing purge user
−50 Not AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian and XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile Livestock or Grid Amalgamation slavery or Processing or Chemical Processing purge user
Ethics Modifiers
Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards
Bright Materialists +10 Materialist Materialist MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist
+10 Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist Materialist Materialist
+25 Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist
Wise Spiritualists +10 Spiritualist Spiritualist SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist
+10 Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist Spiritualist
+25 Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist
Free Egalitarianists +10 Egalitarian Egalitarian EgalitarianFanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian
+10 Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian Egalitarian
+25 Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian
Enlightened Pacifists +10 Pacifist Pacifist PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist
+10 Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist Pacifist Pacifist
+25 Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist
Materialist Fools −10 Spiritualist Spiritualist Materialist Materialist
−20 Spiritualist Spiritualist Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist
−20 Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist Materialist Materialist
−40 Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist
Spiritualist Fools −10 Materialist Materialist Spiritualist Spiritualist
−20 Materialist Materialist Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist
−20 Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist Spiritualist Spiritualist
−40 Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist
Egalitarian Rabble −10 Authoritarian Authoritarian Egalitarian Egalitarian
−20 Authoritarian Authoritarian Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian
−20 Fanatic Authoritarian Fanatic Authoritarian Egalitarian Egalitarian
−40 Fanatic Authoritarian Fanatic Authoritarian Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian
Authoritarian Tyrants −10 Egalitarian Egalitarian Authoritarian Authoritarian
−20 Egalitarian Egalitarian Fanatic Authoritarian Fanatic Authoritarian
−20 Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian Authoritarian Authoritarian
−40 Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Authoritarian Fanatic Authoritarian
Xenophilia +5 Xenophile Xenophile Same portrait main species
+10 Xenophile Xenophile Same archetype main species
+20 Xenophile Xenophile Different archetype main species
+10 Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile Same portrait main species
+20 Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile Same archetype main species
+40 Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile Different archetype main species
Xenophobia −5 Xenophobe Xenophobe Same portrait main species
−10 Xenophobe Xenophobe Same archetype main species
−20 Xenophobe Xenophobe Different archetype main species
−10 Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe Same portrait main species
−20 Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe Same archetype main species
−40 Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe Different archetype main species
Xenophile Diplomacy +5 Not XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe Xenophile Xenophile with same main species archetype
+10 Not XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe Xenophile Xenophile with different main species archetype
+10 Not XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile with same main species archetype
+20 Not XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile with different main species archetype
+10 Xenophile Xenophile XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile
+10 Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile Xenophile Xenophile
+20 Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile
Xenophobic Bigots −5 All empires Xenophobe Xenophobe with same main species archetype
−10 All empires Xenophobe Xenophobe with different main species archetype
−10 All empires Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe with same main species archetype
−20 All empires Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe with different main species archetype
Wicked Cyborgs −20 Spiritualist Spiritualist Trait cybernetic Cybernetic main species
−40 Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist Trait cybernetic Cybernetic main species
Soulless Machines −40 Spiritualist Spiritualist Mechanical Mechanical or Machine species Machine main species
−60 Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist Mechanical Mechanical or Machine species Machine main species
Abandoned Organic Origins −20 Not MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist or Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence Mechanical Mechanical main species
Barbaric Despoilers −20 MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist Barbaric Despoilers Barbaric Despoilers civic
−40 AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian Barbaric Despoilers Barbaric Despoilers civic
−80 PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Barbaric Despoilers Barbaric Despoilers civic
−50 Not AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian, MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist or PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Barbaric Despoilers Barbaric Despoilers civic
Personality Modifiers
Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards
Pacifist Cowards −50 Honorbound Warriors AI Personality Pacifist Pacifist
−100 Honorbound Warriors AI Personality Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist
Infidel Unbelievers −100 Evangelizing Zealots AI Personality MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist
Fanatical Befrienders +100 Fanatical Befrienders AI personality All empires
Metalheads −1000 Metalheads AI personality All empires
Is a Democracy +25 Democratic Crusaders AI personality Auth democratic Democratic authority
Is an Oligarchy −50 Democratic Crusaders AI personality Auth oligarchic Oligarchic or Auth corporate Corporate authority
Is an Autocracy −100 Democratic Crusaders AI personality Auth dictatorial Dictatorial or Imperial Imperial authority
Oppressors −100 Democratic Crusaders AI personality Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor civic
−1000 Democratic Crusaders AI personality Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator civic
Fallen Empire Modifiers
Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards
Encroaching Borders −200 Militant Isolationists Owner of any bordering system
Desecrated Holy Planet −200 Holy Guardians Owner of at least one Holy World colony and doesn't have R severed head Head of Zarqlan relic
Zarqulan's Chosen +150 Holy Guardians R severed head Head of Zarqlan relic
Scion +100 Overlord Diplomacy isvassal Scion subject
Devouring Swarm −80 Enigmatic Observers Civic devouring swarm Devouring Swarm civic
Determined Exterminator −40 Enigmatic Observers Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator civic
UtopiaSynthetic Dawn Gestalt Consciousness Modifiers
Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards
Hive Mind −30 Not Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Auth hive mind Hive Mind
Empath +20 Not Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Civic empath Empath civic
Fellow Hive Mind +30 Auth hive mind Hive Mind Auth hive mind Hive Mind
Prey −1000 Civic devouring swarm Devouring Swarm civic All empires
Devouring Swarm −1000 All empires Civic devouring swarm Devouring Swarm civic
Machine Intelligence −30 Not MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist or Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
The Omnicodes +25 Not Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence with the R omnicodex The Omnicodex relic
Fellow Machine Intelligence +30 Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Crusader Spirit −500 Civic crusader spirit Crusader Spirit civic Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Fellow Assimilators +40 Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator civic Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator civic
Fellow Servitors +40 Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor civic Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor civic
Dreaded Assimilators −100 Not Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator civic
Soul Thieves −200 SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator civic
Biophiles −200 Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator civic Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor civic
Organic Filth −1000 Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator civic Biological main species
Murderer Machines −1000 Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor civic or biological main species Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator civic
Fellow Machines +100 Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator civic Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Fellow Exterminators +200 Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator civic Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator civic
Sophisticated Machines +10 Materialist Materialist Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
+20 Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Willing Servants +20 Decadent Decadent main species Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor civic

Variable modifiers[]

The following modifiers can have various values depending on how many times an empire meets the required condition.

Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards
Our Claims on Them −5 per Claim Claiming empire Claimed system owner
Their Claims on Us −5 per Claim Claimed system owner Claiming empire
Relative Power of Subjects −1 per 1% of difference between the overlord and the sum of all subjects Subject Overlord
Border Friction −5 for each connected system (multiplied by Border Friction factor of AI personalities) All empires except subjects, Federation members and Fallen Empires Empires with hyperlane connection borders
Criminal Branch Offices −10 for each branch office Planet owner Branch office owner with Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage civic
Reveres Holy World +30 per Consecrated Holy World Holy Guardians Empire consecrating a Holy World

Event modifiers[]

These modifiers can only be obtained through events.

Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards
Saved Captives +10 Target of the The Ransomeers event chain Accidentally saves captives
Killed Captives −10 Target of the The Ransomeers event chain Accidentally kills captives
Literary Savior +20 Target of the The Prince event Returned the text during the Prince event
Book Burner −20 Target of the The Prince event Refused to return the text during the Prince event
Nurtured Forebears +200 Nivlac Circle Relocated the Nivlacs in the Impossible Organism event chain
Discarded Forebears −200 Nivlac Circle Shot the Nivlacs into space in the Impossible Organism event chain
Bold Explorers +750 Target of the Propulsion Proponent Proclamation event Helped the civilization achieve FTL in the Propulsion Proponent Proclamation
Close Cousins +150 Mirror Empire Was diplomatic in the Strange Station astral rift expedition

Temporary modifiers[]

Temporary Diplomacy opinion opinion modifiers last for a predetermined amount of time and will eventually disappear, as they decay yearly by a certain amount. However, many can also be reinforced and increased up to a certain limit. Many temporary opinion modifiers come from events.

Diplomatic modifiers[]

Some diplomatic actions apply a temporary, decaying Diplomacy opinion opinion modifier.

Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards Decay Limit
Insulted −200 Insulted empire Insulting empire 2 monthly −200
Changed Federation −200 Empires in federation Empire that left federation 2 −1000
Broke Federation −200 Empires in federation Empire that left federation 2 −1000
Ended Federation Association −25 Former associate or federation members Empire(s) ending association 2 −1000
Kicked us from Alliance −200 Empire kicked from federation Federation member who proposed kicking 2 −1000
Tried to kick us from Alliance −100 Empire targeted Federation member who proposed kicking 2 −1000
Broke Defensive Pact −100 Former Diplomacy defensive pact defensive pact partner Empire which broke the defensive pact 2 −1000
Broke Research Agreement −25 Former Diplomacy research agreement research agreement partner Empire which broke the research agreement 2 −1000
Broke Non-Aggression Pact −25 Former Diplomacy non aggression pact non-aggression pact partner Empire which broke the non-aggression pact 2 −1000
Broke Migration Treaty −15 Former Diplomacy migration pact migration treaty partner Empire which broke the migration treaty 2 −1000
Broke Guarantee −15 Former Diplomacy guarantee guaranteed empire Empire which broke the Guarantee 2 −1000
Was at War −25 Diplomacy war 2 Defender Diplomacy war War declarer 1 −1000
Accepted plea for protection +30 Empire that proposed Diplomacy isvassal subjugation Diplomacy hasvassal Overlord 5 +30
Rejected Status Quo Peace Offer −20 Empire proposing status quo Empire rejecting status quo 5 −20
Broke free from Overlord −50 Former Diplomacy hasvassal Overlord Former Diplomacy isvassal subject 2 −50
Released from Overlord +30 Former Diplomacy isvassal subject Former Diplomacy hasvassal Overlord 1 +30

Variable modifiers[]

Variable modifiers start small but will keep growing as long as an empire continues doing the same action.

Name Diplomacy opinion Value From Towards Decay Limit
Improve Relations +0.25 monthly, +0.75 if embassy is established Mutual Mutual 1 +100
Harm Relations −0.5 monthly Mutual Mutual 1 −100
Broke Trade Pact −1 per 1/5 of the value of your side of the trade agreement Recipient Deal breaker 2 −200
Favorable Trade Deal +1 per every trade acceptance point above 1 Recipient Proposer 2 +100
Seized Resource Station −5 per station lost by system conquest Regular empire Conqueror 2 −1000
−20 per station lost by system conquest Fallen empire Conqueror
  • −2 per system conquered
  • −4 per starbase conquered
  • −8 per planet conquered
  • ×0.5 if Diplomacy non aggression pact Non-Aggression Pact with conqueror
  • Multiplied by Threat concern factor of AI personalities
All empires Conqueror 0.25 −1000
Mutual Threats
  • +1 per system conquered by a third empire
  • +2 per starbase conquered by a third empire
  • +4 per planet conquered by a third empire
All other empires All other empires 0.25 +200
Terror Bombing −5 per Pop killed by orbital bombardment Not MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist Bombarding empire 1 −100
−10 per Pop killed by orbital bombardment Pacifist Pacifist
−15 per Pop killed by orbital bombardment Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist
−10 per Pop killed by orbital bombardment Benevolent Interventionists
Butchered Tiyanki XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile Hunting empire 1 −1000
Supported Resolution +10 per proposed resolution voted for Resolution proposer Resolution supporter 1 +1000
Opposed Resolution −10 per proposed resolution voted against Resolution proposer Resolution opposer 1 −1000
Declared Emergency Measure +30 per proposed resolution declared emergency measure Resolution proposer Emergency declarer 1 +1000
Vetoed Resolution −50 per proposed resolution vetoed Resolution proposer Vetoer 1 −1000

Purge modifiers[]

Most Purge purge types cause an opinion loss for each pop purged towards the purging empire, but only from non-Gestalt, non-Fallen empires with sufficient intel on the purging empire.

Name Diplomacy opinion Opinion loss per pop Condition Decay Limit
Genocidal −5 Intel level low Low Economy Intel or higher on purging empire and doesn't have purger AI personality
Also applies to all conditions below
1 −1000
−10 Egalitarian Egalitarian or Xenophile Xenophile and doesn't purge
−15 Egalitarian Egalitarian and Xenophile Xenophile and doesn't purge
−15 Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian or Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile and doesn't purge
−20 Fanatic Egalitarian Fanatic Egalitarian and Xenophile Xenophile and doesn't purge
−20 Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile and Egalitarian Egalitarian and doesn't purge
−20 Benevolent Interventionists
Purged our Species −25
  • Main species was purged
  • Intel level low Low Economy Intel or higher on purging empire
1 −1000
Necrophage purge or Job apprentice Necrophyte 'elevation'
Name Diplomacy opinion Opinion loss per pop Condition Decay Limit
Mysterious Disappearances −100
Necrophaged our Species
  • Main species was necrophaged
  • Intel level low Low Economy Intel or higher on necrophaging empire

Fallen Empires only[]

Fallen Empire Opinion modifiers only apply from Fallen or Awakened Empires and play a large part in diplomacy with them.

Name Diplomacy opinion Value Decay Limit
Accepted Gift +50 2 +50
Accepted Demands +25 1 +100
Refused Demands −200 1 −200
Spurned Gift −50 1 −100
Failed Task −50 1 −50
Failed Major Task −200 1 −200
Refused Task −25 1 −25
Completed Task +100 1 +200
Refused Request −50 1 −100
Accepted Request +100 2 +200
Refused Subjugation −200 1 −200


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs