Stellaris Wiki


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This article is for the PC version of Stellaris only.

Mushroom Picking is a colony event chain that has a very small chance to trigger 2 years after any colony has been founded. It can only happen once per game. The event chain offers two paths depending on whether the Desiccated archaeological site has been excavated or not.

Mushroom Picking

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Evt alien nature

A routine ecological study of our colony on [colony name] has stumbled upon a strange fungal lifeform. The science team reports that the surface of the mycelium is shimmering and colorful, but what was most intriguing to them was the fact that separate clusters were seemingly communicating with one another whenever something occurred within a wide radius.

Furthermore, the biology of the organism appears to be clearly alien to the ecosystem of the colony. Puzzled, the local science team has requested specialized support as we might be dealing with a sentient species.

Trigger conditions:
  • Not capital world
Mean time to happen:

Time 24 months

Event button on
Dispose of them.
  • Food Gained: Food 1000
  • Influence Gained: Influence 80-175
Event button on
Take a closer look.
Event button on
Archaeology map icon ... They are related to the Fumongus!

The Spores Have Ears

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Evt alien nature

We have concerning reports coming from [colony name]. Upon further examination, it seems that the alien fungus we found is emitting a signal towards a location in the galaxy that we were unable to pinpoint so far. Telemetry and security analysis indicate that it is completely possible for the mycelium to be some kind of advanced spying organism.

However, it is worth noting that this organism is old. There is a fair chance that whomever engineered these spying mushrooms is not around anymore. But if they are, it might be best not to poke the sleeping predator.

Trigger conditions: Mean time to happen:

Time 35 days

Event button on
We need to know more.
  • Society Researched Gained: Society research 250-100000
Event button on
This is too risky. Destroy them.
  • Influence Gained: Influence 40-100

Spore Connection

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Evt alien nature

Whatever doubts we had about this fungus' connection to the mycelial listening array were quickly dispelled after a brief comparison. This is one of the many offsprings communicating with the Fumongus, and this could be an opportunity to further our comprehension of the organism.

Trigger conditions: Mean time to happen:

Time 35 days

Event button on
See if we can strengthen the network.
Event button on
Use it to keep a closer eye on the colony.
Event button on
We dismantled the network, but we can still study it.
  • Adds a D fungal forest Fungal Study Zone planetary feature to the colony

Someone is Listening

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Evt alien nature

Careful analysis of the mycelium and the signals showed that it was likely part of a network of similar organisms, possibly spanning across the galaxy as a whole, and maybe beyond. While we do not know much, we discovered that as part of the network, this mycelium was also receiving signals from other places.

We cannot be certain, but considering several factors, including the volume of data transferred, we believe that someone is actively using the network and collecting information from it. We are already working on a counter-intelligence plan of disinformation, and security measures are being updated empire wide to account for this form of spycraft.

Trigger conditions:
  • The Spores Have Ears
  • Received no Influence Influence
  • 50% chance
Mean time to happen:

Time 35 days

Event button on
Let the disinformation begin!
  • Disinformation Protocols modifier added, giving the following effects: Intel encryption Encryption +1

Unrest on [colony name]

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Evt alien nature

Word about our project to use the local mycelium to closely monitor the colony has spread, and it wasn't well received. Despite our best efforts to defuse the situation, the local population widely considers this as a breach of trust and are demanding that we put an end to this project immediately.

The situation is escalating quickly, and our local enforcers are overwhelmed. They would need help to maintain control of the colony if we choose to go on with the project.

Trigger conditions:
  • Spore Connection
  • Colony does not have the D fungal forest Fungal Study Zone planetary feature
Mean time to happen:

Time 10 days

Event button on
If they have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear.
  • Energy: Energy Credits −500
  • Unity: Unity −1000
  • Suppressed Opposition modifier added for 60 months, giving the following effects: Happiness Happiness −15%
  • Authoritarian Attraction modifier added for 120 months, giving the following effects: Authoritarian Authoritarian Ethics Attraction +20%
Event button on
The population is right. Abort.

No One Listens

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Evt alien nature

Careful analysis of the mycelium and the signals showed that it was likely part of a network of similar organisms, possibly spanning across the galaxy as a whole, and maybe beyond. While we do not know much, we discovered that as part of the network, this mycelium was also receiving signals from other places.

Considering several factors, including the volume of data transferred, we do not think that the network is still in use. The fact that it is still partially active indicates that it is probably just dormant and not destroyed.

Trigger conditions:
  • The Spores Have Ears
  • Received no Influence Influence
  • 50% chance
Mean time to happen:

Time 35 days

Event button on
What can we learn from it?
  • Adds a D fungal forest Fungal Study Zone planetary feature to the colony

The Spores Are Our Ears

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Evt alien nature

We have grown the mycelium on [colony name], and fine-tuned the local computing equipment to sort through the interference. The responsible team reports that the network is now closely monitoring the colonists. Already, a number of petty criminals have been sanctioned appropriately.

Unfortunately, attempts at replicating the installation in other places have met with failure. It is likely that some unknown factor is at play here.

Trigger conditions:
  • Unrest on [colony name]
  • Colony has the Suppressed Opposition modifier
Mean time to happen:

Time 25 days

Event button on
  • Local Mycelial Network modifier added, giving the following effects: Job criminal Crime −25