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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.
Utopia Loading Screen

Humanoid Empire constructing a Dyson Sphere


Stellaris Megastructure Tier List

Megastructures are colossal constructions. Expensive and time-consuming to build or repair, these remarkable feats of engineering are nonetheless important wonders that provide large bonuses, demonstrating the technological and economic primacy of the builders' empire. They cannot be built in orbit of a celestial body that has an uninvestigated anomaly. All megastructures except Gateways are destroyed if a Star-Eater destroys the system.


A construction ship is required to build the first stage (construction site) of any megastructure. If it has multiple stages, the following stages do not require a construction ship. All megastructures have a different texture depending on the empire that built or repaired them.

A few bonuses affect megastructure construction speed. These are highly desirable considering the great time requirements of such projects:

FTL megastructures[]

FTL megastructures can only be constructed at the edge of a system and allow fleets to traverse to an identical megastructure, greatly easing travel across the galaxy. They work together with the FTL megastructures of another empire unless borders are closed or the empires are at war with each other. FTL megastructures can be constructed in any system which doesn't already have that type of megastructure. Unlike other megastructures, they can be constructed in the systems of subjects as well.


Distant Stars Loading Screen

Real scale of a Gateway

While exploring the galaxy, empires may find abandoned gateways that were once part of a massive, galaxy-spanning network. The number of abandoned gateways can be scaled by galaxy settings.[1]

Once an abandoned gateway is discovered, the Tech gateway activation Gateway Activation technology can appear, which allows abandoned gateways to be repaired. Repairing an abandoned gateway takes 2 years and costs Energy Credits 6000 energy and Alloys 2500 alloys. When a gateway is reactivated for the first time in the galaxy, another random gateway is also reactivated along with it.

Once the Tech gateway activation Gateway Activation technology is researched, the Tech gateway construction Gateway Construction technology can appear, which allows new gateways to be constructed. The construction site is built in 3 years and costs Influence 75 influence and Alloys 2500 alloys. Upgrading it into a fully functional Gateway takes 3 years and costs Energy Credits 6000 energy and Alloys 2500 alloys.

Gateways allow travel to any other gateway instantly, so long as the borders are open and the destination is not controlled by an enemy empire. As a bypass, Gateways generally act like a hyperlane connection between systems, such that claims and trade can be extended through them, however sectors don't extend through gateways.

L-Gates are a special type of gateway, which have a separate network from regular gateways. Instead of jumping from any to any, L-Gates all jump to the Terminal Egress system in the L-Cluster, then from there to any other L-Gate so long as its borders are open, or you are at war. L-Gates are opened through a special project, and new L-Gates cannot be constructed.

Hyper Relays[]

Hyper relay scale

Real scale of a Hyper Relay

Hyper Relays can be constructed once the Hyper Relays Hyper Relays technology is researched and allow ships to jump to Hyper Relays in adjacent systems instead of using the existing hyperlane connections, thereby avoiding having to traverse systems at sublight speeds. They are constructed directly in a single stage, taking one year and costing Influence 25 influence, Alloys 500 alloys, and Rare crystals 100 rare crystals. Hyper Relay links are shown on the galaxy map as a thicker hyperlane. Potential (inactive) links are shown as yellow connections on the galaxy map. A link may be inactive because of closed borders, war, or if the relay is ruined. A ruined Hyper Relay can be restored for Energy Credits 500 energy, Alloys 500 alloys, and Rare crystals 100 rare crystals, taking 6 months to complete.

Hyper Relays can grant additional effects based on Menu icon edicts edicts and subject specializations. Hyper Relay edicts require the empire's capital system to be part of the network, while the benefits granted by subject specializations require a connection between the overlord's capital and the subject's capital. Subjects do not benefit from their overlord's network effects.

Hyper Relays can be built from the galaxy view, which places them semi-randomly within the system. In systems with wormholes or existing gateways, it is recommended to instead go into the system view to manually place the Hyper Relay near to the wormhole or gateway to better facilitate travel. However, Hyper Relays cannot connect through wormholes or gateways.


Mammalian Habitat

Mammalian habitat central complex

Habitats are colonizable megastructures that can be built above stars and planets and are finished in a single stage. Each system can only have one habitat and they cannot be built in systems with a ringworld. Building a Habitat Central Complex costs Influence 200 Influence and Alloys 1500 Alloys and takes 60 months to construct. The habitat still requires colonization but the colony develops twice as fast as on planets.

Once the Habitat Central Complex has been constructed, orbitals can be constructed in the system. Orbitals are stations that increase the Mod planet max buildings add building slots and/or max districts of the Habitat Central Complex. When orbitals are reduced to 5% Health Hull Points, they are disabled and the Habitat Central Complex gains Devastation 10 Devastation and a blocker.

  • Minor Orbitals cost Alloys 50 alloys and take 6 months to construct. They can only be constructed in the orbit of moons and asteroids. If disabled, the Habitat Central Complex gains a D ruined system Ruined Minor Orbital blocker.
  • Major Orbitals cost Alloys 200 alloys and take 24 months to construct. They can only be constructed in the orbit of stars and planets. If disabled, the Habitat Central Complex gains a D ruined system Ruined Major Orbital blocker. Major Orbitals increase the district capacity of the Habitat Central Complex in addition to their other effects.
  • Demesne Orbitals cost Alloys 200 alloys, take 24 months to construct and can only be constructed by empires with the Origins toxic knights Knights of the Toxic God origin that have the links=Relics Maw of the Toxic Entity relic. They can only be constructed in the orbit of stars and planets. If disabled, the Habitat Central Complex gains a D ruined system Ruined Major Orbital blocker. Demesne Orbitals increase the district capacity of the Habitat Central Complex and give it an additional Knight Knight job.

Habitats have a unique set of districts distinct from normal planetary ones. Habitation District Habitation districts and Industrial District industrial districts are only limited by Mod planet max districts add district cap but other districts require either the Habitat Central Complex or its orbitals to be built over a resource deposit. An orbital built around a body with no deposit provides +0.5 building slots.

If either the Habitat Central Complex or an orbital is built above a celestial body with an advanced or strategic resource, the habitat gains a planetary feature that exploits the resource. If the celestial body already had a mining or research station, the habitat or orbital replaces it.

Only Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires, Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers, or empires with the Voidborne Voidborne ascension perk can construct housing buildings on Habitats.

Habitats have a planet size of 6. They are shown in one of three tiers shown in the outliner, depending on the level of the capital building.

Tier Mod habitability Habitability Mod planet max buildings add Building Slots per Orbital Max districts Max Districts per Major Orbital MegaCorp Branch Office Building Slots Required technology Required pops
I (Habitat Administration) 40 0.5 0.5 1 Tech habitat Orbital Habitats 0
II (Expanded Central Control) 50 0.75 0.75 2 Tech habitat 2 Habitat Expansion 10
III (Advanced System Control) 60 1 1 3 Tech habitat 3 Advanced Space Habitation 25

Habitats can be obtained the following way:

  • If the Utopia Utopia DLC is enabled, any empire can research the technologies to construct and upgrade habitats.
  • Empires with the Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers origin start with a habitat and the technology to build more. They can research the technology to upgrade them from the start.
  • Empires with the Origins toxic knights Knights of the Toxic God origin start with a habitat. They can research the technology to build more from the start but cannot research the technology to upgrade them without the Utopia Utopia DLC.
  • Empires with the Origins payback Payback origin can gain a unique size 10 habitat called Recovered Asset as one of their two choices following the conclusion of the The Aftermath of Battle archaeological site. Choosing the habitat unlocks the technology to build more.
  • If the Apocalypse Apocalypse DLC is enabled, empires created by the Horde breaking up start with the technology to construct habitats. These habitats can be captured by other empires.
  • If the First Contact First Contact DLC is enabled, the Ithome cluster has a 25% chance to spawn. The Ithome's Gate system contains 3 habitats. The system cannot support orbitals but each habitat has a unique modifier granting it max Mod habitability Habitability and Mod planet max buildings add Building Slots.
  • A system called Federation's End can randomly spawn and contains 2 mammalian habitats. The system does not require any DLC to spawn but is too empty to support orbitals.

Habitat Central Complexes can be ruined by a Colossus or crises. If ruined, all orbitals are destroyed.

Orbital Rings[]

Orbital ring trailer

Mammalian orbital ring with shipyard module

Half megastructure and half starbase, Orbital Rings can be built around colonized planets to act as an additional starbase or provide useful bonuses for the planet below. They do not require a construction site and are finished in a single stage by the construction ship. Orbital rings also have Mod ship fire rate mult +100% fire rate.

Tier Cost Upkeep Modules Buildings Platforms Health Hull Armor Armor Weapons range Weapons Utilities Requirements
1 Alloys 1000
Influence 50
Time 720
Energy Credits 2 2 0 Defense platform cap 2 5000 1000 +100%
  • Large 1
  • Medium 3
  • Large 2
  • Auxiliary 1
Tech orbital ring tier 1 Orbital Rings technology
2 Alloys 1500
Influence 100
Time 900
Energy Credits 3 3 1 Defense platform cap 4 10000 2000 +150%
  • Large 2
  • Medium 6
  • Large 4
  • Auxiliary 1
  • Star Fortress Star Fortress technology
  • Planet has either:
    • Building Capital tier 2 or
    • Button upgrade ascension tier Planetary Ascension tier 3
3 Alloys 2000
Influence 150
Time 1080
Energy Credits 4 4 2 Defense platform cap 6 20000 2000 +200%
  • Large 3
  • Medium 9
  • Large 6
  • Auxiliary 1
  • Tech starbase 5 Citadel technology
  • Planet has either:
    • Building Capital tier 3 or
    • Button upgrade ascension tier Planetary Ascension tier 5


Orbital Rings use their own set of modules, which are mostly similar to Starbase modules except that they do not interact with trade routes in any way. An Orbital Assembly Complex Holding provides additional bonuses to each module.

Module Cost Upkeep Effects Required technology Description
Sb shipyard Orbital Shipyard Alloys 50
Time 180
Energy Credits 1
  • Mod ship build speed mult +1 Shipyard Capacity
  • Mod ship build speed mult +1 Shipyard Capacity with Orbital Assembly Complex on planet
A Shipyard may build one ship at a time, in parallel with other Shipyards.
Sb anchorage Orbital Anchorage Alloys 50
Time 180
Energy Credits 1 Fleet anchorages are necessary to support the growth of our navy.
Sb gun battery Planetary Defense Guns Alloys 50
Time 180
Energy Credits 1
  • Medium +2 Medium weapon components
  • Armor +20% Starbase armor hit points
  • Health +20% Starbase hull points
  • Defense platform cap +1 Defense platform cap
  • Defense platform cap +1 Defense platform cap with Orbital Assembly Complex on planet
Adds two medium-size weapon slots to the Orbital Ring.
Orbitalring module habitation Habitation Module Alloys 200
Influence 25
Time 360
Energy Credits 2 Tech housing 2 Anti-Gravity Engineering High-speed space elevators allow the planet to extend its habitation, resource storage and refinement facilities into orbit.
Sb missile battery Planetary Defense Batteries Alloys 50
Time 180
Energy Credits 1
  • Guided +2 Guided weapon components
  • Armor +20% Starbase armor hit points
  • Health +20% Starbase hull points
  • Defense platform cap +1 Defense platform cap
  • Defense platform cap +1 Defense platform cap with Orbital Assembly Complex on planet
Space Torpedoes Space Torpedoes Adds two missile weapon slots to the Orbital Ring.
Sb hangar bay Planetary Defense Hangars Alloys 50
Time 180
Energy Credits 1
  • Hangar +1 Hangar weapon components
  • Armor +20% Starbase armor hit points
  • Health +20% Starbase hull points
  • Defense platform cap +1 Defense platform cap
  • Defense platform cap +1 Defense platform cap with Orbital Assembly Complex on planet
Tech strike craft 1 Carrier Operations Adds a hangar for Strike Craft to the Orbital Ring.


In addition to most of the regular starbase buildings, Orbital Rings can construct a set of buildings that improve the planet's output. All of them take one year to build.

Building Cost Upkeep Planet effects Requirements Description
Orbitalring food hub Climate Optimization Stations
  • Alloys 100
  • Volatile motes 100
  • Energy Credits 2
  • Volatile motes 1
Pop resource food mult +2 Food from Farmer Farmer category jobs Tech food processing 2 Advanced Food Processing technology Detailed monitoring of local conditions means we can influence the planet's climate at a regional level, increasing agricultural yields.
Orbitalring mineral hub Low Gravity Mega-Refiners
  • Alloys 100
  • Volatile motes 100
  • Energy Credits 2
  • Volatile motes 1
Pop resource minerals mult +2 Minerals from Miner Miner category jobs Tech mineral purification 2 Advanced Mineral Purification technology Centralizing mineral refining operations on the Orbital Ring allows for novel techniques that increase mining efficiency.
Orbitalring energy hub Stratospheric Ionization Elements
  • Alloys 100
  • Exotic gases 100
  • Alloys 2
  • Exotic gases 1
Pop resource energy mult +2 Energy Credits from Job technician Technician category jobs Tech power hub 2 Planetary Power Grid technology These devices dramatically reduce power loss during distribution, increasing overall generator output.
Orbitalring trade hub The Giga-Mall
  • Alloys 100
  • Rare crystals 100
  • Energy Credits 2
  • Rare crystals 1
Tech interstellar economics Interstellar Economics technology Moving all shopping and trade facilities to the Orbital Ring means our Clerks can facilitate more business, more effectively than ever before.
Orbitalring alloy hub Alloy Processing Facilities
  • Alloys 200
  • Volatile motes 300
  • Energy Credits 5
  • Volatile motes 2
Nano-Separators Nano-Separators technology Alloys from the surface are further processed in orbit, creating usable materials from what would otherwise be wasted by-products.
Orbitalring consumer hub Orbital Logistics Systems
  • Alloys 200
  • Rare crystals 300
  • Energy Credits 5
  • Rare crystals 2
Tech luxuries 2 Replicator Kiosks technology Transferring logistics operations to automated systems on the Orbital Ring allows planetside Factories to run continuously at full speed.
Orbitalring bureaucracy hub Orbital Filing System
  • Alloys 200
  • Rare crystals 300
  • Energy Credits 2
  • Rare crystals 1
Unity +1 Unity from Bureaucrat Administrator, Manager Manager, Priest Priest, and Job telepath Telepath category jobs Tech effective bureaucracy Effective Bureaucracy technology Efficiency and progress can be ours once more, now that our Administrators have near instant access to the paperwork that defines their lives.
Orbitalring synapse hub Synaptic Relays
  • Alloys 200
  • Exotic gases 300
  • Alloys 2
  • Exotic gases 1
Unity +1 Unity from Job synapse drone Synapse Drones Tech hive cluster Clustered Synapses technology Portions of the Orbital Ring have been modified to enhance synaptic signals, improving control over drones on the surface.
Orbitalring maintenance hub Orbital Maintenance Drops
  • Alloys 200
  • Exotic gases 300
  • Alloys 2
  • Exotic gases 1
Amenities +1 Amenities from Maintenance Drone Maintenance Drones Tech synthetic thought patterns Resource Processing Algorithms technology Prepackaged pods of maintenance material - and the drones necessary to distribute them - can be dropped from orbit anywhere they are needed, at a moment's notice.
Sb feeder Orbital Garden
  • Alloys 50
  • Volatile motes 50
  • Alloys 1
  • Exotic gases 1
  • Pop resource food mult +1 Food from Farmer Farmer category jobs
  • Text icon seed Non-hostile space fauna are attracted and collect Seed Pods
  • Feature Relic-spawned Prethoryn fleets collect Seed Pods if in orbit
Origins gardeners Fruitful Partnership A vacuum garden for our Orbital Ring, blooming with genetically enhanced plantlife designed to attract spaceborne fauna.

Planetary building replacements[]

The following orbital ring buildings fulfill the same function as certain planet buildings. They have the same requirements to construct and cannot be built if the matching building has been constructed on the planet.

Building Cost Upkeep Planet effects Replaced building Requirements Description
Orbitalring noble estates Noble Estates
  • Alloys 200
  • Exotic gases 300
  • Alloys 5
  • Exotic gases 2
Building palace Noble Estates Magnificent structures that take advantage of reduced gravitational effect in orbit house the local nobility. Significant portions of the ring are dedicated to their every whim.
Orbitalring psi corps Orbital Psi Corps
  • Alloys 200
  • Rare crystals 300
  • Alloys 5
  • Rare crystals 2
Building hab laboratory module Psi Corps
  • Psi Corps Psi Corps tradition
  • No Resort World designation on orbited planet
  • No Thrall World designation on orbited planet
A segment of the Orbital Ring is devoted to training psi-gifted individuals, allowing the Psi Corps to keep a watchful eye on the planet below.

The Psi Corps is your friend. Trust the Corps.
Orbitalring planetary shield generator Orbital Shield Generator
  • Alloys 200
  • Rare crystals 300
  • Alloys 5
  • Rare crystals 2
  • Shield +25% Shield Hit Points
  • Shield +25% Defense Platform Shield Hit Points
Building shield generator Planetary Shield Generator Hardening the shields of the orbital defenses will interfere with any planetary shields, but will allow them to hold off against more powerful weapons.
Orbitalring galactic stock exchange Orbital Stock Exchange
  • Alloys 200
  • Rare crystals 300
  • Alloys 5
  • Rare crystals 2
Building galactic stock exchange Galactic Stock Exchange
  • Tech galactic markets Galactic Markets technology
  • No Resort World designation on orbited planet
  • No Thrall World designation on orbited planet
By engaging in free trade of goods and services we allow for a more specialized economy, where an individual can excel in a narrow field and trade for their needs.
Orbitalring slave processing facility Orbital Slave Processing Hub
  • Alloys 200
  • Volatile motes 300
  • Alloys 5
  • Volatile motes 2
Building slave processing Slave Processing Facility
  • Tech neural implants Neural Implants technology
  • Policies Allowed Slavery policy
  • No Resort World designation on orbited planet
An orbital facility used to process slave labor for the planet below. Those that have been processed have any trace of free will extinguished.
Orbitalring embassy complex Orbital Embassy Complex
  • Alloys 200
  • Rare crystals 300
  • Alloys 5
  • Rare crystals 2
  • Building embassy Embassy Complex
  • Building grand embassy Grand Embassy Complex
  • Tech diplomacy 2 Xeno Relations technology
  • Empire Capital Orbiting the Empire Capital
  • No Resort World designation on orbited planet
  • No Thrall World designation on orbited planet
This orbital complex is intended to awe the viewer, rendering them more compliant in negotiations.

Due to the need to be close to the seat of the government, it can only be built in orbit of our capital.

Multi-stage megastructures[]

Multi-stage megastructures are constructed in multiple stages that require the technology of the same name before they can be constructed. Empires lacking the technology can make use of a multi-stage megastructure which they conquered from another empire, but they cannot upgrade it before they research the technology.

Multi-stage megastructures start with a construction site that provides no benefit. However, each subsequent construction phase brings increasing bonuses, culminating with the end of the megastructure construction.

Only one multi-stage megastructure may be built in each system. Multi-stage megastructures must be built either over an uninhabitable planet or a star. There must not be an anomaly present on the planet or star, but an anomaly on another planet or star in the system does not block construction.

It is only possible to build, upgrade, or restore one multi-stage megastructure at a time. The limit can be increased by +1 with each of the following:

Apart from the Ring World and Quantum Catapult, each multi-stage megastructure can only be built once per empire, or twice if the empire has the Isolated Contingency Core Isolated Contingency Core relic, and cannot be rebuilt if the existing one is lost or destroyed. However, multi-stage megastructures obtained through conquest and ruined ones that were found in the galaxy and repaired do not count against this limit. A conquered incomplete megastructure can still be upgraded as long as the new owner has the prerequisite technology.

Ring Worlds can have their habitable segments destroyed by a Colossus as well as by Crisis factions and cannot be repaired again. All multi-stage megastructures are permanently ruined if the system is destroyed by a Star Eater.

Megastructure Stage Production Upkeep Time Time Cost Notes DLC
Science Nexus
Evt Science Nexus
Site None Energy Credits −25 5 years Unity 5000
Alloys 5000
Stage I
Research +100 Research
Mod country all tech research speed +5% Research Speed
Energy Credits −50 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 15000
Stage II
(Research Wings)
Research +200 Research
Mod country all tech research speed +10% Research Speed
Energy Credits −75 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 15000
Stage III
Research +300 Research
Mod country all tech research speed +15% Research Speed
Energy Credits −100 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 15000
Sentry Array
Evt Sentry Array
Site None Energy Credits −20 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 5000
  • Until finished, the Sentry Array cannot see through nebulae
  • As no system will have low intel level, a completed Sentry Array will prevent space creatures from respawning
Stage I
(Sentry Hub)
Mod planet sensor range mult +20 Hyperlane Scanner Range
Mod add base country intel +10 Base intel level
Energy Credits −40 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Stage II
(Sentry Spire)
Mod planet sensor range mult +40 Hyperlane Scanner Range
Mod add base country intel +20 Base intel level
Energy Credits −60 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Stage III
(Sentry Aerials)
Mod planet sensor range mult +60 Hyperlane Scanner Range
Mod add base country intel +30 Base intel level
Energy Credits −80 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Stage IV
Mod planet sensor range mult Entire Galaxy Hyperlane Scanner Range
Mod add base country intel +40 Base intel level
Energy Credits −100 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Mega Art Installation
Evt Mega Art Installation
Site None Energy Credits −5 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 5000
  • The final stage requires the Ancient Relics Ancient Relics DLC
  • A ruined Mega Art Installation is repaired to stage 3, and can be upgraded to stage 4 as with the constructed version
Stage I
Unity +100 Unity
Amenities +5% Amenities
Energy Credits −10 10 years Unity 2500
Alloys 15000
Stage II
Unity +200 Unity
Amenities +10% Amenities
Energy Credits −20 10 years Unity 2500
Alloys 15000
Stage III
Unity +300 Unity
Amenities +15% Amenities
Energy Credits −30 10 years Unity 2500
Alloys 15000
Stage IV
Unity +400 Unity
Amenities +20% Amenities
Energy Credits −30 10 years Unity 2500
Minor artifacts 2000
Strategic Coordination Center
Evt Strategic Coordination Center
Site None Energy Credits −5 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 5000
Stage I
Mod navy size add +50 Naval capacity
Mod country starbase capacity add +2 Starbase capacity
Defense platform cap +4 Defense Platforms
Mod ship speed mult +5% Sublight speed
Energy Credits −25 10 years Unity 2500
Alloys 15000
Stage II
Mod navy size add +100 Naval capacity
Mod country starbase capacity add +4 Starbase capacity
Defense platform cap +8 Defense Platforms
Mod ship speed mult +10% Sublight speed
Energy Credits −50 10 years Unity 2500
Alloys 15000
Stage III
Mod navy size add +150 Naval capacity
Mod country starbase capacity add +6 Starbase capacity
Defense platform cap +12 Defense Platforms
Mod ship speed mult +15% Sublight speed
Energy Credits −75 10 years Unity 2500
Alloys 15000
Interstellar Assembly
Evt Interstellar Assembly
Site None Energy Credits −5 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 5000
Stage I
Mod diplo weight mult +10% Diplomatic weight
Diplomacy opinion +15 Opinion from all empires
Energy Credits −10 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Stage II
(Consul Ring)
Mod diplo weight mult +20% Diplomatic weight
Diplomacy opinion +30 Opinion from all empires
Available envoys +1 Available envoys
Energy Credits −20 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Stage III
(Forum Modules)
Mod diplo weight mult +30% Diplomatic weight
Diplomacy opinion +75 Opinion from all empires
Available envoys +1 Available envoys
Energy Credits −30 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Stage IV
Mod diplo weight mult +40% Diplomatic weight
Diplomacy opinion +150 Opinion from all empires
Available envoys +2 Available envoys
Energy Credits −40 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Mega Shipyard
Evt Megashipyard
Site None Energy Credits −5 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 3000
  • All ships start with 100 experience
  • Can only be built around stars, in one-star systems
Stage I
Sb shipyard +5 Shipyard Capacity
Mod ship build speed mult +33% Empire Ship Build Speed
Energy Credits −10 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Stage II
Sb shipyard +10 Shipyard Capacity
Mod ship build speed mult +66% Empire Ship Build Speed
Energy Credits −20 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Stage III
Sb shipyard +20 Shipyard Capacity
Mod ship build speed mult +100% Empire Ship Build Speed
Sb colossus assembly yard Titan and colossal ship construction
Energy Credits −40 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 10000
Quantum Catapult
Evt quantum catapult
Site None Energy Credits −25 5 years Influence 300
Alloys 2000
  • Can only be constructed around pulsars and neutron stars (including in binary or trinary systems)
  • The accuracy of the catapult decreases with distance and is increased by upgrading the megastructure
  • Catapulted fleets gain +33% Mod ship fire rate mult Fire Rate for 120 days (+50% with Origins slingshot to the stars Slingshot to the Stars origin)
  • Quantum Catapult Quantum Catapult technology is required to use it, merely controlling it is not enough
  • Hyper Relays Hyper Relays technology is required for the MIA time reduction to apply
  • If Astral Planes Astral Planes is installed the effects of the catapult can be upgraded by the Astral action insight quantum catapult Astral Calibration astral action
Stage I
(4 lenses)
Fleet action button quantum catapult Can catapult fleets in the system
Mod ship disengagement −10% Missing in Action time
Energy Credits −50 5 years Alloys 3000
Stage II
(8 lenses)
Fleet action button quantum catapult Can catapult fleets in the system
Time −25% Catapult windup time
Mod ship disengagement −20% Missing in Action time
Tracking +30% Catapult Accuracy
Unknown +50% Catapult Range
Energy Credits −60 5 years Alloys 3000
Stage III
Fleet action button quantum catapult Can catapult fleets in the system
Time −50% Catapult windup time
Mod ship disengagement −30% Missing in Action time
Tracking +50% Catapult Accuracy
Unknown +150% Catapult Range
Energy Credits −75 5 years Alloys 10000
Origins slingshot to the stars Stage I
Fleet action button quantum catapult Can catapult fleets in the system
Time −30% Catapult windup time
Mod ship disengagement −20% Missing in Action time
Tracking +30% Catapult Accuracy
Unknown +50% Catapult Range
Energy Credits −30 10 years Alloys 2500
  • Must be restored from the ruined catapult spawned by the Origins slingshot to the stars Slingshot to the Stars origin
  • Any Origins slingshot to the stars Slingshot to the Stars empire can restore the special catapult without Tech mega engineering Mega-Engineering, but requires that technology to improve the catapult; restoring the catapult also unlocks the Quantum Catapult Quantum Catapult technology.
  • Other empires can restore the special catapult with Tech mega engineering Mega-Engineering
Origins slingshot to the stars Stage II
Fleet action button quantum catapult Can catapult fleets in the system
Time −50% Catapult windup time
Mod ship disengagement −30% Missing in Action time
Tracking +50% Catapult Accuracy
Unknown +150% Catapult Range
Energy Credits −50 10 years Alloys 10000
Dyson Swarm
Stage I
Star Output +500% Alloys −5 3 years Unity 1000
Alloys 500
  • Can only be constructed around unitary stars (not black holes, neutron stars or pulsars)
  • Empire limit 3
The Machine Age
Stage II
Star Output +1500% Alloys −10 3 years Unity 2500
Alloys 1000
Stage III
Star Output +3000% Alloys −20
Arc Furnace
Stage I
(Equatorial Band)
System Mining Station Output +25%
Minerals +1 Minerals
Energy Credits −20 1 year Unity 500
Alloys 500
  • Can only be constructed around a molten world
  • Adds minerals to all planets, moons and asteroids in system that do not already provide research output
  • Empire limit 3
The Machine Age
Stage II
(Borehole Pumps)
System Mining Station Output +50%
Minerals +2 Minerals
Energy Credits −40 3 years Unity 1000
Alloys 1000
Stage III
(Mohole Extractors)
System Mining Station Output +75%
Minerals +3 Minerals
Alloys +1 Alloys
Energy Credits −80 3 years Unity 2000
Alloys 1500
Stage IV
System Mining Station Output +100%
Minerals +3 Minerals
Alloys +2 Alloys
3 years Unity 4000
Alloys 2000

Galactic Wonders[]

Galactic wonders are very powerful megastructures that require the Galactic Wonders Galactic Wonders ascension perk to gain the technology to construct them.

Megastructure Stage Production Upkeep Time Time Cost Notes DLC
Ring World
Evt Ringworld
Site None Energy Credits −5 5 years Influence 300
Alloys 5000
  • Cannot be built around a black hole, or in systems with multiple stars or without planets or asteroids
  • Cannot be built if there are habitable planets, including habitats, present
  • All habitable segments feature Mod habitability 100% habitability for all species, can build up to 10 unique districts, and have their own unique designations
  • Upon completion of the frame, all planets are removed from the system
  • Multiple segments can be built at the same time if the empire has the capacity to work on more than one megastructure simultaneously
  • Habitable segments require colonization
Stage I (Frame) None None 13.3 years Alloys 10000
Stage II (1 Segment) Planet ringworld +1 Habitable Segment None 10 years Alloys 10000
Stage III (2 Segments) Planet ringworld +2 Habitable Segments None 10 years Alloys 10000
Stage IV (3 Segments) Planet ringworld +3 Habitable Segments None 10 years Alloys 10000
Stage V (Completed) Planet ringworld +4 Habitable Segments None 10 years Alloys 10000
Dyson Sphere
Evt Dyson Sphere
Site None Energy Credits −5 5 years Unity 1000
Alloys 5000
  • Can only be constructed around regular single stars
  • Cannot be built if there are habitable planets or anomalies present
  • Upon completion, all rocky planets and moons in the system turn into frozen or cold barren worlds
  • If the star has a mining station, it is removed when the megastructure is completed
  • If any planet has the Planet from spacePm frame 1 Terraforming Candidate modifier, it is removed
  • The final stage can only be unlocked as part of the The Kaleidoscope situation
  • A ruined Dyson Sphere is repaired to stage 5, and can be upgraded to stage 6 as with the constructed version
Stage I (Frame) None None 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 10000
Stage II (Partial 25%) Energy Credits +1000 Energy None 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 10000
Stage III (Partial 50%) Energy Credits +2000 Energy None 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 10000
Stage IV (Partial 75%) Energy Credits +3000 Energy None 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 10000
Stage V (Completed) Energy Credits +4000 Energy None 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 10000
Stage VI (Wonder Sphere) Unity +600 Unity
Amenities +30% Amenities
Energy Credits −30 1 year Unity 3000
Rare crystals 2500
Matter Decompressor
Evt Matter Decompressor
Site None Energy Credits −5 5 years Unity 2500
Alloys 5000
  • Can only be constructed around black holes
  • Cannot be built if there are habitable planets or anomalies present
  • If the black hole has a research station, it is removed when the megastructure is completed
Stage I (Anchor) Minerals +500 Minerals Energy Credits −25 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 12500
Stage II (Lensing) Minerals +1000 Minerals Energy Credits −50 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 12500
Stage III (Boring) Minerals +1500 Minerals Energy Credits −75 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 12500
Stage IV (Completed) Minerals +2000 Minerals Energy Credits −100 10 years Unity 5000
Alloys 12500

Conquerable Ringworlds[]

Up to 8 ringworlds can spawn naturally in a game in various states. Damaged segments can be repaired with the Tech mega engineering Mega-Engineering technology for the same cost as finishing a new segment.

  • 1 in the Sanctuary system. All 4 habitable sections are intact and each contains one pre-FTL civilization, none advanced beyond Steam Age. The system was abandoned by an Enigmatic Observer Fallen Empire but contains automated defense platforms totaling over 50k fleet power.
  • 1 in the Cybrex Alpha system. It requires completing the Cybrex precursor event chain. The ringworld is completely ruined and requires repairs on each section.
  • 1 in the Cybrex Beta system. It is only revealed if the Contingency sterilizes 20% of the galaxy. A short time after the Contingency is defeated, the Cybrex leave the galaxy, leaving the ringworld free for the taking.
  • 1 in a random empty system if the Utopia Utopia DLC is enabled. It is completely ruined and each section requires repairing. If the Distant Stars Distant Stars DLC is enabled as well, the system has a 50% chance to contain a unique anomaly.
  • 3 in the systems of the Ancient Caretakers if the Synthetic Dawn Synthetic Dawn DLC is enabled. The ringworld in the home system has 3 intact and one ruined section, while the other two ringworlds are completely ruined and require each section to be repaired separately. If the Contingency appears and the Ancient Caretakers awaken to defend the galaxy, they also disappear like the Cybrex once the Contingency is defeated, leaving their systems free for the taking.
  • Each empire with the Origins shattered ring Shattered Ring origin starts in a ringworld system with 1-3 segments depending on the Guaranteed Habitable Worlds game rule. By default, only one empire with the origin can be generated, but force-spawning ignores that limit.

Ruined megastructures[]

Ruined dyson sphere

Ruined Dyson Sphere

Ruined versions of a multi-stage megastructure can be found while exploring the galaxy, with larger galaxies having a chance to spawn more ruined megastructures. Repairing them only requires the Tech mega engineering Mega-Engineering technology. If not yet researched, owning a system with a ruined megastructure also grants a ×20 weight for Mega-Engineering to appear.

While they upgrade from their broken to a fully functional state in one step, they do not count for any achievements. However, they do not count against any build limit for that particular megastructure either.

Ruined Megastructure Time Time Alloys Alloys System notes
Dyson sphere ruined Dyson Sphere 7200 20000
Think tank ruined Science Nexus 4800 15000
Spy orb ruined Sentry Array 4800 15000 Contains a Tomb World
Interstellar assembly ruined Interstellar Assembly 3600 15000 Contains deposits on most celestial bodies
Matter decompressor ruined Matter Decompressor 4800 20000
Mega art installation ruined Mega Art Installation 4800 20000 Is always a trinary system
Strategic coordination center ruined Strategic Coordination Center 4800 15000
Mega shipyard ruined Mega Shipyard 3600 10000
Quantum catapult ruined Quantum Catapult 3600 10000 Is always a pulsar system
Quantum catapult ruined Quantum Catapult (Slingshot to the Stars) 3600 2500 Is always a pulsar system next to the origin homeworld

Empires with the Origins slingshot to the stars Slingshot to the Stars origin can repair the special Quantum Catapult without the Tech mega engineering Mega-Engineering technology.

Aetherophasic Engine[]

The Aetherophasic Engine is a megastructure that appears in the capital system of every empire that reaches the final crisis level. Each stage of the megastructure requires gargantuan amounts of Dark Matter dark matter as well as 10 years to upgrade. If the system is conquered by another empire, the megastructure is ruined and can be repaired if the original empire reclaims it. Empires that reached the final crisis level and lost their Aetherophasic Engine but conquer another one have the option to take control of the new megastructure.

Visually, it resembles the Dyson Sphere generating unique system-wide visual effects the more it is upgraded.

Stage Produces Diplomacy opinion Opinion Dark Matter Dark matter required Reward for destroyer Effects
I 0 0 None
II 0 20000 Entering the Shroud displays a new set of messages
III −1000 30000
  • Within 1-2 years, 5% of the owned systems will be invaded by shroud avatars
IV −1000 40000
  • Within 1-2 years, 10% of owned systems are invaded by shroud avatars
  • Up to 6 pops with the Trait psionic species psionic trait die
  • Up to 2 leaders with the Leader trait psionic leader psychic trait die
V 50000
  • Game victory
  • The galaxy is destroyed


  1. Setting abandoned gateways to 0 blocks the use of gateway technology as an empire must discover at least one gateway to unlock the research. The Galactic Doorstep origin still spawns a pair of abandoned gateways if the setting is otherwise 0. Awakened Empires always build Gateways regardless of settings.
Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs