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See also: Traits
UI genetic modification

The genetic modification menu.

Population modification refers to the process of altering a population's traits either to change its habitability, create subspecies suited for different tasks or improving it after unlocking more trait points through research. Both organic and robotic pops can be modified and each has its own set of traits. In addition, a small number of events can modify the population of a colony.

Species with the Trait clone soldier Clone Soldier or Trait clone soldier ascendant Clone Soldier Ascendant traits cannot be genetically modified.

Number of traits[]

Trait Points[]

The number of traits of a species is limited by the total cost of those traits against Trait Points. The starting number of trait points is 2 for biological species, 1 for Machine species machine species, and 0 for Mechanical robots. The cost of a trait can be negative, zero or positive.

Trait points can be gained from various sources, as listed below.

Trait Picks[]

The number of traits of a species is limited by the Trait Picks limit. Initially, trait picks are limited to 5, except for Mechanical robots which are limited to 4. Traits which cost 0 points do not count against the number of trait picks.

Trait picks are increased by Ascension Paths, the Origins mechanist Mechanist origin, or hybrid species as listed below.

Species templates[]

Population modification is done via templates, which creates a subspecies. Templates can be applied to pops per subspecies (including original species), per planet, or per subspecies on a planet. Modified pops are considered part of the same species as the original even if the name and portraits have been changed. However, it is possible to set different rights for templates and its parent species.

Templates with zero current pops can be freely modified or deleted[1]. However, templates with at least one pop cannot be changed directly and the template modification window presents only the option to create a new one.

After a template has been applied, a special project to modify the selected pops appears in the situation log. The project timeouts in 30 days if not started. Depending on the type of modification, how severe the modification (total amount of trait point differences), and how many pops were picked, this special project can be very expensive in science. The system is currently designed towards favoring bulk modification of many traits over specific via a high base cost.

The cost to modify a species can be reduced by −50% by the following traditions: Prefabricated Components Prefabricated Components, Modular Cybernetics Modular Cybernetics, or Retroviral Manipulation Retroviral Manipulation. Additionally, the Archaeology map icon Plentiful Fossils archaeology site can add a permanent −25% modification cost.

Type Genetic Robotic
Unlocked by Tech gene tailoring Gene Tailoring technology Tech robomodding Machine Template System technology
Advanced modification
  • Tech glandular acclimation Glandular Acclimation technology: Modify climate preference
  • Genetic Resequencing Genetic Resequencing tradition: Remove positive or Overtuned traits, add negative or advanced traits
  • Origins overtuned Overtuned origin: Add or remove Overtuned traits
  • Integrated Anatomy Integrated Anatomy tradition: Add or remove cybernetic traits
  • Society research 3000 Society Research
  • +5 per affected Pop
  • +20 per affected Pop per absolute Trait Point difference between the old and new templates
  • +60 per affected Pop if climate preference is changed
  • Engineering research 1500 Engineering Research
  • +20 per affected Pop
  • +40 per affected Pop per absolute Trait Point difference between the old and new templates
Trait points
  • Tech gene tailoring Gene Tailoring technology: +1
  • Tech gene expressions Targeted Gene Expressions technology: +1
  • R omnicodex The Omnicodex relic: +1
  • Genetics Genetic tradition tree (+6 total):
    • adoption: +2
    • Genetic creation Engineered Genesis tradition: +2
    • finisher: +2
  • Modular Cybernetics Modular Cybernetics tradition adds robot trait points for organic species:
  • Ap xeno compatibility Hybrid species: +1
  • Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin (+2 total):
    • Unknown Genome Artists leader trait: +1
    • Unknown Genetic Perfection leader trait: +1
Trait picks
  • Cybernetics Cybernetic tradition tree (+2 total):
    • Integrated Anatomy Integrated Anatomy tradition: +1
    • finisher: +1
  • Enhanced expression Allelic Expression tradition: +1
  • Ap xeno compatibility Hybrid species: +1
  • Composer of Strands covenant (starting): −1
  • Composer of Strands covenant (upgraded): −2
  • Origins mechanist Mechanist origin: +1
  • Synthetics Synthetic tradition tree finisher for Mechanical robots: +1
  • Power systems Efficient Power Systems tradition for Machine species machine species: +1


For pre-sapient species, the option to create templates is replaced with the option to uplift and bring them to sapience. It requires the Tech epigenetic triggers Epigenetic Triggers technology and costs Society research 3000 Society research. Upon completion, the empire instantly integrates the uplifted species and gains Influence 50 Influence. In addition, the uplifted species gains Happiness +10% Happiness when living within the borders of the empire that uplifted it. The initial ethics of the uplifted species are determined by a series of initial events. 100% Afterwards, the species is fully susceptible to ethics divergence.

Ascension paths[]

Population modification can be used in conjunction with some of the ascension tradition trees.

  • The Genetics Genetic tradition tree focuses entirely on genetic modification. This tradition tree grants additional trait points and trait picks, unlocks new, more powerful traits and grants more freedom when it comes to adding and removing traits.
  • The Cybernetics Cybernetic tradition tree enhances all empire species with the Trait cybernetic Cybernetic trait and eventually unlocks cybernetic traits, which are similar to robotic traits, cheaper, but with an additional energy upkeep.
  • The Psionics Psionic tradition tree adds the Trait psionic species Psionic trait, which cannot be acquired or removed through genetic modification. At first, only the founding species gains it, but other species living in the empire can gain it through Pop cat assimilation assimilation.
  • The Synthetics Synthetic tradition tree focuses on robomodding and eventually replaces genetic modification with robomodding entirely.

Hybrid species[]

XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile empires can pick the Ap xeno compatibility Xeno-Compatibility Ascension Perk to allow the reproduction of two organic species into a hybrid species. Hybrid species take a portrait from one of the parent species and a mix of traits from both parent species, with at least one trait being inherited from each. They also get +1 trait point and +1 trait pick. Two species are 3× more likely to create a hybrid species if they are part of the same species group.

A Caravan event unique to XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile empires also has a 33% chance of creating a hybrid species.


  1. A template may be deleted automatically if there are zero pops with it after a modification project
Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs