Requires the Admiral veteran class and applies its effects to the commander's assigned fleet:
Armada Commander
+50% Fleet Command Limit
+10% Ship Fire Rate
−15% Sublight Speed
Excelling at logistic and strategic planning, this commander is able to command fleets that would overburden their lesser peers.
Guerilla Tactician
+2 Disengagement Opportunities
+10 Chance to Evade
−50% Time Spent Missing in Action
−25% Fleet Command Limit
+2 Cloaking Strength with First Contact DLC
+50% Combat Disengagement Chance without First Contact DLC
Large fleets are not always the best tool for the job. This commander is adept at commanding small units to outmaneuver slower or more numerous opponents.
Master Gunner
+30% Ship Weapons Range
+30% Tracking
+30% Accuracy
A commander with a heavy focus on weapons development, they always keep both their person and their guns in pristine working order.
Resilient Commander
+25% Ship Hull Points
+2% Daily Hull Regen
In space warfare, any mistake can turn deadly. This leader insists on strict maintenance routines to keep the fleet in excellent condition.
Fanatic Warlord
+150% Ship Weapons Damage
−50% Shield Hit Points
−50% Armor Hit Points
−50% Hull Hit Points
Possessed by a fanatical urge to destroy their enemies in battle, this commander can approach a state of madness. Though highly effective in dealing out death, their recklessness often leads to high casualties on both sides.
Hammer of the Empire
+30% Ship Weapons Damage
+50% Damage vs Starbases
Known for hitting hard and hitting where it hurts, our enemies should fear the day when this commander joins the fray. Leading large fleets into battle with flawless efficiency and deadly acumen, few defensive perimeters stand a chance.
Shield of the Empire
+45% Evasion in Friendly Systems
+45% Ship Fire Rate in Friendly Systems
+300 Shield Hit Points in Friendly Systems
The embodiment of a protector, this commander is a true mainstay on the front lines, obstructing any foes who dare to enter our territory.
Tech Scavenger
+33% Chance to Steal Particles or Propulsion Technology per won battle
Always keen on dissecting new and unknown technology, this commander possesses broad knowledge and a flexible mind, often learning on the job when encountering more advanced opponents.
Requires the Commissioner veteran class, applies its effects to the commander's assigned sector or planet and effects are doubled if assigned to a planet:
Grand Taskmaster
+250 Army Starting Experience
+1 Energy from Soldiers
+1 Minerals from Soldiers
+1 Food from Soldiers
Taskmasters focus not only on strategy, but the minutia of every soldier's daily routine.
Academic Recruiter
+5% Engineering from Jobs
+0.5 Engineering from Soldiers
+2 Naval Capacity from Researchers
+0.5 Alloys Upkeep of Researchers
At our academic institutions, recruiters are extolling the virtues of military service to our best and brightest minds. The practical experience gained on the battlefield can't be taught in a classroom, and should lead to advances in engineering and technology.
Honored Warmaster
+1 Soldier per 10 Pops
Warmasters are commanders of renown. This leader instills pride and courage, making people eager to grab a weapon and enlist.
Ruthless Developer
+25% Worker Pop Resource Output
+25% Slave Pop Resource Output
−17.5% Pop Upkeep
−5% Happiness
−2% Pop Growth Speed
With an iron hand and complete indifference toward safety regulations, this leader drives output at the cost of lowering life expectancy and the occasional mass strike. However, with the right amount of force, such nuisances are easily dealt with.
Requires the General veteran class and applies its effects to the commander's assigned transport fleet:
Fortress Cracker
+30% Ship Weapons Damage
+50% Damage vs Starbases
+40% Army Damage
+100% Army Collateral Damage
It takes a combination of force, cunning, and experience to topple a well-designed defensive structure. This commander takes pleasure in the challenge and succeeds where others would give it up as a lost cause.
Supreme Warrior
+33% Army Damage
+66% Army Morale
−33% Army Collateral Damage
+15% Chance to Instantly Kill Hostile Army every 10 days in Ground Combat
This leader is one of the few commanders to have attained this title. They lead their troops in person, inspiring allies and overwhelming even the toughest of foes.
+100% Army Morale
No sentient being should be enslaved and exploited for the profit of others. This leader's reputation precedes them, with the enslaved and oppressed gladly taking up arms when called.
Plundering Warlord
+100 Minerals per conquered Mining District
+100 Energy per conquered Generator District
+500 Energy per conquered Generator Segment
+100 Food per conquered Agriculture District
+500 Food per conquered Agriculture Segment
+25 Research per conquered Research District
+125 Research per conquered Research Segment
+50 Alloys per conquered Industrial District
+100 Alloys per conquered Foundry Arcology
+250 Alloys per conquered Industrial Segment
+50 Consumer Goods per conquered Industrial District
+100 Consumer Goods per conquered Factory Arcology
+250 Consumer Goods per conquered Industrial Segment
The richer the planet, the greater the spoils. This leader has a knack for extracting value at minimal cost.
Requires the Strategist veteran class and applies its effects if the commander is part of the empire council:
Esteemed Quartermaster
+2 Naval Capacity per Soldier
+1 Defense Army per Soldier
With a genius for logistics, this commander maintains the efficiency of military operations with deceptively simple solutions.
Genius Armorer
+100 Shield Hit Points
+100 Armor Hit Points
+20% Shield Hardening
+20% Armor Hardening
This leader has devised new ways to harden armor. There are few weapons in the galaxy that can penetrate the hulls of ships constructed with their designs.
Architect of War
−10% Military Ships Build Cost
+30% Military Ships Build Speed
+25% Voidcraft Research Speed
+50% Chance for Voidcraft Options
Holding this title is a great honor. Such a commander not only possesses vast knowledge of war, but is also a crucial link to colleagues in the science department.
Military Overseer
+2 Max Influence from Power Projection
+25% Military Ship Build Speed
+500 Ship Starting Experience
Naval organization is a difficult task, requiring careful planning and impeccable standards. This leader's experience is an invaluable asset in building an efficient navy.