Ethics – sometimes called Ethos – are the guiding principles of an empire and its people and determine an empire or pop's favored courses of action and responses to situations. Empires and individual populations don't always align ethically, and this can cause internal strife in large nations. AI empires follow the same ethics rules and their behavior is heavily dependent on the ethics they follow. Naturally, a Militarist Xenophobe alien empire will react very differently to the player than a Pacifist Xenophile. AI empires will, however, compromise on their ethics if circumstances are dire enough, for instance, if threatened with imminent conquest.
Every empire except Fallen Empires must have either three moderate ethics or one fanatic and one moderate ethic, or be Gestalt Consciousness. Fallen Empires have only one fanatic ethic. Pops have only one moderate ethic each.
Empire ethics[]
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Each empire has 3 ethic points which must all be spent. Moderate ethics cost 1 point and fanatic ethics cost 2 points. Thus an empire can have either one fanatic and one moderate or three moderate ethics. Gestalt Consciousness is the "ethic" for hive mind and machine empires without individual agency; it costs 3 ethic points and requires either the Utopia DLC or the Synthetic Dawn DLC.
An empire's ethics often determine which options are available for events, policies, and many other actions. As a result, ethics choices have a greater impact on game experience than simply the bonuses and maluses listed on this page.
There are 4 ethic axes present:
- The Authoritarian-Egalitarian axis looks at whether the empire's political power belongs in the hands of the few or the many.
- The Materialist-Spiritualist axis looks at whether the unknowns of the universe can be explained by science or the existence of something greater.
- The Militarist-Pacifist axis looks at whether the empire's military should be used offensively or strictly defensively.
- The Xenophile-Xenophobe axis looks at whether alien species and cultures should be embraced or distrusted.
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Although it hurts, we must grow up and put aside our outdated notions of morality. There is no 'divine spark' granting special value to a living mind. No object has any intrinsic value apart from what we choose to grant it. Let us embrace the freedom of certitude, and achieve maximum efficiency in all things! |
The random weight of the Gestalt Consciousness ethic varies depending on which DLC you own. It has a base weight of 0, which increases to 100 if you own either Utopia or Synthetic Dawn, and to 200 if you own both.
Pop ethics[]
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Each pop in an empire will embrace a single, moderate ethic, which determines the Faction a pop will eventually join. At the start of the game the population's ethics will match the empire ethics but as an empire grows its population will become more diverse in its views and wants. Each ethic has an attraction value for each pop in an empire depending on both the empire's situation and their own situation.
Over time, the ethics of the pops will drift in such a way that it roughly matches the overall attraction of that value. For example, if the materialist attraction sits at 10% for decades, it's likely that after that time, around 10% of all pops will be materialist. There is some random factor so it's likely never going to match up perfectly, but the system is built to try and go towards the mean, so the more over-represented an ethic is compared to its attraction, the more likely pops are to drift away from it and vice versa.
The following attraction factors are valid for each ethic:
- +2 if the empire has the ethic in moderate form
- +3 if the empire has the ethic in fanatic form
- +2 if the empire does not have the ethic and the Faction representing it has formed
- +1 if the leader of the Faction representing the ethic is the empire ruler
- +2 if the empire is a subject loyal to an overlord that has the ethic
Each ethic has its own multitude of factors that will increase or lower its attraction.
Ethic | Attraction | Requirement | Attraction | Ethic |
Authoritarian |
2.00 | Pop has Noble job | 0.10 | Egalitarian |
1.50 | Member of a Hegemony | 1 | ||
1.50 | A pop of this species is enslaved. Ignores robot Pops. | 1 | ||
1.25 | Pop is Decadent | 0.50 | ||
1.25 | Authority is Imperial | 0.75 | ||
1.25 | Pop has Stratified Society living standards and is not worker | 1 | ||
1.25 | A pop from another biological species is enslaved. Unless a pop of this species is also enslaved. | 1.50 | ||
1 | Pop does not have Full Citizenship | 1.25 | ||
1 | Is in Defense Pact, Commercial Pact or Federation with a Egalitarian or Fanatic Egalitarian empire | 1.50 | ||
1 | Any non-subject Egalitarian or Fanatic Egalitarian empire has migration access | 2.00 | ||
0.75 | Authority is Democratic | 1.25 | ||
0.75 | Pop has Social Welfare, Utopian Abundance or Shared Burden living standards | 1.25 | ||
Materialist |
2.00 | Pop is Mechanical | 0.25 | Spiritualist |
1.50 | Member of a Research Cooperative | 1 | ||
1.50 | Pop is Cybernetic | 1 | ||
1.33 | Research Agreement with a Fanatic Materialist or Materialist | 1 | ||
1.25 | Citizen Rights Artificial Intelligence policy | 0.75 | ||
1.25 | Origin is Mechanist | 1 | ||
1.25 | Pop is not a robot but Robot pops live on the planet | 1 | ||
1.25 | Pop has trait Natural Engineers | 1 | ||
1.25 | Pop has trait Natural Physicists | 1 | ||
1.25 | Pop has trait Natural Sociologists | 1 | ||
1 | Has Psionic Theory technology | 1.10 | ||
1 | Pop is Latent Psionic | 1.10 | ||
1 | Pop is Psionic | 1.20 | ||
1 | Has Mind Over Matter ascension perk | 1.50 | ||
1 | Has Great Awakening tradition | 1.50 | ||
1 | Has defense pact, commercial pact or Federation with a Fanatic Spiritualist or Spiritualist | 1.50 | ||
1 | Non-Subject Fanatic Spiritualist or Spiritualist empire has migration access | 2.00 | ||
0.10 | Pop has Priest, High Priest, Prosperity Preacher, Death Priest or Mortal Initiate job | 1 | ||
Militarist |
3.00 | Planet is occupied | 1 | Pacifist |
2.00 | Pop has Duelist job | 0.10 | ||
2.00 | Another empire controls a planet the empire was the original owner of | 1 | ||
2.00 | At war | 1 | ||
2.00 | Recently lost a war | 1 | ||
1.50 | A neighbor is hostile, domineering or a rival | 0.50 | ||
1.50 | Member of a Martial Alliance | 1 | ||
1.25 | Pop has Soldier job | 1 | ||
1.25 | A neighbor is a rival and has Superior relative power | 1 | ||
1.20 | Pop is Very Strong | 1 | ||
1.10 | Pop is Strong | 1 | ||
1 | Has Fanatic Purifiers civic | 0.50 | ||
1 | Has Unrestricted Wars policy | 0.75 | ||
0.75 | Has been at peace for over 20 years (After year 2250) | 1.33 | ||
0.75 | Has been at peace for over 40 years (After year 2250) | 1.33 | ||
0.75 | Has been at peace for over 60 years | 1.33 | ||
0.75 | Has been at peace for over 80 years | 1.33 | ||
0.75 | Has been at peace for over 100 years | 1.33 | ||
0.75 | Pop is Weak | 1.10 | ||
0.33 | Has Inward Perfection civic | 1.50 | ||
Xenophile |
2.00 | Pop is not enslaved and a sapient free alien pop is on the world | 0.50 | Xenophobe |
2.00 | Pop is an alien, does not have full citizenship and is not enslaved | 1 | ||
1.50 | Allows alien leaders | 0.75 | ||
1.50 | Non-subject alien empire has migration access | 0.75 | ||
1.50 | A charismatic alien pop is on the world | 1 | ||
1.33 | In a defensive pact, commercial pact or Federation with an alien empire | 1 | ||
1.10 | World has a Xeno-Outreach Agency holding | 1 | ||
1 | A Repugnant alien pop is on the world | 1.50 | ||
1 | A Noxious alien pop is on the world | 1.50 | ||
1 | Pop is not enslaved but an alien is enslaved on the world | 2.00 | ||
1 | In a defensive war against an alien empire | 3.00 | ||
0.50 | Pop is Necrophage | 1 | ||
0.50 | Has Inward Perfection civic | 1.50 | ||
0.50 | An alien empire has enslaved a pop of the empire's primary species | 2.00 | ||
0.35 | Encountered a Genocidal empire | 3.00 | ||
0.33 | Has Fanatic Purifiers civic | 1.50 | ||
0.25 | An alien empire has committed genocide on the empire's primary species | 4.00 |
Governing ethics attraction[]
Governing ethics attraction is a modifier that attracts pops towards the primary ethics of an empire rather than unrelated ethics. As the factions corresponding to the governing ethics tend to have more faction approval, having pops match those ethics to join those factions is desirable. The main factor that determines governing ethics attraction is the happiness of pops – each point of happiness above or below 50 adds the same amount of governing ethics attraction. In addition, an empire's governing ethics attraction can be affected by the following:
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 3.9. |
Source | Governing ethics attraction |
Empire Capital designation | +100% |
Hearts and Minds edict | +100% |
One Vision ascension perk | +50% |
Information Quarantine edict | +50% |
Clone Soldier trait | +50% |
Clone Soldier Ascendant trait | +50% |
Conformists trait | +30% |
Thought Enforcement edict | +25% |
Isolationist diplomatic stance | +25% |
The Greater Good tradition | +25% |
Divine Sovereign civic | +25% |
Psionic Archive relic activation | +25% |
Conservative trait | +25% |
Clone Soldier Descendant trait | +20% |
Chosen One ruler trait | +20% |
Primordial Dragonslayers empire modifier | +20% |
Full Circle empire modifier | +20% |
Goes Around, Comes Around empire modifier | +20% |
Spurred by the Past empire modifier | +10% |
The Gains of Freedom empire modifier | +10% |
Unified Thought empire modifier | +10% |
Psychic ruler trait | +10% |
Deviants trait | −15% |
Consumer Goods minor deficit | −25% |
Consumer Goods major deficit | −50% |
Consumer Goods severe deficit | −75% |
Consumer Goods catastrophic deficit | −100% |
Changing ethics[]
Empire ethics can be changed once every 10 years by embracing a faction. Embracing a faction causes an ethic shift towards the faction's ethic – adding it or increasing it into fanatic. Whenever an empire shifts its ethics, all other empires in communication receive a notification. Other ethics are demoted or removed to maintain the total ethic points at 3, using the following rules:
Situation | Example | ||
Ethics | Shifts to | Result | |
Shifting to a new ethic | |||
Shifting to an existing ethic | |||
Shifting to an opposite ethic | |||
means the ethic with the lowest attraction |
An effective tactic to ensure a particular ethic has the lowest attraction, and thus will be removed, is to suppress it and promote other factions while the game is paused, shift ethics and then undo the suppression and promotions before unpausing.
Exploration | Exploration • FTL • Anomaly • Archaeological site • Relics • Pre-FTL species • Fallen empire • Events • Spaceborne aliens • Enclaves • Guardians • Marauders • Caravaneers |
Celestial bodies | Celestial body • Colonization • Terraforming • Planetary features • Planet modifiers |
Species | Species • Traits • Population • Pop modification • Species rights • Ethics • Leader |
Governance | Empire • Origin • Government • Civics • Policies • Edicts • Factions • Technology • Traditions • Situations |
Economy | Resources • Planetary management • Districts • Buildings • Holdings • Jobs • Designation • Trade • Megastructures |
Diplomacy | Diplomacy • Relations • Galactic community • Federations • Subject empires • Intelligence • AI personalities |
Warfare | Warfare • Space warfare • Land warfare • Starbase • Ship • Ship designer • Crisis |
Others | The Shroud • L-Cluster • Unique systems • Preset empires • AI players • Easter eggs |