Events occur throughout the course of play. There are a whole range of events in the game, which can result in positive, negative and mixed outcomes for a player’s empire. They take the form of a pop-up notification on the player’s screen, which may present a player with a choice, or may simply inform the player of the consequences and require they acknowledge the event has occurred.
Special projects are quest-like events. They are usually spawned by anomalies, but can also be triggered by certain events. Most projects requires sending a science ship with a skilled scientist in order to begin analysis.
The following is a list of all special projects files as found in the Stellaris/common/special_projects/ folder.
The following is a list of all events files found in the Stellaris/events/ folder that are not meant to be seen by the player in-game and define some game functionality.
Achievement events (triggers for some of the achievements, triggering them with the console will not grant the actievement)
Advisor events (tutorials)
An4 events (handles the movement of space creatures)
Anomaly events AI (gives the AI resources instead of event chains when investigating anomalies)
Crisis trigger events (defines the crisis triggers)
Federations vote events (reduces cohesions when federation votes fail)
Leader events 2 (sets up the initial heir and and gives leaders traits from civics)
Observer events (sends a notification to multiplayer observers whenever something major happens)
Pre-FTL awareness events (increases and decreases awareness)
Pretender events (creates a new ruler for imperial authorities if the current one dies without an heir)
Test events (file used by developers for testing)
Utopia on action events (functionality for certain Utopia mechanics)
Megacorp events (handles the Consecrate World decision and removes decision modifiers if a planet is conquered)
Ancient relics site spawn event (determines the chance for an archaeology site to be discovered on survey and ensures anomalies can't appear on the same celestial body)
Necroids events 1 (functionality for Necrophage mechanics)