Guardians are extremely powerful Spaceborne aliens added in various DLCs. They can be found in special predetermined systems and rival moons in size and mass. They are marked with a skull icon both in the fleet power box and on the galactic map, and the exact strength number can only be seen with debug mode on. Each guardian has a unique event chain. While one can just stumble over a guardian during exploration, they can also be found with the help of the Curator Enclave. Guardians have an immense amount of health and should only be engaged mid-late game. Defeating most guardians starts a Leviathan Parade Opportunity situation.
Guardians get various bonuses to make them stronger based on the game difficulty. AI empires only attack a guardian if their fleet power is at least 40k.
If a guardian spawns next to a Fallen Empire, the Fallen Empire typically sends a fleet and defeats the guardian. Most rewards from defeating the guardian, such as relics or the Parade Opportunity are lost if this happens.
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Available only with the Necroids DLC enabled. |
Empires with the Reanimators,
Permanent Employment or
Cordyceptic Drones civic or the
Mechromancy ascension perk that kill an organic guardian gain the option to issue a special project that costs
10000 society research to resurrect the guardian as a controllable fleet. Reanimated guardians cannot be merged into other fleets or be commanded by commanders, but they retain their original strength and power while taking up only 32 naval capacity, making them very useful even well into the late-game. Unlike conventional warships which consume energy and alloys, owned guardians must be kept fed and thus have a very high food upkeep.
Asteroid Hives[]

The Hive asteroid belt
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Available only with the Leviathans DLC enabled. |
A random system may have an asteroid belt containing 5 unique crystalline asteroids with deposits of 6-8 minerals and 6 unselectable asteroids with one of them producing a chirping-like sound. Entering the system for the first time displays an event window hinting that there is more to the system than meets the eye.
If a starbase is built in the system, the Asteroid Hives awaken with the following MTTH based on the number of constructed mining stations:
Mining Stations | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
MTTH | 100 years | 33.3 years | 11.1 years | 3.7 years | 1.2 years | 0.4 years |
The Asteroid Hives use only strike craft as their weapons. As a result carrier ships are the ideal counters, as the Asteroid Hives have no point-defense themselves and launched strike craft engage and destroy the enemy ones before attacking the guardians. In addition, carrier ships have point defenses themselves.
Defeating all 6 Asteroid Hives grants 500 Energy and
2000 Society research in addition to allowing the system to be safely mined.
Automated Dreadnought[]

Automated Dreadnought patrolling the empty system's asteroid belt
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Available only with the Leviathans DLC enabled. |
A random system with two habitable worlds may be defended by the Automated Dreadnought, an ancient warship of old locked in patrol mode. The Automated Dreadnought uses regular ship components and can be countered appropriately.
Weapons | Utility | Core |
Defeating the Automated Dreadnought gives the following two choices:
- Salvage the dreadnought for
5000 energy and
1000 alloys and
30x monthly Engineering output (1000 ~ 5000)
Engineering research.
- Issue a special project to repair and use it that costs
50000 Engineering research. The repaired Dreadnought is the same as listed above except that it loses Leviathan modifiers for
Hull and
Shields. Its
Jump Drive will be upgraded to a
Psi Jump Drive if the empire has the technology. The components cannot be upgraded or changed even if better tech is available (jump drive included after fully repairing it).
Defeating the Guardian also starts the Automated Dreadnought Leviathan Parade Situation regardless of the previous mentioned choice.
Enigmatic Fortress[]

Ancient Vault with all defenses
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Available only with the Leviathans DLC enabled. |
A random system with a class A star may house the Enigmatic Fortress, a massive space station guarded by numerous unique defense platforms. The Enigmatic Fortress uses regular components and can be countered appropriately. The installation consists of the following stations:
1 Ancient Vault | 2 Ancient Guardian | 2 Ancient Warden | 4 Ancient Defender | 8 Ancient Sentinel | |
Weapons | |||||
Utility | |||||
Core |
Defeating the Enigmatic Fortress starts a lengthy event chain that must be completed to gain its rewards. Letting the timer expire at any point results in the Fortress repowering, thus requiring it to be defeated again.
No. | Choice | Outcome |
1 | Demolitions Team (1 army transport) | Expedition proceeds but the army is lost |
Local Power Surge – Go with the higher estimate (![]() |
Vault repowers | |
Local Power Surge – Go with the lower estimate (![]() |
Expedition proceeds | |
2 | Place metal rings around the remaining two poles | Vault repowers |
Search for torus-shaped indentations on the bulkhead | Vault repowers | |
Rearrange the metal tori on the poles | Expedition proceeds | |
Remove center and rightmost poles from the pedestal | Vault repowers | |
3 | Home System Research – The beginning | Vault repowers |
Home System Research – The middle | Event success | |
Home System Research – The end | Vault repowers | |
Supply Dark Matter (![]() |
Event success | |
Use Force (1 military ship) | Event failed – The vault and all ships in the system are destroyed, every habitable planet is turned into a Tomb world and every uninhabitable one into a Molten world. | |
Black Hole Research (special project) | Event success |
Successfully investigating the Enigmatic Fortress grants 1000-5000 Research across all fields as well as unlock the
Enigmatic Encoder and
Enigmatic Decoder technologies.
Infinity Machine[]

Infinity Machine orbiting Gargantua
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Available only with the Leviathans DLC enabled. |
The black hole system named Gargantua houses the Infinity Machine, the only guardian in the game that is not hostile. At first no interaction with the Infinity Machine is possible, but a year or two after being discovered the guardian sends a transmission and starts a special project that requires 360 days and at least a level 3 scientist leader to be finished. Completing the special project allows the following options:
Materialist empires can attempt to hack the Infinity machine. The chance of success is 50% and permanently grants a
+5% research output empire modifier as well as either the
Positronic AI or the
Zero Point Power technology on a success. If both were already researched, it grants
1000-5000 Society research. For
Gestalt Consciousness empires, this is the only option. This approach destroys the Infinity Machine.
Spiritualist empires can declare the Infinity Machine a divine object, granting a
+5% Happiness empire modifier.
Militarist empires can destroy the Infinity Machine with an army without fighting it to gain the same bonuses as when defeating it.
- All empires can communicate with the Infinity Machine after the special project is completed.
Militarist and
Fanatic Egalitarian empires can tell it the liar's paradox but the guardian merely finds paradoxes boring. The empire can offer to help it and start a special project that requires 1800 days and a science vessel to be finished. Finishing the project has one of the following outcomes.
- 50%: The project fails but the Infinity Machine rewards the empire with the
Positronic AI technology. If already researched, it grants the
Zero Point Power technology. If both were researched, it grants the empire a
+5% research output empire modifier.
- 25%: the project succeeds and the Infinity Machine enters the black hole. It grants the
Positronic AI technology. If already researched, it grants the
Zero Point Power technology. If both were researched, it grants
150 Influence. In addition, the black hole gains a
4 Research deposit.
- 25%: the project succeeds and the Infinity Machine enters the black hole and shrinks it to a smaller size renamed Pantagruel, which gains a
10 Research deposit. The empire gains
200 Influence and permanently gains the Mirror of Knowledge modifier (
+10% Research Speed). In addition, a Curator Enclave can be contacted and given some info for
500 Engineering Research.
- 50%: The project fails but the Infinity Machine rewards the empire with the
Alternatively, the Infinity Machine can be attacked, forcing it to open and become aggressive. The guardian comes equipped with lasers, strike craft, heavy shields and regeneration components and has good evasion. As a result, shielded fleets using kinetic weapons are the ideal counter. Destroying the Infinity Machine allows it to be broken down for 700-4000 Minerals and
250-500 Influence. Alternatively, empires that are not
Gestalt Consciousness can study its nature to permanently unlock the next tier of
Mechanical Pop research. Destroying the Infinity Machine removes any empire modifier.
Total stats | Armaments | Utilities | Core components |
Horizon Signal[]
If the Horizon Signal event chain has been started, entering the Gargantua system (whether it is the first time or not) causes the Infinity Machine to initiate contact and ask for 800 Energy and
Minerals. Refusing either of the two options results in the guardian asking again next time a ship enters the system. Accepting results in the Infinity Machine disappearing like the Horizon Signal science ship and adding a
10 society research deposit to Gargantua.
Spectral Wraith[]

650THz Spectral Wraith
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Available only with the Leviathans DLC enabled. |
The Spectral Wraith is a guardian that can only appear during the mid-game. A random pulsar may reveal the unique Pulse Germination modifier when surveyed. The first empire that surveys the pulsar is shown an event window pointing to the date when the mid-game starts and hinting that is the system where the Spectral Wraith spawns.
Unlike other guardians, the Spectral Wraith is completely mobile and can travel anywhere in the galaxy. It spawns in one of three colors: red, yellow or blue. In systems whose star has the same color (M for red wraiths, G for yellow wraiths, and A or B for blue wraiths) the Spectral Wraith gains −50% Armor and
Evasion. Other star types do NOT trigger this debuff, even if the color mentioned in the star's description matches (e.g. Red Giants have no effect); and it also does not trigger in binary or trinary systems. Aside from the debuff, the color variation is purely cosmetic.
- The hull has 20k HP, 10k Armor and a serious 75% Evasion. With the aforementioned debuff reducing it to 5k Armor, 25% Evasion. Accordingly, small Energy Weapons offer the necessary amount of Tracking and bonus vs. armor, but with the high hull/armor ratio most fleets perform fine.
- Its Weapons deal 100% to hull, 200% to Armor, 50% to Shields, at 80% Accuracy, 75% Tracking.
- Destroyers or Cruisers with small to medium guns and heavy shields or crystal plating should be ideal and available.
- Defeating it is possible starting at ~5k Fleet power, assuming a perfect counter-build. With ~10k, the player is able to defeat it trivially even with suboptimal conditions like large guns and a pulsar system. This makes it one of the weakest Leviathans, although it is difficult to catch.
Total stats | Armaments | Utilities | Core components |
Defeating the leviathan gives a permanent empire modifier with the following effects:
Stellar Devourer[]

Real scale of the Stellar Devourer
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Available only with the Leviathans DLC enabled. |
A random unary star system may appear empty on sensors but reveal the Stellar Devourer when entered, a glowing spaceborne entity that feeds upon stars. Technically, the Stellar Devourer is spawned by event that is triggered when any player ship enters this system. Before an empire discovers it, even the Curator Order cannot mark that system's location with the Tell us about something new option. However, if the Stellar Devourer has been discovered, the Curators dialogue options available for all other Guardians are enabled instantly, including option that grants a damage bonus against it. If the Stellar Devourer is engaged and does not lose at least 67% HP, it attacks one of the attacker's systems until the starbase is disabled and then stays for 90 days until retreating. If the system is colonized, all planets gain −25% happiness and
habitability until the guardian leaves.
The Stellar Devourer's weapons are mostly energy and torpedoes, so shields and point defense are an effective counter. It has extremely high hull and point-defenses, but no armor or shields, making hull-damaging weapons such as plasma weapons and particle launchers the most effective counter.
Total stats | Armaments | Utilities | Core components |
Defeating the Stellar Devourer gives the choice to either study the egg sac, or to study the corpse, which issues a special project to investigate its remains that takes 60 days to be finished. Once the body is examined it gives the following options:
- Harvest the body's energy deposits for a large bonus of
10000 Energy,
2000 Minerals and
80 Influence.
- Try to reignite the Sun in the leviathan's home System. The Project has a 30% chance to kill the scientist and its ship but is guaranteed to turn the whole System more habitable: All Frozen Planets become Arctic planets. All other planets undergo a temperature increase as well, rerolling them completely.
If option to study the egg sac was chosen, the Leviathan Parade Opportunity situation starts. Halfway through the parade, the player is offered similar options as when first defeating the Stellar Devourer:
- Try to reignite the star using the egg sac.
- Take the egg sac to the empire's capital.
If the option to reignite the star in the Devourer's system is chosen, the parade is aborted. If the option to take the egg is chosen instead, the parade proceeds and after finishing, the player's empire gains the Devourer's Egg Sac planetary modifier on the capital, which enables the Consume Star operation.
Corrupted Avatar[]

Corrupted Avatar
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Available only with the Distant Stars DLC enabled. |
A random system with a wormhole opens an event window when first entered, mentioning a signal coming out of the wormhole and hinting that this specific wormhole is different from the rest. Exploring the wormhole reveals its connection to a trinary system with no hyperlane connections to other systems. This system is guarded by a Corrupted Avatar (aka Psionic Entity). The Avatar uses only energy weapons that ignore armor but do −75% damage to shields. It has moderate hull and strong shields but no armor or PD, making missiles and strike craft very effective.
Total stats | Armaments | Utilities | Core components |
Defeating the Corrupted Avatar allows free access to the system, which contains a Gaia World which when surveyed reveals a level V anomaly. Investigating the anomaly grants access to the
Neural Tissue Engineering technology to organic empires or
300-1000 Society Research if
Machine Intelligence. The gas giant in the system also has an
Exotic Gases deposit.
The Corrupted Avatar can be avoided by setting a science ship's stance to passive and guiding it around the guardian. This approach does not allow colonizing the Gaia World, but it does allow the research reward to be claimed.
If a Sentry Array has been completed, the system housing the Corrupted Avatar can be seen but cannot be entered with Jump Drives until the system has been entered via the wormhole first.
Unlike other guardians, the Corrupted Avatar is always present if the Distant Stars DLC is enabled. Its system is accessible only via a wormhole which appears even if wormholes were disabled on game startup.
With the Utopia DLC, Corrupted Avatars can also appear for 10 years following Shroud failures. They have the same stats but do not grant any reward upon being defeated.
With the Nemesis DLC, Corrupted Avatars also appear some time after finishing stages III and IV of the Aetherophasic Engine.
Tiyanki Matriarch[]

Tiyanki Matriarch; can be reanimated
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Available only with the Distant Stars DLC enabled. |
A random system with a Gaia World and another habitable world may be home to the Tiyanki Matriarch, the eldest member of the species and the only one to be aggressive when approached. The Matriarch has two weapons – one that ignores armor and does −75% damage against shields and one that deals double damage against both shields and armor. The Matriarch has a buff which gives it +100% weapon damage. It also has significant armor and very high hull but no shields and as a result should be engaged with energy weapons.
Total stats | Armaments | Utilities | Core components |
Defeating the Tiyanki Matriarch breaches Galactic Law if the Tiyanki Conservation Act Resolution was passed and the empire is a member of the Galactic Community. Doing so also incurs a fine of −5000 energy Credits.
Defeating the Tiyanki Matriarch gives the following rewards:
- Start the Tiyanki Matriarch Leviathan Parade Situation
- If the empire has researched the
Leviathan Transgenesis technology, it unlocks the
Polymelic trait for genetic modification.
- Reth Unddol, a renowned paragon.
Genocidal empires can only kill him for
24x research output (each 500 ~ 1 000 000) instead.
- AH4B, a custom class battleship. It comes equipped with the following components:
Weapons | Utilities | Core components |
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Voidspawn; can be reanimated
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Available only with the Distant Stars DLC enabled. |
The Voidspawn is an unborn guardian, hidden within a size 20 Dry world orbiting a class G star. Within a year after colonizing the planet in the system, an event mentions how the dry world has a pulse. Within the next half a year, the planet changes its appearance and gains
30 Devastation and 3 Rifts Blockers. Within another half a year, one of two things happens: either the pulse stops or the planet once again changes its appearance and gains
30 Devastation and 3 Rifts Blockers. Should the latter happen, the Voidspawn hatches a few months later, destroying the colony and turning the planet into a Cracked World with a
20 society research deposit. A month later, the Voidspawn becomes hostile.
The Voidspawn uses only guided weapons. It has high hull and armor but no shields, making energy weapons effective against it.
Total stats | Armaments | Utilities | Core components |
Defeating the Voidspawn grants 600-6000 Unity and brings the option to start a special project to research what was left of the egg planet that takes 140 days. Finishing the project grants the
Gargantuan Evolution technology. Alternatively, empires that have researched the
Leviathan Transgenesis technology can choose to unlock the
Voidling trait for genetic modification.
If the Voidspawn did not hatch, the planet returns to its original appearance once all Rifts Blockers are removed.
Scavenger Bot[]

Scavenger Bot in the debris field
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Available only with the Distant Stars DLC enabled. |
A random system with a class M Red Giant star may contain an ancient battlefield debris field patrolled by the Scavenger Bot, an ancient construct constantly scrounging the debris field for new parts.
The guardian uses only guided weapons. It uses equal amounts of shields and armor but has no point-defense and barely any evasion, making both guided weapons and strike craft very effective against it.
Total stats | Armaments | Utilities | Core components |
![]() |
Defeating the Scavenger Bot grants the following rewards:
Nanite Repair System technology
Nanite Autocannon technology
Nanite Flak Battery technology
Two random tier V component techs or a large amount of
Engineering research if all techs were already researched.
- The system has two broken worlds that bring in a total
20 Minerals and
1 Nanites when mined – one of very few sources of Nanites outside the L-Cluster.
Toxic Entity[]

Toxic Entity
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Available only with the Toxoids DLC enabled. |
Toxic God appears at the end of the Quest for the Toxic God situation.
If the guardian is killed by the empire with the Knights of the Toxic God origin, the empire has the option to either take control of it as a special colossus or gain the
Maw of the Toxic Entity relic. Taking control of the guardian grants a very large amount of
Unity but the number of jobs from the Order's Keep building no longer increases with the number of Pops.
If the guardian is killed by an empire without the Knights of the Toxic God origin, the empire gains the
Maw of the Toxic Entity relic, and if the empire with the
Knights of the Toxic God origin later enters the system, it gains −25% output from
Lord Commander and
Knight jobs for 16-20 years.
The system has a unique star type, Viridescent Lightbringer, which removes all armor from ships while in the system. The Toxic Entity has high shields and hull and uses strike craft and weapons that ignore shields as well as numerous point-defense. As a result, fleets that use hull components, point-defenses and kinetic weapons are the ideal counter.
The star also has a deposit of 5 Exotic Gases and
Volatile Motes.
Space Dragons[]
Space Dragons are giant dragon-like guardians that are the sole survivors of the universes they were born in. Despite their different appearances, they all fight identically. Space Dragons use only energy weapons that do slightly less damage to shields and have high hull and armor but no shields itself. As a result, shielded fleets equipped with energy weapons are the ideal counter.
Total stats | Armaments | Utilities | Core components |
If a Commander leads a fleet that defeats either the Ether Drake or the Sky Dragon, that commander gains the
Dragonslayer trait. If multiple fleets fought the guardian, the commander of the first fleet that engaged it gains the trait. In addition, the empire that defeats a dragon eventually unlocks the
Artificial Dragonscales technology, or
100-4000 Minerals and
1000-100000 Society research if the technology was already obtained from the other dragon.
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Available only with the Utopia DLC enabled. |
Empires that have researched the Leviathan Transgenesis technology prior to defeating a Space Dragon unlock the
Drake-Scaled trait for genetic modification.
Ether Drake[]

Ether Drake; can be reanimated
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Available only with the Leviathans DLC enabled. |
A random class F star system in the galaxy may feature a Molten World called Dragon's Hoard guarded by the Ether Drake, a dragon-like guardian the size of a moon. Initially, the Ether Drake guards Dragon's Hoard, but if it loses more than 20% HP to an attacker, it destroys two random starbases belonging to the attacker. After the Ether Drake leaves, if the systems are colonized the starbases are rebuilt into frontier outposts. If the Ether Drake loses 85% HP, it retreats to Dragon's Hoard and heals. Dragon's Hoard has a deposit with
30 Energy and
30 Minerals.
Defeating the Ether Drake grants the following rewards:
300 Influence
- The
Ether Drake Trophy Relic
- Building a mining station above Dragon's Hoard reveals both of the following within 50 years, though not necessarily at the same time:
- Remains of the Ether Drake's mate: The remains can be studied to unlock the
Artificial Dragonscales technology. Alternatively, they can be ground down for
100-4000 Minerals and
1000-100000 Society research.
- Ether Drake's egg: The egg can be smashed for
300 Influence or used in a timed special project that takes
50000 Society research to hatch a controllable Ether Hatchling with about 7K Fleet Power. Unlike the controllable Space Amoeba, the Ether Hatchling never grows to a full sized Ether Drake.
- Remains of the Ether Drake's mate: The remains can be studied to unlock the

Shard; can be reanimated
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Available only with the Ancient Relics DLC enabled. |
Shard appears upon the conclusion of the Kleptomaniac Rats archaeological site excavation. Defeating her grants the
Rubricator Relic and begins the A Dirge for the Shard Leviathan Parade Situation.
If the Relic World is colonized, Shard destroys the colony after two years if she is not defeated.
As the excavation already requires claiming the system, the starbase can be upgraded into a bastion citadel in preparation for the fight. Alternatively, the final chapter of the site can be delayed to better prepare technologically.
Sky Dragon[]

Sky Dragon; can be reanimated
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Available only with the Aquatics DLC enabled. |
All empires with the Here Be Dragons origin start the game with a Sky Dragon guardian. The guardian is allied with the owner of its system and can only be attacked by empires who are at war with the system owner.
Between 6.5 and 13.5 years after the game has started, the owner of the system receives a notification that the Sky Dragon is hungry and is given the option to allow it to land on the capital, refuse, or observe.
- If refused, the Sky Dragon kills 2 pops and adds two blockers on the capital.
- If observed, the Sky Dragon kills 1 pop and then feeds.
- Allowing it to land costs
75 Influence and the Sky Dragon feeds.
Feeding the Sky Dragon takes 14-16 years, during which the capital gains the Feeding Dragon planetary feature. When feeding is complete, the empire is the choice between a small amount of
Research or
1000 Energy and
100 Exotic Gases. The Sky Dragon does not protect the system while feeding, but if another empire attempts to invade the planet the Sky Dragon stops feeding and protects the system.
If the system owner researches at least 2 Society and 2
Engineering technologies during the first 13-49 years, it gains the option to issue one of two special projects:
- Remote Dragon Scanning special project which grants a moderate amount of
Society research.
- Dragon Specimen Gathering special project which has the following outcomes:
- 30% chance the science ship and scientist are destroyed and the project can be attempted again with a different outcome
- 55% chance the project can be attempted again with a different outcome
- 15% chance the project succeeds and the empire unlocks the next
armor technology.
- If the project is attempted a second time, there is a 75% chance the Sky Dragon kills 2 pops and adds two blockers on the capital. The chance is reduced to 25% if the dragon was fed. If this second attempt is successful, gain 50% progress for the next
armor technology instead of unlocking it directly.
After either special project has completed and the empire has established communications with at least 70% of the galaxy, a first contact is started with the Sky Dragon. Finishing the first contact grants 150 Influence and an increased amount of
After establishing first contact with the Sky Dragon and picking 6 ascension perks, or 5 ascension perks and finishing a tradition tree unlocked by an ascension path, the Sky Dragon asks the empire to help raise its children. Refusing grants 500 Influence but the Sky Dragon disappears. If the offer is accepted, the empire gains control of Sky Dragon and unlocks the
Dragon Hatchery starbase building.
If the empire with the Here Be Dragons origin attacks and kills the Sky Dragon, it gains an empire modifier that gives
+20% Governing Ethics Attraction and
+10% monthly unity in addition to the usual space dragon rewards.
Sky Dragon gains only half of the usual guardian bonuses from higher game difficulty.
Dimensional Creatures[]

Dimensional creature emerging in the current dimension
Dimensional Creatures are nightmarish guardians that originate from a different dimension. Defeating any of them starts the Horrific Inverse Mass Leviathan Parade Situation.
Dimensional Creatures cannot move. but their tentacles can strike across the entire system. Their weapons ignore armor but do −75% damage to shields. They have equal amounts of shields, armor and hull as well as no evasion, making shielded fleets using the long-ranged Kinetic Artillery or size X weapons the ideal counter.
Total stats | Armaments | Utilities | Core components |
The Worm[]
The Worm appears in the capital system of an empire at the end of the Horizon Signal event chain if its offer has been refused. Defeating it grants the following rewards:
1500-3000 Energy
1000-8000 Physics Research
- If the
Ancient Relics DLC is enabled, it gives the
Scales of the Worm relic
Dimensional Horror[]
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Available only with the Leviathans DLC enabled. |
A random black hole system may appear empty on sensors but reveal the Dimensional Horror when first entered. There are no interactions with it beyond killing it. Defeating the Dimensional Horror leaves behind a dimensional rift with a special project that takes 140 days to be researched. Once examined, it gives the following rewards:
4000-6000 Physics Research
4000-6000 Society Research
- Unlocks the
Jump Drive technology with 50% progress if not already researched
The Elder One[]
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Available only with the Leviathans DLC enabled. |
A random planet in the galaxy might contain an archaeological site named The Broken Gates. It has 4 chapters, each one granting small minor artifacts reward (10, 30, or 50). Upon completing the final chapter, the Elder One begins manifesting and the empire receives the choice to either prevent it and gain
18x engineering output (350 ~ 100 000) or release it. Releasing it destroys the system identically to a Star-Eater and the Elder One emerges but does not immediately become hostile. If released, the Elder One contacts the empire 10 days later and offers to rebuild the starbase of the destroyed system and grant an empire modifier that gives
+6% Research Speed and
−10% Growth Speed. Refusing grants
24x influence output (150 ~ 300), but the Elder One becomes hostile.
If the Elder One is killed, the empire modifier that it provided is removed.
Exploration | Exploration • FTL • Anomaly • Archaeological site • Relics • Pre-FTL species • Fallen empire • Events • Spaceborne aliens • Enclaves • Guardians • Marauders • Caravaneers |
Celestial bodies | Celestial body • Colonization • Terraforming • Planetary features • Planet modifiers |
Species | Species • Traits • Population • Pop modification • Species rights • Ethics • Leader |
Governance | Empire • Origin • Government • Civics • Policies • Edicts • Factions • Technology • Traditions • Situations |
Economy | Resources • Planetary management • Districts • Buildings • Holdings • Jobs • Designation • Trade • Megastructures |
Diplomacy | Diplomacy • Relations • Galactic community • Federations • Subject empires • Intelligence • AI personalities |
Warfare | Warfare • Space warfare • Land warfare • Starbase • Ship • Ship designer • Crisis |
Others | The Shroud • L-Cluster • Unique systems • Preset empires • AI players • Easter eggs |