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A modifier influences a scope's gameplay state, be it a country, planet, etc.

Modifier fields[]

Modifiers are applied to a scope in a modifier or triggered_modifier field. Some objects can apply modifiers to other scopes, in which case the field includes the scope applying to. All the following Objects have modifier fields:

Objects that Accept Modifiers
Object Modifier field Field Scope Triggered modifier fields
Agendas modifier = {..} country none
Ascension Perks modifier = {..} country none
Buildings planet_modifier = {..} planet planet
country_modifier = {..} country
Colony Types planet_modifier = {..} planet ?
Component Templates modifier = {..}[1]
ship_modifier = {..}
ship none
Deposits planet_modifier = {..} planet planet
blocked_modifier = {..} planet
country_modifier = {..} country
Districts planet_modifier = {..} planet none
Edicts modifier = {..} country none
Espionage Assets passive = {..} country none
active = {..} country
Ethics country_modifier = {..} country none
Federation Laws modifier = {..} Federation none
Federation Perks federation_modifier = {..} Federation none
members_modifier = {..} country
leader_modifier = {..} country
Authorities country_modifier = {..} country none
Civics & Origins modifier = {..} country none
Megastructures country_modifier = {..} country none
station_modifier = {..} megastructure none
ship_modifier = {..} ship none
Menace Perks modifier = {..} country none
Planet Class modifier = {..} planet none
Policy Option modifier = {..} country none
Pop Categories pop_modifier = {..} pop pop, planet
unemployment_penalty = {..} pop
Pop Jobs pop_modifier = {..} pop pop, planet, country
planet_modifier = {..} planet
country_modifier = {..} country
Relics none - country
Galactic Community Resolution modifier = {..} country triggered_modifier
Ship Sizes modifier = {..}[2]
ship_modifier = {..}
ship none
Species Rights pop_modifier = {..} pop pop
Star Classes modifier = {..} galactic_object none
Starbase Buildings
Starbase Modules
station_modifier = {..} ship station, country
country_modifier = {..} country
ship_modifier = {..} ship
orbit_modifier = {..} ship
system_modifier = {..} galactic_object
Static Modifiers (The definition, no special code block) (Whichever scope the Static Modifier is applied, usually via add_modifier = {..} effect none
Technology modifier = {..} country none
Traditions modifier = {..} country tradition_swap = { ... modifier = {...} }
Species Traits modifier = {..} species pop
growing_modifier = {..}
assembling_modifier = {..}
declining_modifier = {..}
Leader Traits modifier = {..} ruler: country
governor: sector
scientist (assigned to research): country (their research category only)
scientist (assigned to a ship): ship
admiral: fleet
general: army
self_modifier = {..} leader

Modifier Effects[]

There are three types of modifiers.

  • add modifiers add/substracts a set amount of a resource or attribute to a scope
  • mult modifiers increase or decrease the amount of a resource or attribute by a percentage
  • reduction modifiers divide an amount of a resource or attribute by a set amount

These affect the resource or attribute amounts in different ways. For example, if the cost, production, or upkeep of a certain resource is x, then the actual amount of that resource will be:

((x + (Sum of all add modifiers)) * (1 + (Sum of all mult modifiers))) * (1 - reduction)


planet_buildings_minerals_cost_mult = 1 would make all the buildings cost twice as much minerals. So a Research Lab that normally costs 400 minerals would cost 400 * (1 + 1) = 400 * 2 = 800 minerals.

planet_buildings_minerals_cost_add = 1 would make all the buildings cost one mineral more. So a Research Lab that normally costs 400 minerals would cost 400 + 1 = 401 minerals

pop_growth_speed_reduction = 0.5 would make a species grow half as fast. If a species on planet has a base growth speed of 4, their final growth speed would be: 4 * (-1 * 0.5) = 4 * -0.5 = 2

There can be multiple modifiers effecting a single resource cost, production, or upkeep. For instance, if the empire has a civic that applies planet_buildings_minerals_cost_mult = -0.1, but the planet has a modifer that applies planet_buildings_minerals_cost_mult = 0.20, then the buildings on that planet will cost 10% more: (400 * (1 + 0.20 + -0.1) = 400 * (1.1) = 440 minerals.

Reduction modifiers have a larger effect than mult modifiers. Let's say a species has a base growth speed of 3. They have a trait with pop_growth_speed = 0.25 increasing growth speed by 25%. Their habitability on the planet gives them pop_growth_speed = -0.10 The empire has a temporary modifier giving them pop_growth_speed_reduction = 0.25 There final growth speed is: (3 * (1 + 0.25 + -0.1)) * (1 - 0.25) = (3 * 1.15) * 0.75 = 3.45 * 0.75 = 2.5875 A Reduction modifier of 1 will always result in 0, no matter what add or mult modifers are applied as well.

There could also be other modifiers in the hierarchy. For instance, if the modifer on the planet was planet_structures_minerals_cost_mult = 0.20, then districts on that planet would cost 20% more (500 * (1 + 0.20) = 500 * 1.2 = 600 minerals, while the buildings would only be 10% more. Since planet_structures is the parent of planet_buildings, the buildings would be effected by both modifiers, but planet_districts would only be effected by the planet_structures_xxxx modifier on the planet. Which modifiers gets applied to a resource depends on where it is in the Economic Category hierarchy, as well as where it is being applied.

Modifiers list[]

Current list of modifiers (included those modded in using Economic Categories) can be found in an effects.log file in your local data folder's script_documentation (defaults to "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\logs\script_documentation\")

Table of Modifiers
Modifier name x y z In-game effect
admiral_skill_levels Adds skill levels to admirals.
all_technology_research_speed Modifies research speed for all technologies. (0.10 would be 10 percent faster, etc.)
armies_x_y_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes cost, upkeep Modifies the resource cost to recruit/maintain an army.
armies_x_mult cost, upkeep Modifies the energy cost to recruit/maintain an army.
army_x_y_mult attack, defense damage, health, morale Modifies the health, damage, and morale when attacking/defending.
army_x_mult collateral_damage, damage, disengage_chance, experience_gain, morale_damage, starting_experience Modifies the chance for an army to damage buildings/damage/chance to disengage/experience game/morale damage/starting experience.
army_health Modifies the health of all of your armies.
army_morale Modifies the morale of all of your armies.
ascension_perks_add Adds to the number of ascension perks an empire may have.
bio_pop_growth_x from_immigration, speed, speed_reduction Modifies population speed from immigration and growth.
biological_pop_happiness Modifies organic pops' happiness (excludes lithoids and machines)
BIOLOGICAL_species_trait_picks_add Increase number of traits total that an organic species can have.
building_x_max betharian_power_plant, crystal_mines, gas_extractors, mote_harvesters xeno_zoo Modifies the amount of limited buildings allowed on a planet.
building_time_mult Modifies the time required to complete buildings.
campaigns_x_cost_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes Modifies the resource cost required to start a campaign.
campaigns_cost_mult Modifies the energy cost required to start a campaign.
category_x_research_speed_mult biology, computing, field_manipulation, industry, materials, military_theory, new_worlds, particles, propulsion, psionics, statecraft, voidcraft
colony_start_num_pops_add Changes the number of the settling population of colony ships that colonies start with.
country_admin_cap_x add, mult (Depreciated as of 3.3, replaced with Unity system) Changes the administration capacity of a country.
country_x_produces_y alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living_metal, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes add mult Adds/multiplies to the resource production of a country.
country_base_x_produces_add alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living_metal, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes Modifies the base resource production of a country.
country_border_friction_mult Modifies the opinion modifier gained through border friction between countries.
country_edict_fund_add Adds to Edict Fund, subtracting from their normal Unity upkeep.
country_x_y claim_influence_cost, command_limit, integration_cooldown, naval_cap, pop_enslaved, produces, resettlement_cost, starbase_capacity, enclave_capacity, leader_cap add, mult
country_government_civic_points_add Modifies the number of civics a country can have.
country_insult_efficiency Increases or decreases the opinion decrease from insulting an AI empire.
country_leader_pool_size Modifies the leader pool size (the number of leaders among which you can choose). The default leader pool is 3.
country_megastructure_build_cap_add Modifies the number of megastructures that can be built at once.
country_occupation_armies_add Determines the number of occupation armies spawned by a country.
country_organic_trust_cap_add Increases maximum trust of an organic empire towards a machine empire.
country_x_tech_research_speed engineering, physics, society Modifies research speed of engineering/physics/society branch technologies .
country_resource_max_add Determines the maximum stockpiles of all resources.
country_resource_max_x_add alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living_metal, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes Determines the maximum stockpile of a resource.
country_ship_upgrade_cost_mult Modifies the resource cost to upgrade ships.
country_starbase_influence_cost_mult Modifies the influence cost to construct starbases.
country_subject_x_add acceptance, integration_speed, trust_cap Determines the willingness of an empire to become a subject/the speed at which subjects are integrated/the maximum trust of a subject.
country_subject_power_penalty_mult Modifies loyalty of an empire to its overlord as it grows in power.
country_subject_technology_sharing_mult Modifies research speed for overlord or subject for technologies discovered by other empire.
country_synthetic_trust_cap_add Increases maximum trust of a machine empire towards an organic empire.
country_trade_x attractiveness, fee Modifies an empires willingness to trade with you/the market fee.
country_trust_cap_add Increases the maximum allowed trust above 100.
country_trust_growth Increases or decreases trust growth of an AI empire.
country_vassal_naval_capacity_contribution_mult Modifies the percentage of the vassal naval capacity contribution.
country_war_exhaustion_mult Modifies the war exhaustion gained over time for a country.
damage_vs_country_type_x_mult adversary, ai_empire, ambient, amoeba, awakened_fallen_empire, awakened_marauders, caravaneer_fleet, caravaneer_home, cloud, crystal, cybrex_empire, default, dormant_marauders, drone, enclave, enigmatic_cache, extradimensional, extradimensional_2, extradimensional_3, faction, fallen_empire, feral_prethoryn, feral_prethoryn_infighting, gate_builders, global_event, gray, gray_goo, guardian, guardian_dragon, guardian_dreadnought, guardian_elderly_tiyanki, guardian_fortress, guardian_hatchling, guardian_hiver, guardian_horror, guardian_scavenger_bot, guardian_sphere, guardian_stellarite, guardian_wraith, ldragon_country, marauder_raiders, mechanocalibrator, neutral_faction, nivlacs, nomad, pirate, portal_holder, prikki, primitive, ratlings, rebel, ruined_marauders, sentinels, shroud, shroud_spirits, swarm, tiyanki, vol Modifies the damage dealt against specific types of countries.
defensive_war_influence_gain_add Modifies the influence gain from fighting a defensive war.
deposit_blockers_x_cost_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
deposit_blockers_cost_mult Modifies the energy cost of removing planetary blockers.
diplomacy_x_upkeep_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes Increases or decreases the influence cost of maintaining a diplomatic relation.
diplomacy_upkeep_mult Increases or decreases the influence cost of maintaining a diplomatic relation.
district_x_max farming, generator, mining Modifies the maximum number of a certain district type on a planet.
edict_length_mult Modifies the length of edicts.
edicts_x_cost_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes Modifies the resource cost of enabling edicts.
edicts_cost_mult Modifies the energy cost of enabling edicts.
empire_size_x_mult branch_office, colonies, penalty, pops, districts, systems Modifies the penalty that X has on empire size.
extra_large_x_mult speed, weapon_damage
faction_approval Modifies the approval of a faction.
federation_naval_cap_contribution_mult Modifies a country's contributions to their federation's naval cap.
force_disparity_fire_rate_mult Modifies the fire rate bonus given to smaller fleets during battle.
general_skill_levels Adds skill levels to generals.
governor_skill_levels Adds skill levels to governors.
intel_x_add encryption, decryption Modified empire encryption/ decryption
job_x_add administrator, agri_drone, alloy_drone, artisan, artisan_drone, assimilation, bio_trophy, brain_drone, calculator, chemist, chemist_drone, clerk, colonist, coordinator, corrupt_drone, criminal, crisis_purge, crystal_miner, crystal_mining_drone, culture_worker, deviant_drone, dimensional_portal_researcher, dimensional_portal_researcher_gestalt, duelist, enforcer, entertainer, event_purge, executive, extractor, fabricator, farmer, fe_acolyte_artisan, fe_acolyte_farm, fe_acolyte_generator, fe_acolyte_mine, fe_archivist, fe_augur, fe_guardian_bot, fe_hedonist, fe_maintenance_bot, fe_overseer, fe_protector, fe_sky_cardinal, fe_xeno_keeper, fe_xeno_ward, foundry, gas_extraction_drone, head_researcher, healthcare, high_priest, hunter_gatherer, livestock, maintenance_drone, manager, merchant, miner, mining_drone, mote_harvester, mote_harvesting_drone, noble, odd_factory_drone, odd_factory_worker, organic_battery, patrol_drone, peasant, pre_sapient, preacher, priest, primitive_bureaucrat, primitive_farmer, primitive_laborer, primitive_miner, primitive_noble, primitive_priest, primitive_priest_2, primitive_researcher, primitive_researcher_2, primitive_technician, primitive_warrior, primitive_warrior_2, purge, ratling_scavenger, refiner, refiner_drone, replicator, researcher, roboticist, servant, slave_overseer, slave_toiler, soldier, spawning_drone, synapse_drone, technician, technician_drone, telepath, translucer, translucer_drone, underground_contact_drone, underground_trade_worker, warrior_drone Adds jobs to a planet.
job_x_per_y (see: job_x_add) crime, pop Adds jobs to a planet based on crime/population; as is done for criminals.
large_weapon_x_mult damage, fire_rate
leader_age Appears to affect leader lifespan
leaders_x_y_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes cost, upkeep Modifies the resource cost/upkeep of leaders.
lith_pop_x growth_from_immigration, growth_speed, growth_speed_reduction, happiness Modifies the population growth and happiness of lithoid pops.
lithoid_pop_happiness Modifies lithoid pops' happiness (excludes organics and machines).
LITHOID_species_trait_points_add Modifies the species trait points of Lithoid species.
LITHOID_species_trait_picks_add Modifiers the number of trait picks of Lithoid species.
local_trade_protection_add Modifies empire-wide trade protection.
MACHINE_species_trait_points_add Modifies the species trait points of Machine species.
MACHINE_species_trait_picks_add Modifiers the number of trait picks of Machine species.
max_x embassies, rivalries, trade_piracy_add, trade_piracy_mult
medium_weapon_x_mult damage, fire_rate
megastructure_build_speed_x add, mult Modifies the build speed of megastructures.
habitability_x_y floor, ceil add, mult
modify_species_cost_mult Reduces the research costs of modifying a species.
num_tech_alternatives_add Modifies the number of research alternatives (default 3).
pc_x_habitability a_star, ai, alpine, arctic, arid, asteroid, b_star, barren, barren_cold, black_hole, broken, city, continental, crystal_asteroid, cybrex, desert, egg_cracked, f_star, frozen, g_star, gaia, gas_giant, gray_goo, habitat, habitat_shielded, hive, ice_asteroid, infested, k_star, m_giant_star, m_star, machine, molten, neutron_star, nuked, ocean, pulsar, rare_crystal_asteroid, relic, ringworld_habitable, ringworld_habitable_damaged, ringworld_seam, ringworld_seam_damaged, ringworld_shielded, ringworld_tech, ringworld_tech_damaged, savannah, shattered, shielded, shrouded, t_star, toxic, tropical, tundra Modifies the habitability of a certain planet type.
piracy_x_mult growth, suppression Modifies the growth/suppression of piracy.
planet_amenities_x add, mult Modifies the amenities of a planet.
planet_army_build_x_mult speed, time Modifies the army recruitment time.
planet_x_y_produces_mult see: job_x_add alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes Modifies the resource production of a certain job.
planet_branch_offices_x_y_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes cost, produces Modifies the resource production of branch offices.
planet_building_x_build_speed_mult affluence_center, akx_worm_3, alpha_hub, amusement_megaplex, ancient_control_center, ancient_cryo_chamber, ancient_palace, artist_patron, autochthon_monument, autocurating_vault, betharian_power_plant, bio_reactor, bio_reprocessing_facilities, bureaucratic_complex, capital, chemical_plant, citadel_of_faith, class_4_singularity, clinic, clone_vats, colony_shelter, commercial_forum, commercial_megaplex, commercial_zone, communal_housing, corporate_forum, corporate_monument, corporate_site, corporate_vault, crude_huts, crystal_mines, crystal_plant, crystal_plant_2, deployment_post, dimensional_fabricator, drone_megastorage, drone_storage, empyrean_shrine, energy_grid, energy_nexus, executive_retreat, expanded_warren, factory_1, factory_2, factory_3, fe_dome, fe_stronghold, fe_xeno_zoo, food_conglomerate, food_processing_facility, fortress, foundry_1, foundry_2, foundry_3, galactic_stock_exchange, gas_extractors, great_pyramid, hab_capital, hab_major_capital, hall_judgment, heritage_site, hive_capital, hive_cluster, hive_confluence, hive_major_capital, hive_node, hive_warren, holo_theatres, holotemple, hospital, hydroponics_farm, hyper_entertainment_forum, hypercomms_forum, illicit_research_labs, institute, junkheap, luxury_residence, machine_assembly_plant, machine_capital, machine_major_capital, machine_system_capital, maintenance_depot, major_capital, master_archive, military_academy, mineral_purification_hub, mineral_purification_plant, ministry_production, mote_harvesters, nanite_transmuter, nano_forge, network_junction, noble_estates, nourishment_center, nuumismatic_shrine, organic_paradise, organic_sanctuary, overseer_homes, paradise_dome, pirate_haven, planetary_shield_generator, precinct_house, primitive_capital, primitive_dwellings, primitive_factory, primitive_farm, primitive_mine, primitive_power_plant, private_mining_consortium, private_research_initiative, private_shipyards, processing_center, production_center, psi_corps, public_relations_office, refinery, research_lab_1, research_lab_2, research_lab_3, resort_capital, resort_major_capital, resource_silo, robot_assembly_plant, sacred_nexus, sentinel_posts, slave_capital, slave_huts, slave_major_capital, slave_processing, smuggling_rings, spawning_pool, stone_palace, stronghold, supercomputer, syndicate_outreach_office, system_capital, system_conflux, temple, temple_of_prosperity, underground_chemists, underground_clubs, uplink_node, urban_dwellings, virtual_entertainment_studios, waste_reprocessing_center, wildcat_miners, wrecking_yards, xeno_tourism_agency, xeno_zoo Modifies the build speed of a certain building.
planet_buildings_x_y_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes cost, upkeep Modifies the cost/upkeep of buildings.
planet_buildings_cost_mult Modifies the base cost of buildings.
planet_buildings_strongholds_x_y_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes cost, upkeep
planet_x_y_upkeep_mult see: job_x_add alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes Modifies the resource upkeep of a certain job.
planet_colony_development_speed_mult Modifies the speed at which colonies are developed and established.
planet_x_produces_mult see: job_x_add Modifies the base resource production of a certain job.
planet_district_x_build_speed_mult arcology_arms_industry, arcology_civilian_industry, arcology_housing, arcology_leisure, city, farming, farming_uncapped, generator, generator_uncapped, hab_commercial, hab_cultural, hab_energy, hab_housing, hab_mining, hab_science, hive, mining, mining_uncapped, nexus, rw_city, rw_commercial, rw_farming_build, rw_generator, rw_hive, rw_nexus, rw_science
planet_districts_x_y_cost_mult cities, hab_energy, hab_leisure, hab_mining, hab_research hab_trade unity, time, sr_zro, sr_living, sr_dark_matter, society_research, rare_crystals, physics_research, nanites, minor_artifacts, minerals, influence, produces, exotic_gases, engineering_research, energy, consumer_goods, alloys, volatile_motes
planet_districts_x_cost_mult see: planet_districts_x_y_cost_mult
planet_districts_x_y_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes cost, upkeep
planet_hyperlane_range_add Modifies the hyperlane visibility range of planets.
planet_jobs_x_y_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes produces, upkeep
planet_jobs_x_y_produces_mult see: job_x_add alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes produces, upkeep
planet_jobs_x_produces_mult see: job_x_add
planet_jobs_produces_mult Modifies resources from jobs
planet_jobs_robotic_x_produces_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
planet_jobs_specialist_x_produces_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
planet_jobs_upkeep_mult modifies resource upkeep of jobs
planet_jobs_worker_x_produces_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
planet_livestock_x_produces_add alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
planet_max_buildings_add Adds specified number of building slots allowed on a planet.
planet_orbital_bombardment_damage Adds to the amount of damage done to a planet by orbital bombardment (this includes garrison damage, building damage, and killing pops).
planet_pop_assemblers_x_upkeep_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
planet_pop_assembly_x add, mult, reduction Modifies the speed at which machine/robot pops are built.
planet_pop_assembly_organic_x add, mult, reduction Modifies the speed at which organic pops are built.
planet_pops_x_upkeep_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
planet_pops_x_y_upkeep_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes organics, robotics
planet_pops_x_upkeep_mult organics, robotics Modifies the base upkeep of organic/robotic pops.
planet_pops_unemployed_x_upkeep_add alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
planet_x_upkeep_mult pops, refiners, researchers
planet_refiners_x_upkeep_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
planet_researchers_x_produces_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
planet_x_y amenities, amenities_no_happiness, building_cost, crime, crime_no_happiness, emigration_push, housing, immigration_pull, sensor_range add, mult
planet_sensor_range_add Modifies the range of a planet's ship sensor.
planet_stability_add Modifies a planet's stability.
planet_structures_x_y_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes cost, upkeep
planet_structures_x_mult cost, upkeep
point_defence_weapon_x_mult damage, fire_rate
pop_amenities_usage_x add, base, mult
pop_amenities_usage_no_happiness_x add, base, mult
pop_cat_assimilation_x happiness, political_power
pop_cat_x_y see: job_x_add happiness, political_power
pop_cat_precursor_x happiness, political_power
pop_cat_robot_servant_x happiness, political_power
pop_cat_ruler_x happiness, political_power
pop_cat_slave_x happiness, political_power
pop_cat_specialist_x happiness, political_power
pop_cat_worker_x happiness, political_power
pop_cat_xeno_ward_x happiness, political_power
pop_category_slave_x_upkeep_mult see: resources
pop_citizen_happiness Modifies pops' happiness, excluding pops without full citizenship
pop_demotion_time_mult Modifies the time it takes for a pop to lower in stratum.
pop_environment_tolerance Modifies habitability of a pop, 1.0 = 100% habitability
pop_ethic_x_attraction_mult authoritarian, egalitarian, fanatic_authoritarian, fanatic_materialist, fanatic_militarist, fanatic_pacifist, fanatic_spiritualist, fanatic_xenophile, fanatic_xenophobe, gestalt_consciousness, materialist, militarist, pacifist, spiritualist, xenophile, xenophobe
pop_factions_x_produces_y alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes add, mult
pop_growth_x from_immigration, speed, speed_reduction
pop_happiness Modifies all pops' happiness
pop_housing_usage_x add, base, mult
rare_edicts_x_cost_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
ROBOT_species_trait_points_add Modifies the species trait points of Robot species.
ROBOT_species_trait_picks_add Modifies the number of trait picks of a Robot species.
ship_accuracy_x add, mult
ship_anomaly_x_mult generation_chance, research_speed
ship_x_add armor, evasion, hull, hull_damage, hyperlane_range, piracy_suppression, sensor_range, shield, starting_experience, tracking
ship_x_mult armor_damage, armor, armor_penetration, base_speed, evasion, experience_gain, fire_rate, emergency_ftl, ftl_jumpdrive_range, home_territory_fire_rate, hull_damage, interstellar_speed, landing_time, orbit_upkeep, orbital_bombardment, piracy_suppression, shield, shield_damage, shield_penetration, tracking, weapon_range, winddown, windup Modifies the attributes of a ship. (windup/down determine start/stop animation speeds).
ship_armor_regen_add_x perc, static
ship_x_y_cost_mult battleship, colonizer, corvette, cruiser, destroyer, military_station, science alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
ship_x_cost_mult see: ship_x_y_cost_mult
ship_disengage_chance_x mult, reduction
ship_emergency_ftl_min_days_x add, mult
ship_hull_regen_add_x perc, static
ship_shield_regen_add_x perc, static
ship_speed_x mult, reduction
shipclass_x_y_mult colonizer, constructor, military, military_special, military_station, mining_station, observation_station, research_station, science_ship, starbase, transport build_cost, build_speed, damage, disengage, evasion, hull
ships_x_upkeep_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
shipsize_x_build_speed_mult abandoned_ship, alien_racing_ship, ancient_corvette, ancient_destroyer, ancient_drone_station, ancient_mining_drone, ark, asteroid, battleship, blue_core_ai, blue_military_station_large_ai, blue_military_station_small_ai, caravaneer_cargoship_01, caravaneer_cruiser_01, caravaneer_destroyer_01, caravaneer_station_01, civilian_freighter, civilian_tanker, colonizer, colony_ship, colony_ship_ai, colossus, construction_ship_ai, construction_ship_ed, construction_ship_swarm, constructor, core_ai, corrupted_avatar, corvette, cruiser, crystal_ship_large_blue, crystal_ship_large_blue, crystal_ship_large_green_elite, crystal_ship_large_green, crystal_ship_large_red_elite, crystal_ship_large_red, crystal_ship_large_yellow_elite, crystal_ship_medium_blue, crystal_ship_medium_blue_elite, crystal_ship_medium_green, crystal_ship_medium_green_elite, crystal_ship_medium_red, crystal_ship_medium_red_elite, crystal_ship_medium_yellow, crystal_ship_medium_yellow_elite, crystal_ship_small_blue, crystal_ship_small_blue_elite, crystal_ship_small_green, crystal_ship_small_green_elite, crystal_ship_small_red, crystal_ship_small_red_elite, crystal_ship_small_yellow, crystal_ship_small_yellow_elite, crystal_station_large, destroyer, dimensional_horror, dimensional_portal_ed, enclave_station, enigmatic_cache, eventship_[01-07], final_core_ai, galleon, graygoo_factory, graygoo_interdictor, graygoo_mothership, hive_asteroid, homebase, ion_cannon, large_ship_ai, large_ship_carrier_swarm, large_ship_ed, large_ship_fallen_empire, large_ship_swarm, leviathan_01_elder_tiyanki, leviathan_01_scavenger_bot, leviathan_01_voidspawn, leviathan_01_voidspawn, marauder_corvette, marauder_cruiser, marauder_destroyer, marauder_galleon, marauder_station, marauder_void_dwelling, massive_ship_fallen_empire, medium_ship_ed, military_station_large_ai, military_station_large_fallen_empire, military_station_large, military_station_medium, military_station_small_ai, military_station_small, military_station_small_fallen_empire, military_station_small, mining_station, nanite_space_dragon_baby, nomad_destroyer, npc_warship_01, observation_station, passenger_liner, pirate_corvette, pirate_cruiser, pirate_destroyer, pirate_station, primitive_space_station, probe, psionic_avatar, queen_swarm, research_station, science, sensor_station_01, sentinel_station, shroud_manifestation, small_ship_ai, small_ship_ed, small_ship_fallen_empire, small_ship_swarm, space_amoeba, space_amoeba_mother, space_cloud, space_dragon_baby, space_dragon_blue, space_dragon_red, space_whale_[1-4], sphere, sponsored_colonizer, starbase_ai, starbase_caravaneer, starbase_citadel, starbase_exd, starbase_fe_outpost,starbase_gatebuilders, starbase_marauder, starbase_outpost, starbase_starfortres, starbase_starhold, starbase_starport, starbase_swarm, station_generic_01, station_1, station_m, station_s, station_xl, station_xs, stellarite, titan, transport, transport_ship_ai, transport_ship_swarm, warped_consciousness, wraith_01_blue, wraith_01_red, wraith_01_yellow Modifies the build speed of a certain size of ships.
slave_market_cost_mult Modifies the cost of pops on the slave market.
species_empire_size_mult Modifies how much empire size a pop of a species gives.
starbase_building_build_x_mult speed, time
starbase_buildings_x_cost_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
starbase_module_build_x_mult cost, speed, time
starbase_modules_x_cost_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
starbase_outpost_x_cost_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
starbase_shipyard_build_x_mult speed, time
starbase_shipyard_build_x_cost_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
starbase_trade_x_range_add protection, collection
starbase_upgrade_x_mult cost, speed, time
starbases_x_motes_upkeep_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
station_x_y_z_mult researchers, gatherers alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes cost, produces, upkeep
stations_x_produces_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
subject_tribute_mult Does not do anything as of patch 2.7.1
torpedo_weapon_x_mult fire_rate, damage, speed
trade_value_x add, mult
unemployment_resources_x_upkeep_add alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_matter, sr_living, sr_zro, time, unity, volatile_motes
x_research_speed_mult [1-9]_cat, AST_CLUSTER_CAT, AST_CRATER_CAT, AST_DEBRIS_FIELD_1_CAT, ast_debris_field_1_cat_2, AST_GEAR_CAT, AST_ILLICIT_DARK_CAT, AST_MINING_CAT, AST_SHRINE_1_CAT, AST_WAVELENGTHS_1_CAT, asteroid_uninhabitable_category, ATM_ANOMALY_CAT, atomic_clock_cat, BAR_COLONY_CAT, BARR_BASE_CAT, battle_uninhabitable_category, beacon_uninhabitable_category, cargo_gasgiant_category, COLD_RESEARCH_CAT, collision_asteroid_category, CON_BIOLOGY_CAT, CONT_SIGNS_CAT, corrupt_data_cat, crashed_ship_asteroid_category, CRYSTAL_MANUFACTORY_CAT, cybrex_1_cat, cybrex_2_cat, cybrex_3_cat, cybrex_4_cat, cybrex_5_cat, cybrex_6_cat, cybrex_7_cat, cybrex_8_cat, cybrex_9_cat, cybrex_10_cat, cybrex_11_cat, debris_asteroid_category, debris_gasgiant_category, debris_gasgiant_category_temp, DES_BURIED_CAT, DES_PLANET_CAT, DIMENSIONAL_POCKET_CAT, diplomacy_volatile_motes_upkeep_mult, disco_alien_machine_cat, disco_breathing_rift_cat, disco_gray_cat, disco_impossible_organism_cat, disco_molluscoid_miners_cat, disco_speed_demon_cat, disco_stranded_scientist_cat, disco_trojan_asteroid_cat, DISTAR_BRAINSLUG_CAT, DISTAR_CLONE_CAT, DISTAR_COLLAPSE_CAT, DISTAR_DEAD_GOD_CAT, DISTAR_DIAMOND_CAT, DISTAR_ELECTRO_CAT, DISTAR_EXO_CAT, DISTAR_FLARE_CAT, DISTAR_FLOW_CAT, DISTAR_FLYTRAP_CAT, DISTAR_FOES_CAT, DISTAR_GEODE_CAT, DISTAR_HOLO_CAT, DISTAR_ICE_CAT, DISTAR_LIVING_CAT, DISTAR_LOST_CAT, DISTAR_MED_CAT, DISTAR_MEDGAS_CAT, DISTAR_MERCURY_CAT, DISTAR_METAL_CAT, DISTAR_MOLTEN_CAT, DISTAR_NANO_CAT, DISTAR_NANOCITY_CAT, DISTAR_NANOSAND_CAT, DISTAR_OCEAN_CAT, DISTAR_PHASE_CAT, DISTAR_POD_CAT, DISTAR_PUZZLE_CAT, DISTAR_RAINBOW_CAT, DISTAR_RAT_CAT, DISTAR_ROBO_CAT, DISTAR_RUM_CAT, DISTAR_SIGNAL_CAT, DISTAR_SOOTHE_CAT, DISTAR_SOOTHE_GC_CAT, DISTAR_SOY_CAT, DISTAR_THIRSTY_CAT, DISTAR_TIME_CAT, DISTAR_WARFORM_CAT, DISTAR_WRECK_CAT, DISTAR_ZONE_CAT, emissions_asteroid_category, energy_uninhabitable_category, FEN_HABBANIS, FRBR_GRIMACING_CAT, FROZ_BASE2_CAT, FROZ_BASE_CAT, FROZ_BOX_CAT, FROZ_ILLUMINATED_CAT, GAEA_CHECKERED_CAT, GAIA_MOVE_CAT, gaia_planet_cat, GAIA_RECORD_CAT, GAS_CLOUDY_CAT, GAS_ZRO_ICE_CAT, GEN_ABANDONED_SHIP_CAT, GEN_DERELICT_SHIP_CAT, GEN_DESERT_CAT, GEN_LOST_CARGO_CAT, GEN_MYSTICAL_CAT, GEN_OLD_WAR_CAT, GEN_PLAYGROUND_CAT, HAB_CORN_CAT, HAB_MAT_CAT, hatch_asteroid_category, HBL_LUSH_PLANET_1_CAT, HBL_MUSIC_1_CAT, HOLE_RADIATION_CAT, impact_uninhabitable_category, inhabited_toxic_category, IRASSIA, irassian_1_cat, irassian_2_cat, irassian_3_cat, irassian_4_cat, irassian_5_cat, irassian_6_cat, irassian_7_cat, irassian_8_cat, irassian_9_cat, irassian_10_cat, irassian_11_cat, irregular_energy_cat, league_1_cat, league_2_cat, league_3_cat, league_4_cat, league_5_cat, league_6_cat, league_7_cat, league_8_cat, league_9_cat, league_10_cat, league_11_cat, league_12_cat, league_13_cat, league_14_cat, LEVELED_CAT, life_asteroid_category, life_barren_category, life_frozen_category, life_gasgiant_category, life_toxic_category, living_metal_category, MOLTEN_BASE_CAT, moon_cat, moon_gasgiant_category, mountain_uninhabitable_category, NUKE_PLANET_CAT, object_gasgiant_category, object_uninhabitable_category, origin_asteroid_category, peculiar_patterns_cat, PROJ_MOON_CAT, SEA_CAT, ship_gasgiant_category, shipyard_uninhabitable_category, signal_gasgiant_category, signal_uninhabitable_category, sol_wasteland_category, solar_uninhabitable_category, star_lifting_category, station_asteroid_category station_uninhabitable_category, stolen_ship_cat, storms_gasgiant_category, SUN_RAYS_CAT SUN_TEAPOT_CAT terminal_gasgiant_category_cat terraforming_candidate_category_cat time_loop_world_cat, tomb_world_cat, TOX_MAT_CAT, TOX_PLANET_CAT, TOX_PURPLE_RAIN_CAT, TOX_STRUCTURES_CAT, transmitter_cat, TROP_BIOLOGY_CAT TROP_CONDITIONS_CAT, TROP_PETS_CAT, TROP_WOODS_CAT, TUTORIAL_CAT UHB_ANCIENT_CAT, UHB_ANCIENT_RUINS_1_CAT, UHB_BUOY_CAT, UPLIFT_ARCTIC_CAT, UPLIFT_ARID_CAT, UPLIFT_CAT_CAT, UPLIFT_CONTINENTAL_CAT, UPLIFT_DESERT_CAT, UPLIFT_GENERIC_CAT, UPLIFT_OCEAN_CAT, UPLIFT_ROACHOID_CAT, UPLIFT_SNAKEOID_CAT, UPLIFT_TROPICAL_CAT, UPLIFT_TUNDRA_CAT, vultaum_[1-11], VULTAUMAR, WAT_PLANET_CAT, writing_uninhabitable_category, yuht, YUHTAAN Modifies the research speed of a specific category's technologies.
weapon_role_x_y_mult point_defense, artillery, anti_shield, anti_hull, anti_armor speed, damage, fire_rate Modifies the speed/damage/fire rate of a specific type of weapon based on their role.
weapon_type_x_weapon_y_mult strike_craft, point_defense, kinetic_weapon, explosive, energy speed, damage, fire_rate Modifies the speed/damage/fire rate of a specific type of weapon based on their type.

Auto-Generated modifiers[]

The game auto-generates modifiers for the following elements:

1. species_archetypes

<archetype name>_species_trait_points_add - country scope

2. ethics

pop_ethic_[fanatic_]<ethic name>_attraction_mult - country scope, even ethics without attraction generate attraction modifiers

3. tech_categories

category_<category name>_research_speed_mult - country scope

4. ship_sizes

shipsize_<shipsize name>_build_speed_mult - country scope
shipsize_<shipsize name>_build_cost_mult - country scope
shipsize_<shipsize name>_hull_mult - country scope
shipsize_<shipsize name>_hull_add - country scope

5. ship_classes - only buildable ships have classes

shipclass_<class name>_build_cost_mult - country scope
shipclass_<class name>_build_speed_mult - country scope
shipclass_<class name>_hull_mult - country scope
shipclass_<class name>_damage_mult - country scope
shipclass_<class name>_evasion_add - country scope
shipclass_<class name>_disengage_mult - country scope

6. building_tags - build_speed_mult type modifier doesn't have any effect in game except being displayed (obviously not fully implemented.)

<building name>_construction_speed_mult - planet/country/sector scopes/leader (i believe)
<building name>_build_cost_mult - planet/country/sector scopes/leader (i believe)

7. component_tags - each component tag auto generates three modifiers. Only those that are defined for weapon type actually have an effect, but the game auto generates modifiers for all component tags.

<component name>_weapon_damage_mult - modifier/ship modifier on ship sizes and ship modifier applied through events
<component name>_weapon_fire_rate_mult - modifier/ship modifier on ship sizes and ship modifier applied through events
<component name>_speed_mult - modifier/ship modifier on ship sizes and ship modifier applied through events

8. special_projects - country/leader scope

<project name>_1_cat_research_speed_mult
<project name>_2_cat_research_speed_mult
<project name>_3_cat_research_speed_mult

9. planet_classes habitability - pop/trait/planet scopes - do not require GFX.

pc_<class name>_habitability

Other modifiers are generated basec on Economic Categories.

Economic Categories[]

Modifiers effecting resource costs, production and upkeeps are created using Economic Categories. Economic Categories are defined in "common\economic_categories". Every resource = { ... } block in the script is assigned one of these categories. For each category, modifiers can be created that multiply or add to the resource cost, upkeep or production of game objects.


Most Economic Categories are assigned a parent. This forms a hierarchical tree out of the modifiers. Any modifier created for that category or any of its parent categories will then effect the resource cost/production/upkeep of any resources in that block. For instance, planetary buildings are usually assigned to the resource category planet_buildings, which is a child of planet_structures > planets > country. So any modifier that starts with planet_buildings_xxxx, planet_structures_xxxx, planets_xxx, or country_xxxx will effect that building.

Economic Type[]

Each category can effect the cost, production, and upkeep of a resource.

Cost is the initial cost for that object. The cost to build a building, the cost to start the terraforming, etc.

Production is the monthly resource production of the object. The monthly production of the pop job, the monthly production of the building, etc.

Upkeep is the monthly upkeep cost for that object. The monthly upkeep cost of the pop job, the monthly upkeep cost of the building, etc.

Resource Type[]

A single modifier will either effect a single type of resource, or will apply to all of the resources of that Economic Type. planet_buildings_cost_mult will effect all the resource costs of buildings, while planet_buildings_minerals_cost_mult will only effect the mineral costs of buildings. So, if a building cost 400 minerals and 100 food to build, planet_buildings_cost_mult would effect the cost of both the minerals and food, while planet_buildings_minerals_cost_mult would only effect the minerals cost, leaving the food cost at 100.

Modifier Type[]

There are two types of modifiers created: mult and add.

Triggered Economic Units[]

Sometimes you'll want more specific modifiers without actually creating a child category. For instance, planet_jobs breaks jobs into smaller categories, such as planet_farmers. So farmer jobs will assign planet_farmers as their category in their resource block. Now any planet_jobs_xxxx as well as any planet_farmers_xxxx modifiers will effect the farmers. But sometimes you want modifiers to only effect a job if some condition is met, or you might want a job to have more than one parent that effects it. These are both accomplished with triggered economic units

What if you want a modifier that specifically only effects the resource production when a slave is working the job? Then you use triggered_produces_modifier blocks to trigger that modifier only when the trigger conditions are met.

 planet_jobs = {
 	parent = planets
 	triggered_produces_modifier = {
 		key = planet_jobs_slave
 		modifier_types = {
 		trigger = {
 			is_pop_category = slave

What if you want a modifier that acts as if it is effected by more than one parent? For instance, Vanilla defines planet_districts_hab_industrial and planet_districts_industrial. You decide you want to create a civic that makes all industrial districts 10% cheaper, so you have planet_districts_industrial generate mult modifiers for produces, and in the civic use planet_districts_industrial_costs_mult = -0.10. But, Habitat industrial districts are assigned to planet_districts_hab_industrial instead, so they aren't affected. Change their parent to planet_districts_industrial instead of planet_districts, and the modifier now applies to them. But now you want to make the Voidborne Ascension Perk make all Habitat districts 10% cheaper. You could make a new Economic Category planet_districts_hab and assign all the planet_districts_hab_xxxx categories to it, but you already have assigned planet_districts_hab_industrial to planet_districts_industrial. What you can do instead, is make planet_districts_hab a triggered econmic unit of planet_districts, and planet_districts_hab_costs_mult = -0.10 will now make all the districts on Habitats 10% cheaper, while maintaining the hierarchy of your habitat industrial districts.

 planet_districts = {
 	parent = planet_structures
 	triggered_cost_modifier = {
 		key = planet_districts_hab
 		modifier_types = {
 		trigger = {
 			uses_district_set = habitat

Localisation and Icons[]

Each new modifier you have generated and is used requires localisation and most also require an icon (stored in gfx/interface/icons/modifiers) with an identical key. But not all modifiers require an icon - and those that do require an icon require it only if they are used in code somewhere that applies them as a planet or country modifier (example: on buildings, a planet_class, an ethic etc.). The key for generated modifiers is mod_ appended to the front of the modifier. So for our new planet_districts_hab, you'd need to define the localisation for mod_planet_districts_hab_costs_mult: "Habitat District Cost" and create the icon in "gfx\interface\icons\modifiers\".

Data Structure[]

  • <key> = {...} - The name of this category that will be used in the category entry of a resources = {...} block.
  • parent = <key> - The parent category of this category. Most Economic Categories have the ultimate parent of country
  • hidden = yes - Use parent category for display. Resources used by this category are merged into parent category in tooltips
  • generate_mult_modifiers = {...} - Specify produces, upkeep, and/or cost to create <key>(_<resource>)_produces_mult, <key>(_<resource>)_upkeep_mult and/or <key>(_<resource>)_cost_mult modifiers
  • generate_add_modifiers = {...} - Specify produces, upkeep, and/or cost to create <key>(_<resource>)_produces_add, <key>(_<resource>)_upkeep_add and/or <key>(_<resource>)_cost_add modifiers
  • use_for_ai_budget = yes - This category has it's own entry in "common\ai_budget\" files
  • ai_use_parent_for_resources_upkeep = {...} - Specify resource(s) that the AI uses the parent to manage upkeep for in the parent category in common\ai_budget\. For instance, ships alloy upkeep is managed directly (alloys_upkeep_ships in "ai_budget\00_alloys_budget.txt"), but ships energy upkeep is managed via ships parent country (energy_upkeep_country in "ai_budget\00_energy_budget.txt"), as ships economic category has ai_use_parent_for_resources_upkeep = { energy }
  • triggered_(cost/produces/upkeep)_modifier = {...} - Generate a cost, produces or upkeep modifier that only applies to a subset of this category.
  • key = <key> - The <key> for this generated modifier category
  • use_parent_icon = yes - This triggered modifier won't have it's own icon set, so use the category's icon for it
  • 'modifyer_types - mult and/or add, depending on which you want generated
  • trigger = {...} - The trigger conditions to form this subset. The scope depends on the resource block it is assigned to.

Static modifiers[]

Static modifiers are game objects defined at "common/static_modifiers/xxx.txt".

Static modifiers consist of modifier statements and additional fields.

  • icon - A direct reference to a "" file. planetary static modifiers and some empire static modifiers have this field. If not specified the static modifier icon will be displayed as the icon of the first modifier statement of this static modifier.
  • icon_frame = 1/2/3 - Applies a green/yellow/red circle frame for the icon of this static modifier. Usually used by planetary static modifiers.
  • custom_tooltip = <localisation key> - A tooltip in addition to the generated modifier tooltip.
  • show_only_custom_tooltip = yes/no - If custom tooltip is specified, setting this to no will hide the generated modifier tooltip.
  • apply_modifier_to_other_planets = <static modifier key> - If this Static Modifier is added to a planet, the later Static Modifier will apply to each planet you own without the former. Resort Colony and Penal Colony use this to apply a non-duplicatable empire bonus.

Despite of some static modifiers being exclusively added to specific scopes, static modifiers themselves do not rely on scopes. They can be added to almost any scope: country, planet, pop, ship, federation...

Some static modifiers are hard-coded to be called by the engine. Removing them causes unexpected issues.

Static modifier integration[]

Any modifier block can call a static modifier. The engine will find that static modifier and integrate its modifier statements into this block.

Given the following static modifier:

example_sm = {
	planet_stability_add = 10

Then anything that require Modifiers can use example_sm = <float> as a Modifier entry. For example, example_sm = 1.5 is technically equivalent to planet_stability_add = 15.

Only modifier statements will be integrated. Custom tooltips and anything else will be ignored.

Unlike scripted triggers and scripted effects, static modifiers can't integrate other static modifiers.

Notification modifiers[]

A special variation of static modifiers, except all they have is an icon. They are assigned to country scopes. Use notification modifiers instead of static modifiers if your modifier do not have any modifiers anyway, because modifier updating is performance intensive.

They are defined at "common/notification_modifiers/xxx.txt".

How to change vanilla static modifiers?[]

Place a changed static modifier from any of the core files in "common/static_modifiers" in a new file that comes before asciibetically.


  1. This is a limited field that only accepts a few special modifiers. See Ship Modding for more information
  2. This is a limited field that only accepts a few special modifiers. See Ship Modding for more information
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