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UI leaders

Employed leaders


Stellaris COMPLETE Leader Trait Tier List

A leader is a named character that leads a significant part of the Empire, as a Commander, Official or Scientist. Leaders can also be appointed to the council in addition to and concurrent with their regular assignments. Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires use nodes rather than council leaders. The name of a leader can be changed at any time by clicking on it.

Each leader has an ethic, determined by the overall ethics of its species' pops. It can affect pop ethics the following ways:

  • If the leader is assigned to the council the empire will gain +10% attraction towards the leader's ethic.
  • If the leader is governing a sector every planet in it that doesn't have a planet governor will gain +25% attraction towards the leader's ethic.
  • If the leader is governing a planet it will gain +50% attraction towards the leader's ethic.

Leaders tend to get traits related to their current assignment.

Leaders have a Maximum Negative Traits number of 4 at base.

Leader classes[]

Leaders are divided into 3 classes that determine their background, possible assignments, council positions, bonuses, experience sources and available traits.

If the Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is enabled, each class can be further specialized into one of four veteran classes. Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires cannot use council-focused veteran classes as they use nodes instead.

Class Bonus per level Experience gain Galactic Paragons Veteran class Galactic Paragons Veteran class effect Description
  • If assigned as Sector Governor:
    • Job soldier +0.5 Soldier Jobs
    • Empire sprawl −1% Empire Size from Pops
    • Pop cat slave +1% Slave Pop Resource Output
    • Pop cat worker +1% Worker Pop Resource Output
    • Pop cat specialist −1% Specialist Pop Resource Output
    • Pop cat ruler −1% Ruler Pop Resource Output
  • If assigned as Planet Governor:
    • Job criminal −1 Crime
    • Job soldier +1 Soldier Jobs
    • Empire sprawl −2% Empire Size from Pops
    • Pop cat slave +2% Slave Pop Resource Output
    • Pop cat worker +2% Worker Pop Resource Output
    • Pop cat specialist −2% Specialist Pop Resource Output
    • Pop cat ruler −2% Ruler Pop Resource Output
  • If governing home planet:
    • Stability +0.5 Stability
  • If assigned as Army Commander:
    • Mod army damage mult +5% Army Damage
  • If assigned as Fleet Commander:
    • Mod ship fire rate mult +3% Ship Fire Rate
    • Mod ship disengagement +0.2 Disengagement Opportunities
  • 5 per month when being on Council
  • 5 per month when governing a planet or sector
  • 5 per space battle
  • 0.25 per ship destroyed on either side
  • 0.13.5 per ship disengaged on either side
  • 100 per ground battle
  • 25 per army destroyed on either side
  • 0.05 per day when suppressing piracy
Subclass tactician large Admiral
  • If assigned as Fleet Commander:
    • Mod ship weapon damage +5% Ship Weapons Damage
    • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Ship Fire Rate
    • Mod ship disengagement +5% Combat Disengagement Chance
The stoic presence of a decisive Commander steels the nerves of our troops and bolsters our fleets.
Subclass protector large Commissioner
  • If assigned as Sector Governor:
    • Stability +0.5 Stability from Soldier Jobs
  • If assigned as Planet Governor:
    • Stability +1 Stability from Soldier Jobs
Subclass invader large General
  • If assigned as Fleet Commander:
    • Mod ship weapon damage +5% Damage vs Starbases
    • Orbital bombardment damage +5% Orbital Bombardment Damage
  • If assigned as Army Commander:
    • Mod army damage mult +5% Army Damage
Subclass council large Strategist
  • If assigned as Councilor:
    • Mod ship build speed mult +10% Military Ships Build Speed if Councilor
  • If assigned as Sector Governor:
    • Empire sprawl −1% Empire Size from Pops
    • Mod pop resource output +1% Resources from Jobs
  • If assigned as Planet Governor:
    • Empire sprawl −2% Empire Size from Pops
    • Mod pop resource output +2% Resources from Jobs
  • If governing home planet:
    • Amenities +2 Amenities
  • If assigned as Galactic Community Delegate:
    • Diplomatic weight +10% Diplomatic Weight
  • If assigned as Federation Delegate:
    • Federation cohesion +1 Monthly Cohesion
  • 5 per month when being on Council
  • 5 per month when governing a planet or sector
Subclass pioneer large Delegate
  • If assigned as Galactic Community Delegate:
    • Diplomatic weight +5% Diplomatic Weight
  • If assigned as Federation Delegate:
    • Federation cohesion +0.5 Monthly Cohesion if Federation Delegate
The charismatic speeches of a persuasive Official will strengthen our diplomatic links.
Subclass economist large Industrialist
  • If assigned as Sector Governor:
    • Pop cat specialist +2.5% Specialist Pop Resource Output
    • Amenities −5% Pop Amenities Usage
  • If assigned as Planet Governor:
    • Pop cat specialist +5% Specialist Pop Resource Output
    • Amenities −10% Pop Amenities Usage
Subclass official economy councilor large Advisor
  • If assigned as Councilor:
    • Upkeep −5% Pop Upkeep
    • Trade value +5% Trade Value
Subclass official diplomacy councilor large Ambassador
  • If assigned as Councilor:
    • Trust growth +5% Trust Growth
  • If assigned as Sector Governor:
    • Empire sprawl −1% Empire Size from Pops
    • Research +1% Research from Jobs
  • If assigned as Planet Governor:
    • Empire sprawl −2% Empire Size from Pops
    • Research +2% Research from Jobs
  • If governing home planet:
    • Upkeep −1% Upkeep from Jobs
  • If assigned as Science Ship Captain:
    • Mod ship science survey speed +10% Survey Speed
    • Icon archaeology +1 Archaeology Skill
    • Astral Planes +1 Astral Rift Skill
  • 5 per month when being on Council
  • 5 per month when governing a planet or sector
  • 0.1 per day when assisting research
  • 0.1 per day when assisting cloaking detection
  • 0.1 per day when doing active reconnaissance
  • 10 per celestial object surveyed
  • 50 per researched anomaly
  • 75 per archaeology site chapter
  • 100 per completed special project
Subclass analyst large Analyst
  • If assigned as Sector Governor:
    • Research +5% Research from Jobs
  • If assigned as Planet Governor:
    • Research +10% Research from Jobs
The mysteries and paradoxes of the universe beckons the inquiring mind of a brilliant Scientist.
Subclass explorer large Explorer
  • If assigned as Science Ship Captain:
    • Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Sensor Range
    • Mod ship science survey speed +10% Survey Speed
    • Anomaly discovery chance +10% Anomaly Discovery Chance
Subclass scientist scholar large Scholar
  • If assigned as Science Ship Captain:
    • Anomaly research speed +10% Anomaly Research Speed
    • Anomaly research speed +10% Archaeology Excavation Speed
    • Astral Planes +10% Astral Rift Exploration Speed
Subclass council large Statistician
  • If assigned as Councilor:
    • Mod country all tech research speed +5% Research Speed

Leader pool[]

New leaders are generally gained by recruiting them from the leader pool, which is replenished every 5 years. The leader pool starts with 3 leaders from each class, and the amount can be increased by various factors such as civics, traditions or ascension perks. A leader can be recruited from the pool at the following cost of Unity Unity:

Leader skill levels Level I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
Recruitment Cost 100 170 350 625 1000 1475 2050 2725 3500 4500

Leaders cost a monthly upkeep of 2 Unity Unity per level. Leader upkeep is modified by the following:

Source Leader upkeep
Civic feudal realm Feudal Society civic (leader assigned) None
Leader trait eager Eager leader trait −50%
Leader trait eager Newboot leader trait −50%
Tradition aptitude psychological profiling Psychological Profiling tradition −25%
Civic machine delegated functions Delegated Functions civic −25%
Civic dystopian society Oppressive Autocracy civic −20%
Civic task delegation corporate Precision Cogs civic −20%
Kinship Kinship tradition −20%
Synchronized Agents Synchronized Agents tradition −20%
Tech collective self The Collective Self technology −10%
Tech collective self Embodied Dynamism technology −10%
Minor artifacts Minor Artifacts Peaceful Application −10%
Resolution galactic commerce Galactic Commerce resolution 5 +50%

Leaders can only be of species with Species right citizenship Full Citizenship rights. The chance of getting a leader of a particular species is equal to the proportion of that species in the empire's eligible population.

Once recruited, leaders can be freely and instantly assigned to different posts with no cooldown (for example, moving a governor from one planet to another sector).

Leaders may be dismissed at any time, unless they are the empire ruler. Dismissal is irreversible.

Leader capacity[]

Each empire can support a limited number of leaders from each class, starting at 3 per class for most empires. Legendary Paragons and leaders with the Leader trait eager Eager trait at levels 1-3 are not counted towards the capacity.

Exceeding the leader capacity increases the upkeep of all leaders of that class by 10% and reduces their experience gain by 8%.


Each leader has an age in years and has a base guaranteed Mod leader age lifespan of 80 years, which can be improved by certain species traits, leader traits, and technologies. Leaders appear in the leader pool with ages between 28 - 50 years (27 - 38 years for Trait lithoid Lithoids; 5 - 20 years if Clone Army Clone Army origin for biological pop leaders). Hovering over a leader's age will show the leader's guaranteed lifespan and current chance to die each month. After passing their guaranteed lifespan, leaders have a chance of dying every month. The probability is 0.2% per year that has passed since their guaranteed lifespan. After 20 years past their guaranteed lifespan, this increases to 2% per month.

While Mechanical Mechanical and Machine species Machine leaders are immortal, they can still die by accident, regardless of their age. Every 10 years, there is a 5% chance that a random Mechanical Mechanical and Machine species Machine leader will die. Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empires can adopt the Self-Preservation Self-Preservation Protocols tradition to reduce the chance of accidents to 2.5%.

Leaders can also be killed the following ways:

  • Admiral Commanders have a 10% chance to die when a ship of the largest size in the fleet is destroyed and a 2% divided by number of units chance to die each time they lose an army[1]
  • Governor Officials can be killed by events if a planet in their sector has the Pm crimePm frame 3 Mob Rule planet modifier
  • Scientist Scientists can be killed by bad outcomes of Archaeology map icon Archaeology Sites (~2.9% % chance, depends on the site)

The following modifiers affect Leader Lifespan:

Source Leader lifespan (empire)
R eternal throne Ethernal Throne relic owner Immortal
Trait psionic species Chosen of the Composer ruler trait +50
Menu icon edicts Zro Additives edict +30
Healthcare Program Healthcare Program tradition +20
Tradition harmony mind and body Cloned Organs tradition +20
R pox sample Javorian Pox Sample relic owner +20
Policies Capacity Boosters Leader Enhancement policy +20
Leader trait composer chosen Composer of Strands covenant (50 favor) +20
Civic private healthcare corporate Pharma State civic +10
Mind and Body Mind and Body tradition +10
Unknown Ageless empire modifier +10
Policies Selected Lineages Leader Enhancement policy +10
Tech vitality boosters Vitality Boosters technology +10
Unknown Inoculated Population empire modifier +10
Leader trait composer chosen Composer of Strands covenant +10
Source Leader lifespan (species)
Venerable Venerable trait +80
Trait necrophage Necrophage trait +80
Trait lithoid Lithoid trait +50
Trait exotic metabolism Exotic Metabolism trait +50
Robust Robust trait +50
Trait cybernetic Cybernetic trait +40
Trait presapient irradiated Irradiated trait +30
Trait perfected genes Perfected Genes trait +25
Enduring Enduring trait +20
Trait survivor Survivor trait +10
Limited Regeneration Limited Regeneration trait +10
Trait notofthisworld Not of this World trait −10
Trait artificial intelligence Augmented Intelligence trait −10
Trait crafted smiles Crafted Smiles trait −10
Trait crack miner Dedicated Miner trait −10
Trait expressed tradition Expressed Tradition trait −10
Trait farm hands Farm Appendages trait −10
Trait gene mentorship Gene Mentorship trait −10
Trait juiced power Juiced Power trait −10
Trait low maintenance Low Maintenance trait −10
Trait spliced adaptability Spliced Adaptability trait −10
Trait technical skill Technical Talent trait −10
Trait elevated synapses Elevated Synapses trait −30
Trait preplanned growth Pre-Planned Growth trait −30
Trait excessive endurance Excessive Endurance trait −30
Trait clone soldier Clone Soldier trait −40


When the empire ruler or a leader that has been present for at least 2 years and reached at least level 4 dies, there is a chance to have a funeral which gives the empire a modifier for 5 years. The chance increases with the leader's accomplishments and is guaranteed for the empire ruler. Empires have the following funeral options:

Funeral Modifier Energy Credits Cost Requirements
A private procession will suffice.
  • Unity +5% Monthly Unity
  • Happiness −2.5% Happiness
0 NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
Let the masses mourn.
  • Unity +10% Monthly Unity
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
400-8000 NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
They deserve nothing of the sort.
  • Unity +15% Faction Unity Gain
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
Their story does not have to end here...
  • Mod country terraforming speed +15% Terraforming Speed
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Pop Growth Speed
A small commemoration will suffice.
  • Unity +15% Monthly Unity
  • Mod planet stability add +5 Stability
0 EgalitarianFanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian
Chant for their soul.
  • Unity +15% Monthly Unity
  • Consumer goods −15% Consumer Goods Upkeep
0 SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist
Donate the body to science.
  • Researcher +5% Researcher Output
  • Physics Research +15% Monthly Physics Research
0 MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist
Erect an appropriate memorial.
  • Unity +5% Monthly Unity
  • Pop cat worker +5% Worker Pop Resource Output
200-4000 AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian
Keep it traditional.
  • Unity +15% Monthly Unity
  • Mod planet stability add +5 Stability
100-2000 XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
Launch the deceased into space.
  • Society research +10% Monthly Society Research
  • Mod ship science survey speed +20% Survey Speed
100-2000 XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile
Plan a grand parade. Now.
  • Unity +5% Monthly Unity
  • Mod ship build speed mult +15% Military Ship Build Speed
200-4000 MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist
Set up a foundation in their name.
  • Society research +10% Monthly Society Research
  • Pacifist +10% Pacifist Ethics Attraction
200-4000 PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist
Name a landmark in their honor.
  • Pop resource energy mult +5% Energy Credits from Jobs
  • Trade value +15% Trade Value
200-4000 Auth corporate Corporate
We will endure.
  • Mod country leader pool size +1 Leader Pool Size
  • Mod leader species exp gain +25% Leader Experience Gain
0 Auth hive mind Hive Mind
Death is no longer an obstacle.
  • Intel encryption +1 Encryption
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Ship Fire Rate
What do we do now?! Happiness −15% Citizen Pop Happiness 0 Leader trait legendary leader Luminary leader


  1. Thus with 50 units, it is 2%/50 chance that the general dies, dev comment
Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs