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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.
Populated Galaxy

A galaxy populated by multiple empires

An Empire is a group of planets and star systems that are ruled by the same government and controlled by a single player (or AI). Empires may have a variety of governments such as a democracy, oligarchism, despotism or imperial rule.

There are 24 playable Empires availaible in Stellaris. You can play as any of the preset Empires, or make your own.

Ethics are the most defining features of a space empire; they affect the behavior of AI empires, likely technologies, available policies and edicts, valid government types, the opinions of other empires, and - perhaps most importantly - provide the fuel for internal strife in large and diverse empires. Civics are the second-most defining features of a space empire; they affect the finer details of the empire's internal structure as well as having certain effects on the empire's behavior.

It should be noted that the name of the player empire and its government structure can always be changed in the government window.


The capital is the ruling seat of an empire as well as the final destination for all its trade routes. An empire's capital can be moved once every 10 years for a cost of 250 Influence influence if the empire is at peace. An empire's capital planet and system are marked by gold star corners on the system and galaxy maps. The capital has its own set of unique designations.

Empire size[]

Source Size effect
Auth hive mind Hive Mind authority −25%
Auth dictatorial Dictatorial authority −10%
Auth corporate Corporate authority +25%
Tech compact living Compact Living technology −5%

Empire sprawl Empire size represents the increasing difficulties of managing a large empire. Each point of Empire sprawl empire size above 100 increases tradition cost by +0.2% and technology cost by +0.1%. This penalty is affected by certain authorities and a single technology, as noted in the table on the right. Empire size also affects several other mechanics, typically increasing the cost to perform certain actions. Specifically, each point of empire size has the following effects:

  • Unity +10 unity cost to reform the empire's government
  • Unity +10 plus +6 per planetary ascension tier unity cost to increase planetary ascension tier
  • Mod country edict cost +1% edict cost
  • Spy network +0.25 infiltration daily for other empires building a spy network
  • Mod navy size add +0.5 naval capacity use required to maintain power projection
  • +0.1% Progress points needed to launch an Agenda

Empire sprawl Empire size is increased by each of the following owned by the empire:

Source Size
Colony 10
Branch offices 2
System 1
Pop 1
District 0.5

Each of these categories is affected by its own set of modifiers:

Source Empire sprawl Empire size
Courier Network Courier Network tradition −25% from systems and colonies
Civic private prospectors Private Prospectors civic −33% from systems
Civic divided attention Divided Attention civic −50% from colonies
Imperial Prerogative Imperial Prerogative ascension perk −50% from colonies
Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence authority +50% from colonies
Resolution intergalactic directives Intergalactic Directives Regulated Growth +5% from systems
Resolution intergalactic directives Intergalactic Directives Ensured Sovereignty
  • +15% from systems
  • +5% from colonies
Resolution intergalactic directives Intergalactic Directives A Voice for All
  • +25% from systems
  • +15% from colonies
Auth machine intelligence Tradition domination imperious architecture Modular Depots tradition −25% from districts
Tech construction templates Construction Templates technology −10% from districts
Civic franchising Franchising civic −25% from branch offices
Resolution imperial institutions Imperial Charter modifier −25% from branch offices
Per Planetary Ascension tier −5% from the colony, districts
and per pop on the colony
Source Empire sprawl Empire size
Trait docile Docile species trait −10% per pop
Streamlined protocols Streamlined Protocols species trait −10% per pop
Trait unruly Unruly species trait +10% per pop
High bandwidth High Bandwidth species trait +10% per pop
Pm slave riotsPm frame 3 Stellar Culture Shock planet modifier −50% per pop
Leader skill levels Per governor skill level −2% per pop on planet governor is assigned
Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist ethic −30% from pops
Civic subsumed will Subsumed Will civic −20% from pops
OTA Updates OTA Updates civic −20% from pops
Pacifist Pacifist ethic −15% from pops
Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence authority −15% from pops
Beacon of Liberty Beacon of Liberty civic −15% from pops
Tech psionic theory Psionic Theory technology −10% from pops
Domination Domination tradition tree finish −10% from pops
Harmony Harmony Kinship tradition −10% from pops
Tradition icon synchronicity Synchronicity tradition tree finish −10% from pops
Resolution greater good The Greater Good resolution 4 or 5 −10% from pops
Gestalt consciousness Resolution custodian reforms Galactic Mobilization +2% from pops

Note that the "from pops" modifiers listed above apply on an empire-wide basis, whereas the "per pop" modifiers (also presented in game as "from pops") apply only to specific pops (e.g. those with the given trait), and the "Per Planetary Ascension Tier" bonus only applies to the pops and districts for a specific colony. These are three different categories of size modifier: All groups are additive within themselves, but multiplicative between each other. As an example, pops with the Trait docile Docile trait in a sector governed by a level 1 governor in a Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist empire with Beacon of Liberty Beacon of Liberty with 2 levels of planetary ascension on all colonies with no planetary ascension bonuses will each contribute the following to the empire size:

Sector systems[]

Sectors are administrative regions within an empire. Every empire starts with a core sector, with the homeworld as the sector (and empire) capital. All sectors extend up to four hyperlanes away from the sector capital. All contiguous systems within that range are included in the sector; sectors cannot extend across systems that belong to a different sector, a different empire, or are unowned. Sectors also cannot extend through wormholes or gateways. Each sector can have a leader assigned to it, applying their level effects and traits to all colonies in the sector. Any colony which is not in a sector can be selected as the sector capital of a new sector, with the planet becoming marked by blue star corners on the system and galaxy maps. The new sector immediately adds all contiguous systems up to four hyperlanes away to itself.

It is also possible to change a sector capital to a new colony at any time at no cost. This immediately updates the sector's contained systems as if creating a new sector. Changing the core sector's capital requires moving the empire capital with the usual cost to do so.

Sectors of empires that are not Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness or Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers can be turned into a subject empire. The new empire will have the same ethics, authority, civics and technologies but not sovereign civics.

All sectors, including the core sector, can be given a Sector Focus. Choosing a Sector Focus will make the sector develop itself automatically towards a given direction as long as it has resources, reducing micromanagement.

Relative power[]

Relative Power is a measure of how much empires are ahead of one another in terms of resource production, fleet power or researched technologies. A Relative Power of Superior/Inferior means that an empire has 50% more (1.5x) resource production, fleet power or researched technologies and a Relative Power of Overwhelming/Pathetic means that an empire has 150% more (2.5x) resource production, fleet power or researched technologies.

Relative Power is split into three categories: Fleet Power, Economic Power and Technology Level.

Fleet Power: The combined fleet power of every owned fleet.

  • +1 per 1 Fleet Power

Economic Power: A weighted sum of all monthly income, including income from trade agreements. Monthly spending is not part of this score. The various resources are weighted the same as their base market price (base energy price for 1 unit):

Technology Level: 60 + the combined base Tech Cost of all researched technologies, divided by 100. Repeatables only count 0.33x as much as regular technologies.

  • +60 Base Technology Level
  • +0.01 per 1 base ResearchTech Cost of all researched technologies, including repeatable technologies

The formula to calculate the overall power of an empire is:

Victory score[]

Victory score tallies an empire's total accomplishment. The empire that has the highest score when the Victory Year arrives is declared winner. The Victory Year is configurable and can be disabled altogether. An empire will always declare victory, if it's the only one that can do so. All players may continue the game session normally even after an empire declares victory and the victory is, in practical terms, of little concern.

The Victory Window shows a total score for each empire and its ranking, as well as a breakdown by category. The categories are as follows:

Economic Strength: +1 per 1 Economic Power based on Relative Power OR +5000 if the Empire has no economy.

Technology Level: 60 +0.25 per 1 Technology Level over 60 based on Relative Power

Number of Systems: +10 per system

Number of Colonies: +50 per colony

Number of Pops: +2 per pop, regardless of type

Subject Empires: +50% of a subject empire's score is given to the overlord

Federation: +10% of each other federation member's score is shared by all federation members

Crisis Ships Killed: +10 per crisis ship destroyed

Relics Collected: Each Relic grants a large amount of score. The score of each Relic is shown on the Relics page.

Empire modifiers[]

Empire Modifiers are gained through a variety of actions such as event choices or diplomacy with enclaves. They affect the entire empire and as such bring large benefits or penalties.

The following modifiers are permanent. They are always positive and last the entire game.

Modifier Effects Source Description DLC
Ethic Promoted Mod pop ethic shift +100% Chosen ethic attraction This Ethic is being promoted by the government.
Ethic Suppressed Mod pop ethic shift −75% Chosen ethic attraction This Ethic is being suppressed by the government.
Flagellating Movement Mod ship evasion mult +5% Evasion
  • Space Amoebas First contact choice.
We have updated our Evasive fleet stance protocols based on observations of the Space Amoebas' flagella.
Amoeba Hunter Damage +33% Damage to Space Amoebas
Energy Credits 1000 Energy per destroyed Space Amoebas fleet
  • Fanatic MilitaristMilitarist Militarist, Fanatic XenophobeXenophobe Xenophobe or Civic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
  • Space Amoebas First contact choice.
Amoeba carcasses are rounded up after battle and their internal organs harvested for valuable organic compounds, bringing in Energy Credits 1000 for every fleet destroyed.
Amoeboid Pacification Planet border extrusion Space Amoebas will not attack owned ships
  • Fanatic PacifistPacifist Pacifist, Fanatic XenophileXenophile Xenophile or Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor
  • Space Amoebas First contact choice.
Fleets regulate radiation venting when approaching Space Amoebas, and the spaceborne creatures no longer recognize us as a threat.
Crystal Focus Pop resource energy mult +5% Energy Credits from Jobs
  • Crystalline Entities First contact choice.
Improved transmission mediums modeled after the Crystalline Entities' unique internal structures minimize resistive losses in energy production and distribution.
Crystal Hunter Damage +33% Damage to Crystalline Entities
Minerals 500 Minerals per destroyed Crystalline Entities fleet
  • Fanatic MilitaristMilitarist Militarist, Fanatic XenophobeXenophobe Xenophobe or Civic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
  • Crystalline Entities First contact choice.
The shattered remains of Crystalline Entities are automatically salvaged after battle, bringing in Minerals 500 for every fleet destroyed.
Crystalline Pacification Planet border extrusion Crystalline Entities will not attack owned ships
  • Fanatic PacifistPacifist Pacifist or Fanatic XenophileXenophile Xenophile
  • Crystalline Entities First contact choice.
Short-wave broadcasts at certain frequencies effectively disguise our fleets as fellow Crystalline Entities, and the spaceborne creatures no longer recognize us as a threat.
Drone Mining Techniques Pop resource minerals mult +10% Mining Station Minerals Output
  • Ancient Mining Drones special project choice
Using techniques derived from the Mining Drones allows us to efficiently exploit mineral veins previously not deemed worth the trouble.
Drone Destroyer Damage +33% Damage to Ancient Mining Drones
  • Ancient Mining Drones first contact choice.
The Mining Drones are obviously mass-produced. A weakness found in one is a weakness found in all.
Void Loops Pop resource physics research mult +10% Physics Research from Jobs
  • Void Clouds first contact choice.
The anomalous nature of the Void Clouds open up new possibilities in physics research.
Cloud Destroyer Damage +33% Damage to Void Clouds
  • Void Clouds first contact choice.
The Void Clouds' charge fluctuates in a rapid but observable cycle. Striking with precise timing dramatically destabilizes the inscrutable energies that animate the entities.
Tiyanki Butcher Damage +10% Damage to Tiyanki
Damage +10% Damage to Tiyanki Matriarch
Our in-depth knowledge of Tiyanki anatomy allows us to strike them with surgical precision, maximizing damage.
Harsh Truth Mod country modify species cost mult −25% Modify Species Special Project Cost
Xenophobe +20% Xenophobe Ethics Attraction
While we were able to embrace the knowledge of long-dead aliens and their genetic manipulation test subjects, it also proved to us that space is not a friendly place. It is easy to turn from predator to prey.
Mysterious Universe Xenophile +20% Xenophile Ethics Attraction Exploring the universe is an undertaking full of wonders. It is amazing that life can flourish even in the farthest corners of the galaxy and in the most dangerous conditions. Our people, fascinated by stories of diverse creatures living together in harmony, are ready to face the mysteries of the universe.
Unified Thought Mod pop government ethic attraction +10% Governing Ethics Attraction The universe is harsh, but we must stay true to our path so that we do not follow the mistakes of those who have gone before us.
Sentinel Data Damage +20% Damage to Prethoryn Creatures
  • The Prethoryn Scourge covers 50% of the galaxy
  • Sentinels weren't defeated
These detailed anatomy files on the Prethoryn were given to us by the Sentinels. With their help we have been able to identify several weak points in the exoskeletons of the Prethoryn creatures.
Asteroid Encryption Encryption +1 Encryption
  • Asteroid Collision Anomaly event choice
Using ancient encryption discovered inside an abandoned relay station, this empire protects their secrets.
Asteroid Relay Stations Mod planet sensor range mult +2 Planet Sensor Range
Mod planet sensor range mult +2 Planet Hyperlane Detection Range
  • Asteroid Collision Anomaly event choice
This empire has started placing sensors inside asteroids of surrounding systems, granting them increased sensor range.
Minerals Mapping Pop resource minerals mult +10% Minerals from Jobs
  • Possible Inhabitants Anomaly event choice
A system enabling us to quickly chart underground terrain and accurately map mineral veins.
Transcended Consciousness Unity +5% Monthly Unity A fragment of our collective consciousness is lodged in the event horizon of a black hole, where a single second stretches into an eon. The time difference has its uses.
Radiation-Hardened Components Unity +5% Monthly Unity
Mod country all tech research speed +5% Research Speed
  • Geomagnetic Storm situation outcome
Our empire perfected the process of shielding mechanical components from the damage caused by cosmic rays.
Defeated Absurdism Unity +5% Monthly Unity
Time +10% First Contact Discovery Speed
Intel decryption +1 Codebreaking
  • First contact event
A particularly memorable first contact exchange forced us to come to grips with absurdist responses. There is now no challenge too great for our linguists to decode.
Interstellar Flow Prediction Mod planet sensor range mult +2 Ship Hyperlane Detection Range
Physics Research +5% Monthly Physics Research
  • First contact event
Our understanding of hyperlane travel has been advanced by light years following the revelation that a species we met held some keys to new knowledge in the patterns they made on their skins.
Universal Translator Society research +10% Monthly Society Research
Envoy action improving relations +15% Envoy Improve Relations
  • First contact event
Although the so-called "Universal Translator" falls short of the initial promises of our researchers to instantly facilitate communication with any and all intelligent species, it is nevertheless a highly useful communication tool that now forms part of the standard equipment of our envoys and social scientists.
Hive Harrier Damage +25% Damage to the Asteroid Hives Updated targeting data will allow our fleets to bombard Asteroid Hives where their surface armor is the most vulnerable. Leviathans
Draconic Beats Damage +25% Damage to the Ether Drake Military fleets have been instructed to fire at the Ether Drake in a specific rhythm when engaging the dragon. Leviathans
Dreadnought Dazzler Damage +25% Damage to the Automated Dreadnought Fleet commanders engaging the Automated Dreadnought have been instructed to target any subsystems that will impair its automation processes. Leviathans
Portal Pacifier Damage +25% Damage to the Dimensional Horror The portal spawned by the Dimensional Horror can be destabilized if we launch pinpoint attacks against certain weak areas. Leviathans
Stellar Drain Damage +25% Damage to the Stellar Devourer The Curators have instructed us to fire at the Stellar Devourer's regulatory valves in order to disperse its inner heat. Leviathans
The Infinite Calibrator Damage +25% Damage to the Infinity Machine The Infinity Machine's real-time threat update system has one weak spot. It cannot keep up with constant change. We will henceforth assign a crew member on each ship to constantly make calibrations to the ship guns. Leviathans
Technology of the Divine Happiness +5% Happiness Our people are praising the gigantic spherical calculator as a sign of the Divines' true power in the world. Leviathans
The Singularity Processor Mod country all tech research speed +5% Research Speed A processing unit capable of expanding upon itself. This will further enhance our research capabilities. Leviathans
The Mirror of Knowledge Mod country all tech research speed +10% Research Speed We have gazed into the mirror universe of the Pantagruel black hole, enhancing our research capabilities. Leviathans
Ageless Mod leader age +15 years Leader lifespan
  • Science Nexus event
Aging less with Ageless... Utopia
Neural Bank Mod country all tech research speed +10% Research Speed
  • Science Nexus event
The invention of a neural bank has allowed us to improve our engineering research speed. Utopia
Inoculated Population Mod pop growth req +5% Pop Growth Speed
Mod leader age +10 years Leader lifespan
The inoculations given to us by the Ancient Caretakers have proven of immense benefit, reducing illness and increasing the life expectancy of our population. Synthetic Dawn
Improved Code Standards Robot resource output +5% Robot output The changes that the Ancient Caretakers made to our code base have turned out well, and has resulted in an permanent upgrade in resource production capabilities across our whole population. Synthetic Dawn
Matricidal Instinct Damage +25% Damage to the Tiyanki Matriarch There is a chink in the ancient Tiyanki Matriarch's armor, in the form of a massive unexploded proton torpedo lodged in her hide. Our fleets know how to detonate it. Distant Stars
Protective Coating Damage +25% Damage to the Voidspawn Heeding the Curators' advice, we have covered our ships in a coating that will protect them from the Voidspawn's corrosive spittle and spikes. Distant Stars
Scavenger Slayer Damage +25% Damage to the Scavenger Bot The Scavenger was not built on any pre-engineered design. As a result, its ramshackle construction contains a number of structural weaknesses. Any fleet made aware of them could exploit this. Distant Stars
Asteroid Thrusters Mod ship speed mult +5% Sublight Speed Using ancient thrusters built for asteroids, this empire now moves faster. Lithoids
Secrets of the Baol Mod country terraforming cost −15% Terraforming cost
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the Baol Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the Baol to our own use. Ancient Relics
Secrets of the Cybrex Mod megastructure build speed +10% Megastructure build speed
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the Cybrex Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the Cybrex to our own use. Ancient Relics
Secrets of the First League Research speed (Engineering) +15% Industry research speed
Mod planet building build speed mult +10% Planet build speed
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the First League Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the First League to our own use. Ancient Relics
Secrets of the Irassians Research speed (society) +20% Biology research speed
Mod pop growth req +5% Pop growth speed
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the Irassians Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the Irassians to our own use. Ancient Relics
Secrets of the Vultaum Research speed (Physics) +15% Computing research speed
Amenities +10% Amenities
The Vultaum archives have expanded our knowledge of computing considerably. We have used what we learned to create artificial virtual worlds for the enjoyment of all. Ancient Relics
Secrets of the Vultaum Research speed (Physics) +15% Computing research speed
Pop assembly speed +5% Mechanical pop assembly speed
The Vultaum appear to have accepted some fundamentally illogical concepts in their research. Their research into computing and virtual worlds had some advances that we shall incorporate into our own processes. Ancient Relics
Secrets of the Zroni Research speed (society) +40% Psionics research speed
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the Zroni Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the Zroni to our own use. Ancient Relics
The Chosen of Zarqlan Spiritualist +10% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • R severed head Head of Zarqlan Relic
As the chosen people of Zarqlan we can safely colonize Holy Worlds. Ancient Relics
A Life Worthwhile Happiness +5% Happiness Ever since the archaeological uncovering of an alien memorial stone, the empire's population have started to appreciate life a bit more. Ancient Relics
Oracle Unity +10% Monthly Unity The Oracle operates the empire like a well-oiled machine...when you oil her. Ancient Relics
Cheap Thrills Pop consumer goods upkeep −10% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
Happiness +5% Happiness
The Evermore, originally a virtual realm in which the digitized consciousnesses of aliens lived in eternal bliss, has been repurposed into a playground for the masses. Ancient Relics
Anthem of Aurora Energy Credits +5% Monthly energy credits The science division has managed to reproduce the ethereal hymn "sung" by an encountered aurora borealis entity. All Energy production facilities now have harmonics systems that amplifies the yield. Ancient Relics
Modern Trench War Mod army health +20% Defense Army Health Archaeological discoveries from a planet once besieged by gargantuan snail-like creatures has led to new and effective insight on how to utilise the environment for protection. This will improve the survivability of our armies in defensive combat against all ground assaults - even from giant space slugs! Ancient Relics
Killer Microorganism Mod army damage mult +50% Army Damage
Mod army collateral damage mult +100% Army collateral damage
Our armies go into battle armed with a microorganism capable of devouring the life tissue of any being with verocious speed. Of course, they cannot entirely guarantee the safety of innocent bystanders as a result of its use... Ancient Relics
Shallarian Terraforming Knowledge Mod country terraforming cost −10% Terraforming cost
Mod country terraforming speed +20% Terraforming Speed
The ancient Shallarian nation is long-extinct, but their unparalleled knowledge of terraforming lives on in us. Ancient Relics
Rudari Death Laser Damage +5% Energy weapons damage
Mod ship weapon range mult +5% Ship weapons range
As their civilization crumbled under the onslaught of enemy forces, the Rudari attempted to create a laser weapon capable of being deployed at interstellar range. Although they failed in this endeavor, their research has proved extremely useful to our own weapons specialists. Ancient Relics
Forced Mindfulness Unity +5% Monthly unity During their time trapped in a deadly, lava-filled maze, our archaeology team developed a routine of mindful relaxation. The fundamental principles of this exercise is now commonly known throughout the empire. Ancient Relics
Glory to the Many Unity +5% Monthly unity An expedition marooned inside a maze full of lava temporarily lost touch with the Hive Mind. Unable to rely on the collective consciousness they suffered a brief encounter with the dreaded notion of Self; a terrifying experience that only strengthened the contempt for individualism. Ancient Relics
Debug Subroutine Unity +5% Monthly unity While temporarily isolated in a maze full of lava, our archaeology units were disconnected from the network and unable to perform their function. They developed an algorithm that allowed them to run a debug subroutine while in sleep mode. This subroutine was later uploaded and patched in to the main system. Ancient Relics
Spurred by the Past Unity +5% Monthly unity
Happiness +5% Happiness
Mod country all tech research speed +5% Research Speed
Mod pop government ethic attraction +10% Governing Ethics Attraction
The revelation of our true past sparks motivation and a sense of purpose in our entire species. Federations
Full Circle Unity +10% Monthly unity
Happiness +5% Happiness
Mod country all tech research speed +5% Research Speed
Mod pop government ethic attraction +20% Governing Ethics Attraction
Influence +0.5 Monthly influence
Our empire may forever enjoy the sense of purpose and closure we acquired by helping the Benefactors of our past. Federations
Goes Around, Comes Around Unity +10% Monthly Unity
Happiness +5% Happiness
Mod country all tech research speed +5% Research Speed
Mod pop government ethic attraction +20% Governing Ethics Attraction
Influence +0.5 Monthly influence
Our empire is enjoying the positive effects from helping and forgiving an enemy of the past. Federations
Streamlined Logistics Trade value +10% Trade Value
Consumer goods +2.5% Monthly Consumer Goods
  • Federation trade Trade League federation joint operation
  • Not all federation members participated in the joint operation
The federation is reaping the rewards of having implemented a consolidated logistical standard. Federations
Fully Streamlined Logistics Trade value +12% Trade Value
Consumer goods +5% Monthly Consumer Goods
  • Federation trade Trade League federation joint operation
  • All federation members participated in the joint operation
The federation is enjoying a noticeable profit increase thanks to new, streamlined logistical standards. Federations
Zombie Contract Manipulation Authoritarian +50% Authoritarian Ethics Attraction This empire fiddled with their zombie workers' contracts so that it's actually impossible to get out of debt. Necroids
Primordial Dragonslayers Mod pop government ethic attraction +20% Governing Ethics Attraction
Unity +10% Monthly Unity
Since time immemorial, a mighty Drake has roamed our home system... but no more! Freed from this threat, nothing remains that could hold us back as we march into the future. Aquatics
Imperial Charter Empire sprawl −25% Empire Size from Branch Offices
Trade value +10% Branch Office Value
  • Resolution imperial institutions Imperial Charter resolution
Our Imperial Charter gives us the right to open branch offices on planets throughout the Galactic Imperium, where we can establish Imperial Concession Ports. These branch office buildings generate income for both us and the ruler of the Galactic Imperium. Nemesis
Syamelle's Blessing Mod pop growth req +15% Pop Growth Speed
  • Origins toxic knights Quest for the Toxic God situation
A mysterious being blessed us after a brief but amorous encounter. A new vigor courses through us, and each rendezvous seems to offer new possibilities... Toxoids
Syamelle's Curse Mod pop growth req −50% Pop Growth Speed
Pop assembly organic +3 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly
  • Origins toxic knights Quest for the Toxic God situation
A mysterious being cursed us to never know again true love and desire. At the same time, however, she granted us to procreate by more mechanical means. Toxoids
Luminous Blades Alloys +1.5% Empire Alloys per Knight job
  • Origins toxic knights Quest for the Toxic God situation
Every Knight job increases empire Alloy production by 1.5%. Toxoids
Trophies of the Doomslayer Knight +10% Knight job output
Lord Commander +10% Lord Commander job output
Trophies and tales of a knight's journey through a hellish dimension. A source of inspiration for many knights and squires who yearn to one day undertake such a quest. Toxoids
Certified Educator Diplomacy open technological enlightenment +25% Technological enlightenment effectiveness
  • Origins payback Payback origin
  • Contact with Minamar Specialized Industries
  • Technologically enlightened a pre-FTL civilization
The student becomes the master. First Contact
Free From Strife Unity +30% Monthly unity
  • Origins payback Payback origin
  • Defeating Minamar Specialized Industries in war
We must give peace a chance to flourish. First Contact
Rightful Due Diplomatic weight +50% Diplomatic Weight
  • Origins payback Payback origin
  • Defeating Minamar Specialized Industries in Galactic Community
Even the mightiest empire will bend under the weight of Justice. First Contact
Underdog Damage +20% Damage to endgame crisis factions
  • Origins payback Payback origin
  • Endgame crisis destroyed Minamar Specialized Industries
When a bigger empire bites, we bite back. First Contact
The Gains of Freedom Unity +5% Monthly unity
Happiness +10% Happiness
Pop resource society research mult +10% Society research from jobs
Mod pop government ethic attraction +10% Governing ethics attraction
Mod pop resource output +10% Resources from jobs
Job criminal −10% Crime
As a people, we can reap the rewards of equality justly earned. First Contact
Settled Differences Mod country leader pool size +1 Leader pool size
Mod num tech alternatives add +1 Research alternatives
  • Origins fear of the dark Fear of the Dark origin
  • Purged the Fevorians
Having settled their ideological differences, these people stand as one. First Contact
Triumviri Unknown +1 Civic slots
Unknown −40% Tradition cost from empire size
  • Origins fear of the dark Fear of the Dark origin conclusion
  • Did not purge the Fevorians
While our partner planet provides us with insights into technology and tactics, the Fevorians' unique historical perspective has provided a new lens through which to view our own society. First Contact
Bane of the Prophetess Militarist +15% Militarist ethics attraction
Mod ship weapon damage +5% Ship weapons damage
By our actions, the desperate efforts of the Charynoi prophetess to find redemption for her people were thwarted. No forgiveness shall be shown to their kind! First Contact
The Redemption of the Charynoi Unity +10% Monthly unity
Unknown +50% Observation station produces
Our completion of Ithikarios' shield has allowed the Charynoi - or at least some of them - to find redemption. First Contact
Flourishing Trade Trade value +5% Trade value
  • Observation event
Applying economic pressure on a pre-FTL country has proven advantageous. For us. First Contact
No Worries Happiness +20% Happiness We're not ones to fuss. First Contact
Predictive Trading Algorithms Trade value +15% Trade value
  • Observation event
Our studies of the pre-FTLs and their aggressive trading practices have produced some compelling economic models. First Contact
Straight Talkers Mod pop political power +50% Rulers political power We tell it as it is. First Contact
Stuffed Toy Stability +1 Stability
Happiness +2% Happiness
Diplomatic weight +2% Diplomatic weight
A stuffed toy made in our likeness. It fills us with determination. First Contact
Strengthened Government Unity +0.25 Unity from Clerks Our empire has focused on creating a better-managed and more stable government. Galactic Paragons
Strengthened Government II Mod pop political power +25% Clerks Political Power
Unity +0.5 Unity from Clerks
Our empire has focused on creating a better-managed and more stable government. Special courses and pre-screening for government positions are a prerequisite to achieving this goal. Galactic Paragons
Strengthened Government III Mod pop political power +50% Clerks Political Power
Unity +1 Unity from Clerks
Edict Fund +1 Edict Fund from Clerks
Our empire has focused on creating a better-managed and more stable government. Special courses and pre-screening for government positions are a prerequisite to achieving this goal. To further strengthen our clerical staff, we have implemented new regulations. Only the most upstanding and loyal citizens can apply for the job. Galactic Paragons
Revolutionary Spirit Stability +2.5 Stability
Happiness +5% Citizen pop happiness
We are a people renewed with a sense of equality and unity. Stronger than ever, and freed from our despot, we will rule on our own, for better or worse. Galactic Paragons
Forged in Flames Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Ship fire rate
Mod ship weapon damage +5% Ship weapons damage
  • Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin story
  • Winning the civil war as the origin empire
It was not enough to unite our people in the common cause of space colonization. Again, we are ravaged by war. Loyalists are steadfast in their support of the throne, gaining a new sense of purpose in the face of traitors threatening their way of life and their beloved ruler. Galactic Paragons
Ascetic Approach Stability +5 Stability
Happiness +5% Citizen pop happiness
Unity +20% Unity from jobs
Consumer goods −10% Pop consumer goods upkeep
  • Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin story
  • Fanatic SpiritualistSpiritualist Spiritualist
  • Winning the civil war as the rebel empire
We learned our lessons the hard way. Our civil war taught us restraint and the importance of inner peace. Decadence and corruption must be opposed at every turn. Galactic Paragons
Closed Society Stability +5 Stability
Happiness +5% Citizen pop happiness
Mod pop growth req +10% Pop growth speed
Intel encryption +2 Encryption
  • Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin story
  • Fanatic XenophobeXenophobe Xenophobe
  • Winning the civil war as the rebel empire
The recent upheaval showed us that being open to external powers can bring strife and misery. We need to safeguard ourselves from such threats in the future. Galactic Paragons
Freedom Fighters Stability +5 Stability
Happiness +5% Citizen pop happiness
Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Ship fire rate
Mod ship weapon damage +10% Ship weapons damage
  • Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin story
  • Fanatic MilitaristMilitarist Militarist
  • Winning the civil war as the rebel empire
We look to the stars and beyond, to uplift and free others. Our renewed navy is ready to bring equality to the farthest corners of the galaxy. Galactic Paragons
Harmonized Society Stability +5 Stability
Happiness +5% Citizen pop happiness
Empire sprawl −15% Empire size from pops
Egalitarian +75% Egalitarian ethics attraction
  • Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin story
  • Fanatic PacifistPacifist Pacifist
  • Winning the civil war as the rebel empire
Finding inner peace has always been the goal of our community, and we finally managed to achieve it. Although we paid for it dearly, now it is time to reap the rewards. Galactic Paragons
Open Society Stability +5 Stability
Happiness +5% Citizen pop happiness
Mod pop growth req +10% Pop growth from immigration
Envoy +1 Available envoys
  • Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin story
  • Fanatic XenophileXenophile Xenophile
  • Winning the civil war as the rebel empire
The recent upheaval showed us that being closed to external forces can lead to strife and misery. We need to open ourselves up so we do not miss similar opportunities in the future. Galactic Paragons
Progress Oriented Stability +5 Stability
Happiness +5% Citizen pop happiness
Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from jobs
Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −10% Ship build cost
  • Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin story
  • Fanatic MaterialistMaterialist Materialist
  • Winning the civil war as the rebel empire
The new society, forged in the fires of galactic civil war, knows the worth of their work. Together we strive to accomplish all of our goals. Galactic Paragons
Administrator Beryllia Empire sprawl −5% Empire size
  • Borin renowned paragon event
Salvager Borin's robot companion has taken to office work, helping to refine our procedures by putting her self-learning capabilities to good use. Galactic Paragons
Improved Crime Fighting Job criminal −5 Crime
Trade protection +10 Trade protection
  • Judge Uld Dagr renowned paragon event
A series of new legislation to fight large scale criminal conspiracies. Galactic Paragons
Population United Happiness +4% Happiness
Stability +2 Stability
  • Vas the Gilded renowned paragon event
Owning to Vas the Gilded's popularity with the people and her skill at bringing them together, society as a whole has grown more stable. Galactic Paragons
Prophesied Greater Destiny Diplomatic weight +5% Diplomatic weight
Spiritualist +25% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • Ulastar renowned paragon event
Ulastar's proclamations about our future glory spur the populace to renewed fervor and purpose. Galactic Paragons
Armor Layering Armor +5% Armor hit points
  • Upgrade the Talon situation
Investigation into the Talon's cladding has provided us with insights into hull optimization. This has allowed us to improve the armor of our ships without adding more weight. Galactic Paragons
Hull Hardening Health +5% Ship hull points
  • Study the Talon situation
By studying the Talon's hull, we have improved our understanding of ship frames, processes that should be quickly applicable in fortifying our own ships' exteriors. Galactic Paragons
Integrated Command Mod ship speed mult +10% Strike craft speed
Mod ship weapon damage +5% Strike craft damage
Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Strike craft fire rate
  • Command Integration situation
Our integrated command processes have allowed us to innovate the way we use strike ships in combat. We will also be rid of the quarrels of the pesky admiralty. Galactic Paragons
Skrand Crisis Insight Damage +20% Damage to endgame crisis factions
  • Study The Crisis situation
Thanks to Skrand's insights we were able to devise effective ways to wage our war against the Crisis. Galactic Paragons
United In History Unity +5% Monthly unity
  • Lessons of the Past situation
Moved by Skrand's testimony, our people regard him as a paragon of military virtue and a crucial reminder of the importance of vigilance. Galactic Paragons
Colonization Drones Mod planet colony development speed +25% Colony development speed
Mod planet clear blocker time mult +25% Clear blocker speed
Society research +250-2500 Society when clearing a natural blocker
Tile Blocker 89% Chance for colonized worlds to gain a natural blocker
  • Chemical Wasteland astral rift
Colonization drones identify and categorize flora and fauna on our worlds, providing in-depth biological information. Astral Planes
Reconverted Leader Envoy +1 Available envoys
  • Windswept Planet astral rift
One of our scientists possesses an unusual knack for diplomacy, leaving their previous pursuits behind for become an Envoy.

We will make sure their new-found skills are put to better use.
Astral Planes
Fractured Ambassadors Diplomatic weight +10% Diplomatic weight
Diplomacy opinion +20 Opinion with non-Gestalt empires
Our mirror collective we encountered beyond the astral planes is of a fractured mind, but has offered to help us in our negotiations with other similar lifeforms. Astral Planes
Genesis Insight Society research +5% Society research 'An encounter with an extra-dimensional intelligence within the astral planes has granted us particular insight on the creation and development of new societies. Astral Planes
Astral Zeal Unity +100-100000 Unity per completed Astral Rift
  • Astral Zeal event
Gain a small amount of Unity upon completing an Astral Rift. Astral Planes

Unique empires[]

The following empires can appear during the game as a result of certain events. The species' climate preference will always match its homeworld.

Empire name Species Traits Homeworld Authority Ethics Origin Civics Requirements
Flag human 9 United Nations of Earth Human Human Planet continental Earth Auth democratic Fanatic EgalitarianXenophile Origins default Prosperous Unification

Personality federation builders room Evt continental planet Human

Sol pre-FTL civilization achieving FTL after spawning in Early Space Age

Flag blocky 21 Awoken Synthetic dawn portrait fungoid Awoken Mechanical Mechanical Unknown Random Unknown Fanatic MaterialistXenophile Origins default Prosperous Unification
  • Unknown Random
  • Unknown Random

Personality erudite explorers room Evt alpine Synthetic dawn portrait fungoid

Limbo event chain outcome

Flag plantoid 04 Larionessi Consciousness Fungoid 17 Larionessi Planet tropical Larion Auth hive mind Gestalt consciousness Origins remnant Remnants

Personality hive mind room Tropical planet Fungoid 17

The Signal archaeology site

Unknown Nivlac Circle Fungoid massive 15 Nivlac Unknown Random Unknown UnknownUnknown Origins default Prosperous Unification
  • Unknown Random
  • Unknown Random

Default room Evt alpine Fungoid massive 15

Impossible Organism event chain outcome

Flag zoological 10 Subterranean Empire Unknown Random Unknown Random Unknown Fanatic MilitaristAuthoritarian Origins subterranean Subterranean
  • Unknown Random
  • Unknown Random

Personality hegemonic imperialists room Evt alpine Human

Subterranean Civilization event chain outcome

Flag spherical 8 Namaria Unknown Namarian Planet desert Random Auth democratic EgalitarianSpiritualistXenophile Origins default Prosperous Unification
  • Unknown Random
  • Unknown Random

Personality spiritual seekers room Evt desert planet Human

Flag zoological 12 Ketling Star Pack Mammalian ratling Ketling Planet nuked Ruinous Core Auth oligarchic EgalitarianPacifistXenophile Origins default Prosperous Unification

Personality peaceful traders room Evt tomb world Mammalian ratling

  • Distant Stars Junk Ratlings systems were discovered
  • Distant Stars At least one Junk Ratlings world was not claimed or invaded for a few decades
Flag domination 1 Prikkiki-Ti Reptilian 16 Prikki Planet desert Gish Unknown Fanatic XenophobeMilitarist Origins default Prosperous Unification

Personality fanatic purifier room Evt desert planet Reptilian 16

Distant Stars Time Loop anomaly event outcome

Flag toxoid 03 Daemonic Incursion Humanoid hp 01 Daemon with Humanoids
Unknown Daemon without Humanoids
Unknown Random Auth dictatorial Fanatic XenophobeMilitarist Origins separatists Daemonic Incursion

Personality fanatic purifier room Evt alpine Humanoid hp 01

Toxoids The Doorway event chain outcome

Unknown Habinte Unified Worlds Molluscoid normal 07 Habinte Unknown Random Planet gaia Dacha II Auth democratic Fanatic EgalitarianMilitarist Origins life seeded Life-Seeded

Personality democratic crusaders room Gaia planet Molluscoid normal 07

First Contact Invading the Habinte Unified Worlds civilization

Unknown The Chosen Unknown Charynoi Unknown Random Planet gaia Aspharelle III Unknown Fanatic XenophobeSpiritualist Origins life seeded Life-Seeded

Personality fanatic purifier room Gaia planet Human

First Contact Ithome Cluster empire

Extradimensional 03 The Formless Extradimensional 04 The Formless Planet gaia zeya Auth democratic Fanatic SpiritualistXenophile Origins riftworld Riftworld
  • Unknown Random
  • Unknown Random

Personality spiritual seekers room Gaia planet Extradimensional 04

Astral Planes Subjugating The Formless

Imperial Fiefdom empires[]

The Origins imperial fiefdom Imperial Fiefdom origin will generate a unique overlord and between 1 and 4 unique vassals depending on galaxy size. After 40-65 years from the game start, the vassals will offer to become a subject to the origin empire if they have Inferior relative power towards it. Accepting will grant a small reward.

Position Homeworld class Authority Ethics Civics Diplomatic stance First contact protocol Subjugation reward Min. galaxy size
Diplomacy hasvassal Overlord Planet gaia Gaia Imperial Imperial Diplomatic stance cooperative Cooperative Contact friendly Proactive No None

Gilded room Gaia planet Human


Diplomacy isvassal Vassal Planet arid Arid Auth dictatorial Dictatorial Diplomatic stance isolationist Isolationist Contact hostile Aggressive Engineering research Engineering Research

Personality slaving despots room Arid planet Human


Diplomacy isvassal Vassal Planet continental Continental Auth dictatorial Dictatorial Diplomatic stance cooperative Cooperative Contact isolationist Cautious Influence Influence

Personality honorbound warriors room Evt continental planet Human


Diplomacy isvassal Vassal Planet arctic Arctic Auth dictatorial Dictatorial Diplomatic stance isolationist Isolationist Contact isolationist Cautious Unity Unity

Personality evangelizing zealots room Evt arctic planet Human


Diplomacy isvassal Vassal Planet ocean Ocean Diplomatic stance mercantile Mercantile Contact friendly Proactive Energy Credits Energy

Personality peaceful traders room Evt ocean planet Human


Minamar Specialized Industries[]

Minamar Specialized Industries

Minamar Specialized Industries enlightening a pre-FTL civilization

Minamar Specialized Industries is an empire created by the Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles and Origins payback Payback origins. For the most part it plays like any regular empire with an advanced start, the only thing setting them apart being the Origins slavers Your Ladder To The Sky origin. It has Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialist and Authoritarian Authoritarian ethics and uses Auth corporate Corporate authority and Civic indentured assets Indentured Assets and Civic public relations specialists Public Relations Specialists civics regardless of whether MegaCorp MegaCorp is installed or not. Their main species has the Planet nuked Tomb World preference, Charismatic Charismatic, Intelligent Intelligent, Decadent Decadent and Wasteful Wasteful traits. Their homeworld is a relic world.

Empires with the Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles and Origins payback Payback origins have −1000 Diplomacy opinion Opinion towards and from Minamar Specialized Industries and cannot choose the Contact friendly Proactive first contact dialogue option with Minamar Specialized Industries. The homeworld of Minamar Specialized Industries will contain enslaved pops from both empires' species.

Broken Shackles interactions[]

Empires with the Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles origin have the following interactions with Minamar Specialized Industries:

  • Encountering Minamar Specialized Industries gives −10 Stability Stability until First Contact is completed
  • Completing First Contact with Minamar Specialized Industries gives +10% Unity Unity for 10 years
  • If forced into a Federation with Minamar Specialized Industries gain −10% Happiness Happiness and −25% Mod pop government ethic attraction Governing Ethics Attraction for 10 years
  • If at war against Minamar Specialized Industries gain +10% Unity Unity, −10% Mod ship upkeep mult Ship Upkeep, −50% Mod army upkeep mult Army Upkeep, −50% Mod planet army build cost mult Army Cost and +100% Mod army build speed mult Army Build Speed
    • If the war ends in surrender gain −10% Happiness Happiness for 10 years
    • If the war ends in status quo gain −5% Happiness Happiness for 10 years
    • If the war ends in enforcing demands gain +10% Happiness Happiness, +15% Unity Unity, +20% Mod pop government ethic attraction Governing Ethics Attraction, +10% Consumer goods Monthly Consumer Goods, +5% Mod pop resource output Monthly Resources and +10% Mod pop resource output Specialist Pop Resource Output for 10 years

Payback interactions[]

Empires with the Origins payback Payback origin have the following interactions with Minamar Specialized Industries:

  • If the empire has a shortage situation after establishing communications with Minamar Specialized Industries it will gain the option between receiving a significant amount of the deficit resource or a small amount of Unity. This can only happen once every 5 years.
  • The first time the empire technologically enlightens a pre-FTL civilization after establishing communications with Minamar Specialized Industries the empire will gain a choice between the Certified Educator empire modifier or a large amount of Unity Unity.
  • The first time the empire kills a guardian after establishing communications with Minamar Specialized Industries it will gain a choice between a large amount of Energy Credits Energy or a small amount of Unity Unity.
  • As long as the empire isn't at war with Minamar Specialized Industries, they will ask the empire to pay 5000 Energy Credits Energy, 10000 Energy Credits Energy or 5 Pop Pops every 15 years (paying the full amount at once is impossible, if using console commands to have unlimited resources MSI will recognize and refuse to accept them). The empire will have 2 ways to approach them. Winning with either approach will end all interactions with Minamar Specialized Industries.
    • After paying 2 times the empire will get a choice between the Payback casus belli or focusing on diplomacy. If focusing on diplomacy then 10 days after the empire joins the GalacticCommunity mainButton single Galactic Community it will gain an objective choice between passing the Equal Standing Act or Non-Interference Act Resolution pre ftl stances Pre-FTL Stance resolution, as well as all minor sanction resolutions. Passing the required Resolution pre ftl stances Pre-FTL Stance resolution will grant a large amount of Unity Unity. Passing all required resolutions will grant even more Unity Unity and the Rightful Due empire modifier while Minamar Specialized Industries will gain a Planetary Revolt situation.
    • Refusing to pay will cause a debt collector fleet to attack the capital system. The fleets can be defeated relatively easily but defeating them 3 times will result in Minamar Specialized Industries declaring war with the Animosity casus belli. If already a subject of Minamar Specialized Industries they will impose harsher terms of agreement. Defeating Minamar Specialized Industries in war will grant the choice between the Free From Strife empire modifier or unlocking the Punishment casus belli and Stop Atrocities wargoal.
  • If Minamar Specialized Industries is destroyed by an endgame crisis the empire will gain the Underdog modifier.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs