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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Traits represent the background, education or personality of a leader. Most traits can be upgraded. The way in which leaders gain or upgrade traits depends on whether the Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is enabled:

  • If the DLC is enabled:
    • Leaders are able to select a trait to gain or upgrade every time they level up.
    • At level 4, they can choose a Veteran Class and, at level 8, they can choose a Destiny Trait.
    • Veteran traits are in the pool of possible traits, but only for the chosen Veteran Class.
  • If the DLC is not enabled:
    • Leaders gain or upgrade a random trait every 2 levels.
    • Veteran trait pools are turned off, as the leaders do not use Veteran Classes.
    • A number traits are available only if the DLC is not enabled.

Positive traits[]

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Opposite Requirements Description
Leader trait adaptable Adaptionist Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain Mod leader species exp gain +20% Leader Experience Gain No Leader trait stubborn Stubbornness This leader is quick to adopt new methods and ideas that prove superior.
Leader trait eager Eagerness
  • Yes Does not use Leader Capacity until level 4
  • Cost −50% Leader Cost
  • Upkeep −5% Leader Upkeep
  • Yes Does not use Leader Capacity until level 4
  • Cost −50% Leader Cost
  • Upkeep −10% Leader Upkeep
  • Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain
No Mod country leader pool size Leader pool This leader is particularly eager for an assignment.
Leader trait resilient Resilience
  • Mod leader age +10 Years Leader Lifespan if not robot
  • Upkeep −10% Leader Upkeep if robot
  • Mod leader age +20 Years Leader Lifespan if not robot
  • Upkeep −20% Leader Upkeep if robot
No Leader trait substance abuser Substance Abuser NoAuth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence This leader is resilient and in excellent physical condition, increasing their life expectancy.
Leader trait adventurous spirit Adventurous Spirit Upkeep −10% Leader Upkeep (only if not Councilor)
  • Upkeep −25% Leader Upkeep (only if not Councilor)
  • Mod leader species exp gain +5% Leader Experience Gain (only if not Councilor)
  • Upkeep −25% Leader Upkeep (only if not Councilor)
  • Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain (only if not Councilor)
Galactic Paragons Veteran class This leader has a yearning for adventure and an overt distaste for boardroom politics.
Trait ruler explorer Observer
  • When commanding military fleet or science ship:
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Sensor Range
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +2 Ship Hyperlane Detection Range
  • Mod ship speed mult −5% Hyperjump Charge Time
  • When commanding military fleet or science ship:
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +2 Sensor Range
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +3 Ship Hyperlane Detection Range
  • Mod ship speed mult −15% Hyperjump Charge Time
  • When commanding military fleet or science ship:
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +3 Sensor Range
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +4 Ship Hyperlane Detection Range
  • Mod ship speed mult −25% Hyperjump Charge Time
"A set of self-built, powerful scanners allows this leader to see further and plan the journey ahead."
Leader trait gifted Gifted Unknown +1 Additional Leader Trait Options Unknown +2 Additional Leader Trait Options No Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC This leader has a quick mind, grasping demanding concepts with ease.
Leader trait emotional support pet Emotional Support Pet
  • Mod leader age +10 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Unknown −1 Leader Maximum Negative Traits
No No The warm cuddles of this adorable creature offer comfort from the horrors of space.
Leader trait imperial heir Imperial Heir
  • Unknown +1 Additional Leader Trait Options
  • Upkeep Does not have any upkeep
No No Imperial Heir The heir is next in line to rule the Empire.
Leader trait legendary offspring Luminary Bloodline
  • Mod leader age +20 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Mod leader species exp gain +75% Leader Experience Gain
No No The Heir to the Luminary. Living up to their predecessor's legacy will be a challenge, but this leader already shows great promise.
Leader trait resilient Increased Lifespan Mod leader age +40 Years Leader Lifespan No No UtopiaOverlord Shroud boon This powerful psionic energies of the Shroud have slowed the natural aging process of this leader.
Leader trait rift warped Rift Warped
  • Mod leader age +50 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain
  • Yes Does not use Leader Capacity
No No Astral Planes Astral Rift outcomes This leader has crossed the astral planes; the effects of such a journey are both lasting and profound.

Positive governor traits[]

The following traits will only take effect if the leader is governing a sector or planet. Effects are doubled if the leader is governing a planet. Each leader can only have one positive governor trait.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Requirements Description
Leader trait capitalist Energy Mogul
  • Pop resource energy mult +2.5% Energy Credits from Technicians
  • Job technician +2 Technician Jobs on Home Planet
  • Pop resource energy mult +5% Energy Credits from Technicians
  • Job technician +4 Technician Jobs on Home Planet
No This leader is a major player in the competitive energy market.
Leader trait homesteader Homesteader
  • Pop resource food mult +2.5% Food from Farmers
  • Farmer +2 Farmer Jobs on Home Planet
  • Pop resource food mult +5% Food from Farmers
  • Farmer +4 Farmer Jobs on Home Planet
No This leader has plots of land dedicated to the production of food.
Leader trait private mines Private Mines
  • Pop resource minerals mult +2.5% Minerals from Miners
  • Miner +2 Miner Jobs on Home Planet
  • Pop resource minerals mult +5% Minerals from Miners
  • Miner +4 Miner Jobs on Home Planet
No This leader owns and maintains private sources of minerals.
Leader trait entrepreneur Entrepreneur
  • Consumer goods +2.5% Consumer Goods from Artisans
  • Job artisan +1 Artisan Jobs on Home Planet
  • Consumer goods +5% Consumer Goods from Artisans
  • Job artisan +2 Artisan Jobs on Home Planet
No This leader has an enterprising mind, designing and producing impressive amounts of goods.
Leader trait scrapper Scrapper
  • Alloys +2.5% Alloys from Metallurgists
  • Metallurgist +1 Metallurgist Jobs on Home Planet
  • Alloys +5% Alloys from Metallurgists
  • Metallurgist +2 Metallurgist Jobs on Home Planet
No This leader possesses and operates private scavenging drones.
Leader trait venerated Celebrity
  • Amenities +1 Amenities
  • Job culture worker +1 Culture Worker Jobs on Home Planet
  • Amenities +3 Amenities
  • Job culture worker +2 Culture Worker Jobs on Home Planet
No This leader is highly respected by others.
Leader trait bureaucrat Unifier Unity +1% Unity from Jobs per level Unity +2.5% Unity from Jobs per level No This leader excels at inter-government diplomacy and consensus building.
Leader trait agrarian upbringing Agrarian Upbringing Pop resource food mult +5% Food from Jobs Pop resource food mult +10% Food from Jobs No
  • Food Empire uses Food
  • Mod country leader pool size Leader pool
Raised in a farming zone, this leader is interested in optimizing yields.
Leader trait environmental engineerEnvironmental Engineer
  • Mod planet clear blocker speed mult +10% Clear Blocker Speed
  • Mod planet clear blocker cost mult −10% Clear Blocker Cost
  • Mod planet clear blocker speed mult +15% Clear Blocker Speed
  • Mod planet clear blocker cost mult −15% Clear Blocker Cost
No Menu icon technology Any blocker removal technology This leader has expertise in cutting edge geo-sculpting processes and cost-saving techniques.
Leader trait space miner Geology Expert Pop resource minerals mult +0.12 Minerals from Miners Pop resource minerals mult +0.25 Minerals from Miners Pop resource minerals mult +0.5 Minerals from Miners Galactic Paragons Governor-focused veteran class This leader can identify rich ore veins for planetside mining facilities.
Leader trait manufacturer Manufacturer Amenities +5 Amenities Amenities +10 Amenities Amenities +20 Amenities Galactic Paragons Governor-focused veteran class "This leader works hard to implement new techniques for the mass production of low-cost goods."

Positive councilor traits[]

The following traits will only take effect if the leader is part of the council. Some of them are available for the starting ruler in the empire creation menu for empire that do not have the Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Empire creation selectable Opposite Requirements Description
Leader trait charismatic Charisma
  • Mod country edict cost −7.5% Edicts Upkeep
  • Edict Fund +15 Edicts Fund
  • Mod country edict cost −10% Edicts Upkeep
  • Edict Fund +35 Edicts Fund
Yes This leader is exceptionally charismatic, enforcing their will with ease.
Trait ruler eye for talent Eye for Talent Mod leader species exp gain +5% Leader Experience Gain for all leaders Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain for all leaders Yes This leader is considered to be unusually perceptive, spotting talent where others only see eccentricity or incompetence.
Leader trait logistic understanding Logistic Understanding
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −5% Ship Upkeep
  • Mod army upkeep mult −10% Army Upkeep
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −10% Ship Upkeep
  • Mod army upkeep mult −15% Army Upkeep
Yes This leader is well aware of the importance of properly-structured supply chains.
Leader trait magnifying glass Feedback Loop
  • Stability +1 Stability
  • Amenities +1 Amenities
  • Stability +2 Stability
  • Amenities +3 Amenities
Yes Leader trait tyrannical Rationer Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Efficient feedback loops and action-reaction analysis make this unit far better at predicting outcomes.
Trait ruler champion of the people Champion of the People
  • Happiness +3% Happiness if not Oppressive Autocracy
  • Mod pop political power +5% Rulers Political Power if Oppressive Autocracy
  • Happiness +7.5% Happiness if not Oppressive Autocracy
  • Mod pop political power +10% Rulers Political Power if Oppressive Autocracy
No Leader trait tyrannical Tyrannical NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This leader appears to genuinely care about their subjects.
Leader trait politician Politician Time +5% Council Agenda Speed Time +10% Council Agenda Speed No Leader skill levels Level 2+ This leader has an affinity for politics, and is well-versed when it comes to fiery debates.

Authority traits[]

Authority traits are given to the empire ruler as long as the empire has a certain authority.

Trait Effects Authority Description
Leader trait imperial heir Imperial Ruler
  • Unknown +1 Additional Leader Trait Options
  • Upkeep Does not have any upkeep
Imperial Imperial This leader is the current ruler.
Leader trait ruler hive mind Hive Mind Mod leader age Immortal Auth hive mind Hive Mind This leader is the immortal nexus of the vast cognitive apparatus that constitutes a Hive Mind.
Leader trait machine intelligence Machine Intelligence Mod leader age Immortal Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence This leader is the core intelligence that oversees and directs actions in a Machine Empire.

Destiny traits[]

Trait Effects Required ethic Description
Leader trait master bureaucrat Master Bureaucrat
  • Upkeep −5% Leader Upkeep for all leaders
  • Mod empire size penalty mult −5% Empire Size Effect
  • Edict Fund +75 Edicts Fund
Having toiled as a bureaucrat, this leader is a master of paperwork. With everything correctly filed, more time can be devoted to their subordinates.
Leader trait educator Perceptive Mentor Unknown +1 Additional Leader Trait Options for all leaders Knowledge and experience are the foundation of every great society. This leader possesses these values and does everything to promote and encourage them in others.
Leader trait shroud preacher Shroud Preacher
  • Mod pop resource output +12.5% Resources from Psionic Pops if governing sector
  • Mod pop resource output +25% Resources from Psionic Pops if governing planet
  • Trait latent psionic species Every 10 years a pop gains the Latent Psionic trait
Spiritualist Spiritualist The Shroud encompasses every living being. Connected to the powers within, this leader fosters true devotion in their followers.
Leader trait mediator Xeno-Mediator
  • Happiness +1% Happiness per Species on Planet if governing sector
  • Amenities +1% Amenities per Species on Planet if governing sector
  • Happiness +2% Happiness per Species on Planet if governing planet
  • Amenities +2% Amenities per Species on Planet if governing planet
Xenophile Xenophile A skilled mediator is essential in highly diverse population centers. This leader knows how to defuse tension and efficiently manage a multi-species planet.

Negative traits[]

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Opposite Requirements Description
Leader trait arrested development Arrested Development Mod leader species exp gain −25% Leader Experience Gain Mod leader species exp gain −75% Leader Experience Gain The personal development and skills of this leader seem to have plateaued.
Leader trait destructive Controversial Reputation Alloys +5 Alloys Upkeep Alloys +10 Alloys Upkeep Many would be happy to see this leader go. Their mere presence hurts our cohesion.
Leader trait lavish lifestyle Lavish Lifestyle Energy Credits −10 Monthly Energy Credits Energy Credits −20 Monthly Energy Credits This leader has a weakness for beautiful, expensive things.
Leader trait melancholic Melancholic
  • Mod leader species exp gain −10% Leader Experience Gain
  • Mod leader age −10 Years Leader Lifespan if not immortal
  • Upkeep +15% Leader Upkeep if immortal
  • Mod leader species exp gain −20% Leader Experience Gain
  • Mod leader age −20 Years Leader Lifespan if not immortal
  • Upkeep +30% Leader Upkeep if immortal
This leader suffers extended bouts of sadness.
Leader trait stubborn Stubbornness Mod leader species exp gain −10% Leader Experience Gain
  • Unknown −1 Additional Leader Trait Options
  • Mod leader species exp gain −20% Leader Experience Gain
Leader trait adaptable Adaptionist This leader is stubborn and slow to accept new methods and ideas, even if they have proven superior.
Leader trait stubborn Fallible Unknown +1 Leader Maximum Negative Traits Unknown +3 Leader Maximum Negative Traits Mod country leader pool size Leader pool This leader is incapable of resisting temptation and can not stay out of trouble.
Leader trait excessive Excessive Consumer goods −5 Monthly Consumer Goods Consumer goods −10 Monthly Consumer Goods NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This leader indulges in hoarding goods for its personal use.
Leader trait substance abuser Substance Abuser Mod leader age −10 Years Leader Lifespan Mod leader age −30 Years Leader Lifespan Leader trait resilient Resilience NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This leader has fallen to substance abuse to cope with stress, which has had a detrimental effect on their physical health.

Negative governor traits[]

The following traits will only take effect if the leader is governing a sector or planet. Effects are doubled if the leader is governing a planet.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Opposite Requirements Notes Description
Leader trait sadistic Cruelty Stability −2.5 Stability Stability −5 Stability Leader trait righteous Righteous More common if Militarist Militarist This leader is harsh with their subordinates, affecting their ability to retain qualified colonial staff.
Leader trait procrastinator Procrastinator Mod planet building build speed mult −5% Planetary Build Speed Mod planet building build speed mult −15% Planetary Build Speed Leader trait architectural interest Architectural Interest More common if Sedentary Sedentary This leader prefers to spend their time on non-essential tasks.
Leader trait polluter Polluter Mod pop growth req −2 Pop Growth Speed Mod pop growth req −7 Pop Growth Speed NoAuth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence More common if Materialist Materialist This leader's blatant disregard for the environment worsens living conditions on the planet.
Leader trait corrupt Corrupt Job criminal +5 Crime Job criminal +15 Crime Leader trait martinet Martinet NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This leader is in the pocket of local gangs and pirates.
Leader trait corrupt Corrupted Drone Job criminal +5 Deviancy Job criminal +15 Deviancy Leader trait martinet Martinet Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This drone takes supplies from the hive for its individual use.
Leader trait insider trading Insider Trading Trade value −5% Trade Value Trade value −12.5% Trade Value 24pz Investor NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This leader is willing to employ less-than-legal trading practices to accumulate personal wealth.
Leader trait insider trading Inefficient Drone Output Mod pop resource output −2.5% Resources from Jobs Mod pop resource output −5% Resources from Jobs 24pz Optimization Drone Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This drone is an inefficient manager of planetary drones.
Leader trait profligate Wastefulness Consumer goods +5% Job Consumer Goods Upkeep Consumer goods +12% Job Consumer Goods Upkeep NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness More common if Wasteful Wasteful This leader is reckless in the storage and acquisition of goods and supplies.
Leader trait profligate Increased Drone Upkeep Amenities +5% Pop Amenities Usage Amenities +12% Pop Amenities Usage Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness More common if Wasteful Wasteful This drone has a deficiency that increases the upkeep of all other drones on the planet.

Negative councilor traits[]

The following traits will only take effect if the leader is part of the council.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Opposite Requirements Description
Leader trait embezzler Embezzler Energy Credits −5% Monthly Energy Credits Energy Credits −10% Monthly Energy Credits This leader does not believe anyone would notice if small amounts of credits go missing.
Leader trait passive Passive Time −10% Council Agenda Speed Time −20% Council Agenda Speed This leader has such a subdued personality, they are barely noticed.
Leader trait bureaucratic Bureaucratic Empire sprawl +5% Empire Size from Pops Empire sprawl +15% Empire Size from Pops NoAuthoritarian Authoritarian leader This leader believes proper processes and duplicated paper trails are the marks of a well-run empire.
Leader trait gullible Gullible Intel encryption −1 Encryption Intel encryption −2 Encryption NoXenophobe Xenophobe leader This leader believes almost anything they read from an official looking source.
Leader trait intolerant Intolerance Trust cap −10 Trust Cap Trust cap −30 Trust Cap Leader trait courtroom training Xenolinguist NoXenophile Xenophile leader This leader views anyone different from them with suspicion and distrust.
Leader trait reclusive Reclusive Diplomatic weight −5% Diplomatic Weight Diplomatic weight −15% Diplomatic Weight Leader trait master diplomat Master Diplomat NoXenophile Xenophile leader This leader does not like to be at the center of attention. Or to be the recipient of any attention at all, for that matter.
Leader trait volatile Volatile Unity −5% Monthly Unity Unity −10% Monthly Unity NoPacifist Pacifist leader This leader is infamous for their erratic temperament.
Leader trait tyrannical Tyrannical Happiness −5% Happiness Happiness −10% Happiness Trait ruler champion of the people Champion of the People This leader is known for treating their subordinates in cruel and oppressive ways.
Leader trait tyrannical Rationer Amenities −5% Amenities Amenities −10% Amenities Leader trait magnifying glass Feedback Loop Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This leader over-prioritizes rationing of resources.

Multiclass traits[]

Certain species traits, such as from ascensions, can add a trait to leaders from that species. These traits change their effects depending on the leader class. A leader can only have one of these traits.

Trait Immortal Effects Requirements
Admiral Commander Scientist Scientist Governor Official Ruler Ruler
Leader trait erudite Erudition No Unknown +1 Additional leader trait options Mod num tech alternatives add +1 Research alternatives Erudite Erudite species
Leader trait cyborg Cyborg No Trait cybernetic Cybernetic species
Leader trait synthetic Synth Yes Anomaly research speed +15% Anomaly research speed
  • Mod pop resource output +2.5% Worker pop resource output (sector)
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Worker pop resource output (planet)
Pop assembly speed +1 Monthly mechanical pop assembly Mechanical Mechanical species
Leader trait psionic leader Psychic No
  • Unity +5% Unity from jobs (sector)
  • Unity +10% Unity from jobs (planet)
Trait psionic species Psionic species
Leader trait ancient knowledge Ancient Knowledge No Yes Same as class Origins scion 1 Scion fallen empire gift
Leader trait scroll Ancestral Inheritance No
  • Mod leader age +25 Years leader lifespan
  • Engineering research +50 Monthly engineering research
  • Physics Research +50 Monthly physics research
  • Time −50% Time spent missing in action
  • Armor +30% Armor hardening
  • Shield +30% Shield hardening
  • Mod army morale +150% Army morale
  • Mod army health +75% Army health
  • Mod army collateral damage mult −85% Army collateral damage
  • Unknown +2 Planetary combat width
  • Mod leader age +25 Years leader lifespan
  • Research +40 Monthly research
  • Mod ship speed mult +25% Sublight speed
  • Time −50% Time spent missing in action
  • Time +75% Archaeology excavation speed
  • Mod leader age +25 Years leader lifespan
  • Society research +50 Monthly society research
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Specialist pop output (sector)
  • Upkeep −5% Upkeep from jobs (sector)
  • Archivist +2 Archivist jobs (sector)
  • Mod pop resource output +20% Specialist pop output (planet)
  • Upkeep −10% Upkeep from jobs (planet)
  • Archivist +4 Archivist jobs (planet)
Yes Same as class Archaeology map icon Vagrosian Ruins site
Leader trait brainslugged Brain Slug Host No
  • Mod leader species exp gain +15% Councilor experience gain
  • Unknown +1 Additional leader trait options
  • Time +10% Council agenda speed
  • Mod leader species exp gain +15% Councilor experience gain
Distant Stars Abandoned Settlements anomaly
Leader trait psionic chosen one Chosen One Yes UtopiaOverlord Shroud event
Leader trait composer chosen Chosen of the Composer Yes
  • Mod ship science survey speed +25% Survey Speed
  • Volatile motes +2 Monthly Volatile Motes
  • Rare crystals +2 Monthly Rare Crystals
  • Exotic gases +2 Monthly Exotic Gases
  • Mod pop growth speed +2% Pop growth speed (sector)
  • Mod pop resource output +2.5% Resources from jobs (sector)
  • Mod pop growth speed +5% Pop growth speed (planet)
  • Mod pop resource output +5% Resources from jobs (planet)
  • Mod leader age +50 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Mod leader species exp gain +30% Leader Experience Gain
  • Menu icon leaders +1 Leader Capacity for each class
UtopiaOverlord Shroud covenant
Leader trait instrument chosen Chosen of the Instrument Yes
  • Mod ship speed mult +40% Sublight speed
  • Time −15% Hyper jump charge time
  • Unknown −25% Emergency FTL damage risk
  • Mod ship disengagement +35% Combat disengagement chance
Zro +2 Monthly Zro
  • Stability +2.5 Stability (planet)
  • Mod planet jobs slave produces mult +15% Slave pop output (planet)
  • Stability +5 Stability (planet)
  • Mod planet jobs slave produces mult +30% Slave pop output (planet)
  • Happiness +10% Happiness
  • Trade value +15% Trade value
UtopiaOverlord Shroud covenant
Leader trait eater chosen Chosen of the Eater Yes
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −15% System ship build cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult +25% System ship build speed
UtopiaOverlord Shroud covenant
Leader trait whisperers chosen Chosen of the Whisperers Yes
  • Spy network −15% Operations cost
  • Influence +1 Monthly influence
  • Intel encryption +1 Encryption
UtopiaOverlord Shroud covenant
Trait leader trait mind wipe Shroud Touched No
  • Icon archaeology +1 Archaeology skill
  • Time +20% Archaeology excavation speed
  • Mod planet building cost mult −15% Building cost
  • Mod planet building cost mult −15% District cost
  • Empire sprawl +10% Empire size
Overlord Shroud tunnel travel

Under One Rule traits[]

Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin offers a selection of unique traits for the ruler at the start of the game. Each government ethic gives the options of 3 unique traits: two positive and one negative. The ruler can have either one positive traits or two positive traits and one negative trait.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Empire ethics Description
Leader trait commanding presence Commanding Presence
  • Trade cat loyalty +0.4 Monthly Loyalty from Subjects
  • Diplomacy alliance +5 Diplomatic Acceptance
  • Trade cat loyalty +0.6 Monthly Loyalty from Subjects
  • Diplomacy alliance +10 Diplomatic Acceptance
  • Trade cat loyalty +1 Monthly Loyalty from Subjects
  • Diplomacy alliance +15 Diplomatic Acceptance
AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian Through the sheer willpower of our leader, we are able to extend our empire's agenda across space, and force others to heed our command.
Leader trait high king High King
  • Stability +3 Stability
  • Happiness +5% Ruler Happiness
  • Mod pop resource output +10% Ruler Pop Resource Output
  • Stability +5 Stability
  • Happiness +10% Ruler Happiness
  • Mod pop resource output +20% Ruler Pop Resource Output
  • Stability +8 Stability
  • Happiness +20% Ruler Happiness
  • Mod pop resource output +30% Ruler Pop Resource Output
AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian By blood and merit, this leader earned the respect and loyalty of the other noble houses.
Leader trait industry titan Titan of Industry
  • Pop resource minerals mult +10% Minerals from Jobs
  • Alloys +5% Alloys from Jobs
  • Consumer goods +5% Consumer Goods from Jobs
  • Pop resource minerals mult +15% Minerals from Jobs
  • Alloys +10% Alloys from Jobs
  • Consumer goods +10% Consumer Goods from Jobs
  • Pop resource minerals mult +30% Minerals from Jobs
  • Alloys +15% Alloys from Jobs
  • Consumer goods +15% Consumer Goods from Jobs
MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist This leader sees a healthy economy as the foundation of any great nation.
Leader trait great inventor Great Inventor
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult +5% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
  • Pop resource engineering research mult +0.5 Engineering from Roboticists
  • Amenities +1 Amenities from Roboticists
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult +10% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
  • Pop resource engineering research mult +1 Engineering from Roboticists
  • Amenities +2 Amenities from Roboticists
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult +15% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
  • Pop resource engineering research mult +2 Engineering from Roboticists
  • Amenities +3 Amenities from Roboticists
MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist This leader is a pioneer in robotics and our lead researcher in workforce automation.
Leader trait military leader Inspired General
  • Mod country command limit add +10 Fleet Command Limit
  • Mod navy size add +5% Naval Capacity
  • Mod leader species exp gain +75 Ship Starting Experience
  • Mod country command limit add +15 Fleet Command Limit
  • Mod navy size add +10% Naval Capacity
  • Mod leader species exp gain +150 Ship Starting Experience
  • Mod country command limit add +20 Fleet Command Limit
  • Mod navy size add +15% Naval Capacity
  • Mod leader species exp gain +300 Ship Starting Experience
MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist A brilliant military commander, loved by the troops.
Leader trait foe hammer Unwavering Aggressor
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Ship Fire Rate
  • Tracking +5 Tracking
  • Tracking +5 Chance to Hit
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Ship Fire Rate
  • Tracking +7 Tracking
  • Tracking +7 Chance to Hit
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Ship Fire Rate
  • Tracking +10 Tracking
  • Tracking +10 Chance to Hit
MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist An expert in starship weapons systems, this leader brings invaluable knowledge to fleet warfare.
Leader trait autarky Autark
  • Amenities +5% Amenities
  • Pop resource food mult +10% Food from Jobs
  • Trade protection +10 Trade Protection
  • Amenities +10% Amenities
  • Pop resource food mult +15% Food from Jobs
  • Trade protection +15 Trade Protection
  • Amenities +20% Amenities
  • Pop resource food mult +30% Food from Jobs
  • Trade protection +30 Trade Protection
PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist This leader will strive to ensure the nation's self-sufficiency.
Leader trait natural ruler Enlightened Ruler
  • Stability +2.5% Stability
  • Upkeep −5% Upkeep from Jobs
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +10% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • Stability +3.5% Stability
  • Upkeep −10% Upkeep from Jobs
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +20% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • Stability +5% Stability
  • Upkeep −20% Upkeep from Jobs
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +40% Governing Ethics Attraction
PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Charismatic, caring and selfless, this leader seeks to improve quality of life for all.
Leader trait pious ascet Pious Ascetic
  • Amenities −10% Pop Amenities Usage
  • Mod pop housing usage −10% Pop Housing Usage
  • Pop resource society research mult +0.5 Society from Priests
  • Amenities −15% Pop Amenities Usage
  • Mod pop housing usage −15% Pop Housing Usage
  • Pop resource society research mult +1 Society from Priests
  • Amenities −20% Pop Amenities Usage
  • Mod pop housing usage −20% Pop Housing Usage
  • Pop resource society research mult +2 Society from Priests
SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist This leader is a model of self-discipline, and an inspiration to all.
Leader trait great teacher Wise Mentor
  • Menu icon leaders +1 Leader Capacity for each class
  • Mod leader species exp gain +10% Leader Experience Gain
  • Upkeep −10% Leader Upkeep
  • Menu icon leaders +1 Leader Capacity for each class
  • Mod leader species exp gain +15% Leader Experience Gain
  • Upkeep −15% Leader Upkeep
  • Menu icon leaders +1 Leader Capacity for each class
  • Mod leader species exp gain +25% Leader Experience Gain
  • Upkeep −25% Leader Upkeep
SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist This leader displays exceptional educational skills, and will help others to reach their full potential.
Leader trait scientific diplomacy Brain Poacher
  • Diplomatic weight +10% Diplomatic Weight from Tech
  • Mod country all tech research speed +5% Research Speed
  • Research +3 Research per Migration Treaty
  • Diplomatic weight +15% Diplomatic Weight from Tech
  • Mod country all tech research speed +7.5% Research Speed
  • Research +9 Research per Migration Treaty
  • Diplomatic weight +20% Diplomatic Weight from Tech
  • Mod country all tech research speed +10% Research Speed
  • Research +18 Research per Migration Treaty
XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile By offering the best, we can attract the brightest minds. This leader specializes in the recruitment of qualified personnel.
Leader trait gunboat diplomat Gunboat Diplomacy
  • Diplomatic weight +10% Diplomatic Weight from Fleet Power
  • Influence +0.25 Max Influence from Power Projection
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −5% Ship Upkeep
  • Diplomatic weight +15% Diplomatic Weight from Fleet Power
  • Influence +0.5 Max Influence from Power Projection
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −10% Ship Upkeep
  • Diplomatic weight +25% Diplomatic Weight from Fleet Power
  • Influence +1 Max Influence from Power Projection
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −20% Ship Upkeep
XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile This leader favors displays of power. A well-placed threat is sometimes worth a thousand words.
Leader trait evervigilant Ever Vigilant
  • Envoy +1 Available Envoys
  • Intel decryption +1 Codebreaking
  • Intel encryption +1 Encryption
  • Envoy +1 Available Envoys
  • Intel decryption +2 Codebreaking
  • Intel encryption +2 Encryption
  • Envoy +1 Available Envoys
  • Intel decryption +2 Codebreaking
  • Intel encryption +4 Encryption
XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe This leader is extremely rigorous with security and encryption protocols, and personally oversees our intelligence department.
Leader trait genetic purist Genome Artist
  • Trait Point +1 Gene Modification Points
  • Mod country modify species cost mult −10% Modify Species Special Project Cost
  • Upkeep −5% Pop Upkeep
  • Trait Point +1 Gene Modification Points
  • Mod country modify species cost mult −20% Modify Species Special Project Cost
  • Upkeep −15% Pop Upkeep
  • Trait Point +1 Gene Modification Points
  • Mod country modify species cost mult −40% Modify Species Special Project Cost
  • Upkeep −30% Pop Upkeep
XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe This leader's flair for genetic manipulation is legendary.

Negative traits[]

Trait Effects Empire ethics Description
Leader trait absent minded Absent-Minded
  • Mod pop resource output −10% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Upkeep +20 Researcher Upkeep
SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist This leader is easily distracted and often forgets about less important tasks.
Leader trait unfriendly Blunt
  • Envoy −1 Available Envoys
  • Diplomatic weight −25% Diplomatic Weight
XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe Callous and very direct, this leader regularly makes diplomatic blunders.
Leader trait harsh ruler Brutal
  • Job criminal +20 Crime
  • Happiness −2.5% Happiness from Enforcers and Telepaths
AuthoritarianFanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian This leader's answer to any issue is brutal oppression, which alienates the local population.
Leader trait tyranny of merit Elitist
  • Upkeep +30% Leader Upkeep
  • Amenities +20% Pop Amenities Usage
MaterialistFanatic Materialist Materialist This leader abhors mediocrity, often dismissing talented people for even the slightest mistake.
Leader trait fearful Fearful
  • Mod navy size add −10% Naval Capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult +15% Ship Upkeep
PacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist Terrified of risks, this leader is overly cautious, and implements excessive checks and redundancies in their workflow.
Leader trait naive Naive
  • Intel encryption −2 Encryption
  • Upkeep +15% Pop Upkeep
XenophileFanatic Xenophile Xenophile This leader is too trusting and forgiving. Others find it easy to abuse these qualities.
Leader trait warmonger Warmonger
  • Happiness −10% Citizen Pop Happiness
  • Trade protection −20 Trade Protection
MilitaristFanatic Militarist Militarist Provocative and adversarial, this leader enjoys conflict, be it social or martial.


The starting ruler of empires that have the Origins under one rule Under One Rule origin will have the Luminary trait. Some of its effects will grow when the following things happen:

  • Forming a Federation
  • Subjugating an empire
  • Winning a war
  • Situation events
  • Nemesis Becoming Custodian
  • Nemesis Becoming Galactic Emperor

Based on choices taken during the situations that take place during the origin, it is possible for the ruler to gain a second trait depending on whether the empire finished an ascension tradition tree.

Trait Effects Upkeep Requirements Description
Leader trait legendary leader Luminary
  • Mod leader age +40 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Stability +0.75 Stability per Luminary Growth Point
  • Unity +1.5% Unity from Jobs per Luminary Growth Point
Regular The Unification Wars were a brutal affair. In the end, [leader name] brought peace and purpose to us all. The Unifier is the living symbol of what our species can achieve, and an inspiration to all.
Leader trait delusional tyrant Paranoid Tyrant
  • Stability +0.5 Stability
  • Job criminal −1 Crime
  • Unity −0.5% Unity from Jobs
  • Happiness −1% Happiness
Regular Navbar icons situation Reformists Demands situation This leader's paranoid delusions are driving them towards isolation.
Leader trait automation champion Apparatus Bound Mod leader age Immortal Energy Credits +50 Energy No Finished any ascension tradition tree Immortality, but at what cost? This leader is bound to a cumbersome life-sustaining apparatus in the council chambers.
Leader trait cyborg Endless Upgrades
  • Mod leader age Immortal
  • Mod country leader pool size +1 Leader Pool Size
  • Menu icon leaders +1 Leader Capacity for each class
  • Upkeep −25% Leader Upkeep
  • Cost +10% Leader Cost
  • Mod leader species exp gain −25% Leader Experience Gain
Energy Credits +50 Energy Tradition icon cybernetics Finished the Cybernetic tradition tree Immortality is achievable. Due to several advanced upgrades, this leader can sync directly with every high-level cybernetic administrator. However, this does limit their ability to learn independently.
Leader trait genetic purist Genetic Perfection
  • Mod leader age Immortal
  • Trait Point +1 Gene Modification Points
  • Trait Point +1 Organic Species Trait Picks
  • Mod country modify species cost mult −15% Modify Species Special Project Cost
  • Mod pop growth req −15% Pop Growth Speed
Food +100 Food Tradition icon genetics Finished the Genetic tradition tree An endless series of clones has granted this leader immortality. Should the current sleeve become damaged or obsolete, a dozen more are ready to take its place. This has led to an obsession with genetic perfection.
Leader trait synthetic Synthetic Awareness
  • Mod leader age Immortal
  • Mod pop resource output +25% Resources from jobs
  • Mod pop ethics shift speed +25% Ethics Shift Chance
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult +1 Monthly Mechanical Pop Assembly
  • Happiness −15% Happiness
Alloys +25 Alloys Tradition icon synthetics Finished the Synthetic tradition tree This leader's synthetic body is the epitome of the roboticist's art. Quantum processing grants a direct connection with the meta-continuousness of the people. While boosting efficiency, the effects do not bode well for those altered.
Leader trait psionic leader The Passenger
  • Mod leader age Immortal
  • Influence +2 Monthly Influence
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction +10% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • Job criminal −20 Crime
  • Intel encryption +2 Encryption
  • Intel decryption +2 Codebreaking
Zro +3 Zro Tradition icon psionics Finished the Psionic tradition tree The price of immortality is high... The Shroud Entity left a doorway in the mind of this leader. The Entity has gained a foothold in our realm, and the leader must be supplied with a constant supply of Zro.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs