Stellaris Wiki


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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Envoy events have a small chance to trigger every 5 years as long as an Envoy Envoy is assigned to improve or harm relations. Each event can happen multiple times per game but no more than once every 15 years. They can also be triggered by the Spark Diplomatic Incident operation.

Offense Taken

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Evt alien segregation

Leaked recordings of one of our envoys' private conversations have the [alien empire name] up in arms. In a regrettable moment, "Ambassador" [envoy name] seems to have called [his or her] hosts "disgusting [alien species insult]".

The [alien empire adjective] [alien empire ruler title] expressed dismay, and suggested that keeping someone so demonstrably unfit for the role in place would be "concerning".

Trigger conditions:
  • Improving or harming relations with an alien empire
Mean time to happen:

Time 60 months

Event button on
[he or she] shall stay.
  • −75 Diplomacy opinion Opinion with the alien empire
Event button on
XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Alien sensibilities do not matter to us.
  • −75 Diplomacy opinion Opinion with the alien empire
  • Unity Gained: Unity 100-500
Event button on
Recall [him or her] to [capital name] for retraining.
  • The envoy is unassigned and cannot be used for 3 years

Insulting Envoy

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Evt assembly fight

It appears that a mischievous third party was able to hack into the translation software of the [empire adjective] envoy to [alien empire capital name], [alien empire name], so that instead of uttering magnanimous platitudes, [he or she] began spewing vicious insults that left none unscathed. The malfunction in [his or her] equipment was duly uncovered, but not before [alien ruler title] [alien ruler name] was declared to be a "vile [alien ruler species insult]" - a grave insult which surely calls for a response.

Trigger conditions:
  • Improving relations with an alien empire
Mean time to happen:

Time 60 months

Event button on
How rude.
  • −75 Diplomacy opinion Opinion with the alien empire
  • Influence Gained: Influence 30
Event button on
Well, that was very funny!
  • +50 Diplomacy opinion Opinion with the alien empire
  • Xeno Comedy modifier added for 120 months, giving the following effects:
    • Amenities +25% Amenities
    • Xenophile +25% Xenophile Ethic Attraction

A Salacious Affair

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Evt cover blown

The [empire adjective] diplomatic corps has been shaken by the news emerging from the [targeted empire name]. Our [ambassador] [envoy name], who had been stationed there, has gotten themselves into a serious mess with [targeted empire adjective] law enforcement. They are currently in connection with a salacious affair involving an astonishing range of serious crimes that culminated in a brutal double murder.

As matters stand - and with rumors running wild among the [targeted species plural] - there seems little doubt as to [envoy name]'s guilt. The [targeted empire adjective] authorities have requested that their diplomatic immunity be lifted so that they can face justice for their deeds.

Trigger conditions: Mean time to happen:

Time 60 months

Event button on
Lift the immunity.
  • Influence: Influence −30
Event button on
Recall [him or her] to [capital name] for own protection.
  • −75 Diplomacy opinion Opinion with the targeted empire

Missteps from an Ambassador

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Evt smear campaign

The [envoy species plural] have brought forward a complaint regarding the conduct of our ambassador to the [federation name], [envoy name]. Apparently [his or her] conduct has so offended the local [alien species name] that their authorities have posted a guard for [hir or her] own protection. Exactly what [he or she] did is unclear to us, as we lack [alien species adjective] sensibilities, but there are widespread protests against [him or her] and the "[empire adjective] arrogance" [he or she] supposedly represents.

The [alien empire name] urges us to recall [envoy name] and send a new ambassador in [his or her] place. They hint at diplomatic repercussions should we refuse.

Trigger conditions: Mean time to happen:

Time 60 months

Event button on
[he or she] shall stay.
  • −75 Diplomacy opinion Opinion with the alien empire
Event button on
XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Alien sensibilities do not matter to us.
  • −75 Diplomacy opinion Opinion with the alien empire
  • Unity Gained: Unity 100-500
Event button on
Recall [him or her] to [capital name] for retraining.
  • The envoy is unassigned and cannot be used for 3 years

Star-Crossed Lovers

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Evt diplomatic visit

It seems that, instead of performing [his or her] task and representing [empire name] interests our envoy [envoy name] has fallen for the charms of a [alien empire name] diplomat. Fearing the repercussions of this transgression, the pair have eloped to the [third empire name]: a nation whose dangerously liberal constitution permits such unions.

In doing this, [envoy name] has forfeited [his or her] position as our envoy. However, this loss of control over our own envoys has hurt our galactic standing. We must restore our reputation by apprehending the miscreant!

Trigger conditions: Mean time to happen:

Time 60 months

Event button on
Let it be; the affair will be forgotten soon enough.
  • Diplomatic Corps Ridiculed modifier added for 120 months, giving the following effects: Diplomatic weight −15% Diplomatic Weight
Event button on
Approach them and appeal to reason.
  • The third empire gains 2 Trade cat favor Favors
Event button on
Trade cat favor The [third empire species name] owe us their help.

A Most Irritating Envoy

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Evt assembly fight

The [envoy species adjective] envoy, [envoy name], has been exasperatingly tiresome in [his or her] efforts to represent [envoy species adjective] interests in [capital name]. Right from [his or her] first arrival, [he or she] has shown unremitting hostility towards the [government name], unleashing an almost constant barrage of objections to our policies and actions. So great an irritation has [he or she] been that few would weep to see the back of [him or her], and we have heard whispers that a group of [empire adjective] loyalists are plotting to expedite [his or her] demise.

Allowing this scheme to succeed would certainly be convenient, but allowing foreign dignitaries to be assassinated in our realm might not be the best of looks.

Trigger conditions: Mean time to happen:

Time 60 months

Event button on
We will not stoop to such measures. Snuff out the plot!
  • Influence: Influence −30
Event button on
Let us be rid of this troublesome envoy.
  • −100 Diplomacy opinion Opinion with the envoy's empire
  • Envoy Disappearances modifier added for 120 months, giving the following effects: Diplomatic weight −10% Diplomatic Weight
  • If both empires are part of the same Federation is loses 50 Federation cohesion Cohesion