Empire effects
Homeworld effects
 Prosperous Unification
Planetary Unification technology starts as a permanent research option
Start with 4 additional Pops
Start with 2 additional Districts built
+15% Happiness for 20 years
+25% Amenities for 20 years
+10% Resources from Jobs for 20 years
Through its strife and triumphs, this society has reached every young civilization's ambition: a homeworld with unified goals, and a path open to the stars.
 Galactic Doorstep
Start with a dormant Gateway which will bring the following in the first years:
- 100-1500
Alloys and/or Minerals
- A small space amoeba
- Special project that creates the From Gateway Sent archaeological site
If the Gateway is reactivated it unlocks the Gateway Construction technology
This civilization has a dormant Gateway in their home system - potential technological benefit, or a looming menace?
 Lost Colony
An advanced empire with the same species will exist in the galaxy
Homeworld of the advanced empire can be found via the Go To button in the species tab
If multiple empires have the origin and same species they will have the same parent empire
If species portrait is Human the advanced empire will use the Sol starting system
AI empires with this origin won't generate advanced empires if those were turned off
 Start with a positive homeworld modifier depending on authority
Homeworld does not get the +30 Habitability bonus
This civilization originated as a lost and forgotten colony, separated from its homeworld long ago. The struggling colonists endured many hardships before they could build up the necessary technological and industrial base that would allow for a return to space.
 Guaranteed Habitable Worlds gain the Colonial Remains modifier when colonized
Start with the Archaeostudies technology researched if Ancient Relics DLC is installed
Head of Research starts with the Expertise: Archaeostudies trait if Ancient Relics DLC is installed
Homeworld is a size 22 Relic World
Start with 6 Ruined Arcology blockers
The Ruined Arcology blockers unlock random techs when cleared
Start with a Faculty of Archaeostudies building if Ancient Relics DLC is installed
 Agrarian Idyll

This civilization once spanned the void, controlling much of the galaxy. They were eventually defeated and almost destroyed, but after a long period of destitution they are returning to the stars.
 Fruitful Partnership
Can construct Starseed Garden starbase buildings
Can construct Orbital Garden orbital ring buildings
Can use the Seed Bombing orbital bombardment stance
Enables Open Seed Pods special projects
A neighbor system will contain Tiyanki Space Whales
No first contact with Tiyanki Space Whales
In 5-10 years can gain a special project to unlock the Frequency Tuning technology
Plantoid or Fungoid
 Machine Intelligence
 Devouring Swarm
This verdant civilization has developed a unique synergy with spaceborne fauna. By offering their fruits to these creatures, they entice the seed dispersers to aid their colonization efforts.
Start with the Powered Exoskeletons technology researched
Start with the Robotic Workers technology researched
Machine Template System technology starts as a permanent research option
+15% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
+1 Mechanical Species Trait Picks
Start with a Robot Assembly Plants building
Start with 8 robot Pops with a trait matching their starting job
Starting robots have the Bulky trait
Starting robots have the High Maintenance trait
 Gestalt Consciousness
 Permanent Employment
This civilization has been preoccupied with the idea of metallic automatons since the early Steam Age. Although many said it could not be done, the first true robots left the assembly lines long before even rudimentary space flight was achieved.
 Syncretic Evolution
Can create a second species with the Serviles trait
Start with 12 Pops of the second species
 Gestalt Consciousness
 Fanatic Purifiers
A second species forms an integral part of this civilization. They are big, strong, and most of them have the intelligence of a particularly dim-witted child. Ancient wars have culled their species of their most aggressive tendencies, leaving them quite servile.
 Tree of Life
Colonies start with a Tree of Life Sapling planetary feature
Enables the Transplant Tree of Life decision
Colony ships cost less Alloys but more Food
Tree of Life planetary features are removed at 50 Devastation File:Bleak.png Worlds without a Tree of Life planetary feature have the following penalties:
−50% Planet Build Speed
−25% Resources from Jobs
+10% Upkeep from Jobs
−5 Stability
Start with a Tree of Life planetary feature
Start with +1 built Agriculture district
Start with −1 built Mining district
Hive Mind
 Devouring Swarm
This Hive evolved in a symbiotic relationship with a vast Tree. The Tree grants them many benefits, but its loss would cripple them.
 Resource Consolidation
Capital star has a deposit of 10 Energy
Other home system planets are broken or molten worlds with no resource deposits
Homeworld is a Machine World with no blockers
Start with a Consolidated Resources planetary feature
Start with a Malfunctioning Replicator Bay blocker
Start with an Organic Slurry planetary feature if Driven Assimilator
Machine Intelligence
 Rogue Servitor
 Organic Reprocessing
This Machine Intelligence has long-since consolidated all resources in their home system into their capital world, covering it entirely with machinery.
 Clone Army
Can construct up to 5 Ancient Clone Vat buildings
Species has the Clone Soldier trait
Admirals have the Clone Army Admiral trait
Start with the Cloning technology researched
Start with the Gene Banks technology researched
Start with two Ancient Clone Vat buildings
After 3-5 years the Homeworld Excavation archaeological site appears
Excavating the archaeological site starts the Genetic Crossroads event chain
 Gestalt Consciousness
 Permanent Employment
A species of short-lived and infertile soldier clones exceptionally proficient in matters of war, left masterless and alone to question their engineered purpose and uncertain fate.
Species has Gaia World Preference
Homeworld is a size 30 Gaia World
Start with 1 Bubbling Swamp planetary feature
Start with 1 Crystalline Caverns planetary feature
Start with 1 Dust Caverns planetary feature
 Machine Intelligence
 Mutagenic Spas
 Permutation Pools
 Relentless Industrialists
This civilization's home is a paradise, possibly designed just for them.
Species has the Survivor trait
Homeworld is a Tomb World
 Machine Intelligence
 Agrarian Idyll
 Trawling Operations
Baptized by nuclear fire, this civilization has faced total annihilation - and survived. Devastated yet unbroken, they have rebuilt civilization from the ashes of their old world.
 Calamitous Birth
Can build Meteorite Colony Ships
Can construct Experimental Crater holdings
Start with a Massive Crater planetary feature
Lithoid species
 Catalytic Processing
 Catalytic Recyclers
 Organic Reprocessing
Not native to their 'homeworld', these Lithoids arrived when a meteorite slammed into the planet and killed off most of the native life.
 Common Ground
Start with Diplomacy tradition tree adopted
Start with the Federation tradition
Start as the president of a Federation with two other members
Federation starts with neutral Cohestion and 600 experience
The two members will share at least one ethic with the president
There will be no Guaranteed Habitable Worlds regardless of game settings
+100 Permanent Opinion to and from Federation members
+50 Trust to and from Federation members
On day 2 choose the federation type
The two members will have the same main species class if Selective Kinship
Xeno-Linguistics technology starts as a permanent research option if Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
 Inwards Perfection
 Barbaric Despoilers
This civilization established early contact with their immediate alien neighbors. Finding strength in their differences, they soon decided to face the future, and whatever it might bring, together.
Start with Diplomacy tradition tree adopted
Start with the Federation tradition
Start as the president of a Hegemony federation with two other members
Federation starts with neutral Cohestion and 600 experience
The two members will share at least one ethic with the president
There will be no Guaranteed Habitable Worlds regardless of game settings
The two members will have the same main species class if Selective Kinship
Xeno-Linguistics technology starts as a permanent research option if Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
 Gestalt Consciousness
 Inwards Perfection
This civilization established early contact with their immediate alien neighbors. Gradually, over the span of a century, they masterminded the birth of an interstellar union in which they would have a dominant role.
A warning is given a year before the homeworld explodes
No guaranteed habitable planets will spawn near the home system
Pops can be resettled from the homeworld regardless of ethics
Enables the Evacuation Protocols edict
+30% Happiness for 5 years after the first colony if not Gestalt Consciousness
+30% Stability for 5 years after the first colony if Gestalt Consciousness
Homeworld will become a Shattered World in 35 to 45 years
Start with 10 Devastation
 Start with the Doomsday homeworld modifier which worsens every decade
WARNING: Challenging Origin
This civilization's homeworld is highly unstable, and it is only a matter of time before it explodes. Their only hope is to seek refuge elsewhere before it is too late.
 On the Shoulders of Giants
A random home system planet has the Ex Gravitas archaeological site
Can get the On the Shoulders of Giants mid-game event chain
Cannot discover precursor anomalies or sites before completing their story
3 times more likely to discover precursor anomalies or sites after completing their story
 Gestalt Consciousness
This civilization has hidden boons in their solar system, placed there in a distant past by a mysterious benefactor.
Start as a Scion of a Fanatic Materialist or Fanatic Spiritualist Fallen Empire
+100 Opinion to and from the overlord
Start with a Wormhole leading to the overlord's capital system
Surveying a Holy World grants a bonus of Influence or Unity
Gain a more powerful gift every few decades
Creates a 1-system Fallen Empire if the game was started with none
Gain a temporary Fallen Empire fleet every 20 years if losing a war against a Superior empire
Xeno-Linguistics technology starts as a permanent research option if Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
 Fanatic Xenophobe
 Gestalt Consciousness
 Pompous Purists
A Fallen Empire has meddled in the development of this civilization for thousands of years, guiding them onto a path of their choosing.
 Shattered Ring
Species has Ring World Preference
Can repair two other sections of the home system
Start with an irreparable section with a deposit of 5 Engineering Research
Start with a Shattered World with a deposit of 10 Minerals
Capital star has a deposit of 10 Energy
Shattered Ring World segments in home system will replace guaranteed habitable worlds
Cannot change the starting system
Homeworld is a Shattered Ring World
Start with 3 Decrepit Tunnels blockers
Start with 4 Ancient Rubble blockers
 Agrarian Idyll
 Trawling Operations
This civilization inhabits a Ring World built by unknown forerunners. If it can be understood and fully repaired it will grant them great power.
 Void Dwellers
−20% Habitat Build Cost
+0.25 Building Slots from Non-Urban Habitat Districts
+2 Habitat Max Districts
+1 Jobs from Habitat Districts
Can upgrade housing buildings on Habitats
Species has Habitat Preference
Species has the Void Dweller trait
Start with the Orbital Habitats technology researched
Habitat Expansion technology starts unlocked and can be researched
Start with the Hydroponics Farming technology researched if not Lithoid
Start with the Eco Simulation technology researched if not Lithoid
Start with the Powered Exoskeletons technology researched if Lithoid
Start with the Zero-G Refineries technology researched if Lithoid
Several Tradition trees have alternative bonuses to improve Habitats
Guaranteed habitable worlds are replaced by resource-rich systems
Cannot change the starting system except for a special version of Sol
1% chance to spawn the Crystalline Empire enclave during mid-game (player only)[1]
Start on a tier II Habitat Central Complex
Start with 3 Major Orbitals
Start with an Arcane Replicator planetary feature
 Machine Intelligence
  Idyllic Bloom
 Agrarian Idyll
 Trawling Operations
This civilization has made its home in space for as long as it has maintained records - life in a typical planetary environment is anathema to them. They live in several orbital habitats that were only recently united.
Species has the Necrophage trait
Only Necrophage Pops can be Leaders or take Ruler jobs
Can construct Chamber of Elevation buildings
Can use the Necrophage purge type
Can create a second species
Centralized Command technology starts unlocked and can be researched
With Glandular Acclimation converting Pops changes habitability to their current planet's
Guaranteed Habitable Worlds contain pre-FTL civilizations advanced up to Iron Age
Start with 12 Pops of the prepatent species
Start with a Chamber of Elevation building if not Genocidal
 Fanatic Egalitarian
 Machine Intelligence
 Death Cult
 Corporate Death Cult
 Permanent Employment
This civilization evolved as a parasite, forced to feed off other sapient life forms to sustain itself. As it arrives on the galactic stage, other species will either be brought into the fold, or become its food. For the necrophage, there can be no other way.
 Here Be Dragons
Start with an allied Sky Dragon guardian
Killing the guardian grants a permanent empire modifier
A system 2 hyperlanes away will contain a Living Metal deposit
Since time immemorial, this civilization has shared its star system with a formidable dragon. The mysterious creature's behavior sways between distant benevolence and haughty indifference. How this relationship will evolve as the planet dwellers take to the stars remains to be seen.
 Ocean Paradise
Species has the Aquatic trait
Start inside a nebula
Start with 4 Frozen worlds and 10 Ice Asteroids
Guaranteed habitable worlds are Frozen worlds
Cannot change the starting system
Homeworld is a size 30 Ocean World
 Start with the Ocean Paradise homeworld modifier
Start with a Crystal Reef planetary feature
Start with 3 Submerged Ore Veins planetary features
Start with 3 Underwater Vents planetary features
Start with 8 Teeming Reef planetary features
 Machine Intelligence
Since its birth, this civilization has enjoyed peace in a generous environment with no natural enemies, enabling unhindered growth and opulence.
 Imperial Fiefdom
Start as a subject of an empire with the Imperial Liege origin
1-4 vassals will border the overlord (depending on galaxy size)
If multiple empires have the origin they will have the same overlord
Overlord will construct an Overlord Garrison holding on all subject capitals
+120 Decaying Opinion with the overlord
After 40-65 years become independent or gain 100 influence
After 40-65 years the advanced empire will break into 3 empires at war with each other
After 40-65 years all AI vassals become independent
After 40-65 years can become the overlord of previous vassals with Inferior relative power
On day 2 choose to become a specialized subject:
Bulwark grants 5 destroyers and the technology to build more
Prospectorium grants 2 construction ships
Scholarium grants a science ship and a level 3 scientist
Xeno-Linguistics technology starts as a permanent research option if Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
 Inwards Perfection
 Driven Assimilator
Our first endeavor beyond our home planet was a painful one, suddenly and brutally subjected to the whims of a foreign galactic power. Now we look towards a future in which we no longer live in the shadow of another empire.
 Progenitor Hive
Leaders gain experience each month
Can construct Offspring Nest holdings
Can construct Offspring Nest buildings
Cannot construct Spawning Pools buildings
−50% Menial Drone Output on worlds without an Offspring Drone
Can release sectors as subjects unless Devouring Swarm
Can construct Offspring Outlook starbase buildings
Can design and build Offspring ships
Starting fleet has an Offspring Corvette
Fleets without an Offspring Ship in system have the following penalties:
−50% Accuracy
−50% Evasion
−50% Ship Fire Rate
−50% Sublight Speed
Start with an offspring Nest building
Start with a Progenitor Nest planetary features
If the planet is invaded or destroyed gain the following penalties:
−10% Menial Drone Output
−30% Sublight Speed
−10 Stability
Enables the Grow a New Progenitor decision
Hive Mind
This hive has gained evolutionary advantage through semi-independent leaders. These "Offspring" greatly improve overall proficiency, though they require constant oversight.
 Slingshot to the Stars
−75% Starbase Influence Distance Cost
+50% Quantum Catapult Accuracy
Catapulted fleets fire rate bonus is increased to +50%
Start with a Ruined Quantum Catapult megastructure in a neighbor system
Start with the Quantum Catapult archaeological site in the neighbor system
Can repair the ruined megastructure without Mega-Engineering
Building a starbase in the neighbor system grants 150 Influence
If the megastructure is repaired it unlocks the Quantum Catapult technology
Once, the skies above this civilization were illuminated by shooting stars; then came a long season of darkness. Taking to the heavens in search of answers, the first offworld explorers discovered a dormant (and long abandoned) Quantum Catapult Single Array.
Species has the Cave Dweller trait
Mining Districts are uncapped
+2 Housing per Mining District
+1 Building Slot per 3 Mining District
−75% Orbital Bombardment Damage
+10% Building and District Cost and Upkeep
−10% Planetary Build Speed
Uses a unique city appearance outside habitable megastructures
 Machine Intelligence
This civilization may never know why their ancestors migrated below the surface. Was it necessary to ensure self-preservation, or did the promise of bountiful resources allure them? Whatever the case, they successfully adapted, leading to a more environmentally versatile community.
 Teachers of the Shroud
Species has the Latent Psionic trait
Start in contact with the Shroud-Touched Coven enclave
Can construct a Shroud Beacon starbase building
Start with 25 Rare Crystals
Can construct Psi Corps buildings
Unlocks the Mind over Matter agenda
Psionic Theory technology starts as a permanent research option
Nearby planets may be Shrouded Worlds
Cannot pick ascension path perks
 Fanatic Purifiers
WARNING: Blocks all Ascension Paths except for Psionic Ascension.
Long before their first steps onto the galactic stage, this civilization has been supported and shaped by a Shroudwalker coven.
 Knights of the Toxic God
Enables the Knightly Duties policy
Can construct Order's Commandery holdings
Start with the Quest for the Toxic God situation
Orbital Habitats technology starts unlocked and can be researched
Cannot change the starting system except for a special version of Sol
Can remove the origin effects for a reward if the situation isn't completed in 100 years
Start with an A Blight Upon the Land planetary feature
Start with an Envenomed Seas planetary feature
Start with a Pestilential Wasteland planetary feature
Start with a Pools Most Venomous planetary feature
Start with a Swarms of the Deity planetary feature
Start with a colonized habitat orbiting the homeworld
Habitat starts with the Order's Keep building
Habitat starts with an Order's X-Calibrator planetary feature
 Gestalt Consciousness
 Fanatic Purifiers
 Oppressive Autocracy
Centuries ago, this species' homeworld was visited by a Toxic Entity. The ecological catastrophe that followed ruined half the world, but allowed an early unification of the survivors in their reverence for the Toxic God. An Order of Knights has been created to search for the Toxic God, and although many things have changed, the quest continues.
Allows the selection of Overtuned traits
Enables the Damn the Consequences edict
Start with the Gene Tailoring technology researched
 Machine Intelligence
This civilization uses any and all means of organic enhancement, no matter the risk, no matter the cost. After all, it is better to burn out brightly than fade away into obscurity.
 Broken Shackles
An empire with the Payback origin will be present
The Minamar Specialized Industries unique empire will be present
Scientific Method technology is not researched but available as a permanent option
Planetary Government technology is not researched but available as a permanent option
Corvettes technology is not researched but available as a permanent option
A pre-FTL civilization will exist for each starting species
Can only select randomized starting systems
+1 Available Envoys
+20% Infiltration Speed
+20% First Contact Discovery Speed
+50 Opinion to and from Payback empires
+100 Opinion with homeworld pre-FTL civilizations
Cannot set Slavery policy to Allowed
Cannot set Purge policy to Allowed
Factions will form after 1 year
+50% Faction Unity Gain for 10 years after the first year
Gain a moderate amount of Research (min 350) if a leading scientist is alien
Unlock the next research building technology if a leading scientist is alien
Gain a small amount of Unity (min 100) after constructing the first Outpost
Gain a bonus for 5 years whenever a starting species' homeworld is surveyed
One year after surveying a starting species' homeworld the Homesick event chain will start
Can get the The Cost of Freedom mid-game event chain
Xeno-Linguistics technology starts as a permanent research option if Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Gain a bonus or malus whenever a solution regarding slavery is passed/ failed in the Galactic community
Start without any ships and stations
Start with pops from 3-22 pre-FTL species
Start with the Crashed Slaver Ship archaeological site
Start with 6 Scavenger Site districts that cannot be demolished
Start with an Administrative Hub building
Start with a Laboratory Complex building
Start with a Makeshift Farms building
Start with a Power Plant building
Start with a Scrap Refinery building
Start with a Crashed Slaver Ship planetary feature
Start with 5 Ship Debris blockers
Homeworld does not get the +30 Habitability bonus
Starts with the Stellar Culture Shock of invaded Early Space Age primitives
+20% Citizen Pop Happiness for 20 years
−50% Pop Amenities Usage for 20 years
+100% Unity from Jobs for 20 years
−25% Pop Housing Usage for 20 years
−50% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep for 20 years
+50% Egalitarian Ethics Attraction for 20 years
 Gestalt Consciousness
 Selective Kinship
 Eager Explorers
 Sovereign Guardianship
 Privatized Exploration
 Pharma State
 Corporate Protectorate
WARNING: Challenging Origin
This civilization began as a mutiny aboard a slaver vessel, and is made up of a diverse group of pre-FTL species.
An empire with the Broken Shackles origin will be present
The Minamar Specialized Industries unique empire will be present
Scientific Method technology is not researched but available as a permanent option
Planetary Government technology is not researched but available as a permanent option
Corvettes technology is not researched but available as a permanent option
+15% Damaged to empires with Superior or Overwhelming relative power
+50 Opinion to and from Broken Shackles empires
Pre-FTL civilization will exist regardless of game settings
In 6 months gain a special project to remove the Debris Field homeworld modifier
Cannot set First Contact Protocol policy to Proactive
Xeno-Linguistics technology starts as a permanent research option if Galactic Paragons DLC is installed
Start without any ships and stations
Start with a Gene Clinics building
Start with 10 fewer pops
Start with 33% Devastation
Start with 6 Ship Debris blockers
The Ship Debris blockers unlock random techs or resources when cleared
The Ship Debris blockers grant unity when cleared
 Start with a Debris Field homeworld modifier
Removing the modifier uncovers the Aftermath of Battle site
+15% Happiness for 20 years
+25% Amenities for 20 years
+10% Resources from Jobs for 20 years
+2 Unification Officer Jobs for 20 years
50% chance each decade the Gene Clinics building becomes ruined
 Gestalt Consciousness
 Slaver Guilds
 Fanatic Purifiers
 Pompous Purists
 Eager Explorers
 Oppressive Autocracy
 Sovereign Guardianship
 Indentured Assets
 Privatized Exploration
 Pharma State
 Corporate Protectorate
WARNING: Challenging Origin
This civilization has been visited by an alien empire who forcibly enlightened and enslaved them. They have repelled their invaders, but will they return?
 Fear of the Dark
Start with a pre-FTL civilization of the same species in the home system
Cannot change the starting system except for a special version of Sol
+10% Anomaly Discovery Chance
+20% Anomaly Research Speed
−1 Research Alternatives
−1 Leader Pool Size
2% chance to gain a scientist with the Cunning trait for 4-6 years each year
2% chance to gain an admiral with the Cunning trait for 4-6 years each year
4% chance to be offered to pay for +10% Trade Value for 10 years each year
4% chance to be offered a technology each year in exchange for:
- 50
- 50%
Survey Speed for 10 years
−50-200 Opinion with the signing empire first time a Migration Treaty is formed
−15% Research Speed for 10 years first time a Federation is formed
−15% Research Speed for 10 years first time a subject is gained
−5% Happiness for 5 years first time becoming a subject
−10 Stability for 5 years first time a guardian is encountered
When an end-game crisis starts gain the following:
+30% Ship Build Speed
−15% Ship Build Cost
Completing an ascension tradition tree gives the following for 10 years:
−10% Research Speed
−10% Monthly Unity
−1 Codebreaking
Can get the The Fear of the Dark mid-game event chain
Start with 8 fewer pops
 Gestalt Consciousness
 Inwards Perfection
 Fanatic Purifiers
 Eager Explorers
 Sovereign Guardianship
 Privatized Exploration
 Corporate Protectorate
A century ago, one of the planets in this empire's home system was destroyed by a freak asteroid. Some believed this was a malicious attack by an alien species. Others brushed off these concerns as mere paranoia. The tension between the two groups grew so great that a newly-terraformed planet was granted to the fearmongers.
 Under One Rule
Species has the Perfected Genes trait
Ruler has the Luminary trait
Can select unique ruler traits
Ruler has skill level 4 and the class' council-focused veteran class
 Choose between 3 planet modifiers when colonizing the first world
Cannot change authority
In 6-30 months start the The Unifying Purpose situation
In 40 years can change authority to Imperial:
Imperial authority grants a positive trait and starts the Dissidents on the Rise situation in 5-15 years
Dictatorial authority grants a positive trait in 10-20 years and a negative trait in 20-30 years
Amidst violence and hardship, this civilization was unified by a single leader. Consolidating power through the repression of weaker factions, they have now become a fierce advocate for science and technological advancement. In the aftermath, an uneasy peace has descended. But peace rarely lasts.
+25% Astral Rift Exploration Speed
−50% Astral Rift Fail Probability
+100% Chance for Astral Rifts to appear in owned systems
Start with the Astral Harvesting technology researched
Start with the Ruined Planet astral rift
Start with the Ancient Crater archaeological site
A massive rift in space and time looms near this civilization's homeworld. After studying the phenomenon for millennia, recent advances in starship technology will allow them to finally reach out and discover what secrets it might hold.