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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

This page lists traits specific to the Admiral Commander class and its sub-classes only. For common traits please see leader traits.

Traits represent the background, education or personality of a leader. Most traits can be upgraded. The way in which leaders gain or upgrade traits depends on whether the Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is enabled:

  • If the DLC is enabled:
    • Leaders are able to select a trait to gain or upgrade every time they level up.
    • At level 4, they can choose a Veteran Class and, at level 8, they can choose a Destiny Trait.
    • Veteran traits are in the pool of possible traits, but only for the chosen Veteran Class.
  • If the DLC is not enabled:
    • Leaders gain or upgrade a random trait every 2 levels.
    • Veteran trait pools are turned off, as the leaders do not use Veteran Classes.
    • A number traits are available only if the DLC is not enabled.

Common traits[]

The following traits can be obtained by all commanders.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Opposite Requirements Notes
Leader trait butcher Butcher
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Army Damage if assigned to armies
  • Mod army collateral damage mult +33% Army Collateral Damage if assigned to armies
  • Mod army damage mult +15% Army Damage if assigned to armies
  • Mod army collateral damage mult +50% Army Collateral Damage if assigned to armies
  • Leader trait armchair commander Armchair Commander
  • Leader trait restrained Carefulness
Leader trait restrained Carefulness
  • Orbital bombardment damage −5% Orbital Bombardment Pop Damage if assigned to fleet
  • Mod ship disengagement +10% Army Disengagement Chance if assigned to armies
  • Mod army collateral damage mult −25% Army Collateral Damage if assigned to armies
  • Orbital bombardment damage −15% Orbital Bombardment Pop Damage if assigned to fleet
  • Mod ship disengagement +15% Army Disengagement Chance if assigned to armies
  • Mod army collateral damage mult −35% Army Collateral Damage if assigned to armies
  • Leader trait butcher Butcher
  • Leader trait victory or death Indifference
  • More common if Subclass invader large General
  • More common if Pacifist Pacifist
Leader trait enlister Enlister
  • Mod army build speed mult +5% Army Build Speed if assigned to sector
  • Mod planet army build cost mult −5% Army Cost if assigned to sector
  • Mod army build speed mult +10% Army Build Speed if assigned to planet
  • Mod planet army build cost mult −10% Army Cost if assigned to planet
  • Job soldier +1 Soldier Jobs if assigned to planet
  • Mod army build speed mult +10% Army Build Speed if assigned to sector
  • Mod planet army build cost mult −10% Army Cost if assigned to sector
  • Job soldier +1 Soldier Jobs if assigned to sector
  • Mod army build speed mult +20% Army Build Speed if assigned to planet
  • Mod planet army build cost mult −20% Army Cost if assigned to planet
  • Job soldier +2 Soldier Jobs if assigned to planet
Leader trait iron fist Iron Fist
  • Mod planet jobs slave produces mult +5% Slave Pop Resource Output if assigned to sector
  • Mod planet jobs slave produces mult +10% Slave Pop Resource Output if assigned to planet
  • Mod planet jobs slave produces mult +10% Slave Pop Resource Output if assigned to sector
  • Mod planet jobs slave produces mult +20% Slave Pop Resource Output if assigned to planet
The following traits affect the assigned military fleet
Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Opposite Requirements Notes
Leader trait aggressive Aggressiveness Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +5% Ship Weapons Damage
Leader trait cautious Prudence NoRuler Ruler
Leader trait engineer Engineer
  • Mod ship hull regen +0.2% Daily Hull Regen
  • Mod ship hull regen +0.5% Daily Armor Regen
  • Mod ship hull regen +0.5% Daily Hull Regen
  • Mod ship hull regen +1% Daily Armor Regen
NoRuler Ruler More common if Subclass tactician large Tactician
Leader trait cautious Prudence Mod ship weapon damage +15% Ship Weapons Range
  • Mod ship weapon damage +20% Ship Weapons Range
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +5% Ship Hull Points
Leader trait aggressive Aggressiveness NoRuler Ruler
Leader trait trickster Trickster
  • Mod ship disengagement +20% Combat Disengagement Chance
  • Mod ship disengagement −15% Emergency FTL Damage Risk
  • Mod ship disengagement +40% Combat Disengagement Chance
  • Mod ship disengagement −20% Emergency FTL Damage Risk
  • Fleet cloaked +1 Cloaking Strength with First Contact First Contact DLC
  • Leader trait reckless Reckless
  • Leader trait unyielding Unyielding
NoRuler Ruler
Leader trait unyielding Unyielding
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +15% Ship Hull Points
  • Mod ship disengagement −33% Combat Disengagement Chance
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +20% Ship Hull Points
  • Mod ship disengagement −20% Combat Disengagement Chance
  • Leader trait nervous Anxiety
  • Leader trait slipshod Negligence
  • Leader trait trickster Trickster
NoRuler Ruler

Councilor traits[]

The following traits will only take effect if the leader is part of the council. Some of them are available for the starting ruler in the empire creation menu.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Empire creation selectable Opposite Description
Leader trait fleet organizer Fleet Organizer Mod navy size add +5% Naval Capacity Mod navy size add +15% Naval Capacity Yes Leader trait nervous Anxiety This leader is an expert at organization, having the necessary micromanagement skills to command very large starship formations.
Leader trait warlike Hostility
  • Mod ship weapon damage +5% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod army damage mult +5% Army Damage
  • Mod ship weapon damage +7.5% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod army damage mult +15% Army Damage
Yes This leader does not shy away from conflict.
Leader trait defence engineer Defense Engineer
  • Damage +5% Defense Platform Damage
  • Health +10% Defense Platform Hull Points
  • Damage +15% Defense Platform Damage
  • Health +10% Defense Platform Hull Points
No This leader focuses on making orbital defenses into an impenetrable wall of death against potential invasion forces.
Leader trait skirmisher Skirmisher
  • Mod ship weapon damage +2.5% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod ship speed mult +10% Sublight Speed
  • Mod ship weapon damage +5% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod ship speed mult +15% Sublight Speed
No This leader prefers to skirmish against their opponents before engaging them in fair combat.

Non-DLC traits[]

If the Galactic Paragons Galactic Paragons DLC is not enabled, then the following traits will be in the game, otherwise they will be removed.

Trait Effects Scope Councilor trait Opposite Required rechnology Description
Trait ruler corvette focus Corvette Production Focus Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −30% Corvette Build Cost Empire Yes
  • Trait ruler destroyer focus Destroyer Focus
  • Trait ruler cruiser focus Cruiser Focus
  • Trait ruler battleship focus Battleship Focus
Destroyers Destroyers This leader is intent on promoting the construction of Corvettes.
Trait ruler destroyer focus Destroyer Production Focus Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −30% Destroyer Build Cost Empire Yes
  • Trait ruler corvette focus Corvette Focus
  • Trait ruler cruiser focus Cruiser Focus
  • Trait ruler battleship focus Battleship Focus
Destroyers Destroyers This leader is intent on promoting the construction of Destroyers.
Trait ruler cruiser focus Cruiser Production Focus Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −30% Cruiser Build Cost Empire Yes
  • Trait ruler corvette focus Corvette Focus
  • Trait ruler destroyer focus Destroyer Focus
  • Trait ruler battleship focus Battleship Focus
Tech cruisers Cruisers This leader is intent on promoting the construction of Cruisers.
Trait ruler battleship focus Battleship Production Focus Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −30% Battleship Build Cost Empire Yes
  • Trait ruler corvette focus Corvette Focus
  • Trait ruler destroyer focus Destroyer Focus
  • Trait ruler cruiser focus Cruiser Focus
Tech battleships Battleships This leader is intent on promoting the construction of Battleships.
Leader trait fleet logistician Fleet Logistician Mod ship upkeep mult −15% Ship Upkeep Assignment No This leader has mastered the field of logistics, and knows how to manage supplies to keep upkeep costs down.

Negative traits[]

All negative traits only apply if the leader is assigned to a fleet. They have a small chance to appear after a defeat and vanish after a victory.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Opposite Requirements Notes Description
Leader trait disorganized Disorder Mod army upkeep mult +40% Army Upkeep Mod army upkeep mult +100% Army Upkeep More common if Trait unruly Unruly This leader's lack of organizational skills causes their troops to function more like a war band than a proper military.
Leader trait micromanager Micromanager Fleet Size −10% Fleet Command Limit Fleet Size −30% Fleet Command Limit This leader can only control a limited fleet, as they demand to oversee every detail of its operation.
Leader trait slipshod Negligence
  • Mod ship shield hp mult −10% Shield Hit Points
  • Mod ship armor mult −10% Armor Hit Points
  • Mod ship shield hp mult −20% Shield Hit Points
  • Mod ship armor mult −20% Armor Hit Points
Leader trait unyielding Unyielding More common if Decadent Decadent This leader lacks the organizational skills to maintain their fleet to combat readiness.
Leader trait reckless Reckless Mod ship disengagement −20% Combat Disengagement Chance Mod ship disengagement −60% Combat Disengagement Chance Leader trait trickster Trickster More common if Trait unruly Unruly This leader is reckless and disregards any safety procedures during combat, pushing ships to their limit.
Leader trait slothful Sloth Mod army health −10% Army Health Mod army health −30% Army Health Leader trait hardy Hardiness This leader's reluctance to organize training drills affects their army's combat prowess.
Leader trait uninspiring Incoherence Mod army morale −15% Army Morale Mod army morale −40% Army Morale NoAuth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence This leader lacks charisma and makes no effort to reward or encourage, leaving their soldiers demotivated.
Leader trait nervous Anxiety Mod ship fire rate mult −5% Ship Fire Rate Mod ship fire rate mult −15% Ship Fire Rate
  • Leader trait fleet organizer Fleet Organizer
  • Leader trait unyielding Unyielding
NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This leader is nervous and apprehensive, and is easily overwhelmed commanding large formations of starships.
Leader trait lethargic Lethargic
  • Mod ship evasion mult −5% Evasion
  • Mod ship speed mult −5% Sublight Speed
  • Mod ship evasion mult −15% Evasion
  • Mod ship speed mult −15% Sublight Speed
Leader trait gale speed Gale-Speed NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This leader is slow and indolent, performing duties with little energy or initiative.
Leader trait armchair commander Armchair Commander
  • Mod army damage mult −5% Army Damage
  • Mod army morale −5% Army Morale
  • Mod army damage mult −20% Army Damage
  • Mod army morale −20% Army Morale
Leader trait butcher Butcher NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This leader commands from the rear, which demoralizes front-line troops.
Leader trait victory or death Indifference Mod ship disengagement −30% Army Disengagement Chance Mod ship disengagement −90% Army Disengagement Chance Leader trait restrained Carefulness NoPacifist Pacifist This leader has no respect for their soldiers' lives, willing to throw them away for honor and little else.

Admiral traits[]

The following traits are only available to the Subclass tactician large Admiral veteran class. As with the veteran class itself, all traits are only applied to the commander's assigned fleet.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Opposite Requirements
Leader trait artillerist Artillerist Mod ship weapon damage +7% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod ship weapon damage +10% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod ship tracking add +7% Tracking
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod ship tracking add +10% Tracking
  • Tracking +7% Accuracy
Leader trait commanding presence Commanding Presence Fleet Size +35 Fleet Command Limit Fleet Size +50 Fleet Command Limit Fleet Size +80 Fleet Command Limit
Leader trait corsair Material Liberator Energy Credits +6 Energy per Enemy Ship Destroyed Energy Credits +15 Energy per Enemy Ship Destroyed
  • Energy Credits +15 Energy per Enemy Ship Destroyed
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −20% Ship Upkeep
  • Fleet cloaked +1 Cloaking Strength with First Contact First Contact DLC
Leader trait shipbreaker Shipbreaker Alloys +3 Alloys per Enemy Ship Destroyed Alloys +8 Alloys per Enemy Ship Destroyed
  • Alloys +8 Alloys per Enemy Ship Destroyed
  • Mod ship armor mult +15% Armor Hardening
Leader trait scout Scout
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Sensor Range
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +2 Ship Hyperlane Detection Range
  • Time −10% Time Spent Missing In Action
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +2 Sensor Range
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +3 Ship Hyperlane Detection Range
  • Time −15% Time Spent Missing In Action
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +3 Sensor Range
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +4 Ship Hyperlane Detection Range
  • Time −25% Time Spent Missing In Action
Leader trait juryrigger Jury-Rigger
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +10% Random Ship HP Restored per Enemy Destroyed
  • Unknown −100% Chance to Spawn Debris
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +25% Random Ship HP Restored per Enemy Destroyed
  • Unknown −100% Chance to Spawn Debris
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +25% Random Ship HP Restored per Enemy Destroyed
  • Unknown −100% Chance to Spawn Debris
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +10% Ship Hull Points
Leader trait wrecker Wrecker
Leader trait wrecker Wrecker
  • Mod ship weapon damage +10% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Unknown −25% Chance to Spawn Debris
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Unknown −35% Chance to Spawn Debris
  • Mod ship weapon damage +25% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Unknown −50% Chance to Spawn Debris
Leader trait juryrigger Jury-Rigger
Leader trait gunship specialization Gunship Focus
  • Mod ship weapon damage +10% Small Slot Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Small Slot Weapon Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +5% Medium Slot Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +5% Medium Slot Weapon Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Small Slot Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Small Slot Weapon Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +10% Medium Slot Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Medium Slot Weapon Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +25% Small Slot Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +25% Small Slot Weapon Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Medium Slot Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Medium Slot Weapon Fire Rate
  • Leader trait artillery specialization Artillery Focus
  • Leader trait carrier specialization Carrier Focus
  • Leader trait rocketry specialization Guidance System Focus
Leader trait artillery specialization Artillery Focus
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Artillery Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship weapon damage +10% Ship Weapons Range
  • Mod ship weapon damage +20% Artillery Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Ship Weapons Range
  • Mod ship weapon damage +35% Artillery Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship weapon damage +35% Ship Weapons Range
  • Leader trait carrier specialization Carrier Focus
  • Leader trait rocketry specialization Guidance System Focus
  • Leader trait gunship specialization Gunship Focus
Destroyers Destroyers
Leader trait carrier specialization Carrier Focus
  • Mod ship weapon damage +10% Strike Craft Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Strike Craft Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +10% Ship Engagement Range
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Strike Craft Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Strike Craft Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Ship Engagement Range
  • Mod ship weapon damage +25% Strike Craft Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +25% Strike Craft Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +25% Ship Engagement Range
  • Leader trait artillery specialization Artillery Focus
  • Leader trait rocketry specialization Guidance System Focus
  • Leader trait gunship specialization Gunship Focus
Leader trait rocketry specialization Guidance System Focus
  • Mod ship weapon damage +10% Explosive Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Explosive Weapon Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Explosive Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Explosive Weapon Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +25% Explosive Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +25% Explosive Weapon Fire Rate
  • Leader trait artillery specialization Artillery Focus
  • Leader trait carrier specialization Carrier Focus
  • Leader trait gunship specialization Gunship Focus
Tech missiles 1 Nuclear Missiles
Leader trait archaeologist Archaeotech Focus
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Archaeotech Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Archaeotech Weapon Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +20% Archaeotech Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Archaeotech Weapon Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +35% Archaeotech Weapon Damage
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +35% Archaeotech Weapon Fire Rate
Ancient Relics Ancient Relics

Commissioner traits[]

The following traits are only available to the Subclass protector large Commissioner veteran class. As with the veteran class itself, all traits are only applied to the commander's assigned sector or planet and effects are doubled if assigned to a planet.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Opposite Description
Leader trait conscripter Conscription Agent
  • Mod army build speed mult +5% Army Build Speed
  • Mod army starting experience add +37 Army Starting Experience
  • Mod army build speed mult +10% Army Build Speed
  • Mod army starting experience add +60 Army Starting Experience
  • Mod army build speed mult +20% Army Build Speed
  • Mod army starting experience add +100 Army Starting Experience
This leader knows how to handle recruits and streamline the process of enlisting new volunteers into the army.
Leader trait generator focus Generator Focused Pop resource energy mult +7.5% Energy from Jobs Pop resource energy mult +12.5% Energy from Jobs Pop resource energy mult +22.5% Energy from Jobs
  • Leader trait mining focus Mine Focused
  • Leader trait farming focus Agriculture Focused
"This leader has a keen understanding of energy generation processes, which allows them to see this facilities efficiently."
Leader trait mining focus Mine Focused Pop resource minerals mult +7.5% Minerals from Jobs Pop resource minerals mult +12.5% Minerals from Jobs Pop resource minerals mult +22.5% Minerals from Jobs
  • Leader trait generator focus Generator Focused
  • Leader trait farming focus Agriculture Focused
"This leader has a keen understanding of mining processes, which allows them to see this facilities efficiently. "
Leader trait farming focus Agriculture Focused Pop resource food mult +7.5% Food from Jobs Pop resource food mult +12.5% Food from Jobs Pop resource food mult +22.5% Food from Jobs
  • Leader trait generator focus Generator Focused
  • Leader trait mining focus Mine Focused
"This leader has a keen understanding of farming processes, which allows them to see this facilities efficiently. "
Leader trait reinforcer Reinforcer
  • Orbital bombardment damage −7% Orbital Bombardment Damage
  • Mod army damage mult +15% Defense Army Damage
  • Orbital bombardment damage −12% Orbital Bombardment Damage
  • Mod army damage mult +20% Defense Army Damage
  • FTL magnet Adds FTL inhibitor
  • Orbital bombardment damage −20% Orbital Bombardment Damage
  • Mod army damage mult +30% Defense Army Damage
  • FTL magnet Adds FTL inhibitor
This leader focuses on building emergency bomb shelters and reinforced bunkers in case of orbital bombardment.
Leader trait warden Warden Army defense +1 Planetary Defense Armies Army defense +2 Planetary Defense Armies Army defense +4 Planetary Defense Armies This leader likes to boost their forces with planetary volunteers and mercenaries.
Leader trait martinet Martinet Job criminal −5 Crime Job criminal −7 Crime Job criminal −10 Crime Leader trait lawless Corruption Managing planetary defenses means criminals have a hard time operating on the planet. This leader is especially troublesome for any potential gangs and dissidents.

General traits[]

The following traits are only available to the Subclass invader large General veteran class.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Requirements Description
Leader trait crusader Crusader
  • Unity +2 Unity per Enemy Ship Killed
  • Unity +25 Unity per Enemy Army Killed
  • Unity +8 Unity per Enemy Ship Killed
  • Unity +40 Unity per Enemy Army Killed
  • Unity +8 Unity per Enemy Ship Killed
  • Unity +40 Unity per Enemy Army Killed
  • Mod ship weapon damage +15% Fleet Damage to Rivals
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Army Damage
  • Mod army morale +25% Army Morale
This leader is focused on destroying our enemies. Their dedication to the cause is unwavering
Leader trait demolisher Demolisher Mod ship weapon damage +20% Damage vs Starbases Mod ship weapon damage +30% Damage vs Starbases Mod ship weapon damage +50% Damage vs Starbases This leader is exceptionally skilled at demolishing stationary defenses.
Leader trait dreaded Dreaded Mod army damage mult +15% Army Morale Damage Mod army damage mult +25% Army Morale Damage Mod army damage mult +50% Army Morale Damage This leader fills their enemies with dread.
Leader trait heavy hitter Heavy Hitter Mod army damage mult +10% Army Damage Mod army damage mult +15% Army Damage Mod army damage mult +30% Army Damage This leader employs rapid dominance during ground combat.
Leader trait interrogator Interrogator Intel +10 Intel on Enemy Empire per invasion win Intel +20 Intel on Enemy Empire per invasion win
  • Intel +30 Intel on Enemy Empire per invasion win
  • Mod army damage mult +15% Army Morale Damage
This leader will attempt to extract valuable information from enemy prisoners.
Leader trait surgical bombardment Surgical Bombardment
  • Orbital bombardment damage +25% Orbital Bombardment Army Damage
  • Orbital bombardment damage −50% Orbital Bombardment Pop Damage
  • Orbital bombardment damage +30% Orbital Bombardment Army Damage
  • Orbital bombardment damage −66% Orbital Bombardment Pop Damage
  • Orbital bombardment damage +50% Orbital Bombardment Army Damage
  • Orbital bombardment damage −75% Orbital Bombardment Pop Damage
This leader can identify valuable military targets with ease.
Leader trait annihilator Annihilator Orbital bombardment damage +75% Orbital Bombardment Damage Orbital bombardment damage +100% Orbital Bombardment Damage
  • Orbital bombardment damage +175% Orbital Bombardment Damage
  • Mod ship weapon damage +5% Ship Weapons Damage
NoPacifistFanatic Pacifist Pacifist This leader focuses on the quick destruction of planetary defenses.
Leader trait hardy Hardiness Mod army health +15% Army Health Mod army health +25% Army Health Mod army health +45% Army Health NoLeader trait slothfulSloth This leader conducts quality training exercises to ensure their troops are always in prime physical condition.

Strategist traits[]

The following traits are only available to the Subclass council large Strategist veteran class. As with the veteran class itself, all traits are only applied if the leader is part of the Council.

Trait Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Requirements Description
Leader trait armada logistician Armada Logistician Mod ship upkeep mult −5% Ship Upkeep
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −7.5% Ship Upkeep
  • Mod navy size add +2.5% Naval Capacity
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −10% Ship Upkeep
  • Mod navy size add +7.5% Naval Capacity
Proper logistics are at the heart of any armada. This leader knows this and maintains a strict regime to control all expenses and procure timely deliveries.
Trait ruler home in the sky Border Guard
  • Speed +10% Defense Platform Build Speed
  • Damage +15% Starbase Damage
  • Health +20% Starbase Hull Points
  • Speed +15% Defense Platform Build Speed
  • Damage +20% Starbase Damage
  • Health +25% Starbase Hull Points
  • Speed +30% Defense Platform Build Speed
  • Damage +30% Starbase Damage
  • Health +35% Starbase Hull Points
This leader believes that the best way to win the war is to maintain impenetrable border defenses.
Trait ruler fortifier Fortifier
  • Mod starbase upgrade cost −5% Starbase Upgrade Cost
  • Cost −5% Defense Platform Build Cost
  • Mod starbase upgrade cost −7.5% Starbase Upgrade Cost
  • Cost −7.5% Defense Platform Build Cost
  • Health +5% Starbase Hull Points
  • Health +5% Defense Platform Hull Points
  • Mod starbase upgrade cost −10% Starbase Upgrade Cost
  • Cost −10% Defense Platform Build Cost
  • Health +10% Starbase Hull Points
  • Health +10% Defense Platform Hull Points
This ruler understands the value in using military stations to secure territory.
Leader trait gale speed Gale-Speed Mod ship speed mult +5% Sublight Speed Mod ship speed mult +10% Sublight Speed Mod ship speed mult +15% Sublight Speed This leader believes that speed and rapid maneuvers are the keys to success in any space engagement.
Leader trait guardian Guardian
  • Damage +5% Defense Platform Damage
  • Health +5% Defense Platform Hull Points
  • Damage +10% Defense Platform Damage
  • Health +10% Defense Platform Hull Points
  • Damage +20% Defense Platform Damage
  • Health +20% Defense Platform Hull Points
This leader focuses on maintaining starbase defenses to bolster system security.
Leader trait home guard Home Guard Army defense +1 Planetary Defense Armies
  • Army defense +1 Planetary Defense Armies
  • Orbital bombardment damage −10% Orbital Bombardment Damage
  • Army defense +2 Planetary Defense Armies
  • Orbital bombardment damage −20% Orbital Bombardment Damage
This leader's elaborate planetary defense systems are a good preparation against enemy invasion.
Leader trait intimidator Intimidator Influence +0.35 Max Influence from Power Projection Influence +0.5 Max Influence from Power Projection Influence +0.75 Max Influence from Power Projection This leader possesses a grim presence, easily intimidating fearful enemies.
Trait ruler military pioneer Military Pioneer
  • Mod ship build speed mult +5% Ship Build Speed
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −5% Ship Build Cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult +10% Ship Build Speed
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −7.5% Ship Build Cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult +20% Ship Build Speed
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −10% Ship Build Cost
This leader is enthusiastic about advancements in military technology and ship construction.
Leader trait recruiter Recruiter
  • Mod army build speed mult +20% Army Build Speed
  • Mod planet army build cost mult −10% Army Cost
  • Mod army build speed mult +30% Army Build Speed
  • Mod planet army build cost mult −15% Army Cost
  • Mod army build speed mult +50% Army Build Speed
  • Mod planet army build cost mult −20% Army Cost
This leader is particularly charismatic, and fresh recruits are practically lining up to serve their nation.
Trait ruler from the ranks From the Ranks
  • Mod army starting experience add +20% Army Experience Gain
  • Mod army morale +10% Army Morale
  • Mod army starting experience add +30% Army Experience Gain
  • Mod army morale +15% Army Morale
  • Mod army starting experience add +50% Army Experience Gain
  • Mod army morale +25% Army Morale
NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This leader rose through the ranks of military command.
Trait ruler from the ranks Combat Knowledge
  • Mod army starting experience add +20% Army Experience Gain
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Army Damage
  • Mod army starting experience add +30% Army Experience Gain
  • Mod army damage mult +15% Army Damage
  • Mod army starting experience add +50% Army Experience Gain
  • Mod army damage mult +25% Army Damage
Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness This drone increases the efficiency and learning capability of all ground combat units.

Destiny traits[]

Requires the Subclass tactician large Admiral veteran class and applies its effects to the commander's assigned fleet:
Trait Effects Ethic Description
Leader trait supreme admiral Armada Commander
  • Fleet Size +50% Fleet Command Limit
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship speed mult −15% Sublight Speed
Yes Any Excelling at logistic and strategic planning, this commander is able to command fleets that would overburden their lesser peers.
Leader trait guerilla tactics Guerilla Tactician
  • Mod ship disengagement +2 Disengagement Opportunities
  • Mod ship evasion mult +10 Chance to Evade
  • Time −50% Time Spent Missing in Action
  • Fleet Size −25% Fleet Command Limit
  • Fleet cloaked +2 Cloaking Strength with First Contact First Contact DLC
  • Mod ship disengagement +50% Combat Disengagement Chance without First Contact First Contact DLC
Yes Any Large fleets are not always the best tool for the job. This commander is adept at commanding small units to outmaneuver slower or more numerous opponents.
Leader trait master gunner Master Gunner
  • Mod ship weapon damage +30% Ship Weapons Range
  • Mod ship tracking add +30% Tracking
  • Mod ship tracking add +30% Accuracy
Yes Any A commander with a heavy focus on weapons development, they always keep both their person and their guns in pristine working order.
Leader trait engineer Resilient Commander
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +25% Ship Hull Points
  • Mod ship hull regen +2% Daily Hull Regen
Yes Any In space warfare, any mistake can turn deadly. This leader insists on strict maintenance routines to keep the fleet in excellent condition.
Leader trait fanatic Fanatic Warlord
  • Mod ship weapon damage +150% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod ship shield hp mult −50% Shield Hit Points
  • Mod ship armor mult −50% Armor Hit Points
  • Mod ship hitpoints add −50% Hull Hit Points
Spiritualist Spiritualist Possessed by a fanatical urge to destroy their enemies in battle, this commander can approach a state of madness. Though highly effective in dealing out death, their recklessness often leads to high casualties on both sides.
Leader trait demolisher Hammer of the Empire
  • Mod ship weapon damage +30% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Damage +50% Damage vs Starbases
Militarist Militarist Known for hitting hard and hitting where it hurts, our enemies should fear the day when this commander joins the fray. Leading large fleets into battle with flawless efficiency and deadly acumen, few defensive perimeters stand a chance.
Leader trait survivalist Shield of the Empire
  • Mod ship evasion mult +45% Evasion in Friendly Systems
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +45% Ship Fire Rate in Friendly Systems
  • Mod ship shield hp mult +300 Shield Hit Points in Friendly Systems
Pacifist Pacifist The embodiment of a protector, this commander is a true mainstay on the front lines, obstructing any foes who dare to enter our territory.
Leader trait reverse engineer Tech Scavenger Menu icon technology +33% Chance to Steal Particles or Propulsion Technology per won battle Materialist Materialist Always keen on dissecting new and unknown technology, this commander possesses broad knowledge and a flexible mind, often learning on the job when encountering more advanced opponents.
Requires the Subclass protector large Commissioner veteran class, applies its effects to the commander's assigned sector or planet and effects are doubled if assigned to a planet:
Trait Effects Ethic Description
Leader trait taskmaster Grand Taskmaster
  • Mod army starting experience add +250 Army Starting Experience
  • Pop resource energy mult +1 Energy from Soldiers
  • Pop resource minerals mult +1 Minerals from Soldiers
  • Pop resource food mult +1 Food from Soldiers
Yes Any Taskmasters focus not only on strategy, but the minutia of every soldier's daily routine.
Leader trait academia recruiter Academic Recruiter
  • Pop resource engineering research mult +5% Engineering from Jobs
  • Pop resource engineering research mult +0.5 Engineering from Soldiers
  • Mod navy size add +2 Naval Capacity from Researchers
  • Alloys +0.5 Alloys Upkeep of Researchers
Materialist Materialist At our academic institutions, recruiters are extolling the virtues of military service to our best and brightest minds. The practical experience gained on the battlefield can't be taught in a classroom, and should lead to advances in engineering and technology.
Leader trait honored warmaster Honored Warmaster Job soldier +1 Soldier per 10 Pops Xenophile Xenophile Warmasters are commanders of renown. This leader instills pride and courage, making people eager to grab a weapon and enlist.
Leader trait planet Ruthless Developer
  • Pop cat worker +25% Worker Pop Resource Output
  • Pop cat slave +25% Slave Pop Resource Output
  • Upkeep −17.5% Pop Upkeep
  • Happiness −5% Happiness
  • Mod pop growth speed −2% Pop Growth Speed
Authoritarian Authoritarian With an iron hand and complete indifference toward safety regulations, this leader drives output at the cost of lowering life expectancy and the occasional mass strike. However, with the right amount of force, such nuisances are easily dealt with.
Requires the Subclass invader large General veteran class and applies its effects to the commander's assigned transport fleet:
Trait Effects Ethic Description
Leader trait fortress cracker Fortress Cracker
  • Mod ship weapon damage +30% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod ship weapon damage +50% Damage vs Starbases
  • Mod army damage mult +40% Army Damage
  • Mod army collateral damage mult +100% Army Collateral Damage
Yes Any It takes a combination of force, cunning, and experience to topple a well-designed defensive structure. This commander takes pleasure in the challenge and succeeds where others would give it up as a lost cause.
Leader trait supreme warrior Supreme Warrior
  • Mod army damage mult +33% Army Damage
  • Mod army morale +66% Army Morale
  • Mod army collateral damage mult −33% Army Collateral Damage
  • Unknown +15% Chance to Instantly Kill Hostile Army every 10 days in Ground Combat
Yes Any This leader is one of the few commanders to have attained this title. They lead their troops in person, inspiring allies and overwhelming even the toughest of foes.
Leader trait chainbreaker Chainbreaker Mod army morale +100% Army Morale Egalitarian Egalitarian No sentient being should be enslaved and exploited for the profit of others. This leader's reputation precedes them, with the enslaved and oppressed gladly taking up arms when called.
Leader trait pilferer Plundering Warlord
  • Minerals +100 Minerals per conquered Mining District
  • Energy Credits +100 Energy per conquered Generator District
  • Energy Credits +500 Energy per conquered Generator Segment
  • Food +100 Food per conquered Agriculture District
  • Food +500 Food per conquered Agriculture Segment
  • Research +25 Research per conquered Research District
  • Research +125 Research per conquered Research Segment
  • Alloys +50 Alloys per conquered Industrial District
  • Alloys +100 Alloys per conquered Foundry Arcology
  • Alloys +250 Alloys per conquered Industrial Segment
  • Consumer goods +50 Consumer Goods per conquered Industrial District
  • Consumer goods +100 Consumer Goods per conquered Factory Arcology
  • Consumer goods +250 Consumer Goods per conquered Industrial Segment
Xenophobe Xenophobe The richer the planet, the greater the spoils. This leader has a knack for extracting value at minimal cost.
Requires the Subclass council large Strategist veteran class and applies its effects if the commander is part of the empire council:
Trait Effects Ethic Description
Leader trait bellicose Esteemed Quartermaster
  • Mod navy size add +2 Naval Capacity per Soldier
  • Army defense +1 Defense Army per Soldier
Yes Any With a genius for logistics, this commander maintains the efficiency of military operations with deceptively simple solutions.
Leader trait armorer Genius Armorer
  • Shield +100 Shield Hit Points
  • Armor +100 Armor Hit Points
  • Shield +20% Shield Hardening
  • Armor +20% Armor Hardening
Yes Any This leader has devised new ways to harden armor. There are few weapons in the galaxy that can penetrate the hulls of ships constructed with their designs.
Leader trait maven of war Architect of War
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult −10% Military Ships Build Cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult +30% Military Ships Build Speed
  • Research speed (Engineering) +25% Voidcraft Research Speed
  • Voidcraft +50% Chance for Voidcraft Options
Militarist Militarist Holding this title is a great honor. Such a commander not only possesses vast knowledge of war, but is also a crucial link to colleagues in the science department.
Leader trait military overseer Military Overseer
  • Influence +2 Max Influence from Power Projection
  • Mod ship build speed mult +25% Military Ship Build Speed
  • Mod leader species exp gain +500 Ship Starting Experience
Authoritarian Authoritarian Naval organization is a difficult task, requiring careful planning and impeccable standards. This leader's experience is an invaluable asset in building an efficient navy.

Special traits[]

The following traits can only be obtained by events or special leaders. They only affect the leader's assigned fleet.

Trait Effects Source Description
Leader trait foredoomed to a rendezvous Foredoomed to a Rendezvous Mod ship speed mult +25% Sublight Speed Horizon Signal event chain Experienced a troubling future.
Leader trait clone soldier Clone Army Commander
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +25% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −10% Ship Upkeep
Trait clone soldier Clone Soldier species trait From its extensive military education, this leader understands how to maximize the efficiency of ships and soldiers alike.
Leader trait clone soldier ascendant Ascendant Clone Army Commander
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +35% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −20% Ship Upkeep
Trait clone soldier ascendant Clone Soldier Ascendant species trait Subjected since its creation to a military education regimen so intense few could endure it, this leader wields excellent martial and leadership abilities.
Leader trait clone soldier descendant Descendant Clone Army Commander
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship upkeep mult −5% Ship Upkeep
Trait clone soldier descendant Clone Soldier Descendant species trait From its specialized military education, this leader holds an above-average understanding of martial procedures and how best to optimize them.
Leader trait bulwark retaliator Bulwark Retaliator Mod ship fire rate mult +15% Ship Fire Rate in Friendly Systems Specialist subject bulwark Tier 2 Bulwark With a righteous commander at the helm, fleets stand ready to avenge any insult to our sovereignty.
Leader trait bulwark sentinel Bulwark Sentinel Mod ship shield hp mult +15% Shield Hit points in Friendly Systems Specialist subject bulwark Tier 2 Bulwark Courageous crews hold the line against invaders, ready to repel anyone foolish enough to invade our domain!
Leader trait bulwark watcher Bulwark Watcher
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Sensor Range
  • Mod ship evasion mult +15% Evasion in Friendly Systems
  • Mod ship tracking add +15% Tracking in Friendly Systems
Specialist subject bulwark Tier 2 Bulwark Vigilant crews stand ready to detect enemy fleets daring to attempt furtive and cowardly incursions.
Leader trait dragonslayer Dragonslayer
  • Mod ship speed mult +10% Sublight Speed
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Ship Fire Rate
  • Leviathans Defeating the Ether Drake
  • Aquatics Defeating the Sky Dragon
This commander has proven themselves in fierce combat.
Leader trait mercenary warrior Mercenary Warrior
  • Mod ship evasion mult +10% Evasion
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Army Damage
  • Apocalypse Marauder commanders
  • Overlord Mercenary enclave commanders
This leader hails from a space-based warrior culture, and has been taught unorthodox hit-and-run tactics from an early age.
Leader trait great khan The Great Khan
  • Mod ship evasion mult +30% Evasion
  • Mod ship speed mult +20% Sublight Speed
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +20% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +20% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod ship weapon damage +20% Ship Weapons Range
  • Mod ship hitpoints add +20% Ship Hull Points
  • Mod ship hull regen +10% Daily Hull Regen
  • Mod ship hull regen +10% Daily Armor Regen
Apocalypse The Great Khan The Great Khan is a charismatic leader, a brilliant tactician, and, if the rumors are true, a powerful psychic.
Leader trait enclave trader Caravan Counter Mod ship disengagement −10% Emergency FTL Damage Risk MegaCorp Commander's fleet destroyed a Caravan This leader has ample experience stopping the flighty Caravaneer fleets dead in their tracks.

Crisis traits[]

The following traits are only found on commanders used by crises or factions that fight them.

Trait Effects Species Description
Leader trait hive affinity Hive Affinity Mod ship fire rate mult +20% Ship Fire Rate Alien Swarm Prethoryn Scourge The Prethoryn creatures operating under this fleet consciousness have managed to attain an unusual level of affinity to one another. Their firing discipline has greatly improved, leading to a higher rate of fire.
Leader trait void swimmer Void Hunter Mod ship speed mult +20% Sublight Speed Alien Swarm Prethoryn Scourge vanguard The hunting instincts of this fleet consciousness has driven the Prethoryn creatures under its dominion into a frenzy. Their eagerness for battle drives them ever forward.
Leader trait sentinel Sentinel Training Mod ship weapon damage +20% Damage to Prethoryn Creatures Unknown Sentinels commanders Sentinel fleet commanders possess detailed knowledge of Prethoryn anatomy and tactics.
Leader trait dimensional stutter Dimensional Stutter Mod ship speed mult +20% Sublight Speed Alien extradimensional 01Alien extradimensional 02Alien extradimensional 03 Extradimensional invaders For unknown reasons, the vessels under the command of this extradimensional fleet lord seem to rapidly stutter in and out of existence as they move, which has the effect of increasing their sublight speeds.
Leader trait ethereal Ethereal Mod ship evasion mult +20% Evasion Alien extradimensional 01Alien extradimensional 02Alien extradimensional 03 Extradimensional invaders portal Some extradimensional fleet lords have learned to use the ethereal nature of their vessels to greatly enhance their evasive capabilities in combat.
Leader trait cybrex databases Cybrex Databases
  • Mod ship weapon damage +20% Damage to the Contingency
  • Mod ship evasion mult +10% Evasion
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Ship Fire Rate
Unknown Cybrex This Cybrex leader is equipped with ancient tactical databases from their civilization's violent past.

Paragon traits[]

The following traits are only present on certain paragons.

Trait Effects Paragon Description
Leader trait hells heart Hell's Heart
  • Mod ship fire rate mult +10% Ship Fire Rate
  • Mod ship weapon damage +10% Ship Weapons Damage
  • Mod ship speed mult +10% Sublight Speed
  • Unknown +50% Material Liberator and Shipbreaker rewards
  • Mod ship evasion mult −5% Evasion
  • Mod ship disengagement −33% Combat Disengagement Chance
Distant Stars Reth Unddol When it comes to warfare, this leader is mercilessly obsessive, and singular in purpose.
Leader trait warform Corrosive Survivor
  • Mod ship hull regen +5% Daily Hull Regen
  • Mod ship armor mult +15% Armor Hardening
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +1 Sensor Range
  • Mod planet sensor range mult +2 Ship Hyperlane Detection Range
Distant Stars S875.1 Warform The blessing of the Animator of Clay has allowed the warform to survive in the most hostile conditions, and adapt to its corrosive environment.
Leader trait energy weapon specialist Energy Weapon Specialist
  • Combat stat damage energy +10% Energy Weapon Damage
  • Combat stat damage energy +10% Energy Weapon Fire Rate
Galactic Paragons The Beholder The calculations and precise focusing it takes to properly calibrate energy weapons can be incredibly time consuming, but such skills come naturally to this commander.
Leader trait pilferer Tzynn Tithe
  • Mod army damage mult +10% Army Morale Damage
  • Mod army collateral damage mult −20% Army Collateral Damage
  • Pop cat slave +30% Chance to Abduct Pops as Slaves per invasion win
Galactic Paragons Gia'Zumon On Tzynnia it is customary for the winner of any conflict to take a third of whatever the loser values most. Gia'Zumon keeps this tradition alive.
Leader trait spacebender Spacebender
  • Astral threads +10 Monthly Astral Threads
  • Fleet action button jump +50% Jump Drive Range
  • Time −90% Jump Drive Cooldown
  • Yes No upkeep
Astral Planes zadigal Deeply attuned to the spaces between space, this leader is capable of slipping easily across galaxies.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs