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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.


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Galactic community
Galactic community

The galactic community


Stellaris Galactic Community Resolution Tier List

The Galactic Community is a governing body where each member empire can vote on laws that affect all other member empires. Any empire that established communications with a Galactic Community member is able to join or leave. Leaving the Galactic Community costs between 100 and 500 Influence influence, depending on Empire Sprawl. If an empire leaves it will be unable to rejoin for 20 years and suffer a permanent −30 Diplomacy opinion opinion penalty with the current Galactic Community members until it rejoins. Members of the Galactic Community are automatically given communications if they haven't encountered each other yet. By default, the Galactic Community button is located next to the top of the Outliner.


Once an empire that is not Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness or Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers has established communications with at least 70% of the other empires in the galaxy (at least 3 non-Genocidal empires must exist), all non-genocidal empires will be offered to form the Galactic Community. If at least 3 empires agree the Galactic Community will be created, and all empires that voted to form will be members. When the option to form or join the Galactic Community is offered, AI empires will vote with the following weights:

Yes Yes No No

Joining the Galactic Community after it has formed costs Influence 100 influence.


The Galactic Senate is where resolutions are proposed and voted. It goes through two recurring phases.

When the Senate is in Recess no resolution is voted on. When the recess ends, the proposed resolution with the highest diplomatic support will be put in Session. An empire that’s part of the Galactic Council can declare a resolution an emergency measure every 20 years, instantly ending the recess. A recess lasts 720 days.

When the Senate is in Session all empires vote on the debated resolution. Supporting or opposing a resolution will add an empire’s diplomatic weight to either side while abstaining will not add diplomatic weight to either side. All empires can change their vote every 4 months. When the session ends the resolution is passed if the total Diplomatic weight of empires that supported it exceeds the total Diplomatic weight of empires that opposed it. A Session lasts 1440 days. An empire that’s the Custodian can end a session after half its time has passed.

Diplomatic weight[]

Diplomatic weight is a measure of how influential an empire is within the senate and determines its power when supporting or opposing resolutions that are proposed or voted on. Diplomatic weight is gained from fleet power, economy, technology and pops. Assigning an Governor Official to the galactic community increases diplomatic weight by +10% per leader level.

  • Economic weight is 15% of the empire’s economic power
  • Fleet power weight is 2.5% of fleet power
  • Technology weight is 40% of technology level
  • Pops weight is the sum of each pop’s contribution which is described by: . The Mod pop political power political power of the pop is not considered. All pops that are not affected by happiness contribute 1 to diplomatic weight from pops. Pops that have subversive jobs do not contribute.


When a resolution comes to the Senate floor, all member empires can support, oppose, or abstain. The total Diplomatic weight diplomatic weight of empires supporting and opposing the resolution is compared and the side with the higher total prevails. By spending Influence 10 Influence per favor, any member can use up to Trade cat favor 10 favors from each member voting opposite to themselves to add 10% of that member's diplomatic weight to their side of the vote; this does not reduce that member's diplomatic weight. Only Trade cat favor 100 favors total may be used per resolution.


Resolutions are laws passed by the Galactic Senate and affect every member of the Galactic Community. Any member can propose a resolution at any time, which is then added to the proposal list. Each member can only propose one resolution in the list. After a resolution is added to the list, all member empires can support it, oppose it or abstain, which determines its Diplomatic Support. The total Diplomatic Support or a resolution also determines its place in the list.

There are 5 resolution trees, each one containing at least two resolution lists. Most resolution lists contain 5 resolutions each, which must be passed in order, in addition to the option to vote to repeal the current highest level resolution in a list. Sanction resolution lists contain 3 resolutions each. Once a resolution passes another resolution from the same list, including the option to repel the new resolution, cannot be proposed until a resolution from another list is voted on.

The resolutions, depending on their tier, require 100, 150, 200, 250 or 300 Influence Influence to propose. An empire can withdraw its own proposed resolution to propose another one but the cost is not refunded. Proposing to repeal a resolution costs as much as it took to initially propose it.

When a resolution that bans a policy is passed all members of the Galactic Community that use it are given the option to change the policy every 10 years as long as their ethics allow.

An empire that has proposed a resolution will gain for 6 years Mod diplo weight mult +5% Diplomatic weight if the resolution passes and Mod diplo weight mult −5% diplomatic weight if it fails.

AI empires will never vote for resolutions that would cause them to be in breach of the Galactic Law and will always vote for repealing them. If the AI is neutral on an issue it will vote solely based on its Diplomacy opinion Opinion of the empire that proposed the resolution and will not use Favors to influence voting.

Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires are not affected by modifiers that have no effect on their pops or planets, making certain resolutions have fewer drawbacks or benefits than they would for other empires.

Resolution galactic commerce
Galactic Commerce
Buzzword Standardization Leveraged Privateering Underdeveloped System Utilization Federations Holistic Asset Coordination Federations Profit Maximization Engines
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +20% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Trade value +5% Trade Value
  • Bureaucrat +5% Bureaucrat Upkeep
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +40% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Trade value +10% Trade Value
  • Bureaucrat +5% Bureaucrat Upkeep
  • Mod country local trade protection add +10 Trade Protection
  • Mod navy size add −10% Naval Capacity
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +60% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Trade value +15% Trade Value
  • Bureaucrat +25% Bureaucrat Upkeep
  • Mod country local trade protection add +10 Trade Protection
  • Mod navy size add −10% Naval Capacity
  • Consumer goods +1-3 Consumer Goods from Passive Observation
  • Consumer goods +4-12 Consumer Goods from Aggressive Observation
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +80% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Trade value +20% Trade Value
  • Bureaucrat +25% Bureaucrat Upkeep
  • Mod country local trade protection add +25 Trade Protection
  • Mod navy size add −15% Naval Capacity
  • Consumer goods +1-3 Consumer Goods from Passive Observation
  • Consumer goods +4-12 Consumer Goods from Aggressive Observation
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +100% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Trade value +25% Trade Value
  • Bureaucrat +25% Bureaucrat Upkeep
  • Mod country local trade protection add +25 Trade Protection
  • Mod navy size add −15% Naval Capacity
  • Consumer goods +1-3 Consumer Goods from Passive Observation
  • Consumer goods +4-12 Consumer Goods from Aggressive Observation
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Resources from Jobs
  • Happiness +50% Ruler Happiness
  • Happiness −25% Happiness
  • Mod leader influence cost +50% Leader Upkeep
AI voting
Resolution industrial development
Industrial Development
Regulatory Facilitation Collective Waste Management Building a Better Tomorrow Federations Environmental Ordinance Waivers Federations Project Cornucopia
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +20% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Mod pop resource output +2.5% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Mod habitability −2% Habitability
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +40% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Mod habitability −5% Habitability
  • Pop resource minerals mult +10% Minerals from Jobs
  • Alloys from jobs +5% Alloys from Jobs
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +60% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Mod pop resource output +7.5% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Mod habitability −10% Habitability
  • Pop resource minerals mult +15% Minerals from Jobs
  • Alloys from jobs +5% Alloys from Jobs
  • Mod planet building build speed mult +10% Planet Build Speed
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +80% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Mod habitability −20% Habitability
  • Pop resource minerals mult +20% Minerals from Jobs
  • Alloys from jobs +5% Alloys from Jobs
  • Mod planet building build speed mult +10% Planet Build Speed
  • Upkeep −10% Metallurgist Upkeep
  • Metallurgist +5% Metallurgist output on Foundry designations
  • Job artisan +5% Artisan output on Factory designations
  • Job gas refiner +10% Refiner output on Refinery designations
  • Job translucer +10% Translucer output on Refinery designations
  • Job chemist +10% Chemist output on Refinery designations
  • Menu icon strategic resource +10% Strategic resources output on Refinery designations
  • Diplomatic weight from economy +100% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Mod habitability −25% Habitability
  • Pop resource minerals mult +20% Minerals from Jobs
  • Alloys from jobs +5% Alloys from Jobs
  • Mod planet building build speed mult +10% Planet Build Speed
  • Upkeep −20% Metallurgist Upkeep
  • Metallurgist +5% Metallurgist output on Foundry designations
  • Job artisan +5% Artisan output on Factory designations
  • Job gas refiner +10% Refiner output on Refinery designations
  • Job translucer +10% Translucer output on Refinery designations
  • Job chemist +10% Chemist output on Refinery designations
  • Menu icon strategic resource +10% Strategic resources output on Refinery designations
  • Decision default Enabled Project Cornucopia decision
AI voting
Resolution greater good
The Greater Good
Charter of Worker's Rights Five Year Plans Greater Than Ourselves Federations Balance in the Middle Federations Universal Prosperity Mandate
  • Diplomatic weight from pops +20% Diplomatic weight from pops
  • Happiness +5% Worker Happiness
  • Mod pop political power +10% Worker Political Power
  • Diplomatic weight from pops +40% Diplomatic weight from pops
  • Happiness +5% Worker Happiness
  • Mod pop political power +25% Worker Political Power
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Worker Output on some designations
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Menial Drone Output on some designations
  • Species right living standards Banned Basic Subsistence rights
  • Diplomatic weight from pops +60% Diplomatic weight from pops
  • Happiness +5% Worker Happiness
  • Mod pop political power +50% Worker Political Power
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Worker Output on some designations
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Menial Drone Output on some designations
  • Menu icon edicts Enabled Greater than Ourselves edict
  • Species right living standards Banned Basic Subsistence rights
  • Species right living standards Banned Stratified Economy rights
  • Pop cat slave Banned Chattel Slavery rights
  • Pop cat slave Banned Livestock Slavery rights
  • Pop cat slave Banned Grid Amalgamation Slavery rights
  • Diplomatic weight from pops +80% Diplomatic weight from pops
  • Happiness +5% Worker Happiness
  • Mod pop political power +75% Worker Political Power
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Worker Output on some designations
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Menial Drone Output on some designations
  • Empire sprawl −10% Empire Size from Pops
  • Mod pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage
  • Menu icon edicts Enabled Greater than Ourselves edict
  • Species right living standards Banned Basic Subsistence rights
  • Species right living standards Banned Stratified Economy rights
  • Species right living standards Banned Decent Conditions rights
  • Species right living standards Banned Academic Privilege rights
  • Pop cat slave Banned Slavery rights
  • Diplomatic weight from pops +100% Diplomatic weight from pops
  • Happiness +5% Worker Happiness
  • Mod pop political power +100% Worker Political Power
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Worker Output on some designations
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Menial Drone Output on some designations
  • Empire sprawl −10% Empire Size from Pops
  • Mod pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage
  • Stability +5 Stability
  • Mod country resource max add −10000 Resource Storage Capacity
  • Menu icon edicts Enabled Greater than Ourselves edict
  • Species right living standards Banned Basic Subsistence rights
  • Species right living standards Banned Stratified Economy rights
  • Species right living standards Banned Decent Conditions rights
  • Species right living standards Banned Academic Privilege rights
  • Species right living standards Banned Decadent Lifestyle rights
  • Species right living standards Banned Social Welfare rights
  • Species right living standards Banned Identity Sublimation rights
  • Pop cat slave Banned Slavery rights
AI voting
Resolution ecolgical protection
Ecological Protection
Pangalactic Recycling Initiatives Natural Sanctuaries Integrated Gardens Federations Environmental Control Board Federations The Paradise Initiative
  • Diplomatic weight from economy −20% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −5% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
  • Mod planet clear blocker time mult +10% Clear Blocker Time
  • Diplomatic weight from economy −40% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −5% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
  • Mod planet clear blocker time mult +25% Clear Blocker Time
  • Amenities −5% Pop Amenities Usage
  • Mod planet building build speed mult −5% Planet Build Speed
  • Diplomatic weight from economy −60% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −5% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
  • Mod planet clear blocker time mult +50% Clear Blocker Time
  • Amenities −5% Pop Amenities Usage
  • Mod planet building build speed mult −15% Planet Build Speed
  • Mod habitability +5% Habitability
  • Pop resource food mult +5% Food from Jobs
  • Unity +1 Environmentalist Blocker Unity Bonus
  • Diplomatic weight from economy −80% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −5% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
  • Mod planet clear blocker time mult +100% Clear Blocker Time
  • Amenities −5% Pop Amenities Usage
  • Mod planet building build speed mult −15% Planet Build Speed
  • Mod habitability +10% Habitability
  • Pop resource food mult +10% Food from Jobs
  • Unity +1 Environmentalist Blocker Unity Bonus[1]
  • Happiness +5% Happiness
  • Alloys from jobs −10% Alloys from Jobs
  • Pop resource minerals mult −20% Minerals from Jobs
  • Mod country terraforming cost +25% Terraforming Cost
  • Link=Celestial body Banned Terraforming except to Gaia World
  • Ship part deluge Banned Using Deluge Machine
  • Diplomatic weight from economy −100% Diplomatic weight from economy
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −5% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
  • Mod planet clear blocker time mult +200% Clear Blocker Time
  • Amenities −5% Pop Amenities Usage
  • Mod planet building build speed mult −15% Planet Build Speed
  • Mod habitability +15% Habitability
  • Pop resource food mult +20% Food from Jobs
  • Unity +1 Environmentalist Blocker Unity Bonus[1]
  • Happiness +10% Happiness
  • Alloys from jobs −30% Alloys from Jobs
  • Pop resource minerals mult −50% Minerals from Jobs
  • Mod country terraforming cost +100% Terraforming Cost
  • Mod pop growth req +5% Pop Growth Speed
  • Link=Celestial body Banned Terraforming except to Gaia World
  • Ship part deluge Banned Using Deluge Machine
AI voting
Resolution galactic studies
Unchained Knowledge
Cooperative Research Channels Astral Studies Network Advanced Xenostudies Federations Ethical Guideline Refactoring Federations Extradimensional Experimentation
  • Diplomatic weight from technology +20% Diplomatic weight from technology
  • Research +10% Research Station Output
  • Mod country spaceport cost mult +5% Starbase Upkeep
  • Diplomatic weight from technology +40% Diplomatic weight from technology
  • Research +20% Research Station Output
  • Mod country spaceport cost mult +10% Starbase Upkeep
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Planet Sensor Range
  • Solar Panel Network +100% Solar Panels effects
  • Sb listening post +100% Listening Post effects
  • Observatory +100% Black Hole Observatory effects
  • Diplomatic weight from technology +60% Diplomatic weight from technology
  • Research +30% Research Station Output
  • Mod country spaceport cost mult +15% Starbase Upkeep
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Planet Sensor Range
  • Solar Panel Network +100% Solar Panels effects
  • Sb listening post +100% Listening Post effects
  • Observatory +100% Black Hole Observatory effects
  • Society research +2-6 Society from Passive Observation
  • Society research +3-9 Society from Aggressive Observation
  • Unknown +100% Enclave starbase buildings effects
  • Policies Banned Outlawed Artificial Intelligence policy
  • Policies Banned Non-Interference Interference policy
  • Diplomatic weight from technology +80% Diplomatic weight from technology
  • Research +40% Research Station Output
  • Mod country spaceport cost mult +20% Starbase Upkeep
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Planet Sensor Range
  • Solar Panel Network +100% Solar Panels effects
  • Sb listening post +100% Listening Post effects
  • Society research +2-6 Society from Passive Observation
  • Society research +3-9 Society from Aggressive Observation
  • Society research +4 Society from Indoctrination
  • Unknown +100% Enclave starbase buildings effects
  • Researcher +10% Researcher Output
  • Upkeep +25% Researcher Upkeep
  • Happiness −15% Worker and Slave Happiness
  • Policies Banned Outlawed Artificial Intelligence policy
  • Policies Banned Non-Interference Interference policy
  • Policies Banned Any but highest Enhancement policy
  • Diplomatic weight from technology +100% Diplomatic weight from technology
  • Research +50% Research Station Output
  • Mod country spaceport cost mult +25% Starbase Upkeep
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Planet Sensor Range
  • Solar Panel Network +100% Solar Panels effects
  • Sb listening post +100% Listening Post effects
  • Society research +2-6 Society from Passive Observation
  • Society research +3-9 Society from Aggressive Observation
  • Society research +4 Society from Indoctrination
  • Unknown +100% Enclave starbase buildings effects
  • Researcher +20% Researcher Output
  • Upkeep +50% Researcher Upkeep
  • Happiness −15% Worker and Slave Happiness
  • Decision engineering research Enabled Extradimensional Experimentation
  • Policies Banned Outlawed Artificial Intelligence policy
  • Policies Banned Non-Interference Interference policy
  • Policies Banned Any but highest Enhancement policy
  • Time −25 Minimum Crisis Year
AI voting
Resolution robots bad
Divinity of Life
Comfort the Fallen Tithe of the Soulless Right to Work Federations Silence the Soulless Federations A Defined Purpose
  • Diplomatic weight from technology −20% Diplomatic weight from technology
  • Spiritualist +10% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • Unity +5% Unity from Jobs
  • Happiness −10% Unemployment Happiness Penalty
  • Diplomatic weight from technology −40% Diplomatic weight from technology
  • Spiritualist +20% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • Unity +10% Unity from Jobs
  • Happiness −10% Unemployment Happiness Penalty
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −5% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
  • Upkeep +25% Pop Assembler Job Upkeep
  • Mod pop robot upkeep mult +10% Robot Upkeep
  • Diplomatic weight from technology −60% Diplomatic weight from technology
  • Spiritualist +30% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • Unity +15% Unity from Jobs
  • Happiness −10% Unemployment Happiness Penalty
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −5% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
  • Upkeep +25% Pop Assembler Job Upkeep
  • Mod pop robot upkeep mult +10% Robot Upkeep
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult −25% Mechanical/Machine Pop Assembly Speed
  • Pop job Organic pop priority in Jobs
  • Diplomatic weight from technology −80% Diplomatic weight from technology
  • Spiritualist +40% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • Unity +20% Unity from Jobs
  • Happiness −10% Unemployment Happiness Penalty
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −5% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
  • Upkeep +50% Pop Assembler Job Upkeep
  • Mod pop robot upkeep mult +20% Robot Upkeep
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult −25% Mechanical/Machine Pop Assembly Speed
  • Diplomatic weight −25% Diplomatic Weight from robot empires
  • Pop job Organic pop priority in Jobs
  • Ap synthetic evolution Banned Synthetic Evolution ascension perk
  • Diplomatic weight from technology −100% Diplomatic weight from technology
  • Spiritualist +50% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • Unity +25% Unity from Jobs
  • Happiness −10% Unemployment Happiness Penalty
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep −10% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
  • Upkeep +50% Pop Assembler Job Upkeep
  • Mod pop robot upkeep mult +20% Robot Upkeep
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult −25% Mechanical/Machine Pop Assembly Speed
  • Diplomatic weight −25% Diplomatic Weight from robot empires
  • Happiness +10% Organic Pop Happiness
  • Pop job Organic pop priority in Jobs
  • Civic machine servitor Machine Empires can become Rogue Servitor
  • Ap synthetic evolution Banned Synthetic Evolution ascension perk
  • Auth machine intelligence Banned Non-Servitor Machine Intelligence
  • Policies Banned Citizen Rights Artificial Intelligence policy
AI voting
Resolution mutual defense
Mutual Defense
The Readied Shield Military Readiness Act The Enemy of My Enemy Federations Castigation Proclamation Federations Renegade Containment Doctrine
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power +20% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Mod navy size add +10% Naval Capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult +5% Ship Upkeep
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power +40% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Mod navy size add +20% Naval Capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult +10% Ship Upkeep
  • Mod navy size add Banned Using <50% Naval Capacity
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power +60% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Mod navy size add +30% Naval Capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult +15% Ship Upkeep
  • Diplomacy war Enabled Counterattack CB
  • Mod navy size add Banned Using <50% Naval Capacity
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power +80% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Mod navy size add +40% Naval Capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult +20% Ship Upkeep
  • Diplomacy war Enabled Counterattack CB
  • Resolution purges Enabled Castigation Denouncements
  • Mod navy size add Banned Using <50% Naval Capacity
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power +100% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Mod navy size add +50% Naval Capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult +25% Ship Upkeep
  • Diplomacy war Enabled Counterattack CB
  • Resolution purges Enabled Castigation Denouncements
  • Diplomatic rival mutual icon Enabled Preemptive War CB
  • Mod navy size add Banned Using <50% Naval Capacity
AI voting
Resolution rules of war
Rules of War
Guardian Angels Act Reverence for Life Independent Tribunals Federations Last Resort Doctrine Federations Demobilization Initiative
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power −20% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Mod army morale +15% Defense Army Morale
  • Mod army upkeep mult +5% Army Upkeep
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power −40% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Mod army morale +15% Defense Army Morale
  • Mod army upkeep mult +5% Army Upkeep
  • Mod country war exhaustion −5% War Exhaustion Gain
  • Job purge Banned Purges except Displacement
  • Ship part world cracker Banned Using World Cracker
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power −60% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Mod army morale +15% Defense Army Morale
  • Mod army upkeep mult +15% Army Upkeep
  • Mod country war exhaustion −10% War Exhaustion Gain
  • Mod army damage mult −20% Army Collateral Damage
  • Job purge Banned Purges except Displacement
  • Ship part world cracker Banned Using World Cracker
  • Ship part neutron sweep Banned Using Neutron Sweep
  • Ship part divine enforcer Banned Using Divine Enforcer
  • Ship part nanobot diffuser Banned Using Nanobot Diffuser
  • Ship part devolution beam Banned Using Devolving Beam
  • Ship part deluge Banned Using Deluge Machine
  • Policies Banned Indiscriminate Bombardment Stance
  • Policies Banned Armageddon Bombardment Stance
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power −80% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Mod army morale +15% Defense Army Morale
  • Mod army upkeep mult +15% Army Upkeep
  • Mod country war exhaustion −15% War Exhaustion Gain
  • Mod army damage mult −20% Army Collateral Damage
  • Pacifist +50% Pacifist Ethics Attraction
  • Mod ship build speed mult +25% Ship Build Speed during Defensive War
  • Job purge Banned Purges except Displacement
  • Ship part world cracker Banned Using World Cracker
  • Ship part neutron sweep Banned Using Neutron Sweep
  • Ship part divine enforcer Banned Using Divine Enforcer
  • Ship part nanobot diffuser Banned Using Nanobot Diffuser
  • Ship part devolution beam Banned Using Devolving Beam
  • Ship part deluge Banned Using Deluge Machine
  • Policies Banned Indiscriminate Bombardment Stance
  • Policies Banned Armageddon Bombardment Stance
  • Policies Banned Unrestricted Wars War Philosophy
  • Diplomatic weight from fleet power −100% Diplomatic weight from fleet power
  • Mod army morale +15% Defense Army Morale
  • Mod army upkeep mult +15% Army Upkeep
  • Mod country war exhaustion −20% War Exhaustion Gain
  • Mod army damage mult −20% Army Collateral Damage
  • Pacifist +100% Pacifist Ethics Attraction
  • Mod ship build speed mult +25% Ship Build Speed during Defensive War
  • Mod country edict cost −20% Edict Upkeep
  • Mod navy size add −25% Naval Capacity
  • Job purge Banned Purges except Displacement
  • Ship part world cracker Banned Using World Cracker
  • Ship part neutron sweep Banned Using Neutron Sweep
  • Ship part divine enforcer Banned Using Divine Enforcer
  • Ship part nanobot diffuser Banned Using Nanobot Diffuser
  • Ship part devolution beam Banned Using Devolving Beam
  • Ship part deluge Banned Using Deluge Machine
  • Policies Banned Indiscriminate Bombardment Stance
  • Policies Banned Armageddon Bombardment Stance
  • Policies Banned Unrestricted Wars War Philosophy
  • Policies Banned Militarized Economy Economic Policy
AI voting
Resolution defence privatization
Defense Privatization
Overlord Security Contractors Overlord High Consequence Protection Overlord Neutral Defenders OverlordFederations Galactic Risk Management OverlordFederations Corporate Peacekeeping
  • Mod navy size add +10 Mercenary Enclave Naval Capacity
  • Mod navy size add −5% Mercenary Naval Capacity Usage
  • Time −0.5 months Mercenary Dividend Wait
  • Trade value +5% Trade Value
  • Fleet action button turn into merc +1 Mercenary Enclave Capacity
  • Upkeep +10% Mercenary Fleet Upkeep
  • Mod navy size add −10% Naval Capacity
  • Mod navy size add +20 Mercenary Enclave Naval Capacity
  • Mod navy size add −10% Mercenary Naval Capacity Usage
  • Time −1 months Mercenary Dividend Wait
  • Trade value +10% Trade Value
  • Fleet action button turn into merc +1 Mercenary Enclave Capacity
  • Upkeep +20% Mercenary Fleet Upkeep
  • Mod navy size add −25% Naval Capacity
  • Mod navy size add +30 Mercenary Enclave Naval Capacity
  • Mod navy size add −15% Mercenary Naval Capacity Usage
  • Time −1.5 months Mercenary Dividend Wait
  • Trade value +15% Trade Value
  • Fleet action button turn into merc +1 Mercenary Enclave Capacity
  • Upkeep +30% Mercenary Fleet Upkeep
  • Mod navy size add −40% Naval Capacity
  • Diplomacy war Banned Being at war without hired mercenaries
  • Mod navy size add +40 Mercenary Enclave Naval Capacity
  • Mod navy size add −20% Mercenary Naval Capacity Usage
  • Time −2 months Mercenary Dividend wait
  • Trade value +20% Trade Value
  • Fleet action button turn into merc +2 Mercenary Enclave Capacity
  • Upkeep +40% Mercenary Fleet Upkeep
  • Mod navy size add −60% Naval Capacity
  • Diplomatic weight +20% Diplomatic Weight while hiring mercenaries
  • Diplomacy war Banned Being at war without hired mercenaries
  • Mod navy size add +50 Mercenary Enclave Naval Capacity
  • Mod navy size add −25% Mercenary Naval Capacity Usage
  • Time −2.5 months Mercenary Dividend Wait
  • Trade value +25% Trade Value
  • Fleet action button turn into merc +2 Mercenary Enclave Capacity
  • Upkeep +50% Mercenary Fleet Upkeep
  • Mod navy size add −80% Naval Capacity
  • Diplomatic weight +40% Diplomatic Weight while hiring mercenaries
  • Diplomacy war Banned Having no hired mercenaries
AI voting
Resolution intergalactic directives
Intergalactic Directives
Overlord Regulated Growth Overlord Ensured Sovereignity Overlord A Voice for All No No
  • Trade cat loyalty +0.2 Monthly Loyalty Change
  • Empire sprawl +5% Empire Size from Systems
  • Trade cat loyalty +0.7 Monthly Loyalty Change
  • Empire sprawl +15% Empire Size from Systems
  • Empire sprawl +5% Empire Size from Planets
  • No Integration Permitted is not a valid term
  • No Expansion Prohibited is not a valid term
  • Trade cat loyalty +1.5 Monthly Loyalty Change
  • Empire sprawl +25% Empire Size from Systems
  • Empire sprawl +15% Empire Size from Planets
  • Health +50% Bulwalk Starbase Hull Points
  • Health +50% Bulwalk Defense Platform Hull Points
  • Damage +50% Bulwalk Starbase Damage
  • Damage +50% Bulwalk Defense Platform Damage
  • Research +50% Scholarium Research Cache Size
  • Unknown +50% Prospectorium Deposit Discovery Size
  • No Integration Permitted is not a valid term
  • No Expansion Prohibited is not a valid term
  • No Expansion Regulated is not a valid term
No No
AI voting No No


Sanctions are resolutions that apply negative modifiers to empires that are in breach of Galactic Law or have been denounced and can only be proposed after such a thing is possible. The last two levels for each Sanction can only be proposed by members of the Galactic Council. All Sanctions require 25 Influence Influence to propose. AI empires are 25% more likely to vote for a Sanction resolution if a Rival is denounced or in breach of the Galactic Law but 50% less likely if a member of the same Federation is denounced or in breach of Galactic Law. They will always oppose resolutions if they themselves are in breach of Galactic Law.

Sanction type Effects Minor Federations Moderate Federations Major AI voting weight
Resolution economic sanctions Economic Menu icon market Market Fee +10% +20% +30% ×1.25 if Auth corporate Corporate
Diplomatic weight from economy Diplomatic weight from economy −20% −40% −60%
Resolution diplomatic sanctions Administrative Unity Monthly Unity −10% −20% −30%
Influence Diplomatic Influence Cost +25% +50% +75%
Resolution technological sanctions Research Mod country all tech research speed Research Speed −5% −10% −15% ×1.25 if MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist
Diplomatic weight from technology Diplomatic weight from technology −20% −40% −60%
Resolution military sanctions Military Mod navy size add Naval Capacity −10% −20% −30%
  • ×1.25 if MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist
  • ×1.25 if PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist
Diplomatic weight from fleet power Diplomatic weight from fleet power −20% −40% −60%

Space Fauna[]

The Space Fauna resolutions determine the status of Space Amoeba and Tiyanki Space Whales and cost 25 Influence Influence to propose.

Resolution Effects AI voting weight Description
Tiyanki Pest Control
  • Bans having Tiyanki Space Whales within empire borders
  • Killing Tiyanki Space Whales no longer causes Diplomacy opinion Opinion loss with XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile empires
The roving Tiyanki are not only a nuisance, but also a navigational hazard. The presence of these unpredictable creatures cannot be tolerated in the galaxy’s increasingly busy spacelanes.
Tiyanki Conservation Act
  • Killing Tiyanki Space Whales or the Tiyanki Matriarch Guardian breaches Galactic Law for 10 years
  • Killing Tiyanki Space Whales grants no rewards and causes a −1000 Energy Credits Energy fine
  • Killing the Tiyanki Matriarch guardian causes a −5000 Energy Credits Energy fine
The Tiyanki are a unique form of spacefaring life, and they must be protected from those who would do them harm.
Space Amoeba Protection Act
  • Bans not pacifying Space Amoeba
  • All members are offered the Amoeboid Pacification empire modifier
Despite their unseeming looks, the Space Amoebas have as much right to roam the galaxy as any species. They must be treated as a form of life worth cherishing, not as vermin to be hunted down.


Denouncements are a unique type of resolution that targets a certain member empire. If the denouncement resolution passes the denounced empire will get a −25% Diplomatic weight diplomatic weight modifier for 10 years. If the empire is a member of the Galactic Community it will be affected by Sanction resolutions even if it didn't breach Galactic Law. A denouncement resolution can only be proposed against empires with rivalry or negative Relations. There are two types of denouncements:

  • Castigation denouncements cost 25 Influence influence and can be proposed by any empire if the 4th Mutual Defense resolution is passed against an empire that is either in breach of the Galactic Law or is not a member of the Galactic Community
  • Council denouncements cost 100 Influence influence can be proposed by members of the Galactic Council against any member of the Galactic Community

Politics Traditions[]

The Politics Traditions resolutions can only be proposed by empires that finished the Politics Politics tradition tree and cost 250 Influence Influence to propose.

Resolution Effects Requires Galactic Council AI voting weight
Resolution constitutional immunity Constitutional Immunity Alert Targeted empire will never be in breach of Galactic Law No
Resolution community champions Champions of the Community
  • Mod navy size add +25% Naval Capacity if Galactic Emperor
  • Mod navy size add +20% Naval Capacity if Galactic Custodian
  • Mod navy size add +10% Naval Capacity if member of the Galactic Council or Imperial Council
  • Mod navy size add −5% Naval Capacity if none of the above
Resolution development aides Development Aides
  • If member of the Galactic Council or Imperial Council:
  • Mod diplo weight mult +20% Diplomatic Weight
  • Energy Credits −15% Energy Income
  • Minerals −15% Minerals Income
  • Food −15% Food Income
  • If not member of the Galactic Council or Imperial Council:
  • Mod diplo weight mult −20% Diplomatic Weight
  • Energy Credits +5% Energy Income
  • Minerals +5% Minerals Income
  • Food +5% Food Income
Resolution galactic threats commitee Galactic Threats Committee
  • Damage +20% Damage to Endgame Crisis factions
  • Upkeep +10% Researchers Upkeep
  • Time −25 Minimum Crisis Year
  • If the Extradimensional Experimentation resolution has been passed, the Unbidden crisis can spawn earlier than the endgame start date

Galactic Market[]

The Galactic Market resolutions determine what pops can be sold on the slave market and cost 25 Influence Influence to propose.

Resolution Organic pops Mechanical Mechanical pops AI voting weight Description
Allow Organic Slave Trade (starting) Yes Yes Economic indicators prove that our earlier restrictions on the organic slave trade were clearly in error. We should repeal the ban and let the free market do its magic.
Ban Organic Slave Trade No Yes The use of the Galactic Market to trade in sentient organics is abominable. We should ban this practice.
Ban Sentient Slave Trade No No It is regrettable that our previous resolution left a loophole for the sale of sentient mechanical organisms. We should rectify this mistake and ban the trade of all sentients on the Galactic Market.

Pre-FTL Stance[]

The Pre-FTL Stance resolutions determine in what ways members of the Galactic Community are allowed to interact with pre-FTL civilizations. Only one Pre-FTL Stance resolution can be active and it must be repealed before another one can be proposed. All resolutions cost 100 Influence Influence.

Resolution Effects Bans AI voting weight
Equal Standing Act
  • Diplomacy open technological enlightenment +50% Provide Technology effect
  • OperationButton difficultyIcon +2 Difficulty for operations targeting pre-FTL civilizations
  • Menu icon strategic resource Commercial Agreements with pre-FTL civilizations can produce advanced resources
  • Trade cat loyalty Pre-FTL civilizations that discover FTL while provided technology start with maximum Loyalty
  • Policies Non-Interference Pre-FTL Interference policy
  • Policies Aggressive Interference Pre-FTL Interference policy
Non-Interference Act
  • Unknown +25% Observation Insight
  • Policies Enables the Non-Interference Pre-FTL Interference policy regardless of ethics
  • Policies Active Interference Pre-FTL Interference policy
  • Policies Aggressive Interference Pre-FTL Interference policy
  • Diplomacy alliance Diplomacy with pre-FTL civilizations
  • Spy network Failed operations against pre-FTL civilizations
Exploitation Act
  • Engineering research +2-6 Engineering Research from Passive Observation
  • Physics Research +2-6 Physics Research from Passive Observation
  • Engineering research +2-10 Engineering Research from Aggressive Observation
  • Physics Research +2-10 Physics Research from Aggressive Observation
  • OperationButton difficultyIcon −2 Difficulty for operations targeting pre-FTL civilizations
  • Policies Non-Interference Pre-FTL Interference policy
  • Diplomacy open technological enlightenment Provide Technology diplomatic interaction
  • Spy network Failed Plant Advanced Technology operations against pre-FTL civilizations

Bureaucratic Surveillance[]

The Bureaucratic Surveillance resolutions can only be proposed by empires that have at least one subject.

Resolution Trade cat loyalty Monthly Loyalty Building Max Holdings Mod pop government ethic attraction Overlord Fanatic Ethic Attraction No Invalid terms of agreement AI voting weight
Administrative Insight −0.2 0 +25%
Borderless Authority −0.7 +1 +50% Independent Sensors
Holdings Limit (4)
Personal Oversight −1.5 +2 +75% Independent Diplomacy
Holdings Limit (3)

Galactic focus[]

The Galactic Focus is the current objective of the Galactic Community and when accomplished will grant every member of the Galactic Community 100 Influence Influence. Galactic Focus options only appear when certain conditions are met. The Galactic Focus can be changed by proposing a Galactic Priority resolution. If an empire is Custodian it can change the Galactic Focus without requiring a resolution. Both options cost 100 Influence Influence.

Galactic focus Effect Objective Requirement AI voting weight
Galactic focus generic Pass a resolution None Pass a resolution Activated automatically None
Galactic focus galactic market Form the Galactic Market Yes Starts the Birth of the Galactic Market event chain
Mod country resource max add +10000 Resource Storage Capacity
Nominate an empire to house the galactic market
  • Communications with at least 3 empires
  • Galactic Market not formed
  • ×8 if 150 years passed
  • ×4 if 100 years passed
  • ×2 if 50 years passed
  • ×2 if Auth corporate Corporate
  • ×0.8 if XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
  • ×0.5 if Civic inwards perfection Inward Perfection
Galactic focus threat to galaxy The Contingency Diplomacy open borders All members of the Galactic Community open borders towards each other Defeat the Contingency crisis Contingency crisis
  • ×10 if Defender of the Galaxy Defender of the Galaxy
  • ×10 if crisis controls >50% of galaxy
  • ×2 if crisis borders them
  • ×1.25 if crisis controls >20% of galaxy
  • ×1.2 if MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist
  • ×1.1 if XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile
  • ×0.75 if crisis does not border them
  • ×0.5 if XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
Galactic focus threat to galaxy The Prethoryn Scourge Diplomacy open borders All members of the Galactic Community open borders towards each other Defeat the Prethoryn Scourge crisis Prethoryn Scourge crisis
Galactic focus threat to galaxy The Unbidden Diplomacy open borders All members of the Galactic Community open borders towards each other Defeat the Extradimensional Invaders crisis Extradimensional Invaders crisis
Galactic focus threat to galaxy The Gray Tempest Diplomacy open borders All members of the Galactic Community open borders towards each other Defeat the Gray Tempest Distant Stars Gray Tempest L-Cluster outcome
Galactic focus threat to galaxy The Great Khan Diplomacy open borders All members of the Galactic Community open borders towards each other Defeat the Horde Apocalypse The Horde
  • ×2 if Horde borders them
  • ×1.2 if MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist
  • ×1.2 if PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist
  • ×1.1 if Diplomacy issatrapy Satrapy neighbor
  • ×0.5 if XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
  • ×0 if Diplomacy issatrapy Satrapy
Galactic focus war in heaven Denounce The First Awakened Empire Diplomacy hasvassal Bans being a subject of the first awakened empire End the War in Heaven Leviathans War in Heaven
  • ×2 if awakened empire overlord is not targeted
  • ×0 if awakened empire overlord is targeted
Galactic focus war in heaven Denounce The Second Awakened Empire Diplomacy hasvassal Bans being a subject of the second awakened empire End the War in Heaven Leviathans War in Heaven
Galactic focus war in heaven Denounce Both Awakened Empires Diplomacy hasvassal Bans being a subject of either awakened empire
Damage +25% Damage against awakened empires
End the War in Heaven Leviathans War in Heaven ×0 if awakened empire overlord

Galactic council[]

The Galactic Council can be created by passing the Form Galactic Council resolution, which requires the Galactic Community to be at least 20 years old. Members are chosen from the member empires with the highest Diplomatic weight diplomatic weight every 20 years and have their Diplomatic weight from council diplomatic weight increased by +20%, can propose Council denouncement resolutions and can declare a proposed resolution an emergency measure and put it into session immediately once every 20 years. After the Galactic Council is created the Galactic Reforms resolution list will be added.

Galactic Reform Influence Cost Effects Starts passed DLC
Abolish Galactic Council 300 Galactic Council no longer exists. No FederationsNemesis
Change Council Size: 1 200 1 empire can be part of the Galactic Council. No FederationsNemesis
Change Council Size: 2 200 2 empires can be part of the Galactic Council. No FederationsNemesis
Change Council Size: 3 200 3 empires can be part of the Galactic Council. Yes FederationsNemesis
Change Council Size: 4 200 4 empires can be part of the Galactic Council. No FederationsNemesis
Change Council Size: 5 200 5 empires can be part of the Galactic Council. No FederationsNemesis
Enable Council Veto Power 150 Members of the Galactic Council can veto a proposed resolution every 5 years with 300 Influence influence, preventing it from being proposed for 15 years. No Federations
Enable Council Denouncement Power 150 Council Denouncement resolutions can be proposed. Yes Federations
Remove Council Veto Power 250 Members of the Galactic Council cannot veto resolutions. Yes Federations
Remove Council Denouncement Power 250 Council Denouncement resolutions cannot be proposed. No Federations
Permanent Council Seat 300 Targeted empires will always be part of the Galactic Council. No Federations
Revoke Permanent Council Seat 300 Targeted empires will be removed from the Galactic Council. No Federations
Nominate Custodian 300 Targeted Council Member becomes Custodian. No Nemesis
Unseat Custodian 200 The Custodian returns to the Galactic Council. No Nemesis

Crisis declaration[]

The Custodian or members of the Galactic Council can propose crisis declaration Resolutions. Crisis declaration Resolutions cost 300 Influence to propose or repeal. They will start a war between the Galactic Community or Galactic Imperium and the target using the Crisis War wargoal and the targeted empire cannot rejoin the Galactic Community or Galactic Imperium. During the war, member empires gain +20% Mod ship build speed mult ship build speed and −10% Mod ship upkeep mult ship upkeep. The war will end prematurely if the resolution is repealed.

The Custodian[]

A Custodian can be chosen from the members of the Galactic Council by passing the Nominate Custodian resolution. The Custodian enjoys the following benefits:

  • +5 Influence Monthly influence
  • +30% Diplomatic weight Diplomatic weight (doesn't stack, replaces the Council bonus)
  • −50% Emergency measure cooldown
  • −50% Veto cost and cooldown
  • Open borders from every member of the Galactic Community
  • Can end any session after half its time has passed at the cost of 200 Influence influence
  • Can change the Galactic Focus without requiring a resolution at the cost of 100 Influence influence
  • Can freeze any resolution, preventing it from being voted on (the empire with the frozen resolution can still withdraw it to propose another one)

Initially, an empire stays Custodian for 30 years and afterwards returns to the Galactic Council. Custodians can propose the following unique resolutions for 200 Influence influence:

Group Resolution Effects Requirements
Resolution term limits Term Limits Extend Custodianship Time +30 Years custodian term No Remove Custodianship Term Limit is not enacted
Remove Custodianship Term Limit Time No Custodian term limit
End Custodianship Time The Custodian returns to the Galactic Council
Resolution custodian reforms Custodian Reforms Galactic Mobilization
  • Mod navy size add +150 Naval capacity
  • Trade value −5% Trade value
Introduce Galactic Standard
  • Influence +1 Monthly influence
  • Energy Credits −2% Monthly energy credits
Anti-Piracy Initiative
  • Mod country local trade protection add +5 Trade protection
  • Damage +20% Damage to Pirates and Marauders
  • Energy Credits −3% Monthly energy credits
A United Front
  • Damage +20% Damage to endgame crisis factions
  • Energy Credits −3% Monthly energy credits
Yes Crisis is occurring
Proclaim the Galactic Imperium
  • Influence Custodian gains 250 Influence
  • GalacticEmpire mainButton The Galactic Community becomes the Galactic Imperium
  • Yes Remove Custodianship Term Limit is enacted
  • No War In Heaven is not occurring
Resolution galactic institutions Galactic Institutions Galactic Defense Force
  • Ship The custodian can design and build upkeep-free ships for the Galactic Defense Force
  • Alloys −25% GDF ship alloy cost
  • Alloys −5% Monthly alloys
GDF Expansion
  • Mod navy size add +400 Community fleet naval capacity
  • Alloys −5% Monthly alloys
Yes Galactic Defense Force is enacted
Disband the GDF
  • No Repeals the Galactic Defense Force resolution
  • Fleet action button destroy fleet 2 GDF fleet is disbanded
Yes Galactic Defense Force is enacted
Interstellar Navigation Agency
  • Mod ship speed mult +15% Community space sublight speed
  • Energy Credits −2% Monthly energy credits
Disband the Interstellar Navigation Agency No Repeals the Interstellar Navigation Agency resolution Yes Interstellar Navigation Agency is enacted
Galactic Trade Organization
  • Trade value +10% Trade value
  • Pop consumer goods upkeep +3% Pop consumer goods upkeep
Disband the Galactic Trade Organization No Repeals the Galactic Trade Organization resolution Yes Galactic Trade Organization is enacted
  • Job criminal −15 Crime
  • Energy Credits −2% Monthly energy credits
Disband the GALPOL No Repeals the GALPOL resolution Yes GALPOL is enacted

Once the Galactic Custodian returns to the Galactic Council, any active resolutions passed during Custodianship will remain in effect. Custodian resolutions can be repealed, but additional Custodian proposals cannot be made. If the Galactic Defense Force was enacted before the end of the Custodian's term and a GDF fleet exists, it will become a neutral fleet that patrols Galactic Community space.

Galactic Imperium[]

Galactic imperium

The galactic imperium

If the Proclaim the Galactic Imperium Resolution is passed the Galactic Community will be reformed into the Galactic Imperium. All Galactic Imperium members will leave any federation they're part of. The Custodian will become the Galactic Emperor, with a new name depending on previous authority, shift ethics towards Fanatic Authoritarian Fanatic Authoritarian, shift government to Imperial Imperial, gain the Civic galactic sovereign Galactic Sovereign civic and gain the ability to upgrade the planetary capital of the empire capital into the Imperial Palace. If the Galactic Emperor previously had Auth corporate Corporate authority it will shift government as well but become able to use both regular and corporate civics. Hivemind empires only change name when becoming emperor. All Custodian perks will remain and in addition, the Galactic Emperor cannot be attacked by Galactic Imperium members. Empires cannot leave the Galactic Imperium.

When the Galactic Imperium is formed the Galactic Council will be reformed into the Imperial Council. Galactic Reform Resolutions will be replaced by Imperial Council ones, which can only be proposed by the Galactic Emperor. If the Galactic Defense Force Resolution has been passed it will be replaced by the Imperial Armada Resolution. In addition, the Galactic Trade Organization Resolution will be moved to the Imperial Institutions group and A United Front to Foreign Relations.

The Galactic Emperor will be able to propose the following Resolutions:

Group Resolution Cost Effects Requirements
Resolution create council Imperial Council Abolish Imperial Council 300 Imperial Council no longer exists
Restore Imperial Council 100 Imperial Council is restored Yes The Imperial Council has been abolished
Change Council Size: 1 200 1 empire can be part of the Imperial Council Yes The Imperial Council exists
Change Council Size: 2 200 2 empires can be part of the Imperial Council Yes The Imperial Council exists
Change Council Size: 3 200 3 empires can be part of the Imperial Council Yes The Imperial Council exists
Change Council Size: 4 200 4 empires can be part of the Imperial Council Yes The Imperial Council exists
Change Council Size: 5 200 5 empires can be part of the Imperial Council Yes The Imperial Council exists
By Election 200 Imperial Council members are chosen from the member empires with the highest Diplomatic weight diplomatic weight every 20 years Yes The Imperial Council exists
By Appointment 200 The Galactic Emperor can add and remove Imperial Council members at the cost of 100 Influence influence Yes The Imperial Council exists
By Trial of Advancement 200 Enables the Trial of Advancement casus belli Yes The Imperial Council exists
Permanent Council Seat 300 Targeted empires will always be part of the Imperial Council Yes By Election is enacted
Revoke Permanent Council Seat 300 Targeted empires will be removed from the Imperial Council Yes Target has a Permanent Council Seat
Resolution galactic market Foreign Relations Imperial Crusade 100 All Galactic Imperium members declare war on the target empire with the Force Into Imperium wargoal
  • Diplomacy imperial crusade 140 Imperial Authority
  • No Target is not Fallen or Awakened empire
  • No Target is not a member of the Galactic Imperium
Resolution imperial reforms Imperial Reforms Pax Galactica 200 Galactic Imperium members cannot use casus belli on each other except Trial of Advancement Diplomacy imperial crusade 180 Imperial Authority
Repeal Pax Galactica 200 No Repeals the Pax Galactica resolution Yes Pax Galactica is enacted
Resolution imperial institutions Imperial Institutions Imperial Armada 200
  • Ship The Galactic Emperor can design and build upkeep-free ships for the Imperial Armada
  • Alloys −5% Monthly alloys
  • Alloys −25% GDF ship alloy cost
Imperial Armada Expansion 200
  • Mod navy size add +400 Community fleet naval capacity
  • Alloys −5% Monthly alloys
  • Alloys −10% GDF ship alloy cost
Yes Imperial Armada is enacted
Imperial Legions 200 Army imperial legion The Galactic Emperor can recruit 12 Imperial Legion armies
Imperial Navigation Agency 200
  • Mod ship speed mult +15% Community space sublight speed
  • Energy Credits −2% Monthly energy credits
Disband the Imperial Navigation Agency 200 No Repeals the Imperial Navigation Agency Resolution Yes Imperial Navigation Agency is enacted
Imperial Security Directorate 200
  • Job criminal −20 Crime
  • Energy Credits −3% Monthly energy credits
  • Intel decryption +2 Galactic Emperor Codebreaking
  • Intel encryption +4 Galactic Emperor Encryption
  • Intel +80 Galactic Emperor Base Intel on all Galactic Imperium members
Imperial Charter 200
  • Yes Targeted empire is allowed to build branch offices on the planets of every member of the Galactic Imperium
  • Yes Targeted empire can construct Imperial Concession Port buildings in branch offices
  • Yes Targeted empire gains the Imperial Charter empire modifier
  • Energy Credits +10 Monthly Energy for the Galactic Emperor for every 2 Imperial Concession Ports (max +100)
  • No Is not Civic galactic sovereign Corporate Sovereign
  • Yes Target is Auth corporate Corporate
Revoke Charter 200
  • No Targeted empire is allowed to build branch offices on the planets of every member of the Galactic Imperium
  • No Targeted empire can construct Imperial Concession Port buildings in branch offices
  • No Targeted empire gains the Imperial Charter empire modifier
Yes Target has the Imperial Charter modifier

If the empire leading the Galactic Imperium is destroyed the Galactic Community will form again.

Undermining the Imperial Authority[]

Undermining authority

Imperial Authority being undermined

The Galactic Imperium measures its strength via Imperial Authority. Governor Officials can be assigned to the Galactic Imperium to raise or lower Imperial Authority by 0.1 per month each. This is done via the Galactic Imperium screen as shown in the image. They can be assigned (by clicking either icon) to support or undermine the Imperium. In addition to this, an Espionage Operation exists to Weaken Imperial Authority.

If the Imperial Authority is at least 100, all members of the Galactic Imperium will join the Galactic Emperor in defensive wars. If it falls below 50, members can use the Spark Rebellion espionage operation to attempt to bring down the Emperor. This operation requires a very high Spy networkInfiltration Level, so it may be required to acquire additional assets first. In addition to the high starting requirements, events may happen that demand to sacrifice the assigned asset and thus lowering the maximum infiltration level. The Contact Lost event requires 10 more infiltration level than the starting requirement of the operation was originally.

Galactic Law[]

The Galactic Law represents actions that are forbidden within the Galactic Community. When the Galactic Community is formed nothing is forbidden, but passed resolutions can ban certain policies and actions. If a member of the Galactic Community breaches the Galactic Law all other members will lose 100 Diplomacy opinion opinion with the breaching empire. In addition, as long as an empire is in breach of Galactic Law it will be affected by passed Sanction resolutions. Sanction resolutions themselves can only be proposed after at least one thing is banned by Galactic Law.


  1. 1.0 1.1 The tooltip for Environmental Control Board and The Paradise Initiative say +2 and +3, respectively, but this is incorrect. The actual effect is no more than +1 for all tiers of Environmentalist resolutions.
Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs