Stellaris Wiki


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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.


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Land warfare

Wars are not decided only in space. In order to capture enemy worlds, entire armies are needed, along with the preparation and battlefield awareness to properly use them. However, worlds may only be invaded if the system's starbase has been occupied.

Orbital bombardment[]

Orbital bombardment occurs when a fleet is in orbit around a hostile world and causes damage to any armies but also kills pops and causes Devastation devastation. Effectiveness is based on the fleet size of the fleet in orbit, although it suffers diminishing returns after 100, and planet size, with every 10 planet size halving damaged from bombardment. The more pops and buildings a world has, the more damage it receives from orbital bombardment. Assault armies take double damage from orbital bombardment.

If orbital bombardment destroys the last army, the world has a chance to surrender if the attacking empire has the Allowed Orbital Surrender Acceptance policy. Worlds from Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires will never surrender.

Stance Planet damage Army damage Pop kill chance Other effects Requirements
Bombardment light Selective 50% 100% 25%
  • Does not kill the last 21 pops
  • Does not bomb planets with no armies on it
Bombardment limited Indiscriminate 100% 150% 50%
  • Does not kill the last 11 pops
NoPacifistFanatic Pacifist Not Pacifist
Bombardment armageddon Armageddon 150% 200% 100%
  • If the last pop is killed, the planet becomes a Planet nuked Tomb World
Any of:
Bombardment full Javorian Pox 20% 150% 150%
  • R pox sample Javorian Pox Sample relic activation
  • NoPacifistFanatic Pacifist Not Pacifist
Raiding bombardment Raiding 100% 50% 100%
  • Abducts pops instead of killing them
  • Species with Displacement, Neutering or Extermination species rights will still be killed
  • Does not cause Terror Bombing opinion if successfully abducted
  • Does not kill or abduct the last Pop
Seed bombing Seed Bombing 100% 50% 0%
  • After 10% Devastation devastation, can spawn Explosive Growth blockers
Origins gardeners Fruitful Partnership

Orbital bombardment damage dealt to enemy planets can be increased by the following:

Source Mod planet orbital bombardment damage Damage
Overwhelming Force Overwhelming Force tradition +20%
Ship part orbital trash dispersal Orbital Trash Disperser component +25%
Ship part aura bombardment Munitions Plant juggernaut aura +30%
Peril Crisis level 3 +20%

Orbital bombardment damage taken from enemy fleets can be reduced by the following:

Source Mod planet orbital bombardment damage Damage
Origins subterranean Subterranean origin −75%
Planetary Shield Generator Planetary Shield Generator building −50%
Survival Fittest Survival of the Fittest tradition −25%
Never Surrender Never Surrender tradition −25%
Colony type picker Fortress World designation −10%
Colony type picker Fortress Station designation −10%


Evt ground combat

Although secondary to space battles, ground warfare is a vital aspect of many wars.

Ground combat takes place between the world owner's armies and the invader's armies. It takes 10 days for armies in orbit to land on a world. The number of armies that can be engaged in combat on either side is five plus one-fifth of the Planet Size planet size. Excess armies are initially placed in a reserve area behind the frontline and replace any disengaged or destroyed armies as combat progresses.

Each day, each army engaged in combat deals its health and morale damage to a randomly selected enemy army; armies with less than 50% health are twice as likely to be selected. Armies below 50% health may also disengage from battle; this moves them from the frontline area to the reserve area. Disengaged armies cannot return to the frontline but can still be attacked by enemy armies and destroyed. Disengaged armies are half as likely to be selected as the target of an enemy army.

Unless an army is immune to morale damage, when its morale drops below certain thresholds, the army will be negatively affected with the following modifiers:

Morale perc. Penalty
< 50% Mod army damage mult −25% Army damage
0% Mod army damage mult −75% Army damage

After 30 days, the attacker can choose to retreat at any time. However, there is a chance that each retreating army is destroyed while attempting to return to space, with the chance increasing as the army is more damaged. This makes retreating a risky endeavor and something to do only in very poorly chosen engagements.

As long as the ground combat is ongoing, it is possible for either side to land reinforcements, though typically this will only be feasible for the attacker. The ground combat ends when the attacker retreats or all armies of either side are destroyed.

Army rank[]

Rank XP Effects
Regular 0 – 100 None
Experienced 100 – 1000
Veteran 1000 – 10000
Elite ≥ 10 000

As armies fight battles, they will increase in rank, improving their stats based on their experience points. Armies get +2 experience points each time they deal damage and +1 when they take damage. Army starting experience can be increased by +100 by each of the following:

Army stat modifiers[]

In addition to army rank, several technologies, civics, species and leader traits, and other sources affect army damage, health, and other stats. Additionally, Admiral Commanders provide Mod army damage mult +5% army damage per level and plus other bonuses from traits. Modifiers from species traits affect armies recruited from that species, while Admiral Commander and Governor Official traits affect armies led by that general or on world's in that governor's sector.

Source Army damage (empire)
Unknown Killer Microorganism empire modifier +50%
Unknown Eater of Worlds covenant (50 favor) +50%
Civic devouring swarm Devouring Swarm civic +40%
Civic devouring swarm Terravore civic +40%
Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers civic +33%
Unknown Eater of Worlds covenant +25%
Civic warrior culture Warrior Culture civic +20%
Civic strength of legions Strength of Legions civic +20%
Civic machine warbots Warbots civic +20%
Civic private military companies Private Military Companies civic +20%
Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree +20%
Menu icon edicts War Drone Campaign edict +15%
Leader trait fist Warlike ruler trait +10%
Policies Knight Commanders Knightly Duties policy +10%
Tech powered exoskeletons Powered Exoskeletons technology +5%
Minor artifacts Minor Artifacts Military Application +5%
Source Army damage (general's fleet)
Leader trait eater chosen Chosen of the Eater general trait +30%
Leader trait psionic chosen one Chosen One general trait +20%
Leader trait whisperers chosen Chosen of the Whisperers general trait +20%
Leader trait bg basicLeader trait butcherButcher Butcher general trait +10%
Leader trait glory seeker Mercenary Warrior general trait +10%
Leader trait cyborg Cyborg general trait +10%
Trait psionic species Chosen of the Composer general trait +10%
Leader trait glory seeker Glory Seeker general trait +5%
Trait robotic 3 Synthetic general trait +5%
Erudite Erudite general trait +5%
Leader trait armchair commander Armchair Commander general trait −10%
Leader trait erratic morality core Erratic Morality Core general trait −10%
Source Army damage (species)
Trait clone soldier ascendant Clone Soldier Ascendant trait +75%
Trait noxious Noxious trait +50%
Trait clone soldier Clone Soldier trait +50%
Very Strong Very Strong trait +40%
Trait juiced power Juiced Power trait +40%
Strong Strong trait +20%
Trait clone soldier descendant Clone Soldier Descendant trait +20%
Slavery Battle Thralls slavery +20%
Trait presapient proles Proles trait +10%
Trait cybernetic Cybernetic trait +10%
Limited Regeneration Limited Regeneration trait +10%
Weak Weak trait −20%

Defense armies[]

Defense armies are automatically recruited by certain jobs, based on the species working that job, and can be organic or robotic. Defense armies cannot be moved from the colony they are recruited on and are used only to defend against enemy armies. While they are stronger one-for-one than assault armies, their loss does not cause Mod country war exhaustion War Exhaustion and they do not cause Mod army collateral damage mult Collateral Damage, their limited recruitment means that significant investment is necessary to fend off a concentrated attack.

The type of army recruited depends on the pop working the building that spawns them. Defense armies do not incur any upkeep beyond that of the building and pop which creates the army.

Type Mod army damage mult Base Damage Morale Damage Mod army health Health Mod army morale Morale Requirements Description
Army defense Defense Army 2.25 - 4.50 2.25 - 4.50 250 250 Biological pops Defense armies are powerful, but cannot be transported from the planet.
Army defense m Robotic Defense Army 1.50 - 3.00 1.50 - 3.00 250 Immune Mechanical Mechanical pops Cold and heartless killing-machines designed only for war. They pursue their objectives relentlessly, and are impervious to the shattering effects of poor morale that so often plague organic combat units.
Army defense m Drone Grid 1.65 - 3.30 1.65 - 3.30 220 Immune Machine species Machine pops These autonomous sentinel drones will incessantly patrol their assigned sectors. Though lightly armed and not very intelligent, they are legion.
Army undead Undead Defense Army 2.25 - 4.50 3.93 - 7.87 350 Immune Replaces Army defense Defense Armies if at least one Job necromancer Necromancer is present Undead soldiers lifted from the grave by necromancers, brought back to life to protect our planets from all that might threaten them!
Army xenomorph Offspring-Led Army 2.62 - 5.25 3.41 - 6.82 400 Immune Replaces Army defense Defense Armies if at least one Job spawning drone Offspring Drone is present Under the direct supervision of the local Offspring, the armies are both deadlier and more challenging to kill than anything a regular hive-mind could produce.
Army defense Fanatic Guardians 4.50 - 9.00 4.50 - 9.00 500 500 Replaces Army defense Defense Armies if empire has the Civic sovereign guardianshipCivic corporate sovereign guardianshipCivic hive sovereign guardianship Sovereign Guardianship civic Stoic defenders of our homeland, these unshakeable soldiers are most effective when protecting those with whom they share a close relationship.
Army defense m Matrix Unit 3.30 - 6.60 6.60 - 13.20 440 Immune Replaces Army defense m Drone Grids if empire has the Civic machine sovereign guardianship Guardian Matrix civic These highly lethal protective drones are most effective kept in close proximity to all other strategic nodes.
Army defense m Sentinels 6.00 - 12.00 30.00 - 60.00 1400 Immune Archaeology map icon The Sentinels archaeological site Living statues with a mechanical core, bodies humming and skin glowing, radiation pulsating from their cores, ready to rain destruction on their enemies!

Pre-FTL armies[]

Pre-FTL armies are only used by primitive civilizations. They are weaker than any army and even the strongest Pre-FTL army can easily be defeated by an equal number of any regular army.

Type Mod army damage mult Base Damage Morale Damage Mod army health Health Mod army morale Morale Ages
Primitive Army 0.15 - 0.30 0.15 - 0.30 100 160 Bronze Age - Steam Age
Industrial Army 0.60 - 1.20 0.60 - 1.20 100 160 Industrial Age - Machine Age
Post-Atomic Army 0.90 - 1.80 0.90 - 1.80 200 200 Atomic Age - Early Space Age

Assault armies[]

An empire can recruit assault armies from a colony based on the species living there. The species must not have Military Service Exempt Military Service rights in order to recruit an army from that species. An empire cannot recruit more assault armies from a species than the total number of pops of that species living in the empire, with the exception of Army clone Clone Armies. Armies not tied to a species, such as the Army xenomorph Xenomorph Army, are unlimited unless otherwise specified.

Unlike defense armies, assault armies are based primarily in space and each recruited army boards a transport ship. Transport ships are unarmed but automatically upgraded with the latest defense and utility components. Assault armies can also be ordered to land on any controlled world to provide additional defense against invasion.

Type Cost Time Time Energy Credits Upkeep Mod army damage mult Base Damage Morale Damage Devastation Collateral Damage Mod army health Health Mod army morale Morale Mod country war exhaustion War exhaustion Requirements Species
Army assault Assault Army Minerals 100 90 1 1.50 - 3.00 1.50 - 3.00 100% 200 200 100% Biological
Army slave Slave Army Minerals 50 60 0.5 1.50 - 3.00 1.12 - 2.25 150% 200 150 50% Slave Processing Facility Slave Processing Facility Biological (enslaved)
Army clone Clone Army Minerals 75 30 0.75 1.50 - 3.00 1.50 - 3.00 125% 200 200 50% Tech gene banks Gene Banks Biological
Army robotic Robotic Assault Army Minerals 150 90 1.5 1.50 - 3.00 1.50 - 3.00 150% 400 Immune 50% Droids Droids
Policies Robotic Workers Allowed
Army psionic Psionic Army Minerals 250 120 2.5 3.00 - 6.00 4.50 - 9.00 50% 350 500 300% Tech telepathy Telepathy Biological (psionic with Utopia)
Army xenomorph Xenomorph Army Minerals 200 100 2 3.00 - 6.00 6.00 - 12.00 500% 400 Immune 25% Tech morphogenetic field mastery Morphogenetic Field Mastery None
Army gene warrior Gene Warrior Army Minerals 300 150 3 3.00 - 6.00 3.00 - 6.00 75% 500 500 300% Tech gene seed purification Gene Seed Purification Biological
Army undead Undead Army Energy Credits 100 60 0.75 1.50 - 3.00 2.40 - 4.80 125% 200 Immune 50% Job necromancer Necromancer jobs Biological
Army assault m Hunter-Killer Army Minerals 100 90 1 1.50 - 3.00 1.50 - 3.00 200% 200 Immune 50% Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence Robot
Army assault m Battle Frame Army Minerals 200 120 2 2.25 - 4.50 3.00 - 6.00 200% 500 Immune 100% Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Tech adaptive combat algorithms Adaptive Combat Algorithms
Army assault m Mega-Warform Minerals 800 500 8 6.00 - 12.00 9.00 - 18.00 400% 1200 Immune 400% Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Tech biomechanics Biomechanics
Army assault m Cybrex Warform Alloys 250 500 8 7.50 - 15.00 15.00 - 30.00 500% 1400 Immune 400% R war forge Cybrex War Forge relic
Can only be recruited on the capital
Army flamestorm Flamestorm Troopers Astral threads 100 150 3 3.00 - 6.00 9.00 - 18.00 500% 600 600 50% Astral rift map icon Siege of Paradise astral rift Biological
Army xenomorph Warplings Astral threads 10 100 0 7.50 - 15.00 15.00 - 30.00 50% 500 Immune 50% Astral rift map icon Abandoned Complex astral rift None
Army xenomorph Titanic Beast Minerals 300 90 1 4.50 - 9.00 9.00 - 18.00 300% 1000 600 200% Titanic Lifeforms event chain
Only 3 can be recruited
Army xenomorph Azizian Army Minerals 250
Energy Credits 50
90 1 4.50 - 9.00 9.00 - 18.00 100% 1000 400 100% Ice Alien event chain
Only 3 can be recruited
Army imperial legion Imperial Legion Minerals 300 150 3 3.75 - 7.50 3.75 - 7.50 75% 600 600 300% GalacticEmpire mainButton Galactic Emperor
Resolution imperial institutions Imperial Legions resolution
Only 12 can be recruited
Army assault Mercenary Army Energy Credits 120 0 2 1.65 - 3.30 1.65 - 3.30 250% 200 100 50% Overlord Mercenary enclave deal Biological
Army assault Mechanized Mercenary Army Energy Credits 240 0 5 3.3 - 6.6 3.3 - 6.6 300% 360 200 50% Overlord Mercenary enclave deal Biological
Army psionic Psionic Avatar Event 0 0 7.50 - 15.00 15.00 - 30.00 100% 1400 Immune 500% Utopia Shroud event None
Army assault m Nanite Warform Event 0 0 15.00 - 30.00 90.00 - 180.00 500% 3600 Immune 400% Distant Stars A Quiet Stroll event None
Army undead Skeletal Giant Event 0 1.5 4.50 - 9.00 13.50 - 18.00 350% 1400 Immune 50% Civic reanimated armies Reanimators
Strange Mountain Formation anomaly


Devastation is a measure of how much damage has been caused to the colony's infrastructure. It goes from 0 to 100%, and every 1% Devastation causes a 1% decrease in Housing housing, Amenities amenities, Trade value trade value, Mod pop resource output resources from jobs, Upkeep upkeep from Jobs, Mod pop growth req growth speed and Immigration pull immigration pull. Pops will not migrate to a world that has at least 10% Devastation.

Devastation is primarily caused by orbital bombardment, and to a lesser degree assault armies. Assault armies have a Collateral Damage modifier that determines how fast they cause devastation. It is reduced by half if the assault army is garrisoned on the world.

Devastation decreases by 0.05% daily if the colony is not being invaded or bombarded.

Devastation Devastation Orbital Bombardment FTL magnet FTL inhibitors D huge tree Tree of Life
Damage Damage to armies Job purge Kills pops
0%-24.9% 50% No Functional Alive
25%-49.9% 100% Yes Functional Alive
50%-74.9% 100% Yes Disabled Destroyed
75%-100% 200% Yes Disabled Destroyed


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs