Stellaris Wiki


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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

List of discoveries

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Discoveries are unusual findings that warrant additional investigation by a Scientist Scientist. The higher the scientist's level, the faster the discovery is investigated. There are two types of discoveries: anomalies and archaeological sites. The Astral Planes Astral Planes DLC adds a third type of discovery - astral rifts. All three come in different levels of difficulty.

A few discoveries are located in unique systems or created by origins, special projects, events or other discoveries, but the majority are randomly generated and can be found anywhere. When a science ship surveys a celestial body it may identify an anomaly or archaeological site. When the investigation of a discovery is complete, an event will pop up that can give various rewards, such as research points, resources, or even a special project which requires further research investment to unlock benefits. Certain Ethics occasionally have additional options when a discovery is investigated.

Archaeology sites are visible on the galaxy map and become grey when fully investigated. Anomalies are only visible on the system map or when hovering over the system on the galaxy map and disappear when fully investigated.

Uncovering discoveries[]

Each surveyed celestial body has a 5% base chance of spawning an anomaly, which is increased by 0.5% for every surveyed planet with no anomaly before being reset. The Leader trait meticulous Perfectionist trait and Menu icon edicts Map The Stars edict each increases the base chance of finding anomalies by 10%. The chance to discover an anomaly rises to 50% by the 10th unsuccessful try with the base chance (5%), by the 4th try with the Leader trait meticulous Perfectionist trait or the Menu icon edicts Map The Stars edict, and by the 3rd try with both of them.

Most archaeological sites are revealed by surveying, with a 1.23% chance of creating a site if the celestial body can support one. If a site is created this way, the chance to find the next one for this empire is reduced to 0.0246% for 5 years (a reduction of 80%). The AI controlled empires always have a lower chance of discovering archaeological sites (0.0246%) in comparison with the player's empire. Archaeological sites never spawn in a system with a trade value deposits (due to a workaround for a bug with minor artifact deposits).

Astral rifts can only appear after the mid-game year is reached. Each year there is a chance for an astral rift to spawn, and the longer it passes without one spawning the more likely it is for one to appear. Afterwards a limited number of astral rifts can also be created with the Astral action astral splitting Astral Splitting astral action. Multiple empires can discover the same astral rift but if an astral rift rewarded a relic another empire cannot discover the same rift.


Anomalies are investigated in one sitting and do not require control of the system. The time to investigate an anomaly depends on the difference in level between the anomaly and the investigating Scientist Scientist.

Level difference +9 +8 +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
Investigation days 20 24 30 35 45 55 65 80 100 120 180 300 540 720 1080 1440 2160 2880 5760

Archaeological sites and astral rifts have 1-7 chapters and require control of the system. Investigation proceeds in phases of 90 days. At the end of each phase, a die is rolled, resulting in a random number from 1 to 10; adding the current number of clues and the Scientist's Archaeology Skill or Astral Rift Skill and subtracting the chapter's difficulty gives the total result, as in the following formula: . The Archaeology Skill and Astral Rift Skill is equal to the scientist's level and one or both can be increased by various leader traits.

Result total Outcome
≥ 14 Completes the current chapter
11 - 13 Adds 2 clues for the next phase
6 - 10 Adds 1 clue for the next phase
5 ≤ May trigger an event, or no effect

A result of 14 or greater completes the current chapter; a result of 11-13 adds 2 clues for the next phase, a result of 6-10 adds 1 clue, a result of 5 or less adds no clues and can trigger various events, depending on the discovery and chapter. These events can be helpful: add clues, give loot, even remove the substance abuser leader trait (5% chance); or harmful: remove clues or even kill the scientist (~2.9% chance). A scientist who opens 1 clue receives 25 EXP, and 40 EXP for 2 clues opened. But the EXP is not gained from clues received through an event.

If all events are to be avoided from the very start of the excavation, that is, starting with zero clues, in order to minimize the chance of losing the scientist, then having:

  • Archaeology/Astral Skill + Bonus - Difficulty ≥ 5 gives 0% chance of a event triggering;
  • Archaeology/Astral Skill + Bonus - Difficulty = 4 gives 10% chance of a event triggering;
  • Archaeology/Astral Skill + Bonus - Difficulty = 3 gives 20% chance of a event triggering;
  • Archaeology/Astral Skill + Bonus - Difficulty = 2 gives 30% chance of a event triggering, and so on.

Investigation of archaeology sites can be paused and resumed at any time with no penalty. If the system with the archaeological site is gained by another empire, that empire can continue the excavation from the current chapter, but does not gain any rewards from already completed chapters. Investigation of astral rifts cannot be stopped once started.


Precursor Anomaly

First League anomaly

The precursors are the oldest known galactic empires, though long dead. Their ruins are scattered across the galaxy to be discovered via anomalies or archaeology sites. Precursor anomalies reveal a special project which once investigated grants a small amount of Engineering research Engineering, Physics Research Physics, or Society research Society research as well as a precursor artifact. 6 artifacts are required to reveal the location of a precursor's home system. If the Ancient Relics Ancient Relics DLC is installed precursor anomalies will also grant a small number of Minor artifacts Minor Artifacts.

After 50 years have passed, a random event can add another precursor special project on an uninhabitable planet in the empire. AI empires can also sell a discovered artifact to non-Gestalt empires for Energy Credits 1000 energy. Civic corporate dominion Corporate Dominion empires can counter with Energy Credits 500 energy. If the empire has the Civic warrior culture Warrior Culture civic, it can threaten the AI empire to surrender it for free, the success rate depending on both empires' relative fleet power. Empires that have a Protective, Friendly, or Loyal attitude will offer the artifact for free instead of asking for payment. Each AI Empire can offer an artifact only once.

The first empire that surveys a precursor homeworld will gain a large reward. If the Ancient Relics Ancient Relics DLC is installed empires that survey a precursor homeworld, even if they weren't the first ones to do it, will unlock a minor artifact action to delve into the secrets of the precursors. The action costs 750 Minor artifacts Minor Artifacts and will unlock a special project that will provide a permanent reward when completed.

Precursor civilization Homeworld Homeworld reward Home system contains Clues source Ancient Relics Secrets of the Precursor special project
Cybrex Planet ringworld Ruined Ring World
  • Unity 120x unity output (240 ~ 9999)
  • Engineering Research 48x engineering output (1000 ~ 1 000 000)
  • Energy Credits 24x energy output (350 ~ 10 000)
  • Ancient Relics Minor artifacts large minor artifacts reward (100, 200, or 300)
  • Ancient RelicsR war forge Cybrex War Forge Relic
Ring World Ruined Ringworld Anomalies Engineering research 12 000 Engineering research cost
First League Planet nuked Fen Habbanis III
  • Unity 120x unity output (240 ~ 9999)
  • Society Research 48x society output (1000 ~ 1 000 000)
  • Influence 24x influence output (150 ~ 300)
  • Ancient Relics Minor artifacts large minor artifacts reward (100, 200, or 300)
Anomalies Engineering research 6000 Engineering research cost
Irassian Concordat Planet barren cold Irassia
  • Unity 120x unity output (240 ~ 9999)
  • Physics Research 48x physics output (1000 ~ 1 000 000)
  • Minerals 24x minerals output (350 ~ 10 000)
  • Ancient Relics Minor artifacts large minor artifacts reward (100, 200, or 300)
  • Ancient RelicsR pox sample Javorian Pox Sample Relic
Anomalies Society research 3000 Society research cost
Vultaum Star Assembly Planet barren Vultaumar Prime
  • Unity 120x unity output (240 ~ 9999)
  • Research 24x research output (each 500 ~ 1 000 000)
  • Ancient Relics Minor artifacts large minor artifacts reward (100, 200, or 300)
  • Ancient RelicsR orb insight Vultaum Reality Perforator Relic
Anomalies Physics Research 3000 Physics research cost
Fanatic Materialist Fanatic Materialists receive option for an additional special project.0
  • When the additional special project is completed there are 2 options:
  • Option 1:
    • Influence 24x influence output (150 ~ 300)
    • Physics Research Physics Researcher: 50% commits suicide, 35% gains 200 xp and Leader trait maniacalLeader trait substance abuser or 15% gains 200 xp and Leader trait maniacal
  • Option 2:
    • Influence 24x influence output (150 ~ 300)
    • Unity 48x unity output (700 ~ 2 000 000)
    • Mod country all tech research speed +10% Research speed
    • Happiness –20% Happiness
    • Physics Research Physics researcher gains 200 xp and: 35% Leader trait maniacalLeader trait substance abuser or 65% Leader trait maniacal
Yuht Empire Planet barren Yuthaan Majoris
  • Unity 120x unity output (240 ~ 9999)
  • Energy Credits 24x energy output (350 ~ 10 000)
  • Minerals 24x minerals output (350 ~ 10 000)
  • Ancient Relics Minor artifacts large minor artifacts reward (100, 200, or 300)
  • Ancient RelicsR cryo core Yuht Cryo Core Relic
Anomalies Society research 3000 Society research cost
Ancient Relics Baol Planet nuked Grunur R baol The Last Baol Relic Planet Size Size 20 Planet nuked Tomb World Archaeology sites Society research 3000 Society research cost
Ancient Relics Zroni Planet shroud Zron Prime R zro crystal Psionic Archive Relic Zro 5 Zro Archaeology sites Society research 6000 Society research cost


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs