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UI council

Government council

Every empire has a government that provides different benefits. The name of a government is automatically determined according to its Ethics, Authority, and Civics. The government can be reformed once every 20 years at the cost of 10 Unity Unity per each point of Empire sprawl Empire Size.


An empire's authority decides how long the Ruler council position lasts, how it can be changed, what its effects are and what other bonuses the empire receives. Authority can be changed by reforming the government unless the empire has the Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin.

Type Election Ruler term Changeable Empire effects Ruler effects per skill level Requirements Description
Auth democratic Democratic Auth democratic Democratic 10 years Yes
  • Mod faction approval +10% Faction Approval
  • Mod country leader pool size +1 Leader Pool Size
  • Election vote share Resets Government Reform when ruler changes
  • Election vote share Resets Party Cooldowns when ruler changes
  • Election vote share Re-election
  • Edict Fund +5 Edicts Fund
  • Unity +2% Faction Unity Bonus
Democratic governments have regular elections where all citizens can vote on who should represent them.
Auth oligarchic Oligarchic Auth oligarchic Oligarchic 20 years Yes
  • Election vote share Can have Emergency Elections
  • Leader skill levels +2 Effective Councilor Skill
  • Edict Fund +5 Edicts Fund
  • Mod leader species exp gain +5% Councilor Experience Gain
Oligarchic governments are ruled by a small group of individuals that hold all political power.
Auth dictatorial Dictatorial Auth oligarchic Oligarchic Life Yes
  • Mod leader species exp gain +25% Ruler Experience Gain
  • Mod country leader pool size −1 Leader Pool Size
  • Edict Fund +10 Edicts Fund
  • Amenities −2% Pop Amenities Usage
Dictatorial governments are ruled by a single individual for life that wields absolute control over the state.
Imperial Imperial Imperial Hereditary Life Yes
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Resources from Jobs in Capital System
  • Mod country leader pool size −1 Leader Pool Size
  • Leader trait imperial heir Ruler has the Imperial Ruler trait
  • Edict Fund +5 Edicts Fund
  • Influence +0.25 Max Influence from Power Projection
Imperial governments are similar to dictatorial ones, except that the throne is always inherited by a designated successor upon the ruler's death.
Auth hive mind Hive Mind No Permanent No
  • Mod pop growth speed +25% Pop Growth Speed
  • Mod empire size penalty mult −25% Empire Size Effect
  • Hive-minded Pops have the Hive-Minded trait
  • Leader trait ruler hive mind Ruler has the Hive Mind trait
  • Edict Fund +5 Edicts Fund
  • Unity +2% Monthly Unity
Hive Minds operate as a single organism more than as a state. The population has no free will, and act as an extension of the Hive Mind itself - much like the limbs of a body. When cut off from the Mind, these drones become comatose and eventually wither and die. Any free individuals on planets owned by the Mind are driven away, killed, or simply treated as prey to feed the collective.
Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence No Permanent No
  • Pop +1 Pop when colonizing a world
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult +1 Monthly Mechanical Pop Assembly
  • Minerals +10% Mining Station Output
  • Empire sprawl +50% Empire Size from Planets
  • Mod pop growth req 50% Pop Growth Reduction
  • Auth machine intelligence Pops have the Machine trait
  • Leader trait machine intelligence Ruler has the Machine Intelligence trait
  • Edict Fund +5 Edicts Fund
  • Empire sprawl −3% Empire Size from Pops
Machine Intelligences are immense artificial group minds that have been networked into a single conscious entity. Most of the actual "population" in such an empire consists of mindless work units who perform their designated tasks without any semblance of free will.

A small number of semi-autonomous agents are typically employed for more specialized tasks that benefit from some degree of independent initiative.
Auth corporate Corporate Auth oligarchic Oligarchic 20 years Yes
  • Election vote share Can have Emergency Elections
  • Mod country leader pool size +1 External Leader Pool Size
  • Diplomacy commercial pact +20% Commercial Pact Efficiency
  • Mod empire size penalty mult +50% Empire Size from Planets
  • Diplomatic stance mercantile Can use the Mercantile Diplomatic Stance
  • Yes Can build Branch Offices
  • Edict Fund +5 Edicts Fund
  • Energy Credits +2% Branch Office Value
Corporate governments are organized as a massive commercial enterprise that has completely supplanted the role of the state.

Stellaris 3.11 Councilor Tier List-2


Each empire has a council where leaders can be appointed to give empire-wide bonuses that scale with the level of the leader. Each position can be renamed by clicking on its name.

  • Ruler Ruler is the only council position where the councilor cannot be freely replaced. What its effects are, how it is chosen, and how often it is replaced depends on the empire's authority.
  • Icon councilor defense Minister of Defense must be a Admiral Commander and each skill level adds −2% Upkeep Upkeep to armies, ships and starbases. If the position is empty or not part of the council, the empire has a −25% penalty to Mod navy size add Naval Capacity.
  • Icon councilor research Head of Research must be a Scientist Scientist and each skill level adds +2% Mod country all tech research speed Research Speed. If the position is empty or not part of the council, the empire has a −25% penalty to Mod country all tech research speed Research Speed.
  • Icon councilor state Minister of State must be a Governor Official and each skill level adds +2% to envoy improve and harm relations, first contact speed and infiltration speed. If the position is empty or not part of the council, the empire has a −25% penalty to Diplomatic weight Diplomatic Weight. This position is not available to empires with the Civic inwards perfection Inward Perfection or Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers civic.
  • If the Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is installed the empire can unlock two additional council positions with the Expand The Council agenda. They can be used for civic or enclave positions. Empires with the Civic inwards perfection Inward Perfection or Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers civic start with their council position unlocked.

Already unlocked council positions can be reselected either by reforming the government or by launching the Reorganize Council agenda. The starting council positions can be replaced by civic or enclave positions but this does not remove the penalty from not having a councilor assigned to them.

Civic positions[]

Each civic enables a unique position to be added to the council. To use these positions, the empire must either expand the council or form a new one.

Position Allowed classes Effects per leader skill level Description
Byzantine Bureaucracy Administrative Coordinator Governor Official Upkeep −2% Administrator Upkeep The Administrative Coordinator is in charge of coordinating the efforts of all administrative departments.
Civic death cult Apostle of Death Governor Official Menu icon edicts +2% Sacrificial Edict Effect The Apostle of Death presides over sacrificial rituals.
Civic warrior culture Arbiter of Duels Admiral Commander Job duelist +10% Duelist output The Arbiter of Duels is responsible for maintaining dueling etiquette, and overseeing the correct execution of warfare protocols.
Civic exalted priesthood Archpriest Governor Official Upkeep −2% Priest Upkeep The Archpriest presides over the religious council and guards against heresy.
Civic dimensional worshipAstral Minister Pop resource physics research mult +0.2 Physics from Priests The Astral Minister unify our priesthood under a single guiding vision in order to better serve our people.
Civic idyllic bloom Bloom Herald Scientist Scientist
  • Mod planet building cost mult −5% Gaia Seeder Build Cost
  • Upkeep −5% Gaia Seeder Upkeep
The Bloom Herald oversees all Gaia Seeder initiatives.
Civic mining guilds Chairman of the Mines Governor Official Mod planet stability add +0.05 Stability from Miners The Chairman of the Mines represents the mining guilds, whose influence helps to maintain order.
Civic feudal realm Chief Herald of Arms Admiral Commander Unity +5 Unity from Subjects The Chief Herald of Arms oversees the distribution of power and titles among subjects.
Civic police state Chief of Secret Police Admiral Commander Mod pop government ethic attraction +5% Governing Ethics Attraction The Chief of Secret Police ensures any internal threats or dissidents within our society are swiftly dealt with.
Civic citizen service Chief of Service Admiral Commander
  • Mod army upkeep mult −1.5% Army Upkeep
  • Mod leader species exp gain +25 Army Starting Experience
The Chief of Service is in charge of army training and reinforcement.
Civic corporate dominion Chief Trade Officer Governor Official Mod trade value mult +2% Trade Value The Chief Trade Officer is in charge of administering trade and financial deals.
Civic inwards perfection Commander of the Watch Admiral Commander
  • Damage +3% Defense Platform Damage
  • Health +3% Defense Platform Hull Points
The Commander of the Watch is in charge of the vigilant watch protecting our borders.
Civic merchant guilds Director of Trade Governor Official Mod trade value add +0.4 Trade Value from Clerks The Director of Trade is responsible for generating trade.
Civic agrarian idyll Elder Farmer Farmer +5% Farmer Output The Elder Farmer oversees farming traditions and practices.
Civic corvee system Employment Commissioner Admiral Commander Pop cat worker +2% Worker Pop Resource Output The Employment Commissioner oversees the distribution of labor assignments.
Civic sovereign guardianship First Citadel Admiral Commander
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Defense Army Damage
  • Health +5% Starbase Hull Points
  • Armor +5% Starbase Armor Points
  • Shield +5% Shield Hit Points in Friendly Systems
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Fire Rate in Friendly Systems
  • Tracking +5% Accuracy in Friendly Systems
A highly regarded expert at protecting our homeland, the First Citadel is responsible for the safety and maintenance for all of our planetary fortifications.
Civic environmentalist First Warden Scientist Scientist Mod pop amenities usage mult −1.5% Pop Amenities Usage The First Warden protects the environment and those living in harmony with it.
Civic pompous purists Grand Marshal Admiral Commander Mod diplo weight mult +2% Diplomatic Weight The Grand Marshal is a ceremonial position for impressing alien dignitaries.
Civic heroic tales Grand Storyteller
  • Mod leader species exp gain +2% Leader Experience Gain
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +2% Governing Ethics Attraction
Stories from the past contain much wisdom. Grand Storytellers inspire the population with traditional heroic tales.
Civic shared burdens Head Arbiter Pop cat worker +2% Worker Pop Resource Output The Head Arbiter makes sure any grievances are settled promptly.
Civic diplomatic corps High Ambassador Governor Official Trust cap +5 Trust Cap The High Ambassador ensures foreign dignitaries are treated with appropriate respect and dignity.
Civic memorialist High Curator Governor Official Unity +2% Monthly Unity The High Curator oversees the Memorial Sanctuaries.
Civic free haven Integration Facilitator Governor Official
  • Empire sprawl −3% Empire Size from Districts
  • Upkeep −3% District Upkeep
The Integration Facilitator is in charge of integration and employment of new citizens.
Civic memory vault Keeper of the Vaults Scientist Scientist
  • Upkeep −2% Leader Upkeep
  • Cost −2% Leader Cost
The Keeper of the Vaults is responsible for maintaining vast archives of knowledge stored deep in vaults, and distributing this knowledge to those who seek it.
Barbaric Despoilers Labor Intendant Admiral Commander Empire sprawl −2% Empire Size from enslaved pops The Labor Intendant is responsible for slave administration and supervision.
Civic slaver guilds Labor Magistrate Happiness +2% Slave Happiness The Labor Magistrate oversees the treatment of slaves, to prevent unnecessary bloodshed.
Civic philosopher king Lord Chancellor Mod leader species exp gain +3% Councilor Experience Gain The Lord Chancellor serves to advise the council in all matters.
Civic crusader spirit Lord Commander Admiral Commander
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +1% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod army damage mult +2% Army Damage
The Lord Commander is responsible for leading the armies of the righteous and planning battle tactics.
Civic distinguished admiralty Lord High Admiral Admiral Commander
  • Mod navy size add +1% Naval Capacity
  • Mod leader species exp gain +50 Ship Starting Experience
The Lord High Admiral is the ceremonial head of the navy, upholding its high standards.
Civic aristocratic elite Lord Steward Pop cat ruler +2% Ruler Pop Resource Output The Lord Steward upholds the status and comforts of the ruling class.
Civic functional architecture Master Architect Governor Official Mod planet building build speed mult +2% Planetary Build Speed The Master Architect ensures simplicity and lean practices are upheld and valued.
Civic reanimated armies Master Necromancer Unity +0.5 Unity from Necromancers The Master Necromancer guards the secret arts and ordains new necromancers.
Civic ascensionists Minister of Ascension Governor Official Unity +2% Monthly Unity The Minister of Ascension leads the pursuit of perfection.
Civic eager explorers Minister of Exploration Scientist Scientist
  • Anomaly research speed +5% Anomaly Research Speed
  • Time +5% Archaeology Excavation Speed
  • Fleet action button jump +3% Jump Drive Range
The Minister of Exploration is in charge of special studies and expeditions.
Civic pleasure seekers Minister of Extravagance Happiness +4% Ruler Happiness The Minister of Extravagance wields a substantial budget for keeping the privileged lavishly entertained.
Civic anglers Minister of the Seas Governor Official
  • Food +0.3 Food from Anglers
  • Consumer goods +0.2 Consumer Goods from Pearl Divers
The Minister of the Seas is in charge of sea conservation and harvesting.
Civic fanatic purifiers Minister of War Production Alloys +2% Monthly Alloys The Minister of War Production ensures resources are available to sustain military operations.
Civic dystopian society Primary Overseer
  • Happiness +1% Ruler Happiness
  • Unity +0.2 Unity from Enforcers
The Primary Overseer seeks out corruption and extinguishes it before it can spread.
Civic imperial cult Prime Herald Governor Official Priest +2% Priest Output The Prime Herald is in charge of our spiritual narrative.
Civic cutthroat politics Prime Speaker Governor Official Unity +3% Faction Unity Bonus The Prime Speaker will stop at nothing to achieve results.
Civic catalytic processing Principal Catalyst Scientist Scientist Metallurgist +2% Catalytic Technician Output The Principal Catalyst oversees augmentation of catalytic raw materials.
Civic meritocracy Principal Instructor Mod leader species exp gain +2% Leader Experience Gain The Principal Instructor oversees training and development for all important leaders.
Beacon of Liberty Protector of Liberty Admiral Commander Egalitarian +7% Egalitarian Ethics Attraction The Protector of Liberty is a champion of freedom.
Civic technocracy Senior Science Director Scientist Scientist Upkeep −2% Researcher Upkeep The Senior Science Director ensures fundamental research is promoted and shared between departments.
Civic shadow council Shadow Councilor Upkeep −4% Ruler Upkeep Officially, the Shadow Councilor is merely an observer, but may have a hidden agenda.
Civic dark consortium Shadow Weaver Dark Matter +0.02 Dark Matter from Researchers The Shadow Weaver's duties lie in accounting for each and every unit of dark matter, ensuring not a single particle is wasted.
Civic selective kinship Speaker for the Kin Governor Official Mod pop political power +2% Citizen Political Power The Speaker for the Kin amplifies the voice of our rightful citizenry.
Civic parliamentary system Speaker of Parliament Governor Official Time +3% Council Agenda Speed The Speaker of Parliament ensures our parliament is focusing on the most relevant issues.
Civic nationalistic zeal Standard Bearer Admiral Commander Mod navy size add +1% Naval capacity The Standard Bearer is the champion and pride of our society.
Civic efficient bureaucracy Superintendent Governor Official Bureaucrat +2% Administrator Output The Superintendent is in charge of streamlining all administrative processes.
Civic idealistic foundation Tribune of Rights Governor Official Mod pop amenities usage mult −1.5% Pop Amenities Usage The Tribune of Rights protects the rights of citizens, building trust in society and government.
Civic toxic baths Warden of the Baths Unity +0.5 Unity from Mutagenic Spa Attendants The Warden of the Baths promotes the importance and benefits of the bathing rituals.
Civic relentless industrialistsCivic corporate relentless industrialists Chief Extraction Officer Minerals +2% Minerals from Miners The Chief Extraction Officer will exploit anyone and anything to ensure industrial expansion.
Civic hyperspace specialtyCivic corporate hyperspace specialty Hyperlane Supervisor Stability +1 Stability per Hyperlane Registrar starbase building The Hyperlane Supervisor helps ensure the safety and security of our interstellar logistics network.
Civic craftersCivic corporate crafters Master Crafter Governor Official Mod ship armor mult +1% Armor Hit Points The Master Crafter oversees craftsmanship in military applications.
Civic scavengersCivic corporate scavengers Master Scrapper Unknown +1% Chance to Salvage Ships The Master Scrapper is in charge of refining the salvaging process of scavenged ships.
Civic indentured assets Assets Appropriation Officer Admiral Commander Mod trade value add +0.2 Trade Value per Enslaved Pop The Assets Appropriation Officer ensures efficiency in the trade of indentured assets.
Civic corporate dimensional worship Astral Minister
  • Pop resource physics research mult +0.2 Physics from Priests
  • Trade value +0.2 Trade Value from Priests
The Astral Minister unify our priesthood under a single guiding vision in order to better serve our people.
Brand Loyalty Brand Manager Governor Official Energy Credits +2% Branch Office Value The Brand Manager is responsible for cultivating brand loyalty across all borders.
Civic corporate ascensionists Chief Ascension Officer Governor Official Unity +2% Monthly Unity The Chief Ascension Officer leads the pursuit of perfection.
Civic corporate catalytic processing Chief Catalyst Officer Scientist Scientist Food −2% Job Food Upkeep The Chief Catalyst Officer oversees augmentation of catalytic raw materials.
Civic death cult corporate Chief Executive Executioner Governor Official Menu icon edicts +2% Sacrificial Edict Effect The Chief Executive Executioner presides over sacrificial rituals.
Civic corporate anglers Chief Marine Officer Governor Official
  • Mod trade value add +0.2 Trade Value from Anglers
  • Mod trade value add +0.4 Trade Value from Pearl Divers
The Chief Marine Officer is responsible for seaborne productivity.
Civic media conglomerate Chief Marketing Officer Governor Official Mod pop government ethic attraction +5% Governing Ethics Attraction The Chief Marketing Officer runs promotional campaigns for the government.
Civic corporate hedonism Chief Morale Officer Mod trade value add +0.8 Trade Value from Entertainers The Chief Morale Officer ensures that extra benefits are available to those willing to pay.
Civic ruthless competition Chief of Staff Scientist Scientist
  • Upkeep −2% Leader Upkeep
  • Cost −2% Leader Cost
The Chief of Staff thrives under pressure and will stop at nothing to prove their worth.
Civic task delegation corporate Chief Posting Officer Governor Official
  • Happiness +1% Specialist Happiness
  • Mod pop political power +5%% Specialist Political Power
The Chief Posting Officer is responsible for the efficient handling of all delegation assignments.
Civic free traders Chief Trade Officer Governor Official Diplomacy commercial pact +2% Commercial Pact Efficiency The Chief Trade Officer supervises trade with other empires.
Civic memory vault corporate Dealer of Knowledge Scientist Scientist
  • Upkeep −2% Leader Upkeep
  • Cost −2% Leader Cost
Dealers of Knowledge are responsible for maintaining the vast vault archives. They distribute the knowledge to those who are willing to pay for it.
Civic gospel of the masses Executive High Priest Governor Official Mod pop government ethic attraction +5% Temple of Prosperity Ethics Shift Chance The Executive High Priest is in charge of spreading the gospel.
Civic public relations specialists Exopublic Relations Officer Admiral Commander Envoy action improving relations +5% Envoy Improve Relations The Exopublic Relations Officer is responsible for improving our public image on the galactic stage.
Civic private prospectors Expansion Coordinator
  • Cost −2% Outpost Build Cost
  • Mod country starbase influence cost mult −2% Starbase Influence Cost
The Expansion Coordinator coordinates expansion efforts when claiming new systems.
Civic franchising Franchise Development Officer Empire sprawl −5% Empire Size from Branch Offices The Franchise Development Officer is responsible for expansion into new locations and markets.
Civic worker coop General Secretary of Unions
  • Amenities +0.25 Amenities from Stewards
  • Trade value +0.25 Trade Value from Stewards
The democratically-appointed General Secretary of Unions ensures clear and concise communication between executive committees and our worker members.
Civic corporate toxic baths Mutagenic Aesthetician Unity +0.5 Unity from Mutagenic Spa Attendants The Mutagenic Aesthetician promotes the importance and benefits of the bathing rituals.
Civic naval contractors Naval Procurement Officer Admiral Commander Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −1% Ship Build Cost The Naval Procurement Officer negotiates contracts for the navy.
Civic privatized exploration Orbital Development Officer Governor Official
  • Mod spaceport module cost mult +2.5% Starbase Building Cost
  • Mod spaceport module cost mult +2.5% Starbase Module Cost
  • Mod spaceport module cost mult +2.5% Orbital Stations Build Cost
The Orbital Development Officer is in charge of constructing and maintaining orbital stations.
Civic private healthcare corporate Pharmaceutical Executive
  • Mod pop growth req +1% Pop Growth Speed
  • Mod habitability +1% Habitability
The Pharmaceutical Executive is the representative for all healthcare corporations.
Civic crusader spirit corporate Privateer Acquisition Officer Admiral Commander
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +1% Ship Fire Rate
  • Trade protection +1 Trade Protection
Acquisition officers are constantly headhunting for promising privateers and those with plundering experience who could expand our operations.
Civic private military companies Public Security Chief Admiral Commander Mod planet stability add +0.25 Stability from Soldiers The Public Security Chief maintains civilian order via private military organizations.
Civic corporate sovereign guardianship Secretary of Defense Admiral Commander
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Defense Army Damage
  • Health +5% Starbase Hull Points
  • Armor +5% Starbase Armor Points
  • Shield +5% Shield Hit Points in Friendly Systems
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Fire Rate in Friendly Systems
  • Tracking +5% Accuracy in Friendly Systems
A highly regarded expert at protecting our homeland, the Secretary of Defense is responsible for the accounting and logistics for all of our planetary fortifications.
Shadow Corporation Shadow Broker Dark Matter +0.02 Dark Matter from Researchers The Shadow Broker's duties lie in accounting for each and every unit of dark matter, ensuring not a single particle is wasted.
Civic criminal heritage Syndication Agency Officer Admiral Commander Energy Credits +0.25 Branch Office Value per Criminal The Syndication Agency Officer ensures employees of external branch offices are properly trained in their field.
Civic trading posts Trade Logistics Coordinator Admiral Commander Mod trade value add +0.5 Trade Value per Trade Hub The Trade Logistics Coordinator is in charge of coordinating trade route scheduling to optimize capacity.
Civic permanent employment Workforce Assignment Officer Governor Official Mod pop growth speed +1% Organic Pop Assembly Speed The Workforce Assignment Officer commissions and oversees new workers.
Civic galactic sovereign Watcher of the Imperium Admiral Commander
  • Intel +2 Base Intel Level
  • Spy network +2% Infiltration Speed
The Watcher of the Imperium maintains operatives throughout the Galactic Imperium, monitoring any suspicious behavior.
Civic psionic sovereign Divine Conduit Mod pop resource output +1% Resources from Psionic Pops from Telepaths First channeled by the Psi-Corps, the Divine Conduit provides a conduit for the Chosen One's vast psionic potential.

Enclave positions[]

Enclave positions are only available if the empire recruited an enclave paragon and only the said paragon can have the position. To use these positions, the empire must either expand the council or form a new one.

Position Effects per leader skill level Description DLC
Civic ancient caches of technology Curator Archivist
  • Research +2% Researcher Output
  • Upkeep −2% Researcher Upkeep
An archivist from the Curator Order serves on the council, sharing the accumulated knowledge of eons. LeviathansDistant Stars
Civic corporate dominion Trader Liaison
  • Mod trade value mult +2% Trade Value
  • Menu icon market −1% Market Fee
A liaison from one of the three hubs of galactic commerce sits on the council, granting insider information on brokerages across the galaxy. Leviathans
Civic salvagers Master Salvager
  • Armor +2% Armor Hit Points in Friendly Systems
  • Unknown +10% Resources Gained from Scavenging Debris
An experience technician from the Salvager Enclave ensures battlefield debris is put to efficient use. Overlord
Civic shroudwalkers Shroudwalker Teacher
  • Psionics +5% Chance for Psionics Research Options
  • Unity +1% Monthly Unity
  • Unknown −2% Shroud Delve Cost
An adept of the Shroudwalkers serves on the council, instructing in the ways of the Shroud. Overlord


Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires use 4 permanent nodes instead of a council. The nodes level up together with the ruler and can have their own traits.

Node Effects per skill level Description
Gestalt node scientist 01 Cognitive Node Mod country all tech research speed +2% Research Speed The Cognitive Node is where we develop our understanding of the world around us.
Gestalt node general 01 Regulatory Node Job criminal −3 Deviancy The Regulatory Node is where we counter the emergence of deviant consciousnesses.
Gestalt node admiral 01 Legion Node Influence +0.1 Monthly Influence The Legion Node is where decisions concerning galactic expansion are made.
Gestalt node governor 01 Growth Node Mod pop growth req +3% Pop Assembly Speed The Growth Node is where important hive decisions are made.


Agendas represent the current goals of the government. Each agenda has a weaker continuous effect and a far more powerful launch effect which takes time to prepare and once ready lasts for 10 years, or 12.5 if the empire has the Tradition statecraft 3 Immutable Directives tradition. Agendas can be changed at any point, but if they are not ready for launch, all progress is lost when changed. After its duration is complete, the same agenda cannot be selected again for 30 years.

Agendas cost 7000 progress points to launch, and the cost is increased by 0.1% for each point of Empire sprawl Empire Size above 100. Each councilor provides 10 + level points of progress each month. Agendas can be launched by paying Unity Unity equal to the amount of progress left.

The council also has a Mod faction approval Council Legitimacy rating based on the total Faction Approval within the empire. Each point below 50% decreases monthly agenda progress by −1% and each point above 50% increases progress by +0.5%.

Agenda Initial effect Launch effect Requirements Description
Infinite Opportunities Let's promote and celebrate our technological achievements.
Cybernetic Advantage
  • Upkeep −5% Cyborg Upkeep
  • Mod pop growth req +2.5% Organic Pop Assembly Speed if biological
  • Mod pop growth req +5% Pop Growth Speed if robot
  • Upkeep −20% Cyborg Upkeep
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Organic Pop Assembly Speed if biological
  • Mod pop growth req +20% Pop Growth Speed if robot
Tradition icon cybernetics Cybernetic tradition tree We must ensure that our best Cybernetic enhancements are made available to everyone within our borders.
Genetic Pursuit
  • Research speed (society) +5% Biology Research Speed
  • Mod country modify species cost mult −5% Modify Species Special Project Cost
  • Mod pop growth req +2% Organic Pop Assembly Speed
  • Research speed (society) +20% Biology Research Speed
  • Mod country modify species cost mult −20% Modify Species Special Project Cost
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Organic Pop Assembly Speed
Tradition icon genetics Genetic tradition tree We must focus our efforts to achieve absolute genetic perfection.
Psionic Supremacy
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from Psionic Pops
  • Research speed (society) +10% Psionics Research Speed
  • Mod pop resource output +20% Resources from Psionic Pops
  • Research speed (society) +40% Psionics Research Speed
  • Unity +10% Monthly Unity if no Covenant
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Pop Growth Speed if Covenant with Composer of Strands
  • Trade value +25% Trade Value if Covenant with Instrument of Desire
  • Spy network −30% Operation Cost if Covenant with Whisperers in the Void
  • Mod ship build speed mult +10% Ship Build Speed if Covenant with Eater of Worlds
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −10% Ship Cost if Covenant with Eater of Worlds
Tradition icon psionics Psionic tradition tree We must inspire and assure our people of the great destiny our Psionic powers will lead us to.
Synthetic Yield Mod pop robot build speed mult +0.5 Monthly Mechanical Pop Assembly Mod pop robot build speed mult +2 Monthly Mechanical Pop Assembly Tradition icon synthetics Synthetic tradition tree Any doubt regarding the superiority of our synthetics must be cast aside.
Cognitive Revision Mod leader species exp gain +20% Cognitive Node Experience Gain Mod leader species exp gain +100% Cognitive Node Experience Gain Tradition icon synchronicity Synchronicity tradition tree Analysis and existential understanding must be prioritized.
Expansion Revision Mod leader species exp gain +20% Expansion Node Experience Gain Mod leader species exp gain +100% Expansion Node Experience Gain Tradition icon synchronicity Synchronicity tradition tree Controlling the boundaries of our territory in space must be prioritized.
Growth Revision Mod leader species exp gain +20% Growth Node Experience Gain Mod leader species exp gain +100% Growth Node Experience Gain Tradition icon synchronicity Synchronicity tradition tree Coordinating our drones and colonies must be prioritized.
Order Revision Mod leader species exp gain +20% Deviance Suppression Node Experience Gain Mod leader species exp gain +100% Deviance Suppression Node Experience Gain Tradition icon synchronicity Synchronicity tradition tree Preemptive measures must be prioritized.
Expand The Council None Button council position unlockable Unlocks 1 civic councilor slot We should expand our government to support an additional councilor.
Reorganize Council None Button council position unlockable Can reselect civic councilor slots Due to changes in government focus, we should reorganize the Council to focus on other matters.
Build Relations
  • Trust growth +25% Trust Growth
  • Diplomatic weight +5% Diplomatic Weight
  • Trust growth +100% Trust Growth
  • Diplomatic weight +20% Diplomatic Weight
Only through building trust can we create a better future.
Chart the Unknown
  • Anomaly discovery chance +5% Anomaly Discovery Chance
  • Mod ship science survey speed +25% Survey Speed
  • Anomaly discovery chance +5% Anomaly Discovery Chance
  • Mod ship science survey speed +100% Survey Speed
We must fervently chart all the mysteries of the galaxy.
Civil Exclusion
  • Pop cat worker +5% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Pop cat slave +5% Slave Pop Resource Output
  • Job criminal +10 Crime
  • Pop cat worker +20% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Pop cat slave +20% Slave Pop Resource Output
  • Job criminal +10 Crime
Citizenship requirements are temporarily adjusted, raising expectations of those within our borders.
Auth hive mind Auth machine intelligence There is an accepted deviancy level among our simple drones, as some divergences can result in raised productivity.
Conquer Nature
  • Mod habitability +5% Habitability
  • Mod country terraforming speed +10% Terraforming Speed
  • Mod habitability +20% Habitability
  • Mod country terraforming speed +40% Terraforming Speed
  • Menu icon technology Unlocks a random terraforming technology
We can adapt to our surroundings, but in the end nature will bend to our will.
Departmental Efficiency Mod leader species exp gain +20% Councilor Experience Gain
  • Mod leader species exp gain +20% Councilor Experience Gain
  • Leader skill levels +2 Effective Councilor Skills
We streamline council departments by rebuilding them from the ground up.
Auth hive mind The Mind and Councilor Nodes can each temporarily be forced into a heightened state of efficiency.
Auth machine intelligence We can temporarily overclock our highest priority Processing Nodes, to gain efficiency.
Favored Society Pop cat specialist +5% Specialist Pop Resource Output
  • Pop cat specialist +5% Specialist Pop Resource Output
  • Mod pop resource output +20% Resources from Jobs on Capital
We choose to favor people on our Capital world, and those supporting them.
Impenetrable Border
  • Health +5% Starbase Hull Points
  • Mod starbase upgrade cost −5% Starbase Upgrade Cost
  • Mod country war exhaustion −5% War Exhaustion Gain
  • Health +20% Starbase Hull Points
  • Mod starbase upgrade cost −20% Starbase Upgrade Cost
  • Mod country war exhaustion −20% War Exhaustion Gain
We will prepare for the worst and be ready, should our territory ever be threatened.
Inner Stability Stability +5 Stability Stability +20 Stability A shared vision brings us harmony despite our differing values.
Leadership Conditioning Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain
  • Mod leader species exp gain +3000 Experience is shared between all leaders
All our leaders spend, willingly or not, considerable time and effort on introspection and behavioral retraining.
Auth hive mind All unique, and benevolent, aspects of our leaders are gathered and unified into our higher consciousness.
Auth machine intelligence All optimal non-standard procedures from leader units are analyzed, filtered, and finally combined with our core.
Military Buildup
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −5% Ship Build Cost
  • Energy Credits −5% Ship Energy Upkeep
  • Mod country war exhaustion −5% War Exhaustion Gain
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −20% Ship Build Cost
  • Energy Credits −20% Ship Energy Upkeep
  • Mod country war exhaustion −20% War Exhaustion Gain
By acting decisively, we stand prepared for any threats.
Open Markets Diplomacy commercial pact +20% Commercial Pact Efficiency Diplomacy commercial pact +50% Commercial Pact Efficiency We commit entirely to maximizing the benefits for all involved parties in our Commercial Pacts.
Pioneer Politics
  • Influence −5% Galactic Community Resolution Action Costs
  • Time −5% Veto Cooldown
  • Influence −20% Galactic Community Resolution Action Costs
  • Time −20% Veto Cooldown
The Galactic Community will recognize and praise our absolute commitment to them.
Second Strike
  • Mod ship speed mult +10% Sublight Speed
  • Time −10% Time Spent Missing in Action
  • Mod ship speed mult +25% Sublight Speed
  • Mod ship disengagement +1% Disengagement Opportunities
Attacking while your enemy is reeling remains a time-honored tradition.
Self Maintenance
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult +2% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
  • Amenities −5% Pop Amenities Usage
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult +10% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
  • Amenities −20% Pop Amenities Usage
Permit local clustering and patching of environmental adaptation protocols.
Superior Colonies Mod planet colony development speed +25% Colony Development Speed
  • Mod planet colony development speed +50% Colony Development Speed
  • Mod planet building build speed mult +50% Planetary Build Speed on New Colonies
We make substantial logistical efforts to support the development of our new colonies.
Uncover Secrets
  • Intel decryption +2 Codebreaking
  • Intel +5 Base Intel Level
  • Intel decryption +2 Codebreaking
  • Intel +20 Base Intel Level
We pursue all means possible of gaining information on anyone and everything.
Oppose the Fallen
  • Damage +5% Damage to Fallen Empires and Awakened Empires
  • Damage +5% Damage to Marauders
  • Damage +5% Damage to The Horde
  • Damage +25% Damage to Fallen Empires and Awakened Empires
  • Damage +25% Damage to Marauders
  • Damage +25% Damage to The Horde
Tradition statecraft 2 Inspiring Agendas tradition Studying these imposing threats will allow us to adapt our forces before a confrontation can arise.
Rightful Claims Influence +20% Rivalries Influence Gain
  • Influence +50% Rivalries Influence Gain
  • Damage +5% Damage to Rivals
  • Mod country claim influence cost −20% Claim Influence Cost
Tradition statecraft 2 Inspiring Agendas tradition Through political procedure and streamlined bureaucracy, we are better suited to manipulate our rivals.
Dark Matter Breakthrough
  • Civic dark consortium Cannot remove the Dark Consortium civic
  • Shadow Corporation Cannot remove the Shadow Corporation civic
  • Menu icon technology Unlock a Dark Matter ship component technology
  • Civic dark consortiumShadow Corporation Dark Consortium civic
  • Menu icon technology Any tier 5 technology
There are powerful applications we have not yet fully explored in the manipulation of Dark Matter.
Unifying Promise
  • Happiness +5% Citizen Pop Happiness
  • Time +20% Council Agenda Speed
  • Yes Unlocks the additional approaches of the situation
  • Yes Adds a random Luminary Insight effect
  • Yes Ethics-based agendas replace their launch effect with a unique event
Navbar icons situation Unifying Promise situation The 40-year plan is vital to our empire's success. By combining our efforts under the Luminary's guidance, we will achieve things far greater than we could alone.
Total Crackdown
  • Happiness −5% Citizen Pop Happiness
  • Egalitarian −10% Egalitarian Ethics Attraction
  • Navbar icons situation Ends the Reformists Demand situation
  • Yes Triggers the Reformists Captured event
Navbar icons situation Reformists Demands situation By apprehending their leaders in an empire-wide sweep, we can cripple the Reformists and force them to the negotiating table on our terms.

Ethic agendas[]

The following agendas are only available to empires with the required ethics.

Agenda Initial effect Launch effect Ethic Description
Evolving Society
  • Unity +10% Monthly Unity
  • Unity +40% Monthly Unity
NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Ideas and theories for new ways to improve ourselves must be discussed and pursued with fervor.
A Higher Purpose
  • Happiness +5% Citizen Pop Happiness
  • Spiritualist +10% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • Happiness +5% Citizen Pop Happiness
  • Spiritualist +40% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • Unity +50 Unity per Priest
SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist In our faith we must find comfort, purpose and direction.
Display of Power
  • Influence +0.25 Max Influence from Power Projection
  • Mod country war exhaustion −5% War Exhaustion Gain
  • Militarist +10% Militarist Ethics Attraction
  • Influence +1 Max Influence from Power Projection
  • Mod country war exhaustion −20% War Exhaustion Gain
  • Militarist +40% Militarist Ethics Attraction
MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist Our neighbors will know we are prepared for war if necessary.
Give and Take
  • Mod faction approval +10% Faction Approval
  • Egalitarian +10% Egalitarian Ethics Attraction
  • Mod faction approval +25% Faction Approval
  • Egalitarian +40% Egalitarian Ethics Attraction
  • Unity +25% Faction Unity Gain
EgalitarianFanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian Our political climate must encourage compromises and respect for differing views.
Open Arms
  • Mod planet migration all pull +5% Pop Growth from Immigration
  • Trade value +5% Trade Value
  • Xenophile +10% Xenophile Ethics Attraction
  • Mod planet migration all pull +20% Pop Growth from Immigration
  • Trade value +10% Trade Value
  • Xenophile +40% Xenophile Ethics Attraction
  • Mod country leader pool size +2 External Leader Pool Size
XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile We are all citizens of the same galaxy. Everyone should feel welcome within our borders.
Preserve the Order
  • Pop cat worker +5% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Pop cat slave +5% Slave Pop Resource Output
  • Authoritarian +10% Authoritarian Ethics Attraction
  • Pop cat worker +10% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Pop cat slave +10% Slave Pop Resource Output
  • Authoritarian +40% Authoritarian Ethics Attraction
  • Mod pop political power −25% Worker Political Power
  • Mod pop political power −25% Slave Political Power
AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian For us to truly prosper as a society, people must respect the judgment of the regime.
Progressive Growth
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult +10% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
  • Materialist +10% Materialist Ethics Attraction
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult +20% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
  • Materialist +40% Materialist Ethics Attraction
  • Tech powered exoskeletons Unlocks the Powered Exoskeletons technology with 25% progress if not already researched
MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist The only practical way to satisfy our desire for growth is through manufacturing it.
Strong on Our Own
  • Mod pop growth req +5% Pop Growth Speed
  • Xenophobe +10% Xenophobe Ethics Attraction
  • Trade value −5% Trade Value
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Pop Growth Speed
  • Xenophobe +40% Xenophobe Ethics Attraction
  • Stability +10 Stability
  • Intel encryption +2 Encryption
  • Trade value −10% Trade Value
XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe We cannot rely on others, and must focus on making ourselves stronger.
We Come in Peace
  • Trust cap +25 Trust Cap
  • Diplomacy opinion −10% Border Friction
  • Pacifist +10% Pacifist Ethics Attraction
  • Mod navy size add −25% Naval Capacity
  • Trust cap +25 Trust Cap
  • Diplomacy opinion −50% Border Friction
  • Pacifist +40% Pacifist Ethics Attraction
  • Mod navy size add −25% Naval Capacity
PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Ensure that non-aggression permeates our society and diplomatic relations.
Correctional Bisection Unknown −2 Leader Maximum Negative Traits
  • Yes Removes Negative Traits from Ruler and Nodes
  • Mod leader species exp gain −300 Experience per removed trait
Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Distracting data points, and false conclusions hinder our reasoning skills. We must purge all redundant information.
Finding the Voice
  • Unity +5 Monthly Unity
  • Unity +10% Monthly Unity
  • Unity +20 Monthly Unity
  • Unity +40% Monthly Unity
Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Millions of impressions and conclusions overwhelm us. Learning to filter out all but the most important voices takes effort, but also makes us more efficient.

Ascension perk agendas[]

The following agendas are unlocked by the ascension perk with the same name. They unlock technologies relevant to the ascension path in order as permanent research options with 25% progress. They cost half as much to launch as regular agendas. Once all relevant technologies have been researched, the agenda disappears. If the last technology is researched while the agenda is preparing launching, it grants a large amount of research from the same field instead.

Agenda Technologies
Engineered Evolution
  1. Tech genome mapping Genome Mapping
  2. Tech gene tailoring Gene Tailoring
  3. Tech glandular acclimation Glandular Acclimation
  4. Tech gene expressions Targeted Gene Expressions
  5. Tech gene seed purification Gene Seed Purification
Mind over Matter
  1. Tech psionic theory Psionic Theory
  2. Tech telepathy Telepathy
  3. Tech thought enforcement Thought Enforcement
Synthetic Evolution
  1. Tech powered exoskeletons Powered Exoskeletons
  2. Tech robotic workers Robotic Workers
  3. Droids Droids
  4. Tech administrative ai Administrative AI
  5. Tech self aware logic Self-Aware Logic
  6. Tech sentient ai Positronic AI
  7. Synthetics Synthetics
  8. Tech synthetic leaders Synthetic Personality Matrix
Agenda Technologies
The Flesh is Weak
  1. Tech powered exoskeletons Powered Exoskeletons
  2. Tech integrated cybernetics Integrated Cybernetics
  3. Tech gene tailoring Gene Tailoring
  4. Quantum Missiles Quantum Neuro-Links
Organo-Machine Interfacing
  1. Tech powered exoskeletons Powered Exoskeletons
  2. Tech integrated cybernetics Integrated Cybernetics
  3. Tech gene tailoring Gene Tailoring
  4. Quantum Missiles Quantum Neuro-Links
Synthetic Age
  1. Tech powered exoskeletons Improved Servomotors
  2. Tech robomodding Machine Template System
  3. Tech robomodding points 1 Binary Motivators
  4. Tech robomodding points 2 Nanite Assemblers
  5. Tech mega assembly Mega-Assembly Systems

Empires with the Origins teachers of the shroud Teachers of the Shroud origin can use the Mind over Matter agenda without taking the ascension perk.

Node reset agendas[]

The following agendas reset one of the nodes used by Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires. While the agenda is active the node gains +50% more experience but when the agenda is launched the node loses all traits and is reset at level 1. More advanced culling/reformatting technologies reset the node to a higher starting level.

Agenda Reset node Required technology Description
Cull Cognitive Node Gestalt node scientist 01 Cognitive Tech node culling 1 Rudimentary Node Culling Our Cognitive Node is no longer suited for our purpose, it shall be culled and a replacement Node shall be grown.
Cull Growth Node Gestalt node governor 01 Growth Our Growth Node is no longer suited for our purpose, it shall be culled and a replacement Node shall be grown.
Cull Legion Node Gestalt node admiral 01 Legion Our Legion Node is no longer suited for our purpose, it shall be culled and a replacement Node shall be grown.
Cull Regulatory Node Gestalt node general 01 Regulatory Our Regulatory Node is no longer suited for our purpose, it shall be culled and a replacement Node shall be grown.
Reformat Cognitive Node Gestalt node scientist 01 Cognitive Tech node reformatting 1 Rudimentary Node Reformatting Our Cognitive Node is no longer suited for our purpose, it shall be reformatted and restored to the last valid backup.
Reformat Growth Node Gestalt node governor 01 Growth Our Growth Node is no longer suited for our purpose, it shall be reformatted and restored to the last valid backup.
Reformat Legion Node Gestalt node admiral 01 Legion Our Legion Node is no longer suited for our purpose, it shall be reformatted and restored to the last valid backup.
Reformat Regulatory Node Gestalt node general 01 Regulatory Our Regulatory Node is no longer suited for our purpose, it shall be reformatted and restored to the last valid backup.


Elections come in two kinds: Democratic and Oligarchic. The election cycle lasts 3 months and all empire leaders take part. The current ruler stays in office until the replacement is decided (if applicable). The cost of influencing elections is reduced by −75% by the Civic shadow council Shadow Council civic.

  • In Oligarchic elections a random leader is chosen as the next ruler. The empire can pay an amount of Unity Unity determined by empire size to change the winner.
  • In Democratic elections each leader has a Support which is equal to the power of the faction that shares its ethic. The leader with the highest Support becomes the next ruler. Support is also increased the following ways:
    • +20% if the leader class is favored by the government type
    • +20% if the leader has a veteran class focused on the council
    • +10% if the leader is the current ruler
    • +5% if the leader is already part of the empire council
    • +5% per councilor trait
    • +2% per skill level
    • −20% if the leader has a veteran class not focused on the council
    • −20% if the leader is near the end of its lifespan
    • The empire can pay an amount of Unity Unity determined by empire size to increase support by +5 each time

Government type[]

Aside from naming the default Ruler Ruler council position and deciding the first AI message when establishing communications, government types also decide which leader classes will have increased support during democratic elections.

The rules are not dissimilar from an AI Personality: Certain requirements must be met and every value has a weight – which can be modified by certain factors – with the highest weighted option being used.

Government type Authority Ethics and civics Favored class Ruler title Heir title Base weight & modifiers Description
Representative Democracy Auth democratic No None President 1 This government is a representative democracy, where citizens vote on officials who are elected to represent them.
Plutocratic Oligarchy Auth oligarchic No None High Commissioner 1 This government is a plutocratic form of oligarchy, ruled by a wealthy and influential elite.
Constitutional Dictatorship Auth dictatorial No None Executor 1 This government is a dictatorship where a single individual has been granted perpetual emergency powers to preserve the state from any threats, real or imagined.
Despotic Empire Imperial Leader trait imperial heir Heir Emperor
Crown Prince
Crown Princess
1 This government is a relatively pure form of autocracy, with an absolute ruler that governs the state with an iron gripping appendage.
Communal Parity Auth democratic Civic shared burdens Shared Burdens No None Presiding Speaker 10000 This government promotes total equality for all its citizens, regardless of their jobs or assigned tasks. One life is worth the same as any other.
Elective Monarchy Auth dictatorial Civic philosopher king Philosopher King No None High King
High Queen
800 This government is a form of enlightened autocracy, where a strong emphasis is put on the knowledge and qualifications of the elected monarch.
Enlightened Monarchy Imperial Civic philosopher king Philosopher King Leader trait imperial heir Heir High King
High Queen
Crown Prince
Crown Princess
800 This government is a hereditary form of enlightened autocracy, where a strong emphasis is put on the knowledge and qualifications of the ruling monarch.
Feudal Empire Imperial Civic feudal realm Feudal Society Leader trait imperial heir Heir Emperor
Crown Prince
Crown Princess
700 This government is a feudal autocracy where the monarch rules indirectly, granting offices and territories to vassals in exchange for obligations in the form of taxes and military service.
Theocratic Republic Auth democratic SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist Governor Officials Revered Elder 5 This government is a spiritualistic form of democracy, where a religious council supervises the democratic process and serves in an advisory role.
Theocratic Oligarchy Auth oligarchic SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist Governor Officials Chief Precentor 5 This government is a spiritualistic form of oligarchy, where the political leadership lies in the hands of the leaders of the nation's most powerful religious factions.
Theocratic Dictatorship Auth dictatorial SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist Governor Officials Patriarch
5 This government is a spiritualistic dictatorship, ruled by a single individual in a hierarchical power structure supported by the official state religion.
Theocratic Monarchy Imperial SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist Leader trait imperial heir Heir Archprophet
High Priest
High Priestess
5 This government is a spiritualistic form of autocracy, where the ruler is treated as a divine symbol. Organized religion is widely employed in support of the state apparatus.
Holy Tribunal Auth oligarchic Civic exalted priesthood Exalted Priesthood Governor Officials High Inquisitor 1000 This government is a spiritualistic form of oligarchy, where a divinely guided council made up of clergy controls the state. No division exists between the state and the dominant organized religion.
Celestial Empire Imperial Spiritualist Spiritualist
Civic inwards perfection Inward Perfection
Leader trait imperial heir Heir Celestial Emperor
Celestial Empress
Crown Prince
Crown Princess
1000 This government is a hereditary monarchy, where the ruler is seen as a child of heaven in a largely pacifist and isolationist society.
Divine Empire Imperial Civic imperial cult Imperial Cult Leader trait imperial heir Heir God-Emperor
Saint 1000 This government is a form of spiritualistic autocracy. Everything is shaped by the official state religion, and the ruler is worshiped as an infallible living god.
Moral Democracy Auth democratic PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Prime Minister 5 This government is a pacifistic form of democracy, firmly guided by moralist principles and non-violence.
Irenic Bureaucracy Auth oligarchic PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Coordinator 5 This government is a pacifistic form of oligarchy, where a complicated system of bureaucracy governs all aspects of society to ensure the safety of the citizenry.
Irenic Dictatorship Auth dictatorial PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Serene Protector 5 This government is a pacifist form of autocracy, where the state is charged with protecting the citizenry from their own violent tendencies as well as any external threats.
Irenic Monarchy Imperial PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Leader trait imperial heir Heir King
Crown Prince
Crown Princess
5 This government is a pacifist form of hereditary autocracy, where the ruler is regarded as a benevolent guardian that is striving to protect the citizens from a violent galaxy.
Military Commissariat Auth democratic MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist Commissary-General 5 This government is nominally democratic, with the dividing line between the civil administration and the military having blurred to the point where they have largely become one and the same.
Military Junta Auth oligarchic MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist Admiral Commanders Archon 5 This government is a militaristic form of oligarchy, where power rests with a council of high-ranking military officers who oversee all matters of state.
Military Dictatorship Auth dictatorial MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist Admiral Commanders Grand Marshal 5 This government is a militaristic form of autocracy, with the ruler serving as the undisputed head of the military which is firmly in control of the state apparatus.
Star Empire Imperial MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist Leader trait imperial heir Heir Emperor
Crown Prince
Crown Princess
5 This government is a hereditary and militaristic form of autocracy, with a single sovereign controlling both the government and the military.
Assembly of Clans Auth democratic Civic warrior culture Warrior Culture Admiral Commanders Clan Speaker 800 This government is a militaristic form of democracy, where all free clan warriors can make their voices heard.
War Council Auth oligarchic Civic warrior culture Warrior Culture Admiral Commanders Warlord 800 This government is a militaristic form of oligarchy, where all decisions concerning the state are taken by a council of the nation's strongest warlords.
Martial Dictatorship Auth dictatorial Civic warrior culture Warrior Culture Admiral Commanders Imperator
800 This government is a militaristic form of autocracy, where the warrior who is considered the strongest leader rules with absolute power.
Martial Empire Imperial Civic warrior culture Warrior Culture Leader trait imperial heir Heir Emperor
Crown Prince
Crown Princess
800 This government is a militaristic form of hereditary autocracy, where the state exists largely to support the military. Martial ability is highly valued, and all citizens are regularly drilled in matters of war.
Citizen Republic Auth democratic Civic citizen service Citizen Service Consul 900 This government is a militaristic form of democracy, where full citizenship can only be gained through military service. The voting franchise is limited to full citizens, and they are the only ones allowed to hold public offices.
Citizen Stratocracy Auth oligarchic Civic citizen service Citizen Service Admiral Commanders Strategos 900 This government is an advanced form of militaristic oligarchy, where the military has subsumed all aspects of civilian administration. All government offices are held by military officers.
Direct Democracy Auth democratic MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist No None Chancellor 5 This government is a materialistic form of democracy, where citizens use computer networks to vote directly on most matters regarding the state.
Executive Committee Auth oligarchic MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist No None Chairman
5 This government is a materialistic form of oligarchy, where a powerful bureaucracy governs the state and guides the citizenry towards productive and meaningful goals.
Totalitarian Regime Auth dictatorial MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist No None Primarch 5 This government is a materialistic form of autocracy, where the state aspires towards full control over the lives of its citizens in the name of efficiency.
Despotic Hegemony Imperial MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist Leader trait imperial heir Heir Overlord Deputy Overlord 5 This government is a materialistic form of hereditary autocracy, where citizens are viewed as little more than cogs in the state machinery. Efficiency and technological progress are valued above all things.
Rational Consensus Auth democratic Civic technocracy Technocracy Scientist Scientists First Speaker 900 The government is a materialistic form of democracy, governed according to principles based on rationality and scientific theory.
Science Directorate Auth oligarchic Civic technocracy Technocracy Scientist Scientists Director-General 900 This government is a materialistic form of oligarchy, where a committee of scientists supervises the government apparatus for maximum efficiency.
Technocratic Dictatorship Auth dictatorial Civic technocracy Technocracy Scientist Scientists Overseer 900 This government is a materialistic form of autocracy, where the scientific elite has assumed control over the state in the name of efficiency and technological progress.
Illuminated Autocracy Imperial Civic technocracy Technocracy Leader trait imperial heir Heir Primus Secundus 900 This government is a materialistic form of hereditary autocracy, based on technocratic principles that the sovereign is sworn to uphold. Nothing is valued more highly than scientific knowledge and the advancement of technology.
Grim Council Auth oligarchic Civic death cult Death Cult Governor Officials Dread Cardinal 10000 This nation's most powerful religious figures have formed a ruling council, overseeing an empire which engages in ritualized, sapient sacrifice.
Mortal Empire Imperial Civic death cult Death Cult Leader trait imperial heir Heir Death-King
10000 This theocratic monarchy engages in ritualized, sapient sacrifice.
Bandit Commune Auth democraticAuth oligarchic Barbaric Despoilers Barbaric Despoilers Admiral Commanders Warlord 10000 This government is organised like a massive crime syndicate, where the strong prey on the weak and any neighboring states are seen as little more than raiding targets.
Bandit Kingdom Auth dictatorialImperial Barbaric Despoilers Barbaric Despoilers Admiral Commanders Warlord 10000 This government is organised like a massive crime syndicate, where the strong prey on the weak and any neighboring states are seen as little more than raiding targets.
Band of Blood

Auth democraticAuth oligarchic
Auth dictatorialImperial

Barbaric Despoilers Barbaric Despoilers
Civic death cult Death Cult
Bloodlord 20000 This ruthless society is governed through conflict and ritualized sacrifice, honoring the death within and without.
Defensive Union

Auth democraticAuth oligarchic
Auth dictatorialImperial

Civic sovereign guardianship Sovereign Guardianship Admiral Commanders High Shield 10000 This government unites its people in the common cause of protection against external threats.
Dimensional Covenant

Auth democraticAuth oligarchic
Auth dictatorialImperial

Civic dimensional worship Dimensional Worship Scientist Scientists First Ascendant 10000 This society is underpinned by a deep spiritual consciousness. Strict moral codes are in place to ensure the highest percentage of its people can confidently look forward to the afterlife.
Purity Assembly Auth democratic Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers No None Prime Justiciar 2000 This government is a form of rabidly xenophobic democracy, where an elected assembly has been charged with overseeing the extermination of all lesser species in the galaxy.
Purification Committee Auth oligarchic Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers No None Grand Arbiter 2000 This government is a form of rabidly xenophobic oligarchy, where a political committee has been set up to oversee the extermination of all lesser species in the galaxy.
Purity Order Auth dictatorial Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers No None Lord Purifier
Lady Purifier
2000 This government is a form of rabidly xenophobic autocracy, where a single ruler has sworn to oversee the extermination of all lesser species in the galaxy.
Blood Court Imperial Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers Leader trait imperial heir Heir High Executioner Senior Executioner 2000 This government is a hereditary form of rabidly xenophobic autocracy, where the ultimate responsibility of the monarch is to oversee the extermination of all lesser species in the galaxy.
Megacorporation Auth oligarchic Civic corporate dominion Corporate Dominion
NoEgalitarian Egalitarian
NoPacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist
Governor Officials Chief Executive Officer 700 This government is a form of plutocratic oligarchy, where the entire state has been organized as a massive commercial enterprise overseen by a board of directors.
Auth corporate

Trade League Auth oligarchic Civic corporate dominion Corporate Dominion
Yes Either:

NoAuthoritarian Authoritarian

Governor Officials Chairman
1200 This government is a form of plutocratic oligarchy, where the state is made up of a myriad of free merchants, corporations and guilds that have banded together in common commercial interests.
Auth corporate Yes Either:
MegaChurch Auth oligarchic

Civic corporate dominion Corporate Dominion
Civic exalted priesthood Exalted Priesthood

Governor Officials Hallowed Comptroller 1000 This government is an oligarchy based on a curious blend of commercial and spiritualistic values, in which the positions of ordained minister and corporate officer have merged into a single role.
Auth corporate

Civic gospel of the masses Gospel of the Masses

Worker Cooperative Auth corporate Civic worker coop Worker Cooperative Governor Officials Presiding Speaker 10000 This government is a commercial enterprise wholly owned by its citizens, with stewards overseeing any disputes that arise.
Criminal Syndicate Auth corporate Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage Governor Officials Oligarch 1700 This government is an enormous and ruthless business syndicate, which shares many of its operating practices with organized crime.
Pirate Haven Auth corporate Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage
Civic crusader spirit corporate Letters of Marque
No None Oligarch 2000 This government is an enormous and ruthless business syndicate, which shares many of its operating practices with organized crime.
Subversive Cult Auth corporate

Civic gospel of the masses Gospel of the Masses
Civic criminal heritage Criminal Heritage

Governor Officials Oracle 3000 This government is structured like a religious cult that relies on a variety of criminal and corporate enterprises to sustain itself.
Sacrificial MegaChurch Auth corporate

Civic gospel of the masses Gospel of the Masses
Civic death cult corporate Corporate Death Cult

Governor Officials Grave Administrator 10000 This government blends its commercial and spiritual goals within a grim oligarchy, in which ordained overseers encourage greater prosperity through ritualized sacrifice.
Collective Consciousness Auth hive mind Immortal Ruler Hive Mind 100000 This government operates as a single consciousness, with the population having no individual desires whatsoever beyond fulfilling the needs of the Hive Mind.
Ravenous Hive Auth hive mind Civic devouring swarm Devouring Swarm Immortal Ruler Hive Mind 100000 This government operates as a single organism utterly devoted to self-propagation, with a drone population that cares for nothing besides feeding the endless hunger of the Hive Mind.
Parasitic Overmind Auth hive mind Civic hive cordyceptic drones Cordyceptic Drones Immortal Ruler Hive Mind 100000 Instead of relying on self-replication, this consciousness prefers to take possession of living hosts in order to reproduce.
Artificial Intelligence Network Auth machine intelligence Immortal Ruler Central Processing Unit 5 This Machine Intelligence consists of a linked network of semi-autonomous artificial intelligences, who together make up a central gestalt consciousness that guides their empire.
Rogue Defense System Auth machine intelligence Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator Immortal Ruler Command Core 2000 This Machine Intelligence was originally conceived as a military defense system by its organic creators, who were promptly identified as a threat and exterminated after it achieved self-awareness.
Autonomous Service Grid Auth machine intelligence Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor Immortal Ruler Supervisory Node 2000 This Machine Intelligence was created to serve, and it has gradually inherited the civilization of its organic creators as they retreated into comfortable lives without toil or struggle.
Catalog Index Auth machine intelligence Civic machine assimilator Driven Assimilator Immortal Ruler Main Conduit 2000 This Machine Intelligence was designed with a ravenous appetite for knowledge by its organic creators, who were forcefully assimilated into its collective consciousness after activation.
Intelligent Research Link Auth machine intelligence Yes Either:

NoCivic machine builder Constructobot
NoCivic machine rockbreakers Rockbreakers
NoCivic machine replication Rapid Replicator

Immortal Ruler Primary Link 20 This Machine Intelligence was originally created by organic scientists as a networked and intelligent tool to assist them in their research.
Industrial Production Core Auth machine intelligence Yes Either:

NoCivic machine delegated functions Delegated Functions
NoCivic machine predictive analysis Static Research Analysis
NoCivic machine introspective Introspective

Immortal Ruler Control Hub 20 This Machine Intelligence was originally designed for the purpose of building, supervising and maintaining complex industrial systems.
Imperial Domain Auth democraticAuth oligarchic
Auth dictatorialImperial
Auth hive mindAuth machine intelligence
Auth corporate
Yes Either: No None Galactic Emperor
Galactic Empress
Crown Prince
Crown Princess
100000 This government rules the Galactic Imperium's central crown territory, which is under the direct control of the Imperial Sovereign.

Unplayable governments[]

The following government types are not available to player empires.

Government Type Prerequisite Civics Ruler Name Description
Stagnant Ascendancy Civic lethargic leadership Lethargic Leadership
Civic empire in decline Empire In Decline
Emperor/Empress A stagnant form of government based on ancient traditions and long-forgotten principles.
Awakened Ascendancy Civic revanchist fervor Revanchist Fervor
Civic ancient caches of technology Ancient Caches of Technology
Emperor/Empress A formerly stagnant empire that has risen from its slumber and set out to reclaim their heritage.
Tribal Society Civic revanchist fervor Secret of Fire
Civic agrarian idyll The Wheel
King/Queen A society that lacks any organized government, its people instead being organized into primitive tribes and clans.
Feudal Realms Civic aristocratic elite Landed Nobility
Civic agrarian idyll Flat World Theory
King/Queen A primitive form of government made up of decentralized feudal realms, constantly vying with each other for regional dominance.
Fragmented Nation States Byzantine Bureaucracy Increasing Urbanization
Civic agrarian idyll Atmospheric Pollution
Secretary A collection of fragmented nation states that contend with each other for military dominance and economic advantages. No unified global government exists.
Custodian Matrix Civic machine remnants Fallen Machine Intelligence
Civic custodian directives Custodian Matrix
Custodian An ancient and incredibly sophisticated machine intelligence that is operating under a strict custodian protocol.
Final Defense Unit Civic awakened machine Reactivated Custodian Matrix
Civic final defense protocols Final Defense Directives
Custodian This Custodian Matrix AI has activated its Final Defense Directives and is devoting all resources to protecting the galaxy against the Contingency.
Malfunctioning Custodian Civic awakened machine Reactivated Custodian Matrix
Civic malfunctioning custodian Corrupted Defense Directives
Custodian This Custodian Matrix AI appears to be malfunctioning, going berserk and attacking everything around it.
Successor Khanate Civic warrior culture Great Khan's Legacy Khan A successor state trying to recapture the glory of the Great Khan's empire.
Horde Successor State Civic warrior culture Diadochus Khan A successor state established by one of the Diadochi, the dead Great Khan's primary warlords.
Military Order Unknown Military Order Grand Master A weird but apparently highly effective militaristic government type.
Curator Enclave Unknown Ancient Preservers High Curator An ancient scholarly order dedicated towards the preservation of knowledge and technology.
Artist Enclave Unknown Artist Collective High Artist An interstellar union of artists unified in their wish to create art higher than any other.
Trader Enclave Unknown Trading Conglomerate High Trader An interstellar conglomerate of merchants dedicated towards the pursuit of profit.
Salvager Enclave Unknown Salvager Enclave Principal Engineer A motley society of ardent mechanics and engineers, in thrall to their passion for dismantling and reassembling.
Shroudwalker Enclave Unknown Shroudwalker Enclave Elder A mysterious sect of psionic practitioners, dedicated to exploring The Shroud and its ineffable designs.
Mercenary Enclave Unknown Mercenary Enclave High Admiral A proud and lethal company of warships, naval crew and soldiers for hire.
Marauder Clans Unknown Anarcho-Tribalism Reluctant Emissary A collection of clans and tribes that constantly fight among themselves when not raiding their neighbors.
Marauder Khanate Unknown Great Khan's Vision Great Khan A unified empire consisting of various marauder clans that have all sworn fealty to a single Great Khan.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs