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Early Space Age Humanoids

Humanoid civilization in Early Space Age


Primitive Enlightenment - A Stellaris Meme

There are two types of species that did not achieve FTL in the game: pre-FTL civilizations and pre-sapient species. They can be made plentiful or outright disabled via the galaxy generation options.

Pre-FTL civilizations are civilizations that have yet to develop the technology necessary for interstellar space travel. They advance through multiple ages as their history is written and can become full-fledged interstellar empires if they are technologically enlightened by another spacefaring empire or left alone enough to develop on their own. Pre-FTL civilizations have a 3% chance to spawn in each habitable system, modified by the Pre-FTL Civilizations and Pre-Sapient Species game setting.

Pre-sapient species are species with intelligence beyond animals but which did not achieve sapience yet. It will take millions of years for them to become sapient, but spacefaring empires can accelerate this process, turning the pre-sapients into productive galactic citizens within the span of just a few decades. Pre-sapient have a 5% chance to spawn on each habitable planet, modified by the Pre-FTL Civilizations and Pre-Sapient Species game setting.

Pre-FTL civilizations[]

Pre-FTL civilizations exist in various ages of development they slowly go through, visible after an observation post has been constructed. They usually have the Origin default pre ftl Developing Nation origin, but also have a 5% chance to have a regular origin as long as the required DLC is installed

Pre-FTL civilizations can always be invaded and conquered as long as their system has been claimed and the Pre-FTL Interference policy is set to Aggressive Interference. Pre-FTL civilizations have no means to resist a technologically superior invader, although Post-Atomic civilizations can be harder to conquer early game. Conquered worlds will get the Stellar Culture Shock modifier for 10 years, which locks out the former primitive pops from using colony ships, being resettled, joining Factions or being released as a Vassal. It also brings −20% Stability Stability, −33% Mod pop resource output Resources from Jobs, and −50% Empire sprawl Empire Sprawl from Pops.

A Ship part nanobot diffuser Nanobot Diffuser can be used on a primitive world instead of conquest but will generate a temporary −40 Diplomacy opinion Opinion from every other empire.

Age Buildings Pops Armies Government Diplomacy awareness Awareness chance Description
Increase Decrease
Colony type stone age Stone Age 1 Crude Huts 4 No army Tribal Society 1% 90% This civilization is currently in the equivalent of a Stone Age. They have mastered fire and developed a rudimentary spoken language, but we have yet to see any evidence of metallurgy or written communication.
Colony type bronze age Bronze Age
  • 1 Stone Palaces
  • 1 Primitive Dwellings
8 3 primitive armies Tribal Society 1% 90% This civilization is currently in the equivalent of a Bronze Age. Primitive metalworking and the first written languages have appeared, while cities and larger communities are taking shape.
Colony type iron age Iron Age
  • 1 Stone Palaces
  • 1 Primitive Dwellings
9 3 primitive armies Feudal Realms 1% 90% This civilization is currently in the equivalent of an Iron Age. They have spread across most of their homeworld, while iron smelting and forging techniques have enabled them to forge crude but effective tools and weaponry.
Colony type late medieval age Late Medieval Age
  • 1 Stone Palaces
  • 2 Primitive Dwellings
10 3 primitive armies Feudal Realms 5% 75% This civilization is currently experiencing the equivalent of a Late Medieval Age. They have a firm grasp of metallurgy, and the invention of the printing press has started to benefit the spread of knowledge.
Colony type renaissance age Renaissance Age
  • 1 Stone Palaces
  • 2 Primitive Dwellings
12 3 primitive armies Feudal Realms 5% 75% This civilization is currently experiencing the equivalent of a Renaissance Age. Scientific knowledge is increasing at a rapid rate, and the invention of gunpowder has revolutionized warfare.
Colony type steam age Steam Age
  • 1 Stone Palaces
  • 1 Urban Dwellings
  • 1 Primitive Factory
  • 1 Primitive Mine
16 3 primitive armies Feudal Realms 15% 50% This civilization is currently in the equivalent of a Steam Age. The invention of the steam engine has had far-reaching effects on their society and they stand on the cusp of an industrial revolution.
Colony type industrial age Industrial Age
  • 1 Regional Capitals
  • 1 Urban Dwellings
  • 1 Primitive Factory
  • 1 Primitive Mine
  • 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • 1 Primitive Farms if not Trait lithoid Lithoid
22 6 industrial armies Fragmented Nation States 15% 50% This civilization has advanced into the equivalent of an early Industrial Age. Electricity and internal combustion engines are gradually coming into widespread use, while urbanization increases at a rapid pace.
Colony type machine age Machine Age
  • 1 Regional Capitals
  • 1 Urban Dwellings
  • 1 Primitive Factory
  • 1 Primitive Mine
  • 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • 1 Primitive Farms if not Trait lithoid Lithoid
24 6 industrial armies Fragmented Nation States 75% 25% This civilization has advanced into the equivalent of a Machine Age, considered a later part of the Industrial Age. Their factories are mass-producing goods and vehicles, and air travel is becoming commonplace.
Colony type atomic age Atomic Age
  • 1 Regional Capitals
  • 1 Urban Dwellings
  • 1 Primitive Factory
  • 1 Primitive Mine
  • 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • 1 Primitive Farms if not Trait lithoid Lithoid
26 6 post-atomic armies Fragmented Nation States 75% 25% This civilization has advanced into the equivalent of an Atomic Age. They have harnessed the power of the atom, but not yet made it into space. Nuclear weapons may be prolific, and could result in a sudden extinction event.
Colony type early space age Early Space Age
  • 1 Regional Capitals
  • 1 Urban Dwellings
  • 1 Primitive Factory
  • 1 Primitive Mine
  • 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • 1 Primitive Farms if not Trait lithoid Lithoid
28 6 post-atomic armies Fragmented Nation States 75% 25% This civilization has entered an Early Space Age. Primitive satellites are orbiting their homeworld, and the first manned space missions have been concluded in low orbit. They will soon be ready to leave their world.


Awareness is a measure of how aware a pre-FTL civilization is that alien life exists and goes from 0 to 100. It determines how many years Stellar Culture Shock lasts if an empire reveals its presence and, if First Contact First Contact DLC is installed, whether an Observation Post constructed above the pre-FTL civilization will produce Observation Insights.

Diplomacy awareness Awareness Culture shock duration Observation insights progress Description
Completely Unaware 50 Yes This civilization is not aware of interstellar life.
Low Awareness 30 Yes Lacking evidence of interstellar life, this civilization still believes it may be alone in the universe.
Partially Aware 15 Yes This civilization is partially aware of the existence of life in the galaxy. Something is out there, but what?
High Awareness 5 Yes This civilization is aware that the galaxy is full of life; but who are these creatures, and what do they want?
Fully Aware 0 No Fully aware of interstellar life, this civilization understands it belongs to a galactic community.

Awareness has a chance to decrease each year by 1 as long as it is above 10. It also has a chance to increase whenever unnatural things happen in the same star system. The chance for Awareness to increase or decrease depends on the civilization's age.

  • +1 each time an uncloaked ship enters the system or decloaks (6 months cooldown)
  • +1 each time a starbase or station is constructed
  • +2 each time an uncloaked science ship surveys the planet
  • +2 each time an uncloaked fleet uses emergency retreat
  • +5 each time an asteroid or ship is destroyed or disengaged
  • +5 each time a planet is colonized
  • +5 each time a megastructure is built or upgraded
  • +20 each time a planet is terraformed
  • +20 each time a planet is destroyed
  • +20 each time a neighbor system is destroyed
  • +2 each year as long as an uncloaked Observation Post is present
  • +2 each year as long as a planet is colonized

Awareness can also be manually increased or decreased via espionage.

Age advancement[]

Primitive Ages

Humanoid civilization advancing through the ages

Pre-FTL civilizations will advance through ages as their history is written. Having an Observation Post built will notify its empire of every age advancement and let it check progress towards the next age by hovering over the age in the diplomacy screen. Depending on the current age and Diplomacy awareness Awareness, it takes the following amount of years to progress to the next age:

Unaware Low Partial High Aware
Stone Age - Late Medieval Age 320 240 160 120 80
Renaissance Age - Machine Age 160 120 80 60 40
Atomic Age - FTL Discovery 80 60 40 30 20

After the mid-game year is reached pre-FTL civilizations will advance twice as fast.

Early Space Age civilizations that don't have an Observation Post built in orbit will eventually develop basic hyperdrives, turning them into a normal empire. If a Starbase was built around the star the new empire will ask the owner for control of it. Should the request be accepted they will be granted control of the Starbase and all colonized planets in the system and gain a temporary +100 Diplomacy opinion Opinion towards the former owner. If the request is refused the civilization will be annexed. Annexing the civilization will cost 200 Influence Influence if Xenophile Xenophile or Fanatic Xenophile Fanatic Xenophile while granting it control of the system will cost 200 Influence Influence if Xenophobe Xenophobe or Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe. Civic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal empires only have the option to annex the civilization.

There is no catch-up mechanism for these empires. Unless they advance very early in the game, they will likely be quickly conquered or turned into a Diplomacy isprotectorate Protectorate.

When the pre-FTL civilization discovers hyperdrives there is a 20% chance to be replaced by a machine intelligence empire instead. This cannot happen if the civilization has the Origins mechanist Mechanist, Origins shattered ring Shattered Ring or Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers origin. In addition to regular options, an empire owning the system can pay 200-300 Influence Influence to subjugate the machine empire unless it has the Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator or Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator civic.

Nuclear war[]

Every 50 years there is a chance for any pre-FTL civilization that reached at least Colony type atomic age Atomic Age to start a nuclear war. The chances are the following:

  • 49.6% chance nothing happens. This outcome is twice more common if the pre-FTL civilization is Pacifist Pacifist or Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist.
  • 49.6% chance planet becomes a Planet nuked Tomb World with the D metal boneyard Metal Boneyards planetary feature and the pre-FTL civilization reverts to Colony type stone age Stone Age. Only 2 Pop Pops will survive.
  • 0.4% chance the planet becomes a Planet toxic Toxic World with a deposit of 3 Society research Society and the pre-FTL civilization is destroyed. This outcome is twice more likely if the pre-FTL civilization is Militarist Militarist or Fanatic Militarist Fanatic Militarist. If the Toxoids Toxoids DLC is installed the planet will gain the Planet from spacePm frame 1 Toxic Terraforming Candidate modifier.
  • 0.4% chance the planet becomes a Planet nuked Tomb World with the D metal boneyard Metal Boneyards planetary feature and the pre-FTL civilization is destroyed. This outcome is twice more likely if the pre-FTL civilization is Militarist Militarist or Fanatic Militarist Fanatic Militarist.

Pre-FTL civilizations with the Origins shattered ring Shattered Ring or Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers origins cannot have nuclear wars.


Very rarely an asteroid might be on a collision course with a planet inhabited by a pre-FTL civilization. Destroying the asteroid will grant 150-2000 Minerals Minerals and add 5 Diplomacy awareness Awareness to the pre-FTL civilization. If the Resolution pre ftl stances Non-interference Act resolution has been passed the empire will be in breach of galactic law for 10 years. If the asteroid isn't destroyed before it hits the planet one of the following will happen:

  • 74% chance the pre-FTL civilization reverts to Colony type stone age Stone Age and only 2 Pop Pops survive.
  • 24% chance the Observation Post is destroyed and the pre-FTL civilization gains 5 Diplomacy awareness Awareness. If the Resolution pre ftl stances Non-interference Act resolution has been passed the empire will be in breach of galactic law for 10 years.
  • 2% chance the pre-FTL civilization gains 10 Diplomacy awareness Awareness and progresses through the ages faster. This can only happen if the pre-FTL civilization reached Colony type atomic age Atomic Age or Colony type early space age Early Space Age.

Observation posts[]

Observation Posts are stations that can be constructed above the homeworld of a pre-FTL civilization. Having an Observation Post enables diplomacy and espionage of the pre-FTL civilization and will notify the empire of any age advancements.

If the civilization is not aware of aliens the Observation Post will be able to conduct Passive or Aggressive observation and produce resources that scale with the Spy network Infiltration level on the pre-FTL civilization. Both types of observation can trigger various events. If First Contact First Contact DLC is installed and at least one Observation Post is built over the homeworld of a pre-FTL civilization that isn't aware of aliens the empire will gain the Observation Insights situation.

Any Observation Post will slowly increase the Diplomacy awareness Awareness of the pre-FTL civilization. Observation Posts can cloak if the required technology has been researched, canceling this effect.

Observation Yes Base effects Resolution galactic studies Unchained Knowledge Resolution 3 bonus Resolution galactic commerce Galactic Commerce Resolution 3 bonus Resolution pre ftl stances Exploitation Act Resolution bonus Policies Required Pre-FTL Interference policy
Fleet task passive study action Passive Observation Society research +4 Society research Consumer goods +2 Consumer goods
  • Non-Interference
  • Subtle Interference
  • Active Interference
Fleet task active study action Aggressive Observation Society research +6 Society research Consumer goods +8 Consumer goods
  • Active Interference
  • Aggressive Interference


Aside from improving and harming relations, regular diplomacy actions and agreements are not available with pre-FTL civilizations. However there is a small number of agreements available only towards pre-FTL civilizations:

  • Diplomacy reveal presence Reveal Our Presence is the only option if the pre-FTL civilization hasn't been made aware of alien life. It will make the civilization aware and enable diplomacy but will also cause Stellar Culture Shock for a number of years.
  • Diplomacy societal enlightenment Offer Societal Guidance costs 0.1 Influence Influence and 5 Unity Unity each month and will slowly shift the pre-FTL civilization's ethics to match the empire's.
  • Diplomacy open technological enlightenment Provide Technology costs 0.1 Influence Influence and 5 Research Research each month and causes the pre-FTL civilization to advance through the ages 3 times faster, or 4.5 times faster if the Resolution pre ftl stances Equal Standing Act resolution has been passed. This option is only available if the Pre-FTL Enlightenment policy is set to Allowed. If the agreement is active when the pre-FTL civilization discovers FTL it will become a subject of the empire owning the Observation Post, gain a temporary +100 Diplomacy opinion Opinion with it, and the owner's Faction icons xenoists Xenoist faction will be pleased for 20 years.
  • Diplomacy pre ftl trade Form Commercial Agreement costs 0.1 Influence Influence and 5 Minerals Minerals each month and produces 0.5-4.5 Trade value Trade Value depending on the pre-FTL civilization's age. If the Resolution pre ftl stances Equal Standing Act resolution has been passed and the planet contains planetary features that produce advanced resources those will be obtained as well. The agreement also enables empires with Auth corporate Corporate authority to open branch offices on the pre-FTL civilization's planet if the the civilization reached Colony type atomic age Atomic Age or Colony type early space age Early Space Age. This option is only available if the First Contact First Contact DLC is installed.

Pre-sapient species[]

As opposed to primitives, planets of pre-sapient species can be colonized. The pre-sapient pops do not require either Housing or Amenities. The Policies Pre-Sapients policy determines their status, and if set to Protected enables the construction of Alien Zoo buildings on worlds that contain pre-sapient pops if the owner is not Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness. Unlike sapient species, pre-sapients can be purged without diplomatic repercussions.

Terraforming a planet will cause the death of any pre-sapient pops on the planet.

Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empires are forced to purge all pre-sapient pops on their planets regardless of their Pre-Sapients and Purge policies.

Sapient pops are also created when an empire with the Civic guided sapience Genesis Guides, Civic corporate guided sapience Astrogenesis Technologies, Civic hive guided sapience Genesis Symbiotes or Civic machine guided sapience Genesis Architects civic colonizes a world or uses the Decision animal wildlife Build Genesis Preserve decision.

Sapient pops can be turned pre-sapient with the Ship part devolution beam Devolving Beam colossus weapon.


The Pre-Sapients policy determines whether an empire tolerates pre-sapients living on their worlds or not. It is unlocked when a world within the empire's borders has a pre-sapient pop on it, or the empire's science ship discovers pre-sapients by surveying or via an anomaly.

Type Effects Faction approval Requirements AI weight Description
  • Building Alien Zoo buildings can be constructed on worlds with pre-sapient species
  • No Pre-sapient pops cannot be purged
  • No Planets with pre-sapient pops cannot be terraformed
  • NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
  • ×2 YesAI personality likes aliens
Though still only simple animals, these beings are no less than what we ourselves once were. They should be allowed the chance at a future.
  • Yes Pre-Sapient pops can be purged
  • Yes Planets with pre-sapient pops can be terraformed
  • NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
Intelligent animals are still just animals. They can be safely ignored.
  • Pop decline speed Pre-sapient pops will be hunted for food, slowly depleting them
  • Yes Planets with pre-sapient pops can be terraformed
Faction icons xenoists Xenoist −10
An animal without sapience can hardly be considered to be part of our empire, but perhaps they can help our growth in other ways...
  • Pop decline speed Pre-sapient pops will be purged automatically
  • Yes Planets with pre-sapient pops can be terraformed
Faction icons xenoists Xenoist −10
All rights spring from the capacity for reason. An animal is just an animal, and an animal that stands in our way is just a pest.


Pre-sapients are not normally productive, but with the Policies Pre-Sapients policy Hunted, or Protected along with an Building alien zoo Alien Zoo, they do produce resources. Pre-sapient jobs have their own stratum, also called Pre-sapients.

Job Produces Upkeep Source
Pre-sapient Pre-Sapient None None Default for pre-sapients
Job livestock Hunted Pre-Sapient N/A Policies Pre-Sapients policy Hunted
Job xeno zoo animal Conserved Fauna Mod planet amenities add +1 Amenities
Job xeno zoo beast Gladiatorial Beast Mod planet amenities add +1 Amenities


For pre-sapient species the option to create templates is replaced with the option to Uplift them. The planet must be colonized and within the player empire's borders. Uplifting a species requires the Tech epigenetic triggers Epigenetic Triggers technology and costs 3000 Society research Society Research. Uplifted species become part of the empire that uplifted them and get a +10% Happiness happiness bonus when inhabiting that empire's planets due to getting the Trait uplifted Uplifted trait. Finishing an uplift also grants 50 Influence influence.

When an uplift is complete, the pre-sapient species receive the default species rights according to the host empire, even if it is displacement from their own home. Most uplift processes tend to be rocky (70% chance of -5% planet mineral output).

Unlike pre-FTL civilizations, pre-sapients will never advance to sapients on their own in-game.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs