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UI policies edicts

Policies window

See also: Species rights

Policies[1] are empire-wide laws of behavior that outline the governing precepts for how an empire will guide its expansion through the stars and its stance on certain subjects. Policies are different from edicts in that they cost nothing to implement, but have effects on how citizens and other empires are likely to view each other. Once altered, a specific policy cannot be changed until 10 years have passed.

Changing policies is advised as a way to mitigate faction unhappiness in large empires that have a lot of pops of different ethics, besides the possibility of opening up new possible avenues of power.

Some resolutions in the Galactic Community can make certain policies a breach of galactic law. In this case the policy will show a warning sign next to it.

Diplomatic Stance[]

Diplomatic Stance determines the behavior an empire takes towards other empires on the galactic stage. It cannot be changed during a war.

Stance Effects Faction approval Requirements AI weight Description
Diplomatic stance cooperative
This empire will attempt to find common ground and negotiate with other empires in the name of friendship.
Diplomatic stance expansionist
Faction icons isolationists Isolationist −10 NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
This empire seeks to grow peacefully, but has no specific diplomatic focus.
Diplomatic stance isolationist
Faction icons isolationists Isolationist +10
  • ×100. Civic inwards perfection Inward Perfection
  • ×2.00 Xenophobe Xenophobe
  • ×0.25 Hasn't encountered another empire
  • ×0.01 Become the Crisis Become the Crisis
  • ×0.00 Federation Builders AI personality
  • ×0.00 Fanatic Befrienders AI personality
  • ×3.00 AI personality is isolationist
This empire wishes to be left alone to their own affairs.
Diplomatic stance belligerent
This empire will attempt to bully weaker empires into submission to their will.
Diplomatic stance mercantile
  • Mod country leader pool size +1 External leader pool size
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +25% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Mod trade value mult +10% Trade value
  • Mod country local trade protection add +5 Trade protection
  • Influence +0.25 Influence cost to close borders against non-rivals
This empire desires the facilitation of trade above all else.
Diplomatic stance supremacy
  • Mod country war exhaustion −20% War exhaustion gain
  • Mod navy size add +20% Naval capacity
  • Influence −10% Claim influence cost
  • Diplomatic weight +100% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Diplomatic weight −50% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Diplomatic weight −50% Diplomatic weight from tech
  • Influence 0.25 Influence cost to improve relations
  • Diplomacy opinion −100 Opinion to and from all empires with the same policy
  • Diplomacy rivalry Rivalry does not require negative relations or harming relations
  • Tradition icon supremacy Finished the Supremacy tradition tree
  • NoCivic inwards perfection Inward Perfection
  • NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
  • NoDiplomacy isvassal Subject
  • No Humiliated
This empire demands that all will bow before them.
Diplomatic stance rest
  • Diplomacy rivalry +2 Maximum rivalries
  • Unity +10 Unity from rivals
  • Diplomatic weight +5% Diplomatic weight per rival
  • Mod country border friction mult +100% Border friction
  • Diplomacy opinion −100 Rival opinion
  • Diplomacy rivalry Rivalry does not require negative relations or harming relations
  • Tradition icon enmity Finished the Enmity tradition tree
  • NoDiplomacy isvassal Subject
  • NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
This empire wants to compete against all possible rivals.
Diplomatic stance withdrawn
Faction icons isolationists Isolationist −10 Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers Always This empire believes that enemies exist solely to be destroyed, and that they are the ones chosen to do so.
Diplomatic stance rest
Civic devouring swarm Devouring Swarm Always This empire hungers and consumes.
Diplomatic stance recompiling
Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator Always This empire's purpose is to destroy all biological life.
Diplomatic stance isolationist
Origins elder race Fallen Empire Always This empire fell into a dark age long ago, and largely isolates itself from the rest of the galaxy.
Diplomatic stance isolationist
  • Origin default pre ftl Pre-FTL Civilization
  • Diplomacy awareness Awareness Completely Unaware or Low Awareness
Always This pre-FTL civilization is ignorant of the reality that exists beyond its gravity well.
Diplomatic stance expansionist
  • Origin default pre ftl Pre-FTL Civilization
  • Diplomacy awareness Awareness Partially Aware
Always This pre-FTL civilization is beginning to question what might exist beyond their star system.
Diplomatic stance isolationist
Always This pre-FTL civilization is uncertain as to how to approach alien societies.
Diplomatic stance cooperative
Always This pre-FTL civilization is eager to set out to the stars and meet the rest of the galaxy.
Diplomatic stance withdrawn
Always This pre-FTL civilization is afraid of the alien dangers that exist in the galaxy.
Diplomatic stance belligerent
Stellar Culture Shock
Diplomacy alliance −100 Diplomatic Acceptance
  • Origin default pre ftl Pre-FTL Civilization
  • Pm stellar culture shockPm frame 3 Stellar Culture Shock
Always This pre-FTL civilization is still adjusting to the knowledge that they are not alone in the galaxy.

First Contact Protocol[]

First Contact Protocol dictates an empire's stance on unknown aliens as well as whether an empire can order fleets to attack another empire before establishing communications. Encountering alien life for the first time will bring the option to set the initial policy, which cannot be changed for at least 10 years.

Type Effects Faction approval Requirements AI weight Description
Contact friendly
  • No Cannot attack neutral fleets
  • Yes Other empires will find it easier to establish communications
  • Influence +50% Influence from successful first contact
  • Time +10% First contact discovery speed
Meeting alien civilizations presents an exciting opportunity to make new friends and fresh discoveries. We shall do our utmost to ensure that first contact happens smoothly, hailing unknown ships with a cordially-phrased greeting and a copy of our Official Standard Encyclopedia, along with its audio-visual companion dossier.
Contact isolationist
  • No Cannot attack neutral fleets
  • Unknown Negative first contact events are less likely
  • Yes Other empires will find it harder to establish communications
  • Yes +2 First contact target difficulty
Supremacist Supremacist −5 NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
  • ×1.5 Always
We will take every measure to prevent information about ourselves from falling into alien hands before we have decided whether they will be friend or foe.
Contact hostile
  • Yes Can attack neutral fleets
  • First contact saucericon Enables hostile first contact actions
Unknown dangers may hide among the stars. To ensure our continued survival we must be ready to strike without hesitation.

War Philosophy[]

War Philosophy limits the systems an empire is allowed to make claims for. The limit is removed during defensive wars for the defender and does not apply for systems owned by Fallen Empires. War philosophy cannot be changed while at war.

Type Effects Faction approval Requirements AI weight Description
Unrestricted Wars
  • No restriction on system claims
  • ×10No Doesn't have a valid AI personality
  • ×10 Yes AI personality likes conquest, subjugating other empires, or purging aliens
  • ×10 Become the Crisis Become the Crisis
  • ×0.1 GalacticCommunity mainButton single Banned by Resolution rules of war Rules of War resolution 4 or 5
War is a dish best served frequently, and to those who will not cook for themselves.
Liberation Wars
  • Claims can only be made during defensive wars
  • Animosity casus belli against rivals is replaced with the Ideology casus belli
Prosperity Prosperity −10
  • ×2 Pacifist Pacifist and doesn't have a valid AI personality
  • ×2 AI personality likes conquest, subjugating or liberating other empires
We must further our own interests, even when they run contrary to the interests of others.
Defensive Wars
  • Cannot declare war except for independence wars against the overlord
  • Claims can only be made during defensive wars
Violence is a last resort to ensure the integrity of our nation.

Subjugation War Terms[]

Subjugation War Terms determines the initial terms of agreement for subjects created by the Diplomacy status casus belli holder Subjugation and Imposed Inclusion casus belli as well as their starting Trade cat loyalty Loyalty. This policy is not available to subjects, though a player who becomes subjugated will regain what they had previously if they become independent. (If they are controlled by AI when they become independent, they get a ×10 weight towards picking the policy previously picked by the player.)

Type Subject integration Diplomatic freedom Expansion Overlord conflicts Contribution Trade cat loyalty Faction approval Authority AI weight Description
Oppressive Integration Permitted Limited Diplomacy Expansion Prohibited All −100 NoAuth corporate
Those we subjugate are inferior to us, we tolerate them only because they remain silent and shower us with their pathetic gifts.
Balanced Integration Prohibited Restricted Voting Expansion Regulated Defensive −50 Supremacist Supremacist −5 NoAuth corporate
We believe in treating our subjects fairly. Perhaps in time, they will see the wisdom of our ways and the errors of theirs.
Benevolent Integration Prohibited Independent Diplomacy Expansion Permitted Defensive 0 NoAuth corporate
Our subjects are as much part of us as we are of them, their success is our victory, and we shall move forward as one.
Hostile Takeover Integration Prohibited Restricted Voting Expansion Regulated All Energy CreditsMineralsFood +45%
AlloysConsumer goods +15%
−100 Auth corporate
The pathetic attempt to block this acquisition has failed; no matter their convictions, in the end, everyone has a price.
Standard Acquisition Integration Prohibited Restricted Voting Expansion Regulated Defensive Energy CreditsMineralsFood +30% −50 Supremacist Supremacist −5 Auth corporate
With a satisfactory deal in place, both parties can now get back to work.
Negotiated Synergy Integration Prohibited Independent Diplomacy Expansion Permitted Defensive Energy CreditsMineralsFood +30% 0 Auth corporate
The best deals benefit both parties; like life itself, business flourishes in harmony.

War Doctrine[]

War Doctrines become available after finishing the Tradition icon supremacy Supremacy tradition tree. They are also used by mercenary enclaves. This policy determines the overall strategic military doctrine for fleets.

Type Effects Requirements AI weight Description
Defense in Depth Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Home territory fire rate
  • ×0.1 Yes Always
Let the enemy come to us. We shall fight them for every planet, every moon, every asteroid that lies within our space. We shall never surrender.
Hit and Run
  • Mod ship disengagement +2 Disengagement opportunities
  • Mod ship disengagement +33% Combat disengagement chance
  • Mod ship disengagement −25% Emergency FTL damage risk
A superior foe can be gradually whittled down by repeated hit and run attacks. The killing blow is delivered only when the odds are favorable.
Rapid Deployment
  • Mod ship speed mult +25% Sublight speed
  • Mod ship weapon range mult +10% Ship weapons range
  • ×100 Yes Mercenary enclave
We must move quickly to strike where the enemy is weakest, and defend where the enemy means to attack. Maneuver is the key to success.
No Retreat
  • Mod ship disengagement +100% Disengagement chance reduction
  • Mod ship speed mult +50% Emergency FTL jump cooldown
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +33% Fire rate
  • ×10 Yes Always
  • ×00 Yes Honorbound Warriors AI personality
  • ×00 Yes Devouring Swarm AI personality
Our ships are expected to fight to the bitter end. We will tolerate no withdraws, no retreats, no routs. For our fleet there is only victory or death. Not one step back!

Orbital Bombardment[]

Orbital Bombardment limits the maximum available stance of planetary bombing when orbiting enemy worlds. AI empires will always use the most powerful policy unless banned by the GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community.

Type Max orbital bombardment stance Requirements Description
Selective Bombardment light Selective Allows only the bombardment of identified military targets, while keeping civilian casualties to a minimum.
Indiscriminate Bombardment limited Indiscriminate NoPacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Allows the full use of all orbital weaponry, with no regards to life on the surface
Armageddon Bombardment armageddon Armageddon Allows the full use of all orbital weaponry, with no regards to life on the planet itself. Utter annihilation is the goal.

Orbital Surrender Acceptance[]

Orbital Surrender Acceptance determines whether surrenders caused by orbital bombardment are accepted. AI empires will always accept surrenders. This policy is not available to Civic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal empires as planets will never surrender to them. Bombarding a world for the first time will bring the option to set the initial policy, which cannot be changed for at least 10 years.

Type Effects Description
Prohibited No Surrenders are not accepted There will be no surrender. Orbital Bombardment will continue indefinitely.
Allowed Yes Surrenders are accepted Foreign citizens have the right to surrender.

Pre-FTL Interference[]

Pre-FTL Interference determines in what ways empires can interact with pre-FTL civilizations as well as what observation types Observation Posts can conduct. This policy becomes available once a pre-FTL civilization has been found.

Type Available observations Espionage operations Can reveal presence Can invade Faction approval Requirements Description
Non-Interference Fleet task passive study action Passive Observation No No It is not our place to influence the development of another society. Watch, but do not interfere.
Subtle Interference Fleet task passive study action Passive Observation
  • Spread Disinformation
  • Increase Awareness
  • Plant Advanced Knowledge
  • Indoctrinate Society
Diplomacy awareness High Awareness No We can nudge their development in the right direction, but our touch must remain subtle.
Active Interference
  • Fleet task passive study action Passive Observation
  • Fleet task active study action Aggressive Observation
  • Spread Disinformation
  • Increase Awareness
  • Plant Advanced Knowledge
  • Infiltrate Government
  • Infiltrate Hive
  • Indoctrinate Society
Yes No
  • NoDiplomacy hasvassal Signatory
  • NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
To unlock the secrets of the universe, any subject of interest must be made freely available for study.
Aggressive Interference Fleet task active study action Aggressive Observation
  • Spread Disinformation
  • Infiltrate Government
  • Infiltrate Hive
  • Indoctrinate Society
Yes Yes The strong hold dominion over the weak. The fate of less developed societies is ours to command.

Pre-FTL Enlightenment[]

Pre-FTL Enlightenment determines whether or not an empire can enlighten pre-FTL civilizations. This policy becomes available once a pre-FTL civilization has been found.

Type Effects Requirements Description
Prohibited No Cannot enlighten pre-FTL civilizations This society is not ready to grasp the wonders we have discovered. Exposing the truth too quickly can entail enormous risks for everyone involved.
Covert Only Yes Enables the Plant Advanced Knowledge operation Revealing our existence to pre-FTL civilizations would alter the natural course of their development. We should help them, but without revealing our presence.
  • Yes Enables the Plant Advanced Knowledge operation
  • Diplomacy open technological enlightenment Enables the Provide Technology diplomacy interaction
By sharing our knowledge, we can actively encourage less advanced societies to take their rightful place in the galactic community.


This policy determines if forced organic pop resettlement is enabled. The policy is not available to Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness who always have it enabled.

Type Effects Faction approval Description
Prohibited No Pops can't be forcefully resettled Faction icons progressives Progressive +10 Free pops cannot be forcibly resettled between planets.
Allowed Yes Pops can be forcefully resettled Faction icons progressives Progressive −10 Pops can be forcibly resettled between planets.

Land Appropriation[]

Land Appropriation determines whether conquered planets with at least 10 pops without Full Citizenship and no free Housing Housing will have 3-5 pops replaced with Full Citizenship pops. The replaced pops will become refugees and for 5 years the world will gain +100% Immigration pull Immigration Pull and will not grow pops without Full Citizenship. The policy is not available to Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires.

Type Effects AI weight Description
Prohibited Conquered planets will have their population preserved as is
  • ×10 YesAI personality likes aliens
The land that our empire controls belongs to all of its inhabitants.
Allowed Planets conquered from non-citizen species will have up to 5 pops displaced and replaced with citizens from our other planets
  • ×10 NoAI personality does not like aliens
The land that the lesser species are not properly utilizing can be put to greater use by their betters.

Leader Enhancement[]

Leader Enhancement determines whether technology can be used to improve leaders' abilities. This policy becomes available once Selected Lineages Selected Lineages is researched and the effects also apply to already hired leaders. With Federations Federations, if the Resolution galactic studies Unchained Knowledge resolution 4 is passed, members of the Galactic Community must use the most powerful leader enhancement policy they have technology for, or be in breach of galactic law.

Type Leader skill levels Starting level Mod leader age Lifespan Mod leader influence cost Cost Upkeep Upkeep Faction approval Requirements Description
Natural Selection Let nature take its course - it is in the crucible of experience that genius is forged.
Selected Lineages +1 +10 +100% +50% Careful reproductive planning should be incentivized, lest we waste valuable genetic legacies.
Capacity Boosters +2 +20 +200% +100% We leave nothing to chance, no matter the cost. Through exacting curation of DNA banks do we build the leaders of tomorrow.

Initial Border Status[]

Initial Border Status determines whether borders start open or closed to other empires.

Type Effects Requirements AI weight Description
Open Diplomacy open borders Borders will be open to other empires by default NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal Isolation invites suspicion, and suspicion invites conflict. Let us show our neighbors that we have nothing to hide.
Closed Diplomacy closed borders Borders will be closed to other empires by default
The borders of our empire must be well guarded, lest we fall victim to insidious influences. Only those who have proven themselves worthy may enter our space.

Economic Policy[]

Economic Policy determines whether civilian or military resource production should receive more focus. The policy is not available to Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires, which have a production policy instead.

Type Effects Description
Civilian Economy
  • Consumer goods from jobs +25% Consumer goods from jobs
  • Alloys from jobs −25% Alloys from jobs
The needs of the populace must come before the business of war. Economic might, not military prowess, is what our empire will be founded on.
Mixed Economy No bonuses or penalties to resource production To commit ourselves fully to either war or peace is to restrict ourselves to a narrow view. We must be ready for whatever the future may hold.
Militarized Economy
  • Consumer goods from jobs −25% Consumer goods from jobs
  • Alloys from jobs +25% Alloys from jobs
To neglect our defense is to neglect our survival. Trinkets and baubles are scarce comfort when the enemy is battering down the gates.

Trade Policy[]

Trade Policy determines what each unit of Trade value Trade Value is converted into once it reaches the capital system. The policy is not available to Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires. AI always uses Consumer Benefits or Trade League if it can.

Type Exchange Rate Requirements Description
Wealth Creation Energy Credits 1 Energy The purpose of trade is to generate profits for individuals and revenue for the state. We should focus our trade efforts fully on this creation of wealth.
Consumer Benefits
  • Adaptive Economic Policies Adaptive Economic Policies tradition
  • NoFederation trade Trade League federation
Profits and taxes must take second place to improving the lives of our citizens. We should focus our trade efforts towards the manufacture and distribution of everyday necessities.
Marketplace of Ideas Trade can be used not only to move goods around, but also to facilitate the spread of ideas. We should focus our trade efforts towards ensuring that the message of our government is heard on all planets where we do business.
Mutual Aid Civic worker coop Worker Cooperative By reinvesting our surplus back into the cooperative, we ensure that all our members may thrive according to their needs and shared aspirations.
Trade League Federation trade Trade League federation By banding together in a trade league, we are able to prosper and secure profits on a whole new level.
Holy Covenant Federation spiritualist Holy Covenant federation level 3 By banding together in a holy covenant, we may bask in the collective glory of our divine purpose.

Production Policy[]

Production Policy determines what drone stratum a Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empire focuses on. AI will always use Balanced Production.

Type Effects Description
Balanced Production No bonuses or penalties to resource production The Mind dedicates itself equally to the production of raw resources and finished goods.
Extraction Focus
  • Mod pop resource output +20% Menial Drone Output
  • Mod pop resource output −20% Complex Drone Output
The Menial Drones that extract raw resources are given priority by the Mind, becoming more productive at the expense of the Complex Drones.
Manufacturing Focus
  • Mod pop resource output −20% Menial Drone Output
  • Mod pop resource output +20% Complex Drone Output
The Complex Drones that manufacture finished goods are given priority by the Mind, becoming more productive at the expense of the Menial Drones.

Artificial Intelligence[]

Artificial Intelligence policy determines how much freedom an empire gives to artificial intelligence. This policy becomes available once the Tech sentient ai Positronic AI or Synthetics Synthetics technology is obtained, or after contact with certain empires. This policy is not available to Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires as they either cannot use robots or must use them. AI decides this policy based on AI personality.

Type Effects Faction approval Requirements Description
  • Mechanical Pops have their sapience removed
  • Mechanical Pops are restricted to Worker and some Specialist jobs
  • Mechanical Pops can be disassembled
  • Android armies and Sapient AI Assistants are disassembled
  • Cannot research Sapient Combat Computers (can still be used if already researched)
Faction icons technologists Technologist −30 Intelligent, self-aware machines are an incalculable threat to all living things. The creation of an artificial intelligence is an offense punishable by death.
  • Mechanical Pops cannot take Ruler Stratum Jobs
  • Mechanical Pops do not require consumer goods
  • Mechanical Pops can be dissassembled
  • Mechanical Pops cannot join factions
  • Not affected by workers and specialists bonuses (doesn't shown in ingame tooltip)
  • Synthetic Dawn The AI-Related Incidents situation can take place
NoMechanical Mechanical main species The overriding purpose of any machine must be to serve its masters and perform whatever tasks it was designed for, regardless of how intelligent it may be.
Citizen Rights
  • Mechanical Pops cannot be disassembled
  • Mechanical Pops require consumer goods (if sapient)
  • Mechanical Pops can join factions (if sapient)
NoSpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist Any self-aware machine that fulfills the criteria of possessing true artificial intelligence is to be regarded as an individual, with all the rights and obligations that entails.

Robotic Workers[]

Robotic Workers policy determines whether robots are allowed in an empire. This policy is not available to Auth hive mind Hive Mind empires, which disassemble all robot pops, or to Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empires, which always integrate them as drones.

Type Effects Faction approval Requirements AI weight Description
  • Mechanical pops cannot be assembled
  • All Mechanical pops are disassembled
  • Robotic armies are disassembled
  • Cannot research technologies related to robots or artificial intelligence
Faction icons technologists Technologist −30
  • ×0 Fanatic MaterialistMaterialist Any degree of Materialist
  • ×10 NoAI personality does not like exploiting robot workers
  • ×10 NoAI personality does not like liberating robots
Robotic automatons are a threat to not only our people's livelihoods but to the very fabric of society itself. We must not allow ourselves to be made obsolete.
  • Mechanical pops can be built and exist in the empire
The benefits of automation are obvious and immense. For the future of our people, we cannot afford to ignore the opportunities presented to us by technology.


The Pre-Sapients policy determines whether an empire tolerates pre-sapients living on their worlds or not. It is unlocked when a world within the empire's borders has a pre-sapient pop on it, or the empire's science ship discovers pre-sapients by surveying or via an anomaly.

Type Effects Faction approval Requirements AI weight Description
  • Building Alien Zoo buildings can be constructed on worlds with pre-sapient species
  • No Pre-sapient pops cannot be purged
  • No Planets with pre-sapient pops cannot be terraformed
  • NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
  • ×2 YesAI personality likes aliens
Though still only simple animals, these beings are no less than what we ourselves once were. They should be allowed the chance at a future.
  • Yes Pre-Sapient pops can be purged
  • Yes Planets with pre-sapient pops can be terraformed
  • NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
Intelligent animals are still just animals. They can be safely ignored.
  • Pop decline speed Pre-sapient pops will be hunted for food, slowly depleting them
  • Yes Planets with pre-sapient pops can be terraformed
Faction icons xenoists Xenoist −10
An animal without sapience can hardly be considered to be part of our empire, but perhaps they can help our growth in other ways...
  • Pop decline speed Pre-sapient pops will be purged automatically
  • Yes Planets with pre-sapient pops can be terraformed
Faction icons xenoists Xenoist −10
All rights spring from the capacity for reason. An animal is just an animal, and an animal that stands in our way is just a pest.


Debris policy determines what will the empire do when investigating battle debris and is unlocked after another species has been met.

Type Effects Requirements Description
Research Debris Investigating debris grants 10% progress towards used component technologies NoCivic scavengersCivic corporate scavengers Scavengers civic We will research our enemies' technologies from the remains of their ships.
Scavenge Debris Investigating debris grants 10% of the ships' cost NoCivic scavengersCivic corporate scavengers Scavengers civic We will scavenge resources from the remains of our enemies' ships.
Research & Salvage Debris

Investigating debris grants 10% progress towards used component technologies and 10% of the ships' cost

Civic scavengersCivic corporate scavengers Scavengers civic As Scavengers we will strip debris for both research and resources.


Refugees policy determines the stance on accepting refugees that are fleeing from purges, displacement and persecution in other empires. This policy is unlocked after another species has been met. It is not available to Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires unless they have the Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor civic.

Type Effects Faction approval Requirements AI weight Description
No Refugees Refugees may not arrive Faction icons xenoists Xenoist −10 NoXenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile
No base weight
To open our borders to the dregs of other societies would only serve to undermine the state.
Citizen Species Only Refugees may arrive if their species has Full Citizenship rights Faction icons xenoists Xenoist −10 NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
Base: 5
We cannot allow compassion to overpower good sense. Only those who would be worthwhile additions to society should be brought into our borders.
Refugees Welcome Refugees may arrive if their species does not have Undesirables rights NoXenophobe Xenophobe

Base: 10

Those fleeing death and persecution at the hands of tyrants will be welcome within our borders.

Population Controls[]

Population Controls policy determines the stance on the Population Controls Species Right. The policy is not available to Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires.

Type Effects Faction approval AI weight Description
  • Decision politics Can use the Discourage Planetary Growth decision
  • No Cannot enable population control in species rights
Faction icons progressives Progressive +5 To reproduce and propagate their species is the inalienable right of all our citizens.
  • Decision politics Can use the Declare Population Controls decision
  • Yes Can enable population control in species rights
Faction icons progressives Progressive −20
Long-term demographics is too important a matter to be left solely in the hands of individual actors.


Slavery policy determines whether an empire can give an alien species the Slave Citizenship. Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires cannot access this policy, but may give the Slave Citizenship without it (except Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitors, who must subject them to Mandatory Pampering instead, and genocidal types, who purge them).

Type Effects Faction approval Requirements AI weight Description
  • No Cannot use Slaves species rights
  • Mod country slave market cost mult +100% Slave market cost
The enslavement of sentient beings is an abomination and will not be tolerated within our Empire.
Allowed Yes Can use Slaves species rights Faction icons xenoists Xenoist −25
Allows the enslavement of pops within our Empire.


Purge policy determines an empire's position on the forced removal of species that are no longer wanted. This policy option only dictates which degree of purging is allowed; further details on which pops are to be purged and in what way can be managed with the species rights system. Pops that cannot integrate with the empire (e.g. Hive-minded Hive-Minded pops outside a Auth hive mind Hive Mind) may be purged regardless of this policy setting.

Type Effects Faction approval Requirements AI weight Description
  • No Cannot use Undesirables species rights
The purge is an atrocity and should always be treated as such.
Displacement Only
  • Yes Can use Undesirables species rights
  • Yes Can use Displacement purge type
Faction icons xenoists Xenoist −25
  • ×0YesAI personality likes aliens
It is not our responsibility to see to the needs of those who would undermine the foundations of our society. Let them find their homes outside our borders.
  • Yes Can use Undesirables species rights
  • Yes Can use all purge types
Faction icons xenoists Xenoist −25
The troublesome and corrupt elements within our Empire must be cleansed, lest their rot take root in us all.

Assembly Standards[]

Assembly Standards is only available to empires that have the Tradition cybernetics assembly standards Assembly Standards tradition and determines the traits of pops created by Mechanical Pop Assembly.

Type Roboticist output Description
Robotic Components Mechanical Mechanical pops The benefits of a steady supply of robotic workers willing to do the work we ourselves are not suited to cannot be understated.
Cybernetic Components Trait cybernetic Cybernetic pops We enter a new future, a synthesis of organic and machine.

Knightly Duties[]

Knightly Duties policy is only available to empires with the Origins toxic knights Knights of the Toxic God origin and grants various bonuses to the empire. The Herald Knights option is only available following certain choices during stage 5 of the Quest for the Toxic God situation. The policy will be removed if the Order is disbanded.

Type Effects Description
Questing Knights
  • Mod ship science survey speed +15% Survey Speed
  • Anomaly discovery chance +15% Anomaly Discovery Chance
Our Knights will focus on the Quest and nothing else. We will seek out the Toxic God wherever it lies.
Knight Commanders
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +20% Home Territory Fire Rate
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Army Damage
  • Unknown −0.2 Monthly Progress in the Quest for the Toxic God situation
Our Knights are required to serve on the battlefield. We cannot spare our best fighters any longer.
Courtly Knights
  • Diplomatic weight +5% Diplomatic Weight
  • Envoy +1 Available Envoys
Our Knights will be sent as ambassadors to help in our diplomatic efforts.
Herald Knights
  • Mod country edict cost −15% Edict Cost and Upkeep
  • Unknown −0.2 Monthly Progress in the Quest for the Toxic God situation
Throughout our domain, the Knights are sent to proclaim our edicts, and inspire our people.


Industrialism becomes available to empires with the Civic relentless industrialistsCivic corporate relentless industrialists Relentless Industrialists civic at the conclusion of the Environmental Degradation situation. It modifies the effects of Coordinated Fulfillment Center Coordinated Fulfillment Center and Universal Productivity Alignment Facility Universal Productivity Alignment Facility buildings.

Type Effects Description
Full Steam Ahead
  • Mod pop resource output +50% Coordinated Fulfillment Center bonuses
  • Mod pop resource output +50% Universal Productivity Alignment Facility bonuses
Our industries shall not suffer any constraints.
For Science!
  • Planet nuked Can terraform planets to Tomb Worlds
  • Yes If did not use this policy before, it unlocks the The Secret to a Safer Radiation special project
  • Yes Reduced penalties from Coordinated Fulfillment Center and Universal Productivity Alignment Facility after completing special project
There is much to learn from the process of irradiating a planet.
  • Yes Planets with relentless industrialist buildings no longer turn into Tomb Worlds
  • Unity 10 Unity Upkeep from Coordinated Fulfillment Center buildings
  • Unity 20 Unity Upkeep from Universal Productivity Alignment Facility buildings
We shall take steps to mitigate our environmental footprint.


  1. The script code can be found in Stellaris/common/policies/00_policies.txt.
Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs