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UI empire edicts

Empire edicts window

Edicts are empire modifiers that an empire may choose to apply for a cost. Most edicts are unavailable at the beginning of the game and must be unlocked through research or events.

Edict cost[]

Edicts cost various resources depending on empire size to activate and as upkeep. Each point of empire size increases the cost of all edicts by 1%. The cost of edicts can be reduced by the following:

Source Mod country edict cost Edict cost
Civic cutthroat politics Cutthroat Politics civic −20%
Leader trait charismatic Charisma leader trait −10%
Tradition icon psionics Psionic tradition tree finisher −10%
Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist ethic −20%
Spiritualist Spiritualist ethic −10%
FederationsResolution rules of war Demobilization Initiative −20%

Edict fund[]

The Edict Fund is a small amount of free space for edicts that cost unity. Any upkeep cost beyond the fund cap will be paid for from the empire's unity storage. Edict Fund can be increased by the following:

Source Edict fund
Civic imperial cult Imperial Cult civic +100
Executive Vigor Executive Vigor ascension perk +100
Grand Council Grand Council domination tradition +50
Harmonious Directives Harmonious Directives harmony tradition +50
Harmonious Directives Flexible Thought Routines synchronicity tradition +50
Civic inwards perfection Inwards Perfection civic +50
Civic subsumed will Subsumed Will civic +25
OTA Updates OTA Updates civic +25
Brand Loyalty Brand Loyalty civic +25
Charisma Charismatic ruler trait +20
Tech adaptive bureaucracy Adaptive Bureaucracy technology +20
Tech colonial bureaucracy Colonial Bureaucracy technology +20
Tech effective bureaucracy Effective Bureaucracy technology +20
Tech galactic bureaucracy Galactic Bureaucracy technology +20
Tradition icon statecraft Statecraft tradition tree +20

Unity edicts[]

Unity edicts have a Unity unity upkeep and make use of Edict Fund.

Edict Base upkeep Effects Requirements Description
Fortify the Border 10 Defense of our systems is paramount. This Edict will divert additional resources to these ends.
Nutritional Plenitude 10 It is the fundamental right of each of our citizens to enter hibernation with a full digestive organ. Easy access to plentiful, nutritional fare will be the fuel that spurs our growth among the stars.
Expanded Breeding Program
(Hive Mind)
  • Mod pop growth req +10% Pop growth speed
  • Pop resource food mult +25% Organic pop upkeep
  • Pop resource minerals mult +25% Lithoid pop upkeep
This Edict provides additional resources to the spawning pools.
Expanded Breeding Program
(Rogue Servitor)
10 Using gamification and point-based reward schemes, we will subtly encourage our Bio-Trophies to fill our Organic Sanctuaries.
Fleet Supremacy 10 Tech doctrine fleet size 1 Doctrine: Space Combat technology Our navy is the best means to project power. This Edict will prioritize them above lesser needs.
Capacity Subsidies 30
  • Pop resource energy mult +50% Technician output
  • Energy Credits +0.5 Technician upkeep
Tech power hub 1 Global Energy Management technology This Edict allows short-term overloading of energy grids, letting power plants across our empire run at increased capacity.
Mining Subsidies 30
  • Pop resource minerals mult +50% Miner output
  • Energy Credits +0.5 Miner upkeep
  • Energy Credits +0.5 Strategic resource miner upkeep
Tech mineral purification 1 Mineral Purification technology This Edict is a focused administrative effort to reprioritize and re-evaluate production goals, yielding a boost to mining output.
Farming Subsidies 30
  • Pop resource food mult +50% Farmer output
  • Energy Credits +0.5 Farmer upkeep
Tech food processing 1 Food Processing technology This Edict provides aggressive economic stimulus for positive, quantifiable impacts on food production.
Forge Subsidies 30
  • Alloys +10% Metallurgist output
  • Energy Credits +1 Metallurgist upkeep
Tech global production strategy Global Production Strategy technology Our empire thirsts for more specialized alloys and precious metals. This Edict provides our foundries with additional resources so production can be increased.
Industrial Subsidies 30
  • Consumer goods +10% Artisan output
  • Energy Credits +1 Artisan upkeep
Success can be measured the acquisition of things. This Edict provides our factories with additional resources so production can be increased.
Synaptic Reinforcement 10
  • Maintenance Drone +1 Maintenance Drone Maintenance Drone job from Synaptic Node buildings
  • Energy Credits +2 Synaptic Node upkeep
  • Tech hive cluster Clustered Synapses technology
  • Auth hive mind Hive Mind authority
Reinforces our Synaptic Nodes as central foci in our colonies, increasing their ability to provide for nearby drones.
Tracking Implants 30 Mandatory subdermal implants record movement and actions, greatly enhancing our empire's internal security. Loyal citizens have nothing to hide from the government.
Thought Enforcement 30 Telepaths monitoring the citizenry for incorrect thoughts will make corrections as they find them.
Bureau of Espionage 20 Expanding our intelligence operations and prioritising decryption technologies is critical for the well-being of the empire.
Observation Instinct 10 Additional resources will be directed to nurturing and expanding our observation capabilities.
Covert Analysis Algorithm 20 A substantial portion of processing will be diverted to investigative analysis.
Map the Stars 10 Discovery Adopted the Discovery tradition tree This Edict pushes for further galactic exploration, to bring light to the darkness and find what wonders lie beyond.
Diplomatic Grants 10
  • Diplomacy Adopted the Diplomacy tradition tree
  • Contact Communications with another empire
This Edict initiates a diplomatic offensive in a concentrated effort to improve the image of our empire in the eyes of others.
Industrial Maintenance 10 Industrial maintenance drones are empowered to act as caretakers for the areas surrounding each industrial district.
Research Subsidies 30
  • Research +10% Researcher output
  • Energy Credits +1 Researcher upkeep
Databank Uplinks Databank Uplinks tradition Knowledge is power. This Edict focuses our efforts on advancing technology.
Extended Shifts 10 Workplace Motivators Workplace Motivators tradition We must ask our workers to toil harder. Some blood, sweat and tears may be necessary for the Greater Good.
Drone Overdrive 10 Our drones will be worked harder, as more resources are required.
Enhanced Surveillance 20 Terrible threats probe our defenses, waiting for us to lower our guard. Increased resources must be sent to internal covert security departments to protect ourselves.
Veneration of Saints 10 SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Empire is some degree of Spiritualist Rather than focusing exclusively on this temporal world, we should provide our spiritual guides with whatever they need to prepare us for the next.
Peace Festivals 10 This Pacifist Edict fosters a spirit of unity and good cheer through whole seasons filled with special events and festivals.
Information Quarantine 10 AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian Empire is some degree of Authoritarian This Edict puts strict checks on the flow of information, better preserving local cultural identities.
Encourage Political Thought 10 Mod pop ethics shift speed +100% Ethics shift chance EgalitarianFanatic Egalitarian Empire is some degree of Egalitarian This Edict Encourages the populace to openly discuss political matters, even if the path taken may lead them astray.
Land of Opportunity 20
  • XenophileFanatic Xenophile Empire is some degree of Xenophile
  • Contact Communications with another empire
This Edict creates targeted PR campaigns that frame our empire as being on the cutting edge, a new social frontier - a place where anyone can thrive, a fresh start.
Greater Than Ourselves 20 Mod planet resettlement unemployed mult +200% Automatic resettlement chance Encourages unemployed worker and simple drone pops to voluntarily resettle themselves to suitable planets with jobs and housing within our empire.
Evacuation Protocols 10
  • Origins doomsday Doomsday origin
  • Pm exploding planetPm frame 2 Homeworld hasn't exploded yet
  • Job colonist Any colony
We must establish a new home and prepare to evacuate our homeworld.
Damn the Consequences 1
  • Yes Doubles the bonuses of Overtuned traits
  • Upkeep +100% Organic pop upkeep
  • Time Can't be canceled for 5 years
Origins overtuned Overtuned origin This Edict pushes our genetic modifications to the very limit, doubling their effect but also causing an increased amount of terrible side-effects, including sudden catastrophic combustion.
Numistic Visualization 25 MegaCorp Numistic Order caravan deal The active use of Numistic visualization techniques will refocus our people's attention from personal gain to cosmic energy production. To achieve something, you must first visualize it.


Ambition Edicts become available with the Tech ascension theory Ascension Theory technology and are the most powerful available edicts. They have a base monthly upkeep of 75 Unity unity and also cost the same base amount to activate.

Edict Effects Requirements Description
A Grand Fleet Our galactic ambitions require that the construction of A Grand Fleet must be our primary goal.
Desperate Measures The cornered animal is indeed the most dangerous, as our enemies will soon find out. No effort must be spared to ensure our continued survival.
Fortress Proclamation Our frontiers shall be an unassailable line, and they will convey a clear message to our most ambitious neighbors - this far, no further!
Omnifarious Acquisition Minerals +33% Monthly minerals Everything that can be spared will be recycled and used. Our ambitions require all the resources we can possibly find.
Scientific Revolution A brief yet highly productive golden age of scientific discovery. The combination of fearlessness, ingenuity and unbridled optimism can take you far.
Will to Power As power is simply the ability to impose one's will on others, the will to power is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Hearts and Minds NoGestalt consciousness Not Gestalt Consciousness A concentrated propaganda effort to make the populace understand the merits of the government's position. Ultimately, it is for their own good.
Architectural Renaissance Tech mega engineering Mega Engineering technology It is construction on a scale that previous generations could only dream of. Megastructures may well become the true legacy of our civilization.

Anomaly edicts[]

Anomaly edicts can only be made available by the completion of certain anomaly event chains with specific choices.

Edict Base upkeep Effects Anomaly Description
Extensive Sensor Searches 25 Arid and Abandoned After having researched advanced sensor technology we have enough information to pour extra resources into enhancing our own search scans. Our technicians would have an easier time finding objects of interest at the edge of our systems with this initiative.
Improved Energy Initiative 25 Toxicity We can further limit the use of toxic fuels and non-renewable resources in order to promote research into new methods of energy production. This could help us come closer to a perfect energy cycle and improve the environment for our people to enjoy.
Improved Working Environment 25 Drops in the Ocean Spending time and resources to improve the working conditions of our people will surely result in better results and happier workers.
Master's Teachings: Diplomatic Trust 20 Trust growth +100% Trust growth Continental Findings Translations of an alien philosopher's teachings. Her anecdotes from diplomatic negotiations could act as a good base for diplomatic negotiations.
Master's Teachings: Philosophical Mindset 20 Cold Hard Potential Translations of an alien philosopher's teachings. It contains several analysis and ponderings on the meaning of life and the purpose of the cosmos. By having our rulers follow these advice we can make more informed decisions.
Master's Teachings: The Greater Good 20 Buried in the Sand Translations of an alien philosopher's teachings. By following her advice on how to unify the people via self-sacrifice we could make great strides in infrastructure.
Master's Teachings: Warring States 20 A Feel for Steel Translations of an alien philosopher's teachings. Her depictions of war and ideas on combat strategy could make for excellent training material for our military.

Network edicts[]

Network edicts are only available once the Tech hyper relays Hyper Relays technology has been researched and give various bonuses in the systems with a Hyper Relay at the cost of adding strategic resources to the upkeep of every Hyper Relay. All network edicts have a base upkeep of Unity 15 unity.

Edict Hyper Relay upkeep Hyper Relay network bonus Required technology Description
Networked Dominance Exotic gases +0.1 Exotic Gases Mod planet stability add +3 Stability Tech galactic bureaucracy Galactic Bureaucracy The Relay Network can be used to more effectively impose our will over our colonies.
Networked Movement Volatile motes +0.1 Volatile Motes Tech galactic bureaucracy Galactic Bureaucracy The Relay Network can be enhanced with regular shuttle flights to encourage the internal migration of pops.
Networked Amenities Rare crystals +0.1 Rare Crystals Mod pop amenities usage mult −10% Pop amenities usage Connecting the Relay Network to our logistics and supply chains improves the efficiency of maintenance operations.

Strategic resources edicts[]

Strategic resources edicts cost an amount of advanced or strategic resources. They are not visible unless the empire has sufficient resources. Upkeep is scaled based on empire size.

Edict Base cost Effects Requirements Description
Terraforming Gases 0.5 Exotic gases Exotic Gases Mod country terraforming speed +50% Terraforming speed Tech terrestrial sculpting Terrestrial Sculpting technology By employing exotic gases to the terraforming process, we are able to achieve progress at a much faster rate.
Crystalline Sensors 0.5 Rare crystals Rare Crystals Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Sensor range By employing rare crystals to boost our sensors, we are able to gain a crystal clear picture of our surroundings.
Volatile Land Clearance 0.5 Volatile motes Volatile Motes
  • Mod planet clear blocker cost mult −25% Clear blocker cost
  • Mod planet clear blocker speed mult +25% Clear blocker speed
By using volatile motes for their explosive capabilities, we are able to clear difficult terrain at a much faster rate.
Exotic Gases as Fuel 1 Exotic gases Exotic Gases Mod ship speed mult +15% Sublight speed Various exotic gases also function as excellent fuel for sublight travel, although perhaps not the most economical alternative.
Exotic Gases for Shield Boost 1 Exotic gases Exotic Gases Mod ship shield hp mult +25% Shield hit points Some exotic gases can be utilized for boosting ships' shield capabilities. They can create complex dampening fields to repel and soften enemy attacks.
Focusing Crystals 1 Rare crystals Rare Crystals Combat stat damage energy +25% Energy weapon damage By increasing our ships' access to rare crystals, we are able to increase the damage of their energy weapons.
Volatile Ammunition 1 Volatile motes Volatile Motes Combat stat damage kinetic +25% Kinetic weapon damage We are able to deploy volatile motes as an explosive in our ships' ammunition.
Volatile Explosives 1 Volatile motes Volatile Motes Combat stat damage explosive +25% Explosive weapon damage By using volatile motes to construct specialized missiles, our ships will have greater destructive capabilities.
Volatile Reactive Armor 1 Volatile motes Volatile Motes Mod ship armor mult +25% Armor hit points By enhancing our ships' armor with a reactive component, our ships are able to absorb more damage by reducing incoming damage in a controlled counter-explosion.
Living Metal Mega-Construction 0.5 Living Metal Living Metal Mod megastructure build speed +50% Megastructure build speed Living Metal Living Metal technology The inherent properties of living metal makes it perfect for improving megastructure construction.
Nanite Actuators 0.5 Nanites Nanites Mod country all tech research speed +10% Research speed Simple but powerful nanoactuators, allowing for complex manipulations and experiments at mesoscopic scales.
Sight Beyond Sight 0.5 Zro Zro
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Sensor range
  • Time −15% Hyper jump charge time
  • Time −15% Hyper jump cooldown
  • Time −15% Jump drive cooldown
  • Overlord +15% Quantum Catapult accuracy
Tradition psionics mind readers Mind Readers tradition Microdosing Zro allows our navigators to sense objects beyond the reach of our scanners.
Zro Additives
  • Mod leader species exp gain +25% Leader experience gain
  • Mod leader age +30 Years leader lifespan if biological
  • Mod leader age −50% Leader accident chance if machine
R zro crystal Psionic Archive relic The properties of Zro are mysterious. Yet if given to our leaders, it seems they obtain slight precognitive abilities, allowing them to learn faster and avoid dangers that could have ended their lives early.
Zro Catalysis 0.5 Zro Zro Mod pop resource output +15% Resources from Psionic pops Federation spiritualist Holy Covenant federation level 5 Among the many mysterious properties of Zro is the ability to significantly increase the capabilities of psionic beings imbibing it.
Inner Focus 3 Influence Influence Unity +10% Monthly unity Civic sovereign guardianshipCivic corporate sovereign guardianshipCivic hive sovereign guardianshipCivic machine sovereign guardianship Sovereign Guardianship civic Overextension of one's boundaries introduces a variety of risks. Understanding oneself is a more reliable and productive endeavor.

Dark matter edicts[]

Dark matter edicts require Dark Matter Dark Matter and are only available to empires that have the Civic dark consortium Dark Consortium or Shadow Corporation Shadow Corporation civic.

Edict Dark Matter Base cost Effects Description
Shadow Matrix 1
  • Intel encryption +1 Encryption
  • Intel decryption +1 Codebreaking
  • Spy network +10 Maximum Infiltration Level
The electronic obscurity provided by dark matter processing units generates software that even the best codebreakers must struggle with.
Baryonic Insight 1 Physics Research +10% Monthly Physics Research For a deeper understanding of the weave of the universe, we must look beyond the notion of the atom.
Obsidian Veil 2
  • Fleet cloaked +1 Cloaking strength
  • Cloaking detection +1 Detection strength
To hide in a forest, one should wear the earth. To hide in space, one should wear the void.
Dark Matter Forging 3 Alloys +5% Monthly Alloys The unique binding properties of dark matter as a flux in our foundries increases the yield by appreciable amounts.
Dark Matter Unraveling 4 Energy Credits +10% Monthly Energy Credits The energy contained within bonds formed by dark matter can be unravelled into a valuable output.


Campaign edicts cost basic resources and are unlocked by the Tech planetary unification Planetary Unification technology.

Edict Cost Effects Requirements Description
Education Campaign 15 Energy Credits Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader experience gain NoGestalt consciousness Not Gestalt Consciousness Back to school! By momentarily spending resources to promote higher education programs among our leaders, their skills will improve at a faster rate.
Recycling Campaign 15 Energy Credits Pop consumer goods upkeep −10% Pop consumer goods upkeep NoGestalt consciousness Not Gestalt Consciousness The populace must be taught to limit wasteful consumption of resources. A public awareness campaign to promote recycling will momentarily lower our consumer goods cost.
Fear Campaign 15 Energy Credits Monthly unity +10% Monthly unity
Xenophobe +25% Xenophobe ethics attraction
  • Contact Communications with another empire
  • XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Empire is some degree of Xenophobe
The vile and beastly nature of the xeno must be communicated to our people. They must accept the truth that we stand alone in a sea of alien filth.
Machine Learning Campaign 15 Energy Credits Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader experience gain Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence authority By allocating additional resources to our autonomous drones, they are able to increase the rate at which their self-learning algorithms improve their overall productivity.
Learning Campaign 15 Food if primary species is not Lithoid
15 Minerals if primary species is Lithoid
Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader experience gain Auth hive mind Hive Mind authority By providing our autonomous drones with additional nutrients, we are able to increase their productivity.
War Drone Campaign 15 Food if primary species is not Lithoid
15 Minerals if primary species is Lithoid
Mod army damage mult +15% Army damage Auth hive mind Hive Mind authority By allocating our war drones additional nutrients, we are able to increase their strength and combat readiness.


Sacrifice edicts are available only to empires with the Civic death cult Death Cult or Civic death cult corporate Corporate Death Cult civic who have at least one pop with the Mortal Initiate Mortal Initiate job or a subject with a pop with the Mortal Initiate Overlord Mortal Initiate job. All sacrifices will kill all pops holding the jobs, with the edict granting benefits scaling with what percentage of the population that had Mortal Initiate Mortal Initiate jobs (max 15%). In addition to its specific effects, each sacrifice grants Mod pop growth speed +5% pop growth speed and Unity +3 Unity from Job death priest Death Priests. Only one Sacrifice Edict can be active at any time. Unlike other edicts, sacrifices do not have an upkeep cost but only an upfront cost, and their bonus lasts for 5 years. The small empire multiplier is 0.64 with less than 50 Pop pops, 0.8 with less than 100 Pop pops, and 1 otherwise. The random multiplier is the following:

  • 16.6% chance for 15
  • 66.6% chance for 20
  • 16.6% chance for 25

The final multiplier is small empire multiplier times the random multiplier times the ratio of Mortal Initiate Mortal Initiates to Pop pops and then round to closest 0.1. The maximum possible multiplier is 3.75 with small empire multiplier at 1, random multiplier at 25, and ratio of Mortal Initiate Mortal Initiates at 15% or more and final multiplier is 3.8 after round to closest 0.1.

Sacrifice: Bounty will also add +1 Monthly Pop assembly organic Organic Pop Assembly to Reassigner Reassigner jobs if the empire has the Civic permanent employment Permanent Employment civic.

Edict Cost Bonus Description
Harmony Unity 3 months unity Happiness Happiness +(10 + 50*Multiplier)% The most devout amongst us are prepared to meet their fate. Their final sacrifice is a time for joyous celebration of purpose. Let every day be spent in honor of a good life!
Togetherness Unity 3 months unity Unity Unity +(10 + 30*Multiplier)% The most devout amongst us are prepared to meet their fate, ensuring that our society is brought closer together. Let our unity shine out into the lonely dark of space!
Bounty Unity 6 months unity The most devout amongst us are prepared to meet their fate, keen that our society should be enriched by their final sacrifice. Let death cleanse the way for vibrant life, glorious in its essence!

Astral edicts[]

Astral edicts cost Astral threads Astral Threads.

Edict Astral threads Base upkeep Effects Requirements Description
Astral Binding 25 Mod pop resource output +10% Resources from jobs Astral action planar mastery Planar Mastery astral action We have learned how to weave Astral Thread into any other material in the universe. It is the very fabric of dimension.
Astral Shielding 10 Shield +25% Shield hit points
Shield +25% Shield hardening
Astral action planar mastery Planar Mastery astral action There is no stronger barrier than a tightly knit lattice of Astral Threads.
Dimensional Artificing 10 Minor artifacts +5 Minor artifacts per month Astral action planar mastery Planar Mastery astral action Manifesting objects of cultural significance from other dimensions can be done under the right circumstances. Whether or not our actions will be noticed in the other planes, we cannot say.
Astral Cloaking 5 Fleet cloaked +1 Cloaking strength Astral rift map icon Siege of Paradise astral rift outcome Astral threads used in cloaking field generators partially 'reflect' our ships into other dimensions, making them even more difficult to detect in this one.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs