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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Faster-than-light travel, often abbreviated to FTL, is the method by which ships traverse the vast emptiness of space between star systems. FTL drives are improved with advancing technology, eventually unlocking drives which can "jump", moving from one system to another in an instant.

A fleet will initiate FTL travel when any ship in the fleet reaches the hyperlane jump point or bypass, regardless of the current position of other ships.


Star systems are connected to one another by hyperlanes, safe passages across interstellar space. A star system can either be part of a cluster – highly interconnected with neighboring systems – or a chokepoint – a system which must be traversed to access the systems on its other side. Hyperlane density, how interconnected star systems are, can be adjusted at game start, from 0.5× to 2.75× or Full. Higher density reduces the number of chokepoint systems and vice versa; at the extreme end, Full attempts to connect every star system with each neighboring system – unless that would cross another existing hyperlane – thereby eliminating nearly all chokepoints.

The hyperlane network through the galaxy is not initially visible and must be discovered. Ship, starbase, and planetary sensors detect and reveal hyperlanes during exploration, with the the hyperlane detection range typically twice the regular sensor range. Hyperlanes connecting to unexplored systems are colored pale gray on the galaxy map. Hyperlanes between explored systems are colored light blue, unless the system is owned by an empire with closed borders, then the hyperlane is colored red.

Distances between systems in the galaxy are typically measured in terms of hyperlane connections. The main exceptions are Tactical Jumps and Quantum Catapults, which used a direct distance scale instead.

Hyperlane travel[]

All ships, unless manually designed otherwise, will have an FTL drive, which allows them to travel along hyperlanes. Within a star system, ships move at sublight speed until they reach a hyperlane entry point (shown as an arrow on the system map). Once at the entry point, the ship or fleet takes 15 days to charge its hyper drive and then travels along the hyperlane to the connected system. More advanced FTL drives have reduced windup times. In addition to regular hyperlane travel, Jump Drives or Psi Jump Drives also allow ships or fleets to perform Tactical Jumps. However, merely researching these technologies risks accelerating the endgame crisis by 25 years.

FTL Inhibitors[]

FTL magnet FTL Inhibitors are devices present inside Fortress buildings and upgraded starbases once the Tech aura snare FTL Inhibition technology is researched. Hostile fleets can only leave a system with an FTL inhibitor through the same hyperlane they entered from. Starbase FTL inhibitors are disabled by disabling and capturing the starbase, while Fortress FTL inhibitors can be disabled either by occupying the planet or by causing at least Devastation 50% devastation to the planet with the Fortress. A system with multiple planets or habitats, each with a Fortress and a Planetary Shield Generator, can thus be a very effective method of blocking hostile fleets from traversing a strategic chokepoint system.

Hyper Relays[]

Hyper relay scale

Real scale of a Hyper Relay

Hyper Relays can be constructed once the Hyper Relays Hyper Relays technology is researched and allow ships to jump to Hyper Relays in adjacent systems instead of using the existing hyperlane connections, thereby avoiding having to traverse systems at sublight speeds. They are constructed directly in a single stage, taking one year and costing Influence 25 influence, Alloys 500 alloys, and Rare crystals 100 rare crystals. Hyper Relay links are shown on the galaxy map as a thicker hyperlane. Potential (inactive) links are shown as yellow connections on the galaxy map. A link may be inactive because of closed borders, war, or if the relay is ruined. A ruined Hyper Relay can be restored for Energy Credits 500 energy, Alloys 500 alloys, and Rare crystals 100 rare crystals, taking 6 months to complete.

Hyper Relays can grant additional effects based on Menu icon edicts edicts and subject specializations. Hyper Relay edicts require the empire's capital system to be part of the network, while the benefits granted by subject specializations require a connection between the overlord's capital and the subject's capital. Subjects do not benefit from their overlord's network effects.

Hyper Relays can be built from the galaxy view, which places them semi-randomly within the system. In systems with wormholes or existing gateways, it is recommended to instead go into the system view to manually place the Hyper Relay near to the wormhole or gateway to better facilitate travel. However, Hyper Relays cannot connect through wormholes or gateways.

Direct FTL travel[]

While hyperlane travel is the primary method of traversing the galaxy, there are a few ways to travel between two points more directly. They can be used to travel faster as well as bypass impassable systems, such as those with hostile space creatures, a closed empire's borders, or the galactic core.

  • Experimental Subspace Navigation requires the Tech experimental subspace navigation Speculative Hyperlane Breaching technology and a Scientist Scientist assigned to a science ship. The ship will become MIA and eventually arrive at its destination.
  • Tactical Jumps require all ships to be equipped with a Ship part jump drive 1 Jump Drive, Ship part psi jump drive 1 Psi Jump Drive or Ship part subspace drive Subspace Drive and allows the fleet to travel to any system within the range indicated by a yellow dashed circle. After jumping, the fleet spends 200 days recharging, during which time it suffers a −50% penalty to Mod ship speed mult Sublight Speed and Mod ship weapon damage Weapons Damage.
  • Overlord Catapulting requires the Quantum Catapult Quantum Catapult technology and megastructure. It has the greatest distance of all direct travel methods and gives the fleet Mod ship fire rate mult +33% Fire Rate for 4 months. However, there is a chance the fleet will arrive in a nearby system rather than the targeted destination, indicated by a circle around the target. If a fleet arrives in a system with closed borders, it will immediately go MIA.
  • Astral Planes Astral Jump requires the Astral action folding hyperspace Folding Hyperspace astral action and Astral threads 500 Astral Threads and allows the fleet to travel to any owned system. It has a cooldown of 900 days.

Rolling subspace tides[]

The L-Cluster, galactic core as well as the system housing the Corrupted Avatar guardian cannot be entered via these methods and attempting to do so will show a notification about rolling subspace tides allowing only conventional travel. Direct FTL travel can be used to leave these systems however. Furthermore, the rolling subspace tide around the Corrupted Avatar system recedes once the system has been entered at least once via its wormhole.


MIA, or missing-in-action, refers to any ship or fleet that has been temporarily removed from the galaxy. MIA fleets return to an owned starbase after some time, depending on the hyperlane distance from the system they left and the system they return to. This time can be reduced by various modifiers.

Fleets that are "stuck" can be ordered to go MIA. Additionally, fleets that are defeated in battle and fleets in systems with closed borders (due to decloaking, access change, or first contact made) go MIA. Certain events can also make fleets go MIA.

Fleet reinforcements may go MIA in order to reach their fleet, depending on how far the fleet is from the shipyard.


Wormhole Loading Screen

Humanoid Empire using a wormhole

Bypasses are another alternative to hyperlane travel. There are two basic types of bypasses in Stellaris: wormholes and gateways. Both offer instantaneous travel but require research in order to be usable. The number of wormholes and gateways can be adjusted individually in the settings before the start of a game session. Ships and trade automatically use bypasses – if the route is shorter. Fleet paths through a bypass are shown on the galaxy view by a blue travel line. Inactive bypasses are shown with a red icon in the system and galaxy view, while active bypasses have a white icon. Active bypasses act identically to hyperlanes for most purposes, except that sectors never extend through them.

Bypasses can be locked so that empires at war with, with closed borders or without completed First Contact cannot use the said bypass. Only bypasses that lead to a single destination can be locked so the L-Gate in Terminal Egress and the Shroud Tunnel in the Shroud-Touched Coven system cannot be locked. There are two ways to lock a bypass:

  • The Astral action dimensional lock Dimensional Lock astral action will allow locking one bypass for 10 years
  • The R daedalus seal Daedalus Seal relic can lock all bypasses for 5 years


Wormholes are natural formations that come in pairs, with each pair linking two systems across the galaxy regardless of distance. Wormholes can be explored by selecting any ship and right clicking on an unexplored (red and black) wormhole in system view. If the selected ship is a manned science ship, this can instead be done from galaxy view on any system with a wormhole. Furthermore, the system on the other side may not automatically visible and will likely require a manned science ship anyways. Exploring a wormhole requires the Tech wormhole generation 3 Wormhole Stabilization technology. This only activates that wormhole pair for that empire; other empires must explore the wormhole pair themselves before being able to use it. Clicking on a wormhole will shift the camera to the connecting system.

One wormhole always leads to the Sealed System, a trinary system with no hyperlane connection containing a Planet gaia Gaia world that is guarded by a Corrupted Psionic Avatar. This wormhole will be present in the galaxy even if wormholes have been disabled.

Shroud Tunnel[]

A Shroud Tunnel is a special wormhole created by building a Sb shroud beacon Shroud Beacon, which can only be constructed once per empire by empires that reached an agreement with the Enclaves flag shroudwalkers Shroud-Touched Coven enclave or have the Origins teachers of the shroud Teachers of the Shroud origin. It costs Alloys 500 alloys, Rare crystals 25 rare crystals to build and has an upkeep of Energy Credits 3 energy; it cannot be built in systems that already have a wormhole.

Shroud Tunnels work similarly to L-Gates, as each Shroud Tunnel connects to the Shroud-Touched Coven system with the Shroud Tunnel nexus, which then connects to all other Shroud Tunnels. If the Shroud Beacon is dismantled, fleets will no longer be able to use the tunnel in that system until it is rebuilt. Empires that have purchased and built a Shroud Beacon or have researched Tech psionic theory Psionic Theory can use any Shroud Tunnel, as long as they have access to the destination.

Each time a fleet travels through the Shroud Tunnel, the following may happen:

  • 74% chance nothing happens.
  • 10% chance a leader changes appearance and gains 200 experience. XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe and Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness empires have the option to dismiss the leader for a small amount of Society research Society Research.
  • 10% chance a leader gains the Trait leader trait mind wipe Shroud-Touched trait.
  • 5% chance the fleet is randomly enhanced.
  • 1% chance a Corrupted Avatar guardian attacks the Shroud Beacon system.

Wormhole generation events[]

The Alien Machine event can be triggered by investigating an anomaly with the same name that can appear on asteroids. One of the two event options will lead to the creation of a new wormhole pair, with one end in a system 2-8 hyperlanes away and the other in a system 15-50 hyperlanes away. In addition, if Earth is destroyed with a World Cracker, there is a 50% chance of creating a wormhole in the system leading to another newly created wormhole.


Distant Stars Loading Screen

Real scale of a Gateway

While exploring the galaxy, empires may find abandoned gateways that were once part of a massive, galaxy-spanning network. The number of abandoned gateways can be scaled by galaxy settings.[1]

Once an abandoned gateway is discovered, the Tech gateway activation Gateway Activation technology can appear, which allows abandoned gateways to be repaired. Repairing an abandoned gateway takes 2 years and costs Energy Credits 6000 energy and Alloys 2500 alloys. When a gateway is reactivated for the first time in the galaxy, another random gateway is also reactivated along with it.

Once the Tech gateway activation Gateway Activation technology is researched, the Tech gateway construction Gateway Construction technology can appear, which allows new gateways to be constructed. The construction site is built in 3 years and costs Influence 75 influence and Alloys 2500 alloys. Upgrading it into a fully functional Gateway takes 3 years and costs Energy Credits 6000 energy and Alloys 2500 alloys.

Gateways allow travel to any other gateway instantly, so long as the borders are open and the destination is not controlled by an enemy empire. As a bypass, Gateways generally act like a hyperlane connection between systems, such that claims and trade can be extended through them, however sectors don't extend through gateways.

L-Gates are a special type of gateway, which have a separate network from regular gateways. Instead of jumping from any to any, L-Gates all jump to the Terminal Egress system in the L-Cluster, then from there to any other L-Gate so long as its borders are open, or you are at war. L-Gates are opened through a special project, and new L-Gates cannot be constructed.


  1. Setting abandoned gateways to 0 blocks the use of gateway technology as an empire must discover at least one gateway to unlock the research. The Galactic Doorstep origin still spawns a pair of abandoned gateways if the setting is otherwise 0. Awakened Empires always build Gateways regardless of settings.
Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs