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A Building building represents a collection of facilities scattered across a world that create Pop job Jobs that generate different kinds of resources that are not suitable to large-scale resource gathering. If a world's population is completely wiped out (either by resettlement or warfare), all existing buildings are removed.

Building slots[]

Buildings are constructed in a colony's Mod planet max buildings add building slots. A colony can have up to 12 building slots, although most of them are initially unavailable and the first one is dedicated to the colony's capital building. Additional building slots are unlocked by upgrading the capital building, constructing certain districts, researching technologies, and some civics. Planet city Ecumenopolises, Ring World Ring Worlds, Planet infested Hive Worlds, and Planet ai Machine Worlds start with all building slots unlocked.

Source (for planets and habitats) Mod planet max buildings add Building slots Stackable
Adaptive Ecology Adaptive Ecology tradition +1 No
Tech planetary infrastructure 1 Ceramo-Metal Infrastructure +1 No
Tech planetary infrastructure 2 Durasteel Infrastructure +1 No
+1 No
Imperial PalaceImperial CenterImperial Complex Imperial capital +11 No
Source (for Planet planets only) Mod planet max buildings add Building slots Stackable
Reassembled Ship ShelterDeployment Post Tier I capital +1 No
Planetary AdministrationAdministrative ArrayHive Core Tier II capital +2 No
Planetary CapitalPlanetary Processor Tier III capital +3 No
System Capital-ComplexPrimary NexusHive Nexus Tier IV capital +4 No
District cityDistrict hiveDistrict nexus Planetary housing district (each) +1 Yes
+0.25 Yes
+0.34 Yes
+0.34 Yes
  • Holding orbital assembly complex Orbital Assembly Complex on planet:
  • Orbitalring module habitation Habitation Modules (each)
(max +2 total)
  • Resort Administration Resort Administration
  • Governor's Palace Governor's Palace
+5 No
  • Resort Capital-Complex Resort Capital-Complex
  • Governor's Estates Governor's Estates
+11 No
Source (for Planet habitat habitats only) Mod planet max buildings add Building slots Stackable
Habitat Administration Habitat Administration +1 No
Habitat Central Control Habitat Central Control +2 No
Habitat System Control Habitat System Control +3 No
Housing orbitals with Habitat Administration Tier I capital (each) +0.5 Yes
Housing orbitals with Habitat Central Control Tier II capital (each) +0.75 Yes
Housing orbitals with Habitat System Control Tier III capital (each) +1 Yes
Habitation District Habitation districts (each) +0.5 Yes
District industrial Industrial districts (each) +0.25 Yes
+0.25 Yes
(+1 with Dimensional Manipulation Device)

Planetary build speed[]

The Mod planet building build speed mult planetary build speed modifier reduces the Time time it takes to construct all buildings. This modifier can be very useful, as it also affects building upgrades, and higher level buildings often take longer to build. Note that this modifier actually increases the rate of construction, thus a 100% increase in build speed is equal to a 50% reduction in build time.

Source Planetary build speed
Menu icon edicts Architectural Renaissance edict +100%
Tech construction templates Construction Templates technology +50%
Leader trait psionic chosen one Nanite Entity governor trait +40%
Sct Standard Construction Templates tradition +25%
Tech assembly pattern Assembly Patterns technology +25%
Tech repeatable reduced building time Assembly Algorithms technology (repeatable 5 times) +10%
Menu icon edicts Master's Teachings: The Greater Good edict +10%
Resolution industrial development Industrial Development resolution 3 +10%
Unknown Secrets of the First League empire modifier +10%
Trait ruler architectural sense Architectural Sense ruler trait +10%
Leader trait architectural interest Architectural Interest governor trait +10%
Trait brainslugged Brain Slug Host governor trait +10%
Resolution ecological protection Ecological Protection resolution 2 −5%
Origins subterranean Subterranean origin −10%
Resolution ecological protection Ecological Protection resolution 3 −15%

Capital buildings[]

Main article: Planet capital

The capital always occupies the first building slot and provides some of the basic Housing housing, Amenities amenities, Army defense defense armies, jobs that reduce Job criminal crime, as well as other jobs which vary depending on empire authority and civics. Upgrading the capital is one of the ways of unlocking additional building slots. Capital buildings cannot be demolished, downgraded or disabled, and are automatically converted to the appropriate type if traded, ceded, or conquered by another empire with a different authority or if the planet designation is changed.

Unique buildings[]

Main article: Unique buildings

Unique buildings are buildings that can only be built a limited number of times per planet or empire, and typically contain effects beyond the creation of jobs. Many of them require the capital to have reached a certain level.

Regular buildings[]

Each regular building has up to 3 tiers, which determine its number of jobs, upkeep, construction time and cost. Tier II and III buildings require a capital of the same tier or above as well as a certain strategic resource for construction and upkeep.

If a world is conquered by an empire that uses a different set of buildings for the same primary resource, the existing buildings are converted into new ones of the same tier. Tiered buildings cannot be constructed on Slave colonyPm frame 2 Thrall-World Thrall-Worlds.

Tier Upkeep Cost
I Energy Credits −2 Time 360 Minerals 400
II Energy Credits −5Menu icon strategic resource −1 Time 480 Minerals 600 Menu icon strategic resource 50
III Energy Credits −8Menu icon strategic resource −2 Time 600 Minerals 800 Menu icon strategic resource 100
Tier I Tier II
(Requires Tier II capital})
Tier III
(Requires Tier III capital})
Effects per tier Strategic resource Properties
Research Research
Research LabsResearch Labs Research ComplexesResearch Complexes Advanced Research ComplexesAdvanced Research Complexes Researcher +2 Researchers Exotic gases Exotic Gases
Unity Unity
Administrative Offices Administrative Offices Administrative ParkAdministrative Park Administrative ComplexAdministrative Complex Job bureaucrat +2 Administrators Rare crystals Rare Crystals
Temple Temple Holotemple Holotemple Sacred Nexus Sacred Nexus Rare crystals Rare Crystals
  • Either:
  • SpiritualistFanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist
  • A Union of Faith (Holy Covenant Level 5 perk) Holy Covenant Level 5
Temple Sacrificial Temple Grim Holotemple Grim Holotemple Temple of Grand Sacrifice Temple of Grand Sacrifice Exotic gases Exotic Gases Civic death cultCivic death cult corporate Death Cult
Synaptic Nodes Synaptic Nodes Synaptic ClustersSynaptic Clusters Confluence of ThoughtConfluence of Thought Exotic gases Exotic Gases
Network Junction Network Junction System ConfluxSystem Conflux Job coordinator +2 Coordinators Rare crystals Rare Crystals
Organic Sanctuary Organic Sanctuary Organic Paradise Organic Paradise No Bio-Trophy +10 Bio-Trophies Exotic gases Exotic Gases
Amenities Amenities
Holo-Theatres Holo-Theatres Hyper-Entertainment Forums Hyper-Entertainment Forums No Exotic gases Exotic Gases
Trade value Trade Value
Commercial Zones Commercial Zones Commerce Megaplexes Commerce Megaplexes No Rare crystals Rare Crystals
Food Food
Hydroponics Hydroponics Farms No No
Mod planet housing add Housing
(Tier II upkeep: Energy Credits −3 Rare crystals −1)
Luxury Residences Luxury Residences Paradise Domes Paradise Dome No Rare crystals Rare Crystals
Communal Housing Communal Housing Utopian Communal Housing Utopian Communal Housing No Rare crystals Rare Crystals
Hive Warren Hive Warren Expanded Warren Expanded Warren No Rare crystals Rare Crystals Auth hive mind Hive Mind
Drone Storage Drone Storage Upgraded Drone Storage Upgraded Drone Storage No Rare crystals Rare Crystals Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence

Military buildings[]

Military buildings produce Army defense defense armies and are vital for the protection of a world. Once constructed they are always placed at the top of the buildings order to be the last buildings destroyed by orbital bombardment. Fortresses also contain an FTL inhibitor if the Tech aura snare FTL Inhibition technology has been researched. Upgrading Strongholds into Fortresses requires the Tech global defense grid Global Defense Grid technology, as well as a Tier II capital or above.

Building FTL magnet FTL Inhibitor Regular jobs Upkeep Cost Description
Stronghold Stronghold No Job soldier +2 Soldiers Energy Credits −1 Time 240
Minerals 400
A planetary stronghold housing a substantial garrison force to protect the world from invasion and rebellion.
Fortress Fortress Yes Job soldier +4 Soldiers Energy Credits −1
Volatile motes −1
Time 360
Minerals 600
Volatile motes 50
A massive fortress complex with an expanded garrison and training facilities for soldiers.

Law enforcement buildings[]

Law enforcement buildings produce Army defense defense armies and Unity Unity and, most importantly, reduce Job criminal Crime or Deviancy.

Building Jobs Upkeep Cost Requirements Description
Precinct Houses Precinct Houses Job enforcer +2 Enforcer Energy Credits −2 Time 360
Minerals 400
Monuments to law and order. Enforcers are based here.
Hall of Judgment Hall of Judgment Job enforcer +5 Enforcer Energy Credits −1
Volatile motes −1
Time 480
Minerals 600
Volatile motes 50
Tech colonial centralization Colonial Centralization technology A massive complex dedicated to courts and law enforcement.
Sentinel Posts Sentinel Posts Hunter-Seeker Drone +2 Hunter-Seeker Drone Energy Credits −2 Time 360
Minerals 200
Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness These are the outposts from which Patrol Drones scan the Consciousness for signs of deviancy and malfunction.

Refinery buildings[]

Refinery buildings produce Exotic gasesRare crystalsVolatile motes strategic resources. They are less efficient than the extraction buildings that require planetary features, but refineries can be built on planets without those features. They cannot be built on Resort Worlds, Thrall-Worlds, or Gestation Worlds.

Building Jobs Upkeep Cost Requirements Description
Chemical Plants Chemical Plants Job chemist +1 Chemist Energy Credits −3 Time 480
Minerals 500
Tech volatile motes Volatile Material Plants technology The unpredictable and sometimes unstable Volatile Motes are produced here artificially. No open flames are permitted within a five kilometer radius of the plants.
Exotic Gas Refineries Exotic Gas Refineries Job gas refiner +1 Gas Refiner Energy Credits −3 Time 480
Minerals 500
Tech exotic gases Exotic Gas Refining technology These advanced refineries work day and night to produce exotic gases.
Synthetic Crystal Plants Synthetic Crystal Plants Job translucer +1 Translucer Energy Credits −3 Time 480
Minerals 500
Tech rare crystals Rare Crystal Manufacturing technology Nearly identical to the real thing, the crystals produced here are of the highest quality.
Kha'lanka Crystal Plant Kha'lanka Crystal Plant Job translucer +3 Translucers Energy Credits −3 Time 800
Minerals 1000
Ancient Relics Whispers in the Stone archaeology site The discovery of new crystal manufacturing techniques, far below the surface in the city of the Kha'lanka lithoids, has effectivized artificial crystal manufacturing through oxidation of rapidly growing silicon-based cell clusters.

Nanotech buildings[]

Nanotech buildings are unlocked via the Nanotech Nanotech tradition tree. They cannot be built on Resort Worlds or Thrall-Worlds.

Building Effects Upkeep Cost Requirements Description
Building nanolab 1 Nanite Research Facility Researcher +3 Nanotech Researcher
  • Energy Credits −8
  • Nanites −1
Time 480
Minerals 800
Nanites 50
Nanotech Nanotech tradition tree Conducting research at a nanoscopic scale brings a whole new perspective on the universe.
Building nanolab 2 Nanite Research Complex Researcher +6 Nanotech Researcher
  • Energy Credits −10
  • Nanites −2
Time 600
Minerals 2000
Nanites 100
Aggregation Systems Aggregation Systems tradition How peculiar it is that the infinitely small and the infinitely big look so much alike.
Building nanotech cauldron Nanotech Cauldron Alloys +15 Alloys
  • Energy Credits −30
  • Nanites −3
Time 480
Alloys 800
Molecular Reconfiguration Molecular Reconfiguration tradition Operating at a molecular level, the swarm can easily reconfigure mineral structures into sturdy alloy lattices.

Other buildings[]

Building Effects Upkeep Cost Requirements Description
Resource Silos Resource Silos Energy Credits −1 Time 180
Minerals 200
Massive resource silos and storage facilities where large quantities of resources can be safely kept.
98px link= Nanite Transmuter
  • Exotic gases +2 Exotic Gases
  • Rare crystals +2 Rare Crystals
  • Volatile motes +2 Volatile Motes
  • Energy Credits −5
  • Nanites −1
Time 600
Minerals 1000
This factory mass-produces a variety of rare resources using extremely advanced nanites. A Nanite Deficit will halt production.
Slave Huts Slave Huts Mod planet housing add +8 Housing Energy Credits −1 Time 240
Minerals 200
Slave colonyPm frame 2 Thrall-World Thrall-World Crude dwellings for the planet's enslaved population.
Overseer Residences Overseer Residences
  • Job enforcer +2 Slave Overseer job
  • Mod planet housing add +2 Housing
Energy Credits −1 Time 240
Minerals 200
Slave colonyPm frame 2 Thrall-World Thrall-World These homes are reserved for the relatively privileged slave overseers.

Fallen empire buildings[]

Fallen empire buildings can only be constructed by Fallen Empires. They are the most effective buildings in the game and unlike other buildings they are cheaper to upgrade than to build and their upkeep remains unchanged. They are not converted if the world is conquered by an empire lacking the technology to build them and can also be repaired if ruined. There are two ways for other empires to gain access to fallen empire buildings. They cannot be built on Slave colonyPm frame 2 Thrall-World Thrall-Worlds, and most cannot be built on Resort planetPm frame 1 Resort World Resort Worlds.

  • If Ancient Relics Ancient Relics is enabled, using the Reverse-Engineer Arcane Technology artifact action has a 5.9% chance (doubled with Archaeo-Engineers Archaeo-Engineers) to allow the empire to build a certain fallen empire building. Only one building can be constructed. If they are ruined they can be repaired, but if they are demolished they cannot be rebuilt.
  • If The Machine Age The Machine Age is enabled, empires with the Ap cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis ascension perk can unlock the technology to build or upgrade fallen empire buildings once they reach the required crisis level.
Tier I Tier II Upkeep
Building Produces Cost Building Produces Cost
Minor artifacts Reverse-engineerable
Building fe sky dome Sky Dome
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 600
Building fe dome Empyrean Dome
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 600
  • Energy Credits −10
  • Alloys −2
Building class 3 singularity Class-3 Singularity
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Dark Matter 100
Building class 4 singularity Class-4 Singularity
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Alloys −5
  • Dark Matter −1
Building nourishment complex Nourishment Complex
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
Building nourishment center Nourishment Center
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
Building affluence emporium Affluence Emporium Job artisan +6 Artisans
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Rare crystals 100
Building affluence center Affluence Center
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
  • Rare crystals −2
Building micro forge Hyper-Forge Metallurgist +6 Metallurgists
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Volatile motes 100
Building nano forge Auto-Forge
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −30
  • Volatile motes −2
Building dimensional replicator Dimensional Replicator
  • Exotic gases +3 Exotic Gases
  • Rare crystals +3 Rare Crystals
  • Volatile motes +3 Volatile Motes
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
Building dimensional fabricator Dimensional Fabricator
  • Exotic gases +5 Exotic Gases
  • Rare crystals +5 Rare Crystals
  • Volatile motes +5 Volatile Motes
  • Dark Matter +2 Dark Matter
  • Living Metal +2 Living Metal
  • Zro +2 Zro
  • Nanites +2 Nanites
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −30
  • Alloys −5
Building fe mine 1 Quantum Drilling Plant
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Volatile motes 100
Building fe mine 2 Quantum Drilling Hub
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −30
  • Alloys −5
  • Volatile motes −2
Building fe security 1 Justice Complex Job enforcer +6 Enforcer jobs
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Rare crystals 100
Building fe security 2 Ziggurat of Justice
  • Job enforcer +6 Enforcer jobs
  • Edict Fund +10 Edict Fund
  • Job criminal −40 Crime
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
  • Rare crystals −2
Building fe silo 1 Shrinkspace Depot Mod country resource max add +50000 Resource Storage Capacity
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
Building fe silo 2 Extra-Dimensional Depot Mod country resource max add +100000 Resource Storage Capacity
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
Building fe fortress Aspis Bastion
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 600
  • Volatile motes 100
Building fe stronghold Aspis Complex
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 600
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
  • Volatile motes −2
Building fe market 1 Galactic Commerce Hub Merchant +4 Merchant jobs
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Rare crystals 100
Building fe market 2 Interstellar Commerce Nexus
  • Merchant +6 Merchant jobs
  • Mod trade value mult +1% Trade value empirewide
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
  • Rare crystals −2
Building fe administration 1 Omnivident Administration Job bureaucrat +6 Administrators
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Rare crystals 100
Building fe administration 2 Omniscient Administration
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
  • Rare crystals −2
Building fe temple 1 Celestial Sanctum Priest +6 Priests
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Rare crystals 100
Building fe temple 2 Celestial Cathedral
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
  • Rare crystals −2
Building fe administration hive 1 Ephaptic Cluster Job synapse drone +6 Synapse Drones
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Rare crystals 100
Building fe administration hive 2 Ephaptic Axon
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
  • Rare crystals −2
Building fe administration machine 1 Fractal Coordination Point Job coordinator +6 Coordinators
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Rare crystals 100
Building fe administration machine 2 Quantic Coordination Point
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
  • Rare crystals −2
Building fe clinic 1 Molecular-Revitalization Institute
  • Mod leader age +1 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Individualist Medical Worker +4 Medical Worker
  • Auth hive mind Job spawning drone +2 Spawning Drone
  • Origins progenitor hive Job spawning drone +2 Offspring Drone
  • Destroyed if Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Exotic gases 100
Building fe clinic 2 Bioregeneration Institute
  • Mod leader age +2 Years Leader Lifespan
  • Individualist Medical Worker +6 Medical Worker
  • Auth hive mind Job spawning drone +3 Spawning Drone
  • Origins progenitor hive Job spawning drone +3 Offspring Drone
  • Destroyed if Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
  • Exotic gases −2
Building fe assembly 1 Robot Manufacturing Nexus
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Living Metal 100
Building fe assembly 2 Robot Quantum Production Hub
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −50
  • Alloys −5
  • Living Metal −1.5
Building fe entertainment 1 Virtual Bliss Plaza Job entertainer +2 Entertainer jobs
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Rare crystals 100
Building fe entertainment 2 Omni-Bliss Nexus
  • Job entertainer +6 Entertainer jobs
  • Amenities +100 Amenities
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −15
  • Alloys −3
  • Rare crystals −2
Building fe lab 1 Quantum Innovation Nexus
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Volatile motes 100
Building fe lab 2 Transcendentral Innovation Department
  • Time 480
  • Alloys 800
  • Energy Credits −30
  • Alloys −5
  • Volatile motes −2
Can only be found on the capital of the Ancient Caretakers Building ancient cryo chamber Ancient Cryo-Chamber
  • Trait Point +1 Trait point for organic species
  • Trait Point +1 Trait picks for organic species
  • Research speed (society) +10% Biology research speed
  • Energy Credits −50
  • Living Metal −1
Can only be found on the capital of the Holy Guardians Building empyrean shrine Phased Empyrean Shrine
  • Energy Credits −10
  • Alloys −3
  • Rare crystals −2
Can only be found on one of the systems of the Keepers of Knowledge Building master archive Master Archive
  • Energy Credits −30
  • Alloys −5
  • Living Metal −1

Pre-FTL buildings[]

Pre-FTL buildings can be found on planets owned by pre-FTL civilizations. They have negligible output and no upkeep and are removed or converted if the civilization is conquered or discovers FTL.

Building Produces Jobs Requirements Description
Primitive Dwellings Primitive Dwellings
Auth hive mind Early Colony
Mod planet housing add +6 Housing Bronze Age – Renaissance Age
  • These small buildings provide a minimal amount of shelter, but they keep out the worst of the elements.
  • Auth hive mind Starting to optimize the space available, these hexagon shaped buildings can house what could moderately be called a colony.
Urban Dwellings Urban Dwellings
Auth hive mind Drone Storage
Mod planet housing add +24 Housing Steam Age – Early Space Age
  • Cramped and often polluted jungles of concrete.
  • Auth hive mind A utilitarian solution for housing drones when they are undergoing their rest cycle. There are separate entrances and exits to maximize the hive's recharge process.
98px link= Primitive Factory Laborer +2 Labourer/Factory Drone Steam Age – Early Space Age Primitive, inefficient factories spewing pollution while producing goods.
98px link= Primitive Mine
  • Miner+2 Miner/Mining Drone
Steam Age – Early Space Age Primitive mining tunnels that snake through the ground.
Primitive Farms Primitive Farms
  • Farmer +10 Farmer/Agri-Drone
  • Steam Age – Early Space Age
  • NoTrait lithoid Lithoid
Primitive farmsteads working the soil for meager returns.
98px link= Primitive Power Plant
  • Job technician +2 Technician/Tech-Drone
Industrial Age – Early Space Age A primitive and somewhat unreliable power plant that relies on coal or early atomic power.
Great Pyramid Great Pyramid
  • Food +2 Food
  • Society research +2 Society Research
Observation event A pyramid constructed by the local population to appease a deity descended from the sky.
Radio Telescope Array Radio Telescope Array Diplomacy awareness Increased chance of gaining Awareness
  • Researcher +2 Researcher/Brain Drone
Observation event An array of radio telescopes in pursuit of discovering intelligent alien life.
Gaia Seeders Gaia Seeders Ranger +10 Content Terraformer First Contact Habinte Unified Worlds Perfected atmospheric controls maintaining this planets pristine status.
98px link= Grand Sapling Food +2 Food from Farmers Ranger +5 Content Terraformer First Contact Habinte Unified Worlds A titanic sapling, the result of centuries of floral research and manipulation, capable of feeding millions.
Hanging Cities Hanging Cities
  • Mod planet housing add +20 Housing
  • Mod planet max buildings add +5 Building Slots
Ranger +5 Content Terraformer First Contact Habinte Unified Worlds Cities covered in grand forests, bringing the inhabitants closer to nature.
Nature Preserve Lodge Nature Preserve Lodge Ranger +5 Content Terraformer First Contact Habinte Unified Worlds A retreat to enjoy this planet's beauty.


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs