Council position
Cutthroat Politics
Prime Speaker
The political system in this society is renowned for its intrigue. Power struggles, shady backroom deals and cloak and dagger scheming are par for the course. Those who survive long enough to learn the game, however, tend to learn it well.
Efficient Bureaucracy
−20% Administrator category jobs upkeep
Bureaucrat and Priest category jobs produce Edict Fund equal to their Unity output
This society is renowned for its efficiency. Not only do the mag-trains run on time, but the colossal bureaucratic apparatus required to run an interstellar nation has been greatly streamlined.
Functional Architecture
Master Architect
This society is renowned for its simple yet functional architecture. There are those who would refer to this building style as boring or even depressing, but in most cases, concrete does the job just as well as any other building material.
Mining Guilds
+1 Minerals from Miner category jobs
Chairman of the Mines
Several large mining guilds have reached a dominant position in this society. The government relies heavily on their support.
Agrarian Idyll
+1 Housing from Generator, Mining and Agriculture districts
−1 Housing from City Districts
−5 Housing from City Segments
+2 Amenities from Farmers, Anglers, and Pearl Divers
+1 Building slot per every 4 Agriculture districts (+0.25 each)
Can research the Agrarian Utopias technology
 Cannot research the Anti-Gravity Engineering technology
 Cannot pick the Arcology Project ascension perk
Elder Farmer
A simple and peaceful life can often be the most rewarding. This agrarian society has, to a large extent, managed to avoid large-scale urbanization.
Aristocratic Elite
Lord Steward
This society has an entrenched nobility that occupies the upper echelons of society.
Beacon of Liberty
Protector of Liberty
This society is a shining beacon of light in a sea of darkness. Liberty and individual freedoms are held in the highest regard here.
Citizen Service
Chief of Service
Are you doing your part? Full citizenship and the political responsibility that comes with it is limited to those who have served a tour of duty in the military. Service guarantees citizenship.
Corporate Dominion
Chief Trade Officer
This society is dominated by a megacorporation that has completely supplanted the role of the state.
Corvée System
Employment Commissioner
This society considers it the absolute right of the state to decide where its citizens live and work.
Distinguished Admiralty
Lord High Admiral
The Fleet and the Admiralty have unusually prominent roles in this society, wielding a great deal of influence in political circles. They have the pick of the litter when it comes to new military recruits.
First Warden
 Relentless Industrialists
This society seeks to co-exist in harmony with nature. Great care is taken to preserve the environment and limit consumerism where possible.
Exalted Priesthood
+1 Unity from Priest category jobs
Capital Buildings replace some Politician jobs with High Priest jobs
To guard against heresy, this society is ruled by a religious council consisting of the wisest and most pious members of the clergy.
Feudal Society
+5% Subject naval capacity contribution
+25 Subjugation acceptance
+1 Subjects exempt from Divided Patronage
Can always Propose Subjugation
Cannot use Expansion Prohibited terms of agreement
Cannot use Limited Diplomacy terms of agreement
Cannot use No Subject Conflicts terms of agreement
Chief Herald of Arms
This society is organized in a feudal manner, with a monarch whose rule relies on powerful vassals that govern their territories with considerable autonomy.
Free Haven
Integration Facilitator
This society has a well-earned reputation as a free haven. The tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free - all are welcome here, regardless of their species or origin.
Idealistic Foundation
+10% Citizen pop happiness
Tribune of Rights
This society was founded on strong idealistic values. Whether the current government remains true to them or not, the people have not forgotten.
Imperial Cult
+100 Edict fund
+1 Priest Job on ruler's home planet
Prime Herald
This society has a dominant state religion where the ruler is worshiped as a living deity.
Inward Perfection
 Diplomatic restrictions 0
Start with the civic's council position unlocked
Commander of the Watch
This calm and pacifist society has little use for strangers who do not understand their way of life. More than anything, they would prefer to be left alone.
+1 Additional leader trait options
+10% Specialist pop resource output
Principal Instructor
Democratic or Oligarchic
An individual's social station or personal connections should have no bearing on their profession. The sole basis for advancement in this society is demonstrated ability and talent.
Nationalistic Zeal
Standard Bearer
A strong sense of nationalistic pride permeates all layers of this society.
Parliamentary System
+40% Faction unity gain
Factions will form within 3 months
Speaker of Parliament
The parliamentary system in this society encourages a free and lively debate. Currying favor with one of the dominant political factions can prove to be quite advantageous.
Philosopher King
+5 Effective Ruler skill
Lord Chancellor
Dictatorial or Imperial
It is not enough to simply rule. The Ship of State must be guided by a king that wields enough wisdom and knowledge to steer it true.
Police State
+5 Stability
+1 Unity from Enforcers and Telepaths
Chief of Secret Police
 Fanatic Egalitarian
To quash any traces of dissent, the population in this repressive society is carefully monitored and controlled by a large internal police force.
Shadow Council
−75% Election Cost
+10% Ruler pop resource output
+1 Codebreaking
Shadow Councilor
Unbeknownst to its own citizens, this society is actually manipulated from behind the scenes by a secretive shadow council. Appearances must be kept, but the tyranny of the majority should also be guarded against. After all, what if the fools vote for the wrong candidate?
Slaver Guilds
Labor Magistrate
Much of the true political power in this society rests with a number of powerful and ruthless slaver guilds. They know how to get the most out of a slave.
+1 Research alternatives
Capital Buildings replace some Politician jobs with Science Director jobs
Scientists start with a random Expertise trait
Expertise traits provide job research in their fields if governing a world or sector
Senior Science Director
To maximize efficiency, this society is governed according to the principles of science and rationality. The personal whims of an ignorant and dangerously unqualified political elite must not be allowed to interfere.
Warrior Culture
Arbiter of Duels
This society has developed into a hardy warrior culture. Martial prowess is valued above all else, and true glory can only be found on the field of battle.
+25% Planetary ascension effects
−10% Planetary ascension cost
−25% Tradition cost from empire size
Capital starts at ascension tier 1
Minister of Ascension
The ultimate goal of this empire is to ascend to ever greater levels of fulfillment.
Catalytic Processing
Replaces Metallurgist jobs with Catalytic Technician jobs
Can construct Bio-Reactor buildings
Principal Catalyst
 Calamitous Birth
By focusing their industrial efforts into catalytic chemistry, this civilization has unlocked the key to using organic materials in the construction of spacebound structures.
Idyllic Bloom
Cannot be added or removed after game start
Can construct and upgrade Gaia Seeders buildings
Can construct Gaia Seeder Outpost holdings
Start with a Gaia Seeders - Phase 1 building
Disabled by synthetic ascension special project
Bloom Herald
This society has always spent much time on improving and caring for their environment, in pursuit of building a true paradise for its inhabitants.
Fanatic Purifiers
Start with the civic's council position unlocked
Minister of War Production
This society appears hellbent on scouring the galaxy of all other sapient life. Come what may, they will suffer no xenos to live.
Masterful Crafters
Replaces Artisan jobs with Artificer jobs
+1 Building slot per 3 Industrial districts (except on Habitats) (+0.34 each)
Master Crafter
A penchant for meticulous crafting lies at the heart of this society. Deft appendages and keen sensory organs aid them in creating truly wondrous treasures even in the most basic of trades.
Pleasure Seekers
Minister of Extravagance
This society rejoices in its own perfection. Those who are elevated by their privileged social structure have surrendered to a culture which glorifies pleasure and entertainment, regardless of a cost typically borne by others.
Pompous Purists
+1 Available envoys
+25% Envoy improve relations
+15% Diplomatic Weight When Opposing Resolutions
−1 External leader pool size
Can send but cannot receive diplomatic propositions
Grand Marshal
A society so utterly convinced of their own superiority, that any attempt at diplomacy not initated by themselves will be utterly ignored.
Barbaric Despoilers
Cannot be added or removed after game start
+1 Mercenary Enclave capacity
Can use the Despoliation casus belli
Can use the Raiding orbital bombardment stance
 Cannot form Migration Treaties
Can only create Martial Alliance and Hegemony federations
Labor Intendant
This society holds few things sacred. To fight is to live, and the strongest may seize whatever they covet.
Byzantine Bureaucracy
+1 Unity from Administrator category jobs
+1 Stability from Bureaucrat jobs
Administrative Coordinator
This society is largely governed by a complex and, to the outsider, almost labyrinthine system of bureaucracy. An army of officials and functionaries work tirelessly to keep the government running smoothly and ensure no citizens are allocated resources they cannot demonstrate a properly filed and triple-stamped need for.
Merchant Guilds
Director of Trade
A number of powerful and very influential merchant guilds have risen to prominent positions in this society. They hold significant sway with the government.
Shared Burdens
Head Arbiter
This society believes in an equitable distribution of resources, making little to no distinction between the needs of ruler and ruled. All work together for the benefit of the whole.
Selective Kinship
+7.5% Citizen happiness on planets with two species on the main species class
+2.5% Citizen happiness while oppressing other species classes
+100 Opinion with empires with same main species class
−50 Opinion with empires with different main species class
Species with same main species class have Full Citizenship rights
Species with different main species class cannot have Full Citizenship rights
Species with different main species class cannot have Full Military Service rights
Cannot form Migration Agreements with empires with different main species class
Speaker for the Kin
In an uncertain universe, only kin can be trusted. This civilization is selective about the species it defines as equals.
Diplomatic Corps
High Ambassador
This society has a long tradition of rhetoric and debate and celebrate those who are able to get their way using only words.
Death Cult
Can construct Sacrificial Temple buildings
Can construct Sacrificial Shrine holdings
Can use Sacrifice edicts
Apostle of Death
This society's religion is built around periodic, ritual sacrifices. Willing initiates devote themselves to a decade of study before meeting an end whose effects ripple throughtout their culture.
High Curator
 Fanatic Purifiers
This empire pays tribute to memories and sapients of the past, deriving greater stability and insight from the continuous cycles of death, rebirth and legacy.
Master Necromancer
Within this society, death is no bar to the call of arms. Masters of the art of necromancy reanimate deceased corpses to raise a dread host that strikes fear into the hearts of lesser mortals.
Cannot be added or removed after game start
Main species must have the Aquatic trait
No Agriculture district limit on Ocean Worlds
Replaces Farmer jobs with an Angler job on wet climates
Agriculture districts create Pearl Diver jobs on wet climates
−50 Agriculture district minerals cost on wet climates
Minister of the Seas
Adept at utilizing nature's bounty, this society provides for itself a stable influx of sustenance and economic value.
Enables the Research & Salvage Debris debris policy
10% chance per ship debris to create a ship of equal size
+10 Opinion with the Salvagers enclave
Master Scrapper
In this society, nothing goes to waste, even in the grimmest times of war: no enemy technology will go undiscovered, as teams of scrappers accompanying the war fleets scrape wreckages of anything and everything worth salvaging.
Mutagenic Spas
Can construct Mutagenic Spa buildings
Warden of the Baths
This civilization engages in ritualistic mutagenic bathing, with professional attendants overseeing the use of highly dangerous substances. This 'invigorating' process may appall uninitiated onlookers.
Relentless Industrialists
Chief Extraction Officer
To live is to exploit. This civilization is built around the principle of living life to the fullest, in the sense of squeezing the maximum profit from every last ounce of matter and membrane available for exploitation.
Eager Explorers
Cannot be added or removed after game start
Start with 10 fewer pops
Start with the Subspace Drive technology
+15% Sublight Speed
+20% Survey Speed
+5% Anomaly Discovery Chance
+50% chance to draw Voidcraft technologies
Start without Research Labs
Start without a fleet
Start with a second science ship
Start with a second scientist
Civilian ships use a different culture until hyperdrives are researched
Certain starting technologies are not researched but available as permanent options0
Minister of Exploration
Yearning for the stars, this civilization sped through several stages of development, reaching the age of galactic exploration far earlier than most.
Heroic Past
+1 Leader Capacity for each class
Grand Storyteller
The legendary heroes of the past inspire this civilizations young people to achieve the extraordinary. As role models, government officials are expected to embody these ideals.
Vaults of Knowledge
+1 Leader Starting skill
+1 Effective Councilor skill
Can construct Vaults of Knowledge buildings
Start with a Vaults of Knowledge building
Keeper of the Vaults
The knowledge, principles, and experiences of exceptional people are digitized and accumulated in the Vaults of Knowledge. Citizens can access this source of wisdom and experience to learn from the ghosts of the past.
Crusader Spirit
+5% Ship Weapons Damage
−5% Ship Build Cost
War Philosophy is locked to Liberation Wars
Commanders have the Crusader trait
Lord Commander
The lack of guidance creates weak minds - which easily succumb to corruption and plunge into decadence. This society has assumed the self-imposed mantle of bringing "enlightenment" to the masses through aggressive proselytizing.
Oppressive Autocracy
Cannot be added or removed after game start
Must use the Dystopian Society living standard
Start with a Precinct Houses building
Cannot construct Holo-Theatres
Only Rulers and Enforcers produce and use Amenities
+1 Commander Capacity
−20% Leader Upkeep
+1 Crime per Pop
Primary Overseer
Only the elite of the elite deserve the best of the best. Everyone else is expected to provide for the ruling class and their lackeys.
Dark Consortium
Can use Dark Matter strategic resource edicts
Can use the Dark Matter Breakthrough agenda
Start with the Dark Matter Drawing technology researched
Home system has a deposit of 1 Dark Matter
Shadow Weaver
A deep understanding of the architecture of the universe allowed this society to exploit the mysterious properties of dark matter long before the discovery of the hyperdrive.
Dimensional Worship
+25% Monthly Astral Threads
+100% Chance for Astral Rifts to appear in owned systems
+10% Chance to discover rare technologies
Can construct Dimensional Shrine starbase buildings
Astral Minister
This society believes that a divine existence lies beyond the folds in space and time. Systems where instabilities are highest hold a sacred meaning to them as sites of both pilgrimage and research.
Hyperspace Specialty
+2 Planet Sensor Range
+10% Sublight Speed
+15% Physics research speed
Start with the Hyperlane Breach Points technology as a permanent research option
Know the layout of all systems within 3 hyperlane jumps
Hyperlane Supervisor
 Eager Explorers
This society has always embraced speed. The manipulation of hyperspace is just another thoroughfare, and those with aptitude in the field have risen to the highest caste.
Sovereign Guardianship
Cannot be added or removed after game start
Defense Armies are replaced by Fanatic Guardians
Can construct Reloading Bay starbase buildings
Can use the Inner Focus edict
+1 Unity from Soldiers
+20% Diplomatic weight
−50% Empire Size from Pops and Districts
+100% Empire Size from Planets and Branch Offices
+150% Empire Size from Systems
First Citadel
This collection of warring tribes has developed a historical preference for entrenched territories and defensive posturing. Now united, they are prepared to bring this philosophy to the stars, aiming to keep their borders solid and tensions low.