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Stellaris Overlord Holdings Tier List

A Holding represents an area on a world that is owned by an empire other than the world's owner. There are two type of holdings: Overlord Holding and Branch Office.

Overlord Holdings[]

Overlord holdings can be constructed by overlords on their subjects' worlds. The total number of holdings that can be constructed anywhere within a subject's empire is determined by the Holdings Limit term in the subject agreement and is also affected by the Bureaucratic Surveillance resolutions. Overlord holdings can be distributed across multiple worlds, or all constructed together on a single world. If built from the Subject Agreement menu, they are built on the subject's capital by default.

Only one of each holding can be constructed on a world. If a subject becomes independent, all overlord holdings are destroyed.

Holding Effects Monthly Loyalty Upkeep Cost Requirements
Holding overlord garrison Overlord Garrison
  • Mod planet crime add Crime and Deviancy: −10
  • Unknown Effects per landed Overlord army:
    • Mod planet crime add Crime: −10 (max −30)
    • Trade cat loyalty Monthly Loyalty: +0.5 (max +1.5)
    • Happiness Planet Happiness: −5% (max −15%)
Trade cat loyalty +0.5 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 360
Holding emporium Emporium Job overlord trader +2 Overlord Trader jobs Trade cat loyalty 0
  • Energy Credits −2
  • Consumer goods −5
Minerals 400
Time 480
NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
Holding aid agency Aid Agency Job aid worker +2 Aid Worker jobs Trade cat loyalty +0.5
  • Energy Credits −2
  • Food −10 if Biological subject
  • Minerals −10 if Lithoid subject
  • Energy Credits −10 if Robot subject
Minerals 400
Time 480
Building palace Noble Chateaus
  • Mod planet stability add +2 Overlord Capital Stability
  • Mod planet amenities add −15 Planet Amenities
Trade cat loyalty −1 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Civic aristocratic elite Aristocratic Elite
Holding recruitment office Recruitment Office
  • Job soldier +2 Overlord Recruiter jobs
  • Mod navy size add +10 Overlord Naval Capacity
Trade cat loyalty −0.5 if PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Civic citizen service Citizen Service
Holding park ranger lodge Ranger Lodge
  • Job ranger +1 Overlord Ranger jobs
  • D lush jungle Creates a Nature Preserve blocker
Trade cat loyalty 0 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Building gaiaseeders 4 Gaia Seeder Outpost
  • Mod habitability +20% Planet Habitability
  • Planet gaia Planet is terraformed into a Gaia World in 10 years
Energy Credits −30
Exotic gases −2
  • Energy Credits 1500 Exotic gases 200
  • Time 360
Building residence Communal Housing Outreach
  • Mod planet housing add +10 Planet Housing
  • Mod planet amenities add +6 Planet Amenities
  • Egalitarian +100% Egalitarian Ethics Attraction
    • Does not apply to EgalitarianFanatic EgalitarianGestalt consciousness
Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 360
Building dread encampment Dread Outpost Job necromancer +2 Overlord Necromancer jobs Trade cat loyalty 0 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Civic reanimated armies Reanimators
Building sacrificial temple 2 Sacrificial Shrine Mortal Initiate +2 Overlord Mortal Initiate jobs Trade cat loyalty −0.5 if not SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 360
Holding franchise headquarters Franchise Headquarters
  • Manager +2 Overlord Manager jobs
  • Unity +0.25 Overlord Unity from planet Clerks
  • Trade value −1 Trade Value from planet Clerks
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +100% Overlord Fanatic Ethics Attraction
Trade cat loyalty −0.5 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Building posthumous employment center Reemployment Center Job necromancer +1 Overlord Reassigner jobs Trade cat loyalty −0.5 if EgalitarianFanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Building organic sanctuary Organic Haven Bio-Trophy +5 Overlord Bio-Trophy jobs Trade cat loyalty +0.5 if Non-Gestalt Non-Gestalt Consumer goods −10 Time 480
Holding experimental crater Experimental Crater
  • Engineering research +8 Overlord Engineering Research
  • Physics Research +4 Overlord Physics Research
  • Miner +3 Miner jobs
  • Devastation +30 Planet Devastation every 2-4 years
  • D buried lithoids 20% chance to add a Buried Lithoids blocker every 2-4 years
Trade cat loyalty −1 Time 480 Origins lithoid Calamitous Birth origin
Holding tree of life sapling Tree of Life Sapling
  • Job ranger +1 Overlord Arborist jobs
  • Mod habitability +10% Planet Habitability
  • Food +1 Planet Food from Farmers
Trade cat loyalty +1 Food 1000
Time 360
Holding orbital assembly complex Orbital Assembly Complex Trade cat loyalty 0
  • Energy Credits −2
  • Alloys −5
Minerals 400
Time 360
Holding satellite campus Satellite Campus Job overlord academic +2 Overlord Academic jobs Trade cat loyalty 0 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Overlord Overlord DLC
Holding propaganda office Ministry of Truth Job overlord propagandist +2 Overlord Propagandist jobs Trade cat loyalty 0 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Holding energy requisitorium Ministry of Energy Trade cat loyalty −0.25
  • Energy Credits −2
  • Exotic gases −1
Minerals 400
Time 480
Holding material requisitorium Ministry of Extraction Trade cat loyalty −0.5
  • Energy Credits −2
  • Volatile motes −1
Minerals 400
Time 480
Holding produce requisitorium Ministry of Acquisition
  • Energy Credits −2
  • Rare crystals −1
Minerals 400
Time 480
Holding splinter hive Splinter Hive
  • Job overlord breeder +1 Overlord Breeder jobs
  • D spawning complex blocker Creates an Overlord Spawning Complex blocker
Trade cat loyalty −2 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Holding distributed processing Distributed Processing Job mind thrall +4 Mind Thrall jobs Trade cat loyalty −2 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Holding parasitic algorithms Ministry of Science Trade cat loyalty −1 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
  • Max 1 per Overlord
  • Specialist subject scholarium Scholarium subject
  • Empire Capital Capital designation
Holding offworld foundry Offworld Foundry
  • Metallurgist +2 Overlord Metallurgist jobs if NoCivic catalytic processing not Catalytic subject
  • Metallurgist +2 Overlord Catalytic Technician jobs if Civic catalytic processing Catalytic subject
Trade cat loyalty −1.5 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Prospectorium Prospectorium subject
Holding vigil command Vigil Command
  • Job overlord beholder +1 Overlord Beholder jobs
  • Defense platform cap Defense Platform cap on overlord Starbases and Orbital Rings:
Trade cat loyalty 0 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
  • Max 1 per Overlord
  • Specialist subject bulwark Bulwark subject
  • Empire Capital Capital designation
Building offspring nest Offspring Nest Job spawning drone +1 Offspring Drone Feeder jobs Trade cat loyalty 0 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 480
Building order holding Order's Commandery
  • Knight +1 Overlord Knight jobs
  • Mod navy size add +4 Overlord Naval Capacity
Trade cat loyalty −0.5 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 400
Time 360
Building toxic bath Mutagenic Spa Job bath attendant +2 (Overlord) Mutagenic Spa Attendant Trade cat loyalty −0.5 if Civic environmentalist Environmentalist Consumer goods −2 Minerals 400
Time 360
Building toxic bath hive Mutagenic Permutation Pool Job bath attendant hive +2 (Overlord) Permutation Attendance Drone Trade cat loyalty −0.5 if Civic environmentalist Environmentalist Food −2 Minerals 400
Time 360
Building toxic bath machine Hyper Lubrication Basin Job bath attendant machine +2 (Overlord) Lubrication Terminal Trade cat loyalty −0.5 if Civic environmentalist Environmentalist Minerals −2 Minerals 400
Time 360

Branch Offices[]

Branch Offices can be constructed by empires with Auth corporate Corporate authority and give the Corporate empire Energy Credits energy equal to 50% of the world's Trade value trade value; the Civic free traders Free Traders civic and the Imperial Charter modifier each increase Branch Office value by 10%. Establishing a Branch Office costs a base of Energy Credits 1000 energy credits and Influence 50 influence increasing by 10% for each hyperlane jump away (after 3 jumps), and increases the Corporate empire's Empire sprawl empire size by 2. The establishment cost can be reduced by −15% with the Ap universal transactions Universal Transactions ascension perk. Only one Branch Office can be opened on each world, and they cannot be constructed on worlds of an empire with Auth corporate Corporate, Auth hive mind Hive Mind or Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence authority or the Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers civic. To construct a Branch Office, the Corporate empire requires any of the following:

  • Diplomacy commercial pact Commercial Pact with the system owner
  • Diplomacy federation Federation with the system owner
  • Diplomacy hasvassal System owner is subject, overlord, or has same overlord
  • Civic galactic sovereign Corporate Sovereign civic and the system owner is a member of the Galactic Imperium
  • Resolution imperial institutions Imperial Charter resolution and the system owner is a member of the Galactic Imperium

Branch Offices can be closed by their Corporate owner at any time. If the Auth corporate Corporate empire loses the status that allowed it to open a Branch Office, the Branch Office remains open, but the world's owner gains the Diplomacy status casus belli holder Expropriation casus belli.

Up to 4 holdings can be built in a Branch office, each level of capital tier unlocking 1 holding slot.

Corporate holdings[]

Corporate holdings are mutually beneficial, giving a resource or empire-wide bonus to the Corporate empire and a planet-based bonus or jobs to the Branch Office world. They cannot be built by empires with the Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage civic, which have a separate set of buildings (see below).

Holding Planet bonus Corporate empire bonus Upkeep Cost Requirements Description
Building military contractors Mercenary Liaison Office
  • Job soldier +1 Soldier Jobs
  • Army Starting Experience +100 Army Starting Experience
Mod navy size add +10 Naval Capacity Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
This office allows locals to sign up for the exciting life of a corporate soldier of fortune. Generous compensation, limited health insurance and stories of adventure ensure a steady stream of recruits.
Building private shipyards Private Military Industries Job clerk +2 Clerk Jobs Alloys +3 Alloys Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
These planet-based corporate factories produce and assemble a variety of components that are vital in starship construction.
Building virtual entertainment studios Virtual Entertainment Studios Job clerk +2 Clerk Jobs Consumer goods +6 Consumer Goods Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
Using nano-transaction systems and neuro-chemical retention algorithms, these development houses bring the latest in virtual entertainment software into the homes and lives of billions of sapient consumers.
Building food conglomerate Fast Food Chain Farmer +1 Farmer Jobs Food +10 Food Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
Affordable, fast, and with a perfectly acceptable nutritional value. Zero toxins* and zero hassle!
* Food may contain traces of potassium benzoate, nitric acid, dark matter, soylent green and liquid smoke.
Building private mining consortium Private Mining Consortium Miner +1 Miner Jobs Minerals +10 Minerals Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
A private mineral extraction company owned by a megacorporation. It employs local miners to access the planet's wealth.
Building amusement megaplex Amusement Megaplex Amenities +10 Amenities Energy Credits +10 Energy Minerals 800
Time 480
A magical place where dream can become reality, this megaplex features wholesome, corporate-sanctioned fun for the entire family unit.
Building commercial forum Commercial Forum Merchant +1 Merchant Jobs Energy Credits +25% Branch Office Value Energy Credits −3 Minerals 800
Time 480
Planet Unique Movers and shakers, local economic leaders, and other important figures can meet with corporate representatives here in a relaxed, soothing environment ideal for the creation of new business deals.
Building private research initiative Private Research Enterprises Job clerk +2 Clerk Jobs Research +6 Research Output Energy Credits −3 Minerals 800
Time 480
Planet Unique In these state-of-the-art facilities, private tech-enterprises carry out important R&D on behalf of their parent company.
Building public relations office Public Relations Firm Job clerk +2 Clerk Jobs Unity +6 Unity Energy Credits −3 Minerals 800
Time 480
Planet Unique Misconceptions and suspicions are always floating around any large corporate entity. It is in the public's interest to hear out all sides of any dispute, and this PR firm makes it their business to get their employer's point across.
Building temple of prosperity Temple of Prosperity
  • Job numistic priest +2 Prosperity Preacher Jobs
  • Spiritualist +50% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
A high-security temple that spreads the gospel of the Megachurch that built it.
Building corporate embassy Corporate Embassy Job clerk +2 Clerk jobs Diplomatic weight from economy +5% Diplomatic weight from economy Energy Credits −3 Minerals 800
Time 480
Diplomacy is just advertising to governments instead of to the customer. This office analyzes local customs and trends to more efficiently target our efforts.

Criminal holdings[]

Empires with the Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage civic do not require any formal relationship to establish a Branch Office, but if they do not meet any of the usual requirements the world's owner still get the Expropriation casus belli. Additionally, there is a 5% chance monthly that the Branch Office will be closed while the planet has Job criminal 0 crime. The Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage empire cannot have another Branch Office closed for 10 years, but the Branch Office cannot be reestablished on the same world for 10 years either. Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage empires also cannot establish a branch office when they are at war or have a truce with the system owner.

Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage empires also have a different set of holdings that increases the world's Job criminal crime. In addition to the usual Energy Credits energy credits, they generate additional value based on the world's Job criminal crime value, ranging from 25% of Trade value trade value at Job criminal 0 crime to 75% at Job criminal 100 crime or more.

Holding Planet effect Corporate empire bonus Job criminal Crime Upkeep Cost Requirements Description
Building underground chemists Concealed Drug Labs Trade value +5 Trade Value Consumer goods +6 Consumer Goods +25 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
Subterranean drug clubs in remote regions that are virtually undetectable from the surface. Chemists work day and night here to produce various illegal, highly addictive and quite lucrative narcotics.
Building pirate haven Pirate Free Haven
  • Job soldier +1 Soldier Jobs
  • Army Starting Experience +100 Army Starting Experience
Mod navy size add +10 Naval Capacity +40 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
A secluded and hidden city on the planet's surface, where pirates and other lowlifes can congregate to repair their ships and trade stories.
Building wrecking yards Wrecking Yards Trade value +5 Trade Value Alloys +3 Alloys +25 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
Stolen vessels and prize ships brought in by pirates are broken into scrap here. Any valuable components and alloys are carefully salvaged.
Building bio reprocessing facilities Bio-Reprocessing Plants Trade value +5 Trade Value Food +10 Food +25 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
Underground facilities where disloyal employees and other forms of unsavory bio-matter are reprocessed into ready-to-eat food products.
Building wildcat miners Wildcat Mining Operations Trade value +5 Trade Value Minerals +10 Minerals +25 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
Illegal, highly unsafe mining operations operated by the destitute and the desperate, who toil away in the vain hopes of striking it rich.
Building illicit research labs Illicit Research Labs Job clerk +2 Clerk Jobs Research +6 Research Output +40 Energy Credits −3 Minerals 800
Time 480
Planet Unique All manner of highly illegal R&D is carried out in these secret laboratories.
Building smuggling rings Smuggler's Port Merchant +1 Merchant Jobs Energy Credits +25% Branch Office Value +50 Energy Credits −3 Minerals 800
Time 480
Planet Unique An unauthorized spaceport that remains off the records thanks to secrecy and generous bribes. Large volumes of illegal cargo passes through here every day.
Building syndicate outreach office Syndicate Front Corporations Job clerk +2 Clerk Jobs Unity +6 Unity +40 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 800
Time 480
Planet Unique These above-the-board businesses allow the local criminal syndicate to operate behind a veneer of upstanding legality.
Building underground clubs Underground Clubs Amenities +10 Amenities Energy Credits +10 Energy +40 Minerals 800
Time 480
Planet Unique These illegal entertainment clubs will satisfy any vice. As night descends, they are open for business in the planet's seedier districts.
Building subversive shrine Subversive Shrine
  • Job numistic priest +2 Prosperity Preacher Jobs
  • Spiritualist +50% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
+25 Energy Credits −2 Minerals 500
Time 360
A meeting place for followers of the Subversive Cult to gather and conduct their ceremonies.
Building disinformation center Disinformation Center
  • Job clerk +2 Clerk Jobs
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction −25% Governing Ethics Attraction
Spy network +5 Infiltration maximum +40 Energy Credits −3 Minerals 800
Time 480
Through targeted advertisements and propaganda, we can control opinion and make the people agree with our version of the truth.

Other holdings[]

The following holdings can be constructed in all branch offices whether the empire has the Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage civic or not. They can only be built once per branch office.

Holding Planet bonus Corporate empire bonus Upkeep Cost Requirements Description
Building executive retreat Executive Retreat Mod trade value mult +5% Trade value Amenities +10% Empire Amenities
  • Energy Credits −5
  • Exotic gases −1
  • Minerals 1000
  • Exotic gases 50
  • Time 600
A luxurious resort complex for high ranking corporate officers. Here they can sample the local planetary culture in a high security environment.
Building xeno tourism agency Xeno-Outreach Agency Mod trade value mult +5% Trade value Mod planet migration all pull +25% Immigration Pull
  • Energy Credits −5
  • Rare crystals −1
  • Minerals 1000
  • Rare crystals 50
  • Time 600
This corporate agency promotes a wide variety of interstellar tourist attractions, as well as offering employment packages and signing bonuses to potential emigrants interested in relocating to corporate space.
Building imperial concession port Imperial Concession Port
  • Energy Credits +25% Branch Office Value
  • Energy Credits +8 Energy
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +5% Diplomatic weight from economy
Minerals 1000
Time 600
  • Civic galactic sovereign Corporate Sovereign civic
  • Or Imperial Charter empire modifier
This concession port enjoys extraterritorial rights and is legally considered the sovereign territory of the Galactic Imperium. It is exempt from local taxes and regulations.
Building order holding Knightly Fair Grounds Amenities +10 Amenities Minerals 800
Time 480
Looking like a true fortress, this building is actually a park glorifying our knights and the Quest. Visitors can buy autographs, action figures, and holoposters of their favorite knights. Of course, the true purpose of the facility is to collect information for our Quest and serve as a resupply point for questing knights.
Building corporate clinic Corporate Clinic Medical Worker +1 Medical Worker
  • Energy Credits +8 Energy
  • Unity +2 Unity
Consumer goods −1 Minerals 800
Time 480
Civic private healthcare corporate Pharma State civic A private medical company employing local and off-world medical specialists to provide services for a reasonable fee.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs