Stellaris Wiki
This article is about the "Federations" mechanics. For the DLC, see Federations (DLC).


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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.


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Federation fleet

A Federation fleet from every species class.


Stellaris Federations Tier List

A Federation is a supranational union of two or more spacefaring empires who sacrifice variable amounts of economic and political autonomy in exchange for unique mutual benefits. Federation members automatically defend each other in war as they would in a Defense Pact, but must agree to offensive wars as a group and have a unique system of Experience, Tiers, and Laws that differentiate Federations from other types of Diplomatic Pacts. Members also gain more general diplomatic benefits with each other to allows the Federation to act as a unit on the Galactic stage - members do not generate border friction amongst themselves, build trust with each other to a cap of +100 and share 10% of their victory score with each other. Players can set a name for their federation at creation or leave it random; the name can be changed at any time. If the union map view is toggled on, all Federation members share the same color.

A federation can only be created by one of four ways: an empire that adopts the The Federation The Federation tradition from the Diplomacy tree may create a Federation with another empire, an empire that has an origin that starts them in a federation, a revolt against the Galactic Imperium Galactic Imperium, or during the late game "War in Heaven," the strongest empire in the galaxy will get an event to create a League of Non Aligned powers, even if that strongest empire doesn't have The Federation The Federation. An invited empire must have a positive acceptance score with an existing federation member for said member to vote for their addition. Hovering over the diplomatic choice will show which empires agree and disagree.

Members of a federation have their Energy Credits energy output reduced by −15%. This tax doesn't apply to Energy Credits energy generated from trade.

When a member leaves or is kicked from a federation it gains a Diplomacy truce Truce with the federation.

Leaving a federation will grant a decaying Diplomacy opinion −200 opinion with all federation members.

Federation types[]

The federation type represents the founding ideals and wider goals of a Federation and its members, and determines what perks the federation provides at each level. The federation type can be changed at any time with a vote by clicking on the federation type icon. Changing the federation type, however, resets the federation level to 1.

The Galactic Union federation type is available by default, and all other federation types are only available with the Federations Federations DLC and require the founding member to possess either a certain Tradition Tree Finisher or a particular ethic, authority, or civic. Barbaric Despoilers Barbaric Despoilers empires can only create a Martial Alliance or Hegemony.

Federation type Level 1 perks (0 XP) Level 2 perks (1200 XP) Level 3 perks (3600 XP) Level 4 perks (8400 XP) Level 5 perks (18000 XP) Requirements
Galactic Union
Federation default
  • −50% Cohesion loss from ethics
  • +60 Intel cap between members
  • +25% Naval Contribution effect
  • −50% Cohesion loss from new members
  • President modifiers:
  • +1 Available envoys
  • +2 Unity per federation envoy
  • +5% Trust growth per federation envoy
  • +10% Ship speed in federation space
  • President modifiers:
  • +1 Federation influence gain
  • −50% Cohesion loss from failed votes
  • +25% Damage to crisis ships
  • President modifiers:
  • +10% Diplomatic weight
  • +2 Unity per federation envoy
  • +5 Trust cap per federation envoy
  • +25% Damage to crisis ships
  • President modifiers:
  • +10% Monthly unity
Federation hegemony
  • Members cannot freely leave the federation
  • Members can gain the Secede casus belli
  • Reduced Centralization requirements
  • +40 Intel cap between members
  • President modifiers:
  • −100% Naval contribution cost
  • +1 Available envoys
  • Non-president member modifiers:
  • +5% Resources from jobs
  • −50% Cohesion loss from new members
  • President modifiers:
  • Gain the Establish Hegemony wargoal
  • Non-president member modifiers:
  • +5% Resources from jobs
  • No Migration Pact upkeep between members
  • No Research Agreement upkeep between members
  • President modifiers:
  • +1 Federation influence gain
  • Non-president member modifiers:
  • +5% Resources from jobs
  • +25% Damage to crisis ships
  • 10% of Federation fleet size as monthly unity
  • President modifiers:
  • 10% of every member's diplomatic weight
  • AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian
  • Civic machine servitorDomination
Holy Covenant
Federation spiritualist
  • Robot empires cannot become president
  • +10% Monthly unity
  • +50 Intel cap between members
  • +50% Cohesion per federation envoy
  • +20% Spiritualist attraction per federation envoy
  • +1 Culture Worker from Planetary Capital
  • President modifiers:
  • 25% Voting strength on Divinity of Life
  • +20% Planetary ascension effect
  • Holy Covenant trade policy
  • President modifiers:
  • −20% Planetary ascension cost
  • +1 High Priest per tier 3 temple building
  • +1 Priest per 25 pops with unity colony designations
  • President modifiers:
  • −20% Shroud delve cooldown
  • Zro Catalysis edict
  • +1 Unity per priest for Spiritualist empires
  • +15% Biological growth speed
  • −30% Robot assembly speed
  • Non-spiritualist, non-gestalt empires have Bureaucratic buildings swapped for Temples
  • President modifiers:
  • +20% Edicts fund
  • SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist
  • Harmony
Martial Alliance
Federation military
  • +100 Ship starting experience
  • +100 Army starting experience
  • +25% Ship build speed
  • +50 Intel cap between members
  • +25% Naval contribution effect
  • +10% Ship speed in federation space
  • President modifiers:
  • −10% Claim influence cost
  • +1 Admiral level cap
  • +10% Ship fire rate
  • President modifiers:
  • +1 Available envoys
  • +25% Naval contribution effect
  • +25% Damage to crisis ships
  • 10% of Federation fleet size as monthly unity
  • +25% Naval contribution effect
  • +25% Damage to crisis ships
  • President modifiers:
  • +10% Diplomatic weight
  • MilitaristFanatic Militarist
  • Tradition icon unyielding
Research Cooperative
Federation research
  • Free Research Agreement with all members
  • +50 Intel cap between members
  • +5% Research speed from agreements
  • +5% Research speed
  • President modifiers:
  • +1 Research alternatives
  • +5% Research speed from agreements
  • ×2 Rare tech discovery chance if other members got it
  • President modifiers:
  • +20% Diplomatic weight from technologies
  • +5% Research speed from agreements
  • +20% Research speed during a crisis
  • President modifiers:
  • +1 Available envoys
  • +5% Research speed from agreements
  • +20% Research speed during a crisis
  • President modifiers:
  • +1 Megastructure build capacity
  • MaterialistFanatic Materialist
  • Auth machine intelligenceDiscovery
Trade League
Federation trade
  • Trade League trade policy
  • +50 Intel cap between members
  • +5% Trade value
  • +10% Ship speed in federation space
  • President modifiers:
  • +1 Available envoys
  • +5% Trade value
  • +5 Trade protection
  • President modifiers:
  • +1 Federation influence gain
  • +5% Trade value
  • +25% Naval contribution effect
  • President modifiers:
  • +10% Diplomatic weight
  • +5% Trade value
  • +25% Damage to crisis ships
  • President modifiers:
  • +10% Trade value
  • Civic merchant guildsCivic corporate dominion
  • Auth corporateMercantile

Joint operations[]

Once 60 years pass, if a federation has reached at least level 2 and is at peace, its president may be offered the choice to start a joint project with the other federation members. The joint project lasts 10 years and requires each member to individually complete a special project.

Ephemeral Puzzle[]

Federation default Galactic Union and Federation research Research Cooperative federations have the objective of studying a space aurora. Each member is given a choice to start a special project above its capital starbase that requires a science ship with a level 2 or higher scientist and requires Physics Research 200 physics research. Completing the special projects brings a choice to free or trap the cloud; either choice progress the project, but affects which final outcome is received. The joint operation ends after 3 years, or completes when every participating member finishes the special project.

  • If all participating members freed the cloud, the federation gains Federation cohesion +30 cohesion, and all federation members gain Physics Research +10% physics and Society research +5% society research for 10 years.
  • If all participating members trapped the cloud, the federation gains Federation cohesion +20 cohesion, and all federation members gain Physics Research +10% physics research, Happiness −5% happiness, and Immigration pull −20% immigration pull for 4 years.
  • If some participating members trapped the cloud and some freed it, all federation members gain Physics Research +10% physics research for 6 years.

If the project was not completed, it can happen again after 20 years.

A Celebration of Unity and Leadership[]

Federation hegemony Hegemony federations have the objective of building a monument. Members that agree gain a temporary Diplomacy opinion +100 opinion with the president, while those that refuse gain Diplomacy opinion −150 opinion with the president. Members which cannot access the president's capital system are not considered. If more than half of the members refuse, the federation loses Federation cohesion 100 cohesion and the president loses Influence 50 influence. If at least half of the members agree, all members that agreed are issued a special project above the president's capital which requires a construction ship and takes a year to complete, while the president is issued a special project to give up to two members +35% attraction towards the president's ethics for 20 years, which requires a science ship and takes 6 months to complete. Any member that finishes the special project gains a temporary Diplomacy opinion +50 opinion with the president. Once all member special projects are finished, the joint operation is completed.

  • If all members agreed and completed the special project, the federation gains Federation cohesion +100 cohesion and 1000 experience and the president gains the D monument in space Federation Monument planetary feature on their capital (Monthly influence +0.5).
  • If more members completed the project than didn't or refused, the federation gains Federation cohesion +50 cohesion and 500 experience and the president gains a lesser version of the D monument in space Federation Monument planetary feature on their capital (Monthly influence +0.25).
  • If at least two members completed the project, but more didn't or refused, the federation gains Federation cohesion +25 cohesion and 250 experience.
  • If no members completed the project, the federation loses Federation cohesion −50 cohesion and the president loses Influence 50 influence.

If the monument is not completed (the president didn't gain the planetary feature), the project can happen again after 50 years, but only for a different president. A current project will be canceled if the federation president changes.

Joint Military Exercises[]

Federation military Martial Alliance federations have a federation-wide fleet exercise as their objective. Members that agree gain a temporary Diplomacy opinion +50 opinion with the president while those that refuse gain Diplomacy opinion −50 opinion with the president. If more than half of the members refuse, the federation loses Federation cohesion 100 cohesion and the president loses Influence 50 influence. If at least half of the members agree, the president and all members that agreed are given a location in the Situation Log which they must reach with a fleet of at least 15 ships within 6 years. Once each member reaches the location, a hostile fleet of 5-9 ships appears for each participating member and must be defeated within 30 days. Once the fleets are defeated or not, the joint operation is completed. Members succeed if they complete the project and destroy the hostile fleet before 30 days pass; they fail otherwise. Members who refused to participate also count as failing.

  • If all members succeeded, the federation gains Federation cohesion +100 cohesion and 1000 experience and all members gain Mod ship fire rate mult +15% fire rate for 25 years.
  • If more members succeeded than failed, the federation gains Federation cohesion +50 cohesion and 500 experience and all participating members gain Mod ship fire rate mult +15% fire rate for 25 years.
  • If more members failed than succeeded, the federation loses Federation cohesion −25 cohesion and all participating members gain Mod ship fire rate mult −15% fire rate for 25 years.
  • If no members succeeded, the federation loses Federation cohesion −50 cohesion and all participating members gain Mod ship fire rate mult −15% fire rate for 25 years.

This joint operation can be repeated once every 50 years.

Logistics Remodelling[]

Federation trade Trade League federations have the objective of creating a shipping standard. Within two years, each member must generate at least Trade value 50 trade value in an owned system. Members that fail gain Mod trade value mult −10% trade value until the project is complete. Members that succeed gain Consumer goods +5% consumer goods and Mod trade value mult −10% trade value, or only −5% if the system's Starbase has an Sb offworld trading company Offworld Trading Company building, and are issued a special project on the system's Starbase that requires a construction ship. Once each member completes the special project, all modifiers are removed and the project is completed. The joint operation also ends if 15 years pass before all members complete their projects.

  • If all members participated, each member gains the Fully Streamlined Logistics permanent empire modifier.
  • If not all members participated, each member that participated gains the Streamlined Logistics permanent empire modifier.
  • If no members participated, the federation loses Federation cohesion −50 cohesion.

Federation Ecumenical Council[]

Federation spiritualist Holy Covenant federations have the objective of creating a unified dogma. Within the next 300 days each members will receive two events where they have an arrogant option (gain Influence Influence and/or Unity Unity or not pay anything) and a humble option (receive no reward or pay Influence Influence and/or Energy Credits Energy). Each member is also given the option to assign a leader to the project for 300 days. Accepting counts as a humble option while refusing counts as an arrogant option.

  • If the number of humble choices was greater than the number of arrogant choices, each member will gain +20% Unity Unity from Jobs for 20 years and the federation will gain +3 Monthly Federation XP for 20 years.
  • If the number of humble choices was equal to the number of arrogant choices, each member will gain +10% Unity Unity from Jobs for 10 years and the federation will gain +3 Monthly Federation XP for 10 years.

Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires cannot take part in the project and will not receive any rewards. This joint operation can be repeated once every 50 years.

Federation Cohesion[]

Federation cohesion Cohesion is a measure of how unified a federation is and ranges from +100 to −100. It has the following effects:

  • Each 10 points of cohesion above 0 adds +1 XP per month to a federation, up to +10 at Federation cohesion +100 cohesion.
  • Each 10 points of cohesion below 0 adds −1 XP per month to a federation, up to −10 at Federation cohesion −100 cohesion.
  • Each 4 points of cohesion above 0 adds +1 acceptance for changing federation laws.
  • Each 4 points of cohesion below 0 adds −1 acceptance for changing federation laws.
  • Cohesion below 90 reduces the acceptance for increasing the Centralization Law by −50.

The following incur immediate Federation cohesion cohesion penalties:

  • −100 whenever a member joins or leaves the federation, including when an empire Diplomacy being integrated integrates a subject that was also a member.
  • −50 whenever the federation type changes
  • −10 whenever the federation Centralization Law changes
  • −5 whenever any other federation law changes
  • −10 whenever a failed vote occurs

The following incur monthly Federation cohesion cohesion penalties:

  • −0.25 for each member of the federation
  • −0.15 multiplied by the number of different ethics, minus 3 (moderate and fanatic ethics of the same type will count as different ethics)
  • −0.5 for each opposed ethics (Two opposing fanatics, or any combination with only a single fanatic will only count for one set of opposed ethics. Normal and fanatic on one side, and fanatic or normal and fanatic on the other will count for two.)

Cohesion can only be increased by assigning an Governor Official to the federation. Each leader level increases cohesion each month by +1. AI empires will always assign an Governor Official to the federation.

If a federation loses the experience required for a level and fails to raise it above the required limit within 90 days, the federation level will downgrade and remove all perks from the previously held level. A federation's experience is capped at 20,000XP.

Federation Fleet[]

Federations that have their Fleet Contribution law set to anything other than None feature a joint fleet, controlled by the current federation president, in addition to the forces of the separate member empires. Federation fleets cost no maintenance and use the federation fleet capacity, which every member contributes to based on the Fleet Contribution law, up to 600. The fleets cannot exceed this cap. The Entente Coordination Entente Coordination tradition doubles the naval capacity contribution of the members that adopt it while not reducing their own further. The command limit of federation fleets is increased by the non repeatable technologies of federation members (repeatable technologies, civics, traditions and ascension perks are not taken into account) but somewhat can be surpassed???

The president designs the federation fleet ships via a special Ship class ship designer available in the federation menu and may use any technology available to any member empire. Regular ship designs cannot be used to build federation ships. The president's empire is responsible for commanding the federation fleets. Federation law determines whether any member of the federation or only the president's empire can build ships for the federation fleet. Any AI federation member's research of a component-unlocking technology will auto-update the default federation designs, but not any player-created ones, adding theirs to the list instead. Since their designs are considered newer, if you update your federation fleets at this time, your fleet will become their design, which can be undesirable.

If a federation is disbanded, so is the federation fleet.

The federation fleet has its own Titan limit, which does not affect the number of Titans its members can construct individually.

The federation can include one Juggernaut regardless of whether any member empire has one of their own.

Federation laws[]

Federation laws dictate how the federation operates and customize certain aspects of a federation. Any federation member can propose a law change. Hovering over any law will list the federation members that will support or oppose it. A failed vote adds Federation cohesion −10 cohesion.

Federation Centralization[]

Federation Centralization determines what Federation laws are available and is limited by the current federation level. Raising centralization will incur increasingly higher costs to cohesion. Enacting any option adds Federation cohesion −10 cohesion.

Option Federation cohesion Monthly cohesion Intel Member intel cap Required level Description
Minimal 0 +10 1 The Federation's influence over its members is kept at a minimum.
Low −1 +20 2 The level of Federation influence over member states are kept very low.
Medium −2 +30 3 The Federation has a good deal of influence over its members, while still allowing some independent governing.
High −3 +40 4 The Federation's influence over its member states is almost absolute.
Very High −4 +50 5 The Federation has sovereign control over how member states are being governed.

Fleet Contribution[]

The Fleet Contribution law determines how much Mod navy size add naval capacity is transferred from federation members to the federation fleet. The availability of this law is heavily affected by the federation type. Enacting any option other than None adds Federation cohesion −5 cohesion.

Option Federation cohesion Monthly cohesion Mod navy size add Transferred naval capacity Mod navy size add Max naval capacity Required centralization
Federation military Martial Alliance Federation hegemony Hegemony Federation default Galactic Union Federation trade Trade League Federation spiritualist Holy Covenant Federation research Research Cooperative
None 0 0 0 Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal
Low −0.25 10% 200 Minimal Minimal Low Low Medium Medium
Medium −0.5 20% 400 Low Low Medium Medium Very High Very High
High −0.75 30% 600 Medium High High Very High No No

Federation Fleet Construction[]

The Federation Fleet Construction law determines who can build ships for the federation fleet.

Option Effects Required Centralization
Everyone All members can build ships for the federation fleet Minimal
Only Leader Only the federation president can build ships for the federation fleet Low

Succession Type[]

The Succession Type law determines how the next federation president is chosen once their term is up. Enacting any option other than Rotation adds Federation cohesion −5 cohesion.

Option Federation cohesion Monthly cohesion Effects Required centralization DLC
Rotation −0.5 Leadership is rotated among each Federation member Minimal
Strongest −1
0 if Federation hegemony Hegemony
The empire with the highest succession power becomes the next president High
Minimal if Federation hegemony Hegemony
Random 0 The next president is chosen randomly Minimal Federations
Challenge 0 The empire that wins the challenge becomes the next president Low Federations

Succession Power[]

If the Succession Type law is set to Strongest, then this law will define what criteria is used to determine which empire is "the strongest". This category is not visible with any other succession type. Enacting any option adds Federation cohesion −5 cohesion.

Option Effects DLC
Economy Chooses the president based on economic power
Diplomatic Weight Chooses the president based on diplomatic weight
Technology Chooses the president based on technology level Federations
Fleets Chooses the president based on fleet power Federations


If the Succession Type law is set to Challenge, then this law will define what the challenge for the choosing the next president will be. This category is not visible with any other succession type. Empires that do not meet the challenge requirements will be forced to drop out from the competition.

Challenge Description Empire drops out if
Arena Combat The rulers of all federation members fight in an arena battle, and the winner becomes president while all losers are killed. Each ruler has a chance to win based on a variety of factors.
Condition Odds
Empire ethics
Empire civics
Ruler traits (any tier)
  • Leader trait composer chosen Chosen of the Composer: +500
  • Leader trait eater chosen Chosen of the Eater: +500
  • Leader trait instrument chosen Chosen of the Instrument: +500
  • Leader trait whisperers chosen Chosen of the Whisperers: +500
  • Leader trait psionic chosen one Chosen One: +500
  • Leader trait psionic leader Psychic: +25
  • Leader trait synthetic Synth: +20
  • Leader trait cyborg Cyborg: +15
  • Leader trait mercenary warrior Mercenary Warrior: +15
  • Leader trait butcher Butcher: +10
  • Leader trait resilient Resilience: +5
  • Leader trait adaptable Adaptionist: +3
  • Leader trait army veteran Army Veteran: +3
  • Leader trait restrained Carefulness: +3
  • Leader trait trickster Trickster: +3
  • Leader trait aggressive Aggressiveness: +2
  • Leader trait retired fleet officer Retired Fleet Officer: +2
  • Leader trait eager Eagerness: +1
  • Leader trait opinionated Stubbornness: +1
  • Leader trait armchair commander Armchair Commander: −3
  • Leader trait lethargic Lethargic: −3
  • Leader trait substance abuser Substance Abuser: −5
  • Leader trait bureaucrat Unifier: −10
Ruler's species traits
Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
Psionic Battle The psionic Pops of all federation members fight in an arena. Before the fight, each empire will be offered to pay Zro Zro to increase its odds of winning. Each empire's odds to win, capped at 400, are calculated by the following:
  • +1 per Pop with the Trait psionic species Latent Psionic trait
  • +3 per Pop with the Trait psionic species Psionic trait
  • +10 per Job telepath Telepath job
  • +40 if the empire paid 100 Zro Zro
  • +60 if the empire paid 500 Zro Zro
  • +80 if the empire paid 1000 Zro Zro
No pops with the Trait psionic species Psionic or Trait latent psionic species Latent Psionic trait
Golden Rule A bid value is determined based on the federation president's stored Energy Credits energy credits.
President's Energy Credits Bid
0-10000 2500
10000-100000 5000
100000+ 10000

Each member is offered the chance to pay and place a bid or drop out. If multiple members placed a bid, then the offer is given again to those members. Bidding continues until all but one empire have dropped out. This remaining empire then becomes the new president and will also gain the option to invest the bids placed by all members, distribute them, or appropriate them.

  • Investing will give all federation members Mod trade value mult +10% trade value and Energy Credits +5% energy credits for a year
  • Distributing will refund each member Energy Credits energy credits based on the sum of bids made by all members
  • Appropriating will grant the president Energy Credits energy credits based on the sum of bids made by all members and give Energy Credits +5% energy credits and Diplomacy opinion −100 opinion with all federation members for 50 years
Base sum Redistribution value Appropriation value
0-10000 1000 7000
10000-100000 2500 15000
100000+ 5000 75000
Empire refuses to pay or can't afford to place a bid
Thesis Defense Each member empires assembles a team consisting of up to five recruited scientists. Each scientist leading a research area will always join if present. Each team has a chance to win based on the traits of each team member. Each odds adjustment is applied or not based on the number of team members that meet its condition.
# with Condition Odds
Base weight 20
1+ Leader trait adaptable Adaptable +10
1+ Leader trait eager Eager +5
1+ Leader trait maniacal Maniacal +10
1+ Leader trait meticulous Meticulous +10
1+ Leader trait spark of genius Spark of Genius +20
1+ Leader trait substance abuser Substance Abuser +10
2+ Leader trait substance abuser Substance Abuser −20
1+ Statecraft Expertise: Statecraft +10
1 Any Expertise trait +5
2+ Any Expertise trait −10
1+ Leader trait custom AI assistant Custom AI Assistant +10
1+ Leader trait sentient AI assistant Sapient AI Assistant +20
1+ Leader trait scroll Towel-bearer +9
1+ Leader trait curator Curator +10
1+ Leader trait psionic leader Psychic +10
1+ Leader trait psionic chosen one Chosen One +30
1+ Leader trait cyborg Cyborg +10
1+ Trait robotic 3 Synthetic +5
1+ Erudite Erudite +15
1+ Leader trait paranoid Paranoid −5
1+ Leader trait stubborn Stubborn −5
2+ Leader trait carefree Carefree −10
2+ Leader trait maniacal Maniacal −20
No other empire in the federation has Superior or Overwhelming technology +40
No other empire in the federation has Equivalent technology +30
One other empire in the federation has Superior or Overwhelming technology
and more than one other empire has Inferior or Pathetic technology
Another empire in the federation has Overwhelming technology ×0.1
Per technology researched +1
Per repeatable technology researched +1
Empire does not have at least three scientists
Spiritual Conclave Each member of the federation is ranked by the percentage of priest category and mortal initiate jobs worked, times two, then multiplied by a number of factors, summarized below.
Factor Source
×1−(percentage) Percentage of robot pops
×1+(0.1×total) Total ascension tier levels
×1.1 Spiritualist Spiritualist
×1.25 Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist
×1.25 Psionics tradition tree Psionics tradition tree finisher
×5 Ruler has Leader trait psionic chosen one Chosen One trait
×1.25 Owns the R severed head Head of Zarqlan
×1.25 Owns a Holy World
×1.25 Has three consecrated worlds
×0.75 / ×1.25 8.3% chance of either random factor
×0.85 / ×1.15 16.6% chance of either random factor
×0.95 / ×1.05 25% chance of either random factor
×1+(total) Total bribe value
−100 Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
−1000 Is a Diplomacy isvassal subject

Each independent member has two chances to influence the ranking by increasing the "bribe value". This requires an amount of unity per owned planet, specifically, 600 (+0.15), 1800 (+0.3), or 5400 (+0.5). The second time there is also an option to pay 100 energy credits per pop to add +2 to the bribe value, but there is a 25% chance (set at the beginning of the conclave) for this option to add −0.5 instead. The total bribe value can thus vary between −0.5 and 2.5.

The highest ranked empire becomes the new leader.

Succession Term[]

The Succession Term law determines the length of the federation president's term and thus how often the president changes. This law cannot be changed if any federation member is at war.

Option Effects
10 Years Succession happens every 10 years
20 Years Succession happens every 20 years
30 Years Succession happens every 30 years
40 Years Succession happens every 40 years
Status Change Succession happens when a member surpasses the president by 25%
Only available with Strongest succession

Other federation laws[]

Without the Federations Federations DLC, the following categories only have a single available option. Enacting any option, except in the Can Subjects Join category, adds Federation cohesion −5 cohesion.

Can Subjects Join
Option Federation cohesion Monthly cohesion Effects Required centralization DLC
No 0
  • Subject empires can join the federation only if invited by or asking their overlord
  • Existing subjects of federation members are kicked from the federation when this law is passed
  • Unavailable for Federation hegemony Hegemony federations
Yes 0
  • Subject empires automatically join or leave the federation with their overlord
  • Existing subjects of federation members join the federation when this law is passed
  • A new federation will have this law set automatically unless the members propose and affirm the "No" law
Minimal Federations
Vote Weight
Option Federation cohesion Monthly cohesion Effects Required centralization DLC
Equal 0 Each member has equal voting power Minimal
Diplomatic 0 The voting power of each member is determined by their Diplomatic weight diplomatic weight Medium Federations
War Declaration
Option Federation cohesion Monthly cohesion Effects Required centralization DLC
Unanimous Vote 0 All members must agree to declare war Minimal
Majority Vote 0 A majority of voting power is required to declare war Federations
President Decides −0.5 The federation president alone approves whether to declare war High Federations
Invite Members
Option Federation cohesion Monthly cohesion Effects Required centralization DLC
Unanimous Vote 0 All members must agree to invite or accept a new member Minimal
Majority Vote 0 A majority of voting power is required to invite or accept a new member Low Federations
President Decides −0.25 The federation president alone approves whether to invite or accept a new member Federations
Kick Members
Option Federation cohesion Monthly cohesion Effects Required centralization DLC
Majority Vote 0 A majority of voting power is required to kick a member Minimal
President Decides −0.5 The federation president alone approves whether to kick a member Federations
Free Migration
Option Federation cohesion Monthly cohesion Effects Required centralization DLC
Disabled 0 Pops cannot migrate to other federation members without a Diplomacy migration pact Migration Treaty Minimal
Enabled 0 Pops can migrate to other federation members without the need for a Diplomacy migration pact Migration Treaty Medium Federations
Separate Treaties
Option Federation cohesion Monthly cohesion Effects Required centralization DLC
Allowed 0 Members can sign Diplomacy commercial pact Commercial Pacts, Diplomacy migration pact Migration Treaties, or Diplomacy research agreement Research Agreements with outside empires Minimal
Prohibited −0.1 Members cannot sign Diplomacy commercial pact Commercial Pacts, Diplomacy migration pact Migration Treaties, or Diplomacy research agreement Research Agreements with outside empires Low Federations


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs