Stellaris Wiki
Not to be confused with Situations.


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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Events occur throughout the course of play. There are a whole range of events in the game, which can result in positive, negative and mixed outcomes for a player’s empire. They take the form of a pop-up notification on the player’s screen, which may present a player with a choice, or may simply inform the player of the consequences and require they acknowledge the event has occurred.

Event pages[]

The following is a list of all events files as found in the Stellaris/events/ folder.

  1. Anomaly events 1
  2. Anomaly events 2
  3. Anomaly events 3
  4. Anomaly events 4
  5. Arcsite events
  6. Arcsite random events
  7. Colony events 1
  8. Colony events 2
  9. Colony events 3
  10. Communications spread
  11. Country events 1
  12. Country events 2
  13. Crime events
  14. Crisis events 1
  15. Crisis events 2
  16. Crisis events 3
  17. Diplomatic events 2
  18. Envoy events
  19. Faction events
  20. Fallen empire awakening events
  21. Fallen empire events
  22. Fallen empire tasks events
  23. First contact events
  24. First contact NPC country types events
  25. First contact random events
  26. Galactic Community events
  27. Galactic features events
  28. Horizonsignal events
  29. Leader events 1
  30. Megastructure events 1
  31. Megastructure events 2
  32. Nomad events
  33. Observation events
  34. On action events 1
  35. On action events 2
  36. Origin events 1
  37. Origin events 2
  38. Origin events 3
  39. Pirate events
  40. Pop events
  41. Precursor events 1 (id 1-1499)
  42. Precursor events 2 (id 1500-2300)
  43. Precursor events
  44. Progress events
  45. Refugee events
  46. Situation events
  47. Situation deficit events
  48. Story events
  49. Terraforming events
  50. Unique system events
  51. Unrest events
  52. Uplifting events

DLC events[]

DLC Events
Leviathans Leviathans
DLC plantoids species pack Plantoids
Utopia Utopia
Synthetic Dawn Synthetic Dawn
DLC humanoids species pack Humanoids
Apocalypse Apocalypse
Distant Stars Distant Stars
MegaCorp MegaCorp
Ancient Relics Ancient Relics
Federations Federations
Necroids Necroids
Nemesis Nemesis
Aquatics Aquatics
Overlord Overlord
Toxoids Toxoids
  • Toxoids events
First Contact First Contact
Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons
Astral Planes Astral Planes

Special projects[]

Special projects are quest-like events. They are usually spawned by anomalies, but can also be triggered by certain events. Most projects requires sending a science ship with a skilled scientist in order to begin analysis.

The following is a list of all special projects files as found in the Stellaris/common/special_projects/ folder.

Technical event pages[]

The following is a list of all events files found in the Stellaris/events/ folder that are not meant to be seen by the player in-game and define some game functionality.

  • Achievement events (triggers for some of the achievements, triggering them with the console will not grant the actievement)
  • Advisor events (tutorials)
  • An4 events (handles the movement of space creatures)
  • Anomaly events AI (gives the AI resources instead of event chains when investigating anomalies)
  • Crisis trigger events (defines the crisis triggers)
  • Federations vote events (reduces cohesions when federation votes fail)
  • Leader events 2 (sets up the initial heir and and gives leaders traits from civics)
  • Observer events (sends a notification to multiplayer observers whenever something major happens)
  • Pre-FTL awareness events (increases and decreases awareness)
  • Pretender events (creates a new ruler for imperial authorities if the current one dies without an heir)
  • Test events (file used by developers for testing)
  • Utopia on action events (functionality for certain Utopia mechanics)
  • Megacorp events (handles the Consecrate World decision and removes decision modifiers if a planet is conquered)
  • Ancient relics site spawn event (determines the chance for an archaeology site to be discovered on survey and ensures anomalies can't appear on the same celestial body)
  • Necroids events 1 (functionality for Necrophage mechanics)
  • Nemesis Crisis Menace Objective events (grants Menace)
  • Ancient relics archaeotech events (functionality of the Zroni Storm Caster building)
  • Ancient relics site spawn events (handles the spawning of archaeological sites)
  • Paragon events 2 (functionality for certain leader traits)
  • Game start has a large number of effects that trigger before the first loading screen ends:
    • Adds the Commonwealth of Man preset empire if United Nations of Earth is present
    • Starts the countdown for the Nomad fleet to appear
    • Spawns the empires starting fleets, stations and resources
    • Gives benefits to advanced empires
    • Gives Fallen Empire species their unique traits
    • Adds civic-granted technologies
    • Creates wormholes
    • Creates nebulae
    • Creates the Shroud
    • Creates the Corrupted Avatar system
    • Determines what kind of awakening will the Ancient Caretakers have if the Contingency activates
    • Makes Marauders neutral towards Enclaves
    • Makes space creatures neutral towards Fallen Empires
    • Gives the ruler the empire's fanatic ethic if there is one
    • Sets up certain origins and civics
    • Assigns the starting leaders
    • Adds the starting council positions
  • Failures (mechanic removed from game)
  • Diplomatic events 1 (mechanic removed from game)


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs