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The capital always occupies the first building slot and provides some of the basic Housing housing, Amenities amenities, Army defense defense armies, jobs that reduce Job criminal crime, as well as other jobs which vary depending on empire authority and civics. Upgrading the capital is one of the ways of unlocking additional building slots. Capital buildings cannot be demolished, downgraded or disabled, and are automatically converted to the appropriate type if traded, ceded, or conquered by another empire with a different authority or if the planet designation is changed.

Capital tiers[]

Capital buildings can generally be categorized into 4 tiers by which technology unlocks that tier,[1] what other buildings require them,[2] and the max general productivity bonus that they can apply. The standard capitals line up on these criteria neatly, however other types do not. With Nemesis Nemesis, the GalacticEmpire mainButton Galactic Emperor can upgrade their empire capital with a "fifth" tier imperial capital building.

Capital tier Required technology Job productivity
Mod pop resource output Output Upkeep Upkeep Required technology
II Tech planetary government Planetary Government +10% +10% Tech capital productivity 1 Improved Production
III Tech colonial centralization Colonial Centralization +20% +20% Tech capital productivity 2 Efficiencies of Scale
IV+ Tech galactic administration Galactic Administration +30% +30% Tech capital productivity 3 Maximized Productivity

Tier IV capitals and Imperial capitals are converted to Tier III and Tier IV capitals respectively, other capitals convert to the same tier unless specified otherwise.

Standard capitals[]

The standard set of capitals are built on planets and ring worlds without a special designation by non-gestalt empires.

Capital Produces Jobs Upkeep Cost Requirements
Reassembled Ship Shelter
Reassembled Ship Shelter
The remains of a Colony Ship, reassembled for planetside form and function.
Energy Credits −1 N/A
Planetary Administration
Planetary Administration
Seat of the local ruling elite.
Energy Credits −5 Time 480
Minerals 600
Planetary Capital
Planetary Capital
A sprawling complex of bureaucratic structures that acts as the administrative center for a major colony.
Energy Credits −8 Time 600
Minerals 800
System Capital-Complex
System Capital-Complex
A towering configuration of administrative bureaus and networked infrastructure, allowing the construction of highly demanding facilities.
Energy Credits −10 Time 900
Minerals 2000
Imperial Palace
Imperial Palace
A massive palace complex fit for the greatest empire history has ever seen. If there is a bright center to the galaxy, this is it.
Energy Credits −10 Time 900
Minerals 2000
  • GalacticEmpire mainButton Galactic Emperor
  • Empire Capital Empire Capital designation
  • Pop Has at least 50 sapient pops

Hive Mind capitals[]

Auth hive mind Hive Mind empires only have two regular capital buildings. The Hive Core is a tier II capital, non-Hive tier I capitals will convert into the Hive Core when conquered. The Hive Nexus acts as tier IV capital for building requirements, and converts to tier III capitals for non-Hive empires.

Capital Produces Jobs Upkeep Cost Requirements
Hive Core
Hive Core
The organizational core from which the Hive Mind coordinates planetside functions.
Energy Credits −2 N/A
Hive Nexus
Hive Nexus
A sprawling capital complex from which the Hive Mind focuses planetary organization, coordination, and planning.
Energy Credits −5
  • Time 480
  • Minerals 600
Imperial Complex
Imperial Complex
From this massive structure, the Hive Mind governs the Galactic Imperium. This is where the fate of the galaxy is decided.
Energy Credits −10
  • Time 900
  • Minerals 2000
  • GalacticEmpire mainButton Galactic Emperor
  • Empire Capital Hive Capital designation
  • Pop Has at least 50 sapient pops

Machine Intelligence capitals[]

Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empires have the same four capital tiers as regular empires. Capital conversion works normally, except that the Administrative Array (tier II) will convert to a Reassembled Ship Shelter (tier I) if the planet is conquered by a non-Gestalt empire.[4] Also, the Planetary Processor (tier III) counts as tier IV for building requirements.[5]

Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator capitals have one less Replicator, replaced by a Maintenance Drone on upgraded capitals.

Capital Produces Jobs Upkeep Cost Requirements
Deployment Post
Deployment Post
The initial deployment post from which we will expand on this world.
Energy Credits −1 N/A
Administrative Array
Administrative Array
A semi-autonomous computer network that handles the various administrative functions on a planet.
Energy Credits −3
  • Time 480
  • Minerals 500
  • Tech planetary government Planetary Instantiation technology
  • Pop Has at least 10 sapient pops[3]
Planetary Processor
Planetary Processor
A powerful administrative computer that has been designed to manage and oversee the various functions of a complex planetary settlement.
Energy Credits −5
  • Time 600
  • Minerals 1000
Primary Nexus
Primary Nexus
The administrative heart of the system. Hundreds of AIs process requests and manage the minute but critical details that are involved in running an efficient interstellar civilization.
Energy Credits −10
  • Time 900
  • Minerals 2000
Imperial Center
Imperial Center
This colossal complex is the administrative heart of the Galactic Imperium. Thousands of AIs are constantly processing and evaluating the current state of the galaxy.
Energy Credits −10
  • Time 900
  • Minerals 2000
  • GalacticEmpire mainButton Galactic Emperor
  • Empire Capital Machine Capital designation
  • Pop Has at least 50 sapient pops

Habitat capitals[]

Habitats have their own capital buildings, which are used by all empires. If the GalacticEmpire mainButton Galactic Emperor has a habitat as their capital, they can upgrade the capital to the respective Imperial capital. Habitat Administration counts as tier II for building requirements. Habitat Central Control counts as tier III for building requirements. Habitat System Control counts as tier IV for building requirements.

Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers with finished Domination Domination tradition tree pay 20% less Alloys alloy upkeep.

Capital Produces Individualist Individualist jobs Gestalt consciousness Gestalt jobs
Upkeep Cost Requirements
Habitat Administration
Habitat Administration
The administrative hub of the Habitat, serving as its capital and the seat of the local government.
  • Energy Credits −3
  • Alloys −5
Habitat Central Control
Habitat Central Control
An extensive complex of bureaucratic offices that oversees the administration of a highly-populated habitat.
  • Tech capital productivity 1 Mod pop resource output +10% Upkeep +10%
  • Energy Credits −3
  • Alloys −5
  • Time 480
  • Minerals 600
Habitat System Control
Habitat System Control
A huge sprawling complex of bureaucratic offices that oversees the administration of a highly-populated habitat.
  • Tech capital productivity 2 Mod pop resource output +20% Upkeep +20%
  • Energy Credits −5
  • Alloys −5
  • Time 600
  • Minerals 800

Special designation capitals[]

Resort Worlds and Thrall Worlds have their own unique capital buildings. For each designation, the basic capital acts as tier 2, except for job productivity, for which it has no bonus; the upgraded capitals convert as tier 3 and count as tier 2 for job productivity and as tier 4 for building requirements.

Produces Jobs Upkeep Cost Requirements
Resort Administration
Resort Administration
The central complex from where this planet-wide resort is administrated.
Energy Credits −2 N/A Resort planetPm frame 1 Resort World Resort World
Resort Capital-Complex
Resort Capital-Complex
A huge sprawling complex capable of administrating an even greater number of resorts and tourist attractions.
Energy Credits −5
  • Time 480
  • Minerals 600
Governor's Palace
Governor's Palace
The lavish palace from which this Thrall-World is governed.
Energy Credits −2 N/A Slave colonyPm frame 2 Thrall-World Thrall-World
Governor's Estates
Governor's Estates
Sprawling and luxurious palaces that house the ruling elite of the Thrall-World.
  • Energy Credits −2
  • Time 480
  • Minerals 500

Synaptic Lathe capitals[]

The Synaptic Lathe uses its own set of capitals.

Capital Effects Upkeep Cost Requirements
Processing Unit
Processing Unit
The quantic nature of the processing units of the Synaptic Lathe allows it to parallelize computing across multiple dimensional layers.
Energy Credits −8
Alloys −5
N/A Synaptic Lathe
Processing Unit: Parallelized
Processing Unit: Parallelized
This improved processing unit is now more capable of running parallel operations by rebounding the cognitive echoes of Neural Chips in contained gamma-space pockets.
Energy Credits −8
Alloys −10
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 2000
Processing Unit: Vectorial
Processing Unit: Vectorial
This upgraded processing unit streamlines computations through the creation of negative space vectors. This dimensional compartmentalization of processes yields extraordinary results in efficiency and stability.
Energy Credits −8
Alloys −15
  • Time 600
  • Alloys 2000

Fallen empire capitals[]

The following capitals are found only on the worlds of fallen empires. They all unlock all building slots on the planet.

Building Housing Housing Amenities Amenities Pop job Jobs Converts to Use Description
Ancient Palace Ancient Palace +12 +150
  • Job administrator +2 Overseer if not Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians
  • Sky Cardinal +2 Sky Cardinal if Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians
  • Protector +2 Protector
Tier IV capital A massive palatial complex built in a different age. The decrepit and abandoned wings are not betrayed by its shining exterior.
Ancient Control Center Ancient Control Center +12 +150
  • Job soldier +5 Guardian
  • Maintenance Drone +4 Caretaker
Tier IV capital Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence fallen empire The ancient control center of this section of the ringworld is just barely kept functional by the tireless effort of a legion of machine drones.
Venerable Nucleus Venerable Nucleus +12 +150
  • Job synapse drone +5 Synapse Drone
  • Maintenance Drone +7 Maintenance Drone
  • Hunter-Seeker Drone +4 Hunter-Seeker Drone
Tier IV capital Auth hive mind Hive Mind fallen empire This ancient nexus of the hive's supremacy is where uncountable generations of drones have dutifully executed directives.
Xeno Preserve Xeno Preserve +30 +15 Job culture worker +2 Xeno-Keeper Tier II capital Planet gaia The Preserve A highly sophisticated preserve that maintains the natural habitat of the "preserved" alien species perfectly.
Habitat Administration Habitat Administration +5 +25
  • Job administrator +1 Overseer if not Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians
  • Sky Cardinal +1 Sky Cardinal if Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians
  • Protector +1 Protector
  • Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence fallen empire, instead:
    • Job soldier +2 Guardian
    • Maintenance Drone +1 Caretaker
Habitat Central Control Fallen empire habitats A highly sophisticated preserve that maintains the natural habitat of the "preserved" alien species perfectly.

Pre-FTL capitals[]

The following capitals are found only on the worlds of pre-FTL species.

Individualist Auth hive mind Hive Mind Converts to Ages
Building Produces Jobs Building Produces Jobs
Crude Huts Crude Huts
  • Mod planet housing add +4 Housing
  • Mod planet amenities add +5 Amenities
  • Mod planet crime add −10 Crime
Crude Huts Simple Nests
  • Mod planet housing add +4 Housing
  • Mod planet amenities add +5 Amenities
  • Mod planet crime add −10 Deviancy
Tier I capital Colony type stone age Stone Age
Stone Palaces Stone Palaces
  • Mod planet housing add +3 Housing
  • Mod planet amenities add +25 Amenities
  • Mod planet crime add −10 Crime
  • Feudal Noble +1 Feudal Noble
  • Job priest +1 Cleric
  • Scholar +1 Scholar
  • Warrior +1 Warrior
Stone Palaces Stone Hive
  • Mod planet housing add +3 Housing
  • Mod planet amenities add +25 Amenities
  • Mod planet crime add −10 Deviancy
  • Brain Drone +1 Cerebellum Drone
  • Job synapse drone +1 Nacent Synapse Drone
  • Job spawning drone +1 Spawning Drone
  • Warrior +1 Simple Warrior Drone
Tier I capital Colony type bronze age Bronze Age – Steam Age
Regional Capitals Regional Capitals
  • Mod planet housing add +5 Housing
  • Mod planet amenities add +25 Amenities
  • Mod planet crime add −20 Crime
  • Bureaucrat +2 Bureaucrat
  • Priest +2 Priest
  • Researcher +2 Researcher
  • Job soldier +2 Soldier
Regional Capitals Continental Nexus
  • Mod planet housing add +5 Housing
  • Mod planet amenities add +25 Amenities
  • Mod planet crime add −20 Deviancy
  • Job spawning drone +1 Spawning Drone
  • Brain Drone +2 Brain Drone
  • Job synapse drone +2 Synapse Drone
  • Warrior +2 Warrior Drone
Tier II capital Colony type industrial age Industrial Age – Early Space Age
Junkheap Junkheap
  • Mod planet housing add +15 Housing
  • Mod planet amenities add +20 Amenities
Scavenger +10 Scavenger No Tier II capital Distant Stars Junk Ratling planet


  1. 00_capital_buildings.txt: see "prerequisites" blocks
  2. 01_scripted_triggers_buildings.txt
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Hive Mind and Machine drones are considered sapient; pre-sapient pops are not.
  4. 00_capital_buildings.txt: see "building_machine_capital", "convert_to" block. Possibly a bug
  5. 01_scripted_triggers_buildings.txt: see "has_fully_upgraded_capital". Possibly a bug
  6. Bug, lacks the Origins cybernetic creed Cybernetic Creed and Civic exalted priesthood Exalted Priesthood swap to Technophant Technophants
Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs