Stellaris Wiki


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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Celestial body

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Each planet has a small chance of containing a modifier that will affect the colony should the world be colonized. They may be positive, negative or mixed, identified by the color of the modifier's border.

Random anomalies can generate a great variety of planet modifiers but those usually do not have any effects.

Random modifiers[]

These modifiers can appear at random on any planet outside an empire's home system. If terraforming technology is researched some of them can be removed either via a special decision or by terraforming the planet. A planet can have up to 2 random modifiers

Modifier Effects Spawn chance Removed by terraforming Description
Pm bleakPm frame 3 Bleak
  • Mod habitability −5% Habitability
  • Pop resource food mult −1 Food from Farmers
  • Max agriculture districts −4 Max Agriculture Districts
  • ×0 if Planet tropical Tropical
  • ×0 if Pm lushPm frame 1 Lush
  • ×0 if Pm microscopic lifePm frame 1 Rich Microflora
Yes Life struggles to survive here, and while some clings to a tenacious existence it is anemic and sickly.
Pm tidal lockedPm frame 3 Tidal Locked
  • Mod planet max districts add −30% Max Districts
  • Decision divine algorithm Enables the Day Farm Construction decision
  • ×3 if moon
  • ×0 if Planet gaia Gaia World
  • Always present on Proxima Centauri b
No This world is tidally locked around its star, meaning that one side always has daylight while the other is locked in eternal darkness. If life exists here, it is likely limited to the twilight regions where the two sides meet.
Pm weak magnetic fieldPm frame 3 Weak Magnetic Field
  • Mod habitability −5% Habitability
  • Mod pop growth req −5% Pop Growth speed
  • Pop resource physics research mult +10% Physics from Jobs
No Although habitable, this world has a weak or non-existent magnetic field that offers little protection against cosmic radiation.
Pm hazardous weatherPm frame 2 Hazardous Weather
  • Mod habitability −10% Habitability
  • Happiness −5% Happiness
  • Pop resource energy mult +20% Energy from Jobs
  • Max generator districts +4 Max Generator Districts
Yes This world suffers from unstable weather patterns, with violent storms frequently appearing out of nowhere to wreak havoc on the surface.
Pm dangerous wildlifePm frame 2 Hostile Fauna
  • Mod habitability −10% Habitability
  • Happiness −5% Happiness
  • Pop resource society research mult +20% Society From Jobs
Yes This world has evolved extremely Hostile Fauna, and the surface is rife with lethal predators waiting to ambush their next meal. Their biology offers great research opportunities, however.
Pm high gravityPm frame 2 High Gravity
  • Mod planet building cost mult +10% Building cost
  • Mod planet building cost mult +10% District cost
  • Mod habitability −5% Habitability
  • Mod planet max districts add +2 Max Districts
No This planet is unusually dense and so has uncomfortably high gravity.
Pm low gravityPm frame 2 Low Gravity
  • Mod planet building cost mult −10% Building cost
  • Mod habitability −5% Habitability
No This planet has an unusually low density and therefore much lower gravity than most planets of comparable size.
Pm wild stormsPm frame 2 Wild Storms
  • Mod habitability −5% Habitability
  • Happiness −5% Happiness
  • Pop resource physics research mult +20% Physics from Jobs
Yes Spectacular electrical storms wrack this planet's atmosphere on a semi-regular basis.
Pm drilling for gasPm frame 1 Abundant Geothermal Activity
  • Max generator districts +4 Max Generator Districts
  • Pop resource engineering research mult +1 Engineering from Technicians
No This planet has many accessible geothermal hot spots. While this poses some engineering challenges, it also provides extra energy generation opportunities.
Pm atmospheric aphrodisiacPm frame 1 Atmospheric Aphrodisiac
  • Mod habitability +5% Habitability
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Pop Growth speed
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction −20% Government ethics attraction
Planet nuked Tomb World
Planet ai Machine World
Planet infested Hive world
Something in the air of this planet seems to put people in the mood to reproduce.
Pm extensive moon systemPm frame 1 Extensive Moon System
  • Pop resource minerals mult +10% Minerals from Jobs
  • Max mining districts +1 Max Mining Districts
  • ×0 if not Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  • ×0 if no moons
No This gas giant has an unusually large amount of natural satellites. Hundreds of small moons and moonlets orbit the planet.
Pm lushPm frame 1 Lush
  • Mod habitability +10% Habitability
  • Pop resource food mult +20% Food from Jobs
  • Max agriculture districts +4 Max Agriculture Districts
Planet nuked Tomb World
Planet ai Machine World
Planet infested Hive world
Life thrives here, the fauna is plentiful and the flora grows rapidly.
Pm natural beautyPm frame 1 Natural Beauty
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
  • Mod planet migration all pull +25% Immigration Pull
  • Mod planet migration all pull +25% Automatic Resettlement Destination Chance
×3 if Planet gaia Gaia World Planet nuked Tomb World
Planet ai Machine World
Planet infested Hive world
The scenery on this planet is simply beautiful, anyone living on this planet will be constantly finding new wonders to behold.
Pm microscopic lifePm frame 1 Rich Microflora
  • Max agriculture districts +4 Max Agriculture Districts
  • Pop resource society research mult +1 Society from Farmers
No The soil of this world is home to a robust and highly productive microflora ecosystem, allowing for rich farming and research opportunities.
Pm hollow planetPm frame 1 Subterranean Wildlife
  • Mod planet max districts add +2 Max Districts
  • Max mining districts +4 Max Mining Districts
  • Pop resource society research mult +1 Society from Miners
  • Upkeep +20% Building and District Upkeep
No This planet has a thriving underground lithotrophic ecosystem. Herds of mild mineral-crunching subterranean creatures dig out large caverns, leaving them available for mining and colony use. The animals provide unique research opportunities for the miners who direct the packs to valuable mineral deposits.


A planet can only have one minerals modifier, which affects the planet's Minerals Minerals production. They cannot be removed by terraforming.

Modifier Pop resource minerals mult Minerals from Jobs Max mining districts Max Mining Districts Spawn chance Description
Pm mineral poorPm frame 3 Poor Quality Minerals −25% −3 It is unknown if this planet simply formed this way, or if some unknown race once stripped it of its more valuable resources. However, we do know that the minerals present on this planet are of unusually poor quality.
Pm mineral richPm frame 1 High Quality Minerals +15% +4 An abundance of high quality minerals in this planet's crust makes mining here a lucrative business.
Pm ultra richPm frame 1 Exceptional Quality Minerals +25% +8 ×8 if File:High gravity.pngPm frame 2 High Gravity The exceptional quality of the minerals in this planet's crust provides a truly staggering opportunity for mining.
Pm carbon worldPm frame 1 Carbon World +15% This world has been formed mostly out of carbon, and contains little oxygen.

Terraforming candidates[]

Terraforming Candidates are modifiers that have a small chance to appear on uninhabitable planets and are always added to worlds ruined by a crisis. The modifiers allow the planet to be terraformed if the Tech climate restoration Climate Restoration technology has been researched. They do not appear if the required expansion is not installed. The chance for the a planet to have the modifier is scaled by the Habitable Worlds game setting.

Modifier Planet Chance Required AP Description DLC
Pm planet from spacePm frame 1 Terraforming Candidate Planet barren Barren 1% Though barren and devoid of life, this planet has water in frozen form and may once have been home to a thriving ecosystem. With the right technology, it could be terraformed into a habitable world.
Pm planet from spacePm frame 1 Frozen Terraforming Candidate Planet frozen Frozen 1% Ap hydrocentric Hydrocentric Though cold to the point of being unable to sustain life, the frozen water on this world could allow us to terraform it into a habitable world, if we can find the right method. Aquatics
Pm planet from spacePm frame 1 Toxic Terraforming Candidate Planet toxic Toxic 15% Detox Detox Though the noxious gases on this world make it unfit for life, with enough effort they can be broken down into less lethal compounds, eventually allowing colonization. Toxoids

Event triggering modifiers[]

The following random modifiers trigger an event roughly one year after the planet is colonized. The event can only trigger once per colony.

Modifier Effects Spawn chance Removed by terraforming Event
Pm irradiatedPm frame 3 Irradiated
  • Mod habitability −10% Habitability
  • Happiness −20% Happiness
  • Pop resource food mult −50% Food from Jobs
  • Max agriculture districts −6 Max Agriculture Districts
  • Max mining districts +2 Max Mining Districts
Yes Colony gains one of the following:
  • 20% chance D crater Ancient Bombardment Craters planetary feature
  • 20% chance D organic landfill Ancient Battlefield planetary feature
  • 20% chance D metal boneyard Irradiated Ruins planetary feature
  • 40% chance Pm irradiatedPm frame 2 Uncertain History modifier
Pm unstable tectonicsPm frame 3 Unstable Tectonics
  • Mod habitability −10% Habitability
  • Happiness −5% Happiness
  • Pop resource engineering research mult +20% Engineering from Jobs
No Colony gains Happiness −5% happiness for one year. There is a 66% chance for either the colony to gain a D deep sinkhole Deep Sinkhole blocker or for the empire to get 100-500 Minerals Minerals.
Pm asteroid impactsPm frame 2 Asteroid Impacts
  • Mod habitability −5% Habitability
  • Pop resource minerals mult +5% Minerals from Jobs
  • Max mining districts +2 Max Mining Districts
No Colony gains Happiness −5% happiness for five years as well as either Devastation 20 devastation or the D crater Impact Crater planetary feature.
Pm atmospheric hallucinogenPm frame 2 Atmospheric Hallucinogen
  • Happiness +5% Biological and Lithoid Pop Happiness
  • Pop resource physics research mult +10% Physics from Jobs
  • Pop cat worker −5% Worker job output
Planet nuked Tomb World
Planet ai Machine World
Planet infested Hive world
Empire gains a special project. Finishing it removes the modifier and has a 25% chance to add the Pm atmospheric hallucinogenPm frame 1 Filtered Atmospheric Hallucinogen modifier with Happiness +10% Happiness and Pop resource physics research mult +10% Physics from Jobs.
Pm asteroid beltPm frame 1 Asteroid Belt
  • Pop resource engineering research mult +1 Minerals from Miners
  • Max mining districts +4 Max Mining Districts
  • ×2 if Pm low gravityPm frame 2 Low Gravity
  • ×0 if Pm hollow planetPm frame 1 Subterranean Wildlife
  • ×0 if moon
No Colony gains Happiness +10% happiness for five years.
Pm strong magnetic fieldPm frame 1 Strong Magnetic Field
  • Pop resource physics research mult +1 Physics from Technicians
  • Max generator districts +4 Max Generator Districts
No Colony gains either +20% or −10% Research Research from Jobs for five years as well as a special project. Finishing the special project adds the Pm strong magnetic fieldPm frame 1 Magnetic Miracle modifier.
Pm titanic lifePm frame 1 Titanic Life
  • Society research +25% Society from Jobs
No Empire gains a special project. Finishing it either allows the recruitment of Army xenomorph Titanic Beast armies on the planet or have the colony invaded by 3 powerful armies. If the empire is XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe, it can choose to gain the Pm titanic lifePm frame 1 Delicious Titans modifier instead of the special project.

Unique modifiers[]

Unique modifiers will always appear on certain predetermined planets and cannot be found anywhere else.

Modifier Effects World Description DLC
Pm consecrated worldsPm frame 3 Holy World
  • Unity Surveying the planet grants a small amount of unity
  • Diplomacy opinion −200 Opinion with Holy Guardians if colonized
  • Diplomacy opinion +30 Opinion with Holy Guardians if consecrated
  • Yes Unique visual effect
  • Planet gaia Prophets Retreat
  • Planet gaia Walled Garden
  • Planet gaia Emerald Mausoleum
  • Planet gaia Pristine Jewel
The planet is considered sacred by a nearby Fallen Empire. Colonizing it will anger them greatly.
Pm natural beautyPm frame 1 Wenkwort Gardens
  • Bureaucrat +20% Administrator Output
  • Researcher +10% Researcher Output
Planet gaia Wenkwort Artem The ecologies of this world show signs of having been designed, fitting some arcane and romantic ideal.
Pm artist monument erectedPm frame 2 Star Mall
  • Max districts +2 Max Districts
  • Amenities +25% Amenities
  • Orbital bombardment damage +50% Orbital Bombardment Damage
Planet habitat Star Mall This habitat was custom-built to house an enormous shopping arcology. Entirely dedicated to commerce, it lacks the typical defense systems of a station of this size.
  • Utopia
  • Federations
Pm natural beautyPm frame 1 Paridayda
  • Happiness +10% Happiness
  • Unity +10% Unity from Jobs
  • Pop resource food mult +20% Food from Jobs
  • Mod planet migration all pull +25% Migration Pull
Planet gaia Paridayda A paradiasaical world of unparalleled beauty. Distant Stars
Pm resort planetPm frame 2 Sea of Consciousness
  • Mod habitability 0.25% Habitability
  • Research +10% Research from Jobs
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction −25% Government Ethics Attraction
  • Mod planet building build speed mult −25% Planetary Build Speed
Planet ocean Sea of Consciousness Though the nature of this planet's sea eludes us, it is somehow, unquestionably, alive. Thoughts, visions, and impulses like soft songs dance in the minds of organic beings who come into contact with it. Distant Stars
Pm natural beautyPm frame 1 Paradisiacal Habitat
  • Mod habitability +80% Habitability
  • Yes All building slots unlocked
Planet habitat Ithome's Gate habitats Although this habitat is completely artificial, the air carries an idyllic quality that reminds any sentient creature - no matter how alien - of home. First Contact
Pm dangerous wildlifePm frame 2 Hostile Planet
  • Food +2 Food from Farmers
  • Happiness −20% Happiness
  • Mod pop growth req −10% Pop Growth Speed
Planet tropical Taprib II On this planet, flora and fauna evolved into a predatory eat-or-be-eaten scheme. They provide a lot of nutrients but will also actively hunt out other living creatures for sustenance. Galactic Paragons
Pm unstable tectonicsPm frame 2 Molten Mineral Rivers
  • Minerals +1 Minerals from Miners
  • Volatile motes +0.2 Volatile Motes from Miners
  • Mod habitability −30% Habitability
Planet alpine Vapob II This planet is plagued by frequent volcanic eruptions and a high amount of molten lava flowing through its inner crust, which is instrumental for mineral processing facilities operating on the planet. Galactic Paragons
Pm city ruinsPm frame 2 Ship Junkyard
  • Engineering research +1 Engineering Research from Miners
  • Alloys +1 Alloys from Miners
  • Minerals −2 Minerals from Miners
  • Mod pop growth req −30% Pop Growth Speed
Planet desert Ivusheh II This planet is filled with old derelict ships and a fallen orbital shipyard. It makes for a great place to scavenge for precious metals as well as old technology. Galactic Paragons
Pm star pulsarPm frame 2 Pulsar Flares
  • Pop resource physics research mult +100% Physics Research from Jobs
  • Pop resource engineering research mult −50% Engineering Research from Jobs
  • Pop resource society research mult −50% Society Research from Jobs
  • Mod planet max districts add −8 Max Districts
Planet nuked Sursect I Half of the planet is battered by a nearby pulsar star. It turned this surface into an inhabitable wasteland, but it allows our research facilities to work on energy-related tech in a vastly accelerated manner. Galactic Paragons
Pm planet from spacePm frame 1 Formless Haven Yes Colonizing the world spawns 5 alien pops Planet gaia zeya The last bastion of the beings known as the Formless. They have very little left to call home. Astral Planes

Homeworld modifiers[]

Homeworld modifiers can only be added to the capital world of an empire by Origins when the game starts.

Modifier Effects Origin Description DLC
Pm planet from spacePm frame 1 Prosperous Unification
  • Happiness +15% Happiness
  • Amenities +25% Amenities
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Resources from Jobs
Origins default Prosperous Unification Since Unification Day the economy has been booming!
Pm planet from spacePm frame 1 Colonial Spirit
  • Amenities +15% Amenities
  • Mod pop resource output +15% Resources from Jobs
  • Happiness +10% Happiness
  • Mod habitability +10% Habitability
Origins lost colony Lost Colony (individualist) Determined to forge a new life on the frontier, the forefathers of this colony had an astounding work ethic which became a time-honored tradition.
Pm planet from spacePm frame 1 Fresh Consciousness
  • Amenities +15% Amenities
  • Mod pop resource output +15% Resources from Jobs
  • Stability +5% Stability
Origins lost colony Lost Colony (gestalt) The unexpected emergence of a new gestalt consciousness has given the drones of this colony a second chance. UtopiaSynthetic Dawn
Pm ocean paradisePm frame 1 Ocean Paradise
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Pop Growth Speed
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from Jobs
  • Happiness +15% Happiness if not Auth hive mind Hive Mind
  • Stability +10 Stability if Auth hive mind Hive Mind
Origins ocean paradise Ocean Paradise Few worlds boast conditions so fortunate. At the top of this planet's food chain, there is bliss. Its rich, flourishing resources could potentially last an eternity - if properly managed. Aquatics
Pm victorious armyPm frame 1 Free at Last
  • Happiness +20% Citizen Pop Happiness
  • Mod pop housing usage −25% Pop Housing Usage
  • Amenities −50% Pop Amenities Usage
  • Consumer goods −50% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
  • Unity +100% Unity from Jobs
  • Egalitarian +50% Egalitarian Ethics Attraction
Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles The former slaves are finally free from their oppressors. First Contact
Pm victorious armyPm frame 1 Unified Purpose
  • Happiness +15% Happiness
  • Amenities +25% Amenities
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Resources from Jobs
  • Job overlord propagandist +2 Unification Officer Jobs
Origins payback Payback The arrival of the invaders unified our planet. Now that we have regained control of our destiny, there is work to be done. First Contact
Pm asteroid beltPm frame 3 Debris Field
  • Mod habitability −30% Habitability
  • Mod planet building cost mult +15% Building and District Cost
  • Upkeep +50% Building and District Upkeep
Origins payback Payback The orbiting debris from the wrecked Minamar ship frequently rains down upon the planet below. Any surface infrastructure will require more regular and intensive maintenance to repair the damage done. First Contact


Empires that start with the Origins doomsday Doomsday origin start with a homeworld modifier that goes through 4 stages. Each stage lasts roughly 10 years and increases the effects of the previous stage. It also prevents revolts from taking place.

Pm exploding planetPm frame 2 Stage Alloys from jobsPop resource minerals multPop resource energy mult Job output Mod habitability Habitability Mod planet stability add Stability Immigration pull Immigration pull Emigration push Emigration push Description
I +30% −30% −10 −50% +100 This planet is doomed. It is tectonically unstable and will eventually explode.
II +60% −50% −15
III +90% −70% −20
IV +120% −90% −30

Guardian modifiers[]

Guardian modifiers are added through the Leviathan Parade Opportunity situations.

Modifier Effects Guardian Description
Pm horror trophyPm frame 1 Horrific Inverse Mass Stabilized
  • Unity +50% Unity from Jobs
  • Research +50% Research from Jobs
  • The Worm
  • Leviathans Dimensional Horror
  • Leviathans Elder One
A miracle has occurred]: against all odds the Inverse Mass stabilized and can now be studied without any danger.
Pm fortress trophyPm frame 1 Chamber from the Fortress
  • Housing +15 Housing
  • Amenities +15 Amenities
Leviathans Enigmatic Fortress This world hosts a Chamber from the Enigmatic Fortress, capable of reforming itself for whatever the inhabitants need, most of the time.
Pm stellar devourer trophyPm frame 1 Devourer's Egg Sac Feature Enables the Consume Star operation Leviathans Stellar Devourer The last collection of Stellar Devourer Eggs in the galaxy.
Pm ether trophyPm frame 1 Drake's Fang
  • Stability +10 Stability
  • Mod planet migration all pull +25% Immigration Pull
Leviathans Ether Drake The fang of an Ether Drake is the centerpiece of this world's capital.
Pm dread trophyPm frame 1 Dreadnought's Reactor Energy Credits −15% Energy Upkeep Leviathans Automated Dreadnought A reactor from the Automated Dreadnought partially powers this world.
Pm wraith trophyPm frame 1 Wraith's Dispenser Sack
  • Unity +15% Unity from Jobs
  • Happiness +10% Happiness
Leviathans Spectral Wraith The pulsating lights from the Disperser Sack are very pleasant and relaxing.
Pm wraith trophyPm frame 1 Wraith Infused Atmosphere Damage −25% Orbital Bombardment Damage Leviathans Spectral Wraith (ending the situation early) This atmosphere has been infused by the natural energy of the Spectral Wraith, making orbital bombardment less effective.
Pm voidspawn trophyPm frame 1 Cleansed Voidspawn's Venom Gland
  • Mod habitability +15% Habitability
  • Pop resource society research mult +10% Society Research from Jobs
Distant Stars Voidspawn The cleansed Venom Gland of the Void adorns this world. After an initial leak stopped it from being displayed, now it's visible for all.
Pm tiyanki trophyPm frame 1 Matriarch's Flagella
  • Mod pop growth req +1 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly
  • Stability −5 Stability
Distant Stars Tiyanki Matriarch The flagella of the Tiyanki Matriarch, initially inert, has started generating copies of the inhabitants on this world.
Pm scavanger trophyPm frame 1 Scavenger Bot's Compactor Alloys +20% Alloys from Jobs Distant Stars Scavenger Bot The Scavenger Bot's compactor helps us optimize our metallurgical processes.
Pm shard trophyPm frame 1 Eye of the Shard
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Menial Drone Pop Output
  • Authoritarian +50% Authoritarian Ethics Attraction
Ancient Relics Shard Under the watchful eye of the Shard the population on this world seem to work harder.
Pm shard trophyPm frame 1 All Seeing Shard
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +10 Planet Sensor Range
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +10 Planet Hyperlane Detection Range
Ancient Relics Shard (ending the situation early) By the unholy fusion of machine and xeno-biology, the starbase in this system can reach far beyond what we normally would be able to.
Pm sky dragon trophyPm frame 1 Sky Dragon's Plume
  • Mod planet max districts add +20% Max Districts
  • Pop resource physics research mult +20% Physics Research from Jobs
Aquatics Sky Dragon The Sky Dragon's gravity-defying properties grant us more habitable space on the world and give us scientific insights into the phenomenon.

Event modifiers[]

The following modifiers can only be added by events.

Modifier Effects Event Description
Pm lushPm frame 1 Ancient Terraforming Mod pop growth req +20% Pop Growth Speed Abandoned Terraforming Equipment event chain
(Resume Process Special Project)
Ancient terraforming techniques have turned this world into a lush paradise.
Pm asteroid impactsPm frame 3 Abandoned Terraforming Project
  • Pop resource food mult −20% Food from Jobs
  • Happiness −10% Happiness
Abandoned Terraforming Equipment event chain
(Dismantle Equipment Special Project)
This world was partially terraformed thousands of years ago, but the process was interrupted for unknown reasons. The result is a highly unstable climate system and biosphere.
Pm hollow planetPm frame 1 Subterranean Civilization Pop resource society research mult +10% Society from Jobs Subterranean Civilization event chain
(Establish Communications Special Project)
A subterranean alien civilization on this world enjoys a good relationship with the colonists on the surface, and both parties frequently engage in trade and cultural exchanges.
Pm hollow planetPm frame 1 Subterranean Cities Mod planet max districts add +3 Max Districts Subterranean Civilization event chain
(Preemptive Strike Special Project)
The indigenous subterranean civilization that once lived on this world has been exterminated, and colonists are now free to expand into their abandoned underground cities.
Pm crimePm frame 1 Local Mycelial Network Job criminal −25% Crime Mushroom Picking event chain
(excavated the Desiccated archaeological site)
We have managed to harness local fungal networks to monitor our colonists on the planet.
Pm atmospheric aphrodisiacPm frame 1 On the Backs of Nemma
  • Happiness +15% Happiness
  • Pop resource society research mult +15% Society from Jobs
  • Housing −10% Housing
Unsteady Ground event chain
(no special project)
What were initially regarded as islands on this planet have instead turned out to be the backs of massive, live reptiles. This forces the inhabitants to take greater pains when parceling out housing. The inhabitants have decided to leave them alone.
Pm strong magnetic fieldPm frame 1 Magnetic Miracle Research +20% Research from Jobs Magnetic Miracle
(Investigate the Magnetic Mystery Special Project)
Somehow the Magnetic Field of this planet is interfering with our computers, but rather than a simple disruption it is actually making them more efficient!
Pm atmospheric hallucinogenPm frame 1 Filtered Atmospheric Hallucinogen
  • Happiness +10% Happiness
  • Pop resource physics research mult +10% Physics from Jobs
(Hallucinogen Removal Special Project)
The air of this planet once contained a natural hallucinogen. Now, with the aid of massive filters, the effect has been diluted. This has reduced the benefits it once gave, but has also eliminated the negatives.
Pm irradiatedPm frame 2 Uncertain History
  • Research +10% Research from jobs
  • Happiness −10% Happiness
What happened here?
(40% chance)
The people of this planet are troubled by not knowing what caused the disaster which befell it long ago, and are driven to try to find out.
Pm titanic lifePm frame 1 Delicious Titans
  • Max agriculture districts +6 Max Agriculture Districts
  • Pop resource food mult +30% Food from Jobs
  • Warrior +1 Titan Hunter Job
  • Warrior +1 Titan Hunter Job per 20 Pops
Titanic Life
Fanatic XenophobeXenophobe Xenophobe option
Harvesting the Titanic life for research data has had an unexplained side benefit: They taste great!
Pm natural beautyPm frame 1 Engineered Nature Amenities +10 Amenities Engineered Beauty This planet has been engineered to provide both form and function to its inhabitants
Pm planet from spacePm frame 1 Second Home
  • Mod habitability +20% Habitability
  • Mod planet migration all pull +50% Immigration Pull
Homeworld II This planet bears an uncanny resemblance to its creator's homeworld.
Pm unity symbolPm frame 1 Paradise Made
  • Unity +25% Unity from Jobs
  • Mod planet migration all pull +50% Immigration Pull
  • Spiritualist +50% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • Mod planet building cost mult +25% District Cost
Paradise is a Place This planet was terraformed to look like its creators' promised land.
Pm factoryPm frame 1 Surviving Infrastructure Mod planet building cost mult −25% District Cost Surviving Infrastructure There is still a significant amount of infrastructure left on this world, built by its original inhabitants before they destroyed themselves in a nuclear war. This will aid in the construction of new buildings.
Pm nanite worldPm frame 1 Tamed Nanite Swarm
  • Mod planet building cost mult −25% Building Cost
  • Mod planet building build speed mult −25% Planetary Build Speed
  • Pop resource engineering research mult +30% Engineering Research from Jobs
On the Origin of Nanites
(Tame the Swarm special project)
A self-evolved nanite swarm was domesticated on this planet and now helps the colonists with their day-to-day life.
Pm machine sapiencePm frame 1 Zen World
  • Happiness +3% Happiness
  • Upkeep −15% Upkeep from Jobs
Interpretation Signal
(Pure, Dry Landscaping special project)
Vast ripples appear in the regolith here. Whatever their origin, they exude a calming influence.
Pm factoryPm frame 1 Loop Temple Visitor Center Happiness +5% Happiness Horizon Signal event chain Cheery, efficient staff guided tours past primordial sigils bright under floodlights and marked with helpful plaques.
Pm factoryPm frame 1 Loop Temple Pilgrims' Way Happiness +10% Happiness Horizon Signal event chain
Fanatic SpiritualistSpiritualist Spiritualist option
Once again, the basalt arches whisper with the hushing of feet and the echo of prayers.
Pm museumPm frame 1 Machine Interface Museum Unity +5% Unity from Bio-Trophies Synthetic Dawn Geomagnetic Storm situation
(Shield All Drones approach)
A specialized center where biological assistants can experience the thrill of doing meaningless tasks to feel useful.
Pm assist researchPm frame 1 Superflare Shielding Unity +10% Unity from Jobs Distant Stars Superflare
(Superflare Shielding special project)
This planet's populace is shielded from the harmful effects of it's sun's superflare activity.
Pm asteroid impactsPm frame 1 Heavy Metal Alloys +10% Alloys from Jobs MegaCorp MegaCorpse Concert Ever since the MegaCorpse incident it has just been somehow easier to create metal on this planet.
Pm engineering researchPm frame 1 C.A.R.E Interactive Interface Pop resource energy mult +10% Energy from Jobs Ancient Relics C.A.R.E.
(Develop A Cure For The Ferrophage special project)
The ancient C.A.R.E Interactive Interface is working at full capacity on this planet - with some modern improvements, of course.
Pm microscopic lifePm frame 1 Edible Machines Food +20% Monthly Food First Contact Nodal Consciousness Discovered While they may not have resulted in a Singularity, these thinking machines have proven surprisingly delicious.
Pm resources 2Pm frame 2 Industrial Network
  • Alloys +10% Alloys from Jobs
  • Consumer goods +10% Consumer Goods from Jobs
  • Happiness −5% Citizen Pop Happiness
  • Mod pop environment tolerance −10% Species Habitability Cap
Galactic Paragons Optimization Proposal Complex shipping pipelines of Factorator Shuladun's making: highly efficient, but at the cost of the population's health.
Pm museumPm frame 2 Vanity Palace
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
  • Mod planet migration all pull +5% Immigration Pull
  • Pop resource energy mult −5% Energy from Jobs
Galactic Paragons Vanity Palace This monumental building is as grotesque as it is fascinating.

Anomaly modifiers[]

Anomaly modifiers can only be added by random anomalies.

Modifier Effects Anomaly Description
Pm natural beautyPm frame 1 Nutritious Food
  • Happiness +10% Happiness
  • Mod pop growth req +20% Pop growth Speed
Among the Vines and Trees The planet's flora provides nutritious fruits and substances that improves living conditions.
Pm lushPm frame 1 Ancient Harvesters Pop resource food mult +20% Food from Jobs Distant Stars Peculiar Patterns Ancient solar-powered harvesters assist in gathering the planet's crops
Pm ultra richPm frame 1 Resonant Crystals
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +33% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • Happiness +10% Happiness
Distant Stars Resonant Crystals The resonant crystals that line this planet's tectonic crust resonate at a medically therapeutic frequency for our species.
Pm ultra richPm frame 1 Soothing Magnetism Unity +50% Unity from Jobs Distant Stars Attractive Magnetism This planet's magnetosphere resonates at a frequency very conductive to our neural network.
Pm wild stormsPm frame 1 Watery Grave Pop resource society research mult +33% Society from Jobs Distant Stars Deep Tunnels The ruins of an ancient arthropoid collective stretch from pole to pole on this planet, long-buried beneath its waves.
Pm dead godPm frame 2 Dead God Spiritualist +200% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction Distant Stars Silent Behemoth The corpse of some gargantuan alien creature keeps silent vigil in orbit over this planet.
Pm unstable tectonicsPm frame 3 Exofungus Infestation
  • Mod planet building build speed mult −20% Planetary build speed
  • Mod habitability −10% Habitability
  • Pop resource society research mult +33% Society From Jobs
Distant Stars Bizarre Blanket An extremophilic exofungus spreads on this planet like a cancer, choking the terrain.
Pm natural beautyPm frame 3 Predatory Plants
  • Mod habitability −10% Habitability
  • Pop resource society research mult +10% Society From Jobs
Distant Stars Megaflora Vicious megaflora dominates this planet's landscape, creating opportunities for research, but also dangerous obstacles for any inhabitants.

Archaeological site modifiers[]

Event modifiers can only be added by Archaeological site outcomes.

Modifier Effects Archaeological site Description
Pm surreal visionsPm frame 1 The Memorex
  • Mod pop resource output +20% Resources from Jobs
  • Mod planet stability add +10 Stability
Archaeology map icon Ix Belèn outcome The Memorex Enhanced Learning Program trains the population to better fit the needs of the empire, as they sleep, improving their output significantly.
Pm artist monument erectedPm frame 1 The Sentinels
  • Spiritualist +10% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • Unity +15% Unity from Jobs
Archaeology map icon The Sentinels "Leave them alone" outcome Ancient guardians watch over the planet inspiring unity and spirituality in our people.
Pm glitchy matrixPm frame 1 Cheap Thrills
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −10% Pop consumer goods upkeep
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
Archaeology map icon The Sentinels "Purge and repurpose" outcome The Evermore, originally a virtual realm in which the digitized consciousnesses of aliens lived in eternal bliss, has been repurposed into a playground for the masses.
Pm glitchy matrixPm frame 1 Cheap Thrills Evil
  • Militarist +10% Militarist Ethics Attraction
  • Xenophobe +10% Xenophobe Ethics Attraction
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −10% Pop consumer goods upkeep
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
Archaeology map icon The Sentinels "Virtual hunting ground" outcome The Evermore, originally a virtual realm in which the digitized consciousnesses of aliens lived in eternal bliss, has been repurposed into a playground for the masses.
Pm glitchy matrixPm frame 1 The Evermore
  • Research +10% Research from Jobs
Archaeology map icon The Sentinels "Lab rats" outcome In the Evermore paradise everyone is locked in a never-ending abstract board game centered on galactic domination through the accumulation of legumes. It makes for an endlessly dull, albeit informative, source of anthropological data.
Pm glitchy matrixPm frame 1 Ever More Joy
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −10% Pop consumer goods upkeep
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
Defeated and purged by the Archaeology map icon The Sentinels outcome This world's population can live out their fantasies together with the digitized population in the Evermore paradise.
Pm glitchy matrixPm frame 1 Ever More Science Research +10% Research from Jobs Defeated and purged by the Archaeology map icon The Sentinels outcome The digitized population residing within the Evermore have been assigned to assist with scientific research.

Other modifiers[]

Modifier Effects Requirements Description DLC
Pm planet from spacePm frame 1 Colonial Remains
  • Mod planet building cost mult −25% Building Cost
  • Mod planet building cost mult −25% District Cost
  • Origins remnant Remnants origin
  • Colonizing Guaranteed Habitable Worlds
Some remnants of our former colony remain. Using them as a base will make it easier to re-colonize this planet. Ancient Relics
Pm lushPm frame 1 Invasive Xenoflora
  • Pop resource food mult +5% Food from Jobs
  • Pop resource society research mult +5% Society Research from Jobs
  • Immigration pull +5% Immigration Pull
  • Origins gardeners Fruitful Partnership Grow Armies project will generate 2 armies
  • Text icon seed Seed Pods landing
  • Planet is colonized
Seeds from another land have found fertile soil here, supplanting the local vegetation. DLC plantoids species pack
Pm ecosphere pheromonesPm frame 1 Spreading Invasive Xenoflora
  • Pop resource food mult +10% Food from Jobs
  • Pop resource society research mult +10% Society Research from Jobs
  • Immigration pull +10% Immigration Pull
  • Origins gardeners Fruitful Partnership Grow Armies project will generate 4 armies
  • Text icon seed Seed Pods landing
  • Pm lushPm frame 1 Invasive Xenoflora modifier
Seeds from another land have found fertile soil here, supplanting the local vegetation. DLC plantoids species pack
Pm atmospheric aphrodisiacPm frame 1 Overwhelming Invasive Xenoflora
  • Pop resource food mult +15% Food from Jobs
  • Pop resource society research mult +15% Society Research from Jobs
  • Immigration pull +15% Immigration Pull
  • Origins gardeners Fruitful Partnership Grow Armies project will generate 6 armies
  • Text icon seed Seed Pods landing
  • Pm ecosphere pheromonesPm frame 1 Spreading Invasive Xenoflora modifier
Seeds from another land have found fertile soil here, supplanting the local vegetation. DLC plantoids species pack
Pm luxuriesPm frame 1 Ancient Trade Route Trade value +10% Trade Value The deciphering of ancient trade route charts have revealed this place to be of greater mercantile import than first assumed. MegaCorp
Pm resources 2Pm frame 1 Alloy Hyperfabricator Alloys +10% Alloys from Jobs Placed in a foundry this mysterious device increases the efficiency of alloy production. MegaCorp
Pm resources 2Pm frame 1 Energy Accelerator Pop resource energy mult +10% Energy from Jobs When added to a generator of sufficient size this device uses an unknown and seemingly impossible technique to create additional energy over and above the normal output. MegaCorp
Pm resources 2Pm frame 1 Incredibly Boring Relic Pop resource minerals mult +10% Minerals from Jobs This strange machine can somehow summon minerals up out of the ground without affecting the surrounding material. MegaCorp
Pm robotsPm frame 1 Numistic Magnetostrips Distributed Upkeep −10% Robot Upkeep Caravan deal Created by The Numistic order, these strips are applied to our planetside units, tuning them to planet's magnetosphere. The process helps align their ions, thereby lowering their energy upkeep needs. MegaCorp
Pm asteroid impactsPm frame 3 Lithoid Crater Mod habitability −50% Habitability for non-Lithoid pops This large crater is the result of a Lithoid-bearing meteorite slamming into the planet. Lithoids
Pm museumPm frame 1 Humble Monument Unity +5% Unity from Jobs This modest monument is a tribute to our glorious leader, who elevated our nation to the stars. Galactic Paragons
Pm museumPm frame 1 Rich Monument
  • Unity +10% Unity from Jobs
  • Happiness +5% Citizen Pop Happiness
This opulent monument commemorates the first settlers who, among with our glorious leader, tamed these wild and bountiful lands. Galactic Paragons
Pm arcology projectPm frame 1 Residential Monument
  • Housing +8 Housing
  • Amenities +8 Amenities
This residential monument demonstrates the wisdom of our beloved ruler. It is both a piece of art and a comfortable place to live. Galactic Paragons
Pm overgrowthPm frame 2 Overgrowth
  • Pop resource food mult +25% Food from Jobs
  • Housing −10% Housing
Astrocreator Azaryn terraforming ability This planet was terraformed by one of Astrocreator Azaryn's Nuclei. Galactic Paragons


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs