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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

On the right side of the designer, one can select options for different subsystems of the ship. Most of them are required and it is not possible to design a ship without some version of them, but few of them are optional, having the option to install no subsystem in its slot.


A ship's reactor generates power for its other systems, and a new ship design cannot be created if it has negative power. Excess power slightly increases a ship's evasion, movement speed, and damage.

Reactor Corvette Destroyer Cruiser Battleship Titan Defense platform Juggernaut / Star-Eater Colossus Required technology
Cost Power Power Cost Power Power Cost Power Power Cost Power Power Cost Power Power Cost Power Power Cost Power Power Power Power
Ship part reactor 1 Fission Reactor Alloys 10 75 Alloys 20 140 Alloys 40 280 Alloys 80 550 Alloys 160 1100 Alloys 20 200 Alloys 560 3850 No Tech fission power Fission Power
Ship part reactor 2 Fusion Reactor Alloys 13 100 Alloys 26 180 Alloys 52 360 Alloys 104 720 Alloys 208 1450 Alloys 26 260 Alloys 730 5000 No Tech fusion power Fusion Power
Ship part reactor 3 Cold Fusion Reactor Alloys 17 130 Alloys 34 240 Alloys 68 480 Alloys 136 950 Alloys 272 1900 Alloys 34 340 Alloys 950 6500 No Tech cold fusion power Cold Fusion Power
Ship part reactor 4 Antimatter Reactor Alloys 22 170 Alloys 44 320 Alloys 88 620 Alloys 176 1250 Alloys 352 2500 Alloys 44 440 Alloys 1230 8460 No Tech antimatter power copy Antimatter Power
Ship part reactor 5 Zero-Point Reactor Alloys 28 220 Alloys 56 430 Alloys 112 800 Alloys 224 1550 Alloys 448 3200 Alloys 56 575 Alloys 1600 11000 10000 Tech zero point power Zero Point Power
Ship part dark matter power core Dark Matter Reactor Alloys 37
Dark Matter 1
285 Alloys 74
Dark Matter 2
550 Alloys 148
Dark Matter 4
1030 Alloys 296
Dark Matter 8
2000 Alloys 592
Dark Matter 16
4200 Alloys 74
Dark Matter 4
750 Alloys 2080
Dark Matter 32
14300 10000 Tech enigmatic power core Dark Matter Power

FTL drive[]

This subsystem is optional, although without an FTL drive the ship is incapable of moving between systems.

Jump drives allow the ship to make a direct jump within a limited range, indicated by a yellow dotted circle. Initiate a jump by selecting the fleet, clicking the "Initiate Jump" button and left-clicking the target. After jumping the fleet spends 200 days recharging, during which time it suffers −50% sublight speed and weapons damage.

FTL drive Alloys Cost Power Power Mod ship disengagement Disengagement Opportunities Hyper jump Fleet action button jump Tactical jump Required technology Crisis date Description
Ship part subspace drive Subspace Drive 5 5 0 No Yes −25% Cooldown
−50% Range
Tech subspace drive Subspace Drive regular The Subspace Drive creates microtears in spacetime, allowing vessels to jump to nearby systems. The process becomes incredibly unstable if longer jumps are attempted.
Ship part hyper drive 1 Hyper Drive I 5 10 1 Yes No Tech hyper drive 1 Hyperspace Travel regular Ships equipped with Hyper Drives travel swiftly between the edges of star systems along interstellar hyperlanes.
Ship part hyper drive 2 Hyper Drive II 10 15 1 Yes −25% Charge time No Tech hyper drive 2 Hyperlane Breach Points regular Ships equipped with Hyper Drives travel swiftly between the edges of star systems along interstellar hyperlanes.
Ship part hyper drive 3 Hyper Drive III 15 20 1 Yes −50% Charge time No Tech hyper drive 3 Hyperspace Slipstreams regular Ships equipped with Hyper Drives travel swiftly between the edges of star systems along interstellar hyperlanes.
Ship part jump drive 1 Jump Drive 20 30 1 Yes −70% Charge time Yes Tech jump drive 1 Jump Drive 25 years earlier The Jump Drive tears ship-sized holes in the very fabric of reality, allowing for near-instantaneous movement between systems. The nature of the space the ship passes through on this journey is still poorly understood.
Ship part psi jump drive 1 Psi Jump Drive 20 30 2 Yes −80% Charge time Yes +50% Range Tech psi jump drive 1 Psi Jump Drives 25 years earlier The Psi Jump Drive harnesses the psionic potential of the ship's crew to warp the local space-time continuum, eliminating the distance between the point of origin and the destination. Supposedly.

Computer system[]

This component predominantly improves fire-rate as well as various performance, like evasion, tracking, accuracy, or weapons range, depending on behavior type.

When in combat, every military ship will advance to within a certain distance of its target and fire its weapons. The engagement range is determined by the ship's designated role and the effective range of the ship's weapons. Weapon range modifiers will also increase this range. Ships that have similar roles will typically cluster together, stay in formation with each other and attack in groups.

  • Swarm: The ship will charge straight at enemies and try to deal as much damage as possible from the range of their shortest range weapon.
  • Torpedo: The ship will charge straight at enemies in strafing runs.
  • Picket: The ship will advance to medium range and attempt to intercept incoming enemies.
  • Line: The ship will hold advance to medium range and hold formation.
  • Artillery: The ship will stay at long range, firing its longest range weapons on the target.
  • Carrier: The ship will stay at the maximum engagement range of its hangars.
  • Platform: The defensive platform will remain stationary and fire at any enemies in range.
  • Colossus: The ship will ignore any attackers and carry on with its current task.
Level Alloys Power Effects
Swarm Torpedo Picket Line Artillery Carrier Platform Starbase Colossus
Ship part computer default Basic 0 5 Default for corvette Default for frigate Default for destroyer Default for cruiser
Default for star-eater
Default for battleship
Default for titan
Default for juggernaut n/a
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Fire rate
  • Tracking +10 Tracking
Only option
Tech combat computers 1 Specialized 5 10
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Fire rate
  • Evasion +5% Evasion
Damage +5% Explosive weapons damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Fire rate
  • Tracking +10 Tracking
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Fire rate
  • Mod ship tracking add +5% Chance to hit
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Fire rate
  • Mod ship weapon range mult +5% Weapons range
  • +25% Engagement range
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +25% Fire rate
  • Tracking +15 Tracking
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Fire rate
  • Tracking +20 Tracking
Tech combat computers 2 Advanced 10 15
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Fire rate
  • Evasion +10% Evasion
Damage +10% Explosive weapons damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Fire rate
  • Tracking +20 Tracking
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Fire rate
  • Mod ship tracking add +10% Chance to hit
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Fire rate
  • Mod ship weapon range mult +10% Weapons range
  • +50% Engagement range
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +30% Fire rate
  • Tracking +20 Tracking
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Fire rate
  • Tracking +30 Tracking
Tech combat computers 3 Sapient
Tech positronic implants Autonomous
20 25
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Fire rate
  • Evasion +25% Evasion
Damage +15% Explosive weapons damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Fire rate
  • Tracking +30 Tracking
  • Evasion +10% Evasion
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +20% Fire rate
  • Mod ship tracking add +20% Chance to hit
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +20% Fire rate
  • Mod ship weapon range mult +20% Weapons range
  • +100% Engagement range
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +35% Fire rate
  • Tracking +25 Tracking
  • Mod ship tracking add +10% Chance to hit
n/a n/a
Tech precognition interface Precognitive 20 25
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Fire rate
  • Evasion +15% Evasion
  • Mod ship speed mult +20% Sublight speed
  • Damage +15% Explosive weapons damage
  • Tracking +10 Tracking
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +20% Fire rate
  • Tracking +40 Tracking
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Fire rate
  • Mod ship tracking add +15% Chance to hit
  • Tracking +10 Tracking
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Fire rate
  • Mod ship weapon range mult +15% Weapons range
  • Tracking +10 Tracking
  • +75% Engagement range
  • Tracking +10 Tracking
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +35% Fire rate
  • Tracking +35 Tracking
n/a n/a
Allowed ship types Corvette
  • Frigate
  • Cruiser
  • Corvette
  • Destroyer
  • Cruiser
  • Destroyer
  • Cruiser
  • Battleship
  • Star-eater
  • Frigate
  • Destroyer
  • Cruiser
  • Battleship
  • Titan
  • Juggernaut
  • Star-eater
  • Cruiser
  • Battleship
  • Titan
  • Juggernaut
  • Star-eater
  • Defense platform
  • Ion Cannon
Starbase Colossus

Sublight thrusters[]

The sublight thrusters determine how fast the ship maneuvers within a star system and increase its Evasion Evasion.

Name Cost Power Power Evasion Evasion Mod ship speed mult Sublight Speed
Corvette Destroyer Cruiser Battleship Titan Colossal ships Corvette Destroyer Cruiser Battleship Titan Colossal ships Corvette Destroyer Cruiser Battleship Titan Colossal ships
Chemical Thrusters icon
Chemical Thrusters
Simple yet moderately effective chemical thrusters that rely on combustible propellant to generate thrust.
Alloys 3 Alloys 6 Alloys 12 Alloys 24 Alloys 48 Alloys 60 10 20 40 80 160 200
Ion Thrusters icon
Ion Thrusters
These electric thrusters use beams of ions to generate thrust without the need for propellant.
Alloys 6 Alloys 12 Alloys 24 Alloys 48 Alloys 96 Alloys 120 15 30 60 120 240 300 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 +25%
Plasma Thrusters icon
Plasma Thrusters
An advanced form of electric propulsion, plasma thrusters afford ships greater sublight speeds and maneuverability.
Alloys 9 Alloys 18 Alloys 36 Alloys 72 Alloys 144 Alloys 180 20 40 80 160 320 400 +10 +8 +6 +4 +2 +50%
Impulse Thrusters icon
Impulse Thrusters
These highly advanced fusion-powered thrusters provide ships with unmatched maneuverability and speed under sublight conditions.
Alloys 12 Alloys 24 Alloys 48 Alloys 96 Alloys 192 Alloys 240 25 50 100 200 400 500 +15 +12 +9 +6 +3 +75%
Dark Matter Thrusters icon
Dark Matter Thrusters
These ship thrusters utilize Dark Matter technology to generate propulsion in a manner that appears to defy numerous laws of physics.
Alloys 12
Dark Matter 1
Alloys 24
Dark Matter 2
Alloys 48
Dark Matter 4
Alloys 96
Dark Matter 8
Alloys 192
Dark Matter 16
Alloys 300
Dark Matter 32
30 60 120 240 480 600 +20 +16 +12 +8 +4 +125%


Sensors determine the ship's detection range on the galaxy map. They also increase tracking of all weapon systems, which is related to accuracy.

Name Alloys Cost Power Power Tracking Tracking Mod planet sensor range mult Sensor range Mod planet sensor range mult Hyperlane detection range Required technology Description
Ship part sensor 1 Radar System 2 5 1 2 A planet-bound technology adapted for use in deep space, the radar system provides basic detection and tracking capability for interstellar vessels.
Ship part sensor 2 Gravitic Sensors 4 10 +5 2 3 Tech sensors 2 Gravitic Sensors These sensors have been tuned to look for any gravitational changes in space, such as those produced by the presence of a starship.
Ship part sensor 3 Subspace Sensors 6 15 +10 3 4 Subspace Sensors Subspace Sensors Sensors that detect subspace fluctuations left in the wake of traveling starships. Their sensitivity and range are greater than that of a gravitic sensor array.
Ship part sensor 4 Tachyon Sensors 8 20 +15 4 5 Tech sensors 4 Tachyon Sensors Advanced sensors that rely on rotating tachyon beams to detect ship movements even at extreme distances.


All offensive auras apply a debuff to all enemy ships that are in the system. A titan's defensive aura gives a buff to allied ships in the same fleet while a starbase, juggernaut, offspring ship's defensive aura gives a buff to all allied ships in the system. Multiple instances of same aura do not stack.

Aura Ship Target Effects
Subspace Snare FTL Inhibitor Starbase (Starport and above) Hostiles
  • Mod ship disengagement +100% Emergency FTL Jump Cooldown
  • FTL magnet Enemy ships can only leave the system via the hyperlane they arrived through
Quantum Destabilizer Quantum Destabilizer Apocalypse Titan Hostiles Mod ship fire rate mult −10% Fire Rate
Shield Dampener Shield Dampener Apocalypse Titan Hostiles Mod ship shield hp mult −20% Shield Hit Points
Subspace Snare Subspace Snare Apocalypse Titan Hostiles
  • Mod ship disengagement +100% Emergency FTL Jump Cooldown
  • Mod ship disengagement −20% Combat Disengagement Chance
Ship part aura inspiring presence Inspiring Presence Apocalypse Titan Fleet Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Fire Rate
Ship part aura detection scrambler Ancient Target Scrambler Apocalypse Titan Fleet Mod ship evasion mult +5% Chance to Evade
Nanobot Cloud Nanobot Cloud Apocalypse Titan Fleet
  • Mod ship hull regen +5% Daily Hull Regen
  • Mod ship hull regen +15% Daily Armor Regen
Ship part aura targeting grid Targeting Grid Apocalypse Titan Fleet Mod ship tracking add +10 Tracking
Ship part aura pd penetration ECM Emitters Federations Juggernaut Hostiles
  • Mod ship weapon damage −30% Point Defense Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult −30% Point Defense Firing Rate
Ship part aura bombardment Munitions Plant Federations Juggernaut Allies Damage +30% Orbital Bombardment Damage
Ship part aura strike craft Strike Command Federations Juggernaut Allies
  • Mod ship weapon damage +20% Strike Craft Damage
  • Mod ship speed mult +20% Strike Craft Speed
Ship part aura hyperlane Subspace Amplifier Federations Juggernaut Allies
  • Mod ship speed mult −40% Hyper Jump Charge Time
  • Mod ship speed mult −40% Hyper Jump Cooldown
  • Mod ship speed mult −40% Jump Drive Cooldown
Ship part aura range Target Acquisition Array Federations Juggernaut Allies Mod ship weapon range mult +40% Ship Weapons Range
Ship part offspring aura Offspring Oversight Overlord Offspring ships Allies
  • Mod ship tracking add +55% Accuracy
  • Mod ship evasion mult +55% Evasion
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +55% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship speed mult +55% Sublight Speed
Ship part aura battlefield repairs Bulwark Battlefield Repairs Overlord Battlewright construction ship Allies Mod ship hull regen +0.25% Daily Hull Regen
Subspace Snare Electromagnetic Disruptor Overlord Arctrellis science ship Hostiles
  • Only applies to ships if they're owned by a Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence empire or using a Tech combat computers 3 Sapient or Tech positronic implants Autonomous combat computer
  • Mod ship tracking add −25% Accuracy
  • Mod ship fire rate mult −25% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship speed mult −25% Sublight Speed


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs