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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Galaxy Settings are the various changes that the player can make before starting a single player or multiplayer game. These settings can be used to make game sessions shorter or longer, simpler or more complex, as well as to increase the difficulty if desired.


When starting a new game, the player may choose which type of galaxy they are to play in. An empire’s expansion is limited to the galactic plane, so the shape of the galaxy will affect play. Which galaxy types are accessible at the start of the game is determined by how many stars the galaxy is to have.

Galaxy shape[]

There are 10 different types of galaxies available, some of them requiring a minimum galaxy size to be used.

Type Min Galaxy Size
Spiral 2 Spiral (2 Arms) Tiny
Spiral 3 Spiral (3 Arms) Small
Spiral 4 Spiral (4 Arms) Medium
Spiral 6 Spiral (6 Arms) Large
Type Min Galaxy Size
Barred Spiral Barred Spiral Tiny
Cartwheel Cartwheel Medium
Elliptical Elliptical Tiny
Type Min Galaxy Size
Ring Galaxy Ring Tiny
Spoked Spoked Medium
Starburst Starburst Medium

Galaxy size[]

In addition to the galaxy shape, the size of the galaxy can also be chosen at the beginning of the game, ranging from 200 to 1000 stars. The size of the galaxy affects the number of stars, as well as how many AI Empires, Fallen Empires and Apocalypse Marauder Empires can be generated at the start of the game.

Size Stars Max AI empires Max fallen empires Apocalypse Max marauder empires Origins imperial fiefdom Imperial Fiefdom vassals Recommended crisis strength Radius
Tiny 200 6 1 1 1 0.5x 200
Small 400 12 2 2 2 0.75x 300
Medium 600 18 3 2 3 1x 400
Large 800 24 4 3 4 1.25x 450
Huge 1000 30 5 3 4 1.5x 450

Game details[]

Hyperlane Density Min

Hyperlane density 0.5X

Hyperlane Density Max

Hyperlane density 2.75X

Hyperlane Density Full

Hyperlane density full

  • AI Empires – Determines the number of AI empires that spawn at the same time as human players. Number ranges are dependent on galaxy size; minimum can be set at zero.
  • Advanced AI Starts – Determines the number of advanced empires. Can range from 0 to all of the AI empires.
  • Fallen Empires – The max number of Fallen Empires that can spawn. There can be no more than 5 Fallen Empires, one of each kind. (Ancient Caretakers is only available with Synthetic Dawn Synthetic Dawn DLC)
  • Tech/ Tradition Cost – Determines the costs of technology, traditions and ambitions for regular empires. Does not affect event rewards. Ranges from 0.25× to 5×.
  • Habitable Worlds – Increases or decreases the chance of planets being habitable. Ranges from 0.25X to 5X.
  • Pre-FTL Civilizations and Pre-Sapient Species – Increases or decreases the chance of Pre-FTL species spawning.
  • Crisis Strength – Determines the bonus that endgame crisis ships get. Ranges from 0× (no crisis) to 25×. Base crisis ship bonus is multiplied by the number of this slider.
  • Crisis Type – Determines which one of the endgame crises will appear. If set to All each crisis will be stronger than the previous one.
  • Mid-Game Start Year – Determines earliest year whereby mid-game events can occur. Default is 2300.
  • End-Game Start Year – Determines earliest year whereby end-game events can occur. Default is 2400.
  • Victory Year – Determines when the empire with the highest score is declared winner. Setting it to max disables victory. Default is 2500.
  • AI Aggressiveness – Determines how likely the AI is to declare war on empires if they have negative attitude as well as how many fleets will it use for offense.
  • Empire Placement – Determines whether empires will be placed in clusters to increase the likelihood that you'll have some neighbors or placed at random.
  • Advanced Neighbors – Determines whether advanced AI empires can spawn next to human players or not.
  • Hyperlane Density – Determines number of hyperlanes in the galaxy. Ranges from 0.5× to 2.75× to Full. Full density removes clusters and choke points.
  • Abandoned Gateways – Determines number of abandoned gateways in the galaxy. Ranges from 0× (no gateways) to 5×.
  • Wormhole Pairs – Determines number of wormhole pairs in the galaxy. Ranges from 0× (no wormholes except the one leading to the Sealed System) to 5×. Does not affect event-generated wormholes.
  • Guaranteed Habitable Worlds – Creates a number of habitable planets of the same class as the homeworld close to every empire's starting system. Default is 2. Some origins disable or modify the guaranteed worlds.
  • Logistic Growth Ceiling – Determines the pop growth bonuses when planets are in the middle of their logistic curve. Higher values negatively affect late-game performance.
  • Growth Required Scaling – Determines how many growth points are required for new pops to be created. Lower values negatively affect late-game performance.
  • Apocalypse Marauder Empires – The max number of marauder empires that can spawn.
  • Distant Stars L-Gates – Determines whether the L-Gates will spawn.
  • MegaCorp Caravaneers – Determines whether the Caravaneers will spawn.
  • MegaCorp Xeno-Compatibility – Determines whether the Ap xeno compatibility Xeno-Compatibility ascension perk can be picked.

Advanced empires[]

Advanced empires are AI empires that start with an advantage over human players. They get the following benefits to have a head start:

Game phases[]

The following events take place after Mid-Game:

  • Ancient Mining Drones and Crystalline Entities can expand
  • Pre-FTL civilizations advance through the ages as fast
  • Space storms can occur
  • Fleet Maneuvers event can trigger
  • Fallen empires offer better gifts
  • Leviathans Spectral Wraith can emerge from the germinating pulsar
  • Synthetic Dawn AI rebellions can take place
  • Apocalypse Marauder mercenary fleets become available
  • Apocalypse Marauder empires can become The Horde
  • Distant Stars AI empires discover L-Gate clues faster
  • Distant Stars Enigmatic Cache can emerge from a gateway or L-gate
  • Ancient Relics Ancient Tomb archaeology site can appear
  • Federations The Crystalline Empire enclave can spawn
  • Federations The On the Shoulders of Giants event chain starts
  • Nemesis The Kaleidoscope situation can start
  • First Contact The The Cost of Freedom event chain starts
  • First Contact The The Fear of the Dark event chain starts
  • First Contact Ithome cluster empire can open their wormhole
  • Astral Planes Astral rifts can spawn

The following events take place after End-Game:

  • Endgame crises can trigger
  • Fallen Empires can awaken
  • The Bemat Thalassocracy can appear
  • Fewer random espionage events happen
  • Leviathans War in Haeven can occur after awakening of at least 2 Fallen Empires
  • Apocalypse Marauder empires can no longer become The Horde
  • Distant Stars AI empires discover L-gate clues faster


The difficulty setting increases the difficulty of the game for a greater challenge, with higher difficulties granting bonuses to AI empires. Higher difficulty also increases the strength of the endgame crisis. AI vassals of human players receive bonuses as though difficulty were one level lower.

Scaling Difficulty causes the player or AI empires and spaceborne aliens difficulty bonuses to start at zero and scale up over the course of the game, reaching the bonus defined by difficulty level at the Mid-Game or End-Game year.

Difficulty Adjusted AI Modifiers multiplies empire-wide economic modifiers for AI empires on harder difficulties. Empire-wide economic modifiers includes things such as technologies which increase job output.

Difficulty Player empire bonuses AI empire bonuses Spaceborne aliens bonuses Endgame crisis bonuses Guardian bonuses
Civilian None None None None
Cadet None None None None
Ensign None None
Captain None
Commodore None
Admiral None
Grand Admiral None

Civilian difficulty gameplay changes[]

In addition to the large difficulty bonuses added to player empires, civilian difficulty also changes the gameplay to provide a less aggressive and disruptive experience:

Ironman mode[]

Ironman is an optional game mode that restricts the player’s control over their save file, effectively removing the ability to correct mistakes and change decisions made during the course of play. In ironman mode, saving manually is disabled and the game runs on a single save file that gets overwritten every time a significant action is taken. Console commands and even option to open the console are also disabled.

Achievements can only be unlocked in ironman mode. If the checksum is modified by the presence of gameplay mods, ironman mode will not grant achievements.

