Stellaris Wiki


Outliner top
This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

Main Menu[]

ESC Close active menu

Multiplayer Menu[]

S Scan Servers
D Direct Join
N Host New Game
H Host Save Game
J Join Game
ESC Close active menu

Interface Menu[]

F1 Contacts
F2 Situation Log
F3 Market
F4 Planet and Sectors
F5 Expansion Planner
F6 Policies
F7 Edicts
F8 Traditions
F9 Ship Designer
F10 Fleet Manager
ESC Close active menu
Open main menu

Government Menu[]

Z Government
C Demographics
V Advisor
ESC Close Government menu

Map Modes Menu[]

^Ctrl + Z Empire Map Mode
^Ctrl + X Diplomatic Map Mode
^Ctrl + C Opinion Map Mode
^Ctrl + V AI Attitude Map Mode
^Ctrl + B Neighbor Map mode

Situation Log Menu - F2[]

Z Situation Log
X Anomalies
C Victory
ESC Close Situation Log menu

Market Menu - F3[]

Z Market
X Slave Market
ESC Close Market menu

Technology Menu[]

Z Physics
X Society
C Engineering
V Researched Technologies
ESC Close Technology menu

Planet Menu[]

Z Planet Summary
X Population
C Armies
V Corporate
N Decisions
I Resettle
K Show Planetary Features
T Terraform
B Build Selected District
P Replace Selected Building/District
Delete Downgrade/Demolish Selected Building/District
G Assign/Change Governor/General
J Restore Jobs
G Forced Growth Tab
B Forced Assembly Tab
B Recruit Army
Q Go to
ESC Close Planet menu

Ship Menu[]

G Merge
H Stop
B Return
C Move
J Initiate Jump
P Patrol
X Attack target
T Fleet stance
V Split fleet
Q Go to
ESC Close Ship menu
Delete Disband ship/fleet
⇧Shift Add an action to fleet's action queue
^Ctrl + ⇧Shift Add an action to the top of a fleet's action queue

Starbase Menu[]

Z Starbase
X Defenses
C Shipyard
K Details
Delete Downgrade/Dismantle Starbase
T Trade Routes
U Upgrades Starbase (while in starbase menu)
U Upgrades Defensive Platforms (while in defense menu)
B Build Defensive Platforms (while in defense menu)
B Build Ships (while in shipyard menu)
Q Go to
ESC Close Starbase menu


⇆Tab cycles through your star-systems
⇧Shift + ⇆Tab cycles backwards through your star-systems
Q Camera Focus
Go To selected
Open/Close Galaxy Map
Alt Details Mapmode
🏠 Home
Go to home system
F System search
L Multiplayer Chat
Alt + B Help
O Outliner Open/Close
CTRL + Q / W / E / R Outliner Tab 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
CTRL + A / D Outliner Tab Previous / Next
RMB Dismiss notification
Unassign leader
Go To outliner object
CTRL + ALT + Left click "Ping" a location in multiplayer
1, 2, 3... Select control group
^Ctrl + 1, 2, 3... Create control group (a quick way to select a world or fleet)
⇧Shift + LMB Add/remove fleet to/from selection
LMB Double-Click Focus on double-clicked object


MMB + drag
Pan camera
RMB + drag Rotate camera (system/galaxy)

Free rotation around Focused object

XButton2 Camera scale
R Reset camera rotation
^Ctrl + F9 Hide user interface

Game speed[]

Numpad or Keyboard + Increase game speed
Numpad or Keyboard - Decrease game speed
␣ Space Pause

Take screenshot[]

F11 Screenshot PNG (lossless)
Stored in ~/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/screenshots
F12 Steam overlay screenshot JPG (lossy)
To access files: go to Steam Library, right-click Stellaris, select "View screeenshots"

