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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Stellaris Planetary Management In 2024

Planetary management involves district creation, building construction, and assigning a workforce for resource production to maintain peace and order, manage population growth, and set up garrisons for planetary defense.

Planets are, without a doubt, a vital part of a stellar empire because they provide the overwhelming majority of resources and the population required for an empire to grow and prosper. If a planet is managed properly, it could provide the needs of its populace and the demands of its empire, and if an empire has a large collection of prosperous, productive planets within its borders, it can quite easily be seen as a successful empire.


Low Stability

Low Stability on a humanoid planet

Stability is a measure of the overall stability of a world, either socio-political or in terms of drone functionality, and is influenced by a large number of factors such as Happiness happiness, Housing housing, Amenities amenities, and Job criminal crime or deviancy. It ranges from 0 to 100 and has a base level of 50.

A colony with any enslaved species and low stability can gain one of the following modifiers once every 2 years. All modifiers can be removed instantly by discontinuing slavery.

Modifier Effects Duration Required stability Description
Pm unrestPm frame 3 Slaves Radicalizing Mod planet stability add −20 Stability 20 years 40 Radical Slave elements are rallying, spreading unrest.
Pm starvationPm frame 3 Hunger Strike Mod planet jobs slave produces mult −50% Slave pop resource output
Mod pop food req −50% Slave Upkeep
5 years 25 It's hard to work when you're doubled over from hunger pangs.
Pm slave riotsPm frame 3 Slave Riots Mod planet jobs slave produces mult −1000% Slave pop resource output
Mod pop growth speed −50% Pop growth speed
Mod army build speed mult −50% Army build speed
Mod planet building build speed mult −50% Planetary build speed
10 years 10 Slave Riots inhibit population growth.

Stability can be increased by the following:

Source Stability
Unknown Civilian difficulty +20
Unknown Cadet difficulty +10
Leader trait psionic chosen one Chosen One governor trait +10
Leader trait oracle Oracle governor trait +10
R dragon trophy Ether Drake Trophy relic activation +10
Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist ethic +10
Pacifist Pacifist ethic +5
Civic police state Police State civic +5
Civic shared burdens Shared Burdens civic +5
Menu icon edicts Information Quarantine edict +5
Utopian Dream Utopian Dream tradition +5
Utopian Dream Collective Reasoning tradition +5
Agenda Inner Stability agenda +5
Resolution greater good The Greater Good resolution 5 +5
R zro crystal Psionic Archive relic activation +5
Leader trait instrument chosen Chosen of the Instrument governor trait +5
Unknown Aesthetic Approach empire modifier +5
Unknown Closed Society empire modifier +5
Unknown Freedom Fighters empire modifier +5
Unknown Harmonized Society empire modifier +5
Unknown Open Society empire modifier +5
Unknown Progress Oriented empire modifier +5
Sb deep space black site Deep Space Black Site starbase building (system) +5
Specialist subject bulwark Bulwark subject (relay network) +5
Menu icon edicts Networked Dominance Relay Network edict (relay network) +3
Unknown Revolutionary Spirit empire modifier +2.5
Unknown Population United empire modifier +2
Unknown Stuffed Toy empire modifier +1
Unknown Whisperers in the Void covenant −3
R worm scales Scales of the Worm relic activation −5
Unknown Whisperers in the Void covenant (50 favor) −7
Unknown Progenitor Hive lost capital −10

Crime and Deviancy[]

Job criminal Crime and Deviancy (for Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires) are measures of the overall level of non-compliance in the population of a world. Crime and Deviancy are produced by all sapient pops except those undergoing Pop cat assimilation assimilation, ranging from 0 at Happiness 100% happiness to +2 at Happiness 0% happiness. While unemployment does not increase Crime or Deviancy directly, it can add modifiers that cause them if measures aren't taken. Crime and Deviancy are reduced by certain jobs and leaders. Non-sentient Mechanical Mechanical pops in an organic empire and mechanical pops integrated into a Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empire do not produce crime or deviancy, despite counting as 50% happiness for the purpose of approval rating.

Every year one of the following modifiers can be added as long as the requirements are met. Another modifier cannot be added for the next 10 years. Alternatively, Devastation 15 devastation can be added instead of a modifier. Once a planet has below 10 Crime or Deviancy, all modifiers will be removed after 15 years. The timer is reduced by 50% for each Job enforcer Enforcer or Hunter-Seeker Drone Hunter-Seeker Drone job. All modifiers are also removed if a planet changes ownership.

Modifier Effects Duration Requirements Description
Criminal Underworld Permanent Job criminal 30 Crime or refusing the Increased Benefits modifier This world is home to a large criminal underworld.
Drone Deviancy Permanent Job criminal 30 Deviancy or refusing the Activity Program modifier This world is home to large communities of deviant drones, who no longer respond to commands from the Hive Mind.
Drone Corruption
  • Mod planet crime add +15 Deviancy
  • Job criminal +1 Corrupt Drone job
  • Job criminal +1 Corrupt Drone job per 33 Deviancy
Permanent Job criminal 30 Deviancy or refusing the Standby Mode modifier This world is home to several networks of deviant and corrupted drone units, who operate outside the established parameters set by the core intelligence.
Center of Drug Trade
  • Mod planet crime add +30 Crime
  • Criminal +3 Criminal jobs
  • Replaces the Criminal Underworld modifier
Permanent Job criminal 30 Crime and Criminal Underworld modifier The world has become a major center of drug trade. Illegal narcotics are being smuggled planetside on a daily basis, with a large segment of the populace being regular users.
Gang Wars
  • Mod planet crime add +30 Crime
  • Criminal +3 Criminal jobs
  • Replaces the Criminal Underworld modifier
Permanent Job criminal 30 Crime and Criminal Underworld modifier The world is currently in the middle of a very destructive gang war between two or more organized crime factions. Heavy fighting is ongoing between the rivaling gangs, with local security forces trapped in the middle.
Mob Rule
  • Mod planet crime add +30 Crime
  • Criminal +3 Criminal jobs
  • Replaces the Criminal Underworld modifier
Permanent Job criminal 30 Crime and Criminal Underworld modifier The world is currently dominated by a single criminal organization. They have infiltrated all layers of society, and little happens here without their involvement or permission.
Crime Boss Arrested Mod planet crime add −30 Crime 10 years Criminal Underworld modifier An important crime boss was recently arrested on this world, crippling a major criminal organization.
Bribed Officials Mod planet stability add −20 Stability 10 years Criminal Underworld modifier Several high-ranking officials on this world were recently discovered to have been in the pay of local criminal organizations.
Crime Wave Mod planet crime add +30 Crime 10 years Criminal Underworld modifier This world is currently experiencing a crime wave.
Smuggler Activity Mod trade value mult −20% Trade value 10 years Criminal Underworld modifier An increase in smuggler activity on this world has had a negative impact on profits from trade.
Substance Abuse Mod pop resource output −20% Resources from jobs 10 years Criminal Underworld modifier The illegal use of dangerous and highly addictive drugs is widespread on this world.
Cartel War Mod planet stability add −20 Stability 10 years Center of Drug Trade modifier The powerful drug cartels that have carved up this world between themselves are currently fighting a low-intensity war.
Travel Advisory Mod trade value mult −20% Trade value 10 years Gang Wars modifier The violent gang warfare on this world has led to a travel advisory which has greatly diminished the number of visiting traders.
Corrupt Administration Mod planet stability add −20 Stability 10 years Mob Rule modifier The vast majority of this world's planetary administration was recently revealed to have been in the employ of its dominant crime syndicate.
Protection Racket Mod pop resource output −20% Resources from jobs 10 years Mob Rule modifier The mobsters who rule this world have implemented an extensive protection racket.
Trade Pilfering Mod trade value mult −20% Trade value 10 years Mob Rule modifier The gangster syndicate ruling this world has assumed control over several spaceports through intermediaries. A large portion of local trade now has to go through them.
Deviant Ringleader Killed Mod planet crime add −30 Deviancy 10 years Drone Deviancy modifier An important ringleader among the deviant drones of this world was recently terminated.
Deviant Interference Mod planet stability add −30 Stability 10 years Drone Deviancy modifier Deviant drones are interfering with our facilities on this world.
Corrupt Network Terminated Mod planet crime add −30 Deviancy 10 years Drone Corruption modifier A virus recently terminated one of the corrupt drone networks on this world.
Drone Signal Interference Mod planet stability add −30 Stability 10 years Drone Corruption modifier Signals from the corrupted drone networks on this world are interfering with the functionality of our loyal units.


Decisions represent planet-wide undertakings. Most decisions have a cost to be used, either when taking the decision or when agreeing to the deal that made the decision available in the first place. Some decisions also take some time to implement, from a few days up to 10 years; these decisions go into the planet's construction queue, and can be paused and resumed by reordering, like other constructions.

Decision Cost Effects Requirements
Decision animal wildlife Expand Preservers Time 1800
Minerals 500
D lush jungle Adds a Nature Preserve blocker

Building Ranger Lodge building
Mod planet max districts add Unused district slots

Decision divine algorithm Day Farm Construction Time 900
Energy Credits 1000
D solar array Adds a Dayside Solar Farm planetary feature

Tech power hub 1 Global Energy Management technology
File:Tidal locked.pngPm frame 3 Tidal Locked planet modifier
NoD solar array Dayside Solar Farm
No Moon

Decision animal wildlife Hostile Fauna Removal Time 900
Energy Credits 1000
File:Dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 2 Removes the Hostile Fauna planet modifier

Tech terrestrial sculpting Terrestrial Sculpting technology
File:Dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 2 Hostile Fauna planet modifier
NoCivic environmentalist Environmentalist

Decision arid planet Soil Rehabilitation Time 900
Energy Credits 750
Food 250
File:Bleak.pngPm frame 3 Removes the Bleak planet modifier

Tech terrestrial sculpting Terrestrial Sculpting technology
File:Bleak.pngPm frame 3 Bleak planet modifier

Decision colony settlement Weather Control Systems Time 900
Energy Credits 1000
File:Hazardous weather.pngPm frame 2 Removes the Hazardous Weather planet modifier
Pm wild stormsPm frame 2 Removes the Wild Storms planet modifier

Tech terrestrial sculpting Terrestrial Sculpting technology
File:Hazardous weather.pngPm frame 2 Hazardous Weather or Wild Storms planet modifier

Decision prospect Planetary Prospecting Time 180
Unity 250
Energy Credits 500
Unknown Adds a random planetary feature to the planet

Once per world
Tradition icon adaptability Adaptability tradition tree finished
NoOrigin void dwellers Void Dwellers
NoPlanet habitat Habitat
NoRing World Ring World
NoPlanet ai Machine World
NoPlanet infested Hive World
NoPlanet city Ecumenopolis

Decision divine algorithm Expand Dayside Infrastructure Time 3600
Energy Credits 500
Minerals 1000
D solar array Adds a Dayside Solar Farm planetary feature Pm tidal lockedPm frame 2 Intentionally Tidally Locked planet modifier
One use only
Decision arid planet Uproot Weeds Time 180
Energy Credits 500
Removes any Invasive Xenoflora modifier
Diplomacy opinion −50 Temporary opinion with the empire that seeded the world
Pm lushPm frame 1 Invasive Xenoflora modifier
Decision resources Transplant Tree of Life Time 180
Food 500
D huge tree Adds a Tree of Life Sapling planetary feature Origins tree of life Tree of Life origin
Pm bleakPm frame 3 No Tree of Life planetary modifier
Decision default Project Cornucopia Time 180
Unity 250
Energy Credits 500
D mining tunnels Adds a Project Cornucopia planetary feature

Resolution industrial development Industrial Development Resolution 5
GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community member
NoD mining tunnels Project Cornucopia
NoPlanet habitat Habitat
NoRing World Ring World
NoPlanet city Ecumenopolis
NoPlanet infested Hive World
NoPlanet ai Machine World

Decision burning settlement Consume World None Navbar icons situation Starts situation Consume World

Civic devouring swarm Terravore civic
NoEmpire Capital Empire Capital
NoPlanet habitat Habitat
NoRing World Ring World
NoPlanet city Ecumenopolis
NoPlanet infested Hive World
NoPlanet ai Machine World

Decision deal Settle Crystalline Refugees Influence 10

Habitat gains 5 pops with the Trait pc habitat preference Habitat Preference, Trait void dweller positive Void Dweller, Intelligent Intelligent, and Trait docile Docile traits.
Diplomacy opinion +10 with the Crystalline Empire

Federations Offer from the Crystalline Empire
Decision arctic planet Expand Planetary Sea Time 720
Influence 50
Energy Credits 1000
Planet Size +1 Planet Size
Consumes Ice Asteroids or Frozen Worlds
Planet ocean Ocean World
Ap hydrocentric Hydrocentric ascension perk
Sb ice mining station Starbase with an inactive Ice Mining Station
Planet ocean Frozen World or Ice Asteroid
Can be used up to 3 times per planet
Decision progenitor empty Grow a New Progenitor Time 800
Food 400
Max agriculture districts Removes a planetary feature that increases the number of Agriculture Districts
D progenitor Adds a Progenitor Nest planetary feature
Origins progenitor hive Progenitor Hive origin
Empire Capital Hive Capital designation
NoD progenitor Progenitor Nest planetary feature
Decision strip mining Strip Mining Time 180
Influence 15
Max agriculture districts Removes a planetary feature that increases the number of Agriculture Districts
D prospectorium strip mine Adds a Prospectorium Strip Mine planetary feature
Specialist tier prospectorium 3 on Prospectorium tier 3
Max agriculture districts Planetary feature that gives Agriculture Districts
Decision consecrate habitat knights Consecrate Habitat Time 360
Influence 50
Building Adds an Order's Castle building R toxic god Maw of the Toxic Entity relic activation
Planet habitat Once per Habitat
NoBuilding Order's Keep building
Decision engineering research Activate Dimensional Manipulation Device Dark Matter 1000 D station reactor Adds a Dimensional Manipulation Device planetary feature Building Order's Keep present
Navbar icons situation Quest for the Toxic God situation choice
Decision default Memorial to the Unshackled Time 900
Minerals 2500
District city Adds 4 City Districts
Industrial District Adds 2 Industrial Districts
District generator Adds 1 Generator Districts
District mining Adds 2 Mining Districts
Agriculture District Adds 3 Agriculture Districts
District crashed slaver ship Removes all Scavenger Sites
D crashed ship Adds a Memorial to the Unshackled planetary feature
D crashed ship Removes the Crashed Slaver Ship planetary feature
Yes Removes all origin planet modifiers
Yes Removes all origin buildings except the capital
D crashed ship Crashed Slaver Ship planetary feature
Archaeology map icon Crashed Slaver Ship archaeological site outcome
Decision default Remove Wreckage Time 900
Minerals 2500
District city Adds 4 City Districts
District crashed slaver ship Removes all Scavenger Sites
D crashed ship Removes the Crashed Slaver Ship planetary feature
D crashed ship Removes all Ship Debris blockers
D crashed ship Crashed Slaver Ship planetary feature
Tech housing 2 Anti-Gravity Engineering technology
NoOrigins broken shackles Broken Shackles origin
Decision tidal lock planet Display Microplanet Husk Time 180
Energy Credits 500
Astral threads 100
D microplanet memorial Adds a Microplanet Memorial planetary feature Astral rift map icon Tiny planet astral rift outcome
One use only
Decision fractal seed Fractal Seed Astral threads 100 D fractal seed Adds a Fractal Seed planetary feature Astral rift map icon The Lattice astral rift outcome
NoD fractal seed Fractal Seed
3 or 9 uses only
Decision incubate wind creatures Incubate Wind Creatures None D forceful winds Adds an Incubate Wind Creatures planetary feature Astral rift map icon Windswept Planet astral rift outcome
NoD forceful winds Incubate Wind Creatures
3 uses only
Decision rockworm hive dig Rockworm Hive None D rockworm hive dig Adds a Rockworm Hive planetary feature Astral rift map icon Rockworms astral rift outcome
One use only
Decision deploy temple of whispers Deploy Murmuring Monolith Zro 100 Menu icon fleet manager The Murmuring Monolith takes off Building Murmuring Monolith building
NoDecision psi inoculate pops Begin Psi-Inoculation decision
Decision smugglers in bar Anti Reformist Raids Time 180
Unity 500
Navbar icons situation −4 Progress to the Reformist Demands situation
Unknown 50% Chance to remove the Democratic Tendencies planet modifier if there are no Egalitarian Egalitarian pops
Unknown Worsens the ruler's Luminary trait
Navbar icons situation Reformist Demands situation

Terraforming decisions[]

The following decisions will terraform the world to a new class.

Decision Cost New class Planetary features Other effects Requirements
Decision arcology project Arcology Project Time 3600
Influence 200
Minerals 20000
Planet city Ecumenopolis Removed Yes Districts are converted based on the current designation
Decision arcology project Restore Ecumenopolis Time 3600
Influence 200
Minerals 20000
Planet city Ecumenopolis Removed
  • D central spire Adds a Former Relic World planetary feature
  • Yes Districts are converted based on the current designation
Decision arcology project Repair the Shattered Ring Time 3600
Alloys 10000
Ring World Ring World No features
  • Yes Districts are converted into Segments at a ratio of 5:1
  • Building Mineral Purification Plants and Mineral Purification Hubs buildings are removed
Decision resort colony Nu-Baol Life-Seeding Time 720 Planet gaia Gaia World Kept The planet is populated with 4 Pacifist Pacifist plantoid pops that have the Agrarian Agrarian, Communal Communal, Venerable Venerable, Delicious Delicious and Slow Breeders Slow Breeders traits. If the empire has Auth hive mind Hive Mind authority they will also have the Hive-minded Hive-Minded trait. If the DLC plantoids species pack Plantoids DLC is installed, they will also have the Trait plantoid phototrophic Phototrophic trait.

Planet modifier decisions[]

The following decisions each add a permanent or temporary planet modifier.

Decision Cost Duration Modifier effects Requirements
Decision luxuries Distribute Luxury Goods Consumer goods 100 per 10 pops
  • (max 1000)
10 years
  • Mod planet amenities mult +25% Amenities
  • Mod planet migration all pull +25% Immigration Pull
NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
Decision crime Launch Anti-Crime Campaign Unity 250 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Job enforcer +10 Enforcer Crime Reduction
  • Energy Credits +2 Enforcer Upkeep
  • Decision deal Negotiate with Crime Lords decision disabled
Decision deal Negotiate with Crime Lords Unity 250 Until ended
  • Mod planet stability add +10 Stability
  • Mod planet crime mult +50% Crime
  • Criminal +2 Criminal job
  • Criminal +1 Criminal job per 33 Crime
  • Decision crime Launch Anti-Crime Campaign decision disabled
  • Yes Prevents crime events, except "Criminal Underworld"

Ending the modifier adds the Broken Crime Lord Deal modifier for 5 years:

  • Mod planet stability add −10 Stability
  • Criminal +1 Criminal job per 33 Crime
Decision expel population Expel Excess Population Unity 250 5 years
  • Mod planet stability add −10 Stability
  • Yes Expels enough Pops (max 10) as refugees to fix the housing shortage
Decision politics Declare Population Controls Unity 250 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Mod pop growth req −100% Pop Growth
  • Mod planet stability add −5 Stability
  • Mod planet migration all pull +100 Emigration Push
Decision politics Discourage Planetary Growth Unity 250 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Mod pop growth req −75% Pop Growth Reduction
  • Mod pop amenities usage mult +25% Pop Amenities Usage
  • Consumer goods +25% Pop Upkeep
  • Mod planet migration all pull +100 Emigration Push
Decision politics Cease Robot Assembly Unity 250 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult −100% Robotic Pop Assembly Speed
  • Cost −75% Pop Assembly Cost
Policies Robotic Workers policy is set to Allowed
Decision politics Cease Drone Production Unity 250 Until ended
(no cost)
Mod pop growth req −100% Pop Growth Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
Decision crime Activate Oracle Nexus Energy Credits 200
Unity 500
10 years
Decision mastery of nature Mastery of Nature
  • Energy Credits 2000
  • Influence 100
  • Time 360
  • Max districts +2 Max Districts
  • Max districts +50% Max Resource Districts
Decision default Galactic Market Hub Nomination
  • Energy Credits 1000
  • Influence 150
Until ended
(Influence 10)
Applies a Base Marketplace Competition Rating modifier to the world
  • Resolution galactic market Form the Galactic Market resolution
  • Pop At least 20 pops
Decision default Boost Nomination Bid
  • Energy Credits 2000
  • Influence 300
Increase the planet's Base Marketplace Competition Rating modifier one stage
  • Decision default Galactic Market Hub Nomination
  • Usable up to 2 times
Decision resources Deploy Tissue Growth Stimulants Energy Credits 200 10 years
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Pop Growth Speed
  • Happiness −10% Happiness
  • Mod planet stability add −5 Stability
Decision resources Construct Explosive Fungifoam Housing Units Energy Credits 500 Permanent Pop housing usage −10% Pop housing usage
Decision satellite in orbit Flood Habitat Time 720
Influence 50
Energy Credits 1000
  • Mod habitability Habitability −20%
  • Planet ocean Considered an Ocean world for Aquatic species
  • Planet habitat Habitat
  • Ap hydrocentric Hydrocentric ascension perk
  • Sb ice mining station Starbase with an Ice Mining Station
    • In a system with Planet ocean Frozen World or Ice Asteroid
Decision art monument Exhibit Art Monument Time 15 Until ended
(Time 15)
  • Mod planet amenities mult +15% Amenities
  • Mod planet migration all pull +50 Immigration Pull
  • Yes If ended can be used again
  • Leviathans Bought from the Artisan enclave
  • One use per purchase
Decision divine algorithm Implement Divine Algorithm
  • Unity 500
  • Time 360
10 years
  • Pop resource energy mult +10% Energy from Jobs
  • Job technician +1 Tech-Drone Job
MegaCorp Numistic Order caravan deal
Decision resources Trium Atmospheric Deodorizer Deployment None 80 Years
  • Mod planet migration all pull +30% Immigration Pull
  • Pop growth from immigration +10% Pop growth from immigration
  • MegaCorp Vengralian Trium caravan deal
  • One use per purchase
Decision resources Trium Bunk Beds Deployment None 80 Years Housing +10% Housing
  • MegaCorp Vengralian Trium caravan deal
  • One use per purchase
Decision resources Trium Food Container Deployment None 80 Years Mod pop food req −10% Pop Food Upkeep MegaCorp Vengralian Trium caravan deal
One use per purchase
Decision museum Send Artifacts to Museum Exhibits Minor artifacts 100 10 years Job culture worker +20% Culture Worker Output
Decision deal Initiate Performance Competition Minor artifacts 100 10 years
  • Job executive +10% Executive Output
  • Manager +10% Manager Output
Auth corporate Corporate
Decision satellite in orbit Incorporate Artifact Relays Minor artifacts 100 10 years
  • Job synapse drone Synapse Drones on the planet provide +1% Menial Drone Output and +2 Stability
  • Job coordinator Coordinators on the planet provide +1% Menial Drone Output and +2 Stability
Decision museum Send Artifacts to Organic Sanctuaries Minor artifacts 100 10 years Bio-Trophy +10% Bio-Trophies Output Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor
Decision animal wildlife Initiate Yuht Cleansing Process
  • Energy Credits 500
  • Devastation 50
Permanent Mod habitability +10% Habitability Ancient Relics Delve into the Secrets of the Yuht Special Project
Decision engineering research Extradimensional Experimentation Zro 500 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Researcher +1 Dimensional Portal Researcher
  • Zro +1 Zro upkeep
Resolution galactic studies Unchained Knowledge Resolution 5
Decision deal Crystalline Construction Influence 10 Permanent
  • Housing +8 Housing
  • Mod planet building cost mult −10% Building Cost
  • Federations Offer from the Crystalline Empire
  • Planet habitat Once per Habitat
Decision victorious army Introduce Chaos
  • Energy Credits 500
  • Time 1800
Permanent Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from Jobs
Decision psi inoculate pops Begin Psi-Inoculation Zro 50 Until ended
(no cost)
Trait psionic species 1 Pop gains the Psionic trait every 6 months
  • Building Murmuring Monolith building
  • Yes Biological pops present
Decision tidal lock planet Intentional Tidal Locking None Permanent
  • Max agriculture districts −3 Max Agriculture Districts
  • Max mining districts −3 Max Mining Districts
  • Decision divine algorithm Enables the Expand Dayside Infrastructure decision
  • Astral rift map icon Tiny planet astral rift outcome
  • Once per world

Specialized planet decisions[]

Specialized planet decisions cost 1000 Unity Unity and will give a planet a permanent modifier that, aside from its effects, will change the planet's designation. Ringworlds, habitats and capital worlds cannot be specialized. A planet can only have one specialization modifier. Abolishing a specialization costs 2500 Unity Unity

Decision Modifier effects Requirements
Decision penal colony Create Penal Colony
  • Mod planet migration all pull +33% Immigration pull
  • Mod planet crime mult +100% Crime
  • Mod planet crime mult −25% Crime on other colonies
  • Job criminal Designation changed to Penal Colony
Decision resort colony Create Resort World
  • Mod habitability +100% Habitability
  • Job clerk +1 Clerk job per 2 pops
  • Mod planet amenities mult +15% Amenities on other colonies
  • Mod planet migration all pull +15% Immigration pull on other colonies
  • Job entertainer Designation changed to Resort World
Decision slave colony Create Thrall-World
  • Decision slave colony Thrall-Worlds technology
  • Pop cat slave At least 1 pop from a fully enslaved species on the colony
  • NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
  • NoPlanet city Ecumenopolis
  • NoDistrict Any built district
  • NoBuilding Any building besides the capital building
Decision default Create Crucible World
  • Medical Worker +2 Crucible Drone job from capitals
  • Replicator −1 Replicator job from capitals
  • Upkeep +10% Pop upkeep
  • Mod pop resource output −10% Resources from Jobs
  • Colony type crucible Designation changed to Crucible World

Consecrate World[]

The Consecrate World decision requires the Consecrated Worlds Consecrated Worlds ascension perk and can be used on up to three uncolonized planets within your borders at the same time at the cost of Unity 500 unity. It can be canceled at any time for the same cost, and if taken again the result is re-rolled. When the decision is taken, the planet gains a Consecrated modifier – which gives the planet a visual effect, and the empire gains the Consecrated World Worship modifier with following bonuses, cumulative for each consecrated world:

PM Consecrated WorldsPm frame 1 Consecrated modifier Chance Description
Quality Monthly unity Mod planet amenities mult Spiritualist Ethic Attraction Planet gaia Planet aridPlanet desertPlanet savannah
Planet continentalPlanet tropicalPlanet ocean
Planet alpinePlanet arcticPlanet tundra
Toxic World
Origins toxic knights
Barren WorldBarren World (Cold)
Frozen WorldMolten World
Toxic World
AsteroidGas Giant
Shielded WorldPlanet nuked
Planet cityPlanet nuked
Planet infestedPlanet ai
Holy World +8% +4% +8% 100% 10% 14.3% 00% 00% 0.00% 000% This planet is deemed an immaculate and sacrosanct place.
Venerated World +6% +3% +6% 000% 40% 28.6% 20% 00% 0.00% 000% This is deemed a most blessed planet.
Respected World +4% +2% +4% 000% 50% 50.0% 70% 20% 02.4% 000% This is deemed a suitable object of worship.
Profane World +2% +1% +2% 000% 00% 07.1% 10% 80% 97.6% 100% This is deemed a poor object of worship.

Having three worlds with Consecrated (Holy World) gives a slight additional bonus, for a total of Monthly unity +25%, Mod planet amenities mult +15%, Spiritualist Ethic Attraction +25%.

If a system containing a Consecrated planet is conquered the previous owner will lose −10% Happiness Happiness for 5 years.

Consecrating one of the Holy Guardians' File:Consecrated worlds.pngPm frame 3 Holy Worlds gives a cumulative Diplomacy opinion +30 opinion with the fallen empire; deconsecrating a Holy World removes all opinion bonuses gained by consecration with the Holy Guardians.

Empires with the Origins toxic knights Knights of the Toxic God origin have a chance to consecrate Planet toxic toxic worlds as a holy world.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs