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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Districts represent large areas of development on a planet dedicated towards a particular purpose, whether that is housing or resource production. The total number of districts that can be built on a planet is limited by district slots, which are equal to the Planet Size planet size unless modified by traditions, planetary features, planet modifiers, or blockers. The number of mining, generator, and agriculture districts is further constrained by the deposit features on the planet. Each district increases Empire sprawl empire size by a default amount of 0.5.

Planetary districts[]

Regular planets can support five different types of districts: urban districts, industrial districts, and three different resource districts.


There are two types of urban districts on a normal planet: city districts and industrial districts, as well as a special trade district for the Planet ringworld Shattered Ring World. City districts mainly provide Housing housing for pops living on the planetary surface as well as additional building slots. Industrial districts provide some additional housing and create jobs that generate Alloys alloys or Consumer goods consumer goods resources.

The number of urban districts that can be built per planet is not dependent on planetary features, limited only by the number of free district slots. Resort and Thrall Worlds cannot use any urban districts

Upkeep Time Cost
Energy Credits −2 Time 480 Minerals 500
District Produces Pop job Jobs Properties
City District icon
City District
These dense urban centers provide large amounts of housing and office space for clerical workers.
Housing +5 Housing

Mod planet max buildings add +1 Building Slot

Job clerk +1 Clerk NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
Converts to Hive or Nexus district if conquered
Hive District icon
Hive District
These towering spires are where the drones gather when not working to rejuvenate and consume nutrients.
Housing +6 Housing

Mod planet max buildings add +1 Building Slot

Maintenance Drone +3 Maintenance Drone Auth hive mind Hive Mind
Converts to City or Nexus district if conquered
Nexus District icon
Nexus District
Centralized districts where drones are serviced and repaired before they are deployed to their work assignments.
Housing +5 Housing

Mod planet max buildings add +1 Building Slot

Maintenance Drone +3 Maintenance Drone Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Converts to Hive or City district if conquered
Industrial District icon
Industrial District
Smelting facilities and factories fill this district, creating advanced products out of raw materials.
Housing +2 Housing Metallurgist +1 Metallurgist / Foundry Drone / Fabricator
Job artisan +1 Artisan / Artisan Drone
Job swaps0
Trade District icon
Trade District
A district of offices and factories where goods are manufactured and sold.
Housing +2 Housing Job overlord trader +1 Trader
Job artisan +1 Artisan

Scavenger Site[]

The homeworlds of empires with the Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles origin start with 6 Scavenger Site districts instead of City districts. More cannot be constructed and they cannot be removed except by the Decision default Memorial to the Unshackled or Remove Wreckage decision. Each one has the standard upkeep of Energy Credits 2 Energy.

District Produces Pop job Jobs Properties
Scavenger Site icon
Scavenger Site
While debris from the crash is scattered across a massive area, enough of the ship has survived that scavenging it for parts may be of value.
Housing +4 Housing

Mod planet max buildings add +0.75 Building Slot

Scavenger +1 Scavenger
  • After completing the Crashed Slaver Ship archeology site:
Origins broken shackles Broken Shackles origin
Converts to appropriate housing district if conquered


A resource district provides some additional housing and creates jobs that generate Energy Credits energy, Minerals minerals, or Food food resources. The number of resource districts that can be built is limited by planetary features, except under certain conditions, such as on Planet infested Hive Worlds, Planet ai Machine Worlds, and Planet ringworld Shattered Ring Worlds.

Civic agrarian idyll Agrarian Idyll and Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empires gain 1 additional Housing housing from each resource district, while Auth hive mind Hive Mind empires gain 1 additional Pop job job.

Upkeep Time Cost
Energy Credits −1 Time 240 Minerals 300
District Produces Pop job Jobs Properties
Generator District icon
Generator District
Rows of massive power plants that generate massive amounts of energy which can then be used or converted into energy credits.
Housing +2 Housing Job technician +2 Technician / Tech-Drone NoPlanet ringworld Shattered Ring World unless Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness

Max districts Uncapped by planetary features if any of:

Mining District icon
Mining District
These mining towns and resource extraction centers drill deep into the mantle to access mineral deposits.
Housing +2 Housing Miner +2 Miner / Mining Drone Max districts Uncapped by planetary features if any of:
Agriculture District icon
Agriculture District
Land set aside for cultivation, either through the growing of crops or animal husbandry.
Housing +2 Housing Farmer +2 Farmer / Agri-Drone NoPlanet ai Machine Worlds
Max districts Uncapped by planetary features if any of:

Habitat districts[]

Planet habitat Habitats have their own set of districts; two consistent districts and three dependent on the planetary orbital resource deposits where the habitat or its orbitals are built. Each habitat district provides two jobs by default; empires with the Origin void dwellers Void Dwellers origin or Voidborne Voidborne ascension perk gain an additional job from each district.

Upkeep Time Cost
Energy Credits −2
Alloys −0.2
Time 240 Minerals 500
District Produces Pop job Jobs Properties
Habitation District icon
Habitation District
A habitat housing district provides comfortable, if compact residences for its population.
Housing +6 Housing
Mod planet max buildings add +0.5 Building slots
  • Modular Superstructures Modular Superstructures: Mod planet housing add +1
Non-Gestalt Job clerk +2 Clerk

Gestalt consciousness Maintenance Drone +2 Maintenance Drone

  • Origin void dwellers/Voidborne: Job clerk/Maintenance Drone +1

If Origins toxic knights Knights of the Toxic God:

Converts to Order's Demesne

Order's Demesne icon
Order's Demesne
The Order shall not be limited to any keep or star base! Nay, only with vast open spaces - worlds and systems bountiful with resources and good hunting - can they truly thrive.
Housing +6 Housing
Mod planet max buildings add +0.5 Building slots
Job squire +2 Squire
  • Voidborne: Job squire +1

Origins toxic knights Knights of the Toxic God
Yes Either:

Converts to Habitation District

Industrial District (Habitat) icon
Industrial District (Habitat)
Industrial machinery fills this habitat district, taking full advantage of the benefits of low gravity.
Housing +3 Housing
Mod planet max buildings add +0.25 Building slots
  • Auth machine intelligence Menu icon edicts Industrial Maintenance edict:
Metallurgist +1 Metallurgist / Foundry Drone / Fabricator
Job artisan +1 Artisan / Artisan Drone
Job swaps0

Up to three of the following districts can be built per orbital or central complex built over the appropriate deposit type.

District Produces Pop job Jobs Properties
Zero-G Research District icon
Zero-G Research District
Centers of scientific discovery, these habitat districts employ researchers from myriad fields of study.
Housing +3 Housing Researcher +2 Researcher / Brain Drone Brain Drone / Job researcher Calculator
  • Origin void dwellers/Voidborne: Researcher/Brain Drone/Job researcher: +1

Yes Either:

  • Research Research deposit deposit below habitat or orbital
  • Dark MatterLiving MetalZroNanitesMinor artifacts Special resource deposit deposit below habitat or orbital
Reactor District icon
Reactor District
Habitat-side energy production plant districts generate energy-credits, as well as provide power to the arcology on which they are built.
Housing +3 Housing Job technician +2 Technician / Tech-Drone Energy Credits Energy deposit below habitat or orbital
Astro-Mining Bay icon
Astro-Mining Bay
With no natural resources of their own, Habitats depend on these facilities to mine and process minerals from nearby asteroids and planets.
Housing +3 Housing Miner +2 Miner / Mining-Drone Minerals Minerals or Alloys Alloys deposit deposit below habitat or orbital

Arcology districts[]

Planet city Ecumenopolis planets have their own set of districts called arcologies. These provide a larger amount of housing and jobs than regular planetary districts, but do not provide basic resource jobs.

Residential Arcologies[]

Residential Arcologies provide large amount of Housing housing and can be improved by the same set of technologies as regular housing districts.

Upkeep Time Cost
Energy Credits −5 Time 600 Minerals 1000
District Produces Pop job Jobs Properties
Residential Arcology icon
Residential Arcology
With these special ecumenopolistic city districts, integrated vertical architecture is utilized to maximize population density over land surface area.
Housing +15 Housing Non-Gestalt Job clerk +3 Clerk

Gestalt consciousness Maintenance Drone +9 Maintenance Drone

Production Arcologies[]

Production Arcologies provide large amount of Housing housing and Pop job jobs that focus on manufacturing of advanced resources from basic resources. They each require Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resources to build and upkeep.

Upkeep Time Cost
Energy Credits −5
Menu icon strategic resource −1
Time 600 Minerals 1000
Menu icon strategic resource 50
District Produces Pop job Jobs Properties
Foundry Arcology icon
Foundry Arcology
Geared towards military industries, this ecumenopolis district is filled with the roar of smelters and the clang of metallurgies.
Housing +10 Housing
  • Auth machine intelligence Menu icon edicts Industrial Maintenance edict:
Metallurgist +6 Metallurgist / Foundry Drone / Fabricator Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Volatile motes Volatile Motes
Factory Arcology icon
Factory Arcology
Workshops filled with artisans and civilian industries line the stacked streets of this district.
Housing +10 Housing
  • Auth machine intelligence Menu icon edicts Industrial Maintenance edict:
Job artisan +6 Artisan / Artisan Drone Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Rare crystals Rare Crystals

No Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness unless Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor

Leisure Arcology icon
Leisure Arcology
Where denizens of the ecumenopolis unwind in their leisure hours.
Housing +10 Housing Job entertainer +6 Entertainer Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Exotic gases Exotic Gases

NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness

Sanctuary Arcology icon
Sanctuary Arcology
These towering structures feature AI-controlled artificial climates that mimic any environment a sapient organic being could require. The organics within have their housing needs completely fulfilled.
Bio-Trophy +15 Bio-Trophy Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Exotic gases Exotic Gases

Civic machine servitor Rogue Servitor

Administrative Arcology icon
Administrative Arcology
Where hordes of admininistrative staff and bureaucrats toil away to meet the growing expectations of an expanding bureaucracy.
Housing +10 Housing Bureaucrat +6 Bureaucrat Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Rare crystals Rare Crystals

NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
NoSpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist
NoMember of level 5 Federation spiritualist Holy Covenant

Ecclesiastical Arcology icon
Ecclesiastical Arcology
A true testament to our devotion, these spires may hold the key to the spiritual well-being of our empire.
Housing +10 Housing Priest +6 Priest Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Rare crystals Rare Crystals


Ring World districts[]

Ring World Ring Worlds have their own set of districts called segments. They are the most powerful district types available but also the most expensive. A maximum of 10 segments may be constructed on a ring section.

Housing segments[]

Like Housing districts on regular planets, the Housing segments provide massive amount of Housing housing and receive the same set of bonus from technologies and traditions.

Upkeep Time Cost
Energy Credits −5 Time 360 Minerals 1000
District Produces Pop job Jobs Properties
City Segment icon
City Segment
Urban centers fill this Ring World section, providing large amounts of housing and office space for clerical workers.
Housing +25 Housing Job clerk +3 Clerk
Job enforcer +2 Enforcer
NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
Converts to Hive or Nexus Segment if conquered
Hive Segment icon
Hive Segment
Towering spires stretch across this Ring World section for drones to gather when not working to rejuvenate and consume nutrients.
Housing +30 Housing Maintenance Drone +15 Maintenance Drone

Job synapse drone Synapse Drone: +2

Auth hive mind Hive Mind
Converts to City or Nexus Segment if conquered
Nexus Segment icon
Nexus Segment
Efficient districts fill this Ring World section, provide locations for drones to be serviced and repaired before they are deployed to their work assignments.
Housing +25 Housing Maintenance Drone +10 Maintenance Drone

Job technician +2 Tech-Drone

Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Converts to Hive or City Segment if conquered

Production segments[]

The Production segments provide massive amount of Housing housing and Pop job jobs that focus on a limited scope of resources. They each consume Strategic Resources to build and upkeep.

Upkeep Time Cost
Energy Credits −5
Menu icon strategic resource −2
Time 360 Minerals 1000
Menu icon strategic resource 50
District Produces Pop job Jobs Properties
Industrial Segment icon
Industrial Segment
Clanking factories and powerful machinery fill this Ring World section, providing a strong industrial base for the Empire.
Housing +10 Housing
  • Auth machine intelligence Menu icon edicts Industrial Maintenance edict:
Job artisan +5 Artisan / Artisan Drone
Metallurgist +5 Metallurgist / Foundry Drone / Fabricator
Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Volatile motes Volatile Motes
Commercial Segment icon
Commercial Segment
Civilian industry and infrastructure populate this Ring World segment dedicated to commerce.
Housing +10 Housing Job clerk +6 Clerk

Job overlord trader +2 Trader

  • Commercial Enterprise Commercial Enterprise: Job overlord trader Trader +2
Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Rare crystals Rare Crystals
NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
No Origins elder race Fallen Empire
Generator Segment icon
Generator Segment
Reactors fill this Ring World section, focused on the generation of energy.
Housing +10 Housing Job technician +10 Technician / Tech-Drone Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Rare crystals Rare Crystals

Yes Either:

Research Segment icon
Research Segment
Research facilities of all kinds fill this Ring World segment.
Housing +10 Housing Researcher +10 Researcher / Brain Drone Brain Drone / Job researcher Calculator Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Exotic gases Exotic Gases
Agricultural Segment icon
Agricultural Segment
Endless seas of farmland stretch across this Ring World section, growing massive amounts of food.
Housing +10 Housing Farmer +10 Farmer / Agri-Drone Menu icon strategic resource Strategic Resource: Volatile motes Volatile Motes


District files can be found in Stellaris/common/districts

Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs