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Astral Planes Astral Planes
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Banner Astral Planes
Release date / Patch
2023-11-16 / 3.10

Store: Narrative expansion

Should You Buy Stellaris- Astral Planes?

Astral Planes is the 1st narrative expansion for Stellaris. It was announced on 2023-10-19[1] and was released on 2023-11-16[2] alongside patch 3.10.

DLC features[]

Astral Planes offers you the chance to chart your own path, navigating an array of wonders and dangers alike. Travel through Rifts in space and time for a glimpse of strange, new realities. What will you discover, in a universe beyond limits?

  • New Core Systems and Technologies
    • Unlock new Technologies, Actions, and Relics to manipulate space and interact with the galaxy in unexpected ways. Explore new realms filled with mysteries and opportunities.
  • New Branching Narratives
    • Encounter story events with more branching narratives than ever before! The Astral Planes are full of surprises, and hard choices will be necessary to reach your desired outcome. Make the right decision for your empire and chart a course that fits your play style.


Cinematic trailers[]

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Video diaries[]

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Dev diaries[]

Main article: Developer diaries

All developer diaries about the Astral Planes narrative expansion and patch 3.10 (aka Pyxis).

Patch 3.10 (Pyxis)
No. Title and Link Description Date
1 Leader Consolidation Leader Consolidation - changes to leaders' classes, roles, and traits 2023-10-05
2 Ad astra per aspera Star Trek: Infinite, a new Stellaris-like game project, on which Stellaris players may feel interested 2023-10-12
3 Announcing Astral Planes Announcement of a new expansion (Astral Planes) 2023-10-19
4 Astral Scars and Rifts Astral Rifts offering more opportunities for exploration into the mid and late game 2023-10-26
5 Astral Threads and Actions Introduction to astral threads & astral actions 2023-11-02
6 Origins and Civics 1 new origin - Riftworld; 4 new civics - Hyperspace Specialty, Dimensional Worship, Dark Consortium, and Sovereign Guardianship; 2 new pre-scripted empires - The Certeran Covenant & Guardianship of Nyrr​ 2023-11-09
7 3.10.0 "Pyxis" Custodian Features Custodian features coming in 3.10: leader consolidation and corresponding changes to council legitimacy, civics, traditions and ascension perks; outliner improvements; event chain subtitles; additional content browser 2023-11-10
8 3.10.1 "Pyxis" Beta and Next Steps Release of the 3.10.1 beta, which includes a number of bugfixes, as well as hotkeys for the Tabbed Outliner. 2023-11-21
9 3.10.2 "Pyxis" Released and December Plans 3.10.2 patch notes, and plans for 3.10.3 & 3.10.4 2023-11-29
10 3.10.3 "Pyxis" Released and Further Beta Plans Along with 3.10.3 release, the Dev team shares plans for a Holiday Open Beta to collect feedback regarding potential balance changes to ship production, upkeep, & research 2023-12-07
11 3.10.4 "Pyxis" Released + Holiday Tech Beta ... 2023-12-14


  1. Forum: Stellaris Dev Diary #318 - Announcing Astral Planes, 2023-10-19.
  2. Forum: Astral Planes will release on November 16th!, 2023-11-08.