Stellaris Wiki


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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

List of discoveries

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Each anomaly outcome can only take place once. Once each outcome of an anomaly has taken place the anomaly can no longer be found again. If an anomaly would give the scientist an expertise trait it already has the scientist will gain 200 experience instead.

Base game anomalies[]

Anomaly Level Celestial body Empire Possible outcomes
A Strange Resonance 2 Any Star
  1. Choice between +4 Physics Research Physics Research deposit and +10% Unity Monthly Unity for 50 years or the next Tech lasers 2Tech lasers 3Tech lasers 4Tech lasers 5 lasers technology if not yet researched
Improbable Orbit 5 Any Star
  1. Choice between 40-100 Influence Influence or a special project to gain 150-300 Influence Influence
    1. Can choose to instead gain 80-175 Influence Influence if Spiritualist Spiritualist or Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist
Light Phenomenon 3 Any Star
  1. Choice between +4 Physics Research Physics Research deposit or a special project to gain 150-2000 Minerals Minerals
Distress Signal 2 Any Planet NoAuth machine intelligence
  1. Special project to gain scaled Society research Society Research
On Solar Sails 2 Any Planet
  1. Message in a Bottle archaeological site
Playful Ruins 3 Any Planet NoAuth machine intelligence
  1. Scaled Engineering research Engineering Research
  2. Scaled Society research Society Research
The Orb 2 Any Planet NoAuth machine intelligence
  1. Chouse between scaled Physics Research Physics Research or giving the science ship scientist the Leader trait intemporal Chronofuge trait
A Feel for Steel 2 Any Habitable Planet
  1. D metal boneyard Metal Boneyards planetary features
  2. Choice between 250-5000 Energy Credits Energy or a special project to gain the Master's Teachings: Warring States edict
A Glint of Metal 4 Any Habitable Planet
  1. D rich mountain Rich Mountain and D submerged ore veins Submerged Ore Veins planetary features
Parked 8 Any Habitable Planet
  1. 1 pirate corvette or 40-100 Influence Influence if Xenophobe Xenophobe or Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe
Planetary Scars 4 Any Habitable Planet
  1. Special project to gain a random weapon technology
Rubiconian Shores 7 Any Habitable Planet
  1. Drifting Battlefield event chain
Signs of Ancient Life 3 Any Habitable Planet NoGestalt consciousness
  1. D building Enigmatic Robot planetary feature and 100-1000 Alloys Alloys
Steamrolled 1 Any Habitable Planet
  1. All blockers on the planet are removed
What Hums in the Night 5 Any Habitable Planet
  1. D building complex Toy Factory Complex planetary feature
  2. Tech society 2 Xenobiology technology if not already researched
Ancient Shipyard 4 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. Special project to gain 3 pirate corvettes or a pirate destroyer
Asteroid in Orbit 1 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. +3 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit
    1. Can choose to instead gain the Asteroid Thrusters empire modifier with Origins lithoid Calamitous Birth origin
  2. +2 Rare crystals Rare Crystals deposit
Atmospheric Anomaly 3 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. +4 Society research Society Research deposit
Life Signs 2 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. +3 Society research Society Research deposit
  2. +3 Minerals Minerals deposit
  3. Choice between +4 Society research Society Research deposit or +3 Food Food deposit
  4. Choice between +4 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit or +3 Alloys Alloys deposit
    1. Can choose to instead gain +5 Alloys Alloys deposit with Civic catalytic processing Catalytic Processing civic
    2. Can choose to instead gain +4 Society research Society deposit with Civic agrarian idyll Agrarian Idyll civic
  5. Choice between scaled Physics Research Physics Research, scaled Society research Society Research, 250-1500 Unity Unity or +4 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit
  6. Special project to gain +4 Society research Society Research deposit and scaled Society research Society Research
  7. +3 Society research Society Research deposit and special project to gain scaled Society research Society Research and the Living Metal Living Metal technology if not already researched
Doppler Effect 3 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet NoGestalt consciousness
  1. The Ransomeers event chain
Massive Impact 2 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. Scaled Physics Research Physics Research
  2. +3 Minerals Minerals deposit
Monoliths 3 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. Scaled Engineering research Engineering Research
Peculiar Crater 7 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. +1 Living Metal Living Metal deposit and Living Metal Living Metal technology if not already researched
Projecting 3 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. Special project to gain +3 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit
Signs of Battle 4 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. Special project to gain +3 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit
Solar Sailer 2 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. Scaled Engineering research Engineering Research
Space Station 1 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. A random celestial body with a deposit within borders gains a mining station
Strange Mountain Formation 3 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. Special project to gain +3 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit and +3 Society research Society Research deposit
    1. Can choose a second special project that will grant a Army undead Skeletal Giant army if the empire has the Civic reanimated armies Reanimators or Civic permanent employment Permanent Employment civic
  2. Choice between +4 Society research Society Research deposit or a special project to gain +8 Society research Society Research deposit and scaled Society research Society Research
    1. Can choose to instead gain +10 Food Food deposit if Civic devouring swarm Devouring Swarm
Strange Readings 7 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. +3 Unity Unity deposit
    1. Can choose to also gain +1 Amenities Amenities and −1 Job criminal Deviancy for 20 years if Auth hive mind Hive Mind
    2. Can choose to instead gain +6 Physics Research Physics deposit if Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Surface Beacon 1 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. +4 Minerals Minerals deposit
Surface Writing 2 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. +3 Society research Society Research deposit
Unidentified Object 2 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. Special project to gain scaled Engineering research Engineering Research
Unusual Energy Readings 2 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. Scaled Engineering research Engineering Research
  2. Scaled Physics Research Physics Research
  3. +3 Physics Research Physics Research deposit
  4. Choice between scaled Unity Unity, +10% Engineering research Monthly Engineering Research for 10 years or 100 Alloys Alloys and 50 Rare crystals Rare Crystals and Volatile motes Volatile Motes
    1. If an L-Gate has been encountered and the L-Cluster hasn't been accessed there is a 30% chance to gain an L-Gate Insight in 10 days
Weak Signal 2 Planet barrenPlanet barren coldPlanet frozenPlanet moltenPlanet toxic Uninhabitable Planet
  1. Scaled Society research Society Research
  2. Scaled Society research Society Research
Confounding Cosmic Rays 5 Planet aridPlanet desertPlanet savannah Dry Planet
  1. +3 Physics Research Physics Research deposit
  2. Next Tech fusion powerTech cold fusion powerTech antimatter power copyTech zero point power reactor technology
Possible Inhabitants 3 Planet aridPlanet desertPlanet savannah Dry Planet NoGestalt consciousness
  1. Choice between 100-1000 Minerals Minerals or a special project to gain 150-2000 Minerals Minerals, 6 pops or the Mineral Mapping empire modifier
Spotty Greenery 4 Planet continentalPlanet oceanPlanet tropical Wet Planet
  1. D alien pets deposit Hyperfertile Valley planetary feature
  2. Special project to add the D building complex Ancient Mining Site planetary feature and give the science ship scientist the Industry Expertise: Industry trait
Icy Plains 4 Planet arctic Arctic
  1. D building complex Ancient Mining Site planetary feature and scaled Engineering research Engineering Research
Arid and Abandoned 6 Planet arid Arid
  1. Choice between 100-1000 Minerals Minerals or a special project to gain the Extensive Sensor Searches edict
Arid Wastes 3 Planet arid Arid
  1. Planet gains +50% Pop resource energy mult Energy from Jobs for 2 years after being colonized and 2 D frozen gas lake Frozen Gas Lake planetary features
Crash Site 2 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Seeds of Destruction archaeological site
Abandoned Station 3 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Choice between 100-1000 Energy Credits Energy or 100-1000 Minerals Minerals
  2. Choice between 50 Influence Influence or the next Tech hyper drive 1Tech hyper drive 2Tech hyper drive 3 hyperdrive technology
    1. Can choose to instead establish communications with the Curator Order if Arthropoid and Leviathans Leviathans or Distant Stars Distant Stars is installed
Alien Machine 3 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Choice between 100-1000 Minerals Minerals and scaled Physics Research Physics Research or creating a wormhole to a random system
An Asteroid, Carved 3 Planet asteroid Asteroid NoGestalt consciousness
  1. Shrines to the Old Gods event chain
An Invitation 3 Planet asteroid Asteroid NoGestalt consciousness
  1. Option to spend 200 Energy Credits Energy to gain a random reward
Ancient Battlefield 5 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Next DestroyersTech cruisersTech battleships hull size technology or scaled Engineering research Engineering Research if already researched
Asteroid Collision 1 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. +3 Minerals Minerals deposit
  2. Choice between the Asteroid Encryption and Asteroid Relay Stations empire modifiers
Asteroid Waves 1 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Scaled Physics Research Physics Research
  2. +2 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit and +2 Society research Society Research deposit
    1. Can choose to instead gain a special project to gain a new ship if Civic reanimated armies Reanimators or Civic permanent employment Permanent Employment
  3. Science ship scientist gains the Statecraft Expertise: Statecraft trait if not Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence and Biology Expertise: Biology trait if Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
  4. Choice between +2 Physics Research Physics Research deposit and +2 Society research Society Research deposit or scaled Physics Research Physics Research and 150-2000 Energy Credits Energy
Astonishing Asteroids 6 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Choice between 100-1000 Minerals Minerals or a special project to gain the next Tech mining 1Tech mining 2Tech mining 3 mining technology
Covered in Debris 3 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. +3 Minerals Minerals deposit
  2. Choice between +3 Alloys Alloys deposit or the next AfterburnersAdvanced Afterburners Afterburners technology if not yet researched
Crashed Ship 3 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Scaled Engineering research Engineering Research
  2. +3 Minerals Minerals deposit
Dimensional Disturbance 6 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Scaled Engineering research Engineering Research and Scaled Physics Research Physics Research
  2. 1 extradimensional science ship
Docking Hatch 3 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. 100-1000 Energy Credits Energy
  2. +3 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit
Dustbowl 1 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. +3 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit
  2. +6 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit
  3. Ion Thrusters Ion Thrusters technology or 100-500 Unity Unity if already researched
Energy Emissions 1 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Scaled Physics Research Physics Research
  2. +3 Physics Research Physics Research deposit
Lost Soul 2 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. +3 Minerals Minerals deposit
Mind the Minerals 2 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. +3 Alloys Alloys deposit
Mystical 7 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Special project to gain 25 Influence Influence
Mineral Cluster 3 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. 250-5000 Minerals Minerals and science ship scientist gains the Leader trait carefree Carefree trait
  2. Science ship scientist gains the Voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
  3. Special project to gain scaled Society research Society Research and give the science ship scientist the Statecraft Expertise: Statecraft trait
    1. Can choose to instead gain 40-100 Influence Influence if Xenophobe Xenophobe or Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe
  4. Special project to gain 40-100 Influence Influence or 250-5000 Energy Credits energy, 20 Diplomacy opinion Opinion and a Trade cat favor Favor with a random empire
Odd Readings 6 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Scaled Society research Society Research
  2. Choice between 100-1000 Minerals Minerals or a special project to gain a science ship
Orbital Speed Demon 4 Planet asteroid Asteroid NoAuth machine intelligence
  1. Orbital Speed Demon event chain
Radiating Asteroid 7 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. +1 Dark Matter Dark Matter deposit
Spacecraft Remains 4 Planet asteroid Asteroid NoGestalt consciousness
  1. Scientist leader and either Tech automated exploration Automated Exploration Protocols, Synchronized Defenses Synchronized Defenses or Subspace Sensors Subspace Sensors technology
Unknown Origin 1 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. Scaled Society research Society Research
  2. +3 Society research Society Research deposit
  3. +1 Alloys Alloys deposit
Unknown Insides 3 Planet asteroid Asteroid NoAuth machine intelligence
  1. Choice between +4 Energy Credits Energy deposit or a special project to gain +3 Minerals Minerals deposit
Unusual Temporal Fluctuations 5 Planet asteroid Asteroid
  1. +3 Physics Research Physics Research deposit
A Curious Signal 2 Planet barren Barren NoGestalt consciousness
  1. Choice between 150-1000 Unity Unity or +10% Happiness Citizen Pop Happiness and +100% Xenophile Xenophile Ethics Attraction for 5 years
Looking Down 6 Planet barren Barren
  1. +2 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit and +2 Physics Research Physics Research deposit
  2. Special project to give the science ship scientist the Military Theory Expertise: Military Theory trait
    1. Can choose to instead gain 40-100 Influence Influence if Pacifist Pacifist or Fanatic Pacifist Fanatic Pacifist
On the Barren Plains 5 Planet barren Barren NoGestalt consciousness
  1. Limbo event chain
Strange Emissions 4 Planet barren Barren
  1. Choice between 100-1000 Energy Credits Energy, scaled Unity Unity or special project to find the Orvall unique system
    1. Choose between Society research Society Research, 100-1000 Energy Credits Energy or 40-100 Influence Influence if the Desiccated site has been excavated (dismantled)
    2. Choose between Society research Society Research or special project to gain +10 Intel Base Intel Level if the Desiccated site has been excavated (restored)
Winking 5 Planet barren Barren
  1. Choice between +4 Physics Research Physics Research deposit or spending 200 Energy Credits Energy for a 50% chance to terraform the planet into an Arid World
Continental Findings 1 Planet continental Continental
  1. Planet gains the Pm lushPm frame 1 Lush modifier
  2. Choice between 150-2000 Energy Credits Energy and Minerals Minerals or a special project to gain the Master's Teachings: Diplomatic Trust edict
Buried in the Sand 4 Planet desert Desert
  1. Choice between +2 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit or a robot Admiral Commander
  2. Choice between 150-2000 Energy Credits Energy and Minerals Minerals or a special project to gain the Master's Teachings: The Greater Good edict
Desolate Sands 1 Planet desert Desert
  1. Planet gains +30% Pop resource physics research mult Physics Research from Jobs and 3 D quicksand basin Quicksand Basin blockers
Dunes 3 Planet desert Desert
  1. 100-1000 Energy Credits Energy
  2. Science ship scientist gains the Leader trait scroll Towel-bearer trait
  3. Special project to gain 1 corvette
    1. Can choose to instead gain 40-100 Influence Influence if Xenophobe Xenophobe or Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe
Cold Hard Potential 3 Planet frozen Frozen
  1. +6 Minerals Minerals deposit and a scientist leader
  2. Next Tech shields 2ShieldsTech shields 4Tech shields 5 shields technology or 5% Energy Credits from Jobs Empire modifier
  3. +20% Anomaly research speed Anomaly Research Speed and +20% Mod ship science survey speed Survey Speed for 10 years
  4. Choice between 150-2000 Energy Credits Energy and 500 Consumer goods Consumer Goods or a special project to gain the Master's Teachings: Philosophical Mindset edict
Cold Wastes 2 Planet frozen Frozen NoGestalt consciousness
  1. +5% Happiness Happiness for 20 years
  2. Choice between scaled Physics Research Physics Research or a scientist leader
Ice Lit 3 Planet frozen Frozen
  1. Tech lasers 2 Blue Lasers technology or 100 scientist experience if already researched
Mysterious Heat 2 Planet frozen Frozen
  1. Choice between scaled Unity Unity or scaled Society research Society Research
Something Smells 2 Planet frozen Frozen
  1. Special project to gain scaled Society research Society Research
Thin Ice 4 Planet frozen Frozen NoGestalt consciousness
  1. Special project to gain +1 Research Research deposit, +3 Rare crystals Rare Crystals deposit, or lose the science ship scientist to gain a +5 Research Research deposit
Minesweeper 2 Planet gaia Gaia
  1. Science ship scientist gains the New Worlds Expertise: New Worlds trait
Paradise Anticipated 3 Planet gaia Gaia
  1. Scaled Society research Society Research
Aerostat Structures 1 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. Scaled Society research Society Research
  2. +3 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit
Atmospheric Object 4 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. Scaled Engineering research Engineering Research
  2. Scaled Physics Research Physics Research
Atmospheric Storms 1 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. +3 Physics Research Physics Research deposit
  2. Choice between +7 Physics Research Physics Research deposit but the scientist dies or a special project to give the scientist the Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
Cargo Pod 1 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. Choice between 100-1000 Alloys Alloys, 100-1000 Energy Credits Energy or scaled Society research Society Research
    1. Can choose to instead gain 1 Minor artifacts Minor Artifacts if Ancient Relics Ancient Relics is installed
  2. Choice between 100 Influence Influence or +5% Mod country all tech research speed Research Speed and −5% Unity Monthly Unity for 10 years
Clouds Dance 1 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. The Gas Giant is terraformed into a Barren World and the science ship scientist gains 200 experience
Gas Giant Ship 5 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. Choice between 50 Influence Influence or a special project to gain a cruiser
Gas Giant Signal 5 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. Gas Giant Signal event chain
Ice Ice Giant 6 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. +1 Zro Zro deposit
Promising Moon 1 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. +3 Energy Credits Energy deposit
  2. Choice between +5 Minerals Minerals deposit or 1200 Minerals Minerals
Space Debris 1 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. +3 Minerals Minerals deposit
  2. Special project to give the science ship scientist the Leader trait maniacal Maniacal trait
Terminal Orbit 5 Planet gas giant Gas Giant
  1. Special project to gain scaled Physics Research Physics Research
Heated Rhythm 2 Planet molten Molten
  1. +2 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit and 150-2000 Energy Credits energy
Drops in the Ocean 3 Planet ocean Ocean NoGestalt consciousness
  1. +10% Pop resource society research mult Society Research from Jobs for 10 years, +10% Happiness Happiness for 10 years and gain the Improved Working Environment edict
Floating Value 3 Planet ocean Ocean NoGestalt consciousness
  1. Choice between 250-5000 Minerals Minerals and 125-250 Influence Influence
Kaleidoscopic 2 Planet ocean Ocean
  1. Science ship scientist gains 200 experience
Spontaneous Explosions 3 Planet nuked Tomb
  1. Special project to gain scaled Engineering research Engineering Research and option to spawn an Astral Rift or D organic landfill Weapon Extraction Facility planetary feature
The Winter of the Fallen 3 Planet nuked Tomb NoGestalt consciousness
  1. Special project to gain 125-250 Influence Influence
    1. Can choose to instead gain a Admiral Commander if Pacifist Pacifist, Spiritualist Spiritualist or Fanatic Spiritualist Fanatic Spiritualist
Impossible Organism 6 Planet toxic Toxic NoAuth hive mind
  1. Impossible Organism event chain
Pigment Poison 7 Planet toxic Toxic NoGestalt consciousness
  1. +10% Happiness Happiness for 20 years
Poison-coated 2 Planet toxic Toxic
  1. Option to pay 100 Energy Credits Energy to issue a special project to gain +6 Minerals Minerals deposit
Signs of Former Habitation 1 Planet toxic Toxic
  1. +2 Society research Society Research deposit and +2 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit
  2. +2 Society research Society Research deposit and +2 Physics Research Physics Research deposit
Toxic Construction 8 Planet toxic Toxic
  1. +6 Minerals Minerals deposit
Toxicity 3 Planet toxic Toxic
  1. +6 Engineering research Engineering Research deposit, Improved Energy Initiative edict and science ship scientist gains the Propulsion Expertise: Propulsion trait
Among the Vines and Trees 3 Planet tropical Tropical NoAuth machine intelligence
  1. Planet gains the Pm natural beautyPm frame 1 Nutritious Food modifier
Tropical Oddities 3 Planet tropical Tropical
  1. Planet gains +20% Pop resource society research mult Society Research from Jobs and 2 D noxious swamp Noxious Swamp blockers
Scurrying 4 Planet tropical Tropical
  1. 40-100 Influence Influence
Wooden Hegemony 3 Planet tropical Tropical NoAuth machine intelligence
  1. Special project to give the science ship scientist 200 experience
Rainbow in the Dark 5 Black Hole Black Hole
  1. +9 Physics Research Physics Research deposit
  2. Scaled Physics Research Physics Research and science ship scientist gains the Leader trait paranoid Paranoid trait
Astral Scar 6 Planet astralscar Astral Scar
  1. Special project to gain +10 Physics Research Physics Research deposit

Human anomalies[]

If the Sol system is present in the galaxy two special anomalies can appear once per game. If a human empire investigates them it will gain 40-100 Influence Influence.

  • Debris Field is a level 3 anomaly that can appear on a random asteroid. Investigating it will discover the Pioneer 11 probe. If the empire is not human it will bring the following options:
    • Decipher the data disk and gain 500 Engineering research Engineering Research while the science ship leader gains 200 Experience. The location of the Sol system is added to the situation log. Entering the system will grant 80-175 Influence Influence.
    • Sell the data disk and gain 500 Engineering research Engineering Research.
    • Use the data disk as furniture and gain 40-100 Influence Influence if Xenophobe Xenophobe or Fanatic Xenophobe Fanatic Xenophobe.
  • A Lush Planet is a level 4 anomaly that can appear on a random Continental or Tropical planet. Investigating it will discover the Voyager golden record. If the empire is not human it will gain 350 Engineering research Engineering.

Distant Stars anomalies[]

Distant Stars anomalies have only one possible outcome.

Anomaly Level Reward Celestial body Requirements
Armed Vessel 3 50 Influence Influence or special project to gain 90-250 Engineering research Engineering Research Planet asteroid Asteroid No empire discovered the same anomaly
Secret Heart 5 +1 Rare crystals Rare Crystals deposit Planet asteroid Asteroid
Unscannable Object 1 90-250 Physics Research Physics Research
+1 L-Gate Insight if an L-Gate was discovered
Planet asteroid Asteroid
Waterless Canyons 1 +4 Minerals Minerals deposit Planet barren Barren
Gray Goo 4 Random Industry Industry technology
+1 L-Gate Insight if an L-Gate was discovered
Planet frozen Frozen
Inconsistent Readings 1 +3 Physics Research Physics deposit Planet frozen Frozen
Metallic Crystal Formations 2 90-250 Engineering research Engineering Research
200 Nanites Nanites if not XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
90-250 Society research Society Research if XenophobeFanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
+1 L-Gate Insight if an L-Gate was discovered
Planet frozen Frozen
Alien Activity 3 60-150 Society research Society Research Planet gaia Gaia No empire discovered the same anomaly
Ancient Hulk 8 50 Influence Influence or special project to find the Paridayda system and Hyper Focus to Researching Scientist Planet gas giant Gas Giant NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
No empire discovered the same anomaly
Movement in the Clouds 2 Lost Amoeba event chain Planet gas giant Gas Giant
Solid Core 3 +2 Exotic gases Exotic Gases deposit and 90-250 Society research Society Research
+1 L-Gate Insight if an L-Gate was discovered
Planet gas giant Gas Giant
Volcanic Vents 1 +1 Exotic gases Exotic Gases deposit and 60-150 Society research Society Research Planet molten Molten
Deep Tunnels 1 D teeming reef Flooded Mounds planetary feature and Pm wild stormsPm frame 1 Watery Grave planet modifier Planet ocean Ocean
Impenetrable Clouds 1 +3 Minerals Minerals deposit Planet toxic Toxic
Mysterious Construct 5 Special project to gain the S875.1 Warform renowned paragon if AI Policy is not Outlawed Planet toxic Toxic No empire discovered the same anomaly
Fleet Signatures 4 +3 Society research Society deposit Black Hole Black Hole
Heavy Pulse 2 +4 Physics Research Physics deposit F Star Class F Star
Ship Fragments 1 120-350 Society research Society Research Neutron Star Neutron Star No empire discovered the same anomaly
Abandoned Settlements 4 Special project to gain the Trait brainslugged Brain Slug Host trait and 150-500 Society research Society Research if not Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
150-500 Society research Society Research if Auth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Any Habitable Planet No empire discovered the same anomaly
Alien Life 3 D dangerous wildlife blocker Savage Wildlands planetary feature and File:Dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 2 Hostile Fauna planet modifier Any Habitable Planet No empire discovered the same anomaly
Attractive Magnetism 1 Pm ultra richPm frame 1 Soothing Magnetism planet modifier Any Habitable Planet Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
Bizarre Blanket 1 90-250 Society research Society Research Any Habitable Planet
Corrupt Survey Data 4 60-150 Engineering research Engineering Research and the planet disappears Any Habitable Planet No empire discovered the same anomaly
Isolated Ruin 2 D levitating rocks Zone A planetary feature Any Habitable Planet
Megaflora 1 90-250 Society research Society Research Any Habitable Planet NoAuth machine intelligence Machine Intelligence
Peculiar Patterns 3 D fertile lands Harvester Fields planetary feature and Pm lushPm frame 1 Ancient Harvesters planet modifier Any Habitable Planet
Resonant Crystals 1 Pm ultra richPm frame 1 Resonant Crystals planet modifier Any Habitable Planet NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
Overgrown Ruins 6 120-350 Society research Society Research if not Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers or Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator
90-250 Society research Society Research if Civic fanatic purifiers Fanatic Purifiers or Civic machine terminator Determined Exterminator
Any Habitable Planet
Deep Caverns 7 +1 Living Metal Living Metal deposit and Living Metal Living Metal technology if not already researched Any Uninhabitable Planet
Webwork 2 +3 Society research Society deposit and scientist gains a level Any Uninhabitable Planet
Silent Behemoth 2 Pm dead godPm frame 2 Dead God Dead God planet modifier, +5 Society research Society deposit and 60-150 Society research Society Research Any Uninhabitable Moon
Unusual Moon 3 +3 Minerals Minerals deposit Any Uninhabitable Moon No empire discovered the same anomaly
Encrypted Transmission 2 +1 L-Gate Insight Any Planet System has an L-Gate
Metallic Sands 2 90-250 Engineering research Engineering Research
D dust desert Nanosands planetary feature if planet is habitable
+4 Minerals Minerals deposit if planet is uninhabitable
+1 L-Gate Insight if an L-Gate was discovered
Any Planet
Supply Ship Wreckage 2 300 Minerals minerals or 100 Influence Influence Any Planet NoCivic fanatic purifiersCivic devouring swarmCivic machine terminator Genocidal
Heavy Readings 2 Special project to gain 90-250 Physics Research Physics Research and 2 levels and the Leader trait paranoid Paranoid trait for the scientist Any Star System has a Gateway
Interference 1 60-150 Physics Research Physics Research and 60-150 Society research Society Research Any Star
Irregular Energy Emissions 4 25 Influence Influence or special project to give a scientist the Leader trait meticulous Meticulous trait Any Star NoGestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness
No empire discovered the same anomaly

Astral Harvesting anomalies[]

The following anomalies can only appear once per game after the Tech astral harvesting Astral Harvesting technology has been researched and only if the system does not contain an astral scar or astral rift.

  • Bright Object Detected is a level 2 anomaly that can appear on a random asteroid. Investigating it will bring the option to pay 1000 Energy Credits Energy to spawn the Entertainment Nexus astral rift. Alternative empires that are not Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness can gain 500 Energy Credits Energy and +10 Trade value Trade Value} deposit and empires that are Gestalt consciousness Gestalt Consciousness can gain 140-160 Astral threads Astral Threads and 250 Minerals Minerals and Alloys Alloys.
  • Black Hole Instability is a level 5 anomaly that can appear on a random black hole. Investigating it will bring the option to gain 40-60 Astral threads Astral Threads and a random astral rift or +3 Astral threads Astral Threads deposit and replace it with an astral rift and 140-160 Astral threads Astral Threads in 3-7 years.

Spiky Readings[]

If an anomaly is randomly discovered on planet with a pre-sapient species the anomaly will always be the level 2 anomaly Spiky Readings and the pre-sapient species will always have the Trait psionic species Psionic trait. Investigating the anomaly and choosing to continue to investigate will bring a special project that unlocks a second special project. Finishing the second special project will ring the option to pay various amounts of Energy Credits Energy. Agreeing will unlock The Beholder legendary paragon.

Repeatable anomalies[]

Repeatable anomalies can be discovered regularly by leaders with certain traits and will give the celestial body a deposit:


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Species SpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsPoliciesEdictsFactionsTechnologyTraditionsSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
Others The ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs